asmosia viii

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colour, and its fine polish allow us to make the hypothesis of its use in imitation of the red antic egyptian porphyry (lapis porphyrites). Eduani's coloured stones ...

Building and Decorative stones in Augustodunum (Autun, France) Véronique Brunet-Gaston (Spécialiste en architecture antique, Inrap, UMR 6565) Christophe Gaston (Architecte-Archéologue, Inrap, UMR 6565) Annie Blanc (Géologue, LRMH) Philippe Blanc (Géologue, UPMC) Didier Lamotte (Géo-archéologue, Inrap, UMR 6298) Jacqueline Lorenz (Géologue Maître de conf. Honoraire de UP) Brigitte Chabard-Maurice (Conservatrice Musée Rolin) Pascale Chardron-Picault (Archéologue Municipale) Jean-Pierre Gely (Géologue, MNHN et Paris I) Dominique Tardy (Spécialiste en architecture antique, IRAA, CNRS)

Summary 14 A.D.

Building & coloured stones of ciuitas eduani Coloured Gallic stones Mediterranean coloured stones Greek and Asian Egyptian and African

54 A.D.

White marbles ciuitas eduani Carrara

116 A.D.


Coloured stones found in Autun Gallic stones Mediterranean stones

Building & coloured stones of ciuitas eduani Arkose - wood of Prohun, wood of Cros (near Autun) White limestone - Fontaines (Burgundy) Limestone - Near Tonnerre (Burgundy) -------------------------------------Yellow Limestone - Farges (Burgundy) Limestone - Massangis (Burgundy)

Pink Granite - near Autun Bituminous Schiste – near Autun Grey Limestone – Gilly / Diou (Burgundy) Crinoïdic limestone – Pouillenay (Burgundy)

Ciuitas eduani

Eduani’s stones - Arkose Its extreme hardness and good resistance to compression makes this a very durable material, available in the form of untreated or moulding and decoration.

Eduani’s stones - Arkose Its extreme hardness and good resistance to compression makes this a very durable material, available in the form of untreated or moulding and decoration.

Eduani’s stones - Pink granite Old quarries near Autun situated at the SW of the city, in the forest.

Altar with head of children and scrolls (not dated).

Eduani’s black stones

Bituminous Schiste near Autun Ornate panel : rosette. Musée Rolin

Little corinthian capital. Musée Rolin.

Eduani’s black stones

Bituminous Schiste near Autun Ornate panel : shield. Musée Rolin.

Pilaster with scrolls. Musée Rolin.

Grey marble limestone : Gilly (Saône & Loire) - Diou (Allier) Grey limestone Gilly / Diou (Burgundy) Bioclastic coarse limestone with crinoïds and polyps.

Monumental column. Musée lapidaire.

Grey marble limestone : Gilly (Saône & Loire) - Diou (Allier) Grey limestone Gilly / Diou (Burgundy)

Attic base. Musée lapidaire.

Capital ?. Musée lapidaire.

Grey marble limestone : Gilly (Saône & Loire) - Diou (Allier)

The old quarries were near the river Loire. At Gilly, the quarries were in used until the XIXth century and also in the beginning of XXth to make lime, some samples were taken near lime furnace.

Grey marble limestone : Gilly (Saône & Loire) - Diou (Allier)

Old quarries near Fontête situated at the W of the city, it is a grey fine limestone with white veins.

Upper devonian. Some samples were taken in the debris.

Eduani’s coloured stones Crinoïdic limestone also called brown breccia Pouillenay (Burgundy)

Attic base. Musée lapidaire.

Dedicated altar. Musée Rolin.

Eduani’s coloured stones Its warm colours, orange to lees colour, and its fine polish allow us to make the hypothesis of its use in imitation of the red antic egyptian porphyry (lapis porphyrites).

Red crinoïdic limestone : encrinite.

Baldacchino. Musée Rolin.

Hypothèse de restitution

Ch. Gaston

Eduani’s limestones Tuscan capital with peopled scrolled, composite capital and attic base, for example… Musée lapidaire

White limestone - Fontaines (Burgondy)

Others eduani’s limestones

Composite capital. Limestone from the area of Tonnerre. Musée lapidaire.

Cornice. Limestone from Fontaines. Musée lapidaire.

Ciuitas eduani

Others Gallic coloured stones

« Griotte » des Pyrénées Devonian limestone

Pink limestone – Mayenne

Greek and asian stones found in Autun Marbre « serpentin » Marmor lacedaemonium

« Porphyre Vert Antique » Marmor thessalicum

Marbre « Rouge Antique » Marmor taenarium

Marbre de Chios Marmor chium

« Marbre de Skyros » Marmor scyreticum

Cipolin vert Marmor caristium

Marbre « Fleur de pêcher » Marmor chalcidicum

Brêche africaine Marmor lucullaeum

Granite de Troade Marmor troadense

Marbre de Synnada Marmor phrygium

Brêche coralline Marmor sagarium

Albâtre calcaire ?

Greek stones Marbre « Rouge Antique »

Marmor taenarium

Little acanthus capital. Musée Rolin.

Asiatic stones Granite de Troade

Marmor troadense

Detail of the stone.

Column. Musée lapidaire.

African and egyptian stones found in Autun Granite « Claudien » Marmor claudianum

« Granito della Sedia » Lapis ophytes ?

Porphyre vert égyptien Lapis ieracites

Granite « del foro » Marmor tiberianum

« Porphyre Rouge Antique » Lapis Porphyrites

« Granite de la Colonne » Albâtre calcaire ?

Marbre « Jaune Antique » Marmor Numidicum

Marbre « Grec écrit »

Egyptian stones « Porphyre Rouge Antique »

Lapis porphyrites Decorative stone Musée Rolin.

« Granite of the Column»

Column. Musée Rolin.

African and egyptian stones Marbre « Grec écrit »

Decorative stone Musée Rolin.

Porphyre vert égyptien

Lapis ieracites

Decorative stone Musée Rolin.

White marbles of

ciuitas eduani

Morvan White marbles Among the old quarries of the Morvan, white marble from Châtelperron (Allier) present coarse grains of calcite and small yellow and pink veins. Into those well hidden quarries some samples were taken for analysis : thin sections, cathodoluminescence (CL) and stable isotopes.

Châtelperron old quarry.

Morvan White marbles Among the old quarries of the Morvan, white marble from Châtelperron (Allier) present coarse grains of calcite and small yellow and pink veins. Into those well hidden quarries some samples were taken for analysis : thin sections, cathodoluminescence (CL) and stable isotopes.

CL of coarse grained white marble, 30X.

Coarse grained white marble, thin section N+ , 30X.

The provenance of the coarse grained white marble used for architectonic elements found in Augustodunum is probably Châtelperron and St-Léon quarries.

White marble of Châtelperron Some example of Corinthian capital

White marble of Châtelperron Some exemple of Corinthian capital and is brother in white cristalline marble from Carrara (!)

Vrbs’s stones : white cristalline marble of Luni (Carrara)

This curvilinear cornice in white fine marble (Luni ?) shows the use of imported material.


Vrbs’s stones : white marble of Luni (Carrara) Some Carrara capital of different reigns


Luni (Carrara)

Corinthian capital (upper part)

Corinthian capital (placage)

Luni (Carrara)

Palm capital and Corinthian capital

Frequency diagram depicting the distribution of the various marble varieties. (Lazzarini.)

Credits Photograph Ph. Blanc D. Lamotte V. Brunet-Gaston

Maps D. Lamotte

Drawings Ch. Gaston © PCR « Augustodunum »