ring communicative action in the FL in various (intercultural) business communication ... dents are encouraged to co-construct quasi-naturalistic business com-.
more inclusive and multicultural (Lauter, 2010). Almerico and Silverman ...... Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a second/foreign lan- guage (pp. 319-331).
realized through specific structures, and where situational content generally .... http://berkeley.edu/~cwp/TESL-EJ.html. ... Email: [email protected]. 64.
concept of communicative competence (Celce-Murcia and Olshtain, 2005).
Therefore, it is the main goal of this paper to help language teachers better.
linguistic competence and intercultural competence into a single assessment ... implementation of real-life scenarios based on spoken interaction typical of the ... intercultural communication skills in a self-directed, socially embedded way.
Louis-Philippe, and Scherer, Stefan. Cicero-Towards a multimodal virtual audience platform for public speak- ing training. In Intelligent Virtual Agents, pp.
listening, speaking, reading, and writing, but also sociolin- ... newly emerging technology, multimodal learning analytics. (MLA), could ... social skills training.
Items 1 - 16 - PRACTICE (TECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE. PROGRAM ... College foreign language and study abroad programs play a .... of cross-cultural effectiveness, possess the best of motives, and be sincerely.
Alfred, 2003; Sparks, 2002), both adult education and qualitative methodology scholars have ..... Few, A. L., Stephens, D. P., & Rouse-Arnett, M. (2003).
methodology for learning, teaching and testing languages. They found the ... their valuable contribution to the further
communicative competences (ICC) in English language education permit learners to understand and communicate ... Also ICC next to grammar or vocabulary.
too, they think of such things as: - the World Trade Center. - Rockefeller Center. - the Statue of Liberty. - Fifth Avenue. - the Empire State Building. - Times Square.
This interview will allow you to gain insight into both the knowledge and attitudes of an ... What do you expect from the online peers you will be working with? 13.
Assessment type: Interview This interview will allow you to gain insight into both the knowledge and attitudes of an individual student. Questions are connected with ICC as well as with telecollaboration. The interview can be conducted before the actual telecollaboration activities start, or after they have finished, or both. Section A: About knowledge 1. If you are communicating with someone who does not master your language, what can you do to overcome communication breakdowns? 2. Do you think that culture influences our behavior or is it the other way round? 3. If you were involved in an intercultural conflict, how would you resolve it? Section B: About attitudes 4. When communicating with someone else, do you pay attention to nonverbal signs of communication? 5. What makes your own culture different from the other cultures that you know? 6. How many different cultures would you be able to distinguish in your class, roughly speaking? 7. When answering that last question, how did you interpret the word 'culture'? 8. In your opinion, what role do your own culture and language play in Europe? 9. What do you think about so-‐called 'minority languages'? Do you think they are useful? 10. To what extent do you think your encounters with other languages and cultures are important? Why? 11. What is your opinion about learning foreign languages? Section C: About telecollaboration Before telecollaboration starts: 12. What do you expect from the online peers you will be working with? 13. Would you say telecollaboration is irrelevant or relevant for foreign language learning? Why? 14. What do you think you can learn from your peers online, apart from improving your language skills? 15. Would you say you were "ICT-‐literate" enough to communicate with your online peers? 16. To what extent has this telecollaboration experience changed your view of the other culture(s)? 17. In your opinion, what is the most important benefit of intercultural telecollaboration? 18. What skill have you developed most during the telecollaboration activities?