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ICD-10 classification systems have been attributed to the higher PD diagnostic thresholds used in ICD-10 and the smaller total number of disorders included.
Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2005) 40 : 87–98

DOI 10.1007/s00127-005-0878-1


Terry J. Lewin · Tim Slade · Gavin Andrews · Vaughan J. Carr · Charles W. Hornabrook

Assessing personality disorders in a national mental health survey

Accepted: 25 August 2004

■ Abstract Background The lack of established brief Personality Disorder (PD) screening instruments may account for the absence of PD data from previous national mental health surveys. This paper documents the measurement of PD in a large Australian survey, with a particular focus on the characteristics of the screening instrument and the consequences of its mode of administration and scoring. Methods PD was assessed in the 1997 Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (N = 10,641 adults) using the 59-item version of the International Personality Disorder Examination Questionnaire (IPDEQ), which was administered in a computerised format by trained non-clinical interviewers. Results Normative profiles are reported for three IPDEQ scoring schemes (simple categorical, IPDEQS; ICD-10 criterion based categorical, IPDEQC; and dimensional scoring, IPDEQD), together with an examination of the IPDEQ’s psychometric properties and associations with Axis I comorbidity, disability, and selected psychosocial characteristics. The overall rate of ICD-10 PD in Australia was estimated to be 6.5 %, although the categorical assessment of dissocial PD clearly provided an underestimate. PD was associated with younger age, poorer functioning, and a sevenfold increase in the

T. J. Lewin, BCom(Psych) Hons () · V. J. Carr, MD, FRCPC, FRANZCP Hunter Mental Health and the Centre for Mental Health Studies University of Newcastle Callaghan (NSW) 2308, Australia Tel.: +61-2/4924-6643 Fax: +61-2/4924-6608 E-Mail: [email protected] T. Slade, PhD · G. Andrews, MD, FRCPsych WHO Collaborating Centre in Evidence for Mental Health Policy School of Psychiatry University of NSW Sydney, Australia

■ Key words personality disorders – epidemiology – psychiatric status rating scales – psychometrics – IPDEQ – Australia

Introduction Few studies have assessed the prevalence of personality disorders (PDs) in representative community samples, with recent estimates varying from 5 to 13 % (e. g. Eskelius et al. 2001; Torgersen et al. 2001; Samuels et al. 2002), although some older studies have reported rates as high as 23 % (Drake et al. 1988). Torgersen et al. (2001) used the Structured Interview for DSM-III-R Personality Disorders (SIDP-R) (Pfohl et al. 1989) in a population sample of 2,053 inhabitants of Oslo, Norway and reported that 13.4 % met criteria for one or more PDs. There was no gender difference in the overall rate of PD, which was highest amongst those with lower education levels and those living without a partner in the centre of the city. Avoidant (5 %), paranoid (2.4 %), histrionic (2 %), and obsessive-compulsive (2 %) PDs were the commonest, with borderline (0.7 %) and antisocial (0.7 %) PDs being relatively infrequent. Samuels et al. (2002) used the International Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE) (Loranger et al. 1997) to assess PD in a sample of 742 Baltimore residents. The estimated overall rate of DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association 1994) PD was 9 %, with antisocial PD (4.1 %) being clearly the most frequent. The cor-

SPPE 878

C. W. Hornabrook, MB, ChB, FRANZCP Te Whare o Matairangi Wellington Hospital Wellington, New Zealand

number of comorbid Axis I disorders during the preceding 12 months. Conclusions While the methods used to assess PD in the national survey were constrained by project demands, the overall performance of the IPDEQ was considered satisfactory, based on data from a range of sources. In particular, although IPDEQ item and subscale revisions are recommended, evidence is presented suggesting that aggregate IPDEQ dimensional scores should provide useful self-report indices of the overall likelihood of PD.


responding ICD-10 (World Health Organization 1994) PD rates were 5.1 % (overall) and 2.3 % (dissocial PD). Using a postal survey based on the DSM-IV and ICD10 Personality Questionnaire (DIP-Q) (Ottosson et al. 1998), Eskelius et al. (2001) assessed PD in 557 members of the Swedish community. Estimated community PD rates were comparable for DSM-IV (11.1 %) and ICD-10 (11 %) criteria; however, in this instance, ICD-10 rates also included schizotypal disorders (7.5 %). They also demonstrated that affected individuals were more likely to be younger, disabled, and lacking in social support, compared to those without PD (Eskelius et al. 2001). Differences between PD rates based on the DSM-IV and ICD-10 classification systems have been attributed to the higher PD diagnostic thresholds used in ICD-10 and the smaller total number of disorders included (Samuels et al. 2002). Comorbidity among PDs, and between PDs, substance abuse and other Axis I disorders, is considered to be common, although measurement difficulties make it hard to accurately quantify these associations. Participants in the multiwave Longitudinal Study of Personality Disorders who were assigned to the possible PD group were much more likely (62.8 % vs. 26.4 %) to receive an Axis I diagnosis (particularly affective disorder) than those without PD (Lenzenweger 1999). This study also revealed that the main features of PD were relatively stable, when viewed from a dimensional perspective. At present, the preferred method for accurately assessing PD is through the use of structured clinical interviews, such as the SIDP-R (Pfohl et al. 1989), the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Personality Disorders (SCID-II) (First et al. 1995) or the IPDE (Loranger et al. 1997). However, structured clinical interviews often require discipline-specific expertise and detailed training, and they may be lengthy and expensive to administer, rendering them impractical in very large samples. Structured PD interviews are likely to be particularly inefficient in non-clinical populations with low base rates, necessitating the use of self-report measures and/or multi-stage screening and assessment procedures. On the other hand, the lack of established brief PD screening instruments may account for the absence of PD prevalence estimates from the various national surveys of psychiatric morbidity that have been conducted during the past 10–15 years. Self-report PD measures also have their limitations, tending to be more sensitive to state effects (Bodlund et al. 1998) and to over-diagnose specific PDs, although the latter problem would not rule out their use as screening measures (Zimmerman 1994).

■ National survey In Australia, a representative household survey was conducted in 1997 to establish the prevalence of non-psychotic mental disorders, which was identified as the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing

(NSMHWB) (see Andrews et al. 1999, 2001). When the NSMHWB was being planned, a strategic decision was made to include at least some PD questions, despite the difficulties inherent in its assessment, time constraints, and the lack of established brief PD measures for use in the general community. Specifically, it was decided to allocate 10 min of the hour-long interview to the determination of PD. Just before the deadline for instrument selection, Loranger et al. (1997) published, as an addendum to the IPDE, a questionnaire for use as a screening instrument and the decision to include the IPDEQ was made. Lenzenweger et al. (1997) undertook a field trial of an early DSM-III-R version of the IPDEQ in a university student sample. Slade et al. (1998), as part of the validation of the NSMHWB measures, applied the IPDEQ to patients attending an anxiety disorders clinic and showed correspondence between the IPDE and the new questionnaire in respect to avoidant personality disorder, known to be prevalent in that sample. More recently, several brief PD measures have been recommended for general community use, or as possible PD screeners: the (11-item) Iowa Personality Disorder Screen (IPDS) (Langbehn et al. 1999; Trull and Amdur 2001); the (99-item) Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4+ (PDQ-4+) (Hyler 1994; Davison et al. 2001); the (140-item) DIP-Q (Ottosson et al. 1998; Eskelius et al. 2001); the informant-based (10–15 min) Standardised Assessment of Personality interview (SAP) (Mann et al. 1999), and the extracted (8-item) patientbased scale (SAPAS) (Moran et al. 2003), which has been developed for interviewer use in clinical settings. The IPDEQ has the major advantage of being relatively short (DSM-IV version: 77 items, ICD-10 version: 59 items) and suitable for computerised administration and direct comparison against a companion structured clinical interview (the IPDE).

■ Aims of this paper The primary aim of this paper is to report normative data on PD in Australia, using a variety of formats (e. g. categorical and dimensional) chosen to reflect the range of potential users and uses of the selected instrument (e. g. restricted and full administration, multi-staged screening, preliminary prevalence estimates). A partial assessment of the psychometric properties of the instrument is also provided, together with recommendations for future users and versions, and an examination of associations between PD and demographic, diagnostic and disability variables. Preliminary accounts of the PD data collected as part of the NSMHWB have been provided by others (Jackson and Burgess 2000, 2002; Andrews et al. 2001, 2002), but not with detailed reference to the characteristics of the central instrument, the IPDEQ, or the consequences of its mode of administration and scoring.


Subjects and methods ■ Sample Detailed accounts of the design, methods and primary findings from the NSMHWB are provided elsewhere (e. g.Andrews et al. 1999, 2001). The survey was conducted in 1997 by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and covered urban and rural areas across Australia. A national probability sample of households was surveyed, excluding people in institutions (e. g. hospitals, gaols, nursing homes) and residents of remote or sparsely settled areas. Survey participation was voluntary, with 78.1 % of those approached, or 10,641 adults aged 18 years and over, agreeing to participate. ■ Measures The NSMHWB assessment instruments of particular relevance to the current paper are those relating to non-psychotic mental disorders, personality disorders, and current functioning/disability. Among the other measures included in the survey were assessments of socio-demographic characteristics, cognitive impairment, psychological distress, neuroticism, days-out-of-role, and service utilisation (for details, see Andrews et al. 1999, 2001). Trained non-clinical interviewers administered a computerised interview that included the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) (World Health Organization 1997; Andrews and Peters 1998). This identified symptoms within the past 12 months that satisfied criteria for the common anxiety, affective and substance use disorders, according to both the ICD-10 and DSM-IV classification systems. Disability was measured at the beginning of the interview by the 12-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12), which provides dimensional estimates of current functioning on two subscales – physical and mental functioning (Ware et al. 1996). For the present analyses, we also calculated a simple comorbidity index, comprising the total number of CIDI-defined non-PD mental disorders present in the previous 12 months. This index had a maximum score of ten and included two affective disorders (depression, dysthymia), six anxiety disorders (panic disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia, generalised anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder) and two substance use disorders (alcohol abuse/dependence, other drug abuse/dependence) [see Andrews et al. (2001) for 1-month and 12-month prevalence estimates for these disorders]. In the current study, we used the IPDEQ to screen for PD and to estimate the likely prevalence of such disorders. The IPDEQ screener was produced as a potential companion to the IPDE (Loranger et al. 1997), which is a semistructured clinical interview developed in conjunction with the World Health Organization. The IPDE assesses nine ICD-10 PDs: Cluster A – paranoid (PAR) and schizoid (SZD); Cluster B – dissocial (DIS), impulsive (IMP), borderline (BOR) and histrionic (HIS); and Cluster C – anankastic (ANK), anxious (ANX) and dependent (DEP). Loranger et al. (1997) includes the manual for the ICD-10 version of the IPDE, the full interview schedule and scoring routines, and the corresponding 59 item IPDEQ screener (pp. 134–137). For 50 of these IPDEQ items, a ‘True’ answer is scored in the ‘PD positive’ direction, while for the remaining 9 items a response of ‘False’ is required. For our assessment of the properties of the IPDEQ, we used several data sets and retained all three levels of analysis (i. e. items, scales and clusters), although, strictly speaking, the concept of clusters is associated more with the DSM classification system (Cluster A – ‘odd/eccentric’; Cluster B – ‘dramatic/emotional’; and Cluster C – ‘anxious/fearful’). ■ IDPEQ administration and scoring routines The administration of the IPDEQ in the current study differed in several key respects from that used by Loranger et al. (1997). Firstly, it was interviewer-administered and not self-administered, using a computerised format compatible with the CIDI, which preceded it at interview. Secondly, to reduce the burden on participants and save time, a

restricted administration algorithm was employed, with stopping routines based on ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for PD. That is, questions were asked for each PD until the respondent either met the required criteria or there were insufficient remaining questions from which to meet those criteria. Thirdly, the ICD-10 general criteria for adult personality disorders were asked for each PD for which the respondent was likely to meet criteria. If they answered ‘Yes’ to the first question about ‘pervasiveness’ (‘Have these feelings or experiences occurred throughout most of your adult life?’), they were also asked about ‘associated disability’ (‘Have these feelings or experiences interfered with your life or activities a lot?’). Fourthly, to facilitate comparisons with (existing and future) IPDEQ data from a broad range of community and clinical settings, as detailed below, we used three scoring routines for the IPDEQ: simple categorical scoring (IPDEQS), criterion based categorical scoring (IPDEQC), and dimensional scoring (IPDEQD). The IPDEQC scoring scheme was the sole approach to PD assessment reported by Jackson and Burgess (2000, 2002). Simple categorical scoring (IPDEQS) The IPDEQ was designed primarily as a screening instrument, with the choice of cut-off points being partially determined by the nature of the sample (e. g. the underlying disorder base rates) and the consequences of different misclassification errors. In the absence of other information about diagnostic utility, Loranger et al. (1997) suggest that three or more ‘PD positive’ responses indicates that the respondent ‘has failed the screen for that disorder, and should be interviewed’ (p. 137).Accordingly, for the IPDEQS scoring scheme, a cut-off of three was applied to all nine PDs. Relative to a comprehensive diagnostic interview such as the IPDE, these cut-offs would be ‘expected to produce a considerable number of false-positive but relatively few false-negative cases’ (Loranger et al. 1997, p. 128). For this scoring scheme, respondents were also regarded as ‘cluster positive’ if they had three or more ‘PD positive’ responses to at least one of the associated PDs. We report IPDEQS normative data as a sampling frame guide for researchers who intend to use the original IPDEQ as a screener. While the psychometric and diagnostic properties of the IPDEQ have yet to be confirmed, in a previous study (Slade et al. 1998), we found that a higher cut-off of four on the anxious PD scale maximised the diagnostic utility of the IPDEQ against an IPDE diagnosis of anxious PD (sensitivity = 1.00, specificity = 0.59). However, this was in the context of a treatment-seeking clinic sample, not a sample from the general population. Criterion based categorical scoring (IPDEQC) In the ICD-10 version of the IPDE interview, the clinician uses a series of probe questions to evaluate each of the ICD-10 diagnostic criteria associated with that PD. By comparison, the corresponding version of the IPDEQ typically contains only one True/False item per ICD-10 diagnostic criterion. Nevertheless, it is possible to score the IPDEQ using an algorithm that mirrors the PD diagnostic criteria and ‘rules’ in ICD-10. Clearly, personality disorder questionnaires cannot be used to make accurate psychiatric diagnoses, and for individual screening purposes more liberal cut-offs are appropriate. However, applying the ICD-10 criterion based scoring scheme (IPDEQC) to normative questionnaire data may provide a useful guide to the likely prevalence of PD in the community. For six of the PDs (PAR, SZD, HIS, ANK, ANX, and DEP), the IPDEQC scoring scheme required four or more ‘PD positive’ responses. For dissocial PD, three of the seven items were blocked together as they related to the same criterion, ‘irresponsibility and disregard for social norms’ (i. e. item 11, reverse scored: ‘I’ve never been arrested’; item 20: ‘At times I’ve refused to hold a job, even when I was expected to’; and item 29: ‘I will lie or con someone if it serves my purpose’), with an overall score of three or more (out of ‘five’) being required to mimic the ICD-10 criteria; there is no IPDEQ item corresponding to ICD-10 dissocial PD criterion 6 (‘marked proneness to blame others, or to offer plausible rationalizations . . .’). Although impulsive PD and borderline PD are scored separately in the IPDEQ, they are components of ‘emotionally unstable PD’ in ICD10. Accordingly, within the criterion based scoring scheme, three or more ‘PD positive’ responses were required for impulsive PD, including item 19 (‘I argue or fight when people try to stop me from doing

90 what I want’), whereas the requirements for borderline PD were ‘PD positive’ responses to any three of the six impulsive items and at least two of the five borderline items. Importantly, within the IPDEQC scoring scheme, to meet the overall criterion for a particular PD, the respondent also had to answer positively to both of the corresponding general questions (i. e. about ‘pervasiveness’ and ‘associated disability’). Once again, respondents were regarded as ‘cluster positive’ if they met the relevant (ICD-10 based) criterion for at least one of the associated PDs. Dimensional scoring (IPDEQD) Dimensional scoring methods often have superior psychometric properties to categorical approaches (e. g. Ottosson et al. 2002; Bagge and Trull 2003). However, as Loranger et al. (1997) acknowledge, categorical and dimensional approaches to the measurement of PD need not be mutually exclusive. For example, there may be advantages in ‘supplementing a categorical conclusion about the presence or absence of a specific PD with dimensional information about the traits that underlie the decision-making process’ (Loranger et al. 1997, p. 84). In the current study, with its normative focus, there was also the added need to devise a dimensional scoring routine that would facilitate reasonable comparisons between restricted and full IPDEQ administrations. Consequently, for each respondent, IPDEQD scores were based on the average number of ‘PD positive’ items, either within individual PDs or clusters, relative to the actual number of items asked (which would vary from person to person in the restricted administration format – necessitating computerised administration). ■ Data analysis Conventional software programs were used to undertake routine data analyses (e. g. SAS and SPSS); however, as a result of the complex sample design and weighting, the SUDAAN software package (Shah et al. 1997) was used to estimate standard errors (SE). In view of the large sample sizes, and as a partial control for the number of statistical tests, the threshold for significance was set at P < 0.001 for all analyses.

Results ■ Sample characteristics The 10,641 participants in the NSMHWB comprised 4,705 males (44.2 %) and 5,936 females (55.8 %), with the following age distribution: 18–24 (10 %); 25–44 (43.9 %); 45–64 (29.2 %); and 65 years and over (16.8 %). The prototypical participant was married or in a de facto relationship (59.4 %), Australian born (76.4 %), from an urban area (67.1 %), with only a high school education (52.9 %), and was currently employed (61 %). The prevalence of ICD-10 non-PD disorders and associated comorbidity, disability and service utilisation are reported in Andrews et al. (2001).

■ Properties of the IPDEQ – item, scale and cluster characteristics An examination of the operating characteristics of the IPDEQ in the current national survey, whilst limited in scope (e. g. no second-stage interviews), should assist its future development and provide a basis for assessing the relative merits of particular PD scales and clusters. Table 1 documents selected IPDEQ response patterns and psychometric characteristics, which are described more fully below. As shown in the left-hand columns of Table 1, the net effect of the restricted IPDEQ administration was that, on average, NSMHWB participants

Table 1 IPDEQ response patterns and selected psychometric characteristicsa Cluster: PD Scale


Number of IPDEQ items

Restricted IPDEQ administration NSMHWB (N = 10,641)

Full IPDEQ administration NSMHWB subgroup: ICD-10 anxiety disorder (N = 1,236)

Anxiety disorders clinic (N = 99)

Percentage of Percentage with items asked ’PD positive’ (mean) responsesb

Percentage of Percentage with items asked ’PD positive’ (mean) responsesb

Percentage with Internal consistency Correlations between ’PD positive’ (Cronbach Alpha) dimensional scoresc responses coefficients based on full and restricted scoring

Cluster A: Paranoid Schizoid

16 7 9

77.1 72.3 80.9

23.2 24.0 22.7

79.8 78.2 80.9

32.1 36.1 29.1

32.8 35.1 31.1

0.58 0.56 0.50

0.94 0.95 0.94

Cluster B: Dissocial Impulsive Borderline Histrionic

23 7 5 5 6

72.9 74.2 73.9 80.7 64.1

14.4 6.6 20.6 9.8 23.6

76.4 77.4 78.7 78.7 71.5

23.8 10.0 32.6 23.6 33.5

26.7 11.6 36.4 35.1 29.3

0.77 0.47 0.54 0.47 0.33

0.97 0.86 0.96 0.93 0.93

Cluster C: Anankastic Anxious Dependent

20 8 6 6

66.2 77.7 59.7 57.3

23.4 30.4 19.8 14.6

71.7 77.6 70.5 64.8

38.4 41.4 42.5 29.2

43.2 40.8 55.2 34.4

0.75 0.59 0.56 0.58

0.97 0.94 0.94 0.91










IPDEQ – 59-item ICD-10 version of International Personality Disorder Examination Questionnaire; NSMHWB – National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing Among participants who were asked to respond to those items c Dimensional scores for each participant were based on the average number of ‘PD positive’ items, either among all items in the set (full scoring) or among those items that would have been asked had the ICD-10 diagnostic criteria based stopping routines been implemented (restricted scoring) b


were asked 71.8 % of the 59 items, ranging from 57.3 % for dependent PD to 80.9 % for schizoid PD. The associated benefits (in not administering around 17 IPDEQ questions per person) are not trivial, particularly in the context of large-scale surveys. Overall, 19.8 % of the items asked received a ‘PD positive’ response, with endorsement rates ranging from 6.6 % for dissocial PD to 30.4 % for anankastic (obsessive-compulsive) PD. On the negative side, the restricted IPDEQ format made it difficult to examine traditional item and scale characteristics, with only half of the items (31/59 or 52.5 %) being completed by all subjects, and items scheduled towards the end of the presentation sequence being less likely to be asked. However, part of the piloting and procedural preparations for the NSMHWB involved a separate sample of consecutive attendees at a metropolitan anxiety disorders clinic (N = 99), who completed the full (unrestricted) version of the IPDEQ (Slade et al. 1998). To help establish the relevance of this sample to the national study, we compared their IPDEQ response profiles with NSMHWB participants who met ICD-10 criteria for an anxiety disorder (N = 1,236) (see the middle columns of Table 1). Across the 59 items, there was a correlation of r = 0.81 (P < 0.001) between the response profiles for the two groups, suggesting that the anxiety disorders clinic data set was reasonably consistent with the national data for those with an anxiety disorder. Encouragingly, items from the anxious PD scale also had the highest endorsement rates in both groups (see Table 1). The right-hand columns of Table 1 provide some insight into the psychometric properties of the IPDEQ, albeit from the anxiety disorders clinic data.Firstly,the PD scales showed only modest internal consistency, with alpha coefficients ranging from 0.33 for histrionic PD to 0.59 for anankastic PD. Clusters B (0.77) and C (0.75) revealed more acceptable alpha coefficients, as did the overall scale (0.85). Secondly, it was possible to re-score the IPDEQ clinic data as though it had been part of a restricted administration (i. e. using only the items that would have been administered within the computerised version); this only has implications for the IPDEQD, with the categorical scoring schemes being largely unaffected by the type of administration. As shown in Table 1, there were very high correlations between the full and restricted dimensional scoring schemes. In other words, asking approximately five out of every seven IPDEQ questions (restricted administration) did not appreciably change the dimensional profile compared with asking all of the questions (full administration). We also conducted a factor analysis of dimensional scores from the NSMHWB for the nine individual PDs (N = 10,641).A two-factor solution accounted for 46 % of the variance in these measures, with schizoid PD and the three Cluster C PDs loading on the first factor and paranoid PD and the four Cluster B PDs loading on the second factor. The failure of the two Cluster A PDs to load on a common factor reflects their low correlation in this study (r = 0.15) and raises some concerns about their

psychometric properties. However, correlations between overall dimensional scores for the three clusters were of a similar magnitude (Clusters A and B: r = 0.40; Clusters A and C: r = 0.46; and Clusters B and C: r = 0.41). At an item level, it was also clear that there is plenty of scope to improve future versions of the IPDEQ. For example, we examined a scatterplot of item response profiles from the NSMHWB against corrected itemcluster correlations from the anxiety disorders clinic data (which is available from the authors upon request). There were seven items with, arguably, unacceptably high rates of endorsement, being greater than 40 % (items 27, 10, 45, 50, 8, 2 and 5). Three of these items also had very low corrected item-cluster correlations, being less than 0.10 (item 27: ‘I fight for my rights even when it annoys people’; item 8:‘I almost never get angry about anything’; and item 5: ‘I show my feelings for everyone to see’). Notwithstanding that the IPDEQ items and scales can be improved, and that Cluster A seems to be less robust, the available data about response rates and psychometric properties did not provide a strong case for retaining or rejecting any particular PD or cluster in the subsequent analyses relative to any other PD or cluster (e. g. the seven items with endorsement rates above 40 % were distributed across six of the PDs).

■ IPDEQ profiles for the Australian community Table 2 presents normative profiles by gender for the three IPDEQ scoring schemes. These data have been weighted appropriately to reflect the Australian adult population. Although there were some statistically significant gender differences for the IPDEQS and IPDEQD scoring schemes, these effects tended to be small. For the IPDEQS scoring scheme, males were more likely to meet the threshold for impulsive PD, while females were more likely to meet the threshold for dependent PD. The largest gender difference for the IPDEQD scoring scheme was for dissocial PD, with males having significantly higher scores than females. With respect to the IPDEQS scoring scheme, which follows Loranger et al. (1997), it is obvious that the overall endorsement rate in Table 2 for any PD (55.3 %) is too high to make it a useful and practical basis for secondstage selection in large general population-based studies. The corresponding rates for the three clusters (31.1 %, 15.9 %, and 37.8 %, respectively) may, nevertheless, provide a useful basis for subsequent selection in studies focusing on a particular aspect or subset of PDs. In relative terms, and for this scoring scheme, Cluster B was also underestimated because the restricted IPDEQ administration format in the current study required a maximum of two ‘PD positive’ responses to the borderline PD items. As shown in the middle columns of Table 2, the ICD-10 criterion based scoring scheme provided useful population prevalence estimates for any PD of 6.5 % and corresponding Cluster A, B and C estimates

92 Table 2 Australian IPDEQ profiles by gender for three scoring schemes (N = 4,705 males and 5,936 females) – weighted population estimates Cluster: PD Scale

IPDEQS: Simple categorical scoringa (% PD present, SE)

IPDEQC: Criterion based categorical scoringb (% PD present, SE)

IPDEQD: Dimensional scoringc (Means, SE)










Cluster A: Paranoid Schizoid

31.5 (0.8) 14.7 (0.6) 22.7 (0.6)

30.6 (0.7) 13.5 (0.5) 21.6 (0.6)

31.1 (0.5) 14.1 (0.4) 22.1 (0.4)

2.8 (0.2) 1.4 (0.2) 1.8 (0.2)

2.2 (0.2) 1.0 (0.1) 1.5 (0.2)

2.5 (0.2) 1.2 (0.1) 1.6 (0.1)

0.22 (0.002) 0.21 (0.003) 0.22 (0.003)

0.21 (0.002)* 0.19 (0.003) 0.21 (0.002)

0.22 (0.002) 0.20 (0.002) 0.21 (0.002)

Cluster B: Dissocial Impulsive Borderlined Histrionic

16.4 (0.7) 0.1 (0.0) 10.3 (0.6) – 9.3 (0.6)

15.4 (0.6) 0.0 (0.0) 7.6 (0.3)* – 10.4 (0.5)

15.9 (0.5) 0.1 (0.0) 8.9 (0.4) – 9.9 (0.4)

2.5 (0.3) 0.0 (0.0) 1.6 (0.2) 1.0 (0.2) 0.6 (0.2)

1.8 (0.2) 0.0 (0.0) 1.0 (0.2) 0.8 (0.1) 0.5 (0.1)

2.2 (0.2) 0.0 (0.0) 1.3 (0.1) 0.9 (0.1) 0.6 (0.1)

0.16 (0.003) 0.08 (0.002) 0.19 (0.005) 0.11 (0.004) 0.19 (0.004)

0.15 (0.002) 0.03 (0.002)* 0.18 (0.003) 0.10 (0.003) 0.21 (0.003)*

0.15 (0.002) 0.06 (0.002) 0.19 (0.003) 0.11 (0.002) 0.20 (0.002)

Cluster C: Anankastic Anxious Dependent

38.0 (0.5) 34.2 (0.6) 8.1 (0.6) 5.5 (0.5)

37.6 (0.7) 32.7 (0.8) 10.3 (0.5) 7.7 (0.3)*

37.8 (0.4) 33.4 (0.4) 9.2 (0.4) 6.6 (0.3)

4.8 (0.3) 3.7 (0.3) 1.7 (0.2) 0.7 (0.1)

4.4 (0.4) 2.7 (0.3) 2.3 (0.2) 1.1 (0.1)

4.6 (0.2) 3.2 (0.2) 2.0 (0.2) 0.9 (0.1)

0.22 (0.003) 0.31 (0.004) 0.14 (0.005) 0.10 (0.003)

0.22 (0.002) 0.30 (0.004) 0.15 (0.004) 0.11 (0.002)

0.22 (0.002) 0.30 (0.003) 0.15 (0.004) 0.10 (0.002)

Any PD [No PD]

55.3 (0.7) [44.7]

55.3 (0.8) [44.7]

55.3 (0.6) [44.7]

6.7 (0.3) [93.3]

6.2 (0.4) [93.8]

6.5 (0.3) [93.5]

Overall (based on all items asked): 0.20 (0.002) 0.20 (0.002) 0.19 (0.001)


For individual PDs: percentage with three or more ‘PD positive’ responses; for clusters: percentage with at least one PD meeting simple categorical scoring criteria For individual PDs: percentage above the relevant ICD-10 based criterion, including the two corresponding general criteria (see text); for clusters: percentage with at least one PD meeting the relevant criteria c Dimensional scores were based on the average number of ‘PD positive’ items (either within individual PDs or clusters), relative to the number of items the respondent was asked (given the restricted IPDEQ administration) d Given the restricted IPDEQ administration format, and associated links with impulsive PD, the maximum IPDEQ score was two ‘PD positive’ responses s * Statistically significant gender difference (P < 0.001) b

of 2.5 %, 2.2 % and 4.6 %, respectively. In this instance, Cluster B was probably underestimated, due to the absence of dissocial PD. The marked differences between the categorical scoring schemes in estimated PD rates (see Table 2) provoked an examination of the elements within the IPDEQ administration and scoring that contributed most to those differences. In short, it was the application within the IPDEQC scoring scheme of the additional general diagnostic questions. For example, applying the first general criterion for each PD (‘pervasiveness’) to the IPDEQS scoring scheme would have reduced the overall PD rate from 55.3 % to 33.3 % (Cluster A: 13.2 %; Cluster B: 8.8 %; and Cluster C: 23.4 %). Adding the second general criterion (‘associated disability’) would have further reduced the PD rate to 11 % (Cluster A: 2.5 %; Cluster B: 1.7 %; and Cluster C: 9.6 %). Consequently, the PD scale cut-point differences between the two scoring schemes had a less marked effect than the application of the two general criteria for each PD, with the possible exception of Cluster C, which would have fallen further, from 9.6 % to 4.6 %, with the shift from PD cut-offs of 3 (IPDEQS) to cut-offs of 4 (IPDEQC). Since IPDEQC PD rates were strongly influenced by the pattern of responses to the general diagnostic questions, which are not part of the standard IPDEQ administration or the proposed IPDEQD scoring, we felt that it would be useful to report relationships between the IPDEQC and IPDEQD. That is, for illustrative purposes, if IPDEQC PD assignments are regarded as ‘quasi-gold standards’, what IPDEQD screening cut-off points would

be optimal? Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to examine the diagnostic performance of the IPDEQD. The area under the ROC curve (AUC), which summarises the ability of the test instrument (i. e. IPDEQD) to discriminate between (IPDEQC) ‘cases’ and ‘non-cases’ across the range of possible cutoff points, was 0.92 for the overall dimensional score (99.9 % CI 0.91, 0.94), with an IPDEQD cut-off point of ≥ 0.27 providing the best balance between sensitivity (0.86) and specificity (0.84). The corresponding cluster values were: Cluster A: AUC = 0.95 (0.94, 0.96), cut-off point ≥ 0.37 (sensitivity = 0.90, specificity = 0.88); Cluster B: AUC = 0.97 (0.96, 0.98), cut-off point ≥ 0.29 (sensitivity = 0.93, specificity = 0.91); and Cluster C: AUC = 0.93 (0.92, 0.95), cut-off point ≥ 0.35 (sensitivity = 0.90, specificity = 0.82). Consequently, for full IPDEQ administration in general community samples, the (provisional) cut-off points for ‘possible PD’ would be the equivalent of ≥ 16 out of 59 (Overall PD), 6 out of 16 (Cluster A), 7 out of 23 (Cluster B), and 7 out of 20 (Cluster C).

■ Associations between PD and selected psychosocial characteristics Analyses examining relationships between PD, age, comorbidity and disability profiles were restricted to the IPDEQ criterion based and dimensional scoring schemes (i. e. ignoring IPDEQS). Table 3 presents comparisons between respondents assigned to individual

93 Table 3 Age, comorbidity and disability profiles for subjects meeting IPDEQC criteria for personality disorder

Cluster: PD Scale


Comorbidity: number of ICD-10 disordersa

SF-12 current functioningb Physical scale

Mental scale

Mean (SE)

Mean (SE)

Mean (SE)

Mean (SE)


Cluster A: Paranoid Schizoid

292 143 197

40.5 (0.9)* 38.4 (1.3)* 41.7 (1.2)

1.9 (0.1)* 2.0 (0.2)* 2.0 (0.2)*

46.0 (0.7)* 45.9 (1.2) 46.0 (0.9)*

40.1 (0.9)* 37.9 (1.3)* 40.8 (1.3)*

Cluster B: Dissocial Impulsive Borderline Histrionic

226 0 141 102 55

35.6 (1.3)* – 35.9 (1.1)* 35.8 (1.9)* 33.3 (2.4)*

1.9 (0.1)* – 1.8 (0.1)* 2.5 (0.2)* 1.7 (0.2)*

47.3 (0.9) – 46.6 (1.0) 47.7 (1.2) 47.7 (1.7)

40.6 (0.8)* – 41.6 (0.9)* 36.9 (1.3)* 41.5 (1.5)*

Cluster C: Anankastic Anxious Dependent

495 329 239 109

40.0 (0.7)* 40.4 (0.8)* 40.8 (1.0) 37.7 (1.6)*

1.5 (0.1)* 1.3 (0.1)* 2.1 (0.1)* 2.3 (0.2)*

46.9 (0.5)* 46.5 (0.7)* 46.2 (0.6)* 48.1 (1.4)

42.7 (0.6)* 44.5 (0.8)* 39.3 (0.7)* 38.1 (1.1)*

39.1 (0.6)*

1.5 (0.1)*

47.2 (0.4)*

42.6 (0.5)*

44.1 (0.1)

0.2 (0.0)

49.2 (0.1)

52.6 (0.1)

Any PD





Number of CIDI-defined ICD-10 disorders present in the previous 12 months (covering two affective disorders, six anxiety disorders, and alcohol and other drug abuse and dependence) b Lower scores indicate greater disability (i. e. functional impairment) * Significantly different from those with no personality disorder [last row] (P < 0.001)

PDs and clusters on the basis of the criterion based approach and those without PD. Overall, those with PD were significantly younger and had higher Axis I comorbidity and disability (on the aggregate mental scale of the SF-12). Schizoid, anankastic and anxious PD were also associated with physical disablement. Table 4 presents complementary analyses to Table 3, but using the

dimensional method of scoring. There were significant overall correlations with comorbidity (r = 0.44) and SF12 mental scale functioning (r = –0.36). This also presented the first opportunity to examine associations with dimensional scores on the dissocial scale, which was undetected using the IPDEQC scoring scheme. The pattern of associations between dissocial PD and the psychosocial characteristics examined was consistent with that for the other Cluster B PDs (see Table 4).

Table 4 Correlations between dimensional scores on the IPDEQD scales and age, comorbidity and disability (N = 10,641)a Cluster: PD Scale



Cluster A: Paranoid Schizoid


Cluster B: Dissocial Impulsive Borderline Histrionic

–0.23 –0.13 –0.23



Comorbidity: number of ICD-10 disordersb 0.30 0.29 0.18

SF-12 current functioningc Physical scale

Mental scale


–0.22 –0.25 –0.10


0.40 0.20 0.29 0.37 0.23

Cluster C: Anankastic Anxious Dependent

0.34 0.17 0.39 0.25

Overall (all items asked)


–0.31 –0.11 –0.23 –0.28 –0.21 –0.14 –0.13 –0.16

–0.29 –0.17 –0.31 –0.21 –0.36

Correlations between –0.10 and +0.10 are not reported, although all correlations were statistically significant (P < 0.001) b Number of CIDI-defined ICD-10 disorders present in the previous 12 months (covering two affective disorders, six anxiety disorders, and alcohol and other drug abuse and dependence) c Lower scores indicate greater disability (i. e. functional impairment)

■ Cross-validation of selected findings As noted earlier, the IPDEQ restricted administration format effectively set limits on our ability to examine scale characteristics (at least at an item-level), which we partially overcame by ‘bootstrap’ approaches, such as comparisons within the anxiety disorders clinic data between full IPDEQ administration and pseudo-restricted administration. We were in the fortunate position of being able to cross-validate some of these findings within a separate clinical data set. These data were collected from 285 substance users who completed the original 59-item self-report version of the IPDEQ as part of two community-based intervention studies (which included 130 people with psychosis and comorbid substance use problems and 155 regular amphetamine users); Dr. Amanda Baker (University of Newcastle, Australia) was the primary investigator for these projects, while two of the current authors (TL and VC) were also investigators. Once again, we calculated full IPDEQD scores and pseudo-restricted scores (i. e. as per the computer administered version). With respect to the IPDEQ’s psychometric proper-


ties, the internal consistency (alpha) coefficients within the substance users data set were extremely similar to those reported earlier (see Table 1) (N = 285; Cluster A = 0.58; Cluster B = 0.73; Cluster C = 0.76; Overall = 0.85). The correlations between dimensional scores for the three clusters were also comparable to the NSMHWB values reported earlier (N = 285; Clusters A and B: r = 0.45; Clusters A and C: r = 0.55; and Clusters B and C: r = 0.48). Likewise, a factor analysis of dimensional scores for the nine individual PDs revealed similar factor pattern loadings within the substance users data set to those described earlier, with the two-factor solution accounting for 53.9 % of the variance. Moreover, a similar solution was obtained using the pseudo-restricted PD scores, with factor scores for the full and restricted scoring methods being highly correlated (N = 285; Factor 1 = 0.95; Factor 2 = 0.97). To further clarify the likely consequences of using the restricted IPDEQ administration format in the NSMHWB, scatterplots were examined within the substance users data set between full and (pseudo-)restricted IPDEQD scores. As demonstrated by the relative shapes of the scatterplots (available from the authors upon request), the consequences of applying the restricted administration format were more marked for individual PDs than for clusters, or for overall dimensional scores. However, the respective means and SDs for the full and restricted administration methods were comparable, and the correlations between these methods were uniformly high (r = 0.94 to 0.98) and similar to those reported earlier for the anxiety disorders clinic data (see Table 1). Therefore, it seems reasonable to infer that the normative NSMHWB IPDEQD data reported in Table 2 are likely to have been largely unaffected by our use of a restricted administration approach, together with the reported relationships with other psychosocial variables (e. g. Table 4). However, to the extent that the restricted administration format does introduce some additional sources of error (particularly at the individual subject level and for individual PDs), when there are no other practical benefits (such as the time and cost savings achieved in our large-scale community study), full IPDEQ administration is likely to be preferable (especially in studies with relatively small sample sizes). Finally, to illustrate one of the possible uses of the normative data in Table 2, we compared overall IPDEQD scores for the substance use groups (N = 285; mean = 0.46; SD = 0.15) with the PD reference point for the Australian community of 0.19. Single-sample t-tests revealed that the substance use groups had a significantly higher overall likelihood of PD than the community at large [t(284) = 29.76, P < 0.001]. For those undertaking statistical comparisons requiring SDs, the standard errors in Table 2 can be converted to SDs by multiplying them by the square root of the sample size (e. g. SD for overall IPDEQD score = 0.10).

Discussion ■ Lessons from the national survey The IPDEQ was included in the NSMHWB because it was brief, suitable for community administration by trained lay interviewers, was developed in conjunction with a companion structured PD interview, and had the potential for a variety of uses, including preliminary prevalence estimation. The 59-item ICD-10 version of the IPDEQ was used, administered in a restricted (response-dependent) computerised format, and scored in three different ways. Because self-report instruments such as the IPDEQ are likely to be applied in a variety of contexts, we have reported normative data in a range of formats and explored in detail the likely consequences of the IPDEQ’s mode of administration and scoring. At an item level, several IPDEQ items had unacceptably high endorsement rates, suggesting either that they were not measuring disordered personality or were unduly influenced by reporting biases such as social desirability. However, these items were evenly distributed across the individual PDs. Likewise, a range of factors may have contributed to the absence of dissocial PD in the categorical scoring schemes: there was a low overall endorsement rate for each of the dissocial PD items (ranging from 3.5 % to 13.3 %); one of the six ICD-10 criteria for dissocial PD was not represented in the IPDEQ items; and the respondents who endorsed the required number of items may not have viewed their dissocial activities and traits as pervasive and disabling (perhaps reflecting the nature of their PD). However, collectively, the data available for the individual PDs (e. g. response profiles, internal consistency coefficients, psychosocial correlates) tended to suggest that they had reasonably similar psychometric properties. Consequently, the failure of the categorical scoring schemes to detect dissocial PD is, on balance, more likely to reflect the need for a lower diagnostic cut-off in community samples than a fundamental flaw at the item level. As a further illustration, 13.3 % of respondents were prepared to say that they had ever been arrested (item 11), which appears to be a plausible rate for a community sample. As is often the case with aggregate scales, the cluster scores and overall IPDEQ scores tended to have better psychometric properties and stronger associations with the selected psychosocial variables than did the individual PDs. To some extent, Cluster A was the exception to this rule, with paranoid PD and schizoid PD being relatively independent (r = 0.15) and loading on different factors in the factor analysis conducted on dimensional IPDEQ scores. The two-factor solution that emerged (Factor 1: anxious, dependent, schizoid, and anankastic PDs; Factor 2: impulsive, dissocial, paranoid, histrionic, and borderline PDs), which was confirmed in a separate data set, is also reminiscent of the basic personality dimensions proposed by Eysenck (1990), namely neuroticism and introversion/extraversion. The psychoticism


dimension of Eysenck’s model (i. e. Cluster A, in this case) may simply be less relevant in representative community samples than in particular clinical samples. It is also important that researchers are not misled by the pattern of correlations reported here between the full and restricted IPDEQ dimensional scoring routines. These were all uniformly high (ranging from 0.94 to 0.98 for the aggregate indices in the anxiety disorders and substance users data sets), which would need to be the case to support the argument that item exclusion effects were likely to be trivial in the NSMHWB. For example, by modelling essentially random IPDEQ item responses, each with a 20 % ‘PD positive’ distribution, it can be shown that correlations between the full and restricted dimensional scoring routines would still range from 0.82 to 0.87 for the aggregate indices. The higher correlations observed here reflect a mixture of factors, including: the moderate number of items per cluster (16 to 23 items) and the associated levels of item redundancy, which are features of most scales; and the nature of the stopping routines, in which the majority of items were asked (on average, 71.8 % in the NSMHWB) and discontinuation was based on each individual’s previous responses and, therefore, reflected the pattern of (low to moderate) correlations among the IPDEQ items. We also need to differentiate between the specific application of the IPDEQ within the current study and our recommendations for other projects, as there were particular needs and constraints within the NSMHWB. Arguably, the interviewer-administered restricted IPDEQ format used in the current large-scale study served its intended purpose. However, in many instances, this presentation format would not be necessary or preferable, with the IPDEQ having three recommended basic applications: 1) initial screening – in studies with a focus on formal psychiatric diagnoses; 2) quantification of the likelihood of PD – within studies seeking to characterise particular samples or subgroups, including comparisons with community reference data (such as that reported in Table 2); and 3) studies examining possible associations between PD and other psychosocial, health and treatment factors. While future item and subscale revisions to the IPDEQ are clearly recommended, we also need to learn more about how the current version of the instrument performs in a variety of clinical and non-clinical settings and against comprehensive PD assessments. Moreover, we would argue that it is likely to be more productive in the longer-term to continue to refine the IPDEQ, through more extensive item-based comparisons with its companion interview, the IPDE, than to shift to other screening instruments without direct comparator interviews. In addition to item and subscale refinement, we also need to go beyond the provisional screening cut-off points that were reported here, to develop more extensive normative data for clinical and non-clinical populations, to assess changes over time, and to examine associations with some of the newer PD measures that have been developed, as well as existing and proposed mea-

sures of ‘personality style’ and ‘disordered personality functioning’ (Parker et al. 2002). As they currently stand, the IPDEQS and the IPDEQC scoring schemes, with community PD classification rates of 55.3 % and 6.5 %, respectively (see Table 2), would not be suitable for initial screening, as they would tend to over- and under-identify true cases of PD, respectively. For those interested in using the IPDEQ as a categorical screening device for second-stage interviews, it may be appropriate to supplement the simple scoring scheme with one general question for each PD about the ‘pervasiveness’ of those feelings and experiences throughout adult life. Based on the current findings, approximately two-thirds of respondents would be ‘screen negative’, leaving one-third to be interviewed, which is not unreasonable given expected community prevalence rates for any PD of 5–13 % (Torgersen et al. 2001; Samuels et al. 2002). For non-computerised applications, a separate set of questions could also be added addressing the general diagnostic criteria for PD,such as the five-item impairment and distress scale (ID-scale) used with the DIP-Q (Ekselius et al. 2001). Alternatively, for researchers interested in using the IPDEQ as a dimensional screening device, without the necessity of including additional general diagnostic questions, a (provisional) cut-off score of ≥ 0.27 (the equivalent of 16 ‘PD positive’ responses to the 59 items) should provide acceptable sensitivity and specificity (86 % and 84 %, respectively, in the current study), whilst targeting approximately one-fifth of the sample for second-stage interviews (21.3 % in the current study), given community PD base rates within the ranges identified by the NSMHWB. With respect to the examination of psychosocial correlates, the general uniformity of findings across IPDEQ scoring schemes (see Tables 3 and 4) suggests that the observed effects may relate more to the overall level of PD than to subtle differences between PDs (cf. Davison et al. 2001). Consequently, a global dimensional measure of the likelihood of PD may prove to have equal or greater utility as a screener than a combination of several criterion based categorical assignments. In view of the moderate to high levels of comorbidity among PDs, Moran et al. (2003, p. 230) suggest that it “. . . makes little sense to screen for individual categories of personality disorder”. More generally, future revisions to the IPDEQ, and associated evaluations, will need to be mindful of developments arising from the broader ongoing debate about the conceptualisation and measurement of PD (e. g. Trull 2000; Endler and Kocovski 2002; Jablensky 2002; Parker et al. 2002). Multi-dimensional models are likely to continue to evolve, which characterise PD and normal personality traits along a series of graded continua, because there are inherent advantages in such quantitative formulations for the assessment of stability and change, treatment responsiveness, and psychosocial correlates. However, categorical classifications are also likely to survive because they provide a convenient basis for docu-


menting disorder rates, initiating interventions, and for health service planning and associated activities.

■ PD in Australia – estimated rates and patterns of association The estimated rate of ICD-10 PD in Australia was 6.5 %, which is generally consistent with the 5.1 % weighted community prevalence estimate reported by Samuels et al. (2002). However, both are likely to be underestimates, since Samuels et al.’s (2002) Baltimore sample was older (ranging from 34 to 94 years), which would tend to lower the overall PD rate, and our sample did not include a satisfactory categorical assessment of dissocial PD, the most frequent PD in Samuels et al.’s (2002) sample, at 2.3 %. Ekselius et al.’s (2001) DIP-Q postal survey reported high rates of anankastic PD (7.2 %), the highest individual PD reported in our sample (3.2 %). The associations between PD, age and disability observed here were also generally consistent with Ekselius et al. (2001). Likewise, the absence of gender differences in overall PD rates, but gender effects for specific PDs, is consistent with Torgersen et al.’s (2001) Norwegian study. Specifically, there was a tendency for males to be more impulsive and antisocial, and for females to be more histrionic and dependent (see Table 2). PD was associated with a sevenfold increase in the number of other psychiatric conditions, from an average of 0.2 comorbid ICD-10 Axis I disorders in the previous 12 months for those without PD to 1.5 comorbid disorders for those with PD (see Table 3). From a dimensional perspective, this was also evidenced by a moderate correlation (r = 0.44) between overall scores on the IPDEQD and the number of ICD-10 disorders in the previous 12 months (see Table 4). Functional impairment, on the SF12 aggregate mental scale, was also significantly associated with each of the PD scales and clusters (see Tables 3 and 4). These findings are consistent with previous reports of a dose-response relationship between the number of current diagnoses and disability (Andrews et al. 2002) and of a quasi-linear relationship between the number of PDs experienced by respondents and their level of disability (Jackson and Burgess 2002). Thus, even at this relatively early stage in its development, there seems to be good evidence that higher scores on the IPDEQD are associated with an increased likelihood of PD and associated comorbidity and disability. As the same basic data sets were accessed by Jackson and Burgess (2000, 2002) and ourselves, there is broad agreement about the reported patterns of association with PD, particularly in relation to age,Axis I comorbidity, and disability effects. However, Jackson and Burgess (2000, 2002) used only one scoring scheme (IPDEQC), which was problematic in relation to dissocial PD, and they did not provide information about clusters, the psychometric properties of the IPDEQ, or the consequences of its mode of administration and scoring within the NSMHWB. This paper complements the earlier reports,

provides a more comprehensive framework for those considering using the IPDEQ, encourages the use of aggregate scores and dimensional approaches (with a reduced emphasis on individual PDs), and provides a set of normative reference data for the (Australian) general community.

■ Limitations The primary limitation of the NSMHWB data set is that it was based on self-reported symptoms and personality characteristics. Structured diagnostic interviews, such as the CIDI, which are not the same as clinical judgements by experienced health professionals, have the potential to overestimate the level of mental illness in the community. Furthermore, while representative household surveys provide a valuable reference point, the measures that are used may behave differently in clinical populations. Different diagnostic cut-off points, and (if required) associated interview stopping routines, may need to be used in different samples. The current study would also have benefited from more extensive piloting and validation of the criterion based IPDEQ administration routine; however, this was not possible prior to the NSMHWB (apart from the work reported in Slade et al. 1998). In the present study, the IPDEQ was interviewer administered, which could introduce some additional reporting effects, relative to direct completion by participants. However, the accepted gold standard for PD assessment is the structured clinical interview, which is subject to the same influences. Structured clinical assessments also define the boundaries, because, as we have noted previously,‘the screening ability of questionnaires like the IPDEQ can never exceed the validity of the diagnostic criteria upon which they are based’ (Slade et al. 1998). Notwithstanding, while the IPDEQC PD rates reported in Table 2 cannot be viewed as ‘true prevalences’ (given the absence of detailed diagnostic assessments), they should be afforded greater status than findings for the average screening test, since the associated items and scoring routines attempted to mirror the specific and general ICD-10 PD diagnostic criteria, and the results were weighted to reflect the demographic characteristics of the adult population. Therefore, the term ‘prevalence estimates’ is not inappropriate. Moreover, our approach shares some similarities with the practice of calculating ‘probable prevalences’ by combining threshold morbidity rates from large-scale screening tests with sensitivity and specificity values from stratified subsamples or other sources (e. g. Goldberg 1981). Self-report PD measures have been shown to be sensitive to state effects (Bodlund et al. 1998), which could increase the apparent comorbidity between PDs and Axis I disorders. In the current study, a simple aggregate comorbidity index was also used, whereas particular combinations of non-PD mental disorders may be more potent than others. Likewise, the patterns of PD and co-


morbidity within the supplementary clinical samples may have been influenced by the relatively narrow range of Axis I psychopathology (i. e. anxiety disorders and substance use). The levels of comorbidity within PDs, and the associated measurement problems of disentangling their contributions, reinforces the suggestion that PD screening instruments should have a greater focus on clusters (or other aggregate factors) and the overall likelihood of PD, rather than individual PDs. This is especially true of the 59-item version of the IPDEQ, since for most PDs there is only one item per ICD-10 diagnostic criterion. Finally, the NSMHWB provided a relatively unique opportunity to examine PDs in a national survey. However, this is more indicative of a starting than an ending point. Future studies, in a variety of settings, should continue to inform us about the strengths and weaknesses of our PD data set, and of the range of potential applications of instruments such as the IPDEQ. In the mean time, on balance, the performance of the IPDEQ in the NSMHWB was considered satisfactory, particularly the aggregate dimensional scores (on the IPDEQD), which should provide valuable indices of the overall likelihood of PD. ■ Acknowledgements The data reported here are primarily from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (NSMHWB) (see Andrews et al. 1999, 2001). This paper benefited from a contract from the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care to the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, Sydney, which supported a survey data analysis consortium (G. Andrews, V. Carr, G. Carter, R. Crino, W. Hall, A. Henderson, I. Hickie, C. Hunt, L. Lampe, A. McFarlane, P. Mitchell, L. Peters, M. Teeson and K. Wilhelm). We also acknowledge the contribution of the thousands of Australians who agreed to participate.

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