3 Apr 2012 ... Reading: Sections 8.4, 8.5, 8.7 - 8.10 in Irwin/Nelms; Sections 3.2 - 3.4 in Tront (
PSpice). Learning Assessments: All in Reading assignment (do ...
EECS 211 Circuits I Fall Semester 2017 Assignment #10 Due 31 October 2017 Reading: Sections 7.2, 7.5, 10.1 - 10.5, 4.6 in Hayt/Kemmerly/Durbin. Then read either Appendix 4 in Hayt/Kemmerly/Durbin or sections 1.1 - 1.3, 2.1 - 2.3 in Tront (Pspice book). Note: We will use the Capture tool in this class (and subsequent EECS classes), and the Tront supplement describes the Capture tool, and Appendix 4 of the text gives a brief tutorial. Although much of the information about working with the Capture tool in the Tront book is accurate, some of it is out of date. I will give you specific guidance in this assignment for how to access the tool on EECS computers and get started with using it. Do all of the Practice problems in the Reading assignment (but do not hand them in). 1.
Please note: If you do not complete this problem, you will get a 0 for this assignment! In this problem, you will perform a PSpice/Capture analysis for a simple voltage divider circuit identical to the shown in Figure 2 on p. 7 of the Tront book, but with specific values based on your 7-digit KUID number, as directed below. This is essentially the same tutorial exercise that is in Appendix 4 of the Hayt book. If you don’t have the PSpice book, the circuit is shown below.
The value of the independent voltage source (in volts) should be the first 3 digits of your KUID number, the value of the resistor R1 (in kΩ) should be the next 2 digits of your KUID, and the value of resistor R2 should be the last 2 digits of your KUID. For illustration purposes, suppose your KUID is 1234567. For this KUID, the voltage source would have a value of 123 volts, R1 would have a value of 45 kΩ, and R2 would have a value of 67 kΩ. Note: the program is loaded on the the EECS Windows computers in 1005A or 1005C Eaton or the EECS side of the computer commons (it is not loaded on the engineering Windows computers or the EECS Linux computers). Also note that some of the Windows computers on the EECS side of the commons are actually engineering computers, and so do not have the program loaded. For the computers listed above, the startup sequence is: Start (window icon at extreme lower left of screen) -> Cadence Release 17.2-2016 -> Capture CIS Lite. If you have a copy of the PSpice book (and you really should have one, both for this class and for subsequent circuits/electronics classes), you should follow the same steps as your PSpice book provides in sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3, with some modifications to account for using a more recent version of the program (see below).
Prof. Petr
Copyright 2017 David W. Petr
Fall 2017
EECS 211
Assignment #10
If you don’t yet have a copy of the PSpice book, you can follow the steps in Appendix 4 or follow the abbreviated steps below (this will not have all the explanation that is in the PSpice book). Abbreviated procedure (after you have started the program as above): a.
Select New Project.
Enter a name for this project, make sure PSpice Analog or Mixed A/D is selected, and specify a location to store the project, then click OK.
Select: Create a blank project.
From the top banner, select Place, then Part from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, click on the top-right icon on the right side of the screen (this is a shortcut).
Towards the right, in the Libraries box, if ANALOG appears, click on it. If it does not appear, click the middle button in that Libraries box (Add Library), find ANALOG in the resulting window, and select it to add it to the list of currently open libraries. Then click on ANALOG.
In the Parts List box, scroll down to R, double-click it, move the cursor to the top middle of the center area (this is known as the schematics area, because you are drawing a schematic diagram of the circuit), single-click to place resistor R1, then hit the Esc button. Note that you can move parts around by click-hold and moving the cursor.
Similar to the last step, add resistor R2 to the right middle of the schematic area. To get R2 in the correct orientation, select the part (left-click), then right-click and choose Rotate.
To add the voltage source, click on SOURCE in the library box (add it first if necessary -- see above), then double-click on VDC in the Part List, and place the source in the middle left of the schematic area.
Now wire the parts together by choosing Place from the top banner, then Wire. (You can also press the second icon down in the left column at the right of the screen). Move the cursor to the top of the voltage source, click, then move the cursor to the left terminal of R1, then click again to make the connection.
Repeat the last step to connect R1 to R2 and finally connect the voltage source to R2.
We need one more part: a reference node called GND, whose symbol is just 0. Choose Place then Ground, and place the ground at the bottom node.
We now need to adjust part values. Point the arrow cursor to 0Vdc on the voltage source and double-click. In the resulting window, change 0Vdc to {first 3 of KUID}Vdc. Similarly, change the values of R1 and R2.
If you have not already done so, you should probably do a Save from the File menu.
To analyze the circuit, we will do a PSpice simulation. To start this, select PSpice then New Simulation Profile. Name the profile Simple_DC (the underscore is needed). If a box appears asking if you want to use the Lite license, click Yes.
In the resulting window with the Analysis tab selected, choose Analysis Type to be Bias Point and select General Settings. From the General tab, you can see the Output filename, which will be in the same directory as you specified for the New Project. Click OK.
Prof. Petr
Copyright 2017 David W. Petr
Fall 2017
EECS 211
Assignment #10
Now click PSpice, then Run. After a few seconds, the circuit schematic will be updated with the node voltages.
You will hand in the following printouts to show that you have completed this exercise: (1) the output file, a portion of which is shown in Figures 15 and 16 of your PSpice book (the location and name of this file can be found from PSpice -> Edit Simulation Profile under the General tab), and (2) the circuit schematic after the PSpice simulation has been completed, showing the node voltages, as in Figure 17. You can print the circuit schematic using File, then Print. 2.
Problem 7.18, p. 252. Inductor voltage from current.
Problem 7.24, part (b), p. 253. Inductor current from voltage.
Problem 7.26, parts (a) and (c), p. 253. Inductor energy from current.
5. Suppose you have a circuit with two terminals (nodes) X and Y. Suppose also that you require 40 mH of inductance between X and Y, but you only have 30 mH inductors available. Show how you could arrange the 30 mH inductors to obtain the desired 40 mH inductance. 6. Problem 7.52, part (a), p. 257. Simple op amp circuit involving a capacitor. Note that the op-amp parameter values imply that you should use the ideal op-amp model, in addition to the basic current/voltage relationships for capacitors. 7.
Problem 10.26, parts (a) and (c), p. 413.
8. For a 2 µF capacitor, calculate the current (in passive sign with the voltage) if the voltage across the capacitor is each of the following. Give the answers in both the time and frequency domains. A frequency-domain answer is a phasor. a.
v 1 (t) = 10 cos(377t − 30°) V
v 2 (t) = 5 sin(377t + 60°) V
9. Repeat the previous problem, but for a 3 nH inductor, assuming the voltage has been applied forever (that is, the initial inductor current can be ignored).
Prof. Petr
Copyright 2017 David W. Petr
Fall 2017