Assignment Question Paper - Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University

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Assignment Question Paper – I. Q.1 Explain use of mutants in understanding seeding ... (ii) Cell lineages (iii) Embryo culture. Q.5 Give basic concepts of PCD?
M.Sc. Botany Final Year 2012-13 Plant Development and Reproduction Max Marks - 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k& 1- nJmj"k| w"Nq=c"fj"iNth{hk"guc"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 2- pmuwmu"c n?j="k| w"k?"guc"nu"hfnj".f"k| wk?"fmu"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;sx a s ftu ij {ks=h; funs mf""ds gLrk{kfjr eqgj vafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA 4- n?j="fm=¥"oTtl"kshNtfmxmu"c fmu"vgm"flwu"fj"lnjp"xq ="k|mKt"fl"{uCc


Assignment Question Paper Î I

Q.1 Explain use of mutants in understanding seeding development? OR Short note on :(i) Tropisms (ii) Mobilization of food reserves Q.2 Describe the organization of shoot apical meristem ? Q.3 Describe homeotic mutants in Arabidopsis and Anthrinum ? Q.4 Write short essay on self compatibility? OR Short note on :(i) Double fertilization (ii) Cell lineages (iii) Embryo culture Q.5 Give basic concepts of PCD? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Assignment Question Paper Î I I Q.1 Explain hormonal control of seedling growth? OR Give unique features of plant development? Q.2 Write short note on: (i)Phyllotaxy (ii)Xylem (iii)Pholem Q.3 Write short note on: (i) Pollen allergy (ii) Pollen embryos (iii) Tapetum Q.4 Write essay on endosperm development during early, maturation and desiccation stages ? Q.5 Explain influence of hormones and environmental factors on Senescence ?

M.Sc. Botany Final Plant Ecology

Max Marks - 30

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k& 1- nJmj"k| w"Nq=c"fj"iNth{hk"esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA 2- pmuwmu"c n?j="k| w"k?"guc"nu"hfnj".f"k| wk?"fmu"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;sx a s ftu ij {ks=h; hwpu mf""ds gLrk{kfjr eqgj vafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA 4- n?j="fm=¥"oTtl"kshNtfmxmu"c fmu"vgm"flwu"fj"lnjp"xq ="k|mKt"fl"{uCc


Assignment Question Paper Î I

Q.1 Give concept of ecological niche? Q.2 What is primary production ? Explain methods of measurement of estimation of primary production ? Q.3 Write an essay on Speciation ? OR Give concepts and levels of Biodiversity ? Q.4 Give a detail note on water pollution ? Q.5 Write short note on :(i) Ecosystem restoration (ii) Plant invasion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Assignment Question Paper Î I I Q.1 Give concepts of community and continuum ? Q.2 Explain energy flow in an ecosystem? Q.3 Short note on :(i) Ecosystem stability (ii) Hotspots Q.4 Write short note on :- (i) Global warming (ii) Depletion of Ozone layer Q.5 Explain concept of environmental impact assessment ?

M.Sc. Botany Final Plant Resource Utilization and Conservation

Max Marks - 30

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k& 1- nJmj"k| w"Nq=c"fj"iNth{hk"guc"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 2- pmuwmu"c n?j="k| w"k?"guc"nu"hfnj".f"k| wk?"fmu"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;sx a s ftu ij {ks=h; hwpu mf""ds gLrk{kfjr eqgj vafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA 4- n?j="fm=¥"oTtl"kshNtfmxmu"c fmu"vgm"flwu"fj"lnjp"xq ="k|mKt"fl"{uCc


Assignment Question Paper Î I

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5

Explain basic concepts of Sustainable development ? write a general account on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Explain principles of Conservation ? Discuss Protected areas in India ? Explain principles and practices of Botanical gardens ?


Assignment Question Paper Î I I S03""Ytkvg"ujqtv"guuc{"qp"ÐQtkikp"qh"CitkewnvwtgÑ" Q.2 Write about Origin, Evolution, Uses of Fibre Crops ? Q.3 Write short essay on plant used as Avenue trees for shade, pollution control ? Q.4 Write short note on :- (i) Sanctuaries (ii) Biosphere-Reserve Q.5 Write short note on :- (i) Field gene banks (ii) Seed banks

M.Sc. Botany Final Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering of Plants and Microbes Max Marks - 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k& 1- nJmj"k| w"Nq=c"fj"iNth{hk"guc"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 2- pmuwmu"c n?j="k| w"k?"guc"nu"hfnj".f"k| wk?"fmu"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;sx a s ftu ij }mu?j="hwpu mf""ds gLrk{kfjr eqgj vafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA 4- l=h; dk;Z oTtl"kshNtfmxmu"c fmu"vgm"flwu"fj"lnjp"xq ="k|mKt"fl"{uCc


Assignment Question Paper Î I

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4

Give general introduction, concept of cellular differentiation ? Explain Production of secondary metabolites ? Explain DNA synthesis and sequencing ? Write short essay on Chlorplast transformation ?


Assignment Question Paper Î I I Q.1 Write a essay on Totipotency ? Q.2 Explain Somaclonal variation ? Q.3 Write short note on :(i) Vector (ii) C-DNA libraries Q.4 Short note on :(i) Microarrays (ii) Artificial chromosome

M.Sc. Botany Final Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

Max Marks - 30

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k& 1- nJmj"k| w"Nq=c"fj"iNth{hk"guc"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 2- pmuwmu"c n?j="k| w"k?"guc"nu"hfnj".f"k| wk?"fmu"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;sx a s ftu ij }mu?j="hwpu mf""ds gLrk{kfjr eqgj vafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA 4- n?j="fm=¥"oTtl"kshNtfmxmu"c fmu"vgm"flwu"fj"lnjp"xq ="k|mKt"fl"{uCc


Assignment Question Paper Î I

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5

Give essay on contribution of Biotechnology to Science ? Describe method or r-DNA techniques ? Describe history, techniques of Plant tissues culture ? Write short essay on Application of Biotechnology in Industries ? Give essay on Internet? Write advantages of Internet in the field of Biotechnology ?


Assignment Question Paper Î I I Q.1 Short note on :A Cryopreservation B Reverse transcription Q.2 Write techniques of DNA sequencing ? Q.3 Short essay on Transgenic plants ? Q.4 How you correlate Etics and Biotechnology ? Q.5 Short note on :A t test B Bioinformatics OR

Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University, Bhopal Final (Botany) 2012-13 Subject: V (Optional)- Industrial Microbiology Maximum Marks: 30 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

funZs'k& 1- lHkh iz’u Lo;a dh gLrfyfi esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA 2- nksuksa l=h; iz’u i= esa ls fdlh ,d iz’ui= dks gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA 3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;saxs ftu ij {ks=h; funs’kd ds gLrk{kkfjr eqgj vafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA 4- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa dks tek djus dh jlhn vo’; izkIr dj ysaA


Assignment Question Paper – I Q1

Mention important characteristics of fungi and their classification.


List of important fermented food and mention the name of associated micro-organism. Also discuss the role of microbe in the production.


Define the term Antibiotics and explain production technology of any one.


Write the account of mushroom cultivation techniques.


Explain the following:

(a) Water Quality. (b) Sewage and its treatment.

Assignment Question Paper – II Q1

Describe the classification and structure of bacteria.


Describe the types of food spoilage.


What is biogas? Write about method of production


Describe the chemical control on environmental influence.


Explain the following:

(a) Potable Water. (b)
