Assignment Question Paper – I. Q.1 Explain use of mutants in understanding
seeding ... (ii) Cell lineages (iii) Embryo culture. Q.5 Give basic concepts of PCD?
M.Sc. Botany Final Year 2012-13 Plant Development and Reproduction Max Marks - 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k& 1- nJmj"k| w"Nq=c"fj"iNth{hk"guc"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 2- pmuwmu"c n?j="k| w"k?"guc"nu"hfnj".f"k| wk?"fmu"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;sx a s ftu ij {ks=h; funs mf""ds gLrk{kfjr eqgj vafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA 4- n?j="fm=¥"oTtl"kshNtfmxmu"c fmu"vgm"flwu"fj"lnjp"xq ="k|mKt"fl"{uCc
Q.1 Explain use of mutants in understanding seeding development? OR Short note on :(i) Tropisms (ii) Mobilization of food reserves Q.2 Describe the organization of shoot apical meristem ? Q.3 Describe homeotic mutants in Arabidopsis and Anthrinum ? Q.4 Write short essay on self compatibility? OR Short note on :(i) Double fertilization (ii) Cell lineages (iii) Embryo culture Q.5 Give basic concepts of PCD? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Assignment Question Paper Î I I Q.1 Explain hormonal control of seedling growth? OR Give unique features of plant development? Q.2 Write short note on: (i)Phyllotaxy (ii)Xylem (iii)Pholem Q.3 Write short note on: (i) Pollen allergy (ii) Pollen embryos (iii) Tapetum Q.4 Write essay on endosperm development during early, maturation and desiccation stages ? Q.5 Explain influence of hormones and environmental factors on Senescence ?
M.Sc. Botany Final Plant Ecology
Max Marks - 30
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k& 1- nJmj"k| w"Nq=c"fj"iNth{hk"esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA 2- pmuwmu"c n?j="k| w"k?"guc"nu"hfnj".f"k| wk?"fmu"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;sx a s ftu ij {ks=h; hwpu mf""ds gLrk{kfjr eqgj vafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA 4- n?j="fm=¥"oTtl"kshNtfmxmu"c fmu"vgm"flwu"fj"lnjp"xq ="k|mKt"fl"{uCc
Q.1 Give concept of ecological niche? Q.2 What is primary production ? Explain methods of measurement of estimation of primary production ? Q.3 Write an essay on Speciation ? OR Give concepts and levels of Biodiversity ? Q.4 Give a detail note on water pollution ? Q.5 Write short note on :(i) Ecosystem restoration (ii) Plant invasion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Assignment Question Paper Î I I Q.1 Give concepts of community and continuum ? Q.2 Explain energy flow in an ecosystem? Q.3 Short note on :(i) Ecosystem stability (ii) Hotspots Q.4 Write short note on :- (i) Global warming (ii) Depletion of Ozone layer Q.5 Explain concept of environmental impact assessment ?
M.Sc. Botany Final Plant Resource Utilization and Conservation
Max Marks - 30
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k& 1- nJmj"k| w"Nq=c"fj"iNth{hk"guc"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 2- pmuwmu"c n?j="k| w"k?"guc"nu"hfnj".f"k| wk?"fmu"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;sx a s ftu ij {ks=h; hwpu mf""ds gLrk{kfjr eqgj vafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA 4- n?j="fm=¥"oTtl"kshNtfmxmu"c fmu"vgm"flwu"fj"lnjp"xq ="k|mKt"fl"{uCc
Explain basic concepts of Sustainable development ? write a general account on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Explain principles of Conservation ? Discuss Protected areas in India ? Explain principles and practices of Botanical gardens ?
Assignment Question Paper Î I I S03""Ytkvg"ujqtv"guuc{"qp"ÐQtkikp"qh"CitkewnvwtgÑ" Q.2 Write about Origin, Evolution, Uses of Fibre Crops ? Q.3 Write short essay on plant used as Avenue trees for shade, pollution control ? Q.4 Write short note on :- (i) Sanctuaries (ii) Biosphere-Reserve Q.5 Write short note on :- (i) Field gene banks (ii) Seed banks
M.Sc. Botany Final Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering of Plants and Microbes Max Marks - 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k& 1- nJmj"k| w"Nq=c"fj"iNth{hk"guc"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 2- pmuwmu"c n?j="k| w"k?"guc"nu"hfnj".f"k| wk?"fmu"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;sx a s ftu ij }mu?j="hwpu mf""ds gLrk{kfjr eqgj vafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA 4- l=h; dk;Z oTtl"kshNtfmxmu"c fmu"vgm"flwu"fj"lnjp"xq ="k|mKt"fl"{uCc
Give general introduction, concept of cellular differentiation ? Explain Production of secondary metabolites ? Explain DNA synthesis and sequencing ? Write short essay on Chlorplast transformation ?
Assignment Question Paper Î I I Q.1 Write a essay on Totipotency ? Q.2 Explain Somaclonal variation ? Q.3 Write short note on :(i) Vector (ii) C-DNA libraries Q.4 Short note on :(i) Microarrays (ii) Artificial chromosome
M.Sc. Botany Final Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Max Marks - 30
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------funZs'k& 1- nJmj"k| w"Nq=c"fj"iNth{hk"guc"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 2- pmuwmu"c n?j="k| w"k?"guc"nu"hfnj".f"k| wk?"fmu"i{"flwm"xhwqm=¥"iUC" 3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;sx a s ftu ij }mu?j="hwpu mf""ds gLrk{kfjr eqgj vafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA 4- n?j="fm=¥"oTtl"kshNtfmxmu"c fmu"vgm"flwu"fj"lnjp"xq ="k|mKt"fl"{uCc
Give essay on contribution of Biotechnology to Science ? Describe method or r-DNA techniques ? Describe history, techniques of Plant tissues culture ? Write short essay on Application of Biotechnology in Industries ? Give essay on Internet? Write advantages of Internet in the field of Biotechnology ?
Assignment Question Paper Î I I Q.1 Short note on :A Cryopreservation B Reverse transcription Q.2 Write techniques of DNA sequencing ? Q.3 Short essay on Transgenic plants ? Q.4 How you correlate Etics and Biotechnology ? Q.5 Short note on :A t test B Bioinformatics OR
Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University, Bhopal Final (Botany) 2012-13 Subject: V (Optional)- Industrial Microbiology Maximum Marks: 30 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
funZs'k& 1- lHkh iz’u Lo;a dh gLrfyfi esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA 2- nksuksa l=h; iz’u i= esa ls fdlh ,d iz’ui= dks gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA 3- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa ds LFkku ij A4 lkbZt ds lkns dkxt ij Nk= }kjk fy[ks tk;saxs ftu ij {ks=h; funs’kd ds gLrk{kkfjr eqgj vafdr fd;k gksuk vfuok;Z gSA 4- l=h; dk;Z mRrj iqfLrdkvksa dks tek djus dh jlhn vo’; izkIr dj ysaA