Assistive Technology for Persons with Disabilities and Older People with. Impaired Mobility. Workshop Report: Day 2 / Workshop 8, Conference Ageing and ...
Assistive Technology for Persons with Disabilities and Older People with Impaired Mobility Workshop Report: Day 2 / Workshop 8, Conference Ageing and Disability, Graz, Austria, June 8-9, 2006 Christian Dayé, Gesa Hansen, Paul Panek
Restricted mobility due to disability or old age is often caused by different factors. Not only the individual's physical situation but also fears and external factors in the living environment are playing a crucial role. The group thinks that Assistive Technology significantly supports older and disabled persons to overcome existing barriers enabling them to live autonomously and increasing quality of life. Main results of the workshop are: User Involvement: When developing technology for disabled and aged persons, they should be understood as experts who are indispensable to contribute to the development process: Thus it is agreed that in projects for development of Assistive Technology users need to be involved right from the beginning. The involvement of users right from the beginning leads to outcomes of higher quality and makes sure that research and development of Assistive Technologies take into account the actual needs and preferences of older people and persons with disabilities. Need for New Concepts and Supportive Systems: New concepts are requested for the living environment inside and outside the home in order to benefit not only older persons and persons with a disability but society at large (affordability of new products and systems). Future Research and Implementation of Standards: Awareness must be raised for the need for future research in Assistive Technology and the implementation of corresponding new standards in the European institutions (European Parliament, European Council, European Commission). Good Practice: Examples of good practice should be disseminated more frequently for lobbying for the interests of older and disabled persons.