ASTSWMO Strategic Plan Federal Facilities Work Plan 4/18/2016 ...

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Apr 18, 2016 - Introduce discussion at 2016 Mid-Year Meeting. In Progress ... conference calls are being scheduled this
ASTSWMO Strategic Plan


Federal Facilities Work Plan


Lead Subcommittee

Team Lead


Quarterly Activities & Next Steps



In Progress


In Progress


The Focus Group will begin working with MRD members next quarter to begin drafting position paper. Began discussing responsibilities this quarter.

1A: Provide proactive leadership in the analysis and development of federal and State waste, materials management, and Develop position on the use of classification technology at land restoration policy munitions response sites.


State Fed Coord. FG

1A: Provide proactive leadership in the analysis and development of federal and Develop a position paper and checklist to help improve the State waste, materials management, and performance based contracting (PBC) process and state land restoration policy regulator expectations at federal facilities.


Remediation & Reuse Focus Group drafted first draft of Position Paper and checklist this FG quarter. Paper will be reviewed and finalized in summer 2016.

Draft summary of State information request on role of States 1C: Develop work products that support and EPA at non-NPL federal facilities; Update 1996 Issue State programs Paper on EPA and State roles at non-NPL federal facilities. FedFacilities

Introduce discussion at 2016 Mid-Year Meeting.

In Progress

1C: Develop work products that support Develop position or issues paper on Formerly Used Defense State programs Sites (FUDS). FedFacilities

State Fed Coord. FG

The Focus Group began drafting updates to the 2007 ASTSWMO FUDS Position Paper last fiscal year. The work continues to be paused as the FUDS Forum Workgroup Group States discuss several FUDS policiy issues with DoD. The Focus Group will revisit the paper at a later date based on discussions within the Workgroup and at the National Forum this summer.

In Progress


State Fed Coord. FG

ASTSWMO staff met with ITRC to discuss status of ITRC's Remediation Management at Complex Sites report. Further work on this project will occur after ITRC has finalized the guidance document on Remediation Management of Complex Sites. In Progress

1C: Develop work products that support Conduct assessment on the characteristics of remaining State programs federal facility cleanup sites.

FUDS Forum States

Worked with CERCLA & Brownfields Subcommittee to organize joint Annual Meeting sessions on remedy optimization, ARARs, State Superfund Contracts, and Emerging Contaminants. Completed. Drafted and distributed information request for all States to begin soliciting agenda topics for 2016 National FUDS Forum meeting and policy issues (PRP) to promote discussion of these issues by the FUDS Working Group and at the National Forum. Next meeting will be held in May 2016. Ongoing


MRD States

Met in February 2016. MRD State members completing discussions on draft technical documents associated with the advanced classification and DoD policies on providing construction support at munitions response sites. Members revisited LUC issues to discuss at future meetings, and will begin discussing treatment technologies. Next meeting will be held in August 2016. Ongoing


1D: Cultivate cross programmatic coordination

Partner with CERCLA & Brownfields Subcommittee on planning and conducting meetings and research activities.


Federal Facilities Subcommittee

1E: Promote collaboration among States, federal agencies and other partners

Participate in FUDS Forum Working Group, and communicate issues from Committee to all States using various methods.


1E: Promote collaboration among States, federal agencies and other partners

Participate in Munitions Response Dialogue, and communicate issues from Dialogue to all States using various methods.



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ASTSWMO Strategic Plan


Federal Facilities Work Plan


Lead Subcommittee

1E: Promote collaboration among States, federal agencies and other partners

Participate in DSMOA Steering Committee, and communicate issues from Committee to all States using various methods.

1E: Promote collaboration among States, federal agencies and other partners

Assist EPA FFRRO with development of online site database for federal facilities. FedFacilities

2A: Maintain and enhance partnerships with U.S. EPA and DoD

Collaborate and coordinate with EPA FFRRO on new federal facilities policies and guidance; continue to conduct monthly coordination calls with EPA FFRRO FedFacilities


Team Lead


Quarterly Activities & Next Steps


State Fed Coord. FG

Met in February 2016. DSMOA SC State members reviewed updated dispute resolution language for inclusion in new DSMOA guidance document and discussed schedules 6 Step process. Steering Committee also given presentations on emerging contaminants and land use controls. A series of regional outreach conference calls are being scheduled this spring and summer, the first being May 3 with Regions 1-4. The next in-person meeting will be held in June 2016. Ongoing Public database - FedFacts - released by EPA FFRRO in December and distributed ot all States. The Subcommittee will work with EPA FFRRO to host a session at the 2016 Mid-Year Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA. Completed.

Federal Facilities Subcommittee

Continues to participate in monthly conference calls with EPA FFRRO. This quarter the group planned sessions for the ASTSWMO Mid-Year Meeting, and discussed ongoing activities on PFCs, munitions response, and preliminary assessments. Ongoing


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