20 May 2013 ... Dewalt Power Tools Bat t ery. |. Panasonic Power Tools Bat t ery. Asus Eee PC
1015PEM Bat t ery , Asus Eee PC 1015PEM Charger On Sale.
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Ho m e » Asus » Asus EeoelsPC Panaso nic Po we r To Bat10 t e15 ryPEM Bat t e ry Asus Ee e PC 10 15 PEM Bat t e ry , Asus Ee e PC 10 15 PEM Charge r On Sale
Asus Eee PC 1015PEM Battery Replacement Capacit y: 440 0 mAh Ce ll Type : Li-io n
Original Price: $ 57.91 Now Price: $
Co lo r: White Vo lt age : 11.10 V We ight : 359 .5g
Same day shipping service ! 10 0 % new, 10 0 % co mpatible !
Dim e nsio ns: 20 2.0 5x49 .0 0 x20 .40 mm Cheap High Quality Asus Eee PC 10 15PEM Battery Super-Lo ng Standy Time Guaranteed!
Asus Eee PC 1015PEM Charger,Asus Eee PC 1015PEM Adapter Co lo r: Black
Original Price: $ 44.65
Warrant y: 1 year
Now Price: $
De script io n: No tebo o k co mputer AC adapter and po wer co rd. This is a Hi-Capacity Brand AC Adapter fo r yo ur
Free Shipping o n yo ur o rder o f 2 pro ducts o r Mo re !
Asus Eee PC 10 15PEM! The Hi-Capacity AC Adapter meets o r exceeds o riginal manufacturer po wer specificatio ns fo r Asus Eee PC 10 15PEM AC Adapters.
Asus Ee e PC 10 15 PEM Bat t e ry Co m pat ible o riginal Bat t e ry Co de : Asus A31-10 15 Asus AL31-10 15
Asus A32-10 15
Asus PL32-10 15
Asus Ee e PC 10 15 PEM Bat t e ry Fit wit h be lo w: Asus Eee PC 10 15 Asus Eee PC 10 15P
Asus Eee PC 10 15PE
Asus Eee PC 10 16
Asus Eee PC 10 16 P
Asus Eee PC 1215
Asus Eee PC 1215N
EPC 10 15
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EPC 1215
Asus Eee PC 10 15B
Asus Eee PC 10 15P
Asus Eee PC 10 15PD
Asus Eee PC 10 15PDG
Asus Eee PC 10 15PDT
Asus Eee PC 10 15PE
Asus Eee PC 10 15PEB
Asus Eee PC 10 15PED
Asus Eee PC 10 15PEG
Asus Eee PC 10 15PEM
Asus Eee PC 10 15PN
Asus Eee PC 10 15PW
Asus Eee PC 10 15T
Asus Eee PC 10 16
Asus Eee PC 10 16 P
Asus Eee PC 10 16 PE
Asus Eee PC 10 16 PEB
Asus Eee PC 10 16 PED
Asus Eee PC 10 16 PEM
Asus Eee PC 10 16 PG
Asus Eee PC 10 16 PN
Asus Eee PC 10 16 PT
Asus Eee PC 1215
Asus Eee PC 1215B
Asus Eee PC 1215N
Asus Eee PC 1215P
Asus Eee PC 1215PE
Asus Eee PC 1215PED
Asus Eee PC 1215PEM
Asus Eee PC 1215PN
Cbat t e ry, m ake s yo u e njo y m o bile lif e anyt im e ,anywhe re 1. It is superio r o peratio n capability and high durable structure co ntents.The IC used TI BQ IC as a gages co ntro l and Seiko BQ IC as a pro tectio n co ntro l and the battery is perfo rmance.All o ur pro ducts are with a number o f internatio nal security certificatio ns. PDFmyURL.com
2. Precised wiring circuit: Gas gage circuit is designed to use TI BQ IC and pro tect circuit is do wn by BQ IC. 3. Reliable pro tectio n circuit: with o ver charge, discharge pro tectio n, and o ver current and sho rt pro tectio n. 4. Cycle life: after 30 0 charge and discharge the capacity is still 70 %. Of o riginal capacity. 5. High safety: with Po lyswitch,temperature fuse,BQ IC..pro tectio n device to avo id hazard happening. 6 . Fully enviro nment testing: to warranty the pro duct safety we have pro cessing all kinds o f test bo th o f Physical and destro y test. At t e nt io n whe n use yo ur ne w Asus Ee e PC 10 15 PEM bat t e ry pack Do yo u want yo ur lapto p run well at any mo bile place ? The Fo llo w suggestio ns will help yo u pro tect yo ur lapto p battery life. Here's Ho w: 1.Befo re using the new battery, Please read the Asus Ee e PC 10 15 PEM bat t e ry m aint ain parts o f the user manual carefully. 2. When charge yo ur battery first time, Please fully charge 12 ho urs. The new battery need three times charge/discharge cycles befo re achieving maximum capacity. 3. If a lo ng time (three weeks o r lo nger) witho ut using a lapto p o r find the battery charge/discharge time beco me sho rter than befo re, Yo u sho uld fully discharg the battery befo re charging next time. 4 . When charge the Asus Ee e PC 10 15 PEM bat t e ry, Please keep the lapto p po wer o ff. Do n't unplugged the po wer o n the battery charge half-way. It is best time to use yo ur lapto p after full charged 30 minz later. 5 . Do n't put battery expo sure, damp and ero sio n so me chemical liquids. Avo id co ntact with metal stuff to make battery sho rt-circuit and so o n.