TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 1003-1019, August 2014 DOI: 10.11650/tjm.18.2014.2678 This paper is available online at http://journal.taiwanmathsoc.org.tw
ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF FOURTH-ORDER NEUTRAL DYNAMIC EQUATIONS WITH NONCANONICAL OPERATORS Tongxing Li*, Chenghui Zhang and Ethiraju Thandapani Abstract. This paper is concerned with asymptotic behavior of a class of fourthorder neutral delay dynamic equations with a noncanonical operator on an arbitrary time scale. A new asymptotic criterion and an illustrative example are included.
1. INTRODUCTION In this paper, we study asymptotic properties of a fourth-order neutral delay dynamic equation (1.1)
Lz + q(t)x(δ(t)) = 0,
Lz := (rz Δ )Δ (t)
on an arbitrary time scale T with sup T = ∞, where z(t) := x(t) + p(t)x(τ (t)). Since our concern is asymptotic behavior of solutions, we assume the time scale interval is the form [t0 , ∞)T := [t0 , ∞)∩T. Throughout, we assume r, q ∈ Crd ([t0 , ∞)T , (0, ∞)), p ∈ Crd ([t0 , ∞)T , R), 0 ≤ p(t) ≤ p1 < 1, τ, δ ∈ Crd ([t0 , ∞)T, T), τ (t) ≤ t, δ(t) ≤ t, and limt→∞ τ (t) = limt→∞ δ(t) = ∞. The operator Lz (given in (1.1)) is said to be in noncanonical form if ∞ Δt < ∞. (1.2) r(t) t0 By a solution of (1.1) we mean a function x ∈ Crd [Tx, ∞)T, Tx ∈ [t0 , ∞)T , which 3 has the property rz Δ ∈ C1rd [Tx, ∞)T and satisfies (1.1) on [Tx, ∞)T . We consider only those solutions x of (1.1) which satisfy sup{|x(t)| : t ∈ [T, ∞)T} > 0 for all Received November 19, 2012, accepted December 5, 2013. Communicated by Eiji Yanagida. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34K11, 34N05, 39A10. Key words and phrases: Asymptotic behavior, Fourth-order delay equation, Neutral dynamic equation, Time scale. *Corresponding author.
Tongxing Li, Chenghui Zhang and Ethiraju Thandapani
T ∈ [Tx, ∞)T and assume that (1.1) possesses such solutions. A solution of (1.1) is called oscillatory if it is neither eventually positive nor eventually negative; otherwise, it is called nonoscillatory. Fourth-order differential equations are quite often encountered in mathematical models of various physical, biological, and chemical phenomena. Applications include, for instance, problems of elasticity, deformation of structures, or soil settlement; see [8]. In mechanical and engineering problems, questions related to the existence of oscillatory and nonoscillatory solutions play an important role. As a result, there has been much activity concerning oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of various classes of differential and difference equations; see, e.g., [7, 8, 39, 41] and [6, 12, 34-36], and the references cited therein. Following the development of the theory of dynamic equations on time scales, oscillatory properties of various classes of equations on time scales has become an important area of research due to the fact that such equations arise in many real life problems [9, 10, 19]. We refer the reader to [1-5, 11, 13-18, 20-33, 37, 38, 40] and the references cited therein. Thereinto, monotone and oscillatory behavior of solutions to a fourth-order dynamic equation 2
(a(xΔ )α )Δ (t) + q(t)xβ (σ(t)) = 0 with the property that t
x(t) s
a t0
→ 0 as t → ∞
(τ )Δτ Δs
were established by Grace et al. [16]. Grace et al. [15] studied a fourth-order dynamic equation 4 xΔ (t) + q(t)xγ (σ(t)) = 0. Grace et al. [17] considered a fourth-order dynamic equation 4
xΔ (t) + q(t)xγ (t) = 0. Li et al. [25] investigated oscillation of unbounded solutions to a fourth-order delay dynamic equation 3 (rxΔ )Δ (t) + q(t)x(τ (t)) = 0 under the assumption that (1.2) holds, and obtained some comparison theorems. Zhang et al. [40] studied a fourth-order dynamic equation 3
(rxΔ )Δ (t) + q(t)f (x(σ(t))) = 0 in the case where (1.2) holds. Later, Wu et al. [38] extended results of [40] to a generalized fourth-order dynamic equation (r(a(bxΔ)Δ )Δ )Δ (t) + q(t)f (x(σ(t))) = 0
Fourth-order Neutral Dynamic Equations
∞ Δt ∞ Δt = t0 b(t) = ∞. However, there under the assumptions that (1.2) holds and t0 a(t) are few results dealing with asymptotic behavior of solutions to higher-order neutral dynamic equations [13, 18, 20-22, 26, 37]. Graef et al. [18], Panigrahi and Rami Reddy [26], and Thandapani et al. [37] studied a fourth-order neutral delay dynamic equation 2 2
+ q(t)f (x(δ(t))) = 0 r(t)(x(t) + p(t)x(τ (t)))Δ ∞ t ∞ σ(t) Δt = ∞. In particular, the authors in [13, in the cases t0 r(t) Δt < ∞ or t0 r(t) 20-22] investigated a higher-order neutral dynamic equation n
[x(t) + p(t)x(τ (t))]Δ + q(t)x(δ(t)) = 0. Note that the results given in [13, 20-22] can be applied to equation (1.1) in the case where r(t) = 1. To the best of our knowledge, there are no known asymptotic criteria to cover equation (1.1) in the case where (1.2) holds. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to derive an asymptotic criterion for this equation assuming that (1.2) holds. 2. MAIN RESULTS In what follows, all functional inequalities are assumed to hold eventually, that is, they are satisfied for all t large enough. We begin with the following lemma. Lemma 2.1. Assume that (1.2) holds and x is an eventually positive solution of (1.1). Then there are the following four possible cases eventually: 2
z Δ < 0,
z Δ < 0,
z Δ > 0,
z Δ > 0,
(1) z > 0,
z Δ < 0,
z Δ > 0,
(2) z > 0,
z Δ > 0,
z Δ > 0,
(3) z > 0,
z Δ > 0,
z Δ > 0,
(4) z > 0,
z Δ > 0,
z Δ < 0,
(rz Δ )Δ < 0;
(rz Δ )Δ < 0;
(rz Δ )Δ < 0;
(rz Δ )Δ < 0.
Proof. Let x be an eventually positive solution of (1.1) on [t0 , ∞)T . Then there exists a t1 ∈ [t0 , ∞)T such that x(t) > 0, x(τ (t)) > 0, and x(δ(t)) > 0 for t ∈ [t1 , ∞)T . Hence, z > 0 eventually. By virtue of (1.1), we have 3
(rz Δ )Δ (t) = −q(t)x(δ(t)) < 0 3
for t ∈ [t1 , ∞)T . Thus, rz Δ is decreasing. Then z Δ , z Δ , and z Δ are of constant 3 2 sign eventually. Assume first that z Δ < 0. Then z Δ > 0. If not, then z < 0 2 eventually when using z Δ < 0 and z Δ < 0, which is a contradiction. Hence, there 3 2 are possible cases (1) and (2). Assume now that z Δ > 0 and z Δ > 0. Then z Δ > 0.
Tongxing Li, Chenghui Zhang and Ethiraju Thandapani 3
If z Δ > 0 and z Δ < 0, then z Δ > 0 (since z Δ < 0 and z Δ < 0 imply that z < 0). Hence, there are possible cases (3) and (4). The proof is complete. In [9, Section 1.6], the Taylor monomials {hn (t, s)}∞ n=0 are defined recursively by t h0 (t, s) = 1, hn+1 (t, s) = hn (τ, s)Δτ, t, s ∈ T, n ≥ 0. s
One has h1 (t, s) = t − s for any time scale, but simple formulas in general do not hold for n ≥ 2. Now we present the main results. We use the notation ∞ Δs and π+ (t) := max{0, π(t)}. R(t) := r(s) t Theorem 2.2. Assume (1.2) and let lim sup t→∞
b0 q(v)
− 4
⎥ ⎥ Δv = ∞ ⎦
hold for all constants b0 > 0. Suppose further that lim sup t→∞
t t0
q(s)R(σ(s)) (1 − p(δ(s))) 1 Δs = ∞. − 4r(s)R(σ(s))
h2 (δ(s), t0 ) 2
If there exist two positive functions α, β ∈ C1rd ([t0 , ∞)T, R) such that ⎡ lim sup t→∞
⎢ ⎢ ⎢α(σ(s))q(s) (1 − p(δ(s))) ⎣
t1 σ(s)
1 ΔuΔvΔη r(u)
1 Δu r(u)
1 Δu ⎥ r(u) ⎥ ⎥ Δs = ∞ 1 ⎦ Δu r(u)
2 r(s)(αΔ t1 + (s)) − 4α(σ(s))
δ(s) η
Fourth-order Neutral Dynamic Equations
holds for all sufficiently large t1 ∈ [t0 , ∞)T and for t4 > t3 > t2 > t1 , and ∞ ∞ t
s δ(v) 1 k2 β(σ(s)) ΔvΔu q(v) (1 − p(δ(v))) lim sup σ(s) r(u) v t→∞ t0 s u (2.4) Δ (s))2 σ(s)(β+ Δs = ∞ − 4ksβ(σ(s)) holds for some k ∈ (0, 1), then every solution x of (1.1) is either oscillatory or satisfies limt→∞ x(t) = 0. Proof. Suppose that (1.1) has a nonoscillatory solution x. We may assume without loss of generality that there exists a t1 ∈ [t0 , ∞)T such that x(t) > 0, x(τ (t)) > 0, and x(δ(t)) > 0 for all t ∈ [t1 , ∞)T . From Lemma 2.1, we get that z satisfies four possible cases. In the following, we consider each of four cases separately. 2 3 Assume (1). By virtue of z Δ > 0 and z Δ < 0, there exists a constant c0 ≥ 0 such that 2
lim z Δ (t) = c0 ≥ 0.
(2.5) Using the fact that
t→∞ 3 rz Δ
is decreasing, we have 3
r(s)z Δ (s) ≤ r(t)z Δ (t),
s ∈ [t, ∞)T .
Dividing the latter inequality by r(s) and integrating the resulting inequality from t to l, we obtain l Δs Δ2 Δ2 Δ3 . z (l) ≤ z (t) + r(t)z (t) t r(s) Passing to the limit as l → ∞ and using (2.5), we deduce that 2
z Δ (t) ≥ −r(t)z Δ (t)R(t).
(2.6) 2
From z Δ < 0 and z Δ > 0, there exists a constant c1 ≤ 0 such that lim z Δ (t) = c1 ≤ 0.
Integrating (2.6) from t to ∞ and using (2.7), we have ∞ 3 3 (2.8) −r(s)z Δ (s)R(s)Δs ≥ −r(t)z Δ (t) −z Δ (t) ≥ t
Integrating (2.8) from t to ∞, we get ∞ ∞ Δ3 −r(u)z (u) R(s)ΔsΔu z(t) ≥ t u ∞ ∞ 3 (2.9) R(s)ΔsΔu. ≥ −r(t)z Δ (t) t
Tongxing Li, Chenghui Zhang and Ethiraju Thandapani
It follows from z > 0 and z Δ < 0 that there exists a constant a0 ≥ 0 such that limt→∞ z(t) = a0 . Next, we consider two cases. If a0 > 0, then for any ε > 0, we have a0 + ε > z(t) > a0 − ε eventually. Choose 0 < ε < a0 (1 − p1 )/(1 + p1 ). It is not difficult to verify that x(t) = z(t) − p(t)x(τ (t)) > (a0 − ε) − p1 (a0 + ε) = b0 (a0 + ε) > b0 z(t), where b0 := (a0 − ε − p1 (a0 + ε))/(a0 + ε) > 0. Hence, (1.1) implies that 3
(rz Δ )Δ (t) + b0 q(t)z(δ(t)) ≤ 0.
(2.10) Now set
r(t)z Δ (t) , ω(t) := z(t)
t ∈ [t1 , ∞)T .
Then ω(t) < 0 for t ∈ [t1 , ∞)T and we have 3
(rz Δ )Δ (t) r(t)z Δ (t)z Δ (t) − ω (t) = z(σ(t)) z(t)z(σ(t)) Δ
z(δ(t)) r(t)z Δ (t)z Δ (t) − ≤ −b0 q(t) z(σ(t)) z(t)z(σ(t)) 3
r(t)z Δ (t)z Δ (t) ≤ −b0 q(t) − z(t)z(σ(t))
due to (2.10), z Δ < 0, and δ(t) ≤ t. Using (2.8), (2.11), (2.12), and z Δ < 0, we have 3 (rz Δ )2 (t) ∞ R(s)Δs ω (t) ≤ −b0 q(t) − z 2 (t) ∞ t R(s)Δs. = −b0 q(t) − ω 2 (t) Δ
In view of (2.9), we conclude that ∞ (2.14) ω(t) t
R(s)ΔsΔu ≥ −1.
From (2.13), we obtain ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ R(s)ΔsΔu ≤ −b0 q(t) R(s)ΔsΔu ω Δ (t) σ(t) u σ(t) u ∞ ∞ (2.15) 2 R(s)ΔsΔu −ω (t) σ(t)
Fourth-order Neutral Dynamic Equations
Integrating (2.15) from t1 to t, one arrives at ∞ ∞ R(s)ΔsΔu − ω(t1 ) ω(t) t
+ +
b0 q(v) t1 t
We set
R(s)ΔsΔv v
R(s)ΔsΔv ≤ 0.
R(s)ΔsΔu σ(v)
A :=
u t
R(s)ΔsΔuΔv +
σ(v) u ∞ ∞
ω 2 (v)
∞ ∞
B :=
R(s)Δs v
y := −ω(v).
R(s)Δs, v
Using the inequality Ay 2 − By ≥ −
(2.16) we obtain
ω (v) 2
R(s)ΔsΔu σ(v) u ∞
≥− 4
R(s)Δs + ω(v)
R(s)Δs v
R(s)ΔsΔu u
Using (2.14), we have
b0 q(v)
≤ 1 + ω(t1 )
A > 0,
B2 , 4A
σ(v) u ∞ ∞
∞ R(s)Δs Δv R(s)ΔsΔu − ∞ v ∞ 4 σ(v) u R(s)ΔsΔu
R(s)ΔsΔu, t1
which contradicts condition (2.1). If a0 = 0, then limt→∞ x(t) = 0 clearly. Assume (2). We define 3
r(t)z Δ (t) , ϕ(t) := z Δ2 (t)
Then ϕ(t) < 0 for t ∈ [t1 , ∞)T and
t ∈ [t1 , ∞)T.
Tongxing Li, Chenghui Zhang and Ethiraju Thandapani
r(t)(z Δ )2 (t) (rz Δ )Δ (t) − Δ2 ϕ (t) = Δ2 z (σ(t)) z (t)z Δ2 (σ(t)) Δ
r(t)(z Δ )2 (t) x(δ(t)) − Δ2 . = −q(t) Δ2 2 z (σ(t)) z (t)z Δ (σ(t))
Recalling that z > 0, z Δ > 0, z Δ > 0, and z Δ < 0, from [14, Lemma 4], we have z(t) ≥ d
h2 (t, t0 ) Δ z (t) t
for t ∈ [td , ∞)T and for every d ∈ (1/2, 1). On the other hand, we obtain t t Δ2 2 2 z (t) z Δ (s)Δs ≥ (t − t1 )z Δ (t) ≥ (2.20) z Δ (t) = z Δ (t1 ) + 2d t1 for t ∈ [t2 , ∞)T sufficiently large. It follows from (2.19) and (2.20) that z(t) ≥
h2 (t, t0 ) Δ2 z (t). 2
From z Δ > 0 and τ (t) ≤ t, we have x(t) ≥ (1 − p(t))z(t).
In view of (2.21) and (2.22), we get 2
z(δ(t)) z Δ (δ(t)) x(δ(t)) ≥ (1 − p(δ(t))) 2 z Δ (σ(t)) z Δ2 (δ(t)) z Δ2 (σ(t)) h2 (δ(t), t0 ) . ≥ (1 − p(δ(t))) 2 Hence, by (2.17) and (2.18), we obtain 3
ϕΔ (t) (2.23)
h2 (δ(t), t0 ) r(t)(z Δ )2 (t) − ≤ −q(t) (1 − p(δ(t))) 2 2 (z Δ )2 (t) h2 (δ(t), t0 ) ϕ2 (t) − . = −q(t) (1 − p(δ(t))) 2 r(t)
Since rz Δ is decreasing, we have (2.6) using the proof of case (1). Then (2.24)
ϕ(t)R(t) ≥ −1.
Multiplying (2.23) by R(σ(t)) yields R(σ(t))ϕΔ(t) ≤ −q(t)R(σ(t)) (1 − p(δ(t)))
ϕ2(t) h2 (δ(t), t0 ) − R(σ(t)) . 2 r(t)
Fourth-order Neutral Dynamic Equations
Integrating the latter inequality from t2 to t, we have t h2 (δ(s), t0 ) Δs q(s)R(σ(s)) (1 − p(δ(s))) R(t)ϕ(t) − R(t2 )ϕ(t2 ) + 2 t2 t
ϕ(s) ϕ2(s) + R(σ(s)) Δs ≤ 0. + r(s) t2 r(s) Now set
1 R(σ(s)) , B := , r(s) r(s) Then, using inequality (2.16), we have
and y := −ϕ(s).
A :=
ϕ2(s) 1 ϕ(s) + R(σ(s)) ≥− . r(s) r(s) 4r(s)R(σ(s)) Thus, we obtain
h2 (δ(s), t0) q(s)R(σ(s)) (1 − p(δ(s))) 2 1 Δs ≤ 1 + R(t2 )ϕ(t2 ) − 4r(s)R(σ(s))
due to (2.24), which contradicts condition (2.2). 2 3 3 Assume (3). Recalling that z Δ > 0, z Δ > 0, and (rz Δ )Δ < 0, we have t 1 Δ2 Δ3 Δs. z (t) ≥ z (t)r(t) t1 r(s) Thus, we obtain (see [40, (2.24)]) ⎛
⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝
⎟ zΔ ⎟ ⎟ ≤ 0. t ⎠ 1 Δs t1 r(s) 2
Hence, there exists a t2 ∈ [t1 , ∞)T such that z Δ (t) = z Δ (t2 ) + (2.26)
1 Δu r(u)
1 Δu t1 r(u) t s 1 ΔuΔs, t2 t1 r(u)
z Δ (t) t 1 Δs t1 r(s)
2 z Δ (s)
Tongxing Li, Chenghui Zhang and Ethiraju Thandapani
which implies that
⎟ zΔ ⎟ ⎟ ≤ 0. s ⎠ 1 ΔuΔs t2 t1 r(u) Thus, there exists a t3 ∈ [t2 , ∞)T such that s v 1 Δ ΔuΔv t z (s) t2 t1 r(u) s v Δs z(t) = z(t3 ) + 1 t3 ΔuΔv (2.27) t2 t1 r(u) t s v 1 z Δ (t) ΔuΔvΔs. ≥ t s r(u) 1 t3 t2 t1 ΔuΔs t2 t1 r(u) ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ t ⎝
It follows from (2.26) and (2.27) that t s
1 ΔuΔvΔs r(u) 2 t3 t2 t1 z Δ (t). (2.28) z(t) ≥ t 1 Δs t1 r(s) On the other hand, we have (2.22). Then, (2.25) and (2.28) yield x(δ(t)) z Δ2 (σ(t))
≥ (1 − p(δ(t)))
z(δ(t)) z Δ2 (σ(t))
z(δ(t)) z Δ (δ(t)) = (1 − p(δ(t))) Δ2 2 z (δ(t)) z Δ (σ(t)) δ(t) s v 1 ΔuΔvΔs t3 t2 t1 r(u) . ≥ (1 − p(δ(t))) σ(t) 1 Δs r(s) t1
We now set 3
r(t)z Δ (t) , t ∈ [t1 , ∞)T . (2.30) ψ(t) := α(t) Δ2 z (t) Then ψ(t) > 0 for t ∈ [t1 , ∞)T and Δ 3 3 rz Δ r(t)z Δ (t) Δ Δ + α(σ(t)) (t) ψ (t) = α (t) Δ2 z (t) z Δ2 3
r(t)(z Δ )2 (t) (rz Δ )Δ (t)z Δ (t) αΔ (t) − α(σ(t)) ψ(t) + α(σ(t)) Δ2 2 2 2 α(t) z (t)z Δ (σ(t)) z Δ (t)z Δ (σ(t))
Fourth-order Neutral Dynamic Equations 3
αΔ (t) r(t)(z Δ )2 (t) x(δ(t)) − α(σ(t)) Δ2 . ≤ + ψ(t) − α(σ(t))q(t) Δ2 2 α(t) z (σ(t)) z (t)z Δ (σ(t)) Then, we have ψ Δ (t) ≤
αΔ x(δ(t)) + (t) ψ(t) − α(σ(t))q(t) Δ2 α(t) z (σ(t)) 3
r(t)(z Δ )2 (t) z Δ (t) . 2 2 (z Δ )2 (t) z Δ (σ(t))
From (2.25) and (2.30), we obtain ψ Δ (t) ≤ (2.31)
αΔ x(δ(t)) + (t) ψ(t) − α(σ(t))q(t) Δ2 α(t) z (σ(t)) t 1 Δs 2 ψ (t) t1 r(s) . −α(σ(t)) 2 α (t)r(t) σ(t) 1 Δs r(s) t1
Now we set B :=
αΔ + (t) α(t)
A :=
α(σ(t)) α2 (t)r(t)
1 Δs r(s)
t1 σ(t)
Using the inequality By − Ay 2 ≤ we get
αΔ + (t) ψ(t) − α(σ(t)) α(t)
1 Δs r(s)
B2 , 4A
and y := ψ(t).
A > 0,
1 Δs r(s)
2 r(t)(αΔ ψ 2 (t) t + (t)) ≤ 1 α2 (t)r(t) 4α(σ(t))
t1 σ(t)
1 Δs r(s) t1 Thus, we obtain by (2.29) and (2.31) that
ψ Δ (t) ≤ −α(σ(t))q(t) (1 − p(δ(t))) +
2 r(t)(αΔ + (t))
δ(t) s v
σ(t) t1
1 Δs r(s) . 1 Δs r(s)
1 Δs r(s) . 1 Δs r(s)
1 ΔuΔvΔs r(u) 1 Δs r(s)
Tongxing Li, Chenghui Zhang and Ethiraju Thandapani
Integrating the latter inequality from t4 (t4 ∈ [t3 , ∞)T ) to t yields ⎡ δ(s) η v 1 ΔuΔvΔη t ⎢ ⎢ t3 t2 t1 r(u) ⎢α(σ(s))q(s) (1 − p(δ(s))) σ(s) 1 t4 ⎣ Δu r(u) t1 ⎤ σ(s) 1 Δu ⎥ Δ 2 r(u) r(s)(α+ (s)) t1 ⎥ s − ⎥ Δs ≤ ψ(t4 ), 1 ⎦ 4α(σ(s)) Δu r(u) t1 which contradicts condition (2.3). 2 Assume (4). From z > 0, z Δ > 0, and z Δ < 0, we see that z(t) ≥ (t − t1 )z Δ (t),
and so
z t − t1
≤ 0.
Hence, we have t z(t) ≥k z(σ(t)) σ(t)
(2.32) and (see [27, Lemma 1])
δ(t) z(δ(t)) ≥k z(t) t
for every k ∈ (0, 1) and for t ∈ [tk , ∞)T sufficiently large. Note that (2.22) holds. Hence, by (1.1) and (2.33), we have v δ(s) Δ3 Δ3 Δs ≤ 0. q(s) (1 − p(δ(s))) r(v)z (v) − r(t)z (t) + kz(t) s t Letting v → ∞ in this inequality, we get z(t) ∞ δ(s) Δ3 Δs ≤ 0. q(s) (1 − p(δ(s))) −z (t) + k r(t) t s Thus, −z
(v) + z
(t) + kz(t) t
1 r(u)
Letting v → ∞ in this inequality, we have
q(s) (1 − p(δ(s)))
δ(s) ΔsΔu ≤ 0. s
Fourth-order Neutral Dynamic Equations
z Δ (t) + kz(t)
1 r(u)
q(s) (1 − p(δ(s)))
δ(s) ΔsΔu ≤ 0. s
Now define θ(t) := β(t)
z Δ (t) , z(t)
t ∈ [t1 , ∞)T.
Then θ(t) > 0 for t ∈ [t1 , ∞)T and we have 2
z Δ (t)z(t) − (z Δ )2 (t) z Δ (t) θ (t) = β (t) + β(σ(t)) z(t) z(t)z(σ(t)) Δ
z Δ (t) β(σ(t)) z(t) 2 β Δ (t) θ(t) + β(σ(t)) − 2 θ (t) = β(t) z(σ(t)) β (t) z(σ(t)) due to (2.35). Thus, by (2.32) and (2.34), we obtain ∞ ∞ t δ(s) 1 Δ 2 ΔsΔu q(s) (1 − p(δ(s))) θ (t) ≤ − k β(σ(t)) σ(t) t r(u) u s β Δ (t) β(σ(t)) t 2 θ (t). + + θ(t) − k 2 β(t) β (t) σ(t) Hence, t θ (t) ≤ − k β(σ(t)) σ(t) Δ σ(t)(β+ (t))2 . + 4ktβ(σ(t)) Δ
1 r(u)
q(s) (1 − p(δ(s)))
δ(s) ΔsΔu s
Integrating the latter inequality from tk to t implies that
∞ ∞ s δ(v) 1 ΔvΔu q(v) (1 − p(δ(v))) σ(s) s r(u) u v Δ (s))2 σ(s)(β+ Δs ≤ θ(tk ) − 4ksβ(σ(s)) k2 β(σ(s))
holds for every k ∈ (0, 1), which contradicts condition (2.4). The proof is complete. 3. EXAMPLE AND DISCUSSION The following example illustrates applications of theoretical results in the previous section.
Tongxing Li, Chenghui Zhang and Ethiraju Thandapani
Example 3.1. Consider a fourth-order neutral delay dynamic equation Δ3 Δ t t 1 4 = 0, + λtx (3.1) t x(t) + x 2 2 2 where t ∈ T := 2Z := {2k : k ∈ Z} ∪ {0} and λ > 0 is a constant. Let γ = 1 and r(t) = t4 . Then ∞ ∞ ∞ 32 64 8 R(s)Δs = , and R(s)ΔsΔu = R(t) = 3 , . 2 7t 21u 21v u v u Using [9, Example 1.104], we have (t − t0 )(t − 2t0 ) , 3 t and so t t2 t 2 − t0 2 − 2t0 , t0 = ≥ h2 (δ(t), t0) = h2 2 3 13 for all sufficiently large t. It is easy to verify that all assumptions of Theorem 2.2 are satisfied, if α(t) = β(t) = 1. Hence, every solution x of (3.1) is either oscillatory or satisfies limt→∞ x(t) = 0. h2 (t, t0 ) =
Remark 3.2. Most oscillation results reported in the literature (see, e.g., [1, 13, 2022]) for the neutral dynamic ∞ Δtequation (1.1) and its particular cases have been obtained = ∞ which significantly simplifies the analysis of the under the case where t0 r(t) behavior of z := x + p(x ◦ τ ) for a nonoscillatory solution x of (1.1). In this paper, using Riccati transformation technique, we obtain a new asymptotic criterion for the fourth-order neutral delay dynamic equation (1.1) with noncanonical operators (i.e., (1.2) is satisfied). Remark 3.3. We stress that the study of asymptotic behavior of equation (1.1) in the case (1.2) brings additional difficulties. In particular, in order to deal with the case ∞ Δt = ∞ holds when using a proof where z Δ < 0 (which is simply eliminated if t0 r(t) similar to that of [1, Lemma 2.2]), the arbitrariness in the choice of b0 is required. As a matter of fact, it is well known (see, e.g., [13, 22]) that if x is an eventually positive solution of (1.1), then (2.22) is satisfied. One of the principal difficulties one encounters lies in the fact that (2.22) does not hold when (1.2) is satisfied. 2
Remark 3.4. Since the signs of z Δ , z Δ , and z Δ have four possible cases, our criterion for asymptotic behavior of (1.1), as in [40, Theorem 2.1], includes four assumptions. It would be of interest to find another method to study (1.1) in order to simplify these conditions.
Fourth-order Neutral Dynamic Equations
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors express their sincere gratitude to the editors and anonymous referee for the careful reading of the original manuscript and useful comments that helped to improve the presentation of the results and accentuate important details. This research is supported by National Key Basic Research Program of P. R. China (2013CB035604) and NNSF of P. R. China (Grant Nos. 61034007, 51277116, 51107069). REFERENCES 1. R. P. Agarwal, M. Bohner, T. Li and C. Zhang, Oscillation theorems for fourth-order half-linear delay dynamic equations with damping, Mediterr. J. Math., (2013), in press. 2. R. P. Agarwal, M. Bohner and S. H. Saker, Oscillation of second order delay dynamic equations, Can. Appl. Math. Q., 13 (2005), 1-17. 3. R. P. Agarwal, M. Bohner, S. Tang, T. Li and C. Zhang, Oscillation and asymptotic behavior of third-order nonlinear retarded dynamic equations, Appl. Math. Comput., 219 (2012), 3600-3609. 4. R. P. Agarwal, D. O’Regan and S. H. Saker, Oscillation criteria for second-order nonlinear neutral delay dynamic equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 300 (2004), 203-217. 5. E. Akın-Bohner, M. Bohner and S. H. Saker, Oscillation criteria for a certain class of second order Emden–Fowler dynamic equations, Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal., 27 (2007), 1-12. 6. D. R. Anderson, A fourth-order nonlinear difference equation, J. Difference Equ. Appl., 9 (2003), 161-169. 7. B. Bacul´ıkova´ and J. Dˇzurina, Oscillation of third-order neutral differential equations, Math. Comput. Modelling, 52 (2010), 215-226. 8. M. Bartuˇsek, M. Cecchi, Z. Doˇsla´ and M. Marini, Fourth-order differential equation with deviating argument, Abstr. Appl. Anal., 2012 (2012), 1-17. 9. M. Bohner and A. Peterson, Dynamic Equations on Time Scales: An Introduction with Applications, Birkha¨ user, Boston, 2001. 10. M. Bohner and A. Peterson, Advances in Dynamic Equations on Time Scales, Birkha¨ user, Boston, 2003. 11. M. Bohner and S. H. Saker, Oscillation of second order nonlinear dynamic equations on time scales, Rocky Mt. J. Math., 34 (2004), 1239-1254. 12. Z. Doˇsla´ and J. Krejˇcova´ , Oscillation of a class of the fourth-order nonlinear difference equations, Adv. Difference Equ., 2012 (2012), 1-14. 13. L. Erbe, B. Karpuz and A. Peterson, Kamenev-type oscillation criteria for higher-order neutral delay dynamic equations, Int. J. Difference Equ., 6 (2011), 1-16.
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Tongxing Li and Chenghui Zhang Shandong University School of Control Science and Engineering Jinan, Shandong 250061 P. R. China E-mail:
[email protected] [email protected] Ethiraju Thandapani University of Madras Ramanujan Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics Chennai, 600 005, India E-mail:
[email protected]