output (MIMO) channel is maximized when the transmitted ... achievable data rate [1, 2]. ... the number of feedback bits , and the rank # all in- ... fixed w¤~ E ¤%$&£ , the capacity per receive antenna is given by. G .... In what follows we consider the limit as ¤h q £" #Р... analogous result in the context of CDMA signature opti-.
ASYMPTOTIC PERFORMANCE OF MIMO WIRELESS CHANNELS WITH LIMITED FEEDBACK Wiroonsak Santipach and Michael L. Honig Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Northwestern University 2145 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60208 USA sak,mh @ece.northwestern.edu Abstract – We consider a single-user, point-to-point communication system with transmit and receive antennas with independent flat Rayleigh fading between antenna pairs. The mutual information of the multi-input/multioutput (MIMO) channel is maximized when the transmitted symbol vector is a Gaussian random vector with covariance matrix . The optimal depends on how much channel state information is available at the transmitter. Namely, in the absence of any channel state information, the optimal is full-rank and isotropic, whereas with perfect channel knowledge, the optimal has columns which are the eigenvectors of the channel, and has rank at most .
We assume that the receiver can feed back bits to the transmitter (per codeword). The feedback bits are used to choose the columns of from a random set of i.i.d. vectors. We compute the mutual information as a function of both and the rank of . Our results are asymptotic in the num-
ber of antennas, and show how much feedback is needed to achieve a rate, which is close to the capacity with perfect channel knowledge at the transmitter. 1. INTRODUCTION
Adding antennas to the transmitter and receiver of a single point-to-point fading link can substantially increase the achievable data rate [1, 2]. The channel capacity depends on the amount of channel state information (CSI) known at the transmitter and receiver. Assuming perfect CSI at the receiver, and independent fading across different transmitterreceiver antenna pairs, the channel capacity has been evaluated for the cases where there is no CSI and complete CSI at the transmitter. Here we examine the capacity with complete CSI at the receiver, but partial CSI at the transmitter. We assume
This work was supported by the U.S. Army Research Office under grant DAAD19-99-1-0288.
transmit antennas, receive antennas, and that the channels across different transmitter-receiver antenna pairs are i.i.d. Rayleigh. (The capacity with correlated fading across antenna pairs is studied in [3].) The mutual information is maximized when the transmitted symbol vector is Gaussian with covariance matrix , which depends on how much CSI is available at the transmitter. Specifically, in the absence of any CSI, the optimal is full-rank and isotropic, whereas with perfect CSI the optimal has rank at most . We assume that the channel is stationary, and that the receiver relays bits to the transmitter (per codeword) via a reliable feedback channel (i.e., no feedback errors). The purpose of the feedback is to specify .
In this paper, we analyze the performance of a Random Vector Quantization (RVQ) scheme, which is used to specify a with rank , where can be optimized. The RVQ scheme is motivated by related work on signature optimization for CDMA with limited feedback, where it is shown to be optimal [4, 5]. Other related work on the performance of MIMO channels with limited feedback has been presented in [6–10]. Although our model is similar to that originally presented in [6], our asymptotic approach, based on RVQ, along with the associated results, differs substantially from prior work.
We compute the sum mutual information between the transmitted and received symbols per receive antenna as the number of transmit antennas , the number of receive antennas , the number of feedback bits , and the rank all increase to infinity with fixed ratios. The limiting mutual information can be evaluated by using results from extreme order statistics and random matrix theory. We show how the optimal rank for the covariance matrix with RVQ decreases with the amount of feedback , and observe that relatively little feedback is needed to achieve a rate close to the capacity with perfect CSI when is large. Optimizing the rank can also results in a substantial increase in the sum
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mutual information. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we describe the system model. In section 3, we review the behavior of the capacity without any CSI at the transmitter, and with perfect CSI. We present RVQ and the associated performance analysis in section 4 and the numerical results in section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper. 2. CHANNEL MODEL We consider a single-user, point-to-point wireless channel transmit antennas and receive antennas. We aswith sume i.i.d. flat Rayleigh fading channels, so that the set of channel gains between the th transmit antenna and the th receive antenna contains i.i.d complex Gaussian random variables with zero mean and variance . The received vector is given by
Our performance metric is sum mutual information between and . The mutual information is maximized when the transmitted symbols are complex Gaussian random variables, in which case the sum mutual information is given by
w - ~
/ ^(`=aX[Z]\ b JLK 6 d 22 gi }~ [X Z]\ O /_69d R O R ^
(2) w R O - x-3y O where convergence is almost surely, and R is the asymp-
totic probability density function for a randomly chosen eigenvalue of , and is given in [11]. The integral in (2) has been evaluated in [12], and gives the following closed-form expression
| 2h2 g
w w R O / x-3y 3 - X[Z]\dE6 w [X Z]\& /f/ w
$&% ' ( )' *,+.-0/
1 3 - 2547698 where 2:-;%@ channel matrix, 4A-;% BC+ is the >A/ transmitted symbol vector, 1 -D% EF+ is the G>9/ received symbol vector, and the noise 8 is complex Gaussian with covariance matrix H I)* JLK where JLK is the M> identity matrix. BC
NO 4QP 1SR -A$UTWVYX[Z]\_^(`=acb J K 69de2f2hgjik (1) where the covariance matrix l-3$&% 4m4 g + , dn-3$&%po4coq*+!HmI * is the background Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), and X[Z]\ denotes natural logarithm.
We are now interested in maximizing the sum mutual information over the covariance matrix subject to a power constraint .
3. PERFECT CSI VS. NO CSI Here we consider the two extreme cases in which the transmitter has no CSI available, and the transmitter has perfect CSI. These correspond to normalized feedback values and , respectively.
w x-3, * -3y
w x-z
3.1. Zero Feedback If there is no CSI available at the transmitter (corresponding to zero feedback bits from the receiver), then the optimal [2]. That is, each antenna transmits an
:- | { J |
O hq Rf} z
independent symbol, and the transmitted power is allocated equally across transmit antenna. As with fixed , the capacity per receive antenna is given by
w / /6 06 d / 6 w / /6 06 d /
E -
w /6 6 d / w /6 6 d /
* w * w ¡
3.2. Infinite Feedback
w D-¢z
If optimal
, then the transmitter has perfect CSI, and the is given by
where is an unitary matrix whose columns are eigenvec, and is a diagonal matrix whose elements tors of are computed by water-filling over the available dimensions. The rank of the optimal is at most , and depends on the SNR. In contrast, with the optimal is full-rank.
2 g2
w Y ¦-Ay
w O -O z R denote the capacity per receive antenna in q R§} z . We have that h w (5) O -z R -
O X[Z]\¨ R© O R ^ where the water level ¨ is determined by the power constraint © w (6)
(¨& ./ O R ^ ¥-ªd Ow where B © w -«¬!FysB . We can verify that w y R u O ~-®z R , and now consider the ratio O ~Let the limit as
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w z R F O ¯ -y R
to see how much of an increase in capacity is attainable with feedback. We evaluate this ratio in the regimes of both large and small SNR. For large SNR, from [3] we have that
w O w z R -¡/ ²Z]r ´ X O xw -A3 ³µy R {±° - y
Hence for large SNR, there is clearly little incentive to relay CSI back to the transmitter. This is because for large SNR, the transmitter uses all available dimensions, and an equal power allocation asymptotically gives the same capacity as water pouring. For small SNR, we have that
w Ox R w w -z R - /6 ¶ / w * ²Z]r · XY
O ³µy (7) - y {±° ª This limit w is an extension of the analogous limit in [3], which is for G-/ .w Hence the potential gain due w to feedback decreases with . This is because for large , the receiver ob-
tains more independent copies of a transmitted symbol and is able to decode the symbol whether the power is allocated equally or optimally. 4.
w O hq7 R¿} z ?-l w w -·, * À «-·t uÁ ] #Â-¡/½=»=»=»Ã ]¾ ÄU- / º=º g ²pZ]r /Äu#u ¾ and º is an >Å random unitary matrix, i.e., º g ºÄJLÆ . The matrices º for all # are chosen independently, and the transmitted power asrL]½-/ . The receiver selects the
We are interested in the mutual information with RVQ in the with fixed ratios , limit as , and . (Note that the number of feedback bits is normalized by the number of matrix entries.) , the covariance matrix is chosen Given the rank from the set , , where
quantized covariance matrix
Ç -3¬½r\5¬! K - / X[Z]\^`=a b JLK 69d)2@Ä=2hg iË sÈ È *¼ÉÊ Hence the sum mutual information per receive antenna with feedback bits is given by
Ì ÍYK ,Î Ï -
To maximize the sum mutual information, is given by (4) where the columns of are the eigenvectors of . If has rank , then the eigenvectors corlargest eigenvalues. In what follows, we respond to the assume that the receiver quantizes the matrix , and relays this back to the transmitter. We also assume that the transmitter distributes equal power and rate over the eigenvectors, i.e., the optimal water pouring distribution is not relayed back to the transmitter. (The degradation in capacity due to using a constant power allocation with optimized rank , rather than the optimal water pouring power allocation has been shown to be small [13].)
£ ¹ ¸ @
isotropic, and refer to this scheme as Random Vector Quantization (RVQ). An analogous RVQ scheme has been previously proposed for CDMA signature optimization with limited feedback in [4, 5], and has been shown to maximize the SINR in the large system limit.
2 g2
Lº = »=»=»sº *¼
O R§} z
where the expectation is over the channel and covariance matrix. To evaluate (8), we must know the cumulative distribution function (cdf) for . Since the matrices are i.i.d., the random variables are also i.i.d.. Letting denote the corresponding cdf, we have that
feedback bits, we can construct a vector quanGiven tizer, which chooses the matrix from the set, or codebook . That is, assuming that is known at the receiver, the receiver chooses the that maximizes the sum mutual information, and relays the corresponding index back to the transmitter. Optimizing this codebook for finite and is quite difficult; however, as , the eigenvectors of are isotropically distributed. This suggests that the columns of the codebook entries should also be isotropically distributed. Hence in what follows, we assume that the matrices , are independent and
$¯ÐѬ! KÒ sÈ È *¼ Ê Ç / $¯Ð X[Z]\.^(`=ab J K 69d)2 nÅ 2 gsi Ò
K Ê K Ê Ì pÍ K Î±Ï -3 B Ó K ¾ÕÔ O B R Ö K O B R (^ B
where is the probability density function (pdf) for . In what follows we consider the limit as all tend to infinity.
O R } w z with fixed w w q& · ³Áy Ñ-~,Å* ~ - Ì K ¥ , the sum mupÍ Î±Ï converges almost
Theorem 1 As , , and tual information per receive antenna surely to
Lº] #-/½=»=»=» ]¾
3 of 6
Ô Ì ÍpÎ±Ï / × K | XYÆ ¾Ø Ó K / ¾ °
The inverse cdf depends on , , and . The proof relies on the asymptotic theory of extreme order statistics [14]. With appropriate shifting and scaling [14], converges in distribution to a Weibull cdf as . An analogous result in the context of CDMA signature optimization has been presented in [4].
} z
appears to be difficult. We Computing the exact cdf therefore resort to a Gaussian approximation, which is motivated by the following lemma. In what follows, we drop the to simplify the notation. superscript in
O hq R¦}
and w ¥Ú- O K f Û R }¹Ü O yH * R v^C Ýsasrq[Þ ß(a[Zà ÊO where Ü yH * R is the Gaussian cdf with zero mean and variance H * , w w w Ûh- w X[Z]\ /_6 w d w dá 6âX[Z]\ O /69dv@dá R fá and w H * -¡5X Z]\ / w á * Lemma 1 As ,
w w / w / án- 6 w 6 h d
w w * w w w /6 w 6 d h d
ç w w } y Ì } z pÍ Î±Ï } z
which approximates . As , this approximation becomes exact. However, as , , whereas is finite, and can be computed by (5) and (6). Therefore the Gaussian assumption gives an inaccurate estimate of for large . This is because is bounded for all , whereas the Gaussian pdf assumes that can assume arbitrarily large values.
w Oé -¦z R Ì ÍpÎ±Ï çw
Ì pÍ Î±Ï w
is a function of both the rank and feedback Note that . For a given , we wish to select the , which maximizes . The optimal can be found by differentiating , and depends on , , and .
w Ì ÍpÎ±Ï w w d 5. ç NUMERICAL RESULTS w w Ì Figure 1 shows Íp Î±Ï with optimal rank &ÍYê Î,Ï versus with w different values of d and ë-Mw y íì . The dashed lines show O the water-filling capacity ?-´z R . As expected, the Íp αÏ
performance of the optimal power allocation, relative to equal power allocation, decreases as SNR increases. Also, dethe amount of feedback needed to reach creases with SNR. The dashed-dotted lines show with and different values of . In this case, fixed rank the rates with the optimized rank and full-rank do not differ much. Also shown in the plot are simulation results with . We can see that is a good estimate even for small (e.g., 8).
w î-ï/
w ç R OÁ -¹ Ì pÍ zÎ±Ï d
w -ð/ ·
Ì pÍ Î±Ï
N/M = 0.5
w -l/ ¯
2.2 ρ = 6 dB
This lemma is an extension of a similar result in [15] with , and follows from Theorem 1.1 in [16]. To compute and , we write
w ä K ã = ä å K - / X[Z]\ / 69d w ä Ê æ th eigenvalue of K 25ºtº g 2 g . As where O hq R.is} the z , the empirical eigenvalue distribution con-
1.2 ρ = 0 dB 1
verges to a deterministic function, which can be represented in terms of its Stieljes transform [16]. The asymptotic mean can then be evaluated according to reand variance of sults in [16].
Although Lemma 1 states that the asymptotic distribution of is Gaussian, this assumption leads to an approximation for the asymptotic sum mutual information because the distribution for finite is still needed to compute in Theorem 1. Specifically, using the Gaussian assumption in Theorem 1 gives
Ì pÍ Î±Ï
Ì pÍ Î±Ï -ªÛ76âH§è âw X[Z]\
ρ = 3 dB
C (B = ∞) ∞ Irvq(D*rvq)
I∞ (D rvq
= 1) ∞
Simulation for Irvq(D = 1) with M = 8 0.4
0.6 B/N2
Figure 1: Sum mutual information per receive antenna for RVQ with optimized rank and full-rank versus normalized feedback.
w w d ;-3y íì M-y
w &ÍYê Î,Ï
Figure 2 shows the optimal RVQ rank versus for different values of and . The rank starts at (full-rank) for , and decreases with . The rank con-
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Ípê Î±Ï -¡/
verges to the value associated with the optimal covariance matrix with perfect CSI. For given , the optimal rank increases with SNR, reflecting the fact that the water pouring distribution is spread across more eigenvectors. In the figfor and 6 dB, ure, the optimal rank converges to and 0 dB. but converges to a lower number for
N/M = 0.1; ρ = 6 dB
N/M = 0.5
ρ = 0 dB ρ = 3 dB ρ = 6 dB ρ = 9 dB
2.5 I∞
B/N = 1 B/N2 = 5 B/N2 = 10 0.5
1.5 2 B/N
Figure 2: The optimal RVQ rank versus normalized feedback.
- y
- z
ρ = 6 dB 1.8
0.5 D/M
Figure 4: Mutual information per receive antenna versus normalized rank with different feedback.
Figure 3 shows the mutual information per receive antenna versus normalized feedback with different values of . The decreases, the water-filling capacity is also shown. As performance gap associated with and widens, which is consistent with (7). Also, the sum mutual information per receive antenna decreases with .
w -3y / é
w «-;y / dµ-®õ
Figure 4 shows mutual information per receive antenna versus normalized rank from (10) with , dB, and different values of . The maximal rates are attained at for cases shown. As increases, the rate increases and the difference between the rate with optimized rank and full-rank also increases.
6. CONCLUSIONS We have studied the achievable rate of a single-user MIMO fading channel with limited feedback. Our results are asymptotic in the number of antennas, and indicate the minimum feedback, which is needed to achieve the capacity associated with perfect CSI at the transmitter. The asymptotic mutual information was evaluated with a random vector quantization scheme in which the covariance matrices in the source codebook are independent and isotropic. This approach allows us to study the rank of the covariance matrix which maximizes the mutual information. Our numerical results show that less feedback is needed as the ratio between the number of receive antennas and transmit antennas increases. For the cases shown, the covariance with the optimized rank gives a large increase in capacity over the one with full-rank (e.g., 50-60%).
N/M = 0.9 N/M = 0.8 N/M = 0.7 0
Figure 3: Sum mutual information per receive antenna versus normalized feedback with different values of .
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