Fluidity is about the way we design sustainable and global railway solutions
tailored to each of the operators and public authorities they serve. Fluidity is
about ...
With Alstom With a presence in over one hundred countries and a broad range of products and services in the rail transport, power generation and power transmission markets, Alstom is at the forefront of economic, social and environmental progress. Alstom bases its success on the principles of ethics rigorously applied by its 93,000 employees, who work closely with the community of stakeholders that make up the Group’s ecosystem. These shared commitments are expressed in products and services that bear the stamp with Alstom.
WITH ALSTOM, DESIGNING FLUIDITY BECOMES A REALITY Fluidity is about the way we design sustainable and global railway solutions tailored to each of the operators and public authorities they serve. Fluidity is about truly understanding our customers, embracing their goals, simplifying their projects, counselling them on the right product, at the right price, producing it efficiently and delivering it on time. This level of mutual understanding with our customers has been reached thanks to our local footprint around the world. The trust they have in our solutions is based on our experience gained through our range of products and services, the widest on the market. Each day, by building and maintaining solutions that run smoothly and efficiently, we create railway systems that meet new challenges of smarter mobility. To us, success is when passengers, enjoying seamless and safe journeys, adopt this new mobility as their own and fully integrate it in their lifestyle.
Employees per region
26, 700
A strong sales performance
Europe 77 % Latin America 8 % Asia Pacific 6 % North America 5 % Middle East & Africa 4 %
In spite of a difficult economy, the rail market is growing on every continent and in 2012/13, Alstom Transport attained a record level, booking over €7 billion in orders. The orders came primarily from Western Europe – regional trains, trams, and metros – but also from Latin America, especially from Brazil, where we won two metro contracts. The North-American market also grew thanks to the Ottawa’s Citadis Spirit tram-train contract (Canada).
26 700 employees at about 90 Alstom sites in 60 countries More than 200 customers across the world
Orders per region
€7,1 bn
Europe 72 % Latin America 12 % North America 8 % Asia Pacific 5 % Middle East & Africa 3 %
Sales per type of product
€5,5 bn Trains 60 % Signalling 15 % Services 15 % Infrastructure 10 %
Alstom Transport proposes complete solutions for trains, signalling, infrastructures and services adapted to each railway universe: urban, suburban, regional, main lines and freight. We offer to our customers the most efficient technologies and materials in order to reduce our environmental footprint throughout the lifecycle of the product, from manufacturing to recycling.
i n frast ruct u r e Alstom offers a complete range of solutions for laying, electrifying and supplying electric power to tracks, supplying electromechanical equipment alongside track and in stations and depots. APS, ground-level power supply system for tramways with no overhead contact wires Appitrack, automated and accelerated construction engine for track Hesop, electrical sub-station absorbing and reinjecting the energy produced during braking phases
services Maintenance, modernisation, spare parts management, technical support and assistance… no matter what your needs or your type of equipment*, Alstom can provide a customised service based on three principles: capable and available local teams, innovative preventive maintenance tools and worldwide experience of rail technology. *¼ of maintained stock is not built by Alstom
trains With its philosophy of sustainable mobility, Alstom Transport proposes an efficient and proven range of trains, with a unique design focused on fluidity, comfort and easy access for passengers. They combine standardisation, modularity and personalised design and propose a wide range of options to enhance passenger comfort. They are able to adapt to each network feature and to respond to customer needs. They also offer particularly flexible and easy maintenance through improved access to all the sub-systems. tadis tramway Ci Metropolis metro Citadis Dualis tram-train X ’Trapolis suburban train Coradia regional train Pendolino high-speed train AGV very high-speed train Euroduplex very high-speed train Prima locomotive
SIG NAL L ING With its advanced solutions, Alstom enables operators to transport passengers or goods in complete safety with fluid services, optimising the operations and the output of their networks. The various signalling solutions developed by Alstom boost rail transport competitiveness. rbalis, signalling solution for U urban networks Atlas, signalling solution for major line networks Iconis, integrated control centre Smartlock, interlocking systems Smartway, trackside equipment and signalling Information and entertainment solutions for passengers
TUrnKE Y S YSTEM S Alstom’s turnkey systems integrate the company’s full range of expertise, including rolling stock, signalling, infrastructure and maintenance. For 25 years, this global approach has guaranteed the respect of budget and delivery commitments together with optimal performance levels.
Innovation at the heart of our strategy
Building trains with high recyclable content, putting a larger number into circulation at higher speeds with lower energy consumption and CO2 emissions, guaranteeing comfort and safety and participating in creating a dynamic local economic fabric, this is how Alstom contributes to making rail transport more competitive and to supporting sustainable development. In 2013, two major innovations were launched:
Axonis is a turnkey light metro system designed to operate on a line with sections on elevated viaduct, in underground tunnels and at grade level, for example in suburbs. It is designed to be put in service quickly and easily, with an optimum lifecycle cost.
Urbalis Fluence
Urbalis Fluence is the first urban signalling solution with direct train-to-train communication resulting in optimized technical response time, fewer interfaces and signalling equipment on tracks. For maximal fleet availability and optimised lifecycle costs, train headway can be reduced to 60 seconds, while safety distance between trainsets is guaranteed.
TRANS/BGEN/ESSENTIEL2013/eng/Transv/09.13/FR – © ALSTOM 2013 – ALSTOM, the ALSTOM logo and all alternative versions are the brands and trademarks of ALSTOM. The other names mentioned registered or not, belong to their respective owners. Technical and other forms of data contained in the present document are given for the purposes of information only. ALSTOM reserves the right to reconsider or change this data at any time and without warning. Design-Publishing: , Paris. Photo credits: © Alstom Transport / Arnaud Février - TOMA / C. Sasso - ABACA / G. Ramon - TOMA / F. Christophorides - JOGOOD. Printed on certified FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) paper.
Europe, Middle East & Africa Alstom Transport 48, rue Albert Dhalenne 93482 Saint-Ouen Cedex France Telephone: +33 1 57 06 90 00 Latin America Alstom Transport Avenida Embaixador Macedo Soares, 10.001 05095-035 Sáo Paulo- SP- Brazil Telephone: +55 11 3612 70 00 Asia Pacific Alstom Transport 5/F, Entrance C, Qiankun Plaza, 6, West Street 6 Sanlitun Chaoyang District, Beijing 100027, P.R. China Telephone: +86 10 84 60 90 00 North America Alstom Transportation 353 Lexington Ave. Suite 1100 New York, NY 10016 USA Telephone: +1 212 692 5320 Russia Commonwealth of Independent States Alstom Transport 18, Schipok building 2 Moscow 115093 Russia Telephone: +7 495 231 29 49