Timmermans. Belgium (BE. Netherland. Romania (R. First. Vice-President. Open. COP. Tuesday 7 October. Valdis. Dombrovski
Spain (ES) Poland (PL) Romania (RO)
United Kingdom Slovakia (UK) (SK)
Greece (GR) Belgium (BE)
Spain (ES)
Finland (FI)
Hungary (HU) France (FR Czech Republic (CZ)
Poland (PL)
Ireland (IE)
At aPortugal glance (PT)
Greece (GR)2014Italy (IT) September
Romania (RO) Netherlands (NL)
Croatia (HR) Germany (DE)
Sweden (SE) Hungary (HU)
Belgium (BE)
Lithuania (LT) France (FR)
Austria (AT) Portugal (PT)
Spain (ES)
Sweden (SE)
Poland (P
United Kin Overview of Hearings of Netherlands Commissioners-designate (NL)
Germany (DE)
Belgium (BE) Latvia (LV) CzechMonday Republic (CZ) 29 September Italy (IT)
EVENING Bulgaria (BG)
France (FR)
Greece (GR) Malmström
Karmenu (CZ) Günther Czech Republic Denmark (DK) SloveniaNeven (SL) Romania United Kingdom AustriaOettinger (AT) Vella Mimica (UK)
Italy (IT)
Hungary (HU)
Greece (GR) Germany (DE)
Estonia (EE) Spain (ES)
Slovakia (SK) Bulgaria (BG)
United KingdomPortugal (UK) (PT)
Hungary (HU) France (FR)
Cyprus (PL) (CY) Poland
Finland (FI) Denmark (DK) Belgium (
Spain (ES)
Portugal (PT) Italy (IT)
Luxembourg (LU)Ireland (IE) Slovakia (SK) Romania (RO)
Committee(s) responsible and nationality: Poland (PL) Portfolio:
Romania (RO)
Sweden (SE) INTA
Austria (AT) Trade
Bulgaria (BG)
Netherlands (NL)Denmark (DK)
ENVI, DEVE ITRE, Sweden (SE) Croatia (HR) Malta PECH CULT United KingdomNetherlands (UK) (MT) (NL) Finland (FI) Environment,
& Society
Czech Rep
Germany Greece (G
Austria (AT) EU Lithuania (LT) France (FR Maritime & Cooperation Spain (ES) Affairs Belgium Hungary (IE) (BE) &IrelandEconomy Bulgaria (BG) Poland (PL)
Tuesday 30 September
Latvia (LV) Czech Republic (CZ) Croatia (HR)
Denmark (DK) Johannes Christos Romania (RO) Greece (GR)
Italy (IT) Portugal (
United Kin SloveniaMaroš (SL) Lithuania (LT) Sweden ( Andriukaitis Avramopoulos Hahn Stylianides Germany Šefčovič (DE) Slovakia (SK) Spain (ES) Estonia (EE) Czech Republic (CZ) Finland (FI) Netherlands (NL)Hungary (HU) Austria (A Latvia (LV) France (FR) Finland (FI) Poland (P Cyprus (CY) Greece (GR) Slovenia (SL) Portugal (PT) Ireland (IE) Belgium (BE) Bulgaria ( Germany (DE) Italy (IT) Ireland (IE) Romania Luxembourg (LU) Hungary (HU) Croatia (HR) Czech Republic (CZ) Denmark Sweden (SE) Estonia (EE) United Kingdom (UK) France (FR) Germany (DE) Croatia (HR) Netherlan MaltaTRAN (MT) ITRE ENVI(PT) LIBE (LT) AFET DEVE Portugal Slovakia ( Greece (GR) Lithuania Cyprus (CY) Austria (AT) Spain (ES) Italy (IT) France (FR) Research, Health & Migration & Lithuania Neighbourhood Humanitarian EU Transport & Belgium ( (LT) (SE) Finland (F (HU) Bulgaria (LV) Affairs HungaryPolicy Science & Sweden Food Safety LatviaHome Aid(BG) & Crisis Luxembourg Space (LU) KingdomPoland (UK) (PL) Innovation Germany (DE) Italy (IT) & Enlargement United Management Czech Rep Latvia (LV) Portugal (PT) Slovenia (SL) Ireland (IE Austria (AT) Denmark (DK) Malta (MT) France (FR) Spain (ES) Romania (RO) United Kingdom (UK) Slovenia (SL) Greece (G Wednesday 1 October Sweden (SE) EU Croatia (H Bulgaria (BG) Estonia (EE) Slovakia (SK) Corina Marianne Jonathan Věra Tibor Miguel Arias Italy (IT) Poland (PL) Spain (ES) Netherlands (NL)Germany Crețu Thyssen Hill Navracsics Cañete Hungary Estonia Jourová (EE) Denmark (DK) Cyprus (CY) Finland (FI) Lithuania Austria (AT) United KingdomPoland (UK) (PL) France (FR Germany (DE) Romania (RO) Belgium (BE) Portugal ( Cyprus (CY) Slovakia (SK) Latvia (LV Ireland (IE) Luxembourg (LU)Bulgaria (BG) Spain (ES) Italy (IT) Romania (RO) France (FR) Netherlands (NL)Czech Republic (CZ) Sweden ( Luxembourg (LU) Finland (FI) Slovenia ( Denmark (DK) Croatia (HR) Malta (MT) United Kin Poland (PL) Greece (GR) Belgium (BE) Netherlands (NL)Italy (IT) Malta (MT) Austria (A Ireland (IE) Slovakia (SK) EU Estonia (E Lithuania (LT) IMCO, JURI, REGI EMPL(RO) Belgium ECON CULT ITRE, (HU) Spain (ES) United Kingdom (UK) Romania Czech Republic (CZ) Hungary (BE) ENVI EULIBE, FEMM Bulgaria ( Croatia (HR) FinlandJustice, (FI) Latvia (LV) Regional Employment, Social Financial Stability, Education, Climate Cyprus (C (ES) (PT)& Poland (P Netherlands (NL) (GR)Youth Portugal Republic Policy Affairs, Skills & Czech Financial Services(CZ) &SpainConsumers & Greece Culture, Action Denmark Labour Mobility Capital Markets Union Gender Equality & Citizenship Energy Lithuania (LT) Ireland (IE) Slovenia (SL) Luxembo Poland (PL) Romania Hungary (HU) Sweden (SE) Belgium (BE) Greece (GR) Slovakia ( Latvia (LV) Estonia (EE) EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service Croatia (HR) Malta (MT Author: Giulio Sabbati Romania (RO) Czech Republic (CZ) Portugal (PT) Austria (AT) Netherlan Hungary (HU) Members’ Research Service Finland (F Slovenia (SL) EU Lithuania (LT) Cyprus (CY) PE 538.947 Greece (GR) Netherlands (NL) Sweden (SE) Portugal (PT) Bulgaria (BG) Belgium ( Ireland (IE Carlos Moedas
BelgiumVytenis (BE)
SlovakiaDimitris (SK)
Romania (RO)
Netherlands(NL) (NL)Belgium (BE) Netherlands
Portugal (PT)
Belgium(BE) (BE) Netherlands (NL)Belgium
Sweden (SE)
Belgium (BE)
Czech Republic (CZ)
Overview of Hearings of Commissioners-designate
MORNING Pierre Moscovici
Phil Hogan
Germany (DE)
Greece (GR) CzechRepublic Republic(CZ) (CZ) Czech
AFTERNOON EVENING Hungary (HU) Germany (DE) (CZ) Greece(GR) (GR) Greece Czech Republic Thursday 2 October
Austria (AT)
BulgariaElżbieta (BG)
Kristalina Margrethe France Hungary (HU) Portugal (PT) Hungary (HU) Greece(FR) (GR)
Denmark (DK)
Italy (IT) (HU) Hungary
Slovakia (SK)
United Kingdom (UK) Sweden(SE) (SE) Portugal (PT) Sweden
Portugal(PT) (PT) Portugal
Sweden (SE) Austria (AT)
France (FR) Germany (DE) Finland (FI) Spain (ES)(SE) Bulgaria (BG) Sweden Austria(AT) (AT) Austria Italy (IT) ECON AGRI ITRE, ECON BUDG, France (FR) Ireland (IE) Poland (PL) Bulgaria (BG) Denmark (DK) Bulgaria (BG) Austria (AT) IMCO CONT, United Kingdom (UK) JURI (HR) (RO) for Denmark (DK) Slovakia (SK) Denmark (DK) Bulgaria (BG) Economic & Italy (IT) Agriculture & Croatia Internal Market,Romania Vice-President Competition Financial Affairs,Spain (ES) Rural Industry, Entrepre- Budget & Human Taxation & Development neurship & SMEs Resources (UK) Finland (FI) (LT) Netherlands (NL)Slovakia Slovakia(SK) (SK) Denmark (DK) Customs Union United KingdomLithuania Poland (PL) Spain (ES) Ireland (IE) Latvia (LV) Belgium Finland(FI) (FI) Finland Slovakia (BE) (SK) Monday 6 October Romania (RO) SloveniaValdis (SL) Poland (PL) Croatia (HR) Alenka Andrus Federica Czech Republic (CZ) Ireland(IE) (IE) Ireland Finland (FI) Dombrovskis Bratušek Ansip Mogherini Netherlands (NL) Romania (RO) Estonia (EE) Lithuania (LT) Greece Croatia(HR) (HR) Croatia Ireland (GR) (IE) Belgium (BE) Netherlands (NL)Cyprus (CY) Hungary (HU) Lithuania Lithuania(LT) (LT) Latvia (LV) Croatia (HR) Germany Czech Republic (CZ) Slovenia (SL) France (F Luxembourg (LU)Portugal Belgium (BE) Latvia(LV) (LV) Lithuania(PT) (LT) Latvia Greece (GR) IMCO AFET (EE) Czech Republic (CZ) MaltaECON, (MT) Sweden (SE) Slovenia (SL) Estonia Slovenia (SL) Italy (IT) LatviaITRE, (LV) EMPL ENVI Hungary (HU) Germany (DE) Vice-President for Vice-President High EU Vice-President Greece (GR) (CY) /United Ki Austria (AT) Estonia (EE) Slovenia (SL) for the Euro & Energy Union Estonia for(EE) the Digital Cyprus Representative Social Dialogue Single Market Vice-President Portugal (PT) France (FR) Hungary (HU) Luxembourg (LU) Bulgaria (BG) Spain (ES Estonia (EE) Cyprus(CY) (CY) Cyprus Sweden (SE) Italy (IT) TuesdayDenmark 7 October Portugal (PT) Malta (MT) (DK) Luxembourg Poland (P Luxembourg(LU) (LU) Cyprus (CY) Jyrki Frans United Kingdom (UK) Austria (AT) Katainen Sweden (SE) Timmermans Slovakia (SK) EU Malta(MT) (MT) Romania Luxembourg (LU)Malta Notes: Spain (ES) The hearings are due to be held in the József Antall buildBulgaria (BG) Austria (AT) Finland (FI)ing, in rooms EU2Q2 and 4Q2. Each hearing is due to lastNetherlan EU Malta (MT) three hours, starting at the times scheduled below: Denmark (DK) Poland (PL) Bulgaria (BG) Ireland (IE) EU Morning Afternoon Evening Belgium ( Slovakia (SK) Romania (RO) Monday 29 September 14:30 18:30 13:30 18:00 Czech Re Denmark (DK) Croatia (HR)Tuesday 30 September 09:00 ECON, Open Wednesday 1 October 09:00 13:30 18:00 Finland (FI) Netherlands (NL) EMPL, COP Thursday 2 October 09:00 13:30 18:00 Slovakia (SK) Lithuania (LT) ITRE Monday 6 October 14:30 18:30 Greece (G Belgium (BE) Tuesday 7 October 10:00 14:30 Vice-President Ireland (IE) First for Jobs, Growth,Finland (FI) Vice-President Latvia (LV) First Vice-President-designate Frans Timmermans will beHungary Investment & Croatia (HR) Czech Republic (CZ)a meeting of the Conference of Presidents heard before Competitiveness Ireland (IE) (COP), open to all Members. Slovenia (SL) Portugal Lithuania (LT) Greece (GR) Disclaimer and Copyright. The content of the author and any opinions expressed therein do not necessarily represent theSweden ( Croatia (HR)of this document is the sole responsibility Estonia (EE) official position of the European Parliament. It is addressed to the Members and staff of the EP for their parliamentary work. Reproduction and translation for non(LV)provided the source is acknowledged and the Hungary (HU) is given prior notice and sent a copy. © European Union, 2014. commercial purposesLatvia are authorised, European Parliament Lithuania (LT) Cyprus (CY)
[email protected] – http://www.eprs.ep.parl.union.eu (intranet) – http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank (internet) – http://epthinktank.eu (blog) Austria (A Slovenia (SL) Portugal (PT) Members’ Research Service Page 2 of 2 Latvia (LV) Luxembourg (LU) Bulgaria (