At first sight. Improving piano sight-reading. Please send your completed form to:
Jo Wong. No 10-1, Jalan Equine 9B. Taman Equine Bandar Putra Permai.
Payment details
Joining the Dots: Book 1
Please charge my credit card as follows: RM80 or RM72 with CT ABRSM holder discount (copy of certificate attached)
At first sight
A Fresh Approach to Piano Sight-Reading
Improving piano sight-reading
Card details
We cannot accept American Express Card No.
Alan Bullard
Start date Expiry date Cardholder name Cardholder signature
Please return this booking form by 28 February 2010. Please note that all fees are non-refundable.
Please send your completed form to: Jo Wong No 10-1, Jalan Equine 9B Taman Equine Bandar Putra Permai 43300 Seri Kembangan Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia
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Joining the Dots: Book 4
Joining the Dots
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This five book series will help piano students to build confidence and skill in sight-reading. Used as part of regular lessons, it will develop the student’s awareness of keyboard geography, their sense of key and other general musicianship skills, helping them learn to read new music more quickly and easily. The books cover the requirements for ABRSM’s Grade 1–5 sight-reading tests.
Available now from music shops worldwide and
ABRSM sight-reading workshop
Booking form
Venues and dates
At first sight Would you like new ideas to help teach sight-reading at the piano? Do you want to know what ABRSM examiners look for when awarding marks for sight-reading tests? Come along to this ABRSM workshop to gain new ideas and confidence for teaching the skills required for successful sight-reading.
What will I learn? These workshops are designed to offer something for everyone. All those attending will: • learn a new, clear approach to teaching sight-reading at the piano with confidence • d iscover new ideas to help improve your students’ sight-reading and general musicianship • g ain a clear understanding of the requirements for ABRSM Grades 1–5 sight-reading tests • d evelop a deeper understanding of musical shapes, patterns and lines • gain new confidence to excel at ABRSM Piano exams
Monday 29 March 2010 11.30am – 3.30pm (registration from 11.00am) Bentley Music Auditorium Wisma Bentley Music 3, Jalan PJU 7/2 Mutiara Damansara 47810 Petaling Jaya Selangor Malaysia
Name Identity card no. (if applicable)
ABRSM applicant no.
Wednesday 31 March 2010 9.30am – 12.00pm (registration from 9.00am) Beverly Hotel Lorong Kemajuan Kota Kinabalu Sabah 88000 Malaysia Joining the Dots: Book 5
Cost RM80 including light refreshments and a free copy of Book 5 of Joining the Dots: a fresh approach to piano sight-reading by Alan Bullard. Please note that all fees are non-refundable.
A Fresh Appro ach to Piano Sight-Read ing
CT ABRSM holders receive a 10% discount. Please enclose a copy of your certificate with your booking form. Please note that space is limited and places will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Please book early to avoid disappointment.
To reserve your place
Bill Thomson MA, DipEd, DipRSAMD, LRAM
To reserve your place, simply complete and return the attached booking form to: Jo Wong No 10-1, Jalan Equine 9B Taman Equine Bandar Putra Permai 43300 Seri Kembangan Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia Please return by 28 February 2010.
(if applicable)
Telephone Email
Alan Bullard
Your presenter
Bill is an ABRSM examiner and course leader, and is our South East Asia Regional Co-ordinator. He regularly presents seminars for music teachers throughout the region, and has taught music for over thirty years in Asia and the United Kingdom.
Please complete the form using BLOCK capitals and return to the address overleaf
I would like to book a place for: 29 March 2010 Matonday the Bentley Music Auditorium 31 March 2010 Watednesday the Beverly Hotel
am a CT ABRSM holder and would like to claim my I10% discount. I attach a copy of my CT ABRSM certificate
We would like to keep you up to date with other products and services from ABRSM that we think may be of interest to you. Please tick if you do wish to be contacted by:
post email telephone you are happy to receive information from other Ifcarefully selected organisations, please tick this box Please see overleaf for payment details