Athens Drive Magnet High School First Semester Exam Schedule 2017

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Monday, January 15. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, No School for Students. Tuesday, January 16. 7:25 – 12:00 ... exe
Athens Drive Magnet High School First Semester Exam Schedule 2017 - 2018 Schedule Friday, January 12 7:25 – 12:00 12:00 – 12:30 12:30 – 2:18

Special Notes 

Students are expected to take exams at the scheduled times. Students must be present at the beginning of the exam period to take the exam and must remain for the entire exam period to receive credit for the exam.

All exams, including CTE Post-Assessments, End-OfCourse (EOC) exams, NCFEs, and Teacher-Made exams count for 20% of a student’s final grade.

If absent from an exam, a student must submit a parent note to the Attendance Office upon return to school. The student is responsible for working with the teacher to schedule the make-up exam for a teacher-made exam. For a state exam (a CTE post assessment, NCFE, or an EOC), the assessment coordinator for state exams will schedule the make-up state exam.

Students who do not have an EOC exam do not report to school on January 12 or 16. Friday, January 19 is a Makeup exam day. Only students who miss an exam must report to campus this day to make-up any missed exams. Students who remain on campus after the EOC exam or make-up exams conclude must remain in the designated supervised areas and follow the schedule provided on those days.

According to North Carolina testing policy, students are not allowed to bring electronic devices (other than approved calculators) into the testing room at any time during state testing, including breaks. Any student with a cell phone/ electronic device during the testing period may be dismissed from testing, and a misadministration may be declared for that student. A student who has been dismissed for a violation of the electronic device policy must take the missed EOC exam on a make-up day. Per Wake County School Board Policy 3225, the student is subject to disciplinary action by school administration.

Buses will run on a regular schedule during exams.

Under no circumstance can students be on other school campuses on exam days.

The exam schedule is subject to change.

Math I EOC, English II EOC, or English III NCFE Lunch Post Exam Session

Monday, January 15 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, No School for Students Tuesday, January 16 7:25 – 12:00 12:00 – 12:30 12:30 – 2:18 Wednesday, January 17 7:25 – 10:25 10:25 – 11:10 11:15 – 2:18

Thursday, January 18 7:25 – 10:25 10:25 – 11:10 11:15 – 2:18

Friday, January 19 7:25 – 12:00 12:00 – 12:30 12:30 – 2:18

Biology EOC Lunch Post Exam Session

First Period Exam (NCFE, CTE, Teacher-Made) Lunch Second Period Exam (NCFE, CTE, Teacher-Made)

Third Period Exam (NCFE, CTE, Teacher-Made) Lunch Fourth Period Exam (NCFE, CTE, Teacher-Made)

Make-Up Exam Lunch Make-Up Exam or Post Exam Session

Per Board Policy 6000, seniors are not eligible for exemption from exams for courses with state testing requirements, including courses with North Carolina Final Exams (NCFE) (Advanced Functions & Modeling; American History: Founding Principles, Civics and Economics; American History 1; American History 2; Chemistry; Earth/Environmental Science; English 1, 3 & 4; NC Math 2; NC Math 3; Physical Science; Physics; PreCalculus; and World History), End-of-Course Exams (Biology, English II, and Math I), and all CTE Post Assessments.