athlete e-guide - Challenge Shepparton

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Nov 13, 2016 - Category Wave starts will be published online Wednesday Nov 12. Challenge ... cycle lap turnaround, as we
NOVEMBER 13, 2016



RUN 21.1



Race Director

Dallas O’Brien

Race Manager

Kane Osler

Operations Manager

Jordan O’Neill

Technical Delegate

Jenny Hosking

Event Co-ordinator

Liz Connick

Course Manager

Jimmy Lalor

Registration/Finish line Manager

Tim Smith

Volunteers Manager

Shepparton Triathlon Club – Stacey Shields SME360 - Blake Carpinteri

Timing Manager

OZ Timing

Venue Manager

Tom Mitchell

Race Referee

Brian Hinton

TEAMChallenge Series Director

Felix Walchshöfer

Challenge Australia Series Director

Marcus Altmann

Challenge Shepparton 7940 Goulburn Valley Hwy, Shepparton, Vic, 3632 PO Box 204, Shepparton, Vic, 3632 P: (03) 5820 3106 | E: [email protected] | W:

SME360 Level 1 327 Bay Street, North Brighton, VIC 3186 P: (03) 9595 3000 | E: [email protected] | W:


5Km and 10 Km Fun Run supported by Shepparton Runners Club Date: Saturday, 12 November, 2016 Time: 6:30am-7:50am: Race Kit Collection and Late Registration 7.50: Race briefing 8.00am: 10km start 8.15am: 5km start Venue: Victoria Park Lake Cost: 5km – $25; 10km – $30 Age: Participants under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult

Aqua Shop Open Water Swim supported by Shepparton Swim Club Date: Saturday, 12 November, 2016 Time: 12:30pm - 1:15pm: Kit Collection and Late Registration 1.00pm: Race Briefing (Lake Dash) 1.05pm: Lake Dash (650m) race start from southern end 1.30pm: Race briefing (1.2km and 1.9Km) 1.35pm: 1.2km race start from northern end 1.45pm: 1.9km race start from northern end Venue: Victoria Park Lake, North End Cost: $20 - $25 Age: 14 years and over McDonalds triKids presented by Shepparton Tri Club Date: Saturday, 12 November, 2016 Time: 3:00pm - 3:45pm: Kit Collection and Late Registration 3.50pm: Race briefing 4.00pm: Race Start First Wave 10-15 Years Second Wave 7-9 Years For safety reasons, each wave will be broken up into start groups and the swimmers will be spread accross all pool lanes Venue: Victoria Park Lake Cost: $20 Age: 7-15 years (Participants must be within the age categories as of event date)

Lakeside Criterium Series presented by Shepparton Cycling Club Date: Saturday, 12 November, 2016 Time: 5.15pm: Race briefing Start: 5:30pm Venue: Victoria Park Lake Race start location: Wyndham Street Entry: Refer to the Shepparton Cycling Club website



Challenge Expo, Kit Collection & Bike Check In Date: Time: Venue:

Saturday, 12 November, 2016 11am-4pm Victoria Park

All athletes must have collected their Race Kits, checkin their bikes into the transition by 4pm on Saturday. *eTickets will be emailed the Thursday prior to event. Present this at kit collection to prove identity. You must wear the wristband you recieve in your kit to gain access to the transition area.

Challenge Sprint Date: Distance: Time: Venue: Age: Kit Collection:

Sunday, 13 November, 2016 700m / 30Km / 7Km 6:00am 1st Wave Victoria Park Lake 15 + (Participants must be within the age categories as of event date) Saturday 12th November, 11am-4pm

Challenge Shepparton Date: Sunday 13 November 2016 Distance: 1.9 Km / 90Km / 21.1Km Time: 6:50am Elite Males 6:53am Elite Females 6:55am Age Group Waves Commence 11:00am Elite Male Presentations (approx) 11:30am Elite Female Presentations (approx) 12:00pm Road Reopens 12:00pm Transition Reopens 12:30pm Onwards - Age Presentations (approx) 3:00pm Challenge Expo Closes 3:30pm Course Closes Venue: Victoria Park Lake Age: 18+

4 PRE-RACE INFORMATION RACE KIT COLLECTION AND BIKE CHECK-IN 11:00am – 4:00pm on Saturday the 12th of November. – Victoria Park Lake All athletes must have their Race Kits collected, and bikes checked into the transition by the end of this time. *eTickets will be emailed after 6:00pm Thursday 10th November event. Present this at kit collection to prove identity. All professional athletes must have their professional race licence to present at registration.

RACE KITS Each race kit;  Race Belt - to attach race bib  Race Bib – must be clearly visible at all times o Race Bibs must be visible from the rear on the cycle leg and from the front on the run leg of the race. o Please write any important medical information such as allergies, medical conditions and any current medication and your emergency contact on the back of your race bib.  Helmet Sticker - to be placed on the right hand side of the helmet  Security wristband - for access to bike compound on race morning o The security ID wristband must be worn only on event day in order gain access and to remove your bike from the transition area at the completion of the race.  Bike Post Sticker - race number facing to either side of the bike. o The bike post sticker is important as it is used for timing the bike leg. o Stickers must NOT be cut or altered as this affects the ability of timing equipment to read the chips. o Stickers will be checked upon entry to the transition area by officials. o Please ensure that you do not bend or break the timing chip attached to your bike post sticker as this will provide your splits on the cycle course.  Ankle Band Timing Chip – to be worn on left ankle o If you withdraw during the race, please return your ankle timing band to the finish line collection area. o Any ankle band timing chips which are lost, broken or not returned at the completion of the race will incur a $50.00 AUD fee.  Helmet sticker, Bike sticker and Security wristband o must be on your equipment prior to entering the bike compound on Sunday morning.  Baggage Tags - attached to your race bib o must be looped around the bag strap before entering the bag compound.  Race Number/ Category Tattoos - applied as per instructions. o Race Number transfers are to be applied to the side of the Right Arm. The category Letter is to be applied to the back of the Right Calf. o Competitors are encouraged to apply these at home/accommodation prior to arriving at venue.  Swim Cap - must be worn during the swim

PRE-EVENT BIKE CHECK We recommend that all bikes and helmets are checked prior to the event. Athletes will have their equipment briefly inspected prior to entering the bike compound on race morning. Click HERE for a guide to Helmet Safety. Mechanics will be set up at the Challenge Shepparton venue from 11:00am-4:00pm on Saturday 12th November and again from 4:30am on race morning for any last minute bike checks or cycle gear requirements.

TIMING As an athlete, you will pass through over 15 timing points on the course including: -

Swim time as you enter the bike compound Bike splits every 22.5km T1 and T2 splits Run splits every 3.5km Finishers Certificate and Results Certificate featuring all splits Live timing on the Challenge Shepparton Twitter

5 PRE-RACE ATHLETE BRIEFING An athlete video briefing will be published Tuesday 8 th November at We will also have a short briefing with event updates at 6:40am on Sunday morning at the Swim Start at Victoria Park Lake including overview of the course and key rules and regulations, you will also be advised of any last minute changes that may differ from the information published in this document or on the web site.

SHEPPARTON CHALLENGE EXPO There is an Expo of sponsors and other retailers displaying at the Victoria Park lake venue on Saturday between 11:00am and 5:00pm and again on Sunday from 6:00am until 3:00pm. You can purchase any last minute gear needs, sample sponsor products and official race merchandise. Exhibitors include: Shepparton Show ME, Discover Shepparton, Red Bull, Project Clothing, Shepparton Renault, Aqua Shop, Endura, Get Into Cardio Tennis (Sat Only), Dare2Tri, Giant


WEATHER UPDATE Check the Challenge Shepparton Facebook page and Twitter account for up to date weather details on the day.


CLICK HERE FOR TRIATHLON AUSTRALIA RACE COMPETITION RULES (RCR) CLICK HERE FOR INTERACTIVE COURSE MAP SWIM COURSE INFORMATION- 1.9km The swim is a single-lap course with a deep water start, just south of the transition area in Victoria Park Lake. Lane ropes line the M-shaped course are a feature of the 1.9km course. The water temperature of Victoria Park Lake on the day is predicted to be around 21°C. Participants will be marshalled according to their swim cap and age group. It is important that you start in your allocated wave as this will affect your time. Elite Male race start is followed in 3 minutes by the Elite Female start. Age group starts will occur every 2.5 min thereafter. Wave starts will consist of approximately 60 athletes. Position yourself where you feel most comfortable. The M shaped swim course is indicated by three highly visible turn buoys and athletes must keep these and all intermediary marker buoys, on their left hand side, with the exception of the middle buoy (north end of course) which will be on the athletes right hand side. There will be 10 intermediary buoys marking the course. Once the swimmers have reached the end of the swim they will depart the water – via the temporary stairs, keep an eye out for the overhead swim finish sign – then head towards the Transition Area located in the middle of Victoria Park. The transition area includes a change tent and toilet for athletes to utilise during T1. Athletes must not leave any belongings in the change tent. The start line will be in the water, participants will enter into the water under the Swim Start overhead that will be across the boat ramp. Participants will start between two buoy markers. If for any reason you are unable to start the swim, you must hand your ankle timing band in at the Event Information Marquee prior to 6.00am, please also notify staff. Swim course will close 1 hour from race start for individuals and teams. The race director has the right to change the location of the swim course, the distance of the swim course or cancel the swim course (at their absolute discretion) taking into account the weather and water temperature conditions.

RACE RULES - SWIM 1. Swim cap provided, must be worn 2. A wetsuit may be worn depending on air and water temperature. Ruling advised on noticeboards, prior to and on morning of the event. 3. Competitor may use any swimming stroke for propulsion through the water, including treading water and floating. 4. Competitor may stand on the bottom and rest by holding an object ie buoy/paddleboard/boat. Must not make forward progress whilst doing so. 5. In an emergency, a competitor should raise an arm overhead and call for assistance. 6. If an athlete should decide to quit the race during the swim leg he/she must report immediately to the race director or the course marshals. 7. Swim cap, goggles and wetsuit must be taken to designated rack in transition.

7 WAVE STARTS Category Wave starts will be published online Wednesday Nov 12. Challenge Sprint race will start at 6:05am. Sprint competitors must have transition setups finalised and be at swim start by 5:45am Challenge Shepparton race will start at 6.50am. Challenge competitors must have transition setups finalised and be at swim start by 6:35am

TRANSITION AREA Helmets must be attached to bikes in the transition area. Shoes, including socks, may also be attached to the bike. Athletes must put on and fasten their helmets before un-racking their bike. No cycling is allowed within the transition area. Bikes must be pushed from the racks to the mount mat and at the finish of the bike; competitors must dismount at the mat and push their bike back to their rack. Please note your time in transition is part of your overall time – time is of the essence! Please note these instructions are for individual athletes only – teams should refer to the teams’ section at the end of this manual.


BIKE COURSE INFORMATION – 90km Once athletes have collected their bikes in the Transition Area, they run with their bikes towards the Mount Line on Trevaskis Parade. The 90km bike is an out-and-back, 2 lap course, heading through Shepparton and along the Midland Highway. Athletes head through the township of Mooroopna before turning and heading towards Toolamba. Participants will turn along Toolamba-Rushworth Road and through the small township of Toolamba. The turnaround point for the cycle leg is just past Bitcon road on Mooroopna – Murchison Road and returning to the venue. There will be toilets located on the bike course, at the cycle aid station. 1st lap athletes will be required to keep right in order to perform a U-turn in front of the venue to commence their next lap. 2nd lap cyclists will keep left and turn into the Transition Area. On approaching the venue at the end of the 90 km cycle, cyclists will dismount their bike on Trevaskis Parade before the dismount mat, and return to the Transition Area in Victoria Park Lake for T2. The race director has the right to change the location of the bike course or the distance of the bike course (at their absolute discretion) and taking into account the weather and course conditions. PLEASE NOTE: There is full road closure until 12:00pm, when roads become open to normal traffic. Any athletes still on the bike course, finishing after 11:30am, will still be permitted to complete the leg, however must follow and obey all Australian road rules. These athletes will be escorted back to the venue by motorcycle marshals who will ensure their safety.


CYCLE AID STATION Cyclists are advised to start the cycle leg with two full water bottles on their bike. The aid station will be located at the 40km mark, 62km mark, and 85km mark of the course, the cycle leg aid station will have the following nutrition supplies, laid out in the order below:




Note: There will also be Sunscreen and Vaseline available. All products will be served in drink bottles on the understanding that athletes will return empty bottles at the same time. No bottle, no drink. There is a bottle drop zone immediately prior to each aid station. Please do not drop bottles in any other place on course. Please discard empty drink bottles into a net prior to the station. When approaching the aid station you must slow your speed to protect the volunteers handing out the drink bottles. If you are not stopping you must ride on the right hand side of the road. Please remember that the marshals handing out drink bottles are volunteers and dissent will not be tolerated.

TECHNICAL SUPPORT ON BIKE COURSE No personal bike support is allowed on the cycle course, however, mechanical assistance marquee will be situated at the cycle lap turnaround, as well a roving mechanic out on course. They will have limited supplies and are for serious mechanical failures only. It is your responsibility to carry spare tubes and canisters (and know how to use them!) Please note you will be charged for any parts used during on-course technical support, however the support ‘service’ will be free of charge.


Competitor must wear footwear and a top. Competitor must wear an approved helmet. It must be secured by the chin strap before unracking the bike and must remain fastened until the cyclist has re-racked the bike. 3. Competitor must keep to the left hand side of the road, in single file, unless passing. 4. Competitor must keep a distance of 12 meters between leading edge of front wheel of their bike and leading edge of front wheel of bike ahead, unless passing. 5. Competitor must pass on the right and has 25 seconds to cycle through the 12 meter draft zone. They must be gaining on the forward competitor at all times. After passing they must move to the left when safe to do so. 6. Competitor passed must immediately drop back out of the draft zone of forward competitor before attempting to repass. A competitor is deemed to have been passed once the leading edge of the front wheel of passing bicycle has moved in front of leading edge of the front wheel of passed competitor’s bicycle, 7. Competitors must obey all traffic regulations unless otherwise instructed by event marshals and/or public authorities. 8. Competitors must not litter. 9. Each competitor is responsible for the state or repair of his/her own bike. Assistance by anyone other than official technical support personnel will be grounds for immediate disqualification. This disallows the use of spare wheels and back-up bikes and requires that each competitor be prepared to handle any possible mechanical malfunction. Participant may run/walk their bike if necessary. 10. If a competitor drafts, passes illegally or litters, they may be shown a BLUE card by a technical official and be instructed to report to the next Penalty Box to serve a 5 minute time penalty. If a competitor is shown two or more blue cards, they must serve the 2 or more 5 minute time penalties at next Penalty Box and may be disqualified at discretion of Race Referee. 11. If a competitor blocks others from passing, by not keeping the left, they may be shown a YELLOW card by the technical official and be instructed to report to the next Penalty Box to sign the Penalty Box register. When directed to do so by the Technical Official, they may resume racing. 12. A RED card may be shown by a Technical Official for a major infringement. After receiving a red card, the competitor may complete the event and is not required to serve a time penalty. At completion of the event, they must meet with the Race Referee who will rule on the violation.

10 DRAFTING Challenge Shepparton is a strictly non-drafting race. The draft zone is 12 meters. The athlete has 25 seconds to pass a competitor ahead. The athlete must be gaining on the forward competitor at all times. Once the pass is completed they must move safely to the left hand side of road. If a competitor is shown a BLUE, YELLOW or RED card by a Technical Official, they must: 1. Confirm their race number 2. Acknowledge and obey any instruction from the Technical Official 3. May complete event.


RUN COURSE INFORMATION – 21.1 km The run heads out of transition and along the Victoria Park Lake and Goulburn River bush path. The run course is a 21.1km course; each lap just over 7km in length. Runners follow the course past the swim start area, and around the Victoria Park Lake footpath between the lake and Aquamoves. The athlete will then follow Tom Collins Drive in a north west direction, where they will compete a u-turn at Trevaskis Parade then follow the course through the shaded native flora and fauna reserve. Runners then cross the Goulburn river and head south along Tom Collins Drive around to Fitzjohn Street, where they will complete a u-turn at the entry to the Victoria Lake Holiday Park and heading back along Tom Collins Drive. The athlete will follow Tom Collins Drive all the way to Aquamoves where they will then turn complete a whole lap of the Lake, before heading back into the venue to start the second lap. As athletes enter the venue, 1st and 2nd lap runners will keep left of the finish line where they will complete a u-turn to commence their next lap. On completion of the 3rd lap athletes keep right and will be directed to continue in to the finish chute and across the finish line, where athletes can claim the victory of conquering Challenge Shepparton. The u-turn on Tom Collins Drive and also the turnaround next to the finish line are great areas for family and friends to spectate from.

The race director has the right to change the location of the run course or the distance of the run course (at their absolute discretion) and taking into account the weather and course conditions.

11 RACE RULES – RUN 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

Competitors must clearly display their race bib number on their front. Competitors must wear shoes and a top. Runners must stay on the course at all times. If exiting the course at aid staions and/or toilet facilities, they must reenter the course at the same spot they exited. No individual support vehicles or non-participant escort runners or cyclists are allowed. Friends, family members, coaches or supporters of any type may not bike, drive or run alongside competitors, may not pass food or other items to competitors and should be warned to stay completely clear of all participants to avoid the disqualification of a participant. Runners are expected to follow the directions and instructions of all race officials and public authorities. Competitors must not litter. Competitors may not wear any electronic devices eg IPODs etc

RUN COURSE AID STATIONS The run leg aid stations are at the following intervals with toilets available at the first aid station and at the 4km point on the course.

# 1* 2 3

Lap 1 0.1km 1.9km 3.1km

Lap 2 7.1km 8.9km 10.1km

Lap 3 14.1km 15.9km 17.1km





Aid stations will have the following supplies. As well as Vaseline and Sunscreen. Aid Station 1 will also hold the Red Bull Aid Station serving diluted Red Bull.







Medical Recommendations If you are over 35 years of age, it is strongly recommended that you have a medical check-up prior to the event. There will be a qualified doctor on site during Challenge Shepparton as well as ambulances both in the venue and out on course. If you require medical assistance during this event or notice another competitor who may require assistance, please notify the next event marshal.

12 CARE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Challenge Shepparton is working with Greater Shepparton City Council to ensure that the event has a minimum impact on the local environment. All cups, bags and bottles are recyclable and we ask you to avoid littering this beautiful landscape.

Spectators & Venue Information Race Day Guide Available at the General Information marquee, as you enter the venue

Please leave all energy bar wrappers at the aid stations with the volunteers rather than discarding them along the course.

Parking Parking will be limited around the venue; CLICK HERE for Shepparton parking Map.

Please leave all drinks bottles, cups and wrappers at the aid stations.

ANTI-DOPING TEAMChallenge operates a zero tolerance policy to performanceenhancing drugs. No athlete may use any substances or procedures with the intention to improve performance, eliminate fatigue or any other purpose. Violation of this rule will result in instant disqualification. Random drug tests may be performed.

TEAM INFORMATION Each relay team will receive a race kit with three wristbands, three race number transfers and one ankle timing band. This ankle timing band represents the relay baton and therefore must be handed over to the next team number. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.

Please note on-street parking is available in most streets in the proximity of Victoria Park Lake, however there is no parking adjacent to the venue. Competitors are advised to arrive in the vicinity anticipating a short walk to the registration and check-in area.

Change to cycling The ankle timing band must be handed over to the cyclist next to his/her bike. Drinks for swimmers are available at the Recovery Area at the bike,

Cyclists Start: Wait beside your bike for your swimmer. You must take over the timing band from the swimmer within the transition zone at the bike. Cycle finish: You must hand over the timing band to the runner within the relay Transition Z one where your bike was racked once you have racked your bike. Please note that if you exceed the time limit of 4:15 hrs for the swim and Cycle Leg, the race director has the right to remove your team from the race.

Runners Cyclist update: W e suggest you arrive in transition to wait for your cyclist with plenty of time to spare Start: You must take over the timing band from the cyclist within the relay transition zone next to where his/her bike is racked. Once you have tagged your team-mate, please leave transition immediately – no unauthorised people to be in transition at any time. Accompanying participants on the race course, especially on the cycling and running course is strictly prohibited and will lead to the disqualification of the respective participant. No outside assistance is permitted. Team Meeting Point for Finish Swim and bike relay team members can meet up with their run team member at the top of the finish chute, at the family and friends area. All three team members may then run along the chute, complete the victory lap and cross the finish line together. Please note you will be directed by marshals, to ensure that you do not heed the path of other competitors.


At all times competitors must obey the instructions of Race Officials and Police Officers and beware of vehicular transport. Any competitor who fails to obey the instructions of Race officials or the Police will be removed from the Event and disqualified. The race director and race referee have the discretion to disqualify competitors. 2. While a full road closure will be in place for the duration of the cycle lag, public access, residential, emergency and Event vehicles will be using the course. 4. The Event Medical or Safety Team will have ultimate discretion and the final decision as to the suitability of a competitor to continue in the Event, and likewise if they should be withdrawn from the Event. 5. No competitor may use any banned substances with the intent to improve their performance, eliminate the sense of fatigue or for any other purpose. Random doping tests may be performed. 6. It is important that all competitors exhibit good behaviour and sportsmanlike conduct, and treat fellow competitors, event organisers, technical officials, volunteers and contractors with courtesy and respect. Failure to do so may result in disqualification at any time before, during or after the Event. 7. If a competitor withdraws from the Event they must advise the course officials of their withdrawal immediately. Any competitor failing to do so and being the subject of a resulting search and rescue operation will incur all costs relating to this exercise if they are found to be in their accommodation or other such safe place. 8. Challenge Shepparton reserves the right to alter rules, regulations, Event course and venues at any time provided athletes are advised prior to the Event, or if such a change is in the interest of competitor safety. 9. No headphones or headsets may be worn during the race. 10. Challenge Shepparton competitors may not compete with a bare torso. 11. Each competitor must be familiar with the entire course and it is their responsibility to follow the correct route. 12. For a PROTEST to be considered, it must be submitted to the Race Referee within the prescribed time and must be accompanied by a $100. If their protest is upheld, the $100 will be refunded in full. If the protest is not upheld, the fee will be forfeited. The PROTEST must be submitted in writing. A PROTEST cannot be made on a judgement call by a Technical Official. 13. Compulsory gear includes the swim cap provided by the event organisers 14. Challenge Shepparton reserves the right to implement the contingency plan in the interests of competitor safety but will not be held liable for any loss as a result of such a decision. In the event such a decision is made, if the conditions are still deemed to be unsafe, Challenge Shepparton has sole discretion, and may cancel the Event without obligation to refund entry fees. 15. Challenge Shepparton will offer a full refund to competitors who have purchased the Weather Cancellation Refund Policy with their registration, only if the race is cancelled by event organisers due to extreme weather conditions. 16. Challenge Shepparton may test any athlete for the use of a prohibited substance at its own discretion - a positive test resulting in disqualification. 17. Men: 1st: $4,000, 2nd: $3,000, 3rd: $1,500, 4th: $1,000, 5th: $500 Women: 1st: $4,000, 2nd: $3,000, 3rd: $1,500, 4th: $1,000, 5th: $500 Total: $20,000 Cash prize money applies to individual Elite Men and individual Elite Women's fields only. Prize money will be paid according to the overall gender race position, not category position. 18. Team categories include Men, Women and Mixed categories. 19. Age Group categories will be in 5 year intervals. Medals will be awarded to the top three in each age group so long as they are an official category. 20. Provided race numbers must be visible at all times throughout the cycle and run legs during race. 21. All athletes must register during the allocated times and attend the race briefing. All individuals and teams must rack their bicycles during the allocated times – there will be no exceptions to this rule. The Event organisers reserve the right to prevent anyone not adhering to these rules from racing.

14 TIMING Any athlete who drops out of the race MUST notify the finish line officials and return your timing chip. This is absolutely essential as it is vital we know where you are on the course at all times for your own safety. The timing band is to be worn throughout the entire race and can be attached using the velcro band above the left ankle. In case of loss of the timing band during the race, time-taking is not possible anymore which leads to the participant’s disqualification. The timing band is borrowed property and must be returned at the end of the race. Failure to do so will result in a $50 fine for its replacement. There is also a bike timing chip on your seat pad sticker. Official times will be listed at following the completion of the event

POST RACE INFORMATION RACE PHOTOGRAPHS Photography/Athlete Video is the official athlete photographer of Challenge Shepparton. photographs distance and endurance events around the world, with images displayed on the internet for viewing and offer an exciting range of print and digital photo options. The Digital Super Pack is particularly popular. It offers all identified images of an athlete in all purchase options. Digital orders are available to download the next working day from receipt of payment. To make sure you are captured in the 2016 race make sure your bib number is clearly visible – and always remember to smile! Photos will be available to order online at

RACE FINISH/RECOVERY AREA All finishers of Challenge Shepparton will receive a Finisher’s medal upon crossing the finish line. Finisher’s medals will be awarded to each team member. All finishers will also receive a Challenge finisher’s towel.

MARATHON PHOTOS are the official photographers of Challenge Shepparton. photographs distance and endurance events around the world, with images displayed on the internet for viewing and ordering. offer an exciting range of print and digital photo options. The Digital Super Pack is particularly popular. It offers all identified images of an athlete in all purchase options. Digital orders are available to download the next working day from receipt of payment. To ensure you are captured in the 2014 race make sure your bib number is clearly visible – and always remember to smile!

A short sports massage is available free of charge to all finishers from trained sports physiotherapists Goulburn Valley & District Sports Trainers Association. To ensure that the massage process runs as smoothly as possible there will be a staff Member to book you in for massage once you enter the recovery area. Massages are limited to 10 mins and are available to all individuals and team cyclists and runners. In addition, Goulburn Valley & District Sports Trainers Association will also offer their injury management services to participants. We strongly recommend taking time to have something to eat and drink before your massage.

15 PROTESTS AND APPEALS Any athlete who wishes to submit a protest or appeal must do so in person to either the race director or race referee, both of whom can be contacted through officials in the Race Venue. Protests and appeals must be made within the time limits specified in Triathlon Australia’s Race Competition Rules (RCR).

GEAR COLLECTION The transition area will re-open once the last competitor has left transition to commence the run leg for bike and gear bag collection. Only athletes can access the transition area for security reasons. Upon leaving the transition area with your bike, your wrist band number will be checked against your bike number, for athletes who cannot physically collect their bikes please provide support crew with your race bibs as identification to check against the bike number. No number, no bike - there will be no exceptions to this rule.

PRESENTATIONS Elite Male and Female presentations will take place immediately following the first three in each category crossing the finish line. Presentation times will be approximately 11:00am and 11:30am respectively. The remaining Elite Male and Female and the Age Group presentations will take place through the day near the Recovery Area as the results are finalised. As they will be rolling presentations, placing athletes will be asked to stay nearby after finishing to be presented their medal. Podium medals will be presented to 1st through to 10th place for both Male and Female Elite categories, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in all other categories.

All the best for your event! Remember to watch the Athlete Briefing Video, available Tuesday 8th November via





