Sep 7, 2014 - name shows up on the computer screen. ..... Line located between the Gondola entrance and Chalet des Voyag
ATHLETE GUIDE IRONMAN.COM/worldchampionship70.3
TO SUBARU IRONMAN 70.3 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Table of Contents Message from the Mayor 3 Message from the Race Director 4 Message from the Head Official 5
Race information every participating athlete needs to know for a smooth race experience
2014 Schedule of Events 6 Pre-Race Information 8
Your need-to-know information before race day
Congratulations and welcome to the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship! Your participation in this race indicates an extraordinary level of competence and commitment. You should feel proud to be at the starting line. On Sunday we will crown two professional World Champions, 24 Age Group World Champions and a Physically Challenged Champion. We all hope that you have the race of your life. As our first championship host location outside of the U.S., Mont-Tremblant offers a prestigious race venue and ideal conditions for the 2,500 athletes from around the globe competing. You’ve committed an incredible amount of time and energy to prepare for this and all of your hard work will soon pay off come race day. Seeing you accomplish your IRONMAN 70.3 dream is our top priority. My team and I are prepared and eager to help you have a safe and successful race on Sunday. Stunning Mont-Tremblant is the perfect location to begin the IRONMAN 70.3 Championship’s global rotation. As a sport, lifestyle, and community, IRONMAN has grown to become synonymous with renowned events, passionate competitors, and inspirational stories. Since its launch in 2006, the IRONMAN 70.3 Series has grown to include more than 70 events worldwide, and now offers the opportunity to race for the championship at an international location. Embrace the journey you take on Sunday and enjoy the unique backdrop that scenic Mont-Tremblant offers to you and your proud supporters. On behalf of the entire IRONMAN Team, we wish you an unforgettable experience and a successful day. Race strong!
Race Day Athlete Check List 9 Race Day Information 10 Timing Chip 11 Post-Race Information 12 Recovery and Awards Ceremony
Swim Course 13
Course map, waves, rules and regulations
IRONMAN SwimSmart Check List 15 Bike Course 16
Course map, turn-by-turn instructions, elevation map, rules and regulations
Bike Services 20 Find out about the Official Bike Store
Run Course 21
Course map, turn-by-turn instructions, elevation map, rules and regulations
Rules 23 Physically Challenged Rules 23 Anti-Doping Policies 25
Course map, turn-by-turn instructions, elevation map, rules and regulations
Merrell IRONKids Fun Run 26 presented by Banque Nationale
Sponsors 27 2
Welcome to Mont-Tremblant Be part of the IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant legend! It gives me a great deal of pleasure to wish you, our admired triathletes, the warmest of welcomes to the Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship! IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant is a young organization that has won its spurs over the past two years. This year, the Ville hosts three significant events including the Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship. For the first time in history, this championship will take place outside the Unites States. The coming of this event is a testimonial to the successful collaboration and incredible enthusiasm of the partners and our citizens. Mont-Tremblant is well known for hosting major events and competitions thanks to its exceptional surroundings, its infrastructure and the quality of its services. IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant thus offers a spectacular course with a good level of athletic challenge. Mont-Tremblant is a community that celebrates the outdoors, nature, culture and sports—and a place where you’ll experience for yourself our legendary hospitality. There are innumerable activities here and you and your family are sure to leave with a sense of happy fulfilment. Many positive repercussions have influenced the lifestyle and health of our people here since the initial IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant. In addition to truly adopting the event, a good number of residents have been getting back into shape themselves. Perhaps they’ll be beside you during this championship! I am delighted to welcome you to this sports event that unites the beauties of nature with personal challenge. I invite you, while you are here, to dive into, roll along and run through this wonderful adventure and to live every moment intensely. I would like to thank the organizers, volunteers and citizens who have provided their expertise, their time and their smiles to contribute to the success of this event and to offer you a warm welcome. Good luck to all participants!
It is a true honor for us to be hosting the Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship this year as it is, for the very first time in its history, held outside the United States. The best athletes in the world will converge for this long-awaited event, as it is the culmination of years of hard work and sacrifice for many. It is with great enthusiasm that volunteers, IRONMAN’s production team, partners and Subaru Canada have joined forces yet again to deliver a great event that will live in our hearts for many years to come. I would like to thank all of them, along with Mont-Tremblant’s local population and, of course, all the athletes who traveled from all over the globe for this event. As autumn and its lively colors are on their way to beautifully transform our landscape, I invite you to enjoy the region and the many activities that will be offered during the Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship week. Not only have we made room for our youth with the Merrell IRONKids presented by Banque Nationale race, we have also planned a variety of special race week activities. I wish you all a great time here and best of luck to all of the participating athletes!
MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD OFFICIAL So that you understand the rules on race day, please take the time to read and understand all rules and regulations in the Athlete Guide and the 2014 TC Competitive Rules. The POSITION violations are summarized below: • Always ride on the right side of your lane to avoid an ILLEGAL POSITION or BLOCKING penalty • Keep four bike lengths (seven meters) between your bike’s front wheel and the rear wheel of the cyclist in front of you to avoid a DRAFTING call • Always pass on the left of the cyclist in front of you; Never on the right to avoid an ILLEGAL PASS • Complete your pass within 20 seconds to avoid a DRAFTING penalty
Yan Therrien
[email protected] 2014 Triathlon Canada (TC) Competitive Rules apply except as indicated in the Athlete Guide. IRONMAN will operate under the “three strikes and you’re out” principle. Even though DRAFTING is the only violation to incur a time penalty (to be served in the closest penalty tent, located along the bike course), every type of violation counts toward your three strikes, and every bike course violation requires a stop in a penalty tent. Any combination of three violations results in a DQ.
DRAFTING VIOLATION RED CARD four minute time penalty served in a penalty tent on the bike course
BLOCKING VIOLATION YELLOW CARD stop and go time penalty served at the next penalty tent
LITTERING VIOLATION YELLOW CARD this is your third violation (third strike) and results in disqualification (you’re out)
• If passed, drop back four bike lengths before attempting to re-pass to avoid an OVERTAKEN or DRAFTING penalty Triathlon is an individual sport, and it is your responsibility to fully understand the rules and regulations in order to avoid any type of penalty. The referee’s ruling is final in the case of POSITION violations, and there are no protests or appeals. Other common violations include:
HELMET CHINSTRAP: Your chinstrap must be securely attached whenever you are on your bike on race day.
RACE NUMBER: You must wear your bib number during the run portion of the race. Your bike number sticker must be visible on the left side of your frame.
LITTERING: Do not throw ANYTHING outside of dedicated area aid stations.
UNAUTHORIZED EQUIPMENT: Absolutely NO electronic devices such as MP3 players, cell phones, Ipod, etc – No exceptions.
OUTSIDE ASSISTANCE: Non-racers are not allowed to ride or run alongside you. This is a penalty and may lead to disqualification. Remember that even though DRAFTING is the only violation that incurs a time penalty, you must go to a penalty tent for any violation to have your number marked, and all violations count toward your three strikes. There will be no penalty tents on the run. If you are penalized on the run, the official will mark your number and give you directions once occurred at that time and place. Please treat all other athletes, volunteers, and officials with courtesy and consideration. Not doing so is an UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT and may result in disqualification. I sincerely hope you have a great race and achieve all your goals.
7 a.m.
6 p.m.
Swim start: Beach and Tennis Club
9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m.
5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m.
9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m.
5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m.
Beach opens for swim training - CIRIM (Regional IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant Information Centre) Official IRONMAN Store Merrell IRONMAN Expo Cycle Technique IRONMAN Bike Store and Tech Service Centre IRONMAN Information Booth Media & VIP Welcome Centre IRONMAN Massage Therapy ($) Tremblant Kidz Club ($) Athlete Check-In Merrell Kid's Run and Family 5K Run registrations IRON Kids Village
IRONMAN Village IRONMAN Village IRONMAN Village IRONMAN Village Congress Centre IRONMAN Village Sommet des Neiges Congress Centre Congress Centre St-Bernard Chapel
7 a.m.
6 p.m.
Swim start: Beach and Tennis Club
9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m.
5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m.
9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 11:15 a.m. Noon 12:45 p.m. 5 p.m.
5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m.
7:10 p.m. 7:40 p.m. 8 p.m. 9 p.m.
7:35 p.m.
12:30 p.m. 7:10 p.m.
9 p.m.
Beach opens for swim training - CIRIM (Regional IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant Information Centre) Official IRONMAN Store Merrell IRONMAN Expo Cycle Technique IRONMAN Bike Store and Tech Service Centre IRONMAN Information Booth Media and VIP Welcome Centre IRONMAN Massage Therapy ($) Tremblant Kidz Club ($) Merrell Kid's Run and Family 5K Run registrations Athlete Check-In IRON Kids Village Merrell Kids 1k Run Merrel Family 5k Run Pro Panel Pro Athlete Briefing Quebec Welcomes Athletes to Banquet including Quebec Artists Performances Athlete Mandatory Meeting Official Athletes Parade IRONMAN Musical Show “Joie de Vivre” Subaru IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant Fireworks
IRONMAN Village IRONMAN Village IRONMAN Village IRONMAN Village Congress Centre IRONMAN Village Sommet des Neiges Congress Centre Congress Centre St-Bernard Chapel IRONMAN Stage IRONMAN Stage IRONMAN Stage Chalet des Voyageurs Banquet tent - IRONMAN Village Banquet tent - IRONMAN Village IRONMAN Village IRONMAN Stage IRONMAN Stage
7 a.m.
6 p.m.
Swim start: Beach and Tennis Club
9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m.
5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m.
9 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. 5 p.m.
5 p.m. 5 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m.
Beach opens for swim training - CIRIM (Regional IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant Information Centre) IRONMAN Massage Therapy ($) Official IRONMAN Store Merrell IRONMAN Expo Cycle Technique IRONMAN Bike Store and Tech Service Centre IRONMAN Information Booth Tremblant Kidz Club ($) Media & VIP Welcome Centre MANDATORY BIKE AND GEAR BAG CHECK-IN IRON Kids Village Athletes Blessing
IRONMAN Village IRONMAN Village IRONMAN Village IRONMAN Village IRONMAN Village Sommet des Neiges Congress Centre Ironman Village - Transition Zone St-Bernard Chapel St-Bernard Chapel
6 a.m.
7:15 a.m.
6 a.m. 6 a.m. 6 a.m. 6 a.m.
7:15 a.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m.
6:30 a.m. 8 a.m. 8:12 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. Noon 12:30 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
5 p.m.
5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 8:15 p.m.
Transition Area Opening and access to bike and transition bags Assistance for tattoo body marking Media and VIP Welcome Centre IRONMAN Information Booth Cycle Technique IRONMAN Bike Store and Tech Service Centre Tremblant Kidz Club ($) Pro Start Athlete official start - all age groups (waves) Official IRONMAN Store Merrell IRONMAN Expo IRON Kids Village Athlete Post-Race Food Bike & Gear check-out Banquet of Champions
5 p.m.
Lost and Found
IRONMAN Stage Congress Centre IRONMAN Village IRONMAN Village Sommet des Neiges Swim Start - Beach and Tennis Club Swim Start - Beach and Tennis Club IRONMAN Village IRONMAN Village St-Bernard Chapel Finish Line Area IRONMAN Village - Transition Zone Banquet Tent - IRONMAN Village
LOCATION Tremblant Guest Services Chalet des Voyageurs
Prior to departing for Mont-Tremblant, be sure to establish a communications plan with family and friends back home. Share the race day emergency contact listed below with those who may need to reach you in an emergency. Even if you are in Mont-Tremblant with family and friends, it is essential that you have a plan for contacting or reuniting with your group following the race. Race Day Emergency Contact IRONMAN Athlete Services 819-341-0524
[email protected]
Athlete Check-In hours are: Thursday, September 4, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday, September 5 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please note that Athlete Check-In will NOT be open on Saturday nor on race day. If you do not check in during the designated Athlete Check-In hours, you will not be able to race. Make sure to go through the timing procedure hosted by Sportstats in order to have your timing chip assigned and validated. ALL RACE PACKETS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 4 P.M. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014 Please bring the following items with you to Athlete Check-In: • Photo Identification •Triathlon Quebec (TQ) Memberships will be verified upon check-in. If you have not paid your one day license online and have yet to renew your membership, you will be required to pay $17,25 CDN to purchase a one-day license on site (taxes included). We will be sending an email reminder to all those who said they were members and are not. • If you are a professional athlete, you are required to submit proof of professional status at check-in with Triathlon Canada. USAT memberships are not valid for this event.
A wristband printed with your race number will be affixed to your wrist at Athlete Check-In. This band will identify you as an official participant and must be worn throughout the weekend of the event. The wristband is required for medical identification purposes and allows you access to both transition areas and post-race athlete recovery area. You will not be allowed to remove your bike and/or gear from transition after the race without your wristband affixed to your wrist (see bike check-out details).
Each athlete has a complimentary entry, with the show of the wrist band, to the carbo dinner. It is being held on Friday, September 5 at 5 p.m. Guests’ tickets are available and limited. They will be for sale on the event’s website, at the information booth and at the venue for $30 per ticket. Kids rates available. It is first come, first served.
During Athlete Check-In, athletes will receive three bags: Grey [Morning Clothes] Blue [swim-to-bike (T1)] Red [bike-to-run (T2)] Morning Clothes Bag “grey”: Clothes you will not wear during your race. There will be a drop off location by the beach at the swim start. They will be brought back to the transition area along with your T1 and T2 bags. Do not put your bike pump in this bag, leave it with a family member or a friend. T1 Bag “blue”: All your bike gear such as shoes, helmet, sun glasses, warmers, etc. It is MANDATORY that your helmet is in your T1 Blue bag and not on your bike, but your shoes may be clipped into your pedals. Nothing may be left on the ground around your bike in transition. T2 Bag “red”: All your run gear such as running shoes, hat, new socks, water belt, etc
Always train with at least one other person (especially in the open water swims). Register at CIRIM (IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant Regional Information Centre) for swimming. There, you will have access to race and training courses and can also borrow a swimming buoy. While swimming, please wear a brightly coloured swim cap and ensure that your family members and/or friends know where you are. Swim in the designated area marked with cones. When training, please bike and run on the shoulder without moving into the traffic lane. Please be courteous and aware that people sharing the roads with you are people you will count on during race day to fulfill your physical and emotional needs. Please ride in a single file, as biking side by side is illegal. When running, use sidewalks. Make sur you always carry an ID with you when training on the bike and run courses.
Please make sure to train in designated lanes marked with white buoys with a swimmer pictogram. Stop by the CIRIM to get all required information and details on training courses. The swim course utilizes a body of water that is open to the general public for swimming, boating and other recreational and commercial activities. Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship wishes to caution all participants that it does not provide lifeguard services prior to the event, and that all participants who swim prior to race day will do so at their own risk. While we make reasonable efforts to inspect the swim entry and exit points water hazards, the inspection does not take place until just before the swim discipline starts. Participants are further admonished to exercise cautiously and use common sense if they elect to swim prior to the event and to be mindful of water hazards. Keep in mind that this is a natural body of water and is subject to hidden hazards including, but not limited to: currents, underwater obstructions and indigenous marine life.
You are asked to check your bike in transition Saturday September 6 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. You will rack your bike at the designated area. While bikes are stored in transition, athletes will be allowed to cover their seats and handlebars only from inclement weather. Full bike covers ARE NOT ALLOWED as they present a safety hazard to volunteers and other competitors. Full bike covers will be removed from any bikes left in transition once Bike Check-In is over. Bags need to be checked-in at the two designated locations. T1 bags inside the large tent and T2 bags within transition. You will have access to your bike and gear bags beginning at 6 a.m. on race morning, but you will not be allowed to remove your bike from transition until the start of the bike portion of the race. No loose gear will be allowed on the ground next to the bicycles in transition.
You will be given a bike and gear bag check out ticket at Athlete Check-In for your friends and/or family to utilize in case you’re unable to collect your bike and personal items from the transition zone after your race. Please write the name of the person who is to pick up your bike and equipment bags and sign (back of the ticket). Your friend or family member must present this ticket and a photo ID to be able to remove your items from transition. This enforcement is for security reasons.
□□ Directions to Hotel □□ Directions to Athlete Check-In □□ Directions to Race Start □□ Directions to Race Finish □□ Photo I.D. □□ Valid Triathlon Québec Membership Card (if
□□ Fuel Belt □□ Race Belt or Safety Pins □□ Bib Number □□ Hat/Visor □□ Reflective tape (if applicable) □□ Running Shoes □□ Socks □□ Sunglasses □□ Water Bottle
you paid for a one-day license online, no need to bring a card)
□□ Bike Services/Tune up □□ Attend Athlete Check-In □□ Attend Athlete Briefing □□ Study the race courses and plan your nutrition
□□ Timing Chip and Strap □□ Swimsuit/Wetsuit (if applicable) □□ Goggles (consider a spare pair as well) □□ Race Day Swim Cap (provided at Check-In) □□ Ear Plugs/Nose Plug (optional) □□ Throw away long sleeved shirt and shoes to wear and place in your provided Morning Clothes Bag
□□ Body Glide □□ Antibacterial □□ Contacts or Rx Glasses □□ Heart Rate Monitor & Chest Strap □□ Towel □□ Hair Ties □□ Chapstick □□ Post-Race Clothing □□ Extra Swimsuit and Cap for practice swim (if applicable)
□□ Extra Tri Kit for practice □□ Have a Great Race!
□□ Bike Pump □□ Extra Nutrition □□ Extra Water Bottles □□ Aero Watter Bottle Straw □□ Bike Repair Kit Bar-end plugs CO2 Cartridge(s) Spare Tire Spare Tube Tire levers Valve Stem Extenders Patch Kit Wrench Set/Tools
□□ Vaseline □□ Sunscreen □□ Helmet □□ Sunglasses □□ Bike Shoes □□ Socks □□ GPS Watch or Bike Computer
Free parking for the race will be available at the resort. Area hotels offer 1,400 indoor parking spaces in addition to 1,110 more parking spaces within accommodations outside of the pedestrian village. If you are not staying on site, you will have access to parking lots P2, P6 and P3. NOTE: If you must leave the site before roads reopen after the last bike is in, please ensure you are not parked in P2, P6 and P3 parking lots since those will be unaccessible. If you are parked at your hotel, ask the attendant for details on getting out before the end of the race.
Public Transit
Aid Stations
There will be four strategically placed (approximately every 15 km/ 9 miles) aid stations on the bike course and thirteen aid stations located approximately every 2 km (1.2 miles) on the run course. This is what you will find at Aid Stations, in the following order:
IRONMAN Perform Honey Stinger Waffles Honey Stinger Gels Bananas Water
Public Transit will be free during the Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship as of 5 a.m.
Race morning procedure
Athlete check-in will not be offered on race day. Athletes may enter Transition starting at 6 a.m. NO EARLIER. Transition will close at 7:15 a.m. Arrive early enough to check on your bike, pump your tires and affix what you want onto your bike but nothing can be left on the ground beneath your bike. Remember: your helmet must be placed in your T1 bags. You will not be permitted into the transition area without your wristband securely on your wrist. Bike technicians and bike pumps will be available in the transition area on race morning.
If you need a replacement wristband, swim cap, or Timing Chip, please see Athlete Services area in Transition or at the beach start.
A body tattoo with your race number for each arm will be in your registration packet. You should apply it the night before following the instructions in your registration packet. Intentional alteration to the body tattoo of any kind is STRICLY PROHIBITED. If you need help, volunteers will be available on race morning, by transition, until 7:15 a.m.
Bibs only need to be worn for the run section and must be worn in front. You can wear you bib for the bike section, but please do not wear it during the swim.
Run - 3 water stations and 6 aid stations offering: Water IRONMAN Perform Cola Red Bull Honey stinger Chews Honey stinger Gels Bananas Oranges Pretzels IRONMAN Perform Water
Race Timing and Cut-Offs
The race will officially end 8 hours and 30 minutes after the final swim wave. Aid station stops, transitions, etc., will be included in your total elapsed time. Splits will be recorded for each segment of the race. The following cut-off times apply for each segment of the race:
Swim Cut-Off
Bike Cut-Off
1 hour and 10 minutes 5 hours and 30 after the athlete’s minutes after the wave start. athlete’s wave start.
Run Cut-Off
8 hours and 30 minutes after the athlete’s wave start.
Note: All athletes must exit transition and start the bike by 10:28 a.m. All athletes must exit transition and start the run by 2:48 p.m. IRONMAN reserves the right to remove an athlete from the course and DNF the athlete if our course staff determines there is no possibility of an athlete finishing the given discipline (swim, bike, run) before the posted cut-off times based on an athlete’s location, time and average speed up to that point.
Timing Chip
You will need to wear your timing chip for all race sections.
Personal Prescription Drop-Off
Prescription Glasses and emergency items required for the race but that cannot be carried during the swim (such as insulin pumps, Epipens, etc.) can be dropped off at the Prescription glasses table by the Swim Start’s inflatable arch before the first wave starts. These items will be transferred to swim out before the first wave arrives at swim out. Find the Prescription Glasses Sign by the Athlete Services flag at swim out.
TIMING CHIP Competitor Responsibilities When you pick up your race packet and Timing Chip at Athlete Check-In, stop by the chip verification table to ensure that your correct name shows up on the computer screen. You must wear your Timing Chip at all times while you are racing. Prior to the swim, fasten the chip to your left ankle with the strap provided and do not remove it until you have finished the run. You may apply Vaseline around your ankle; it will not affect the Timing Chip. Volunteers will help you remove the chip at the finish line.
Timing Chip Return If you drop out or are pulled from the race at any time, turn in your chip to the first person working for the organization or ideally, to a race official to ensure we do not waste time searching for you. Failure to do so may disqualify you from participating in future WTC events. If you are transported to any medical station, the medical staff will take responsibility for your chip. If you do not start the race, you are responsible for returning the chip to Sportstats - Timing. at the swim start, transition zone or finish line. Your race chip is a loaner. By picking up your race number and Timing Chip, you are guaranteeing that you will return the chip to timing, or you will be billed for its replacement.
Losing your chip during the race If you lose your Timing Chip during the event, you are responsible to notify a volunteer at bike out and/or run out for a replacement chip that will be assigned to you on the time and place. If you forgot it before starting the race, Sportstats will have some extra at the swim start. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that your original Timing Chip gets returned to Sportstats. If you lose your Timing Chip while on the run course, please notify a timing official immediately after crossing the finish line.
Failure to wear your Timing Chip on race day, return your chip after the event or pay the replacement cost of your lost chip may disqualify you from future WTC events.
Awards Ceremony
IRONMAN Medical Clinic
Pro Prize Purse - $250,000
Athlete post-race food area is open from noon to 6 p.m. The athlete post-race food area is for athletes only and your athlete wristband provides you with access to this area.
The medical clinic is located at Tremblant’s Congress Centre and is for athletes only. For information on an athlete receiving medical treatment at the tent, please make your way to the first floor of the Congress Centre.
Bicycle and Gear Recovery
You are required to reclaim your bicycle and gear at the transition area between 12:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. after your race. You must have your athlete wristband on for entry into the transition area. If you are unable to personally claim your bike and gear, a family member or friend may use your bike and gear check-out ticket that will be provided in your race packet. Please write the name of the person who is to pick up your bike and equipment bags and sign (back of the ticket). Your friend or family member must present this ticket and a photo ID to be able to remove your items from transition. This enforcement is for security reasons.
Morning Bag Check-Out
Morning bags will be available for pick-up in the transition area along with your T1 and T 2 bags. You will need to show your wristband to pick up your bag.
Lost and Found
Lost objects will be brought to Tremblant’s Guest Services Desk located in Chalet des Voyageurs for only one week. Phone : 819-681-3000, ext. 46817.
The Banquet of Champions (awards ceremony) is scheduled for 6:15 p.m. at the banquet tent on Sunday, September 7, 2014.
1st place 2nd place 3rd place
$40,000 $20,000 $15,000
4th place 5th place 6th place 7th place 8th place 9th place 10th place
$12,000 $9,000 $7,500 $6,500 $5,500 $5,000 $4,500
Race Photography
Finisher Pix is proud to have been selected as the official photographers for the 2014 Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship. Finisher Pix will photograph all athletes and make these photos available to view and order online after the race.
What you need to do: • Be sure to have your race/bib number visible at all times. • Smile when you cross the finish line! • Visit to view and order your photos. • Have your number visible on the FRONT of your bike helmet so you can be identified in your cycling photos. • Keep your bib number visible on the FRONT of your body during the run and at the finish line so you can be easily identified. • Smile and celebrate when you cross the finish line! Don’t worry about touching your watch, the timing company will ensure an accurate record of your achievement. Register your email address at to be notified as soon as photos are online.
SWIM 1.9 KM / 1.2 MI
Athletes will start the 1.2-mile swim on the golden sands of the Beach & Tennis club, right beside the Tremblant pedestrian village. From there, you will enjoy the view of the sheltering mountains around this lovely, pristine lake. Lac Tremblant is a clean freshwater lake, with relatively calm waters at this time of the year; the average water temperature on race day should be a comfortable 65F/18C. The swim ends at the beach park (Parc Plage), 300 meters from the transition point, at a small beach near the Quintessence, the region’s most luxurious hotel.
Swim Waves Chart Wave 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Cap color
8:00am 8:03am 8:05am 8:12am 8:16am 8:20am 8:24am 8:28am 8:32am 8:36am 8:40am 8:44am 8:48am 8:52am 8:56am 9:00am 9:04am 9:08am
MPRO WPRO PC/HC M30-34 F40-44 M35-39 M18-24 M40-44 F30-34 M45-49 M25-29 F18-29 M50-54 F35-39 F45-49 F50+ M60+ M55-59
Fluo Yellow Flou Pink Fluo Green Yellow Purple Green Orange Powder Blue Red White Pale Green Silver Orange Blue Cardinal White Silver Pale Green
SWIM TO BIKE TRANSITION After the swim, you will be directed through the timing chutes to the swim-to-bike transition. Public nudity is not permitted so if you need to change your race gear, there will areas inside the T1 tent where you can change. Sunscreen will be available from volunteers just past these change tents before entering the transition area. You can only get on your bike after you cross the bike MOUNT starting line and sign. It is located OUTSIDE the transition zone. When you return from the bike course, you must dismount your bike before reaching the DISMOUNT sign and line. Bike catcher volunteers will be located just past this dismount line to take your bike from you. They will rack your bikes for you while you run to your T2 bag and change into your run gear and head out on the run.
• Athletes must wear cap provided by race. • No fins, gloves, paddles, or flotation devices of any kind are allowed. • No Aqua socks (neoprene booties) unless the water temperature is 65.0 degrees Fahrenheit or colder. • Swim goggles or facemasks may be worn. • No individual paddlers or escort allowed. The course will be adequately patrolled by boats, canoes and paddleboards. • Any assistance required during the swim will result in disqualification if forward progress was made. Athletes are permitted to use kayaks and boats as aid, as long as forward progress is not made. Special provisions are made for PC athletes. Course officials and medical personnel reserve the right to remove athletes from the course if determined medically necessary. • The swim course will be CLOSED one hour and ten minutes after the start of the last wave. Any athlete who has not crossed the timing mat at the swim exit after one hour and ten minutes after the last wave will not be permitted to continue the event. Contestants still in the water after this time will be listed as DNF and will not be permitted to continue in the event.
Wetsuits • Wetsuits cannot measure more than 5 mm thick. • Wetsuits may be worn in water temperatures up to and including 24.5 degrees Celsius/76.1 degrees Fahrenheit. Athletes who choose to wear a wetsuit in water temperatures between 24.5 degrees Celsius/76.1 degrees Fahrenheit and 28.8 degrees Celsius/83.8 degrees Fahrenheit will NOT be eligible for awards. Wetsuits will be prohibited in water temperature greater than 28.8 degrees Celsius/83.8 degrees Fahrenheit. • Full wetsuits are permitted (arms and legs covered). • Prohibited Wetsuit: De Soto Water Rover
Non-Wetsuit Legal Swim Advisory If the water temperature on race day is between 24.5 degrees Celsius/76.1 degrees Fahrenheit and 28.8 degrees Celsius/83.8 degrees Fahrenheit, there will be TWO (2) corrals set to enter the water. The first corral will be for WETSUIT CHIP-IN and the second will be for NON-WETSUIT CHIP-IN. *Athletes are encouraged to attend the Mandatory Athlete Briefing as well as listen for PA announcements race morning for water temperature details and procedures.
Swimwear Policy (non-wetsuit legal swims only) Swimwear must be 100% textile material, which is defined as materials consisting of natural and/ or synthetic, individual and non-consolidated yarns used to constitute a fabric by weaving, knitting and/or braiding. Simply put, this would generally refer to suits made only from nylon or Lycra that do not have any rubberized material such as polyurethane or neoprene. Swimwear must not cover the neck, extend past the shoulder, nor extend past the knees. Swimwear may contain a zipper. A race kit may be worn underneath swimwear. Compression gear (clothing covering any part of the arms below the shoulders or any part of the legs below the knee) may NOT be worn DURING non-wetsuit swims. Compression gear MAY be worn upon completion of nonwetsuit swims or during wetsuit legal swims.
NOTE: Any athlete electing not to race must notify a timing official immediately. Above all, the safety of each swimmer is our prime concern. A full sweep of the course will be made directly behind the last swimmer. Visual aid will be provided by the lifeguards, divers, canoes, kayaks, buoys, and aquatic crafts that line the course.
IRONMAN SWIMSMART TOP 10 CHECKLIST An open-water swim in a triathlon is substantially different from swimming in a pool. To alleviate stress, it’s important that you arrive on race day healthy, fit and prepared. Here’s a top-10 checklist to help get you ready.
1. Prepare for Race Conditions
• Race day should not be your first open water swim. Make sure some of your training replicates real race conditions, including water temperature, proximity to other swimmers and wearing a wetsuit if needed.
2. Race in Shorter Events
• Being properly trained is the best way to reduce anxiety. If possible, race in shorter events and clinics to prepare yourself for open water conditions. • For extra guidance, talk to a coach or your local triathlon club.
3. Learn About Course Details
• It’s important to prepare yourself mentally as well as physically prior to race day. Thoroughly review the race website and pre-race communication to familiarize yourself with the course. • Keep in mind, every body of water is different, so you’ll need to educate yourself on water current and surf conditions. • Study the event timetable to plan for proper arrival and preparation.
4. Ensure Heart Health
• As an athlete in training, you should take the proper steps to assess your health with your physician. • The American Heart Association suggests a 12-step screening process for competitive athletes. This includes a physical exam as well as an assessment of your family history and personal heart health.
5. Pay Attention to Warning Signs
7. Warm Up on Race Day
• Arrive early enough on race day for a proper warm-up prior to the start, preferably in the water. • If you aren’t able to warm up in the water, spend between 5 and 10 minutes getting loose. • Be sure to do some cardio activity, such as a light jog, to increase circulation and prep your muscles.
8. Check Out the Course
• Get comfortable with the course by checking out water conditions, the swim entry, exit layouts, along with turn buoy locations. • Identify basic navigation points so that you know what you are swimming towards.
9. Start Easy – Relax and Breathe
• Don’t race at maximum effort from the start. • Relax and focus on proper breathing technique as you settle into a sustainable pace.
10. Be Alert and Ask for Help
• In a race setting always stop at the first sign of a medical problem. • If you or a fellow athlete needs help, just raise your hand to alert a lifeguard or safety boat. • Race rules allow for competitors to stop or rest at any time during the swim. • Feel free to hold on to a static object like a raft, buoy, or dock. • You may also rest by holding on to a kayak, boat or even a paddleboard. As long as you don’t use it to move forward, you won’t face disqualification.
• If you experience chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, light-headedness or blacking out while training, consult your doctor.
6. Don’t Use New Gear on Race Day
• Focus on controlling as much as you can on race day. • You should never race in equipment you haven’t trained in. This is not the time to test new gear. • Make sure your wetsuit fits properly and that your goggles, swim cap and other accessories work properly. • Prepare for the unexpected with backups of all your gear.
BIKE 90 KM / 56 MI
The 90-km bike course will take you through a beautiful natural landscape punctuated by two rivers: the Diable and Rouge. Montée Ryan is rather hilly with some ups and downs at 5% or 6%. When you get to Route 117, you will face a change in elevation and reach the steepest slope of the course where you will catch speeds of about 80 km/h on about 165 meters. The rest of the 117 is relatively flat, but if the wind picks up, it could become your worst enemy! On the way back, you will face the longest climb of the course on Route 117; the same slope at La Conception that got you to 80 km/h… After a couple of kilometres in the centre of Mont-Tremblant, you will be led back to Montée Ryan and then be directed toward the Municipality of Lac-Supérieur via Chemin Duplessis. This road runs along the river La Diable where the most challenging elevation change of the course will take you from 225 meters to 340 meters with a maximum slope of 15%. Mont- Tremblant is proud of its bike course. Approximately 95% of the course is closed to all traffic and 70% of its surface was newly paved in 2012.
• Right on Chemin des Voyageurs leaving the transition zone • Right on Chemin Duplessis • Left on Montée Ryan • Right on Route 117 North to km 143 • At km 143, do a u-turn, and stay on the same Route 117, going South • Left on Chemin de Brébeuf • Right on Rue de St-Jovite • U-turn at Rue Filion • Keep on going until Rue Demontigny to take the service road for Route 117 North • Right on Montée Ryan • Right on Chemin Duplessis • U-turn on Chemin Duplessis at 9 km after Chemin des Quatre-Sommets • Right on Chemin des Voyageurs • Left in the transition zone area (ll)
BIKE 90 KM /56 MI
1. Position Rules:
• The athlete will:
• Absolutely NO DRAFTING of another bike or any other vehicle is allowed. • Athletes must keep 7 meters (approx 4 bike lengths) distance between bikes except when passing. Failure to do so will result in a drafting violation. • A pass occurs when the overtaking athlete’s front wheel passes the leading edge of the athlete being overtaken. • Overtaking athletes may pass on the left for up to 20 seconds, but must move back to the right side of the road, after passing. Failure to complete a pass within 20 seconds will result in a drafting violation. Athletes may not back out of the 7 meter draft zone once it is entered (drafting violation). • Overtaken Athletes must immediately fall back 7 meters (approx. 4 bike lengths) before attempting to regain the lead from a front running bike. Immediately re-passing prior to falling back 7 meters will result in an overtaken violation. • Overtaken Athletes who remain within 7 meters (approx. 4 bike lengths) for more than 20 seconds will be given a drafting violation. • Athletes must ride single file on the far right side of the road except when passing another rider, or for reasons of safety. Side by side riding is not allowed and will result in a position violation. • Athletes who impede the forward progress of other Athletes will be given a blocking violation. • Athletes committing rules violations will be notified “on the spot” by an official. • Do not attempt to discuss the penalty with the official
1. Report to the next PT and tell the PT Official whether you were shown a RED CARD or a YELLOW CARD. If you fail to report to the next PT, you may be disqualified. 2. Register, via the sign-in sheet 3. Resume the race immediately upon registration for all non-drafting violations (YELLOW CARD). 4. Remain in the PT for the time indicated in the table below, for each drafting violation (RED CARD): 5. Be disqualified if you receive any combination of three penalties. If you are disqualified, you may finish the bike course but may not start the run. 6. Be disqualified for not reporting to the PT.
attached to the pedals. Shoes and shirt must be worn at all times.
Offenses for IRONMAN 70.3
11. A helmet approved by a nationally
• The official will:
5. Athletes must obey all traffic laws while
i. Call out your race number and/or notify you that you have received either a RED CARD for drafting or a YELLOW CARD for any other penalty. The official will show you the corresponding coloured card. ii. Instruct you to report to the next penalty tent (PT) on the course. There will be at least two PT’s on the course.
The exact location of the PT’s will be stated at the pre-race meeting
7. Shoes must be in the bike gear bag or
course for the Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship. For the run course, the bib number must be placed low in front of the jersey where it is clearly visible. Folding or cutting bib number or intentional alteration of any kind is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Race belts may be worn.
9. Athletes must wear a bike helmet number on the front of their helmet.
10. Athletes must have a bike frame
number fixed to their bike and the entire number must be clearly visible from the left side. accredited testing authority is required during the entire bike portion including in and out of transition area. Athletes riding without an approved helmet or chinstrap not fastened may be disqualified. Alterations to hard-shell helmet, which affect its integrity, are not allowed.
1st offense: 4 minutes 2nd offense: 4 minutes 3rd offense: Disqualification
2. Bicycles must be racked in a manner
such that the majority of the bicycle is on the athlete’s side of the bike rack.
12. No individual support allowed. Ample
aid and food stations will be provided. Friends, family members, coaches, or supporters of any type may NOT bike, drive, or run alongside athlete, may not pass food or other items to athlete and should be warned to stay completely clear of all athletes to avoid the disqualification of an athlete. It is incumbent upon each athlete to immediately reject any attempt to assist, follow or escort.
3. No tandems, recumbents, fairings, or
any add-on device designed exclusively to reduce resistance are allowed. Any new, unusual, prototype equipment will be subject to a determination of legality by the event organizer and/or Head Referee.
4. The sole responsibility of knowing and
following the prescribed cycling course rests with each athlete.
13. Do not litter. Any item that needs to be
discarded, including but not limited to water bottles, gel wrappers, energy bar wrappers, broken bike parts, or clothing items, may only be discarded in the trash drop zones (hockey goals) at each aid station. Discarding any item outside of the trash drop zones will result in a penalty.
on the cycling course unless otherwise specifically directed by an official, race monitor or designee with actual authority. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.
6. No athlete shall endanger himself or
8. Bibs do not have to be worn on the bike
another participant. Athletes who intentionally present a danger to any athlete or who, in the judgment of the Head Referee, appear to present a danger to any athlete may be disqualified.
BIKE COURSE RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS: Please understand that based on permits for the roads on the course and the safety of athletes involved, cut-off times must be respected for all IRONMAN 70.3 events.
Local Traffic Laws
14. Athletes must be individually responsible 19. Medical Support If you need for repair and maintenance of their own bike. Athletes should be prepared to handle any possible mechanical malfunction. Assistance from official race personnel is permitted. Cycle Technique will offer mechanical emergency support during the event. Technicians on scooters and 1 mechanical support area will be set on a the course to help you with emergency repairs such as replacing a tube, tire, chain, etc. These scooters will be on the course all day, but are limited in numbers. Ensure you are autonomous.
minor medical assistance, Sag Wagons will pick you up and take you to the medical clinic on-site, where you shall receive treatment. Alternatively, depending upon medical emergency, ambulances will take you to the nearest hospital to receive treatment. If you have a technical problem or have bonked, the Sag Wagons will take you to the next aid station or to the medical clinic, depending on the situation.
Please remember that members of the local community use sections of the bike course roads. During the race, about 90% of bike course is closed to vehicles, and where vehicles can circulate, they do so on shoulders. You always have the main road and shoulders are reserved for local traffic and organization vehicles.
may not make progress on the bike course unaccompanied by their bicycle.
At every bike and run aid station, there will be rest areas and medical personnel to assist in any medical problem. Additionally, there will be radios to contact ambulances and medical assistance. If you have a problem, please go to an aid station for further assistance.
16. Bike inspection is not mandatory and
20. Bike aid stations are located
15. Athletes may walk bike, if necessary, but
will not be provided at bike check-in, although technicians will be available. Athletes are ultimately responsible for their own bikes. However, race officials may at their discretion make final judgment as to the soundness of bikes. In the event of foul weather, large plastic bags which cover the entire bike, will be permitted as long as the bags are securely fastened to the bike.
17. Communication devices of any type,
such as cell phones and two-way radios are strictly prohibited during competition. Use of such devices will result in disqualification.
18. Headsets or headphones are not allowed during any portion of the event
approximately every 12 miles. It is your responsibility to slow for safe nutrient pick-up. Call out your requirements clearly and in advance. Crews are instructed not to step across the white line for handoffs.
When you are training on the course, realize that you are an ambassador for the sport and the event and the impact of your actions is far reaching. When you’re out riding the course, please adhere to local traffic laws and go the extra mile to be courteous and respectful to the resident of the local community. When training, please follow these suggestions: • Please ride single file with a maximum of 15 riders. This is not just for your safety but also to ensure local drivers can get where they need to go without delay and frustration.
It is imperative that you don’t toss bottles, cups or nutrient bags on the roadside along the course. You must throw your trash in the hockey goals that are placed before and after each aid station. A penalty will be assessed for discarding litter outside the designated drop zone.
• Please obey traffic laws (stop at stop signs, signal when turning, etc.).
Help us keep the course clean. Do not urinate on private properties, you could get a penalty. You will find toilets at each aid station.
• Please do not use private property as a toilet. There are plenty of local stores along the way with public bathrooms – please use them! • Please do not litter. Keep your energy bar and gel wrappers with you until you find a trash can. • Please ask your friends and family members to refrain from painting the roads along the course. This defaces public property and is a punishable offense.
788 Atwater Avenue Montreal, Quebec H4C 2G9 Cycle Technique is the official bike shop for the 2014 Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship. Cycle Technique staff will be at the IRONMAN Village selling parts and accessories and providing expert tech service for any repairs that you may need prior to race day. On race day, Cycle Technique tech vehicles will patrol the course to aid in emergency repairs.
Race Services
Technical support scooters will be on the course to assist with emergency repairs whenever possible; such as replacement tubes, tires, chains, etc. Technical scooters will be on the course throughout the day, but are limited in number. Please be selfsufficient.
Bike inspection is not mandatory and will not be provided at Bike Check-In, although technicians will be available. Athletes are ultimately responsible for their own bikes. However, Triathlon Québec race officials may, at their discretion, make final judgment as to the soundness of the bikes.
BIKE SHIPPING TriBike Transport
TriBike Transport will provide bike shipping services at the event. To learn more or to sign up for their service, check out
TriBike Transport Procedures • Use the easy online reservation form to guarantee space for your bike. • Drop off your bike at a local partner shop (fully assembled, minus your pedals). • TBT will pick up your bike as-is and drive it to your event. • When you arrive, pick up your bike, just as you left it, next to transition. • After your race, simply wheel your bike back to TriBike Transport from transition for return transport home. • Celebrate your finish, worry-free! If you choose to pack your bike yourself, please do so carefully before transporting it to the event. Most airlines recommend that you use the following procedures when shipping your bike: • Pack your bike as if you were shipping a carton of eggs. Do everything you can to ensure damage-free delivery. Boldly label your bike case with your name, address, etc., so it can be identified quickly. If you plan to arrive immediately before the race, you risk having your bike arrive after you do. Plan ahead!
To avoid an unexpected flat tire, wait until race morning to inflate your tires to their proper air pressure. There will be a limited number of pumps available in the transition area on race morning so we recommend you bring your own. You must give your pump to a family member or friend before the race start, since pumps will not be accepted with your Morning Clothes Bags. For security and safety reasons, bikes WILL NOT BE ALLOWED out of the transition area on race morning. No one will be allowed to enter transition once it closes unless accompanied by a race official.
RUN 21.1 KM / 13.1 MI
The two 6,55 mile laps of the run course are known for their beauty. After leaving the transition area, you will turn left on Chemin de la Chapelle and run alongside Lac Tremblant. You will then take le Chemin du Village up to Lac Mercier and enjoy the spectacular scenery. You will turn around when you reach Lac Mercier. Upon your return from the old Village of MontTremblant, you will again get on Chemin de Village. The route crosses a magnificent waterfall along Lac Tremblant and will take you to the center of Mont-Tremblant Resort’s pedestrian village. You will be guided through the village and do a loop up and down the pedestrian village before starting a second lap. You will be reaching the Finish Line located between the Gondola entrance and Chalet des Voyageurs after your second lap.
• On exiting the transition zone, go toward Lac Tremblant • Left on Ch. de la Chapelle • Right on Ch. Du Village • Right in Hotel Mont-Tremblant’s parking lot • Left on Ch. du Village • Left on Ch. de l’Erablière • Right on the bike path • Left on Ch. du Village • Left on Ch. de la Chapelle to Quintessence hotel • Left in Quintessence entrance • Right on Ch. de l’Ermite, which will become Ch. Kandahar • Enter into Tremblant pedestrian village and left on Rue des Remparts • Up the hill to Place St-Bernard • Right on Place St-Bernard and all the way across to Croisée des Chemins at the foot of Télécabine Express • Down Voyageur trail along the Cabriolet lift • Right under the Cabriolet toward Le Petit Geant mini-golf pavilion • Left on Rue des Remparts and all the way to Chemin des Voyageurs • Right on Ch. des Voyageurs where you will begin a second lap • Finish line: After crossing Ch. Du Cure-Deslauriers, keep to the left toward Centre des Congres and go past Spag & Co (restaurant) all the way to the front of Chalet des Voyageurs, next to the lamppost.
Run Course Rules and Instructions 1. No form of locomotion other 3. NO INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT
than running, walking or crawling VEHICLES OR NON-PARTICIPANT ESCORT RUNNERS ARE is allowed. ALLOWED. This is an individual endurance event. Teamwork as 2. Athletes must wear their a result of outside assistance, Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship issued bib number which provides an advantage over single competitors, is not allowed. in front of them clearly visible Individual support vehicles or nonat all times on the course. Bib participant escort runner includes numbers identify the official athletes who have withdrawn athletes in the race. Folding, cutting the bib number, intentional from the race, have been alteration of any kind, or failure to disqualified or have finished the race. Friends, family, members, wear race number is STRICTLY coaches or supporters of any PROHIBITED and may result in type may not bike, drive or run disqualification. alongside athlete, may not pass
food or other items to athlete and should be warned to stay completely clear of all athletes to avoid the disqualification of an athlete. It is incumbent upon each athlete to immediately reject any attempt to assist, follow or escort. It IS permissible for an athlete who is still competing to run with other athletes who are still competing.
5. The sole responsibility
4. Athletes are expected
7. The run course will officially
to follow the directions and instructions of all race officials and public authorities.
of knowing and following the prescribed running course rests with each athlete. No adjustments in times or results shall be made for athletes who fail to follow the proper course for any reason whatsoever.
6. A shirt or racing top must be worn at all times.
close 8 hours and 30 min. after the final wave starts.
RULES Finish Line Policy
Friends and/or family members are NOT permitted to cross the finish line or enter the finish chute with participating athletes. This policy will allow each competitor adequate time to celebrate their accomplishment without interfering with other finishers and ensure the safety of all participants, volunteers and fans. Athletes who choose not to respect the policy will receive an automatic disqualification (DQ).
Event Sanction and Rules
Triathlon Quebec (TQ) has sanctioned the event. Please visit for a complete set of the competitive rules. IRONMAN 70.3 has been granted certain rule dispensations so please read the following information carefully as the rules may differ slightly from other triathlon sanctioned events. Athletes should be aware of the serious consequences of violating Triathlon Quebec rules pertaining to participants which states:
a. (a) Any person who participates in any portion of a sanctioned event without first properly registering and paying any required registration fee shall be suspended or barred from membership in Triathlon Québec and barred from participation in any sanctioned event for a period of up to one year.
b. Any person who in any way
assists another athlete in providing or selling a race number to that athlete shall be suspended or barred from membership in Triathlon Quebec and barred from participation in any sanctioned event for a period of up to one year.
*NOTE: ANY VERBAL ABUSE OF MARSHALS, RACE OFFICIALS, IRONMAN 70.3 STAFF OR VOLUNTEERS IS GROUNDS FOR IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION. IRONMAN reserves the right to make changes to these rules at any time. Notification of any change will be in accordance with Triathlon Québec procedures.
1. Once an athlete competes
as a Professional/Elite in the IRONMAN qualifying race series season, the athlete cannot compete as an Age Group athlete in that year’s IRONMAN World Championship and/or IRONMAN World Championship 70.3 as an Amateur.
6. No participant can use a
Performance Enhancing drug or procedure. All doping processes and violations will be handled in strict accordance with IRONMAN Anti-Doping Rules (refer to Anti-Doping Rules page in this document). Participants may be requested to undergo drug testing before and after the event. If you are requested to do so, you hereby agree to abide by such testing procedures.
7. The Medical Control Rules
follow directions and instructions of all course marshals and public authorities
set forth by Triathlon Québec, in harmony with WTC Anti-Doping regulations and policies on banned substances, will be binding on all participants. In addition, other rules and regulations, even if not yet recognized by the WTC Anti-Doping, may be instituted, which if such occurs, you agree to abide by.
3. Race officials shall have
8. Should any participant have
2. Participants are expected to
authority to disqualify any contestant.
4. Medical personnel shall have
an Adverse Analytical Finding according to the WTC AntiDoping code, all procedures with regards to handling of the sample, notification, testing of the B Sample, adjudication and suspensions will be in accordance with WTC rules.
ULTIMATE and FINAL authority to remove a contestant from the race if the contestant is judged to be physically incapable of continuing the race without risk of serious injury or death. Medical 9. If an athlete decides to transport of any contestant will withdraw from the race at any result in disqualification. time, it is the responsibility of the contestant to report to the timing tent located at the finish 5. Fraud, theft, abusive line and turn in their bib number treatment of volunteers, staff and MyLaps Pro Chip immediately. or others and acts of poor It is essential that race officials sportsmanship are grounds for know where contestants are on immediate disqualification and the course at all times. Failure to will result in contestant being comply after withdrawing from suspended from competing in any IRONMAN or IRONMAN 70.3 the race may result in contestant being prevented from competing event in the future. in any WTC event in the future.
10. IRONMAN reserves the
right to make rule changes at any time provided all athletes are notified in writing and/or at the pre-race athlete briefings meetings.
11. As a Triathlon Québec
sanctioned race, 2014 Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship will subscribe to Triathlon Québec rules, including the disbursement of prizes. Specifically, Professional triathletes may not win Age Group awards and Age Group athletes are not eligible for prize money.
12. For additional information
regarding training sites, safety procedures and general information questions regarding the race, please go to the Information Booth.
13. Communication devices of any type are strictly prohibited during competition. Use of such devices may result in disqualification.
14. Cameras, phone cameras,
and video cameras are prohibited unless permission is given by WTC. If permission is given by WTC, it is the athlete’s responsibility to notify the Head Referee prior to race start. Athletes seen with a camera, phone camera, or video camera will be disqualified.
15. IRONMAN does not allow
the transfer of an athlete’s registration - no exceptions will be made to this rule. Any attempt to transfer registration will result in disqualification and suspension from future participation in any IRONMAN or IRONMAN 70.3 event.
Anyone who violates this may be banned for life from any IRONMAN 70.3 event. Violating this rule puts insurance coverage for this event at risk.
Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship reserves the right to seed contestants at the swim start (i.e., early start, late start, designated wave, etc.).
Cycling conduct and specifications are consistent with Triathlon Québec rules.
Running conduct and specifications are consistent with Triathlon Québec rules.
Handcycles are permitted on the Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship Mont-Tremblant course. Race officials reserve the right to reject any bike/handcycle not meeting safety standards.
Athletes are required to comply with the same equipment safety inspection for the run portion of the event as is required for the bicycle portion. Standard racing chairs shall be used.
Athletes may use a wetsuit during competition. Each athlete must obtain approval from Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship prior to the race for all swimwear and accessories to be used during the swim. Any change thereafter will be grounds for disqualification. The use of any flotation devices is prohibited unless otherwise approved by Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship race officials prior to race day.
Equipment must otherwise conform to all other general rules for bicycles/handcycles as it pertains to the Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship competition, including no add-on device(s) that may reduce wind resistance or enhance aerodynamics of the bicycle/handcycle, regardless of any secondary benefit.
A helmet approved by a nationally accredited testing authority is required during the entire wheelchair (run) segment including in and out of the transition area. Any athlete riding without a helmet and without properly fastenIng the helmet’s chinstrap will be disqualified.
Participant is required to maintain control of his/her bicycle/handcycle and to operate at a reasonable speed so as not to threaten the safety and well-being of aid station volunteers, other competitors, race officials and spectators. Operation of a bicycle/handcycle in a dangerous or reckless manner will be grounds for disqualification. A helmet approved by a nationally accredited testing authority is required during the entire bike segment including in and out of the transition area. Any athlete riding without an approved helmet or chinstrap fastened will be disqualified.
ANTI-DOPING POLICY In accordance with the IRONMAN® AntiDoping Policy, all athletes who accepted qualifying slots for the Subaru 2014 IRONMAN® 70.3 World Championship were required to sign a Condition of Entry, Release and Indemnification waiver, by which they agreed to both in and out of competition testing, and voluntarily consented to be governed by the IRONMAN® Anti-Doping Rules (IRONMAN® Anti-Doping Rules). All athletes should expect that testing will take place both in and out-of-competition. The IRONMAN®’s testing program is not limited and can occur anytime, anywhere. All athletes participating in the 2014 Subaru IRONMAN® 70.3 World Championship are encouraged to carefully review the information pertaining to anti-doping included below.
IMPORTANT RESOURCES AND INFORMATION: IRONMAN® encourages all athletes to know and understand their rights and responsibilities with regard to anti-doping policy and procedure. The www.ironman. com website includes an Anti-Doping section. Downloads of rules, policies, and forms, as well as educational resources and links, are available to you through this site. Notice of important changes and updates regarding the IRONMAN® Anti-Doping Program will be posted on this site. The following on-line resources are available to all athletes and all athletes are encouraged to review these and other anti-doping resources and information available through your National Anti-Doping Organization. • The IRONMAN® Anti-Doping Rules are in full compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code (Code) and apply to each participant by virtue of the participant’s application for entry and/ or participation in IRONMAN® events. • The Code is the documentation that harmonizes regulations regarding anti-doping in sport across all sports and countries of the world. The Code provides a framework for anti-doping policies, rules and regulations for sport organizations and public authorities.
• The 2014 World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List will be in effect for all IRONMAN® testing. • Certain medications, common beverages, and other ‘over-the-counter’ or otherwise legal products may contain banned substances. Athletes are fully responsible for knowing what substances are banned in accordance with the Prohibited List and for monitoring their compliance with the Rules. • If you need to check any medications an available resource is the Global Drug Reference Online: • Athletes who may be required to take a prohibited substance to treat a medical condition should consult with their National Anti-Doping Agency (NADO) and/or National Federation (NF) to confirm if, under their rules and policies, you are required to have a Therapeutic Use Exemption. Information Regarding Anti-Doping Control Procedures: • Testing will be conducted in accordance with the WADA approved IRONMAN® Anti-Doping Rules. • By registering to compete at this event you have consented to be subject to drug testing both in and out of competition, and to adhere to the penalties associated with an Anti-Doping Rules Violation. All registered competitors are subject to testing which may include the collection of both urine and blood for analysis. • If chosen for drug testing, you are required to comply with the IRONMAN® Anti-Doping Rules. Noncompliance or refusing to be tested will result in the same penalties as a doping violation. “Refusing, or failing without compelling justification, to submit to sample collection after notification as authorized in applicable anti-doping rules or otherwise evading sample collection” is an anti-doping rule violation. • It is important that athletes know their rights and responsibilities during the doping control process.
THERAPEUTIC USE EXEMPTIONS (TUE) Important Reminder for ALL Athletes All Professional and Age Group athletes are required to check with their National AntiDoping Agency and their National Triathlon Federation to determine if there are domestic or federation policies which may be different from those of the IRONMAN®. Stricter TUE requirements could be applicable to you based on domestic policy or National Federation membership. Because the 2014 Subaru IRONMAN® 70.3 World Championship is classified as an International Event in accordance with the Code it may have stricter requirements for some athletes. Failure to adhere to the TUE requirements of your National Anti-Doping Organization or National Federation shall constitute a violation of the IRONMAN®’s Rules. Athletes who require and have been approved for a TUE by their National Anti Doping Agency should submit a copy of their TUE Approval to
[email protected]. Important Notice for ALL US Athletes The IRONMAN® advises that ALL US Athletes, by virtue of their USA Triathlon Membership, are required to follow the TUE Policies of the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) and should contact USADA to confirm if a TUE is required.
About the Event
The Merrell IRONKIDS Fun Run presented by Banque Nationale is an age-appropriate fun race for “triathletes to be” held during the Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship week.
Start behind the IRONMAN Stage by Place des Voyageurs Tremblant Resort 1000 Chemin des Voyageurs Mont-Tremblant, Quebec Canada, J8E 1T1
Friday, September 5, 2014 1 km start: 11 a.m. 5 km start: 11:15 a.m.
Age Groups
Athletes between the ages of 3 and 15 are invited to participate in the Merrell IRONKIDS presented by Banque Nationale 1 km Fun Run while the entire family can take part in the 5 km Family Run. Note that all participants must be able to run the full distance.
Registration will be located outside the Congress Centre in Tremblant’s pedestrian village. All participants must check-in at packet pick-up in order to receive their race materials. IRONKids staff as well as volunteers will be present to assist you throughout the process. Registration hours: Thursday, September 4, 2014 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, September 5, 2014 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Courses and distances
The 1-km and 5-km courses start and finish at the finish line of the 2014 Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship.
The cost to enter the Merrell IRONKIDS Fun Run presented by Banque Nationale is $15 (CAD). Each athlete will receive an IRONKIDS race bib, an IRONKIDS finisher medal, post race refreshments and the pride of calling themselves an IRONKID!
The mission of IRONKIDS is to inspire and motivate youth through the sport to lead an active, positive, and healthy lifestyle. The 2014 IRONKIDS National Series targeting youth between the ages of 6-15, will provide an interactive weekend experience for the entire family that will not only showcase the nation’s top youth talent, but also will allow first-time athletes to experience a positive introduction to the realm of multisport. Children will compete in age-appropriate distances with an emphasis on fitness, fun and safety.
Contact Info
All inquiries can be forwarded to:
[email protected]
Please allow yourself 10 to 15 minutes to completely register.
White Logo on Blue Rectangle
Blue Logo on White Rectangle
27 White Logo on Blue Square
ATHLETE GUIDE: 1.9 SWIM • 90 BIKE • 21.1 RUN Blue Logo on White Square