"Atlas of Dermatology" is a dermatologic image database: More than 3000 high
quality images of more than 600 dermatological diagnoses and differential ...
Th. Diepgen, M. Simon, A. Bittdorf, M. Fartasch, G. Schuler (Eds.)
Atlas of Dermatology DVD in English, German, Spanish
2nd ed. 2006, 4000 illus. in color. DVD.
DVD ▶ 46,95 € | £42.99 | $69.95 ▶ **55,87 € (D) | 56,34 € (A) | CHF 71.00
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"Atlas of Dermatology" is a dermatologic image database: More than 3000 high quality images of more than 600 dermatological diagnoses and differential diagnoses are available and can be browsed by diagnoses/diseases alphabetically or by chapter, by localisation of the lesion, or in quiz mode. Images can also be searched by keyword. Initially thumbnail images are presented. Morphological features of the images have been described by dermatologists. The CDROM offers a database query interface for advanced image selection by different criteria, including localization, morphological features, age and gender. Direct links to differential diagnoses, which allow easy and fast access to related images corresponding symptoms are mentioned. Commented links to interesting websites on the Internet with further information of the respective dermatological disease have been compiled. Special links allow direct, fast and easy access to disease-related information in databases like MEDLINE, OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritence in Man), or PDQ (Physicans Data Query), simply by mouse click (Internet access required. The databases are described in detail below). For example, one can select clinical images of "Ichthyosis congenita", then search the latest publications from scientific journals in MEDLINE, learn more about the genetic background of the disease via OMIM, and contact patient organization by accessing their website via a commented link. This dermatologic atlas offers such a wide range of pictures and thus makes it an ideal reference tool for every dermatologist and medical practitioner dealing with the diseases of the skin. Dermatologie im Bild: ein dreisprachiger Atlas mit einmaligem Abbildungsmaterial Sie suchen nach gutem morphologischen Abbildungsmaterial? Sie fahnden nach seltenen oder bestimmten klinischen Bildern? Differenzialdiagnostik? Übersetzung?
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