system robust enough to support different classes, but still this protocol .... covering the large lecture hall requirement, can work for remote learning and two.
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Pervasive System Nasreen Iqbal De Montfort University A.1. ‘Classroom 2000’, Summery Of Contribution Classroom 2000 is an effort to explore the capability of pervasive system in the field of affective instrumented education system with the capability to capture experience, integrate and access multimedia record for posterior use. Instead, the purpose of the pervasive computing environments emphasized the adaptation of computing and interactions with the physical environment to establish transparent communication, that could challenge enough to provide a bridge for the traditional and the instrumental pervasive environment and draw the enhancement trends that usually relates with the drive toward ubiquitous computing. This research is exploring in the anticipation of the provision of continuous prototype service, contextual use of synchronize recorded lectures, and ad hoc coalitions of protocols. The main contribution lies under:
Explore a robust, ubiquitous and distributed approach for capturing instructive experiences.
Utilize time as synchronizing quantity and automated capture exploiting traditional classroom properties.
Collect and preserve huge synchronized recorded lecture data available for advance search functionality.
Contribution to eradicate note-taking concept, encourage student engage in, for better understanding.
In my opinion Abowd, G., contributed with their extensive research methodology involves the use of pervasive/Ubicom computing in education, concerned to utilize time as synchronizing quantity, facilitated auto connected audio & video recording of the live lecture notes written by lecturers and students, goal to recognize the challenges for designing Ubicom computing application for effective and accessible capturing, robust and enduring in its targeted domain. The contribution is to, highlights the interest in automated capturing under the custodian of traditional properties, which signifies the objectives of ‘effectiveness of age old-deductive form of traditional study style’, that to generate the huge range of data from the education background. Together with the above determination they set prototype with the single lecture in a classroom to create the vision of effectiveness of automated capture in the classroom tuned with four phases2. As a result the classroom 2000 is an attempt to study the effects of pervasive on education. The prototype classroom environment impeccably captures ironic communication that appears in a traditional lecture, promote to condense the note taking, thru the concept of various stream capture during the class activity using accessible interface, helps to transfer the classroom experience exploiting captured process into the education storage domain, supported electronically recoded their own notes, using the StuPad prototype system, allowed students to view, interpret different streams during or after the class. The another contribution in advanced search functions, helped to form extensive use of diversity of recorded captured lectures in the education storage. This was achieved by setting media prototype efforts, where the lecture was recorded in a digital audio format which available with Copyright © 2014, De Montfort University. All Rights Reserved 1
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one click. The author worked hard to bring instrumented classroom 2000 with maximum media equipments, exposing an effort to streamline the integration of different productive phases which helped to launch the audio for the live lecture gesture writing. Overall approach said that the Zen system robust enough to support different classes, but still this protocol required more exertions to transfer lectures to the server effectively. The research achieved enhancements in a traditional classroom, but a discussion oriented approach, known as DUMMBO1, a non-projective smart board with the attached sound system, capturing entire class activity automatically and transferred data to a server, which allow user to access lecture using a web interface. The contribution that presented a portable and independent system with almost no special hardware required to implement, likewise, to introduce a prototype for anyone with or without technical knowledge may access the system which helps to reduce teacher workload, contribution in presenting economical instrumental electro education prototype helping easy adoption by many organizations.
A.2. Identify The Technology A.2.1. The Technology and Education In this section we shall discuss the technology themes being investigated in the classroom 2000 project. A.2.2. A Technology for Web notes- LiveBoard: The goal is to eliminate the tedious old pursuit of writing notes during the class. We must admit that this new technologies ended the era of chalk/markers and the chalkboard/ whiteboard with the limited surface to display, that became hard to work in a classroom. Currently, this concept replaced by the new large surface technology. The author chosen technologies for the classroom 2000 was a rear-projected electronic whiteboard called LiveBoard, a pen based computer running on Windows, interactive and diagonally surfaced display of 62”. Whiteboard based ZenPad technology allowing to capture the instructor ready materials which facilitate handwriting work during the class. The ZenPad build on Java technology exploiting client-server concept, with the minimal interface and a large surface for writing along with the electronic thick colored pen to the instructor, facilitating software button, slide insert and change, supported storage capability of entire information when various activities occurred. When we look behind the author provided a simple limited units called ‘class-pad’ interface to the student to write during lecture and converting them into HTML pages but this class-pad were temporarily stopped because of its limitations and inadequately students' feedback. Moreover, the writer got benefit from the automated support for capturing lectures using the Zen Pad, but again failed to integrate another browser to support the interface. A.2.3. A technology called ZenViewer – Comprehensive, Extensive Whiteboards Finally, the author introduced Stream Viewer a robust HTM interface supported by all browsers. According to, gathered quantitative and qualitative information, the success gained on a multiple class capture and access interface availability, which achieved success on student but a lot efforts required for the staff. Spring 1998 an enhancement in large board and video, audio augmentation added qualitative improvement.
Dynamic become mobile meeting, board live capture, post production, production and access 2
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Promoting the next amendment for the LiveBoard in the consideration of its standard size, which was fit for the conference, but not a good idea for the classroom in terms of its size. The author worked for the electronic whiteboard extension in size by using two computers with their display projectors followed LiveBoard, to extend the size three times more than the actual when using ZenPad. This web based extension running on Java applet called ZenViewer, that display the slides along with the hand written notes on them exploiting the realtime texture, become portable and robust that can run from anywhere using the internet, having capabilities to deploy previous, current slides along with many other previous slides with its notes overview. A.2.4. A URL based Technology -Capturing Visited Web Pages: The author pointed the traditional manual writing notes by the student in the class, which is typically distracted their concentration in the class, this subject inspired author to develop technology based on URL’s. According to, student can visit and interact with the prepared lecture slides and can review them whenever they want even after the class. Technically, saving class history and these histories are accessible to industrial web-browser operated by any OS, connected through a proxy server, that can communicate the URL’s back to class database, integrated with the accessible slides and ink. A.2.5. A Technology as ZenStarter for Audio and Video Recording The author used video camera to capture a video of the instructor along with all the projected slides and lectures in the classroom. The author used ceiling mounted mini microphones used for the audio of the entire class. These microphones, recording entire class, but still required high quality recording of the professors to generate voice transcripts. All video and audio signals send to the computer to encode them using RealVideo and RealAudio, which required manual control of the instructor. To eliminate this problem the author introduced ZenStarter that can start and stop any programs during ZenPad session. Now all relevant ZenStarter streams could start any program whenever the instructor runs Zenpad to start class, the author also used ZenStarter that automatically control the ZeneViewer that responsible to start a projector. A.2.6.
StreamWeaver -A technology for Ending a Lecture
StreamWiever written in Java tool used to capture entire class data after the class and transfer to the central server for the data processing, responsible to generate HTML documents, integrated into time-stamped streams of information into classroom lectures. These lectures represent the history of the class slides with the timeline, facilitate the audio activated by clicking on the timeline which play the audio for the live recorded lectures. A.2.7. A technology that Access – From StreamWeaver to HTTP & XML Classroom 2000 is a domain promoting robust, portable web browser supported by XML (extensive markup language) and HTTP (hyper text transport protocol) which eliminates the needs of heavyweight languages such as COBOL and OLE, etc. After the extensive efforts for the ZenPad, available with the browser to access or replay the lectures, but failed because of incompetence with various other browsers and not capable enough for the Java program. StreamViewer was written for the HTML pages with the benefits of portability and access capability anywhere anytime which promoted the easily accessible. The availability of the stored lectures in the form of data with the interface allowed to improve on-line notes, instructors able to add explanatory remarks to a difficult subject, available custom organized browsing interface for the student personalization, and provided online searchable lectures for the student, the handwriting and speech records can be searchable after manually
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upload from the lecturer, voice records completed using professional speech that recognised software and sufficiently could be searched in the recording slides. A.2.8. ZenMaster – A technology for Back-End process The system centered to the ZenMaster server, running multi-threaded Java program on the server, creating ZenPad client and Zen Master as server protocol, supporting multiple classrooms simultaneously for the ZenPad client, each class established login connection to the module through the server, completing pre-production activities such a authentication lecture session and slide import process. The ZenMaster stored the IP address of ZenPad to monitor the ZenViewer to display previous class and ZenStarter to automatically record audio and video. A.2.9. Argument for the better technology Finally, this research contributed in the educational technology and set an extensive example of ubiquitous technology, but can we justify with the technologies of commercial speech recognition protocol that allow to generate time-stamped records of lectures, video tablet technology LCD (liquid crystal display) projection or the latest technologies contributing a lot for providing dynamic, intelligent and robust protocol. When we compare a technology, we would find the visible differences, depending on the period, time and trends of that time. Similarly, classroom 2000 was a great efforts of its time, representing a revolutionary start in the education with loads of setback and success. Currently we drove far away and entered in the improved approach of technology, providing better and ubiquitous supportive exercise, proving the properties of ubiquitous technology. I was reading about Sharp-Technology1 model PN-L802B PN-L702B PN-L602B, interactive whiteboard a instinctive integrated touch screen LCD monitor,bright LED backlight with 80” high resolution covering the large lecture hall requirement, can work for remote learning and two way communication. The attached pen software capable to extract images or dominates from the scanner straightaway, and screened data or images can directly store to the PC or cloud or send to print. The user interface, Sharp Pen Software allows user to import the created lectures to the screen and can write immediately using bundle touch pen or even by figure, capacity to erase easily using a figure or tool, screen images may shrink or enlarge, rotate image screen, moreover, supporting Microsoft office link that allows users to open excel, word document and slide, allow to write and save immediately in the classroom. There was another efforts introduced called Smart-Class Room by Ciaran O’ Driscoll, discussed diverse technologies reassuring cost effective, invisible, intelligent pseudo room, supporting pervasive technology. The technology capability to react automatically arrival of audience, initiates the session continued from the previous session automatically, capture entire class and laboratory session without any extra efforts, allowing student and instructor to focus in the class, providing interactive attendance activity promoting each student presence, effective infrastructure. Enabling Bluetooth technology that allowed to connect smart devices, to ensure that presenting the Context-Aware smart classroom, accepted by the stakeholders and educational organization, investigated through various interviews. According to, the traditional class approaches may uncover various learning pattern that begins with the formal fundamental lectures and moved into the application, focusing on examination requirements, may not appropriate for the current study environment,this approach imposing new technology and the elimination of tedious traditional education scheme. Interactive White Board, the smart technology such as SMARTBoard 2009, or Promethean 2009 most prominent in Ireland education society, a projector to display materials generated by
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computer, a touched sensitive board capable to capture direct input, visualize auditory, draw on the boards, collectively store the data for later review, a problem based learning system that facilitates the student group to share their presentation on the board for discussion and store electronic copy for later use. Compare the above technology with the classroom 2000 may open another chapter for improved technology, which added touch senses, capture in more moderate mode, Context-Aware approach, fully integrated, invisible and too smart enough. The current technology, which encapsulated interactive ubiquitous educational requirements, an achievement for the next era. Interactive response system, such as Quizdom 2009, that allow students to respond of instructor posted questions in the classroom by selecting predefined answers, can be used independent wireless devices. This technology overlapping the classroom 2000 Xerox LiveBoard, which have limitations to provide portable devices with a prepared answer available for the student to choose. Classroom 2000 captured class activity for the reference, but required automatic index points which allow student to skip and move to the point of interest for the questioning.The electronic Xerox LiveBoard initiated with this effort, which enable timestamp the all remarks and provided audio and video indexing for later use, but still required several real time classroom design settings and interface to include. Capture system, which promotes to capture prepared, modified material, where technology for time indexing helps to synchronize the material and multimedia patterns during the lecture. The Tsinghua Smart classroom project based on chines university facilitates the remote users to closely connect with the live classroom, a media board with a speech recognition use for the remote assistance. Similarly the NIST project is a captured based, highly instrumented, well defined media infrastructure promotes remote student. The other project Open smart classroom developed in the Tsinghua best example for the distributed system that combined two classrooms together, having various language translation technology support, an effort to bring the real world environment in a room. Classroom 2000, an achievement for the regular lectures, promoting attendance led classrooms. It is also correct, that classroom 200 providing recorded materials available on web for remote students, but there was no facility for the remote student to connect directly in the classroom. According to, ubiquitous smart room, a technology that disappeared into the background, supporting vision based environment, full context-aware integrated instrumented room. The evidence proving the use of pervasive properties achieved in the classroom 2000and specially Sharp technology discussed above. The classroom 2000 considered as initiatives in the instrumented context aware classroom system, justifying hard work in the pervasive instrument room, where automated capture is the useful system for traditional education, leaving some lesson to be learned which says ubiquitous should be in emergence for the current environment, capture must be accessible. It is concluded that above discussed technologies may enhance the requirement of the application classroom 2000 in the field of education.
A.3. Discuss The Properties of the Application Classroom 2000 An inspiring task in ubiquitous computing is to deliver computerized tools that encourage the properties of pervasive system, and will investigate these properties in the classroom 2000, such as capture, integration, and multimedia record access. A.3.1. Distributed:
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“Computers need to be networked, distributed and transparently accessible” The first property of pervasive / ubiquitous system required system is distributed, which means to have system networked. The classroom 2000 introduced with the intention of infusing pervasive requirement and its properties into their work. The classroom 2000 initially was completely ignored, but finally filled this gap and present this system with fully integrated distributed system towards the new learning system. The system architecture builds on a three tier system, the first as a classroom and middleware was capturing automated system and the third tier was database system available to transfer data and access them from the web anywhere anytime. The use of time as synchronizing quantity, encapsulated captured slides with audio and video overwhelming from the traditional culture to the pervasive system. The important element of distributed is universal and seamless, which is applicable to geographically around the word for all. This is semi covered by the classroom project. Therefore the ‘distributed’ property focusing synchronization, coordination, virtual and transparent system, but it is also correct that the classroom 2000 was reliable and robust, but failed in the media network outages, also reliability was effected when the physical equipment failed, such as disconnection of audio cables and sudden turned off video cameras. The system ended with related work included a campus tour for the mobile with a capture model exploiting the roaming and mobile quality in their work. A.3.2. Implicit Human-Computer Interaction: According to, human interaction and context awareness with the computer must be hidden and moved from the front-end to the back-end to complete the process. In the early classroom 2000 pattern the graphical interface was used to gather feedback about the class prototype from the student, that was failed to collect reactions for these explicit context pointer topographies because they provided a lot disruption from the lecture activity. For this they required to work on implicit methods to capture group context. A.3.3. Use of context in Classroom 2000: Computers need to be aware of environmental context, Classroom 2000 contexts exploit involved reading in order to provide protuberant and informative knowledge, portable choice to study, well-informed, correlated and significant study materials, network with the world for reading. The time is the most noticeable context in which diverse activities occur, called physical environment context. Classroom 2000 brings various synchronized class materials, centered on common themes, such as class lectures are linked with the handwritten notes and audio on the whiteboard for the lecture. Let's say if a group of the class is confused during the lecture, then that point of context may convenient for the teacher, and the student could also get the benefits of this anonymity. The property of human context activated, if the lecturer will respond to the student simultaneously when the question submitted. Finally, effective usage of context can establish an affiliation between learning material that claim for the topic but not time. It is reported by the author that they are investigating with speech technology for the audio indexing and a concept indexing to support searching notes. A.3.4. Autonomous: The class 2000 provided the searching facility where the data being transferred to the server automatically after the class and available on the web to search. Technically ZenPad connect to the Zen Master server and prompt a link to a ZenHandler server unit to transfer all the ink and
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slide navigators running on either ZenViewers or ZenStarters. After receiving all the ink and slides the ZenViewers acts as an extensive display and able to presenting the updated real time overview of the screens and ZanStarter initiate encoding audio and video immediately when ZenHandler inform about class started and ZenHandler saves all to the server. This postproduction method completed in a minute and sooner student are free to access the materials after the class using web browser with streaming audio capacity. The entire automated process of class 2000 promotes the pervasive system property by using embedded encapsulated and automated process, self organized which process and store the data safely on the server. A.3.5. Intelligent: The class 2000 may not fully integrated that handled multiple task intelligently and yield independent decisions, which was partially demonstrated. The system initiated in the automated system, but was too manual initially, unable act as a proactive and dynamic as human. There were several classes that are showing absents of this property in the system. As author accepted that the system was not fully integrated with Ubicom system, but initiated to infuse the properties of pervasive system in the class 2000 system. We must accept that the author sets the objective to promote pervasive in the education, tried to explore the use of context awareness concept and system captured lecture hall context, encouraged to synchronize varies class material to recall the lecture if lost, automatically webaccessible multimedia class files for the educational group, delivered a natural user interface, that claiming the theorem of Mark Weiser, “Applications are of course the whole point of ubiquitous computing”
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