Atmel AVR1936: XPLORE Getting Started Guide - Atmel Corporation

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Demo example exercise using Atmel Studio or/and IAR Embedded ... implementation software (Installing Atmel Studio and Installing IAR™ Embedded.
APPLICATION NOTE Atmel AVR1936: XPLORE Getting Started Guide 8-bit Atmel Microcontrollers Features • • • •

Supports XPLORE Evaluation Kit PDI Programming of Atmel® ATxmega32A4(U)/D4 Demo example exercise using Atmel Studio or/and IAR Embedded Workbench® On-Chip Debugging utilizing Atmel JTAGICE mkII or 3

Introduction This document contains information about how to get started with Atmel ATxmega32A4(U)/D4 microcontroller using the XPLORE evaluation kit. The first four chapters of this document contain the information about the design and implementation software (Installing Atmel Studio and Installing IAR™ Embedded Workbench for Atmel AVR®), the getting started demo exercise interface software (Installing/updating Virtual COM Port Driver) that are needed to compile, program, and to debug the firmware designs. The next two chapters contain the description for the demo design example (Description of the Getting Started Demo Example) and the detailed procedures about how to set up the XPLORE evaluation kit board (Hardware Setup) for on-chip debugging (Compiling and On-Chip Debugging) and PDI In-system programming (ISP) of the Atmel XMEGA® device (In-System Programming of Atmel XMEGA on XPLORE). There are also three chapters demonstrate how to create a project and compile the firmware design code and start debugging the design on the XPLORE evaluation board using Atmel Studio (Compiling and Debugging with Embedded Compilers within Atmel Studio) and JTAGICE mkII or JTAGICE 3 (Compiling and Debugging with IAR and Atmel Studio). The final chapter contains the References.


Table of Contents 1.  Installing Atmel Studio ......................................................................... 3  2.  Installing IAR Embedded Workbench for Atmel AVR........................... 3  3.  Installing/updating Virtual COM Port Driver ......................................... 3  4.  Installing Putty Software ...................................................................... 4  5.  Installing Extension Tool (Optional) ..................................................... 5  6.  Description of the Getting Started Demo Example .............................. 5  7.  Hardware setup .................................................................................... 6  8.  Compiling and On-Chip Debugging ................................................... 10  8.1  Compiling and Debugging with Embedded Compilers within Atmel Studio ..... 10  8.2  Compiling and Debugging with IAR and Atmel Studio .................................... 18  9.  In-System Programming of Atmel XMEGA on XPLORE.................... 24  10. References ......................................................................................... 28  10.1  On-line Reference Documents ........................................................................ 28  10.2  Design Software and Communication Device Driver....................................... 28 

Atmel AVR1936: XPLORE Getting Started Guide [APPLICATION NOTE] 42015A−AVR−07/12



Installing Atmel Studio Atmel Studio (version 6.0 or later version) is an Atmel Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that contains the embedded assembler, C/C++ compiler (Native and WINAVR GNU), as well as a simulator and a front-end debugger for Atmel microcontroller designs. There are also other useful features that are not described in this document, but they can be easily found from the help manual of Atmel Studio software. The Atmel AVR programming/debugging tool (JTAGICE mkII or JTAGICE 3) can also be used with Atmel Studio software to perform In-system Programming (ISP) and InCircuit-Emulation (ICE) of the AVR XMEGA family microcontroller on the XPLORE evaluation kit board. To get started with the XPLORE evaluation kit board, download the Atmel Studio installation software and its release note PDF file from Atmel web site. Read the software release note and then run the installer and follow the instructions to complete the software installation. How to start a project and compile the code using the embedded C/C++ compiler is described on Section 8.1 of this document. The Atmel Studio installation software download web link can be found from the Chapter References [10] of this document.


Installing IAR Embedded Workbench for Atmel AVR IAR™ Embedded Workbench 6.11 or the later version, which includes the IAR EW Kick Start version, Time-limited version, or the Full Version for Atmel AVR, is an optional third-party compiler and debugging tool that supports Atmel microcontrollers. The IAR Embedded Workbench installation software download web link can be found from the Chapter References [11] of this document. To start the software installation, select the “auto run” application, then select “Install IAR Embedded Workbench”. During installation it is possible to use the same “license number” and “license key” as for previous version of IAR Embedded Workbench that you obtained from IAR Systems if the term of the license has not expired. Contact the technical support of IAR Systems if there is any technical support or IAR software license related questions. It is also recommended to use the default settings during the installation of IAR. How to start a project and compile the code in IAR EW is described in Section 8.2 of this document.


Installing/updating Virtual COM Port Driver Before connecting the USB cable from the USB connector (J4) of the XPLORE evaluation kit board to the USB port of the Personal Computer (PC) or laptop, it is required to download and install/update Future Technology Devices International Ltd.‘s Virtual COM Port (VCP) software driver to your system for the on-board FTDI device (FT232RL) to perform USB-to-COM port emulation. The VCP software driver zip file such as “CD x.xx.xx WHQL” for Windows® (different zip file will be used for 32-bit or 64-bits Windows Operating systems (OS) from Microsoft®) can be first downloaded from Future Technology Devices International Ltd‘s web site to your system (PC/laptop).

Atmel AVR1936: XPLORE Getting Started Guide [APPLICATION NOTE] 42015A−AVR−07/12


After connecting the USB cable from XPLORE board to the PC or Laptop, you can browse to update the software driver from the “CD x.xx.xx WHQL Certified” directory. if the “Automatic detection of USB connection” with “Found New Hardware” message did not displayed to prompt you to select the VCP software driver for update/install, you can unplug and then plug-in the USB cable to the USB port of the PC again, and then manually open the “Device Manager” window from “Properties” setting of “My Computer” or from “Hardware” tab window of the “System Properties” option from “Computer” in your desktop windows. Next, from the “Device Manager” window, you can select “Scan for Hardware Changes” option from “Action” menu to get the detection of the “USB Serial Port” or “FT232R USB UART” setting (some systems will show it under “Other Devices” setting) as shown in Figure 3-1. Also, use the “right click” of the mouse to select “update driver software” option, and finally browse through your system to update the software driver files from the unzipped “CD X.XX.XX WHQL Certified” directory. After successful software driver update, a new COM port will be displayed next to “USB Serial PORT” setting under “PORT (COM and LPTx)” option of the “Device Manager” window. Figure 3-1. PuTTY Configuration Window and Device Manager Window.

For more information about how to successfully update/install the VCP software driver in different Windows operating systems, please review the software driver update instructions from Future Technology Device International Ltd’s web site. The VCP deriver installation software download web link can be found from the Chapter References [9] of this document.


Installing Putty Software To use the terminal screen for displaying USB-to-Com Port emulation data, it is also required to install the Putty software that supports the different operating systems. The Putty Installation software download web link can be found from the Chapter References [14] of this document.

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Installing Extension Tool (Optional) Besides using Putty software, user can also install the optional terminal window to Atmel Studio (version 6.0 or the later version) as extension tool. The following procedures describe the installation procedures. The Extension Manager helps you add different plugins to the Atmel Studio software. Step 1. Open Extensions Manager in Atmel Studio software by choosing “Tools” and then the “Extension Manager” option. Step 2. Click on ‘Available Downloads’ option from “Extension Manager’ window. Step 3. Click on “Terminal Window Plugin” option to download. Step 4. Create Account or Sign In.


If you are creating a new account, create your account and restart the Studio 6.0 and repeat the above steps. Step 5. Once the extension is downloaded a message such as “You must restart Atmel Studio in order for the changes to take effect” in the lower status bar will be displayed. Step 6. Restart Atmel Studio software.


Description of the Getting Started Demo Example This getting started demo example is set up to inform or remind user about what Atmel Value is; which is also what Atmel stands for. Actually, it is the combination of “PASSION”, “INTEGRITY”, “TEAMWORK”, “ACHIEVMENT”, and “ACCOUNTABILITY”. This goal is achieved by transmitting the ATMEL VALUE messages (ASCII Format Characters) from the UART port of the Atmel AVR XMEGA microcontroller to the FT232RL (FTDI) device, and then passing them through USB to Virtual COM Port (VCP) emulation interface, and finally displaying the transmitted messages to the terminal screen of the Personal Computer (PC) or laptop. The displayed messages will also prompt the user to type the ASCII character 'A', which implies “Agree” from the terminal screen of the PC/laptop and then transmit it back to the XMEGA microcontroller through the USB-to-UART interface and finally display the binary 'A' value (1010: LED[3] = OFF (1), LED[2] = ON (0), LED[1] = OFF (1) and LED(0) = ON (0)) through I/O Port E of the microcontroller to the LEDs that are located on the XPLORE evaluation kit board. Figure 6-1 shows the major components and its interface connection for this getting started demo design example. Reference the design source code from the project zip file for more details about the actual implementation.

Atmel AVR1936: XPLORE Getting Started Guide [APPLICATION NOTE] 42015A−AVR−07/12


Figure 6-1. Getting Started Demo Example Block Diagram.


Hardware setup The XPLORE evaluation kit board is designed to support the Atmel AVR ATxmega32A4U, ATxmega32A4, or ATxmega32D4 microcontrollers in 44-pin VQFP package and also comes with the footprint of the 44-pin TQFP package which allows easy modification to support another package type. An ATxmega32A4U is currently assembled on the XPLORE evaluation kit board as the default device. This chapter shows the step-by-step procedures to set up the XPLORE evaluation kit board to exercise the getting started demo design example. Figure 7-1 shows the PDI programming and on-chip debugging connections of the XMEGA microcontroller on XPLORE evaluation kit board using AVR JTAGICE mkII. If the PDI connector of the JTAGICE mkII is used or JTAGICE 3 with its PDI connector or wires is used, reference the slightly different PDI ISP/Onchip debugging connection methods that are shown in Figure 7-2.

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Figure 7-1. Getting Started Demo Example Hardware Setup using AVR JTAGICE mkll with its wires connection.

Figure 7-2. Other PDI connection methods with AVR JTAGICE mkll or JTAGICE 3.

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Hardware Setup Procedures: Step 1. Set jumper to the left on JPL8 header of the XPLORE board. Note:

Setting this jumper in such way will connect the VBUS pin from USB connector (J4) to the input pin of LDO (Low Dropout Linear Regulator (LDO) regulator (U3: LT3022). Step 2. Set jumper to the left on JPL9 header.


Setting this jumper in such way will connect the LDO_OUT pin of the LDO regulator (U3: LT3022) to VCC net of the JP2 header, which is used to supply power to VCC/AVCC pin of the Atmel XMEGA microcontroller when JP2 header is also set with jumper. Step 3. Set jumper to the left on H7 header.


Setting this jumper in such way will select the 3.3V output setting from the voltage divider circuit that are connected to the output of the LDO regulator (U3: LT3022). Step 4. Set jumper on JP2 header.


Setting this jumper will connect the VCC net from the JPL9 header to the U1_VCC net on JP2 header. Step 5. Set jumper on JP0 header.


Setting this jumper in such way will connect RX0/PD2 pin of XMEGA microcontroller (U1) to TXD pin of FTDI device (U2: FT232RL) for UART transmission. Step 6. Set jumper on JP1 header.


Setting this jumper in such way will connect TX0/PD3 pin of XMEGA microcontroller (U1) to RXD pin of the FTDI device (U2: FT232RL) for UART transmission. Step 7. Set jumper to the left on JPL0 header.


Setting this jumper in such way will connect pin 0 of PORTE (PE[0]) of the XMEGA microcontroller (U1) to LED0. Step 8. Set jumper to the left on JPL1 header.


Setting this jumper in such way will connect pin 1 of PORTE (PE[1]) of XMEGA microcontroller (U1) to LED1. Step 9. Set jumper to the left on JPL2 header.


Setting this jumper in such way will connect pin 2 of PORTE (PE[2]) of XMEGA microcontroller (U1) to LED2. Step 10. Set jumper to the left on JPL3 header.


Setting this jumper in such way will connect pin 3 of PORTE (PE[3]) of XMEGA microcontroller (U1) to LED3.

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Important setup: Before proceeding to the next step, please make sure that you have download the FT232Rl’s VCP software driver installation file and follow the installation guide to install it to your Windows system (OS) as guided in Chapter 3 of this document first. This software installation step is required for the USB connection of the FT232RL device to the Windows PC. Step 11. Connect the USB cable, which is included with the XPLORE evaluation kit board, from the USB port of the PC to the USB connector (J4) of the XPLORE evaluation kit board to power up the board through VBUS connection from USB bus interface.

Step 12. Connect the JTAG adapter board to the Atmel AVR JTAGICE mkII connector as shown in Figure 7-1. Note:

If other PDI/on-chip debugging connection method is used, you can skip this step, but it must require you to set up the appropriate connections as shown in Figure 7-2. The USB software driver (AVR Jungo USB) for Atmel JTAGICE mkII/3 should also be set up correctly by the installation of Atmel Studio software before working on this Getting Started demo example. Step 13. Connect the USB cable from AVR JTAGICE mkII to the USB port of the PC.


Connect the USB cable from AVR JTAGICE 3 to the USB port of the PC if JTAGICE 3 is used instead of the JTAGICE mkII. Step 14. Connect the Red color wire from the JTAG adapter of the JTAGICE mkII to pin 1 (PDI_DATA).of H6 header on XPLORE evaluation kit board as shown on Figure 7-1.


If other PDI/on-chip debugging connection method is used, you can skip this step, but it must require you to set up the appropriate connections as shown in Figure 7-2. Step 15. Connect the Purple color wire from the JTAG adapter of the JTAGICE mkII to pin 2 (VTG/U1_VCC_IN/VCC) of the H6 header on XPLORE evaluation kit board as shown on Figure 7-1.


If other PDI/on-chip debugging connection method is used, you can skip this step, but it must require you to set up the appropriate connections as shown in Figure 7-2. Step 16. Connect the Green color wire from the JTAG adapter of the JTAGICE mkII to pin 5 (PDI_CLK) of H6 header on XPLORE evaluation kit board as shown on Figure 7-1.


If other PDI/on-chip debugging connection method is used, you can skip this step, but it must require you to set up the appropriate connections as shown in Figure 7-2. Step 17. Connect the White color wire from the JTAG adapter of the JTAGICE mkII to pin 6 (GND) of the H6 header on XPLORE evaluation kit board as shown on Figure 7-1.


If other PDI/on-chip debugging connection method is used, you can skip this step, but it must require you to set up the appropriate connections as shown in Figure 7-2.


The XPLORE evaluation kit board can also be powered up by external DC power supply or battery supply. This getting started demo example only shows one way to power up the board. For details of the other power up method of the board, reference the XPLORE Hardware User’s Guide.

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Compiling and On-Chip Debugging This chapter describes how to create, compile, build the getting started demo example project with both the embedded compilers in Atmel Studio and in the IAR Embedded Workbench, and then perform on-chip debugging of the device using Atmel Studio. For development utilizing the embedded compiler of the Atmel Studio, read Section 8.1. For development using IAR Embedded Workbench, read Section 8.2.


Compiling and Debugging with Embedded Compilers within Atmel Studio To start a project for the Atmel ATxmega32A4U device using the embedded compilers within Atmel Studio, do as described below. Step 1. Unzip the “” file that comes with this XPLORE Getting Started document to your local driver such as “C Drive” to set up the “Xplore_Getting_Started” demo example directory that contains the C source codes and header files for exercising this Getting Started demo example.

Step 2. From the computer desktop, doubleclick on “Atmel Studio” desktop icon to launch “Atmel Studio” software. Step 3. Select “New Project…” option from the “Start Page” window or select “File”, “New”, and then “Project…” option from the software menu to open the “New Project” window. Step 4. Select the “C/C++” as “Installed Templates”, click on “GCC C Executable project” option, and uncheck “Create directory for solution” option, then type the “Project Name” such as “GccApplication1”, and finally set up the project “Location” to be the following and then press the “OK” button. “C:\Xplore_Getting_Started\Atmel\Getting_Started”. Note:

“C:\Xplore_Getting_Started\Atmel\Getting_Started\GccApplication1\” directory path will be automatically created with “GccApplication1” project folder in such case. Step 5. Scroll down to the end of the “Device Selection” window, select the “Atxmega32A4U” device, and then press the “OK” button again.

Step 6. Highlight the “GccApplication1.c” template file from the “Solution Explorer” window and then use right click of the mouse to select “Remove” option as shown in Figure 8-1.

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Figure 8-1. Device selection window in Atmel Studio.

Step 7. Select the “Delete” button from “Atmel Studio” dialog window to delete the “GccApplication1.c” template file.

Step 8. Highlight “GccApplication1” from the “Solution Explorer” window and then use right click of the mouse to select “Add”, and then select the “Existing item…” option.

Step 9. Select the “Getting_Started_XPLORE.c” file from “C\Xplore_getting_Started\Atmel\Getting_started\example_code\” directory and then press down the “Ctrl” keyboard key and also select the “usart_driver.c”, “usart_driver.h” and “avr_compiler.h” files together before selecting the “Add” button.

Step 10. Select “File” and then “Save All” option from Atmel Studio window to save all the settings and the entire project. Note:

By adding the example design source code such as “Getting_Started _XPLORE.C”, “usart_driver.c”, “usart_driver.h” and “avr_compiler.h” files from “example_code” folder to the current design directory in Atmel Studio, a copy of these files will be saved and stored to the current design directory (“C\Xplore_Getting_Started\Atmel\Getting_started\GccApplication1\”). Step 11. Doubleclick on “Getting_started_XPLORE.c” file from the “Solution Explorer” window to open the file in Atmel Studio software.

Step 12. Select “Build” from “Atmel Studio” window, and choose “Rebuild Solution” to compile the code and rebuild the project.

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The default compiler in Atmel Studio is set up to be “Native”, which means the embedded native GNU compiler. User can also select the “Toolchain Flavour” to be: “WinAVR” GNU compiler from “Advance” setting of the project “GccApplication1 Properties…” as the other optional compiler choice within Atmel Studio software.

Important setup To continue proceed with the next step for on-chip debugging of this Getting Started Demo design, please make sure that the hardware setup is already done as described in the Chapter 7 (Hardware setup). Also, the Putty software (Windows terminal screen software) should already be installed in your system as instructed in Chapter 4 (Installing Putty software) of this document. Note:

Besides using the Putty software as terminal window, user also can directly install and use another Terminal window in Atmel Studio software as an extension tool that is described in Chapter 5 of this document. Step 13. Select “Start”, “Programs” or “All Programs”, “PuTTY”, and then “PuTTY” option again to launch the “PuTTY Configuration” window.


This Getting Started Demo example describes how to utilize “Putty” software as a terminal screen window to display USB-to-COM port emulated data. User can also optionally select “View”, and then the “Terminal Window” option from Atmel Studio to launch and use the plug-in terminal window if it is previously installed to Atmel Studio software. In such case, user can select “Tools” -> “Options” -> “ Extensions” -> Terminal Window” from Atmel Studio to adjust the available setting for such plug-in terminal window from Extension Manger of Atmel Studio. Step 14. Select “Session” option under “Category” from the “PuTTY Configuration” window, and then enable/check “Serial” option as “connection type”, enter “9600” as “speed” setting, and next enter “COMxx” as “Serial line” setting, in which it must be matched with the “COMxx” port number setting that is detected for “USB Serial Port” from “Device Manager” window (Computer/My Computer -> properties -> (Hardware tab) -> Device Manager).


This Getting Started Demo example describes how to utilize “Putty” software as a terminal screen window to display USB-to-COM port emulated data. User can also optionally select “View”, and then the “Terminal Window” option from Atmel Studio to launch and use the plug-in terminal window if it is previously installed to Atmel Studio software. In such case, user can select “Tools” -> “Options” -> “ Extensions” -> Terminal Window” from Atmel Studio to adjust the available setting for such plug-in terminal window from Extension Manger of Atmel Studio.

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Figure 8-2. PuTTY Configuration Window and Device Manager Window.

Step 15. Enter “XPLORE_EXAMPLE” as the “Saved Sessions” and then select “Save” option from the “PuTTY Configuration” window.

Step 16. Select “Terminal” option under “Category” from the “PuTTY Configuration” window, and then enable/check “Force on” option for “Local echo” setting, and also enabled/check “Force on” option as “Local line editing” setting.

Step 17. Select “Serial” option under “SSH” of “Connection” from the “PuTTY Configuration” window, and then make sure that the correct COM port (COMxx) number is specified to the right of “Serial line to connect to“, and also with the following serial port settings.

Configure the serial line Speed (baud):


Data bits:


Stop bits:




Flow control:


Step 18. Select “Open” from the “PuTTY Configuration” window to launch the “COMxx – PuTTY” terminal window.

Step 19. Minimize the “COMxx – PuTTY” terminal window and the “Device Manager” window, then switch back to select to use the Atmel Studio window.

Step 20. Select “Tools” -> “AVR Tools Firmware Upgrade” from Atmel Studio software.

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Step 21. From the “AVR Tools Firmware Upgrade” windows, select “Upgrade” if the connection tool is detected. Check PDI connection and power supply of the board if the correct tool is not detected by the software.

Step 22. Select ‘Close” when the “Upgrade Done” message is displayed on the “AVR Tools Firmware Upgrade” window.

Step 23. Highline “GccApplication1” or “ObjProject1” from “Solution Explorer” window and then use the right click of the mouse to select “Properties” option.

Step 24. Select “Tool”, and then select the “selected debugger/programmer” such as “JTAGICE mkII” or “JTAGICE 3”, which depends on the actual On-Chip debugger used. Also make sure that the Interface type is “PDI”.

Step 25. Doubleclick the “Getting_started_XPLORE.c” file from the “Solution Explorer” window again.

Step 26. From the “Debug” menu of the “Atmel Studio” window, select “Start Debugging and Break” or use “ALT+F5” keyboard keys to start On-Chip debugging of the design code.

Step 27. Scroll down to the end of the design code as shown in Figure 8-3. Click on the following statement and then select “Debug”. Then the “Toggle Break Point” option or use right clicks of the mouse to select “Breakpoint”. Then “Insert Breakpint” option to set the software break point after one byte is received from the UART port of the device. Figure 8-3. Setting Break Points in the Code.

Step 28. Place the mouse cursor to the “ReceiveArray[0]”, the array statement from the code before “& 0x0F” will, without clicking on it, display the compiler selected SRAM address location message. The message will be displayed near the mouse. Cursor for the receiving byte from the UART such as “receiveArray | {uint8_t[1] {data}@0x21ab}” for the compiled code in Atmel Studio software, and “receiveArray | {uint8_t[1] {data}@0x21f8}” for IAR compiled code.

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Step 29. If the “Memory1” window has not automatically opened and displayed in Atmel Studio, select “Debug”, “Windows”, “Memory” and the “Memory1” or use the “Alt + 6” keyboard key from Atmel Studio menu to display the Memory1 window.

Step 30. From the “Memory1” window, select “data INTERNAL_SRAM” for memory setting. Then enter the detected “address” values that will be used as the receiving byte (ReceiveArrary[0]” such as “0x21AB,data” for Atmel Studio compiled code as shown in Figure 8-4, or “0x21F8, data” for IAR compiled code as shown in Figure 8-5. (Make sure that the Memory1 window is expanded to max to see the “Address:” dialog box). Figure 8-4. SRAM Data Memory1 Window – Native GNU Compiler used.

Figure 8-5. SRAM Data Memory1 Window – Native DNU Compiler used.


The Data address location 0x21AB in SRAM for this example project could be used for storage of the receiving byte if Atmel Studio (GNU compiler) is utilized for compiling the code, and Data address location 0x21F8 could be use for the receiving byte if IAR EW compiler is used. This SRAM address location is really depending on the previous step that shows the actual detected SRAM Hex Address location. Step 31. Select “Debug”, and the “Continue” option from “Atmel Studio” software, or use the “F5” keyboard key, and then switch to maximize the “COMxx - PuTTY” Terminal window to see the following initial messages that are sent from the Atmel XMEGA device to the terminal screen window.

“What does ATMEL stand for? The correct answer is: A = PASSION, T = INTEGRITY, M = TEAMWORK, E = ACHIEVEMENT, L = ACCOUNTABILITY; Please enter the letter ‘A’ to agree with above answer.”

Atmel AVR1936: XPLORE Getting Started Guide [APPLICATION NOTE] 42015A−AVR−07/12


Step 32. Now, select and click on the cursor/block from the “COMxx – PuTTY” terminal screen window, and try not to follow what is prompted to do by entering upper case “C”, and not “A” from the terminal window by pressing “Shift” keyboard key and “C” key together and then press “Enter” keyboard key to see what happen.

Step 33. Minimize the “COMxx - PuTTY” terminal window. Now, the data memory window shows that the address location 0x21AB or 0x21F8 (the UART receiving byte location of the data memory (SRAM)) contains the hexadecimal value (43), which “C” in ASCII character as shown in Figure 8-6 or Figure 8-7. Figure 8-6. SRAM Memory1 Window – Native GNU Compiler used.

Figure 8-7. SRAM Memory1 Window – IAR Compiler used.


The Data address location 0x21AB in SRAM for this example project could be used for storage of the receiving byte if Atmel Studio (GNU compiler) is utilized for compiling the code, and Data address location 0x21F8 could be use for the receiving byte if IAR EW compiler is used. This SRAM address location is really depending on the previous step that shows the actual detected SRAM Hex Address location. Step 34. Select ““Debug”, and then the “Continue” option or use the “F5” keyboard key to continue running the program.

Step 35. Select the “COMxx - PuTTY” terminal window and then maximize it. Now, a new message such as the following will be displayed on the terminal screen window.

“C – Please try again. You can only allow entering the letter ‘A’ to agree with above answer.”

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Step 36. Now, select and click on the “COMxx - PuTTY” terminal screen again, and this time let’s try to follow what is prompted to do by entering upper case “A” from the terminal Window by pressing “Shift” keyboard key and “A” key together and press “Enter” to see what happen.

Step 37. Minimize the “COMxx - PuTTY” terminal window. Now, the data memory window shows that the address location 0x21AB or 0x21F8 (the UART receiving byte location of the data memory (SRAM)) contains the hexadecimal value (41), which “A” in ASCII character as shown in Figure 8-8 and Figure 8-9. Select “Debug”, and then the “Continue” option or use the “F5” keyboard key to continue running the program. Figure 8-8. SRAM Memory1 Window – Native GNU Compiler used.

Figure 8-9. SRAM Memory1 Window – IAR Compiler used.


The Data address location 0x21AB in SRAM for this example project could be used for storage of the receiving byte if Atmel Studio (GNU compiler) is utilized for compiling the code, and Data address location 0x21F8 could be use for the receiving byte if IAR EW compiler is used. This SRAM address location is really depending on the previous step that shows the actual detected SRAM Hex Address location. Step 38. Select the “COMxx – PuTTY” terminal window and then maximize it. Now, another new message such the following is shown for the completion of this demo example. This is also shown on Figure 8-10.

“A - Congratulations!! You have successfully finished this demo example.”


This program is designed to remind you about the 'Atmel Value'!

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Figure 8-10. COMxx – PuTTY terminal window that shows the successful Demo completion message.


The ‘A’ ASCII character is also translated to binary value and displayed on LED[3:0] on XPLORE Evaluation Kit board. This shows that the XPLORE evaluation kit hardware confirms with your agreement with the Atmel Value. The following shows the final steps to stop the debugging process, save the project, and exit Atmel Studio software. Step 39. Click-on “X” mark from the upper right hand corner of the “COMxx – PuTTY” window to close the terminal screen.

Step 40. Select “Debug”, and then “Stop Debugging” option or “Ctrl + Shift + F5” keyboard key to stop debugging of the design code.

Step 41. Select “File”, and then “Save All” option or “Ctrl + Shift + S” keyboard key to save the project.

Step 42. Select “File”, and then the “Exit” option or “Alt + F4’ keyboard key to exit “Atmel Studio” software.


Compiling and Debugging with IAR and Atmel Studio To start a project for the Atmel ATxmega32A4U device in IAR EW and Atmel Studio do as described below. Step 1. Unzip the “” file that comes with this Getting Started document to your local driver such as “C Drive” to set up the “Xplore_Getting_Started” folder that contains the C source code and header files for exercising this Getting Started demo example.

Step 2. From the desktop of the PC, doubleclick on “Atmel Studio” desktop icon to launch “Atmel Studio” software.

Step 3. Select “Tools”, and then “External Tools…” option from the “Atmel Studio” window.

Step 4. Select the “Add” button from “External Tools’ dialog window.

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Step 5. Change the text such as “[New Tool1]” to be “IAR Compiler” from the “Title” section of the “External Tools” dialog window.

Step 6. Select the “Browse” button to enter the IAR compiler’s executable file path and the file name similar to the following: “C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 6.0_0\common\bin\IarIdePm.exe”. Note:

The 64-bit Windows 7 operating system (OS) usually used “Program Files (x86)” directory. For other Windows OS, just the “Program File” directory will be used. Above path setting actually based on the actual path location that you have previously installed the IAR Embedded Workbench Compiler software. Step 7. Select “Apply” and then “OK” button from the “External Tools” dialog window. Now, the IAR WorkBench for AVR Compiler can be called out from Atmel Studio 6.0 or latest version of the software window as an external tool.

Step 8. Select “Tools” and then “IAR Compiler” option from “Atmel Studio” software to launch the IAR WorkBench software.

Step 9. Select “Project”, and then “Create New Project…” option from “IAR Embedded Workbench” window.

Step 10. From the “Create New Project” window, first select “Externally Built Executable” option and then click on the “OK” button as shown in Figure 8-11. Figure 8-11. Create New Project Window.

Step 11. Browse to the “C:\Xplore_Getting_Started\IAR\Getting_Started\” directory, and then enter “Getting_started_XPLORE.ewp” as the new project name, and finally select the “Save” button to save the new project.

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Step 12. Select “Getting_started_XPLORE – Debug*” under Files of the “Workspace” window, and then use right click of the mouse to select “Add”, and then the “Add Files…” option.

Step 13. Select the “Getting_started_XPLORE.c” file first, and then press the “Ctrl” keyboard key and select the “usart_driver.c” file at the same time, and finally click the “Open” button.

Step 14. Double click on “Getting_started_XPLORE.c” file from the Workspace window to open the file.

Step 15. First highlight “Getting_started_XPLORE_Debug” from “WorkSpace window, then select “Project”, and then “Options” from “IAR Embedded Workbench IDE” window or use the “Alt + F7” keyboard keys.

Step 16. When “Options for node …” window pops up, select “General Options”.

Step 17. From “Target” tab window of the General Options Category, select “ATxmega” option, and then “ATxmega32A4U” as the “Processor configuration” device as shown in Figure 8-12. Figure 8-12. Target Option Setting.

Step 18. Select the “Library Configuration” tab from “General Options” category, and then select “Normal DLIB” as the Library name as shown in Figure 8-13.

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Figure 8-13. Library Option Settings.

Step 19. Use the mouse to click on the right arrow button to move to the right hand side of the windows, select the “System” tab from “General Options” category, and then enable (check) “enable bit definitions in I/O include files” option and then click OK. This setting is shown in Figure 8-14. Figure 8-14. System Setting Option.

Step 20. Select the “Linker”, and then the “Output” tab from the Category, and next enable (check) override-default with “Getting_started_XPLORE.dbg” file setup as the debug output file name for the “Output file”, and then select “Other” and choose “ubrof-8 (forced)” as the Output format” as shown in Figure 8-15.

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Figure 8-15. Linker Output Setting Option.

Step 21. Select the “Linker”, and then the “Extra Output” tab from the “Category”, and next enable (check) “General extra output file” option, and “Override default” option, and also change the file name to be “Getting_started_XPLORE.hex”, and then select the “Output format” to be “Intel-standard”, and finally select the “OK” button. These settings are as shown in Figure 8-16. Figure 8-16. Linker Extra Output Setting Option.

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Step 22. Select ‘File”, and the “Save Workspace” option from IAR Embedded Workbench IDE software window.

Step 23. When the “Save Workspace As” window pops up, enter “Getting_started_XPLORE.eww” and then click the “Save” button.

Step 24. Select the “Getting_started_XPLORE .c”” file from the “Workspace” window.

Step 25. Select “Project”, and the “Rebuild All” option from the “IAR Embedded Workbench IDE’ menu to compile and rebuild the project.

To save the project and exit IAR, perform the following: Step 26. Select “File”, and then the “Save All” option.

Step 27. Select “File”, and then the “Exit” option.

To continue debug the IAR compiled code in Atmel Studio, perform the following: Step 28. Maximize the Atmel Studio window.

Step 29. Select “File” and then the “Open” option, and select “Open Object File for Debugging” from Atmel Studio software window or use the “Ctrl + O” keyboard keys.

Step 30. From the “Open Object File for Debugging” window, browse and set up “C:\Xplore_Getting_Started\IAR\Getting_Started\Debug\Exe\Getting_started_XPLORE.dbg” Object file, and then select “ObjProject1” as “Project Name”, and “C:\Xplore_Getting_Started\IAR” directory as the “Location” of the project as shown in Figure 8-17. Figure 8-17. Open Object File for Debugging window in Atmel Studio.

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Step 31. After selecting the “Next” button, scroll down to the end of the “Device Selection” window to select “AVR XMEGA 8-bit” as “Device Family” and then select the “Atxmega32A4U” device, and finally press the “Finish” button.

Step 32. Doubleclick on “Getting_started_XPLORE.c” file from “Solution Explore” window of the “Atmel Studio” software to open such file.

Step 33. Select “File” and then the “Save All” option to save all the settings and the project.

Important setup To continue proceed with the next step to perform on-chip debugging of the design. Please make sure that the hardware setup is done as described in the previous chapter. Step 34. Now, follow the same procedures as described from Step 13 in Section 8.1 of this document to perform the on-chip debugging for this Getting Started design examples.


In-System Programming of Atmel XMEGA on XPLORE This chapter describes how to perform In-system programming (ISP) of the Atmel ATxmega32A4U device through PDI interface on XPLORE evaluation kit board. It is assumed that the programming file (*.hex) is already generated after compiling or debugging the design example code in using the compiler from IAR Embedded Workbench or Atmel Studio. With the same hardware setup as described in the previous chapter, the user can launch the Atmel Studio and then follow the step-by-step procedures described below to perform PDI In-System Programming of the XMEGA device on the XPLORE evaluation kit board. Step 1. From the desktop of the PC, doubleclick on “Atmel Studio” desktop icon to launch “Atmel Studio” software.

Step 2. Select “Open Project…” option from the “Start Page” window or select “File”, “Open”, and the “Project/Solution…” option from the software menu to launch the “Open Project” dialog window.

Step 3. Browse to the design project directory to select the Atmel Studio project that was previously saved.

If the Atmel Studio project file was created based on the Atmel Studio (native GNU or WinAVR GNU) compiled and built files, you can select to open the following file, and then select the “Open” button. “C:\Xplore_Getting_Started\Atmel\Getting_Started\GccApplication1\GccApplication1.cproj”.

If the Atmel Studio project file is created based on the IAR compiled and built files, you can select to open the following file: “C:\Xplore_Getting_Started\IAR\ObjProject1\Objproject1\ObjProject1.objproj”.

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Important setup To continue proceed with the next step to perform PDI In-system programming of the design, please make sure that the hardware setup is done as described in the previous chapter. If the “AVR tools Firmware Upgrade” procedures have not been performed on actual JTAGICE mkII or JTAGICE 3 tool that is currently using, please finish Step 20, Step 21 and Step 22 from Section 8.1 before working on the following steps. Step 4. After loading the exiting Atmel Studio project, select “Tools”, and then the “Device programming” option.

Step 5. From the “Device Programming” window, select “JTAGICE mkII” or “JTAGICE 3” (depends on the actual tool used) as “Tool” setting.

Step 6. Select “ATxmega32A4U” as “Device Setting”, and also select “PDI” as “Interface” setting, and then press the “Apply” button.

Step 7. Select the “Read” button for reading the “Target Voltage” and also another “Read” button for reading the “Device ID” from the “Device Programming” window as shown in Figure 9-1. Figure 9-1. Device Programming window in Atmel Studio.

Step 8. Select “Memories” Tab from “Interface settings” of the “AVR Programming” window, and then select the browse button to specify the directory path and the Flash Input Hex file for programming the flash memory of the device.

If Atmel Studio Embedded compiler (Native/WinAVR GNU) was used to compile and build the project before, the following programming Hex file can be selected.

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If IAR compiler was used to compile and build the project before, you can the following programming hex file can be selected.

Make sure to select the “Open” button to set up the programming hex file.

Step 9. Select “Program” button for programming the input Hex file from Flash. Now, the Atmel XMEGA device is programmed. User can also select the “Verify” button to verify the programmed code. To check the programmed result, user can launch the “COMxx - Putty” terminal window that was set up in the previous chapter using the following procedures.

Step 10. From desktop of the system, select “Start”, “Programs” or “All Programs”, “PuTTY”, and then “PuTTY” option again to launch the “PuTTY Configuration” window.

Step 11. Select “Session” option under “Category” from the “PuTTY Configuration” window, and then select “XPLORE_EXAMPLE” that was saved before as “Saved sessions” and then click on the “Load” button. Note:

If the “XPLORE_EXAMPLE” has not setup as “saved sessions” yet, repeat Step 14 and Step 15 from Section 8.1 of this document before trying this step again. Step 12. Select repeat Step 16, Step 17 and Step 18 of Section 8.1 of this document.

Step 13. Now, with the “COMxx - PuTTY” terminal window opened, press and then release the Reset (SW8) button from the XPLORE evaluation kit board once. This will shows the following messages in the “COMxx – PuTTY” terminal screen.

“What does ATMEL stand for? The correct answer is: A = PASSION, T = INTEGRITY, M = TEAMWORK, E = ACCHIEVEMENT, L = ACCOUNTABILITY; Please enter the letter ‘A’ to agree with above answer.”

Step 14. Type the ASCII character “C” (Upper case “C” using “Shift” + “C” keyboard key) and then press “Enter” key for not following the prompted instructed from the terminal screen first. Now, you will see the following updated message from the “COMxx – PuTTY” terminals screen.

“C – Please try again. You can only allow entering the letter ‘A’ to agree with above answer.”

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Step 15. Next, type the ASCII character “A” (Upper case “A” using “Shift” + “A” keyboard key) and then press “Enter” key for “Agree”, which follows the prompted instruction from the terminal screen. Now, you will see the following update message from the “COMxx – PuTTY” terminals screen.

“A - Congratulations!! You have successfully finished this demo example.” Note:

This program is designed to remind you about the “Atmel Value”! The “COMxx – PuTTY” terminal screen message is shown in Figure 9-2. Figure 9-2. “COMxx - PuTTY” terminal window that shows the test result.

The LED[3:0] that are located on the XPLORE evaluation kit board will also be converted and shown the “A” character in binary values, which is “1010” – LED3 = Off, LED2 = On, LED1 = Off and LED0 = On.

This means that the hardware really confirmed the agreed answer at the end. Now, you have success completed this Getting Started Guide for XPLORE evaluation kit.

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On-line Reference Documents [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

ATxmega32A4U device datasheet: ATxmega32A4 device datasheet: ATxmega32D4 device datasheet: Atmel ATxmega AU device Manual: Atmel ATxmega A device Manual: Atmel ATxmega D device Manual: FTDI (Future Technology International Ltd FT2232RL) Datasheet: [8] LDO (Linear Technology LT3022) Datasheet: [9] The installation Guide for the VCP driver of FT232Rl device:


Design Software and Communication Device Driver [10] Atmel Studio software download: [11] IAR Compiler installation software Download (must support Atmel AVR): [12] Future Technology International Inc’s FTDI (FT2232) Virtual COM Port Driver (used for USB connection to PC) Download: [13] If Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, 7, or Vista OS is used, the VCP (Virtual COM port) for the FT232RL can be downloaded from the following web site directly: 2.08.24 WHQL [14] Putty software ( for Windows OS can be downloaded from the following web site:

Atmel AVR1936: XPLORE Getting Started Guide [APPLICATION NOTE] 42015A−AVR−07/12


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