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Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques in plan-view and cross-section to identify the structure of the interfaces f
ATOMIC STRUCTURE OF THE INTERFACES BETWEEN SILICON DIRECTLY BONDED WAFERS M Benamaral, A Rocher1, A Laporte2,3, G Sarrabayrouse2, L Lescouzfcres3, A PeyreLavigne3, M Fnaiech4 and A Claverie1. 1

CEMES-LOE/CNRS, 29 rue Jeanne Marvig, BP 4347,31055 Toulouse Cedex (France). LAAS/CNRS, 7 av. du Colonel Roche, 31077 Toulouse Cedex (France). 3 Motorola Semiconducteurs S. A., Av. General Eisenhower, 31023 Toulouse Cedex (France). 4 Facultes des Sciences de Monastir, 5000 Monastir (Tunisie). 2

ABSTRACT The so-called Direct Wafer Bonding (DWB) technique opens new possibilities for the electronic industry but still suffers from the poor knowledge we have of the microstructure of these interfaces and hence of their electrical activity. In this work, we have extensively used Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques in plan-view and cross-section to identify the structure of the interfaces found between two bonded silicon wafers. The general structure of these interfaces is that of a perfect grain boundary and evidently depends on the misorientation between the two bonded wafers. A twist component in the range 0>θ >13° creates a square network of pure screw dislocation whereas an unavoidable tilt component (