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National Federation of IndianRailwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD,NEWDELHI. 110 055

Indian Nationa I tll':ililf

congress (rNruc)

InternationalTransportWorkers'Federation(lTF) No. IV80(i)/PartIl


The Secretary(E), Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub:

Attempt towardsOutsourcingof Stenographers/PSs categoryin the Railways-reg.


Railway B oard's Order *o._lp_

I 23I20 d,ated, 28I 04I20| 6. ;l_1O.t.U It is surprisingto note that the Railway Board have constituteda Committeeto look into the "Scheme of Outsourcing of Stenographers/PSs in various Benchesof RCT sanctionedin 2014" for recommendation of suitableschemevide order dated2gft April20r6. NFIR strongly protestsagainstthe arbitrary decisionof the Railway Board to constitutea Committee with the objective of outsourcingthe Stenographers/PSs category.It is sad to note that no prior consultationswere madewith the Federations. Federationfurther desireto reiteratethat althougha StandingCommitteewas constituted for the purposeof meeting as often as necessaryto discussthe issuesrelating to productivity and efficiency, no meeting of the committee has beenconvenedtill date. The Railway Stenographersare a frustrated lot as they have not been grantedparity in pay structurewith Central GovernmentSecretariatStenographersand equally 159decision tuk"tt in the Fast Track Committee for provision of Stenographersin terms Board,s letter dated 27/Il/I989 is yet to be implemented onZonal Railways. Added to this negative situation, the ' Stenographerscategoryhas not been grantedupgradationunder cadrerestruc-turingsinceseveral years. NFIR, therefore,urgesupon the Railway Board to withdraw order dated 28/04/2016,hold discussionswith the Federationsfor sorting out the matterthrough consensus. Yours faithfu


@r. M. Raghavaiah):. General Secretarv 9opy to the Executive Director, E(N), Railway Board,New Delhi. 9opyto the ExecutiveDirector (IR), Railway-Board,New Delhi. 4"py!o lhe General Secretariesof affiliated Unions of NFIR togetherwith copy of Board,sletter dated28/04/2016for information and necessarvaction. 9_opyto_theGeneralSecretary,AIRF, 4 StateIint y Road,New Delhi. Media CentreA.{FIR. File No. IV/Committee/Misc/PartII with copy of Board's letter dated,28/0412016.

Phone:011'23343305,65027299, Rly.030-22283,22626, Fax:011-29744019,Rly.22382, Telegram: RATLMAZDOR E-mail: gs@n,; [email protected], Website :


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