Wagoner, an AU art professor, has exhibited ceramics and sculpture throughout his career as an artist and educator. He a
AUBURN Spring/Summer 2008 Volume 18 Issue 1
engineering In this Issue . . .
Scholarships, Professorships at Work Shelby Center Dedication 2007 Donor Report “It Begins at Auburn” Engineering Campaign Report
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S a m u e l G i n n C o l l e gpee o f E n g i n e e r i n g
Contents Auburn Engineering
From the Dean
Spring/Summer 2008 Volume 18, Issue 1
Opening Doors
Competing for the Best
A Common Commitment
An Engineering Milestone
Into the Lab
Contributors Sara Borchik Cheryl Cobb Sally Credille
5 minutes with . . .
Hall of Fame
Katie Yester, graphic design
Our History
Office of the Dean Larry Benefield, dean Nels Madsen, associate dean for assessment Joe Morgan, associate dean for academics Ralph Zee, associate dean for research Office of Engineering Communications and Marketing Jim Killian, director Beth L. Smith, editor
Office of Engineering Development Rob Wellbaum, director Dan Bush, associate director Veronica Chesnut, associate director Heather Crozier, assistant director Ron Evans, associate director Dara Kloss Hosey, associate director Experience Auburn Engineering magazine online at www.eng.auburn.edu/magazine Auburn Engineering is published twice yearly by the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering. Please send news items, suggestions and comments to
[email protected]. Contact us at: 1301 Shelby Center Auburn, AL 36849 334.844.2308 334.844.0176 fax www.eng.auburn.edu
Special Sections The 2008 Cupola Report It Begins at Auburn Engineering Campaign Report
Inside front cover: Visitors entering the Shelby Center from Magnolia Avenue are greeted by a mosaic installation, one of several original works of art within the new engineering complex. Consisting of approximately 120,000 granite tiles (known as tesserae), the work was created by sculptors Gary Wagoner and Joanna Blake. Wagoner, an AU art professor, has exhibited ceramics and sculpture throughout his career as an artist and educator. He and Blake, an Auburn grad who resides in Washington, D.C., have collaborated on several projects throughout the campus. The mosaic honors the contributions of Samuel Ginn, namesake of the college. ©2008 Samuel Ginn College of Engineering, Auburn University
From the Dean
It was only a year ago that we were nearing the end of the most ambitious capital campaign that Auburn University had ever undertaken. Our planning was solid and execution was going well, with major strides being made toward our goal. Still, there were concerns about our success, given the goals we had set – namely, completing the largest campaign funding goal set by any academic unit on campus, ever. It was nothing like third and long, but I can tell you now that there were many unresolved issues and questions that faced Auburn Engineering. Most of those have now been resolved, including the fulfillment of our two highest priorities: raising the $105 million the College of Engineering needed to reach its campaign goal, and the more than $15 million needed to complete funding requirements for Phase II of the Shelby Center for Engineering Technology. We met and surpassed both goals with the help of our loyal alumni and our steadfast friends – that is, with your help. Speaking for all of the engineering community at Auburn, I can’t thank you enough. It has been an incredible ride. This edition of Auburn Engineering is dedicated to our donors, the nearly 10,000 contributors at all levels who are helping us to move into the nation’s elite level of engineering institutions. This, quite simply, is our ultimate goal and you are making it happen! Interest and enrollment in the college are at levels not seen in recent history, with the average ACT for fall 2008 applicants at more than 27.5 and a median value of 28. More than 50 percent of accepted students for fall 2008 have been offered scholarships, and we enrolled 15 national merit finalists in the fall 2007 freshman class. Our facilities renovation and construction resulted in a state-of-the-art engineering quad that offers the kinds of classrooms, laboratories and related space that will go a long way in attracting and recruiting more of the nation’s best students and faculty. We began with the renovation of Wilmore Laboratories and Ross Hall, and then moved to the completion of Phase I of the Shelby Center for Engineering Technology. Thanks to your support, we are now moving into the construction of Phase II of the center. Still, great facilities are not all that is required to attract the best students and faculty. Financial compensation in the form of scholarships and professorships is needed as well. We have made substantial progress in building endowments for the former, but have great needs in the latter. As a result, we are now working to move into our vision goal of raising approximately $40 million to endow improvements in our faculty development program. To attract top faculty we are simply going to have to do what our competitors do – give them the kind of compensation necessary to bring them to Auburn, and to keep them here. It’s that simple; the process will be to secure funding for professorships and chairs that make this goal a reality. Indeed, two examples of how faculty support programs work are detailed in this issue of Auburn Engineering, with Anton Schindler who is a Gottlieb professor of civil engineering, and Jin Wang, who holds the Redd Eminent Scholar Chair in chemical engineering. We need to replicate this kind of support throughout the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering to complete our vision of engineering excellence, and we are going to be asking for your help to meet this ambitious goal. As I have said many times before, a bold vision brings with it challenges – challenges we must confront and overcome if our quest to become one of the nation’s premier engineering institutions is to be realized. I urge you to stay the course with us as we move forward into an exciting new era of achievement and growth.
“Be an opener of doors for such as come after thee.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson by Sally Credille For many Auburn Engineering students, opportunity abounds when doors are opened to new possibilities. Supporting these open doors are those who believe in the benefits of an equipped generation. For Auburn Engineering’s alumni and friends, this belief translates into gifts for scholarships and fellowships that enable students to meet their academic, personal and career goals during their time on campus. As leaders of tomorrow, these students will shape our local, state, national and international communities.
Natalie McCormick
“Our scholarship students are a deeply motivated group of young people within the college,” said Joe Morgan, associate dean for academics. “Not only because they have a vision and drive to succeed academically, but because they understand the breadth of the gift they have been offered and maintain a sense of accountability that stays with them well into their professional lives.” A debt of gratitude Students like Natalie McCormick and Jake Mitchell take seriously the undergraduate financial support of those who came before them. McCormick, a senior from Maitland, Fla., transferred to Auburn to study civil engineering from New York University where she majored in theater. She is a recipient of the Herkt Scholarship Endowment and the Civil Engineering Alumni Scholarship.
Melissa Herkt
“I am grateful for the opportunity to earn my degree in civil engineering from Auburn, and for the alumni support,” said McCormick. “I am particularly indebted to Melissa Brown Herkt for her financial support. This scholarship is important to achieve my own goal of becoming a successful, professional, female civil engineer, just as she did. She has influenced and inspired many women in engineering, including me.”
Fred and Juanita Mace
Herkt, a 1977 civil engineering graduate, is president of Process Systems & Solutions, a division of Emerson Process Management. She was the college’s first female co-op student and later became Exxon’s first female project engineer to be posted overseas with the company’s research and engineering unit.
Mitchell, a junior studying mechanical engineering, is a recipient of the Fred and Juanita Mace Scholarship. He believes that his scholarship has motivated him to become more ambitious. “Not only does it show that hard work isn’t overlooked, but it helps to push me even harder to reach my academic goals,” said Mitchell. “As I continue my coursework and co-op program, the confidence others have in me to succeed is encouraging and motivating.” 4
Jake Mitchell
Jeff Alexy Currently in his third co-op semester with Altec Industries in Birmingham, Mitchell works on the engineering and manufacturing of lift-truck and digger-truck bodies used by the power and communications industries. “On a day-to-day basis I enjoy designing small machines and fixtures that simplify our manufacturing process,” explains Mitchell. “I have always been interested in machines and how they work.” No better gift
Donald Luger
For graduate students, the chance to obtain a fellowship provides more than the opportunity for advanced training and specialization in engineering research. Graduate fellowships support targeted instruction and in-depth analysis conducted by future scientists, researchers, educators and professional engineers. Their findings assist in generating new technologies and improving quality of life for citizens of Alabama, the nation and the world.
Jeff Alexy is a civil engineering graduate student and recipient of the George A. and Betty M. Luger Fellowship. His fellowship was created by Auburn alum Donald Luger in honor of his parents. Luger was inspired to create the fellowship in an effort to provide much-needed funds for graduate support, which would be specifically awarded to a student in the Department of Civil Engineering. Alexy conducts research involving fiber-reinforced polymer strengthening of reinforced concrete bridges as part of his graduate curriculum. “I have an interest in this research because it is practical, and I enjoy seeing how it will be applied to everyday life,” said Alexy. “Receiving this fellowship has enabled me to continue my studies here at Auburn and allowed me the opportunity to perform significant, graduate-level research that can help to improve the lives of others. I couldn’t have asked for a better gift.” Scholarship and fellowship recipients also develop a sense of charitable giving that influences them to support future students’ academic goals. It is for these reasons and more that Auburn engineers have been especially moved to allocate an array of financial gifts to the college throughout the “It Begins at Auburn” campaign. “We have always experienced strong support from a variety of contributors and friends of the college,” said Larry Benefield, dean of engineering. “We are particularly grateful for this recent period of bold commitment from our alumni to lead and encourage students to excel by creating a deep network of available scholarships and fellowships.” This profound commitment to giving strongly reflects the leadership of Auburn alumni and donors, those who share a confidence in students and the value their support brings to future generations of Auburn engineers. Ultimately, Auburn Engineering students seize those opportunities which are available to them. They anticipate the finish line, pass through the open door, and are grateful to those who held it open. 5
Competing for the Best by Cheryl Cobb
those who have established themselves as leaders in their fields. Case in point is new faculty member Jin Wang in the Department of Chemical Engineering who holds the Redd Endowed Eminent Scholar Chair. Wang, Recognizing Excellence whose background includes seven years of work in systems biology and five years of research in biochemical engineering, is The A.M. ‘Buddy’ Redd Jr. and exploring a systems biology approach to Susan W. Redd Endowed Eminent the early diagnosis and treatment of cancer, Scholar Chair provides support to as well as the optimization of the microbial an outstanding faculty member. mixes used as biocatalysts in the production The owner of Redd Realty Services of biofuels.
What do the nation’s top athletes and top professors have in common? Like elite athletes, exceptional professors are in short supply and high demand. Competition for talent is particularly fierce in science and engineering. With starting salaries for engineering graduates topping $50,000, fewer students are choosing graduate school – the training ground for tomorrow’s professors. According to the Southern Regional Education Board, only three percent of the general population earns a doctorate or first professional degree. Of this total, about a third choose to work for the nation’s colleges and universities.
in Atlanta, Ga., he and his wife Susan value education and support it in a variety of ways.
The situation is especially challenging for public universities because private institutions, with their high tuitions and large endowments, have set the bar for faculty salaries high. But that does not mean that public institutions such as Auburn’s Samuel Ginn College of Engineering can’t attract and hold on to top talent. State supported schools like Auburn often have other things going for them – high quality of life, lower cost of living, strong traditions and a sense of family. They also have dedicated alums who are increasingly stepping up to fund endowed professorships which ensure that faculty salary packages are competitive. An investment in faculty endowments provides a reliable source of funding for new positions, salary enhancements, research support, technological needs and professional development for 6
“We were able to recruit Jin thanks to a generous endowment for bioengineering provided by alumnus Buddy Redd,” explains Department Chair Chris Roberts. “We would not have been able to create this position based on state funds alone. She has unlocked entirely new areas of research and discovery for this department.” Wang explains that it was a combination of salary, as well as the offer of both wet and dry lab space that really cinched the deal for her. “I need both a computer lab and a wet lab to do my work,” she says. “Thanks to my professorship, Auburn was able to provide me with the environment and support I needed to advance my efforts in this highly specialized area. This puts me at an advantage when seeking outside funding and a winning team of graduate students.”
Professorships are also critical to Auburn Engineering‘s ability to retain current faculty such as Anton Schindler who holds a Gottlieb Professorship. Schindler has established himself as a leader through his classroom efforts, as well as his work to improve the sustainability, performance and durability of concrete structures. From the modeling of in-place structural concrete performance, the development of selfconsolidating concrete, the use of alternative fuels for cement production, to the rapid repair of existing structures, Schindler’s work has contributed much to national and international efforts to expand our knowledge of the world’s most widely used construction material. Schindler explains that faculty members stay at an institution for a variety of reasons – competitive salaries, top-notch facilities and a good work and living environment. It also helps to have an administration that supports faculty efforts and helps meet their needs. As an example of this support, Schindler cites Auburn’s recent decision to offer tuition fellowships and improved medical coverage for graduate students, as well as initiatives to increase the number of graduate fellowships. These changes make it easier for him to find the quality students he needs to advance his research. The professorship is part of this broader package.
A Family Affair The Gottlieb Professorship was established in 1969 by Leon Gottlieb ’22 in memory of his two brothers – Samuel ’33 and Jacob ’21. A substantial investment from Leon, an estate gift from Sam, and memorial gifts from business associates and friends provide funding for the three-year faculty appointment. Both Leon and Sam worked in the highway construction business, and Jacob was a long time employee of Westinghouse Electric, holding one of the early patents related to air conditioning.
“A named professorship is a great honor . . . a reward for a job well done, providing recognition at the department, college and university level,” says Schindler. “It means a lot when traveling and when seeking collaborators. Outsiders to Auburn University know that faculty with named professorships represent the best of the institution, which can open doors for collaboration.” According to Civil Engineering Department Head Mike Stallings, the biggest challenge of professorships is that AU has too few of them. “We have so many talented and hard working faculty and so few titled positions,” says Stallings. “In a field where salaries have not grown at rates as high as other workers with advanced levels of education, professorships are some of the most valuable tools we have to recognize excellence.” And excellence matters – to people and to the bottom line. Adding 25 years of life to a concrete bridge or roadway means less highway construction, fewer traffic delays, improved safety and money saved. Identifying a noninvasive way to accurately diagnose cancer means earlier detection, increased survival and a reduction in unnecessary surgeries. While it is certainly easier to define excellence in the world of athletics, the stakes in the academic world are much higher. After all, it is successful graduates, new technologies and the businesses that spring from them that are the foundation for our nation’s future.
A common commitment
Industry leaders invest in NCAT
by Sara Borchik
You don’t have to be an Auburn alum to understand the vision of Auburn Engineering.
(NCAT), supporting the leading edge research for which the center is internationally known.
A.J. Ronyak is a fourth generation asphalt man, born and raised in the industry. His father, grandfather and great-grandfather were all pavement pioneers in Ohio. He didn’t come by success easily though, first shoveling asphalt then running heavy equipment and eventually making asphalt.
“As far as I’m concerned, NCAT is the top dog in asphalt research,” says Ronyak. “With the test track and the different mix designs that they’re monitoring, the whole program is truly state of the art.”
In contrast, Ron Kenyon had barely graduated high school when he started working for a local pavement company in Des Moines, Iowa. When he found out that the company he was working for was soon to be sold, Kenyon started an ambitious campaign to buy it himself. The company worked with him to finance the project, and Kenyon started his own company, Ronald Kenyon Construction Company, which he ran until his retirement in 1992. Both men are pioneers in the field, involved in a multitude of industry and trade organizations and known worldwide for their innovations in asphalt technology and design. While neither one holds an Auburn degree, both Ronyak and Kenyon share a passion for and a belief in the future of asphalt technology research at Auburn University. They both have made generous gifts to the National Center for Asphalt Technology 8
A former manager of the world’s largest asphalt plant, owned by the Thompson McCulley Company, Ronyak holds an international patent on an additive he developed that neutralizes asphalt odor. Thompson McCulley funded the initial testing of the additive at NCAT, which began more than 15 years ago. NCAT has continued testing the materials for various uses during the past 10 years. “In this day and age, our concern is protecting the asphalt industry as a whole,” says Ronyak. “A plant might be operating in an area for years and then all of a sudden housing develops nearby and the plant is shut down because of the odor issues. That’s always a serious hurdle for our business.”
Because NCAT was so helpful in testing Ronyak’s additive, he and his wife Patty have designated a $2.8 million gift to NCAT from their estate. Ronyak says that a gift to the center just made sense for their family.
“The asphalt industry has been really good to my wife and me, and with NCAT’s help, we’re going to keep the business alive for as long as asphalt is around,” he says. “It’s been fun being able to semiretire at an early age and have the means to give back to the asphalt industry in some way. For us, Auburn and NCAT were a great place to start.”
“Ron really felt that NCAT was a part of him,” said Ray Brown, former NCAT director and friend of Kenyon. “He recognized where he came from, what he had become and how he had gotten there, and he wanted to give back to the industry. Ron felt that NCAT was the best place to do that, and he was always involved in whatever we were working on there.”
Though they come from different backgrounds, Kenyon’s story of NCAT support is much the same. Kenyon also has a long history as a pioneer in the development and implementation of innovations in the Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) industry. Now retired from his work as the owner of Ronald Kenyon Construction Company, he is known particularly for his work with drum mixing technology, the recycling of HMA paving materials and equipment improvements that have been adopted on an industry-wide basis.
In 1991, he was honored as NAPA Man of the Year for his efforts on behalf of NCAT. That same year, the Ronald D. Kenyon Education and Research Award of the NAPA Education Foundation was established to recognize individuals for their outstanding contributions in asphalt research.
Kenyon’s firm was a charter member of the National Asphalt Paving Association (NAPA). He served on various committees and task forces and in numerous national offices. Grasping the reigns as NAPA chairman of the board in 1988, Kenyon led the effort to raise $10 million to establish an endowment supporting education, research and information services in the hot mix asphalt industry. This endowment in many ways led to the NCAT we know today.
In 1999, Kenyon and his wife established Auburn’s $1 million Ronald D. and Margaret L. Kenyon Endowment for Fellowships in Asphalt Technology, providing scholarships to graduate students performing asphalt technology research at NCAT. “Mr. Ronyak and Mr. Kenyon’s leadership in the asphalt industry are inspirational,” says Randy West, director of NCAT. “Their commitments to NCAT will be a lasting legacy that will help us continue the kind of practical research that Auburn engineers are known for worldwide.” Kenyon 9
an engineering
Milestone by Beth Smith
The events of April 18, 2008 marked a pivotal day in the life of Auburn Engineering as alumni, friends and dignitaries joined the university community to dedicate the first phase of the new Sen. Richard C. and Dr. Annette N. Shelby Center for Engineering Technology. Representing one of the largest building projects in the history of Auburn University and a key element in an extensive engineering facilities enhancement plan, the Shelby Center is a state-of-the-art teaching and research environment. In January, faculty, staff and students moved into the central pavilion and east and west wings, which house administration, the Office of Student Services, the AT&T Minority Engineering Program and the departments of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Computer Science and Software Engineering. Phase II, to begin construction in late summer, will consist of a new mechanical engineering building and an advanced research laboratory. Together, these facilities will enable the college to attract world-class faculty, recruit top-notch students and conduct innovative research.
“ I am proud of this facility and I am
proud of Auburn University. I am also proud to know that this is the largest engineering education facility that we have in the state. If we can build world-class math, science and engineering facilities at our major universities, we will change the economy of this state and we will change the opportunities of our grandchildren. ” Richard C. Shelby, U.S. Senator Alabama
“ As an academic, I am particularly happy to
be associated with any building dedicated to teaching, research and service. To be associated with this beautiful building is very, very special indeed. May this facility create an environment that shares knowledge and resources for the benefit of Alabama, the benefit of the nation and the benefit of all humankind. ”
Annette N. Shelby, Professor Emerita Georgetown University
Dean Larry Benefield welcomes guests to the dedication ceremony of Phase I of the new Sen. Richard C. and Dr. Annette N. Shelby Center for Engineering Technology. The ceremony was held in the Lowe Lobby and Grand Foyer. 10
“ The vision and leadership of Dean Larry Benefield,
the faculty, staff and students in this college have given us something we can be proud of for decades to come. It will truly leave a legacy for all of us. ” Jay Gogue, President Auburn University
“ The Trustees know that now that we have this
facility we must make it work. We have great confidence in Larry Benefield and his staff to make sure that we turn out the kind of engineers that will help us compete in the global economy. If we cannot technologically innovate over the next century, then we cannot compete in a global economy. ” Samuel Ginn, Member Auburn University Board of Trustees
The Sum of its Parts
“ The Shelby Center represents a major step in
satisfying our facilities needs as we work to move to the next level of excellence. You only have to look around to understand what this facility will mean to our recruitment efforts to attract the finest students and faculty. ”
Larry Benefield, Dean Samuel Ginn College of Engineering
Birmingham-based firm Hoar Construction managed the construction of the Shelby Center and provided oversight for eight prime contractors. Bailey Harris Construction, Auburn Electric, AMCO Engineering, Brendle Sprinkler, Elevator Maintenance and Repair, and Selective Masonry all hail from Alabama. Rounding out the list are specialty companies Kewaunee from North Carolina and New York-based IEC. On an average day, there were more than 125 workers on site. Here are some Interesting facts related to construction of the complex: Cubic yards of concrete Tons of rebar Bricks Concrete blocks Masonry man-hours Pieces of limestone and granite Bags of mortar mix Doors Windows Squares of shingles Feet of electrical wire Light fixtures Switches and receptacles Telephone or computer data outlets
10,432 1,100 975,000 125,000 120,000 2,500 11,000 400 + 400 + 800 743,905 3,414 2,702 1,108
R ealizing
D ream
A major component of Auburn Engineering’s vision – once just a dream – officially became a reality at the college’s dedication ceremony of the Sen. Richard C. and Dr. Annette N. Shelby Center for Engineering Technology. The new engineering complex, to be completed in two phases, is critical to the college’s quest to become one of the nation’s top engineering institutions. This quest remains dependent on those who share our belief in what we can accomplish. The dedication of our faculty and staff, the diligence of our students, and the generosity of our alumni and friends have worked together to bring the dream of a foremost engineering complex to fruition. The Shelby Center has afforded the college a tangible opportunity to recognize the gifts of our benefactors by naming areas of the complex in honor of those who have made gifts to ensure the completion of both Phase I and Phase II of the complex. James Thomas Alley Associate Dean’s Office The late James Thomas Alley, mechanical engineering, 1948, Tulane University, enjoyed a career at US Steel that spanned 48 years. He held a bachelor’s in civil engineering and a Master’s in general engineering from UAB. He was a member of Auburn’s Engineering Eagles Society and supported an endowed scholarship for graduate engineering studies. O. William Bynum Gallery The Bynum Gallery is dedicated to the memory of O. William Bynum, electrical engineering, 1930, by his sons, Bill and Bob Bynum. As a young engineer, Bynum joined the Carrier Corporation and worked closely with Dr. Carrier, eventually providing the engineering and management expertise that would result in a $25 billion HVAC industry. He served as president, chairman, director and CEO of Carrier Corporation. He received Auburn University’s Algernon Sydney Sullivan award and was a member of the State of Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame. Dynetics Student Gallery Dynetics, Inc. began recruiting Auburn engineers in 1976, a year after its founding, and has maintained a strong relationship with Auburn Engineering. Dynetics believes in the power of engineering solutions, recognizing that engineers provide the ideas and products that fuel the American economy and make our lives more productive. Carol Ann and Charles E. Gavin III Classroom and Gavin Dean’s Office Suite Charles E. Gavin III, textile engineering, 1959, is chairman of MFG Chemical, Inc. and a member of the Auburn Textile Education Foundation. He is a founding member of the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Foundation. He is a member of the Engineering Keystone Society and the 2003 Distinguished Auburn Engineering Alumnus. The Gavin Family Foundation provides scholarships to students pursuing careers in chemical engineering and the textile industry. Charles shares with his wife Carol Ann a deep commitment to higher education. Emma and Al Gentle, Sr. Graduate Student Office Alfred F. Gentle, Sr., electrical engineering, 1950, enjoyed a 35-year career with Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, ultimately rising to operations manager. He is a member of the 12
Engineering Eagles Society, and shares his commitment to Auburn with his wife Emma and daughters Anita G. Newcomb ’76 and Nancy G. Boudrie ’86. John T. Hartley Auditorium John T. Hartley, chemistry, 1951; electrical engineering, 1955; honorary doctorate, 1996; enjoyed a long career with Harris Corporation, ultimately rising to chairman and CEO. He holds the Outstanding Electrical Engineering Alumni Award and is a member of the State of Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame. John Steele Henley II, ’63 Development and Communications and Marketing Conference Room John S. Henley II, civil engineering, 1963, served 27 years in the Navy attaining the rank of Lieutenant Commander and later worked for TRW, a large defense and automotive company. A member of Auburn’s Samford and 1856 societies, and the Engineering Eagles Society, he also supports an endowed scholarship in civil engineering. Hoar Construction Plaza A leader in the construction industry, Hoar Construction has a longstanding relationship with Auburn that began with Richard Nichols Hoar ’36 and continued through chairman of the board Wayne Hoar ’72. Auburn graduates from the firm’s executive team also include Rob Burton ’79, president; Steve McCord ’82, chief operating officer; and board member Robert Keith ’63. Hoar exemplifies the integrity that reflects both the company and Auburn Engineering. Bruce E. Imsand Graduate Student Office Bruce E. Imsand, electrical engineering, 1974 and 1977, is founder and CEO of MaxVision Corporation in Huntsville. The company develops and manufactures high performance, portable computer workstations for U.S. military and intelligence applications and commercial uses. He is a member of the Engineering Eagles Society. Lavon and Nancy Jordan Portico and Courtyard Lavon F. Jordan, mechanical engineering, 1962; master’s in industrial engineering, 1969, is recognized as an aerospace pioneer. He has managed successful defense programs and served on two national committees addressing defense modernization. Jordan is chairman of the board and CEO of Frontier Technology, Inc. He is a member of the Auburn Alumni Engineering Council and the Engineering Eagles Society, and shares his dedication to Auburn Engineering with his wife Nancy.
Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr. and Sally Y. Kingsley Portico and Courtyard Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr., engineering physics, 1966, had a distinguished career in the nuclear industry, ultimately becoming chair and CEO of Exelon Generation. He is president of the World Association of Nuclear Operators and is internationally recognized as a leader in transforming the operation of nuclear power plants. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the State of Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame, the college’s Auburn Alumni Engineering Council, Engineering Eagles and Keystone societies, and served as chair of the Engineering Campaign Leadership Team. Sally is a 1966 math education graduate from Auburn. Tom and Bettye Lowe Lobby and Grand Foyer Thomas M. Lowe, Jr., civil engineering, 1949, founded Lowe Engineers, Inc. in 1957, a leader in the planning, design and construction supervision of civil engineering projects throughout the Southeast. He has served as a Fulton County Commissioner since 1974. He is a member of the Auburn Alumni Engineering Council and the Engineering Eagles Society, and with his wife Bettye, has been a significant contributor to Auburn University and the College of Engineering. Mike and Jane McCartney Hospitality Suite and Terrace Michael B. McCartney, civil engineering, 1957; honorary doctorate, 1984; is president of McCartney Construction Company, Inc., widely recognized as an innovator in road construction. He has served on the executive committee of the Auburn Alumni Engineering Council and received the Distinguished Auburn Engineer Award and the Outstanding Civil Engineering Alumni Award. McCartney helped bring the National Center for Asphalt Technology to Auburn and is a founding member of its board. He is a member of the State of Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame and served on the Auburn Board of Trustees for 12 years. Mike and Jane are ardent supporters of Auburn. James D. McMillan Associate Dean’s Office James D. McMillan, chemical engineering, 1961, enjoyed a career that progressed from engineering to business management to being a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. for 20 years. He is retired from ExxonMobil and is a member of the college’s Keystone Society. William R. and Lana McNair Minority Engineering Program Office Suite William R. McNair, electrical engineering, 1968; MBA, 1970; is a highly regarded telecommunications executive having served as vice president of network operations for BellSouth Corporation. He was instrumental in securing funding for the BellSouth Minority Engineering Program, now known as the AT&T Minority Engineering Program. He is a member of the Auburn Alumni Engineering Council, Engineering Eagles and Keystone societies, and the Engineering Campaign Leadership Team. He and his wife Lana share a longstanding commitment to the college.
Ed and Peggy Reynolds Wireless Engineering Lab Edgar L. Reynolds, electrical engineering, 1970, had a distinguished career in telecommunications and was the only person to serve as president of all four wireless subsidiaries of BellSouth. He pioneered wireless service into rural areas, and later served as president of network operations for Cingular Wireless, now AT&T Mobility. He is a member of the Auburn Alumni Engineering Council, the Engineering Eagles Society and the State of Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame, and shares his commitment to Auburn Engineering with his wife Peggy. Marjorie and Richard Quina Atrium Richard D. Quina, mechanical engineering, 1948, is a retired executive of International Paper and Smurfit Corporation and enjoyed a distinguished career in the pulp and paper industry. He has served on the Auburn Alumni Engineering Council and the Auburn Pulp and Paper Foundation. He is a member of the Engineering Eagles Society, the Samford Society and the 1856 Society. He and his late wife, Marjorie, have also supported an engineering professorship, the Auburn Pulp and Paper Foundation, and the College of Human Sciences’ international program. E. Tillman Warnock Student Study Hall The student study hall is dedicated by Becky and Bill Warnock in loving memory of Bill’s grandfather, Everett Tillman Warnock, 1904-1978. Tillman Warnock felt great pride in his grandson Bill who graduated in civil engineering in 1974. The spirit, perseverance and sense of purpose that characterized Tillman’s life are the same attributes that define Auburn students and faculty. Bill is a member of the Auburn Alumni Engineering Council. Carol and G. Ed Williamson II Dean’s Conference Room G. Ed Williamson II, aerospace engineering, 1967, began his career working in the steel building industry and later joined the Williamson Automotive Group, where he is now chairman and CEO. He and his wife Carol share a dedication to higher education with both serving in leadership positions at various universities. They are generous supporters of Auburn University, making significant contributions to both the College of Engineering and the Auburn University band.
Phase II Donors Donors to be recognized in Phase II include: Carroll Air Systems Clarence and Lynn Hornsby Charlie and Rosemary Jager Kresge Foundation
Bill and Betty Reed Bill and Martha Ward Ernie and Sandra Warren Dwight and Sally Wiggins 13
Into t he la b Spotlight on Mechanical The control of epidemics and pandemics is a key issue for the civil aviation community. The recent SARS outbreak and the concern over the spread of avian influenza serve as a warning of how rapidly disease can spread in the age of global mobility. Furthermore, civil aviation has long been subject to the threat of terrorism, culminating in the tragic events of 9/11. Given the history of the use of chemical and biological agents by terrorists and rogue states, there is concern that these could be employed to target airliners. Their impact, in both human and financial terms, is substantial. To address this need, the Air Transportation Center of Excellence for Airliner Cabin Environment Research (ACER) conducted a demonstration of the use of advanced decontamination technologies for civil aviation applications. The demonstration evaluated two technologies at a Federal Aviation Administration site in Oklahoma City. The first of these was a thermal
decontamination system, produced by AeroClave LLC of Orlando for eliminating viruses. The second technology was Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide (VHP), from STERIS Corporation, for destroying biological agents that are challenging to eliminate. “This is the first demonstration of decontamination that is suitable for use with wide body airliners, as opposed to military hardware,” said William Gale, former ACER executive director and Auburn University Alumni Professor. According to Gale, ACER has also demonstrated the same technologies for decontaminating railcars and evaluated their use for buses and ambulances. Auburn University is the lead in the seven-university research center. ACER is sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration’s Office of Aerospace Medicine, based at FAA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Work at the center will expand under its new name, the National Center of Excellence for Research in the Intermodal Transport Environment (RITE) and a new director, Tony Overfelt, materials engineering faculty member.
Aerospace faculty member Roy Hartfield and former doctoral candidate Christoph Burger and are examining the viability of a passive variable pitch propeller for small aerial remotely piloted vehicles (RPV) and unmanned aerial systems (UAS) using a self-adjusting, mechanical pitch control mechanism. Their work includes the design and testing of a mechanical pitch change mechanism based on a constant torque spring for an off-theshelf propeller. A propeller performance prediction code, based on the vortex lattice method, in combination with a genetic algorithm is used to optimize a propeller for given motor performance data. The optimization process includes results for both single point and multipoint design optimization efforts. The small-scale UASs, which are used in military reconnaissance operations, Components of the are equipped with fixed pitch propellers constant torque which can be exchanged based on mission propeller requirements. Fixed pitch propellers are used for system simplicity, weight savings and unavailability of a viable alternative. The design of a constant torque propeller changes the propeller pitch automatically and without external power input based on flight condition. This allows the UAS to operate at high propeller and motor efficiencies throughout the flight envelope, improving range, endurance and cruising speed. The concept behind the constant torque propeller is to introduce a lightweight and passive propeller control system which requires no electric power to operate, but at the same time improves the efficiency of the motor propeller combination over the flight envelope. The technology has been licensed to Canadian company Kondar Model Products/Aerovate.
Biosystems The Center for Bioenergy and Bioproducts has purchased a mobile gasification and power generation unit as part of the overall emphasis on thermochemical conversion of biomass to liquid fuels, chemicals, power and heat. The mobile unit contains a gasifier, gas filtration unit, and a combined heat and power generation unit. Researchers have been working on the initial shakedown and operation of the unit using woodchips produced from a forest harvesting research project being conducted by faculty in the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences. The unit uses about 50 pounds of biomass per hour to generate 25 kilowatts of electricity. Built to Auburn's specifications by Community Power Corporation in Littleton, Colo., the unit is the first one the company has constructed on a mobile platform. Designed specifically for both education and research, it has already been demonstrated for the Alabama Legislature at Alabama Energy Day, which was held at the Alabama 15
statehouse Jan. 22. Biosystems engineering faculty and staff were instrumental in the operation of the unit at this event. Beyond public events, the gasifier will Auburn’s mobile power unit be available for teaching purposes and will provide opportunities for engineering students to learn the basics of gasification. Most importantly, the unit will allow researchers to take the conversion technology to the source of forest and agricultural residues and study gasification of many different types of biomass for power generation.
Chemical Because the components in human cells are in nanoscale range, nanotechnology is poised to significantly affect medicine. Recent benefits to medicine have come from the use of nanoparticles, which are tiny particles approximately 200-fold smaller than the diameter of a human hair. For example, nano-taxol, recently approved for Scanning electron microscope breast cancer, provides micrographs of drug/polymer significantly better treatment microparticles containing drug with reduced toxicity. Due to nanoparticles (top) and unprocessed drug particles (bottom). their versatility in targeting tissues, accessing deep molecular targets, and controlling drug release, nanoparticles are helping address challenges in the delivery of both modern and conventional drugs. Faculty member Ram Gupta’s research is in the area of the production of pharmaceutical nanoparticles. His research group has developed a process to produce nanoparticles of controllable size. The drug compound is first dissolved in a solvent, and then precipitated extremely rapidly, yet controllably, using supercritical CO2 to produce nanoparticles of desired size. The technology has now been adopted by the pharmaceutical industry for commercial production. In many of the medical applications, these nanoparticles can be used directly via oral, injection, inhalation, dermal and other routes. His group is also utilizing the nanoparticles to produce smart drug formulations. Examples include, sustained-release medicine, where one dose is enough for the whole treatment; magnetically responsive drug nanoparticles for targeted delivery to the disease site, thereby avoiding side effects; and nanoparticle delivery to the brain for treatment of cancer, memory loss, Alzheimer’s and other conditions. 16
Toxic metals such as chromium, lead, mercury and arsenic have been widely detected at thousands of priority sites in the U.S. For many decades, it has been highly challenging to mitigate their toxic effects on human and environmental health. To address this issue, a group of AU environmental engineers headed by faculty member Don Zhao has developed a host of environmentally friendly nanoparticles that can detain toxic metal ions in groundwater, soils, sediments and solid wastes such as poultry Don Zhao (second from left) with his litter. Experimental doctoral students data indicate that the nanoparticles can substantially reduce leachability, bioaccessibility and toxicity of these metals. At the nanoscale, the materials can be easily delivered to the targeted contaminant zones, which are often deep in the ground. Compared to larger particles, nanoparticles offer greater sorption capacity and reactivity toward the contaminants. The nanotechnology developed by Zhao’s group applies a class of food-grade and low-cost starch or cellulose as a stabilizer. The use of the stabilizers facilitates manipulation of the particle size and transport of the nanoparticles. Auburn has filed for patent protection on the technologies, and a number of commercial firms have shown interest in further testing them. Given the known health risks of heavy metals and the scope of the contamination legacy, the technologies will provide millions of affected people with immediately tangible health and economic relief in the future. Zhao’s research has been funded by the Environmental Protection Agency, the American Water Works Association Research Foundation, the Department of Energy, the USGS-Alabama Water Resources Research Institute and the Alabama Agricultural Initiative.
Computer Science and Software Faculty member Xiao Qin has been awarded a three-year, $150,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for his proposal, "Mathematical reliability models for energy-efficient parallel disk systems." Numerous techniques have been proposed to conserve energy in parallel disk systems. However, little research has focused on simultaneously improving reliability and energy efficiency of parallel disks. When it comes to mission critical data stored on disks, high reliability is the most important characteristic of disk I/O systems. Recent studies show that an array of factors including temperature, utilization, scan errors, reallocation counts, offline reallocation, miscellaneous signals, manufacturers and models can all cause failures in disk systems.
Parallel disks consisting of multiple disks with high-speed switched interconnects are ideal for data-intensive applications running in highperformance computing systems. Improving the energy efficiency of parallel disks is an intrinsic requirement of next generation highperformance, high-reliability computing systems, because a storage subsystem can represent 27 percent of the energy consumed in a data center. It is a major challenge to build energy-efficient parallel disk systems that coordinate I/Os of hundreds or thousands of concurrent disk devices to meet high-performance and energy-saving requirements.
Electrical and Computer Faculty member Robert Dean is assisting NASA in the selection of a MEMS-based oxygen sensor/sensor system for the manned space shuttle replacement on the Ares I and Ares V launch vehicles. Specifically, this sensor will monitor oxygen concentration levels in the Ares solid rocket booster aft skirt area, which contains machinery that could potentially leak flammable fluids into an area that also contains electrical equipment. Inclusion of a suitable oxygen sensor will allow safety measures to be initiated if the oxygen level becomes high enough for combustion to occur. This will result in a safer manned launch vehicle. The operating environment is particularly harsh, necessitating a thorough investigation of candidate oxygen sensors. Additionally, Dean and George Flowers (ME) were recently awarded a U.S. patent, "A Micromachined Device Utilizing Electrostatic Comb Drives to Filter Mechanical Vibrations (patent number 7355318)." This invention is for a technique to realize tiny active vibration isolation platforms to protect vibration sensitive components, such as MEMS gyroscopes and micro optics, from high frequency mechanical vibrations that are present in some operating environments. This invention could enable these components to be used in applications that have been problematic to date.
Industrial and Systems In many industrial situations, increasing processing times are caused by worker fatigue. A rest period can improve workers’ performance, thus restoring the optimal processing times. Faculty members Emmett Lodree, Jr., Jerry Davis and Robert Bulfin and graduate students Bobbie Watts, Dumakas Snipes, Kandace Ballard and Yucel Ozturkoglu, are currently working on a research project studying deterioration and rate-modifying activities (RMA) effects in a scheduling environment. More specifically, they have developed a mathematical model that determines the sequence in which jobs should be scheduled, how many RMAs to use, if any, and where to use them in the schedule. In their model, performance measurements are total completion time and makespan with up to 50 jobs. The model is capable of solving problems optimally within a reasonable computational time. Mathematical models that generate optimal work-rest schedules will be based on data collected from human workers in a warehouse order picking environment. As a result of the findings from the order picking simulation pilot test conducted in fall 2007, an additional study was designed and conducted in March 2008 to further evaluate
Pictured, left to right: Lodree, Davis, Snipes, Watts, Bulfin, Ozturkoglu, Ballard
the physiological and psychophysical effects of picking various workloads. As with the pilot test, subjects simulated picking packages of various weights at a set work pace. However, this study included more subjects, more females, and an additional package weight. Heart rate data were collected in five second intervals to better analyze the physiological trend of work and recovery with respect to time. The data are currently being analyzed to determine those trends.
Polymer and Fiber The Department of Commerce is funding a “program for advanced research and development of novel polymeric materials and structures at auburn university.” New polymer labs will provide possibilities for joint research in polymers and reinforced materials with industry as well as the Auburn University Peaks of Excellence programs in Detection and Food Safety and Transportation, the Pulp and Paper Research and Education Center, and the Center for Microfibrous Materials Manufacturing. New polymeric materials will enhance existing products and lead to the development of new products. An example of the latter is a satellite that, in order to complete its intended functions, must maintain its exact dimensions as it passes through day and night in the course of its orbit. Polymers used in both the fibers and encapsulation (matrix) in composites for satellites can be manufactured to have high-dimensional stability over a broad range of temperatures. Without composites, much of the satellite technology would be impossible to achieve. Novel polymeric materials will serve useful purposes in sectors including aerospace, automotive, marine, military, transportation, infrastructure, construction and biomedical. Because advanced polymers can be engineered to have properties quite different than conventional materials, new vistas are open to designers whose ideas were limited by the low strength-to-weight ratios or thermal expansion/contraction properties. This project builds upon previous research and development of polymeric materials, equipment and measurement techniques. The research will continue improvements in existing polymeric materials and the development of novel polymers. Results will provide more accurate data for formulating optimal processing parameters to enhance mechanical properties and reduce processing time. The project will also develop architecture for facilitating the use of the generated data by manufacturers of polymeric materials and other industrial customers. 17
Five minutes with Julian and Dorothy Davidson “Five minutes with . . . ” takes a snapshot of the views of alums, faculty, staff and students. If you want to suggest a personality who deserves a spotlight – or if you want to know more about a member of the Auburn Engineering family – let us know at
[email protected]. Julian Davidson, our subject this issue, is a 1950 electrical engineering alumnus. His contributions to the U.S. ballistic missile defense program are considered among the most significant technological achievements in our nation’s history. When did you first know that you wanted to be an engineer? When I was ten or twelve years of age, an uncle, who was an engineer who had graduated from Auburn University, encouraged me to become interested in mathematics and science. It was my mother who encouraged me to pursue a higher education and go to college.
If you had to choose one thing that you learned at Auburn that has served you well throughout your life, what would that be? At Auburn I developed a strong work ethic that has continued to serve me throughout my career. When I entered Auburn as a World War II Navy veteran, I was intent on graduating as soon as possible. I found by applying myself, taking extra course work and working through courses in the summers, I could graduate early. I did so at 22 years of age, even with active military service.
You were a chief architect of America’s ballistic missile defense system. What was the best part of that experience? 18
I was the first deputy program manager for the Army’s ballistic missile defense. My position was one of continuity for the program since the program manager frequently changed. This change resulted in my essentially managing the program. This task was challenging because we were deploying the first national missile defense system.
After retiring, you entered the private sector. Was it a tough change? The transition from government service to the private sector was smooth for me. The two are different by the fact that industry has a profit motive, whereas the government does not. However, the technical problems that are encountered are very similar, and most times I have been involved with projects where government is the customer.
What do you do now? I am the majority owner and chairman of the board of Davidson Technologies, Inc., a defense contractor with a focus on space and missile defense. I manage the company and continue to work in engineering applications to missiles and space.
Yours has been a lifetime filled with success. But along the way there had to have been a few failures. Tell us about one that you learned from. Some years ago, along with others, we started a company in the health industry. This was a mistake due to our lack of understanding of the product and the marketing requirements. I sometimes give talks and advice to entrepreneurs on problems in starting a new company. The main advice has been to know the product and to have a marketing plan. I also emphasize the handling and understanding of cash flow. The lessons that I learned, I employed when I started Davidson Technologies with a budget of $28 million employing 200 people.
You were the first to tailor systems engineering to fit missile defense requirements. What do you consider your most important professional contribution? I consider being a pioneer in missile defense my most important professional contribution. When I began in this new phase in our national defense over 50 years ago, it was in its infancy. I was a systems engineer for the Safeguard program, which was the first national missile defense system deployed by the United States. I was involved in the missile defense technology that achieved a number of firsts in the field. It has been this technology that has led to the successes in the later systems that followed up to the present time.
How about personal contribution? My personal contribution has been my ability to give back to Auburn, in my small way, for the education that I received and whatever success that I have had as a result of it. I have been a member of the Auburn Alumni Engineering Council for about 20 years. I have a strong desire to work with Engineering to ensure the advancement of engineering education at the university.
With the addition of the Davidson Center for Space Exploration at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center, how does it feel to drive by that sign each day? I feel humble. It also makes me feel proud of Alabama and the engineers who developed and launched astronauts into space, and who have been responsible for so much of the technology that has become a part of our life. It is why my wife Dorothy and I dedicated the building to the Alabama engineers who achieved the amazing feat of space technology which has its history here in Huntsville with the Saturn V program.
What is next for you? I plan to continue to contribute to important national programs whenever I can, and to pass on the lessons learned to younger engineers, and hope to avoid past mistakes in the development and testing of missiles. 19
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hall o
A labama E ngineering
o f fa m e
Five Auburn Engineering alumni were recognized this year by the State of Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame for their distinguished careers and contributions to the field of engineering. The Hall of Fame was founded in 1987 to honor, preserve and perpetuate the outstanding accomplishments and contributions of individuals, projects, corporations or institutions that have brought and continue to bring significant recognition to the state of Alabama.
engineering and operations ranks to become executive vice president, chief financial officer and a member of its board of directors – and Drummond Coal – where he served as president and CFO of its subsidiary, Perry Supply Company.
An Authority in Project Management Melissa Brown Herkt Civil Engineering, 1977 During a career that began in the mid ’70s, Alabama native Melissa Herkt, president of Emerson Process Solutions, has been at the leading edge of the relatively new discipline of project management. With experience in all aspects of international project management in industry sectors ranging from petrochemicals to pharmaceuticals, she is recognized as a leader in organizing and managing resources in a manner that ensures that projects are completed within defined scope, quality, time and cost constraints. One of the world’s foremost authorities on project management, Herkt has brought an engineer’s critical eye for detail, an uncanny ability to see the big picture and the ability to balance the two to each project she has undertaken, all while quietly shattering the glass ceiling that had long kept women out of the nation’s corporate suites.
Managing the Business of Energy Walter F. Johnsey Electrical Engineering, 1949 The late Walter Johnsey’s engineering and business career could fill the lifetimes of several men. His professional life included 28-year tenures with both Alabama Power – where he advanced through the 20
Johnsey was an active member of the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce and a loyal supporter of higher education. He helped many talented students to achieve their dreams of a college education. In 2004, for his 80th birthday, the Walter F. Johnsey Endowment for Scholarships in Electrical Engineering was established by friends and family in his honor. Throughout his long and distinguished career in the energy industry and his local and state civic activities, Johnsey made a tremendous impact on the state of Alabama and its students. His grandson Johnsey Ruggerio accepted the award on his behalf.
A Pioneer in the Oil and Gas Industry George E. Uthlaut Chemical Engineering, 1954 George Uthlaut enjoyed a distinguished career in the petroleum industry and is recognized for his technical expertise in the areas of oil and gas exploration and production. He spent nearly three decades with Exxon Corporation applying his engineering skills to a variety of energy ventures from Florida’s enormous Jay Oil Field to the giant Trans-Alaska Pipeline to North Sea explorations. He rose steadily through a number of positions within the company, ultimately serving as managing director.
of fame Following an impressive career with Exxon, he began a second career with Enron Oil and Gas Company. Some 50 years later, he is recognized for making significant contributions to not one, but two, of the world’s largest oil and gas companies. In addition to a career marked by personal achievements, Uthlaut has placed a great deal of emphasis on numerous professional, civic and philanthropic endeavors which serve to advance the science and profession of engineering in many arenas.
An Entrepreneurial Engineer John H. Watson Mechanical Engineering, 1960 From his humble beginnings in Skipperville, Ala., to his current position as chairman of Smith’s Inc. of Dothan, John Watson has a distinguished history of engineering and business excellence. Following two years in the Corps of Engineers, Watson took a position as a mechanical engineer at Smith’s Inc. In 1966, only six years after his graduation from Auburn’s engineering program, Watson became the co-owner and president of an engineering firm that would grow to be one of the most substantial companies in the region, as well a significant employer in the Wiregrass. Today, Watson’s business acumen can be seen not only in the mechanical engineering firm, but also through a design-build corporation and numerous other ventures. Watson’s impressive accomplishments also include a commitment to those around him. He surrounds himself with people who share his dedication, and he makes a habit of giving back to those who are sure to have that same potential.
Engineering Quality of Life Walter S. Woltosz Aerospace Engineering, BS 1969, MS 1977 The professional career of Walt Woltosz testifies to the potential of an engineering mind to impact the world. Combining his engineering knowledge with a problemsolving personality, Woltosz has established himself as one who sees both the current and the potential. He has taken this ability and applied it to creating innovative technologies in three distinct careers – the aerospace industry, the augmentative communications field, and in pharmaceutical research and development. He is internationally recognized as an engineer determined to use his expertise in ways that improve quality of life. Woltosz has combined his engineering accomplishments with sound business practices and seen the success of two cutting-edge companies. He is chairman, president and CEO of Simulations Plus, Inc., a leading developer of pharmaceutical simulations and modeling software, and its subsidiary, Words+, Inc., a provider of state-of-theart communication products – one of which was used by worldrenowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, granting the world access to Hawking’s masterful theoretical concepts and his best-selling book, A Brief History of Time. Woltosz’s technologies have set him apart in the field of simulation and modeling, and he is recognized worldwide as a pioneer in the computer simulation industry.
Our History –
engineering’s first professor by Jim Killian
What were the beginnings of Auburn Engineering? Where did the first students come from, and how did they shape the profession? Who was the first professor and when did he teach his first courses? These questions – and many more – will be answered in a new history that is now being written as the College of Engineering celebrates its 100th birthday. Our beginnings trace from the 1908-09 school year when President Charles Coleman Thach reorganized the management of the faculty and established the College of Engineering as a distinct entity. Our roots, however, go back to the 1870s when East Alabama Male College was reorganized under the Land Grant College Act and became an agricultural and mechanical institution. The A&M College was anchored by six professors who held chairs in agriculture, engineering, languages, mathematics, moral philosophy and natural science. Its new president, Isaac Taylor Tichenor selected Robert A. Hardaway, a graduate of Spring Hill College in Mobile and Emory College in Georgia, as engineering’s first professor. Hardaway worked as a transit operator on a survey crew for the Mobile and Girard Railroad where his father was president, and rose to become superintendent of the railroad. When war broke out, he entered the confederate army as an artillery captain and was promoted to lieutenant colonel after being wounded at Spotsylvania. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Hardaway returned to his plantation in Macon County from 1869 to 1871 and again worked as chief engineer and superintendent of the Mobile and Girard Railroad. He joined the faculty of the A&M College in 1872. Professor Hardaway designed the engineering curriculum around his personal interests: drawing, surveying and railroad engineering, 22
and this changed little during his tenure, although he later increased the amount of fieldwork. Following its first collegiate term in October 1872, the A&M College conferred five degrees—two master of arts, two bachelor of arts and its first one in engineering, a postgraduate “Civil-Engineer” degree, to W. E. Horne of Union Springs. In 1873, Hardaway changed the curriculum, with the college awarding a bachelor of engineering (BE) to its graduates. The CE became a graduate degree requiring an additional year of study and a thesis. In 1874, four cadets passed their first-class examinations and received degrees at commencement, including B. Huger Johnson who earned a bachelor of engineering degree, the first recipient of such from the A&M College. Hardaway resigned unexpectedly just before the start of collegiate year 1882. Writing in the unpublished book he prepared late in life, Hardaway said, “I was Professor of Civil Engineering and Commandant of Cadets of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of the State of Alabama from September 1872 to September 1881. I resigned my position in the College at Auburn, Alabama and accepted a position as Division Engineer of the Mexican Central Railroad and left Auburn on September 19th 1881.” After working for a year in Mexico, Hardaway returned to Alabama, becoming professor of engineering at the University of Alabama, and he remained in Tuscaloosa until his retirement in 1897. He was succeeded at Auburn by Gen. James H. Lane, who remained until his death in 1907. But that’s a story for another day, and another issue of Auburn Engineering. Watch for our centennial celebration issue this fall!
C upola report
The 2008
A recognition of the 2007 contributors to the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering
The college's Keystone Society consists of alumni and friends who recognize the importance of private support in our ongoing success. These members have risen to the challenge of moving the college boldly into the future by making the highest commitment to annual giving — $50,000 or more — to the college's unrestricted fund over a five-year period. These gifts enable Auburn Engineering to take advantage of emerging educational opportunities. Ed and Lee Chapman Electrical Engineering, ’56 “It is my desire to see Auburn’s College of Engineering rank in the top 20 engineering schools in the country. Dean Benefield has set the course necessary to achieve this objective and I want to do all I can to support this goal. Giving directly to the college’s unrestricted fund enables Dean Benefield to utilize these funds in the areas he deems top priority. State-of-the-art facilities, outstanding students, and highly qualified and sought-after faculty are absolutely essential ingredients for this status. It would be my personal desire to see the day when every Auburn Engineering graduate contributes some amount, no matter how small, to repay what began for them at Auburn.” Ed Chapman is retired assistant vice president of network planning for BellSouth Telecommunications. He fondly remembers the deep sense of pride he felt each time he walked under the old arch stating, “The Best Electrical Engineers in the World Pass Under This Arch.” This symbol of Auburn Engineering now hangs in the basement of Broun Hall.
Charles Philip Saunders Electrical Engineering, ’74 “Auburn is a special place. The university and the College of Engineering are important to me. I received a quality education at Auburn, and I am greatly appreciative of all the support I received from faculty and other students that helped me to be successful. Dean Benefield’s leadership, vision and passion for the College of Engineering to become one of the best engineering schools in the nation played a major role in my decision to contribute to the college’s unrestricted fund. I hope my contribution will show that graduates care about the future and legacy of Auburn Engineering, and that students, faculty and staff can be provided with resources to help reach their goals and dreams. I also hope that this support will enhance the Auburn spirit and reinforce the concept of giving back when we can afford to do so.” Saunders is retired vice president of operations and generation services for Southern Company. During his career, he was responsible for all generation-support activities, including fleet operations and trading, fuel services and generation services. Even with many rewarding Auburn memories throughout the years, Saunders is quick to recall the electricity and excitement when Elvis Presley appeared in concert at the coliseum in 1974. 2
William J. Cutts ’55 Industrial Management President and CEO American Tank & Vessel, Inc.
Minga C. (Push) LaGrone Jr. ’51 Industrial Management Owner Jellico Realty Company
William B. Reed ’50 Mechanical Engineering President System Controls, Inc.
Julian Davidson ’50 Electrical Engineering President, CEO and Owner Davidson Enterprises LLC
John A. MacFarlane ’72 Mechanical Engineering Manager ExxonMobil, Technology Sales and Licensing
Albert J. Smith Jr. ’47 Mechanical Engineering Partner (Retired) Bright Star Group Ltd.
Charles E. (Buddy) Davis ’59 Electrical Engineering Manager (Retired) Boeing
Michael B. McCartney ’57 Civil Engineering President McCartney Construction Company, Inc.
Paul J. Spina Jr. ’63 Electrical Engineering Owner and CEO Spina Enterprises
Charles E. Gavin III ’59 Textile Management Founder and Chairman of Board MFG Chemical
Charles McCrary ’73 Mechanical Engineering President and CEO Alabama Power Company
Jeffrey I. Stone ’79 Civil Engineering COO Brasfield & Gorrie Inc.
Ralph Godfrey ’64 Electrical Engineering Senior VP (Retired) 3COM Corporation
Joe T. McMillan ’58 Chemical Engineering President (Retired) ExxonMobil Coal & Minerals
George E. Uthlaut ’54 Chemical Engineering Senior VP, Operations (Retired) Enron Oil and Gas Company
William F. (Hank) Hayes ’65 Electrical Engineering Executive VP (Retired) Texas Instruments
James D. McMillan ’61 Chemical Engineering Washington Representative (Retired) ExxonMobil
William J. Ward ’55 Mechanical Engineering Region Manager (Retired) GE Southwest Power System Sales
W. George Hairston III ’67 Industrial Engineering President and CEO (Retired) Southern Company
William R. McNair ’68 Electrical Engineering VP, Network Operations (Retired) BellSouth
Dwight L. Wiggins Jr. ’62 Mechanical Engineering President (Retired) Tosco Refining Company
Jim Hoskins ’81 Electrical Engineering CEO and Chairman of Board Scitor Corporation
Olivia K. Owen ’77 Civil Engineering Upstream Global IS Manager ExxonMobil Corporation
Walter S. Woltosz ’69 Aerospace Engineering Chairman, President and CEO Simulations Plus, Inc.
T. Keith King Sr. ’58 Civil Engineering President, CEO and COB Volkert & Associates Inc.
Howard E. Palmes ’60 Electrical Engineering VP, Network Operations (Retired) BellSouth
Oliver D. Kingsley Jr. ’66 Engineering Physics President and COO (Retired) Exelon Corporation
Thomas L. Ray ’69 Electrical Engineering President Ray Engineering Group Inc.
The Engineering Eagles Society consists of loyal supporters who make gifts of $1,000 or more each year to Auburn Engineering or its academic units. These gifts provide vital resources for creating and enhancing programs in which our faculty and students thrive. This society recognizes those whose gifts elevate Auburn Engineering to new heights and help continue our tradition of excellence.
Lionel Levy ’48 Aerospace Engineering Research Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center (Retired) Engineering Eagles Society member since 2007
1934 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Watkins Hutson
As a NASA employee, Lionel Levy could not wait to go to work each day. He was actively involved in projects related to re-entry trajectories and computational fluid dynamics. Levy received two awards for excellence during his NASA tenure – the H. Julian Allen award for best technical paper and the NASA Exceptional Service medal in 1978 for exceptional scientific contribution in computational aerodynamics. After his favorite professor left Auburn Engineering, Levy filled his shoes by teaching the class, theoretical aerodynamics, for two quarters.
Brig. Gen. Bryghte D. Godbold
1937 Dr. Daniel Webster Duncan
1938 Mr. Dwain Gregory Luce*
1939 Col. James H. Boykin Dr. Arthur Wiggins Cooper
“I love Auburn. I received a great education there. You can’t leave behind the Auburn spirit, and I know that other alumni feel the same way. As a member of the California ‘It Begins at Auburn’ committee, I knew that every bit of financial support would be vital to attracting quality students and professors to the college. I believe that my support will directly affect the future advancement of the College of Engineering.”
1940 Mr. Clarence Fletcher Horn
1941 Mr. M. Dow Sellers
Mr. Robert Bruce Allan Mr. William E. Cannady Mr. John T. Lutz Mr. & Mrs. Henry Frederick Rainey Mr. Grady Lawrence Smith
1943 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Ellis, Jr. Mr. C. Warren Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harding Harris Mrs. Helen Krauss Leslie
Mr. Nimrod W. E. Long Mr. Sabert Oglesby, Jr. Lt. Col. Walter Buel Patton Mr. & Mrs. James Madison Smith Mr. Leonard H. White, Jr. *deceased
Mr. Henry S. Arnold
Mr. William A. Boone* Mr. William H. Lyons, Jr. Mr. Wayman E. Vanderford
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Dean Braswell Dr. Jack Hutchinson Mr. Franklin Lee Jones Mr. Lionel L. Levy, Jr.
New members indicated in bold
1946 Mr. E. Erskine Hopkins Mr. Dean Sessamen
Mr. Seth H. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. F. Brooks Moore Mr. Richard Davison Quina Dr. Ruel Russell, Jr.
Mr. Robert B. Cater, Jr.
Mr. Bradley T. Cox, Jr. Mr. Walter G. Crumpton
Mr. Martin L. Beck, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wanzel Griffin Lt. Gen. Robert Hails Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hanlein Mr. & Mrs. Creighton C. Lee Mrs. Margaret P. Luquire Mr. & Mrs. Albert James Smith, Jr.
Mr. Thomas O. Davidson Mr. Joseph E. Haley Mr. Elmer Carlton Hill Mr. Walter F. Johnsey *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard I. Kearley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Lowman Mr. Norman R. McAnnally Mr. John F. Meagher, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lewe B. Mizelle, Jr.
Mr. Sam B. Alison*
Mr. Lawrence Montgomery, Jr.
Mr. Owen Sherman Posey
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond T. Roser
Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. Rhinehardt Mr. & Mrs. George E. Uthlaut
Mr. Angelo Tomasso, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold P. Ward Mr. Edward Thomas Williams
1950 Mr. Carroll L. Carter Mr. & Mrs. Tillman G. Crane
Dr. & Mrs. Julian Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Gentle, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence H. Hornsby, Jr. Mr. James Hunnicutt Mr. John M. McKenzie Mr. Mervin L. Norton
Mr. William Burch Reed Mr. Mack Allen Riley Mr. Myron Jackson Sasser Mr. Cecil R. Williams Mr. Joseph W. Wilson
1951 Mr. Arthur C. Daughtry Mr. Minga C. LaGrone, Jr. Mr. Leonard L. Mitchum, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sigmund M. Redelsheimer
Dr. Earle Carter Williams Mr. Robert M. Winter
1952 Mr. Sylvester W. Brock, Jr. Mr. Harry C. Handlin Mr. William R. Haycraft Mr. Carver Gager Kennedy Lt. Gen. & Mrs. Forrest S. McCartney Mr. Everett W. Strange, Jr.
1953 Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Day, Jr. Mr. Joseph S. Horsley Mr. Leonard A. Morgan Mr. James D. Tatum Mr. John Albert Taylor
1954 Mr. & Mrs. Fred N. Beason Mr. Russell F. Boren Mr. & Mrs. Thomas William Caine Mr. & Mrs. James H. Carroll, Jr. Mr. Donald E. Dennis Mr. & Mrs. Lewis H. Eberdt, Jr. Mr. Sibbley P. Gauntt
1955 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon E. Christiansen
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Evans Mr. & Mrs. James J. Mallett Mr. & Mrs. James Burton Odom Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parke Mr. J. Norman Pease II Mr. Charles E. Sellers Mr. William J. Ward Mr. David E. Wingard
1956 Mr.& Mrs. Jack Kelso Allison Mr. William H. Barlow Mr. & Mrs. Billy G. Barnes Dr. Dwight S. Bond Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Chapman, Jr.
Capt. Gordon L. Flynn Mr. Vernon W. Gibson, Jr. Mr. M. Miller Gorrie Mr. Bill M. Guthrie Mr. T. P. Huddleston, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Mace Mr. Gary C. Martin Dr. & Mrs. Michael B. McCartney Mr. Walter F. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. James S. Roy Mr. Cecil C. Spear, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J Donald Thornburgh
Mr. Michael Larry Tuggle Lt. Col. Ralph C. Wilkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Ives
Mr. William M. Brackney Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Burt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Hugh Corbitt
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mathias Jager
Mr. Malcolm L. Gilchrist
Mr. Paul M. Lefstead Dr. & Mrs. James Tracy O'Rourke, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George Edward Gullatt Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Manson Mr. Benny J. McDaniel Mr. & Mrs. Joe T. McMillan Mr. James L. Murrell
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Jacob Spring Mr. Lois Ray Taunton
Mr. Edward F. Williams III
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Neel
1957 Gen. Jimmie V. Adams Mr. John R. Bray Mr. & Mrs. John Wilford Brown Mr. Stanley G. DeShazo
Mr. & Mrs. James Louis Peeler Mr. Ellie Ray Dr. R. E. Simpson
Jerry Davis ’01 Industrial and Systems Engineering Assistant professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering Engineering Eagles Society member since 2005 AU faculty member Jerry Davis specializes in work measurement, methods engineering and occupational safety. He contributed to the establishment of the Dr. Brian Carnahan Memorial Scholarship Endowment, a fund that provides scholarships for students in industrial and systems engineering and honors Brian Carnahan, a friend and former faculty member. Davis is a member of IIE and ASSE. He is married to Cathy Jean Davis and their children, Crystal and Ryan, both attend Auburn University. “The faculty and staff are the heart of our college. When I was awarded a scholarship as an engineering student, I can’t tell you how satisfying it was to get the acknowledgement and support of the faculty as recognition of my efforts in the classroom. It is for this reason that my wife and I choose to give back a little something, specifically in the area of scholarships. I had the privilege of working with Brian Carnahan prior to the sudden onset of his illness and passing in February 2005. Shortly thereafter, my wife and I helped to establish the scholarship as a tribute to Brian’s passion for education and to honor his contributions to our department and college. We will continue to contribute annually to the College of Engineering and this most worthy scholarship fund.”
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Parker 5
1959 Mr. Gerald B. Andrews, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James O'Neal Ballenger Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Campbell Mr. Clarence J. Chappell III Mr. & Mrs. James M. Creel II Mr. L. Ray Davis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Edward Davis
Mr. Harry Arthur Edge, Jr. Mr. Norman S. Faris, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Earley Gavin III Dr. Samuel L. Ginn Mr. George H. Godwin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John K. Jones Mr. Gerald G. McGlamery, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Royce E. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Wynton Rex Overstreet Mr. Albert Miles Redd, Jr. Mr. Axel Roth
Dr. & Mrs. Elmer Beseler Harris Rear Adm. Tim McCall Jenkins Mr. Lavon F. Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Luger Mr. & Mrs. Jack Taylor Parker Mr. Thomas Saunders, Sr. Mr. Danny Gerald Snow
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight L. Wiggins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Woodham Mr. Charles E. Woodrow III
1965 Dr. David B. Bradley Mr. & Dr. Larry M. Curtis Mr. William F. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. D. L. Merrill, Jr. Mr. Penn E. Mullowney, Jr.
Mr. W. Russell Newton Mr. & Mrs. David Scarborough Mr. E. Todd Sharley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Stringfellow Mr. J. Ernest Warren
1963 Dr. Harry L. Deffebach, Jr.
1966 Mr. Donald H. Barringer
Mr. George M. Sewell
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Clark Evans Mr. Sellers G. Gauntt Mr. William G. Goff, Jr. Mr. Lamar T. Hawkins Mr. John Steele Henley II Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Lawrence, Jr. Mr. Charles N. Moody
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy L. Wetzel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Joseph Spina, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry F. Thomas Mr. Wendell W. Whiteside
Dr. Larry D. Benefield Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Flowers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James H. Ham III
Mr. Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr. Mr.& Mrs. Jimmy W. McGaha Mr. J. Kirk Newell III Mr. & Mrs. N. Oliver Smyth III Mr. Mac D. Waldrup, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Glenn Avant Mr. Charles H. Carlan
Doug and Tracy Phillpott ’84 Chemical Engineering and Textile Chemistry Lead Engineer, Day & Zimmermann and Senior Scientist, IRIX Pharmaceuticals Engineering Eagles Society members since 2004
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin F. Carr, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Elliott L. Dean, Jr. Dr. George J. Dezenberg Mr. Edwin W. Evans Mr. & Mrs. William B. Millis Mr. Howard E. Palmes Mr. Earl B. Parsons, Jr. Mr. James H. Stewart, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Watson
Doug and Tracy Phillpott are proud of the engineering education they received at Auburn and believe it plays a major role in their current success as professional engineers. Doug and Tracy met at Auburn and were later married at the Auburn Chapel during an Auburn football away game against Georgia Tech – Auburn won. They support Auburn Engineering through the electronic funds transfer program (EFT) because of its simplicity in donating the same amount at a set time each month.
1961 Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Akin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Cater
Mr. Leiland M. Duke, Jr. Dr. J. David Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Ligon Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Loyd Mr. & Mrs. James D. McMillan Mr. Alton B. Overstreet
“My textile engineering education provided me with a solid foundation in chemistry and the flexibility to work in a variety of industries, including textile, polymer, tire, water-based polymer and pharmaceutical industries,” said Tracy. “Doug feels the same way about his degree in chemical engineering. We both stay so busy and EFT means there is one less thing to remember and do each month. It’s a great way to contribute. Doug and I hope our efforts will aid in maintaining the quality of education, attracting excellent faculty and staff and continuing to improve facilities for students in the College of Engineering.”
Mr. Jamie Earl Price, Sr.
Mr. Joel N. Pugh Mr. Philip S. Zettler
Mr. Lawrence Owen Brown Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Craft, Jr. Mr. Ralph B. Godfrey
Mr. John H. Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. H. Wendell Ellis Mr. Charles E. Fuller III
Ms. Elizabeth Hinton Henley
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley L. Graves
Mr. William Albritton, Jr. Mr. David N. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Wiley Mitchell Cauthen Dr. Ralph S. Cunningham Mr. Glenn Harold Guthrie
Mr. Thomas R. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. W. George Hairston III Mr. Albert E. Hay
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Lowder
Mr. Gordon B. Mohler Ms. Nancy Whiteside Payne Mr. Jerry Franklin Smith
Mr. Joe B. Leonard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Earlon Curtis McWhorter
Mr. James L. Rayburn
Mr. David C. Sjolund Mr. William James Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stanfield, Jr. Mr. R. Conner Warren Mr. J. Mack Whitaker Mr. & Mrs. George Edmond Williamson II
1968 Mr. Johnnie M. Hamilton Mr. C. Gary Harrington
Dr. Terry Edwin Lawler Mr. James H. McDaniel Mr. & Mrs. William R. McNair Mr. Larry J. Morgan
Mr. Allen Coite Rice Mr. Robert G. Vick, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Michael Weigle Mr. Robert H. Wynne, Jr.
1969 Mr. Dwight T. Brown Mr. John L. Carr, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Peter Cerny Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Dykes Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson Grant, Jr. Mr. Gary W. Gray Ms. Nelda K. Lee
Mr. Douglas Paul Marshall Mr. & Mrs. William K. Newman Mr. Robert Lyons Prince Mr. & Mrs. David I. Rach Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Ray Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Saiia
Mr. Marvin Fred Terrell, Jr. Mr. Richard Turner Wade Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Woltosz
1970 Mr. Kerry E. Adams Mr. Malcolm N. Beasley Mr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Bryant Mrs. Veronica Smith Chesnut Mr. Douglas H. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Edge
Dr. Martin C. Glover Mr. Tommy G. Hendrick Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Farrell Higgins Mr. James A. Humphrey Mr. W. Blake Jeffcoat Dr. Leon F. McGinnis, Jr. Mr. George A. Menendez Mr. W. Allen Reed Mr. Edgar L. Reynolds Mr. John Albert Smyth, Jr.
Capt. Davis R. Gamble, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Barth III Mr. William Scott Brown Mr. & Mrs. Joe W. Forehand, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Richard Foust
Mr. Bruce E. Imsand Mr. Daniel M. Kennedy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Franklin Moon Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Peterson Mr. Robert H. Scott
Mr. Roger L. Sollie
Mr. Thomas D. Senkbeil Mr. David Slovensky Mr. James Lewis Starr Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morgan Waters Mr. Joseph D. Weatherford
Mr. Ronald Craig Lipham Mr. Charles Philip Saunders Mr. & Mrs. William E. Warnock, Jr.
Mr. Pete L. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Ben B. Barrow, Jr. Mr. Dennis W. Brown
Mr. Robert F. Bynum Mr. James Victor Doyle Mrs. Linda Vanstrum Griggs
Mr. & Mrs. Glen D. Atwell Dr. David Gilbert Burks Mr. Daniel M. Bush Mr. & Mrs. Joe Mark Chambers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard I. Chenoweth Mr. James A. Dowdy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ray Duttry Mr. John W. Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. John A. MacFarlane Mr. Stephen R. Miller
Mr. Ronald Ugee Harris Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Johnson, Jr. Mr. John H. Klingelhoeffer Mr. Thomas D. Lampkin Mr. William Tom Nabors Mr. Jack B. Porterfield III
Mr. & Mrs. Max A. Mobley Mr. Walter D. Mullins, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. H. Vincent Poor Mr. Andrew J. Sharp, Jr.
Mr. Terry James Coggins
Mr. & Mrs. Dewitt Uptagrafft Col. James S. Voss Mr. & Mrs. Larry Russell White Mr. R. Duke Woodson
Mr. Kennie Eglon Matthews
Mr. Michael Louis Scott Mr. William B. Womack
1976 Mr. Michael A. DeMaioribus Mr. David E. Dixon Mr. Dennis W. Henderson Mr. Michael McKown Mr. & Mrs. William Lynn Moench, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth A. Powell Mr. Randy Leon Smith Mr. D. Dale York
Mr. Charles S. Aiken, Jr. Mr. Rafael E. Alfonso
Mr. & Mrs. Felix C. Brendle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Wendell Chambliss Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Harris Duke Mr. Gregory Lamar Gibson Mr. Robert Waite Hardie Mr. & Mrs. Steven Max Lee Mr. Charles Douglas McCrary Mrs. Marsha H. Reardon Mr. Richard Young Roberts Mr. John Crawford Robertson Mr. W. Karl Vollberg Mr. James Wade Wesson
Mr. L. David Compton Dr. N. Jan Davis Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Lee Drake, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. C. Houston Elkins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. T. Gordy Germany Mr. Robert D. Hendrix II Mrs. Melissa Brown Herkt Mr. David R. Motes Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Munden, Jr. Mr. David Kenneth Owen Mrs. Olivia Kelley Owen Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Pehler, Jr. Mr. Harry Glen Rice
Mr. Scott T. Baker
Mr. Ray A. Dimit Capt. Michael R. Fosdick
Mr. Lum M. Loo Mr. Henry W. Poellnitz III 7
Mr. William W. Rowell
Mr. Scott Alan Yost
Mr. Kenneth L. Smith, Jr. Mr. James Mark Tolar
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Arthur Hamner Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hayward Pearce
Mr. Patrick Jerome Quirk Mr. Lee Wiley Richards Mr. Richard Quina Sanchez
Mr. Michael J. Varagona Mrs. Janet W. Varagona
1979 Mr. George G. Ard Mr. Michael Patrick Batey
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Wilkerson Diehl Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Steve Hill Mr. William A. Lovell, Jr. Mrs. Karen Harris Rowell Mr. Jeffrey Ira Stone Mr. & Mrs. David Carriell Sulkis Mr. & Mrs. Mark David Vanstrum
1980 Mr. Frank V. Couch III Mrs. Kathryn R. Hoffman
Mr. Joseph Lamar Holliday Mrs. Larke Lanier Mr. John Timothy McCartney Mrs. Laura Ledyard McCartney Mr. Charles Donald Miller Dr. Robert Mark Nelms Mr. G. Nolan Sparks, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Bell
Mr. Russell Lee Carbine Mr. & Mrs. John Emory Gipson Mr. Silas H. Hardin III
Mrs. Donna H. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Austin Miller
Mr.& Mrs. Timothy S. Pettibone
Mr. & Mrs. John Paul Raispis
Mr. Christopher R. Dozier Mr. Thomas A. Harris
Dr. William Ernst Josephson Mrs. Shannon Handegan Lisecki
Mr. James B. Burrows, Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey Harold Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Chandler III
Mr. Mark Eric Ogles Mrs. Sarah Johnson Sanchez
Mr. Kenneth C. Horne Dr. Gerald G. McGlamery, Jr. Mr. Douglas E. Phillpott Mrs. Tracy C. Phillpott Mr. Bradley Scot Shepherd
Mr. Brian Howard Hunt Mrs. Elaine Jimmerson Mr. Kenneth Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. John Newell Floyd, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Duane May
Mr. Ruskin Clegg Green
Mr. Benjamin Edwin Robuck
Mr. & Mrs. David Troy Veal
Mr. William B. Stone, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey Norman Vahle
Mr. Douglas Alan Barnett Mr. Stephen Joseph Bethay Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Bishop, Jr. Mr. Phillip Alan Forsythe Mrs. Margaret Long Forsythe
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Ross Godfrey Mrs. Dara Parr Kloss Hosey
Mr. David McCoy Kudlak Mr. George Lee McGlamery Mr. Tracey Duane Parish Mr. Martin John Stap Mrs. Laura Crowe Turley
1987 Mr. David Allan Carr
Mr. Bradley Bernard Johnson
Capt. & Mrs. Jon Christian Bradford Mr. John Phillip Caraway Mr. & Mrs. James David Noland
1993 Mr. Edward T. Blackmon Mr. Michael Boyd Deavers
Lt. Cmdr. & Mrs. Jerry Dean Foster Mr. & Mrs. Michael Thomas Hendrick Mr. & Mrs. Erik L. Naumann Mrs. Deana Smith Seigler Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wellbaum III
Mr. Kenneth Abner Smith Dr. & Mrs. James Michael Stallings
Mr. Jeffrey Curtis Harris Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ray Ingram Mr. & Mrs. David Emory Murphy
Mr. Thomas Freeland Odom, Jr. Mr. Kevin Andrew Partridge
Mr. Philip Randal Carroll
Mr. Glenn Stewart Phillips
Mr. Patrick Joseph Quick
Mr. Shawn E. Cleary Mrs. Anne M. Cleary Mr. Timothy Donald Cook Mr. Maury D. Gaston Mr. Donald James Parke Lt. Col. Mary F. Riddell Mrs. Linda Patterson Ryan
Mr. James Roberts Dr. Randy Clark West
Mr. & Mrs. John Carlton Todd 8
Mr. James Eugene Ard
Mr. Michael Arthur Rowland
Mr. Michael Harley Crowder
Mr. Timothy John Dwyer
Ms. Karen Hayes Mr. Patrick Higginbotham Maj. & Mrs. James M. Hoskins Mr. & Mrs. David Tarrant Lee Mr. Fred F. Newman III
Mr. Thomas R. Schmittou
Mr. Harold L. Wilson
1988 Mr. J. Gregory Anderson Mr. James Michael Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Fraher
1994 Mr. Christopher J. Couch Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Joel Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Shane Mize
Mr. & Mrs. Diaco Aviki Lt. Cmdr. Frederick Ramon Lyda Lt. Cmdr. Yvonne Roberts Lyda
1996 Dr. Chun-Yu Chen
Dr. & Mrs. Gerard Albert Davis
Mr. William D. Johnston
Ms. Ada Nicole Faulk Mr. Carter Timothy Nama
Mr. Mustafa Ali
Mr. James L. Killian III Ms. Catherine M. Kolar
Mr. John Raymond Smith Mr. & Mrs. Charles Alan Wilson
Mr. Peter Donald Lanier
Mr. & Mrs. Ted G. Achorn Mr. James Thomas Alley*
Mr. Charles Albert Machemehl, Jr. Dr. Nels Madsen
Mrs. Trudy Craft Austin
Mr. Gilbert Fournelle Dr. Andrew Palmer Hanson
Mr. Wicky H. Black
Mr. & Mrs. Graeme Malloch Mr. & Mrs. Bradley T. Miller
1998 Mrs. Heather V. Crozier Mr. Keith Shellie Hagler
Mr. Kirk William Jones Mr. Aaron Richard Keene Mr. Marvin Key Warren III
1999 Dr. Jennifer Paton Stacey
2000 Mr. Benjamin M. Carmichael Mr. Jason Max Lee
Mr. Marshall Chandler McLeod Mr. Michael Reid
2001 Mr. K-Rob Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Vaughan Dr. Dennis W. Weatherby *
2002 Ms. Emily E. Johnson
2003 Mr. Nathan L. Hanks
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Box
Mrs. Shirley A. Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mark Buford Mrs. Mary Caley Mrs. Barbara J. Chamberlain Dr. Robert P. Chambers
Dr. Joe M. Morgan Mr. Hunter Andrew Payne Dr. Michael S. Pindzola Mrs. Tallulah Dunlap Quina
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Schwartz Mr. C. Stanley Smith
Mustafa Ali ’07 Electrical and Computer Engineering Information Systems Analyst, ExxonMobil Corporation Engineering Eagles Society member since 2007 As an undergraduate in electrical and computer engineering, Ali served as an officer in IEEE and the Cupola Engineering Society. He participated on the Solar Car Team and volunteered at high school science and engineering competitions. An Honor’s College scholar, Ali worked with the Built-In Self-Test research group headed by faculty member Chuck Stroud, where his work involved field-programmable gate arrays. He received the Frank Vandergrift Award for outstanding co-op student and the ECE faculty named him one of two 2007 recipients of the William L. Everitt Student Award of Excellence. Today, Ali is part of the technical computing division at ExxonMobil Corporation and a new Eagles member. “I hope to establish a strong alumni relationship with the college while I can still bring the fresh perspective of a recent graduate. Alumni-sponsored scholarships and student programs played an important role in my own college career, which gives me the motivation to extend the same opportunities to future students. I hope my gift will help to provide support for Auburn Engineering students to channel their ideas, demonstrate their talents and earn national recognition among their peers. I would encourage other young alums to check out gift matching programs offered by their employer. They are a great way to contribute and involve their company in supporting the college.”
Dr. Kai-Hsiung Chang
Mr. Scott L. Jernigan Mr. Charles Richard Lawley Lt. Timothy E. Lowery
Mr. Charles T. Clark Mrs. Willie Russell Clark
Mr. Charles H. Ping III
Mrs. Sherry Cooper Ms. Sandra K. Couch Dr. James H. Cross Mr. Calvin Cutshaw
Dr. Bruce J. Tatarchuk Mr. Tony Terhaar
Dr. Sarah H. Edwards Mr. Brandon Eidson
Mrs. Mary Lou Tolar Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hawley Tuberville
Mr. Alain Gallet Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Goodman
Dr. Yonhua Tzeng Mrs. Myrna Walker
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Wilson, Jr.
Mr. William A. Goodwin
Mrs. Geneva Grandy Mr. Willie T. Grant Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hanley
Ms. Mary Beth Weed Mr. Michael A. Wilson, Sr. Mr. Stephen E. Wilson Dr. Ralph Hing-Chung Zee Ms. Frances Zwenig
Mr. James C. Ray III
2005 Mrs. Kathleen Donovan Hartman Mr. Andrew H. Monroe Mr. John Elvin Rogers Ms. Katherine E. Wilbanks
Mr. Joshua Dale Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie Cobb
Mrs. Joi Hudgins
Dr. Charles Eugene Stroud Mr. Jon Stryker Ms. Ronda Stryker Mrs. William V. Swan
Dr. Mrinal Thakur Dr. Robert E. Thomas, Jr.
Annual Scholarships Some of Auburn Engineering’s donors choose to establish annual scholarships. These funds, which are given each year, are not maintained by principle or earnings and vary depending upon donor contributions. Annual scholarships given in 2007 include: College Wide 3M Undergraduate Scholarships Albert J. and Julia Smith Scholarship Auburn Alumni Engineering Council Scholarship Charles Peace Davis Co-op Tuition Scholarship E. F. Williams Annual Scholarship Foundry Educational Foundation/R. Conner Warren Annual Scholarship Goodyear Scholarship Fund Jerry Jackson Thomley & Patsy Woodham Thomley/Alabama Power Foundation Scholarship Robert Morgan Waters & Linda Barnes Waters Family Legacy Plan Scholarship Seeds of Love/Willie T. Grant Annual Scholarship Award Redd Family Foundation Inc. Foley High School Academic Annual Scholarship R. Conner Warren Annual Scholarship Ginn Family Foundation Wireless Engineering Annual Scholarship
Polymer and Fiber Ciba-Geigy Textile Engineering Scholarship Highland Industries Incorporated Scholarship Russell Corporation Scholarships The Comer Foundation Textile Scholars Program Alabama Textile Education Foundation Scholarship Fund
Planned Gifts
Multi-Departmental American Cast Iron Pipe Company Engineering Scholars Program Southern Nuclear Operating Company Annual Scholarship John E. and Patti Gipson/Penta Research, Inc. Scholarship Boeing Aircraft Scholarship Chevron Oil Key Scholarships
Planned gifts are pledged today to benefit the college in the future. These gifts include bequests, life income plans, charitable gift annuities, IRA distributions and gifts of life insurance. Planned gifts enable donors to manage their investments and leave a lasting legacy for Auburn Engineering.
Aerospace Fred W. Martin Annual Scholarship Patrick Michael Couch High Flight Foundation Scholarship
James O'Neal ’59 and Bettye ’59 Ballenger Roger J. ’51 and Judy Campbell John Barnard Clopton Jr. ’47 Wayne J. ’60 and Louise Crews Charles Edward ’59 and Charlotte Davis Margaret Long Forsythe ’81 Jefferson ’69 and Elizabeth Grant Jr. Karen Hayes ’81 Oliver D. ’66 and Sally ’66 Kingsley Jr. Thomas M. ’49 and Bettye Lowe Jr. James J. ’55 and Martha Mallett Joe T. ’58 and Billie Carole McMillan Charles Philip Saunders ’74 Thomas D. ’71 and Karen Senkbeil E. Todd ’63 and Tempie ’63 Sharley Jr. R. E. ’58 and Peggy Simpson James H. Stewart Jr. ’60 George Egbert ’54 and Dorothy ’54 Uthlaut Gary W. ’01 and Summer Vaughan
Chemical John W. and Rosemary K. Brown Annual Scholarship BP Amoco Scholarship in Chemical Engineering Civil Brasfield & Gorrie Scholarship Gallett Geotech Engineering Fellowship Gilbert Southern Corp. Annual Scholarship CDG Engineers & Associates Annual Scholarship Gerdau Ameristeel Annual Scholarship Computer Science and Software CSSE Industrial Advisory Board Annual Scholarship Electrical and Computer BP Amoco Scholarship in Electrical Engineering Chevron Scholarship in Electrical Engineering Industrial and Systems Stacey Family Annual Scholarship Comer Foundation Annual Scholarship Mechanical Bridgestone/Firestone Annual Scholarship Kimberly-Clark Corporation Annual Scholarship Roger L. Holmes Jr. Scholarship Fund Chevron Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering AT&T Minority Engineering Boeing Minority Scholarship DW Weatherby Academic Excellence Annual Scholarship 10
We have made every attempt to include all donors to the Auburn Engineering family. However, if you are not listed, or know of another donor who is not, please contact the Office of Engineering Development at 1320 Shelby Center, Auburn, AL 36849; 334.844.1192. For a listing of donors who gave prior to 2007, please view previous issues of The Cupola Report at www.eng.auburn.edu/cupola report.
Endowments Endowments are gifts that provide Auburn Engineering with perpetual income. The Auburn University Foundation invests the principle of the endowed fund and only the allocated income is used to fund programs and initiatives designated by the donor. Endowments provide an ever-increasing stream of funding and are essential for the long term security and growth of the college. Kennie E. Matthews Scholarship Endowment in Business Engineering Technology Dr. Ralph S. & Deborah E. Cunningham for Presidential Scholarship Endowment in Chemical Engineering Annie Laura Hayes Scholarship Endowment John Lewis & Martina F. Reese Memorial Endowment Paul and Marilyn Box Transportation Research Trust Larry Morgan Endowed Scholarship William F. & Myrna Walker Family Endowment for Scholarships in Mechanical Engineering William Winfield Clark Endowment in Civil Engineering Harry A. & Linda A. Manson Endowment in Civil Engineering William R. & Sue H. Hanlein Endowment Brian D. Little Memorial Endowment Max & Kathy Mobley Scholarship Endowment in Civil Engineering Chandler-May Scholarship Endowment in Electrical and Computer Engineering Roger J. & Judith E. Campbell Fund for Excellence Computer Science and Software Enginering Industrial Advisory Board Scholarship Endowment Nancy B. & Benjamin F. Carr Jr. Endowment for Scholarships in Civil Engineering Joe E. Forehand Jr. Endowment for Leadership Scholarships in Industrial and Systems Engineering Mountain Spirit Endowed Professorship Kenneth B. & Sarah S. Roy Endowment for Scholarships in Mechanical Engineering John H. & Gail P. Watson Endowment for Scholarships Cleary Family Endowment for Scholarships
Auburn Engineering and the Corporate Community There are many companies that recognize the value of an Auburn Engineering degree and strategically recruit engineers graduating from our programs. These companies also realize the importance of investing in the education of future Auburn engineers. Two such companies are American Cast Iron Pipe Company (ACIPCO) of Birmingham and ADTRAN, Inc. in Huntsville, both of which committed additional funding to scholarships they had previously established in the college. ACIPCO pledged an additional annual contribution of $50,000 to enhance the American Cast Iron Pipe Company Engineering Scholars Program awarded to instate students enrolled in civil, electrical and computer, computer science and software, industrial and systems or mechanical engineering who demonstrate scholastic merit. ADTRAN committed an additional $225,000 in support of the ADTRAN, Inc./ Mark C. Smith Endowment designed to recognize academic achievement in students majoring in electrical and computer, computer science and software, or mechanical engineering.
Corporations and Foundations In support of the pursuit of excellence that has become synonymous with Auburn Engineering, the following corporations and foundations contributed $25,000 or more in 2007. ADTRAN Inc. Alabama Textile Education Foundation American Cast Iron Pipe Company Chevron Comer Foundation ExxonMobil Corporation Kemet Electronics Corporation Larry E. Speaks & Associates Inc. Siemens VDO Automotive Corporation Vodafone-US Foundation
These gifts illustrate the importance of Auburn Engineering’s relationship with the corporate community. Together, we are producing exceptional engineers prepared to make a difference in the workplace. 11
Among the most beautiful features of the Shelby Center are the gracefully arched porticos that flank the central courtyards, providing protected walkways and a natural transition from the building’s interior.
You are invited to join Auburn Engineering in celebrating the important achievement that the new Shelby Center represents for the college. By adding your name to the portico walkways, you demonstrate a commitment to the college and provide a lasting reminder of what Auburn Engineering means to you. Alumni and friends can purchase a brick or paver and inscribe their name or the name of someone they would like to honor. The mid-size brick paver provides opportunities for families, student organizations or graduating classes to participate. Corporations and foundations can gain valuable exposure in a highly visible location seen by students, faculty, staff, alums and visitors to the new complex. Order your brick or paver today and join others who are displaying their belief in what Auburn Engineering can accomplish. Log on to: www.eng.auburn.edu/shelbybricks
Three sizes of bricks and pavers are offered: 12
Individual bricks Family/Class pavers Corporate/Foundation pavers
4” x 8” brick 12” x 12” brick paver 16” x 16” granite paver
$250 $1,000 $5,000
It Begins at Auburn
Engineering campaign report
Oliver D. Kingsley Jr., a 1966 engineering physics graduate and chair of the Engineering Campaign Leadership Team, believes in Auburn Engineering and has worked hard to lead the college into a new era. His comments and his challenge are on the following page.
From the Chair I have built a reputation as an engineer who can identify and fix problems with nuclear power generating plants. Goals must be set, protocols revisited, systems reconfigured and vision implemented. The Samuel Ginn College of Engineering – while not in need of a “turnaround” – has also found value in setting goals and establishing a vision. At the conclusion of the “It Begins at Auburn” campaign, we have found ourselves quite successful in achieving milestones and moving ambitiously toward our vision. When I became the chair of the Engineering Campaign Leadership Team in February of 2005, the university had embarked on a $500 million comprehensive campaign to increase funding for students, faculty, research, programs and facilities. Auburn Engineering faced a $105 million goal – the largest of any academic unit. I am pleased to note that we completed our campaign having raised in excess of $116 million – an achievement that was the result of the efforts of many. I recognize the leadership of Dean Benefield, the work of my fellow members of the leadership team, the diligent service of our Office of Engineering Development, and most importantly, our alumni, friends and corporate partners. This Auburn Engineering family has proven its dedication to the college and a belief in our future. You will see from the charts on the following pages that we made great strides in some areas and will continue to have opportunities to increase funding for other areas. We surpassed our goal for student support by nearly $1.9 million which will provide critical resources to ensure we can compete for the best students. We nearly tripled our goal for programmatic support which enables the college to pursue hands-on experiences and provide the latest in learning opportunities. We exceeded our goal for facilities and equipment which has resulted in the renovation and construction of facilities that are second to none. Taken together, these areas lay the groundwork for Auburn Engineering to continue its pursuit of a top national ranking. The area in which we need continued work is that of faculty support. To become a leading engineering institution, we must bring more nationally recognized faculty to Auburn and keep the top scholars and researchers that we currently have on board. Maintaining an exceptional faculty requires the ability to offer competitive salary packages and support leading-edge faculty. Endowed professorships provide that means. While the campaign is now behind us, our work is not. We will continue to raise the resources necessary to establish Auburn Engineering as one of the nation’s leading engineering institutions. The success of the “It Begins at Auburn” campaign, particularly for the College of Engineering, demonstrates what we can accomplish together. I remain thankful for your willingness to demonstrate your belief in the potential of Auburn Engineering as we continue to enhance our competitive edge. Please join me as we move ahead in securing a greater future for Auburn Engineering.
War Eagle!
Campaign at a glance Campaign dates: College of Engineering Goal: Funds raised: Number of Donors:
October 1, 2001 through March 31, 2008 $105,000,000 $116,780,959 9,643
Campaign Goals and Results Featured Objective
Campaign Goals Amount Raised
Student Support
Faculty Support
Programmatic Support $24,000,000
Comparative Gifts Table Size and Number of Gifts Required to Raise $105,000,000
Campaign Gifts Received Ending March 31, 2008
Number of Donors Needed
Number of Donors Participating
Gift Amount
Under $50,000 Total
Dollar Amount Received
Engineering Campaign Dollars by Source Individuals $90,379,055 8641 donors
Corporations $10,717,756 836 donors
Foundations $15,684,148 166 donors
Engineering Annual Progress $140,000,000
Dollars Raised
$120,000,000 $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000
Year-end Total
$40,000,000 $20,000,000 $0 2001
2007 Campaign End 03/31/08
Campaign Years
Engineering Campaign Donors by Source Alumni 7869
Friends 641
Parents 131
Corporations 836
Foundations 166
fac u lty
s ta f f
c a m pa i g n
The faculty and staff of the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering are fortunate to work for an institution that is making a difference in the state and the nation. Their commitment to excellence proves that they believe in the value of the education that Auburn Engineering provides for the engineers of tomorrow. Each year, our employees show their support of higher education by participating in the Auburn University Faculty/Staff campaign. Funds raised during the campaign help ensure that Auburn Engineering continues to provide countless opportunities for our students through educational experiences and groundbreaking research. We thank the following individuals who have participated in the Engineering Faculty/ Staff Campaign. Ms. Sue E. Abner Dr. Sabit Adanur Mr. Adam N. Anderson '03 Ms. Pamela K. Anderson Mrs. Joan Elaine Aston Ms. Maria Lujan Auad Mrs. Renee Danielle Ayala '06 Dr. Thomas Alexander Baginski Ms. Gloria C. Bailey Dr. Robert W. Barnes Mr. Larry A. Barowski '96 Dr. Sanjeev Baskiyar Dr. David Gregory Beale Dr. Larry D. Benefield '66 Dr. David Mark Bevly Dr. Sushil H. Bhavnani Mrs. Vinnie Biles-Hester Dr. George William Blanks '99 Mrs. Joni Brady Mr. James Carl Brandt '80 Ms. Aileen Broaddus Dr. Royall M. Broughton Jr. Dr. Dan A. Brown Dr. Robert L. Bulfin Dr. Thomas Emmett Burch '79 Dr. Gisela Buschle-Diller Mr. Daniel M. Bush '72 Dr. Mark E. Byrne Dr. Donald Roy Cahela '79 Mrs. Kori S. Caldwell '02 Mr. William Hodge Cameron '81 Dr. W. Homer Carlisle III Mrs. C. Jan Carrington Mrs. Terri Ann Carson '90 Dr. Robert P. Chambers Dr. Kai-Hsiung Chang Dr. Richard O. Chapman Ms. Monica Chen Dr. ZhongYang Cheng Mrs. Veronica Smith Chesnut '70 Mrs. Lona D. Childers '96 Mr. William Foy Childs Dr. Bryan Allen Chin '73 Dr. Song-Yul Choe Dr. David A. Cicci Ms. Karen Louise Clark Mr. William David Clark Mrs. Cheryl A. Cobb Mr. Henry C. Cobb IV '72 Dr. John E. Cochran Jr. '66 Dr. Harold N. Conrad Jr. '76 Ms. Kirn Augusta Cramer Dr. Malcolm J. Crocker Dr. James H. Cross Dr. Gilbert L. Crouse Jr. Ms. Heather Vann Crozier '98 Dr. Harry Cullinan
Mr. John Edgar Curry '95 Mr. Calvin Cutshaw Ms. Rita L. Dauber Dr. Gerard Albert Davis '96 Mrs. Susan L. Davis Dr. Virginia Angelica Davis Dr. Thomas Stewart Denney Jr. '85 Mrs. Georgetta M. Dennis '88 Mrs. Allyson Etheredge Dozier '00 Dr. Steve Richard Duke Dr. David F. Dyer Dr. Mario Richard Eden Mr. Charles David Ellis '80 Dr. Yehia E. El-Mogahzy Mr. Ronald Clark Evans '63 Dr. Oladiran O. Fasina Dr. Jeffrey W. Fergus Mr. Conrad C. Flores Jr. '58 Dr. George Timothy Flowers '84 Mr. Mike A. Folds Dr. Winfred A. Foster Jr. '67 Mrs. Julia R. Freeman '92 Dr. William F. Gale Dr. Yasser A. Gowayed Dr. Robert S. Gross Dr. Steven Mark Halpin '88 Ms. Susan G. Hampton Dr. Daniel Kevin Harris Mrs. Jennifer M. Harris '75 Dr. Roy J. Hartfield Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Erin Hartwick '02 Mr. Stephen F. Henderson '77 Dr. Alan S. Hodel Dr. Jong Wook Hong Ms. LaVonne F. Howard Mr. Roy Edward Howard Mr. Stephen Kenneth Howard '74 Dr. John Y. Hung Dr. J. David Irwin '61 Ms. Merrette Ische Dr. Robert L. Jackson Mrs. Elaine R. Jimmerson '90 Mr. James Harold Johnson '70 Ms. Marilyn P. Johnson Dr. Peter D. Jones Dr. William Ernst Josephson '89 Mr. Clair Robert Karcher '93 Ms. Betty Jean Kelley '98 Ms. Donna Kelly Dr. Jeyhoon M. Khodadadi Dr. Fatma S. Kilinc '04 Mr. James L. Killian III Dr. Dong-Joo Kim Mrs. Laura Snyder Kincaid '93 Dr. Raymond Louis Kirby '73 Mrs. Dara Parr Kloss Hosey '86 Dr. Gopal A. Krishnagopolan
Dr. Pradeep Lall Mrs. Wanda Frazier Lambert '72 Dr. Yoon Y. Lee Ms. Angela Renee Lemke Dr. Ying Li '03 Dr. Alvin Sek See Lim Mrs. Jo Ann Johnson Loden '87 Dr. Emmett J. Lodree Jr. Dr. James L. Lowry '55 Mr. Charles Albert Machemehl Jr. Dr. Daniel W. Mackowski Dr. Nels Madsen Mr. Shiwen Mao Mr. Ivey John Marcell II Dr. Dan Bogdan Marghitu Mr. L. C. Mathison '68 Mrs. Barbara S. McCormack '74 Mr. James Robert Mills '07 Dr. Ashutosh Mishra Mr. Jason R. Moore '01 Dr. Joe M. Morgan Ms. Flora J. Moss Mrs. Apryl Tarrant Mullins '97 Dr. N Hari Narayanan Dr. Robert Mark Nelms '80 Ms. Vicki D. Nelms Dr. Victor P. Nelson Mr. Levar M. Odum '07 Ms. Nicole L. Harris Odum '02 Dr. Ruel A. Overfelt Mr. Gary J. Page '69 Mr. Michael Palmer Mr. Gregory Allen Parmer '89 Mr. Kevin Marchus Perry '89 Dr. Timothy D. Placek Mr. Raymond Lee Powell '90 Mr. Kelly Glenn Price '88 Mr. Shannon Wyeth Price '92 Dr. Barton Charles Prorok Mr. Timothy E. Pruitt '05 Dr. Polapragada K. Raju Dr. George Edward Ramey '60 Dr. Stanley J. Reeves Jr. Mrs. Elaine H. Ridgway '77 Mr. James W. Ridgway Jr. '75 Dr. Lloyd Stephen Riggs '77 Dr. Christopher B. Roberts Mr. Borden Morrison Romine Jr. '67 Dr. Thaddeus A. Roppel Mr. Richard G. Ruff Mrs. Mary Lynn Saidla '77 Dr. Peter Schwartz Mr. Kevin R. Schwieker '05 Dr. Shirley Ann Scott-Harris Dr. Cheryl D. Seals Mr. Don S. Seay '65 Mr. James Larry Sellers '80
Dr. Ebraheem H. Shady '05 Ms. Ramona Shierling-Nelson Dr. Aleksandr L. Simonian Dr. Andrew James Sinclair Dr. Subhash Chandra Sinha Dr. Alice E. Smith Mr. Allen Joseph Smith '89 Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis Smith '88 Dr. Jeffrey Scott Smith '86 Dr. James Michael Stallings '81 Ms. Jennifer L. Still Mr. Michael A. Stone '03 Dr. Charles Eugene Stroud Mr. Robert J. Stroud Dr. Jeffrey C. Suhling Dr. Min-Te Sun Dr. Paul M. Swamidass Dr. Bruce J. Tatarchuk Ms. Claudette Whittington Tennant Dr. Mrinal Thakur Dr. Howard L. Thomas Jr. Dr. Robert E. Thomas Jr. Dr. Brian Scott Thurow Ms. Joanne Tolbert Mr. David Michael Tooker Ms. Martha Todd Treadwell Dr. Rod E. Turochy Dr. David Umphress Ms. Malissa Jane Valdes '03 Dr. Jorge Valenzuela Mrs. Sherie N. Vandervoort Dr. Asa Dee Vaughan '03 Dr. Robert L. Vecellio Mr. Jeffrey Allen Walker Dr. Yu Wang Mrs. Ginger Ware Ms. Mary Beth Weed Mr. Robert W. Wellbaum III '93 Dr. Stuart Martin Wentworth '82 Dr. Randy C. West '87 Mrs. Pamela White Mr. Zebediah W. Whitehead Dr. Howard Clyde Wikle III '91 Dr. Bogdan M. Wilamowski Mrs. Bonnie Tharp Wilson '97 Mr. William H. Wilson Jr. '05 Mr. Gloice Dean Works III '06 Mr. John Christopher Worley '06 Dr. Chwan-Hwa Wu Ms. Katherine M. Yester '03 Dr. Levent Yilmaz Mrs. Rebecca Walton Young '73 Dr. Wesley C. Zech Dr. Ralph Hing-Chung Zee
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The generosity seen during the “It Begins at Auburn” campaign has demonstrated that supporters of the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering believe not only in reaching benchmarks, but also in surpassing them. The following alumni and friends have helped Auburn Engineering reach new heights in its strategic plan for academic success. We are grateful to these individuals for their commitment to providing a bright future for the college.
Marjorie F. Funchess
Harry Eugene Frech Charles T. Higgins Amzi Wallace Moore Jane Sartain Quenelle John A. Quenelle M. Dow Sellers John William Tucker Monroe F. Vest Jr.
1933 James McMurtrie Backes
1934 Benjamin Watkins Hutson George P. Walthall
William S. Massa Sr.
Robert Bruce Allan Margaret Dykes Baker William Bentley Jr. William E. Cannady Edgar C. Gentle Jr. William Hyatt Harwell Charles Deming Jones John T. Lutz James Hugh Nichols Henry Frederick Rainey Grady Lawrence Smith Leland Edson Starr Jr. Melvin W. White Jack Edwin Wood
1936 Thomas E. Barker Jr. C. Albert Blomquist Jr.
1937 Wayne L. Dowdey Daniel Webster Duncan Richard Hudspeth Wood Brandt Woodward
1938 James B. Nunnelley Currier Floyd Watts Henry C. Whitting Richard J. Wood
1939 James Boykin Arthur Wiggins Cooper M. Gore Kemp James W. McKinney Walter J. Meadors Robert W. Powell
1940 G. W. Cantrell Dan M. Friel Elizabeth S. Godbold John Cooper Godbold C. Fletcher Horn William H. Laseter Thomas R. Mitchell Jr. Arthur T. Ousley Sara Davis Redmond
1943 Raymond Allen Azbell Mike T. Blevins Norma Autrey Blevins Mary-Dean French Cox Robert F. Ellis Jr. C. Warren Fleming Cameron G. Grammas William Monroe Gregory McMurray Griffith Robert Harding Harris Robert Hints Fred C. Hopton-Jones Charles G. Kershaw Tandy Duncan Little Jr. Nimrod W E Long John Bruce Martin Amzi Wallace Moore Sanford M. Morton Sabert Oglesby Jr. Walter Buel Patton Burton Goodloe Peterson
Cyril Jones Porter John Locke Redd Charles Ray Skinner James Madison Smith Warren Stephen Sockwell Clyde Paul Ussery Leonard H. White Jr.
E. Erskine Hopkins William Penn Charles Lee Ray Herbert G. Schiff Jr. Dean Sessamen Charles W. Thompson Jr.
1947 1944 John Elliott Brush George L. Cobb William Elliott Dunn Elizabeth L. Howell William Young Johnston Dorothy Cottier Jones Philip W. Lett David Middleton Lyon William H. Lyons Jr. Francis McDowall Rex Kelly Rainer Sr. Edith Hunt Stone Willis Walton Stone Robert H. Svenson Jr. Charles Ray Teagle Leila Miriam Tucker Wayman Erskine Vanderford James W. Waitzman Sr. Marion W. Wakefield Edward G. Weaver Clifford A. Webb Jr. William John Willis
1945 John D. Baumhauer Jr. Robert Murice Drewry William Ireland Sr. Jesse C. James James Thomas McMichael Henry Steindorff Jr. William Carl Voigt Jr. Seymore West Jr.
1946 David Houston Best Jr. Billy Joe Dooley Thomas B. Hamilton Zuma Williams Harris Jane Ardis Hints
Reginald M. Barton Harley Harold Bass Walter B. Bibby Randolph C. Blyth Reese H. Bricken H. Ben Brown Jr. Grover M. Campbell Robert B. Cater Jr. Donald H. Clay Dimitri G. Constantine Martha Gaines Cooksey S. Stuart Cooksey Bradley T. Cox Jr. Walter G. Crumpton H. Clayton Daniel Paul Stanton Denison Yndalecio J. Elizondo Robert L. Ferrell Charles W. Fowler Walter Wanzel Griffin Robert Hails William H. Hairston Jr. William R. Hanlein Duke Cameron Horner Nathaniel B. Hughes Jr. Ben E. Kidd III Creighton C. Lee Margaret P. Luquire Billy L. Mann Dixon Leonard McCormack Harry C. Mickleboro Jr. Edward W. Morris Thomas F. Parkinson C. Donald Pate Maria G. Peterson John G. Pfrimmer Charles H. Ray James Edward Ray Joe Wilson Rice Walter Lynch Roark Jr.
Joseph H. Romano Martina Reese Roser Albert James Smith Jr. James T. Smith Lansing T. Smith III William K. Summers Jr. Elro Swindle Jr. Charles W. Whatley George W. Whitmire Sr. James E. Williams
1948 Guy Houston Alley Henry S. Arnold Louis G. Beatty Bernard S. Blake Jr. Charles Douglas Boone Clarence E. Boynton Leonard Dean Braswell Charles Kenneth Brown Clarence A. Brown Jr. Doris Holmes Brown George Knight Brown Edalleen M. Brush James Horace Burson Marcelle D. Carter Jr. Meredith W. Chappell E. Roy Childers Jr. Carl V. Clark William Elliott Colley Jean Ransom Cox Julius Grady Cox Hugh M. DeJarnette Dolores Wilson Drewry August Richard Felix Louis Q. Flournoy Jr. McKendree H. Floyd Jr. Ada Wright Folmar Martin Earl Fox Robert Y. Garrett Elvera H. Glisson Harold K. Glisson Russell Kenneth Goodwin Albert S. Graham Jr. William Monroe Hadaway Clyde Clifford Hall Virginia G. Hansen Bill LeBold Harbert James Bruce Harper Laverne James Hoover John Gipson Hudson Melvin Earl Hunt Jr. Jack Hutchinson Herman Hutchison Jr. Franklin Lee Jones S. Alfred Jones John T. Kaetz Jr. K. Gordon Lawless Jr. Lionel L. Levy Jr. Blake Livingston George F. Mandy Ann Lyon Mangels Joseph P. McCormick Seth H. Mitchell Jr. F. Brooks Moore Dabney Pate Murrill James Ernest Naftel Ralph G. Patterson Francis T. Payne Lyle Hugh Peterson Lawrence Corbell Pharo Jr. Myron Street Pharo Arthur Worthington Plan Richard Davison Quina
Wilmer Handy Reed III Irving Reedy Frank P. Richardson Ruel Russell Jr. Robert T. Scott Boddie Mason Seay Charles Formwalt Smith William E. Stephenson James M. Taylor Robert Perry Teeple James Booth Thompson Alton Bernard Todd William P. Tomlinson Homer Heard Turner Jr. Evelyn Kidd Voigt Norman R. Wallner Harvey Irvine Watson Charles Edwin Williams Jr. Jack Mitchell Womack Robert Waishes Wood Edward Almon Wright
1949 Jack Robert Amos James W. Anderson Robert O. Baxter Harry H. Bell Jr. J. Gaines Betbeze Mafus R. Bird Austin L. Bush Jr. Edward G. Caldwell Jr. Norphlet Gillis Cammack III Thomas D. Champion W. E. Cheatham Jr. William Hitchcock Cole Charles E. Cornthwaite Warren S. Craven Thomas O. Davidson Clifford L. Dotson James Webster Duke Carroll P. Duncan David T. Edwards James C. Farlow George A. Ferrell John A. Francis Richard L. Franklin Albert M. French Jr. William B. Green Joseph E. Haley James R. Havron Sr. Nancy Hurst Hawkins Elmer Carlton Hill Robert M. Hill Virgil R. Hogan Marvin E. Houston Dick D. Hudson C. L. Huey Jr. Philip Johnson Hughes Thomas P. Isbell Emory K. Johnson Charles W. Jones Gaston V. Jones Jr. Richard I. Kearley Jr. Raymond T. Kearney William Franklin Land Thomas M. Lowe Jr. J. Calvin Lowery Charles R. Lowman Jack H. Lucas Robert E. Lynch John H. Lyons Jr. Thomas S. Malone Jr. John Mangels Jr. Regnald Mason
Norman R. McAnnally William McDaniel Jr. John F. Meagher Jr. Lewe B. Mizelle Jr. Mary C. Mizelle Cecil H. Moncrief Lawrence Montgomery Jr. Charles S. Moody Jeptha E. Moody Jr. Samuel D. Moorer William N. Morris Jr. Rebecca Bailey Naftel Ralph W. Nelson Robert C. Ogletree R. Stanley Paradise Shirley P. Paradise Sanford Lewis Patrick William H. Payne Frank Vivian Pease Stephen Mallory Pierce Robert B. Porter Owen Sherman Posey Rex B. Powell Alan Meredith Riley Raymond T. Roser Robert H. Rountree William I. Scallion Marshall R. Strong William George Thornton Angelo Tomasso Jr. Charles Aderhold Walker Harold P. Ward Thedford J. Whitley Edward Thomas Williams Frank C. Wilson Brannan D. Woodham Samuel R. Woodham William Duke Woodson James P. Wooten
1950 Howard M. Anderson David Amos Barnes III John Gilmer Blackburn James J. Blue Jr. Harold A. Breedlove John N. Bryan Jr. Joe J. Burnett Jr. William F. Byrd Jr. Carroll L. Carter Tandy Warren Carter Robert E. Catlett Jr. James C. Cole Billy Glenn Collier George Alfred Combs Samuel W. Coney III Danny Sue Conner Roy E. Corbitt Charles O. Cowart Billy Joe Cox Tillman G. Crane Conrad G. Crow Martha Meadows Culley Julian Davidson Fred A. Duran Jr. William T. Eddins Jr. Howard E. Elliott Toon R. Ferrell William A. Fredlund Fred E. Fuller Henry B. Garrett Alfred F. Gentle Sr. Edwin G. Goss John T. Granaghan
Ferrell Daniel Hale William C. Hall Mary Anne Hamilton Jones F. Harbarger Edwin V. Harding Carol Dorrough Hart Irby E. Hartley Jr. Ashby James Haygood Felix T. Hoke James R. Holmes Clarence H. Hornsby Jr. Peggy Fichtner Hudson Elwin Williams Hulett James Hunnicutt Grady L. Ingram Jr. Loyd Johnson Carroll R. Keller Timothy B. Lagrone Jr. Ray Vogt Lauber Joseph D. Leggette Joseph Lushington Jr. Thomas Henier Maddux Lewis Sanford Mason John M. McKenzie William G. McLain Thadeus C. McSwain Jane McLean Murrill J. C. Nelson Mervin L. Norton Madison F. Parker Herbert Patterson John W. Phillips Frances Barksdale Poor Otha Francis Powell Aaron A. Powers Jr. Thomas Eric Rainwater Perry Henry Redmond William Burch Reed Henry B. Richards Jr. Warren S. Richardson Mack Allen Riley J. D. Romine Jr. Kenneth B. Roy Jr. Myron Jackson Sasser Billy George Seale Charles Eugene Skinner Margaret C. Skinner Leonidas H. Smith Jr. Carl Henry Spanyer Jr. Joseph Paullyn Spradley Charles Stallings Jr. Charles C. Stringfellow John Milligan Tate Terry Ellis Thames Jr. Herbert T. Uthlaut Jr. Leonard R. Waesche Ervin L. Watford Jr. Walter W. Wellington Powell Wheaton Billie Eugene Wheeler Robert Boyd Wilds Cecil R. Williams Shellie O. Williamson Joseph W. Wilson Lealon Carol Wimpee Harold G. Wise John Robert Woodall
1951 Roger C. Abbott Thomas L. Allen Foster K. Bradley Jr. J. Reese Brown Jr. William Deward Brown
Susan Baarcke Bryan Gene Harlan Bryson Joseph D. Clem Jr. Harry E. Cook Judson Jones Copeland John E. Crocker Charles Crowther Jr. William Culpepper Sr. Arthur C. Daughtry Charles H. Delk Bailey L. Donnally Jr. James J. Dow Jarrell Richard Elliott Joseph Warren Grill Mason John Grimes Julian S. Guarisco David Guess Robert M. Hall III John Thomas Hartley Hugh Tarpley Henderson Harvey Ray Houston Robert L. Jackson Haven W. Johnson Jr. Willis Y. Jordan Jr. James K. T. Jung Sr. Charles C. Keathley Kelley Maurice Kirby Clarence V. Kirkland Ronald G. Kuerner Minga Cecil LaGrone Jr. William W. Malcolm Salvador Anthony Marino John Thomas Miller Robert W. Milner Jr. Leonard L. Mitchum Jr. Frederick Moore Jr. Crawford Nevins James Stephens Phillips William V. Pleasants William R. Poor John D. Ray Sigmund M. Redelsheimer Bertrand A. Riddle Rein Rudolph Schlitz John Emmitt Shirey Richard G. Smith Sr. James Harrison Spinks Henry Pierce Still Jr. John Charles Thies Ralph O. Walton Jr. Earle Carter Williams Francis Leon Williams Henry Houston Williams Richard D. Williams III Harold Eugene Wingert Charles W. Wingfield Robert M. Winter John M. Wolf
1952 James L. Addison C. Dennon Alexander E. Fletcher Allen Leonard Hodges Bass Richard G. Berberich Dorry Ann Blackburn Charles Joseph Borum Sylvester W. Brock Jr. Robert Curtis Carter Carolyn Denson Channon John F. Christopher Carolyn S. Collins Robert H. Collins III William G. Cunningham
Nina Kelly Dekich Robert Wallace Donaldson Thomas Emory Dorman Robert E. Dunn John A. Fant William Earl Fendley William James Gibbs Tommy W. Gordon Albert C. Grundmann Harry Carl Handlin John D. Harris Jr. William R. Haycraft Thomas Northcutt Hooper Palmer Lamar Horne Thomas Allen Howell Judy Routon Hudson Carver Gager Kennedy Gene Kennedy Raleigh B. Kent Jr. Carolyn Ennis Latham Edward G. Latham Joe V. Leberte Robert Eugene McBride Forrest S. McCartney Douglas L. McCrary Andrew M. Monfee Jr. Ben Johnson Neighbors Clarence Thomas Nelson Mary Medlock Powell Morris Edwin Ray James Edward Reynolds John Leroy Robinson Armand Bennett Ruggieri David Davidson Sanderson Jr. James Arthur Stanford Helen Johnson Still Everett W. Strange Jr. James Lee Strickland E. Prue Wilson
1953 Raymond G. Almond Jr. James Kenneth Baisden Ronald S. Barksdale Sr. Frank T. Brandon Jr. John Charles Bregger John Pope Cole Jr. A. Sidney Coleman Jr. Lile Fennel Davis Walter R. Day Jr. Annette Bailey Eberdt Thomas Guidroz Charles B. Hendrix Joseph Doyle Hennessy Joyce A. Horsley Edward O. Hussey Jr. Bryan W. Johnson Herbert Jordan Lysbeth H. Kent Walter J. Krueger Joseph R. Llewellyn Nick George Lukes Muse E. Mann Jr. John R. Martin Alice Birdsong Mayo George W. McLain Elwood Bernard Miller Leonard A. Morgan John Kirby Morris Bobby B. Mosley Chancellor Robert Vann Owens Edwin McCoy Ray Jr. Margaret Ann Robinson Lawrence H. Russell
William Lyon Smith James W. Summerville Guillermo A. Sune James Daniel Tatum John Albert Taylor Joel H. Traylor Charles Eugene Wallner Alvin T. Wilson W. Jake Word II Iva Clifton Yates Jr. Eugenia Malone Zallen
1954 George H. Atkins Sabra Stough Atkins Fred N. Beason A. Lee Bendall Mary L. Bendall John Temple Benton Jr. Russell F. Boren Thomas William Caine Comer A. Carmack Jr. James Harrison Carroll Jr. Allison Lewis Christopher Carmon P. Coker Ralph M. Connell Lawrence O. Conner James H. Daughtry Allan D. Davis Donald Eugene Dennis Lawrence W. Dobbins Harold Thomas Dodson Lewis H. Eberdt Jr. J. Wayne Evans William M. Falkenberry Clifford L. Flippo Sibbley P. Gauntt Cecil W. Greene Carl Harris Norman Louie Harris James L. Herren Walter D. Hutto Jr. Robert C. Johnson Jr. William Johnson Martha McQueen Kennedy Henry E. Kirkland Jamie P. Lamb Jr. Jean Morriss Law Roy L. Lumpkin Jr. Joann H. Malcolm Argus B. Martin Jr. Robert Laird Mayo Donald Eugene Merkel Clarence E. Middleton Jr. James Guy Mitchell Lou Ann S. Mitchell Arthur D. Moore Jr. William R. Parish Jerry D. Parker James Clifford Poole Jr. Fred H. Rhinehardt John M. Ross James T. Sanderlin Jr. John Rogers Segrest Jr. David L. Shefelton Marvin Neil Smith Guilford Eugene Smithson William A. Stone Jr. John W. Sumrall Patty Fleming Sumrall Thomas J. Tate Jr. Owen G. Thomas Jr. Wade G. Thomas Dorothy S. Uthlaut
George Egbert Uthlaut Robert Edward Vandiver Cameron W. White Jr.
1955 Denis H. Alcock Fred H. Allen William H. Arnold Jr. Jerry Thomas Barnes Barbara M. Blasingame James H. Boatwright Albert W. Brame Richard Edwin Britton Drew A. Brown Henry J. Callaway III Jack E. Cash Duward E. Chastain Betty S. Christiansen Gordon E. Christiansen James Clarence Clark Jerry K. Cole Michael R. Collier Fletcher M. Cook Virginia F. Cook Anne C. Crane William J. Cutts S. Eugene Dekich Louis G. Duncan Billy J. Eidson Kenneth W. Etheredge James R. Evans Charles Barton Flynn Andrew Paul Foster III Herbert J. Furman Jr. Marion Gibson Thomas J. Griffin Jr. Robert W. Harrison Jr. William H. Harrison William R. Hearon Jr. Val G. Hietter III Noah Jerome Hurst Hubert L. Johnston Guy H. Kaylor George Kirchoff Jr. Charles Landstreet Sr. Charles M. Lee Jr. Ola Ann Lee William M. Lee James A. Lipham James J. Mallett James H. Marks Albert T. McMain Jr. Hugh P. Nicholson Robert L. Norris James Burton Odom Constance Garner Parke John S. Parke Wesley A. Parker Stuart W. Patton III J. Norman Pease II Guy D. Perry Luther E. Pierce Olan D. Purvis Robert E. Roane L. Carmer Robinson Ray Albert Robinson Travis R. Schollian John R. Seibold Charles E. Sellers Ann Marie Crumly Smith Fred H. Steele Jr. Edgar A. Stevens Ray W. Tuggle Robert H. Tweedy III
Frank M. Vann James W. Wagnon Herbert O. Walker John Thomas Walter Jr. William J. Ward Philip A. Watts David E. Wingard Charlotte Morris Word O. Harold Youngblood Jr.
1956 Jack Kelso Allison William H. Barlow Billy G. Barnes Dorothy Best Barnes Edwin C. Baum William H. Bedenbaugh B. Campbell Blake Jr. Benjamin C. Blasingame Robert Benson Bliss Sr. Dwight S. Bond Clifford H. Boylston Jimmy Myers Bradley Donald H. Bravaldo Jr. Charles E. Bronson Jr. Dalton P. Bynum R. Carol Canfield J. Edward Chapman Jr. Eugene D. Cole Joseph B. Collier Janis Akin Combs Hansel D. Cornutt O’Neal Duffey Carl F. Dye Samuel G. Dykes Frank H. Emens Frederick Fallman Jr. Rachel Hutto Foreman Thomas O. Gaillard Jr. Davis L. Gardner George H. Hamner James R. Hancken Ann Powell Hannum Walter L. Hannum George G. Hare Sr. James P. Hatcher Jr. John P. Helmick Jr. Roy Lanier Hill Betty G. Holley N. Wayne Houston William M. Ingram Dorothy Lankford Ives Edwin E. Ives Charles Mathias Jager Mary E. Johnson Allen L. Johnston Elton F. Jones Eugene G. Jones Thomas Farrell Jones Marion Lynn Laster Joe A. Lawrence Paul M. Lefstead John C. L’Engle Phillip Louis Lindsey James T. Mash Jr. Robert L. Middleton R. Dean Mims Arthur N. Minas L. Allan Moody Milan B. Morrow Albert S. Naughton Charles D. Newman Rebecca Lawson Newman James Tracy O’Rourke Jr.
Lou Ann Turner O’Rourke John Lewis Orr Jr. Herman R. Oswell William H. Panter Glenn A. Parker Ricardo Price Earl Ferman Pruitt Jr. Harry Reid Jr. John F. Rish Thomas C. Robbins Carol Wagoner Segrest James W. Sherrer Sr. Clifton Reginal Smith Robert Paul Smith James B. Somerset Donald Jacob Spring Cecil James Steele Jr. Haskell H. Sumrall Jr. Mary Ann W. Sumrall Drayton H. Talley Lois Ray Taunton Joseph Damon Taylor Benjamin W. Thomas Wayne P. Walton John A. Ward David O. Watts Harold Weathers Helen Mason Weathers Kenneth L. Wheeler Jack R. White Vernon H. White Jerry M. Whittle Edward F. Williams III
1957 Jimmie V. Adams Claude Fred Alsup Robert Leroy Barton Sara Cooke Baskerville Jack H. Bowden James Henry Bowman John R. Bray Gordon Worley Breland John Wilford Brown Rosemary Kopel Brown Larry P. Bryant A. Brown Bryars Jr. Jackie Redman Bryars Frederick D. Budd Jr. John W. Burnett Jr. Laura Fears Callaham Robert E. Callaham Roger R. Chase Robert N. Chiang Brandon R. Clausen Hollen E. Crim Billy L. Culberson Donald G. Davis Stanley G. DeShazo John F. Dougherty III H. Murray Echols Gerald F. Elliott Wallace E. Elliott Merphis Calvin Ellis Bob H. Evans Joseph D. Evers Gordon L. Flynn James Estes Foshee Vernon W. Gibson Jr. Donald D. Giesen Charles K. Gorham M. Miller Gorrie James Ivy Grantham Gordon H. Griffith
Bill M. Guthrie Henry Edgar Hall Roger L. Hamner Robert E. Hand James H. Harman Clyde A. Harris Jr. Edward H. Henderson Charles B. Hickman W. Cecil Houston T. Preston Huddleston Jr. Edwin L. Ingram Rosemary S. Jager Wallace R. Johnson Phyllis S. Johnston Hubert Hilton Joiner Elizabeth W. Jones George J. Kennedy Jr. Kirby K. Key Thomas J. King Jr. James W. Lee Roy Milton Leeth Jr. Wilton C. Lide Jr. Harry O. Lindstrom Jr. Gale F. Linster William L. Lord Alfred P. Lowrey Jr. Fred W. Mace Gary Clements Martin Joanne Palm McClelland William N. McCormick Jr. Robert Walker McMillan Billy D. McSpadden Howard M. Melton Jr. Charles O. Ming Sue S. Mitchell W. Irby Moore Jr. Harold W. Morgan Jr. Walter F. Morris Gerald M. Moseley Joseph R. Moseley Jr. Donald C. Mundy Dura G. Nelson Jr. Ted S. Newell J. Niles Nichols Vaughn Nixon II Raymond L. Norman Jr. James Fred O’Brien Jr. Harvey Weston Parker III George Kenneth Parkman Albert F. Pruett William Jasper Reaves Bogart Scott Reed William C. Regan Jr. Roy A. Richardson Johnnie V. Robertson Jimmy L. Rogers James S. Roy Morgan C. Salter Jr. William C. Serda Len B. Shannon Jr. John E. Sharp Jr. Kay W. Slayden George T. Slider Sr. Frederick Lee Smith Hoyt O. Smith J. Rankin Smith Layton J. Smith Cecil C. Spear Jr. Albert Ray Stallings Carl D. Strickland James N. Strickland Phillip S. Sugg Donald V. Thomas James Donald Thornburgh
Michael Larry Tuggle William J. Turner Jr. Jerry Franklin Vinson Earl S. Wallace Jr. Harry W. Watkins Jr. Vernon B. Watwood Jr. James Wesley White Harold L. Whitman Edwin E. Wilkerson Ralph C. Wilkinson James A. Williams F. Murry Williamson Edward W. Womble Bill Wood Bradley Powell Word Sidney Riddle Wynn John A. Zgouvas
1958 Jesse A. Abney Sr. Paul R. Adamek Robert T. Agee Francis L. Alkov Joseph M. Anderson Clayton Dale Andrews Charles Frederick Bach Charles E. Bailey J. Herbert Baker Jr. Travis C. Barron Owen F. Bender William R. Black W. Weston Boswell William M. Brackney Argus L. Brasell Frances Wilson Burson Thomas D. Burson Henry M. Burt Jr. Harris Donovan Bynum Richard T. Byrd Carl Rosser Camp Jr. Dwight Carlisle Jr. Billy H. Childers Anna N. Christopher Terry M. Christopher James Robert Clinton Jack Colquitt Herbert A. Conner John Gordon Cook James Hugh Corbitt Bobby Emmit Coupland Theodore P. Crane Jr. James A. Dailey John Denson Roger C. Dill J. C. Dunaway James L. Eidson Raymond A. Forsyth Marian Furman Wilton O. Garrett Malcolm L. Gilchrist James J. Goodwin Walter Lee Greer Cecil C. Gregg George Edward Gullatt Sylvia Ballow Gullatt Boyce E. Guthrie Virginia Smith Guthrie Hannon S. Hairston Leroy Hanks Raymond Lewis Hatcher Jr. Roger R. Hemminghaus Spright D. Holland Charles F. Holleman James R. Hurt
Ralph E. James Irby C. Jones James Alvin Jones Robert C. Jones James William Kight III Thomas Keith King Sr. Frederick W. Knox Roy J. Krusberg Ray P. Lamar Billy Carl Lancaster Norman F. Lang Charles W. Long Harry A. Manson William C. Mastin W. Philip Mathews Jr. Robert E. Mathis John C. McAleer III Benny J. McDaniel Jimmy Eugene McDowell Joe T. McMillan Robert S. Messer Norman Sinclair Morris James L. Murrell Leroy Nance David S. Neel Paul Nelson Jr. William E. Page Ney P. Park Jr. John William Parker Glenn M. Pate James Robert Patterson William Patterson Jr. James Louis Peeler Jimmy R. Pemberton Charles Henry Peterson Donald Stephen Pierre Sr. Joseph R. Plosser James A. Praytor Douglas Raney John L. Rawls Jr. Ellie Ray Marilyn Stewart Ray Eugene F. Robbins Jr. William Ray Roberson Shuford A. Roberts Cecil A. Robinson David C. Ryan Charles N. Sample J. Michael Scarborough William B. Sessions William Samuel Simmons R. E. Simpson George W. Sims E. Winston Smith Robert Clyde Smith David Earl Snoddy John Fred Soileau Cecil G. Stokes Jr. William Telfair Tallant James W. Thomas Jr. Eugene T. Tonn Jeremiah J. Turbyville Marvin C. Van Wanderham James R. Wakefield Hasten E. Walker Howard W. Wells Hawthorne Wesley Jr. Jay F. West Harold Van White William Jean Wilhelm Billy J. Wilson Robert T. Wingate Leland E. Wood Jr.
1959 Richard B. Anderson Gerald B. Andrews Sr. John Luther Baker Bettye B. Ballenger James O’Neal Ballenger William S. Barnes William R. Bassett Jere L. Beasley Sr. Jack C. Bentley W. Fred Bond Jr. Donald W. Bonner Jesse W. Botts Joe H. Brannen Clyde R. Bridewell Olin Connylle Brooks James A. Brown Melvin A. Bryant III William C. Bryant Paul Kyle Butler Bryant E. Byrd Roger J. Campbell Ralph S. Chabot Wiley Brownee Channell Clarence J. Chappell III Lawrence Bearden Clark William H. Colley Milton W. Copeland III Murray W. Countryman James M. Creel II Edward J. Crenshaw Charles R. Crowder Kenneth R. Crowe James W. Daniel Jr. Thomas H. Daugherty George Davidson Jr. Charles Edgar Davis Charles Edward Davis Johnny B. Davis L. Ray Davis Gloria McCain Duncan Harry Arthur Edge Jr. Ewell Hank Elliott Jr. John Ronald English Harry B. Ennis Sarah Thompson Evans William H. Evans Jr. P. Kessler Fabian Norman S. Faris Jr. Milton L. Fluker David L. Gatling Charles Earley Gavin III George H. Godwin Jr. Ralph R. Graf Thomas Edward Gray James A. Gunn Joy Hargett Gwin Arthur Dan Hackett James N. Hancock III Ronald J. Harris John R. Harrison William V. Headley James A. Hendrix Joseph A. Holifield III Thomas L. Hollingsworth James R. Hutchins Marcus L. Hyde Jr. Charles L. Jarrard John Kenneth Jones Lee W. Jones Marion H. Jones Thomas E. Jones Joe S. Keasler Charles M. Kendrick
Bobby Ray Knight William C. Landers L. Clark Landrum Ralph E. LeMay Jr. Will L. Liddell Jr. Robert S. Limbaugh Jr. Eleanor Haywood Loyd Max Manry Terry L. Mayfield James E. McCallister Gerald G. McGlamery Sr. William D. McIntosh Jr. Charles M. McKeller Wayne F. McPherson Connie M. Mills Royce Everett Mitchell Robert W. Morris Betty Smith Neel Earl T. Nelson Sandra M. Nesbitt Decie Finney Nygaard Wynton Rex Overstreet Hal N. Pennington James William Phillips Robert L. Pohlman Jack Wallace Poole Jr. George W. Pope William A. Puryear Jr. Franklin E. Putman Jimmy H. Ray Kenneth W. Ray Albert Miles Redd Jr. Dorothy Campbell Reeves Joyce Reynolds Ringer Kenneth Wayne Ringer Axel Roth Robert Sellers George M. Sewell Hoyt Sherard Jr. James A. Sibley Jr. Alexander J. Simmons Richard B. Sims Beau Sisson James W. Smith Jimmy D. Smith Chul Sup Song John Robert Stark Jr. Marion G. Stephens Jr. William Murray Summers James Charles Taylor Richmond Bohler Terry Marion E. Tisdale Jr. J. Frank Travis William Frank Wade Donald R. Wammack James Thomas Wasley William D. Weatherford Leroy L. Wetzel W. Donald Whetstone Schealey Boyd Whigham Reuben M. White C. Bailey Williams James M. Williams Fannie B. Wilson Kenneth Dale Wingo
1960 Charles M. Akridge Moses Alexander III Lynda Stewart Anderson Alexander Henry Averyt G. Robert Baker Gary W. Batson Thomas H. Battle
James O. Bendall William E. Biles Richard C. Bishop Edward S. Bolen James W. Bolton Jr. Donald T. Bowers William D. Bridges Richard L. Buckelew Robert M. Byrd Jr. Charles H. Carlan Benjamin F. Carr Jr. John Blan Cartwright Ernest Boyd Cobb Boyce Wayne Cook Conrad E. Cook IV Wayne J. Crews Robert M. Croft W. Roy Crow Thomas E. Crowder Elliott L. Dean Jr. Edward W. Decker George John Dezenberg Bernard A. Domning Jr. Joseph E. Downey Sr. Sherman W. Duck Edwin William Evans John R. Faulk Carolyn E. Fondren William A. Fondren William L. Forbes James Wheeler Foreman Clifford Boyd Foster Michael T. Gallagher Florence C. Gorham James E. Grady Richard C. Green Kilmer Lanier Hall Linn W. Hall Ian N. Hamilton Sr. Ernest L. Harrison Jr. William M. Hart John A. Hartley Preston L. Hassler Jr. James T. Hawkins H. Wilson Hawthorne George L. Hemphill Jr. William T. Hendon Jr. Charles W. Henson Sharon Murphy Hill Howard Allan Holley Judge Albert O. Howard Jr. Calvin M. Howard John G. Howell James H. Hurst JoBeth Smith Hurt Carl Mack Jeffcoat Charlie F. Johnson James W. Jordan III Paul M. Julich Walter Sellers Keller Billy Russell Kelley Vaden D. Kennedy William Paul Kolb Jr. Roy C. LeCroy Charles F. Manfre Mary Griffin Mastin Donald Lynn May Rebecca Witmer McClure Jim McCrory Jr. James D. McCune James Arnold McKinzey James B. McNeill William B. Millis John Robert Mills
Rondal Curtis Mize Sr. Charles D. Montgomery Robert H. Moody Don A. Morris Willie Lamar Morris W. Robert Murdock Jr. Terence H. Murphree Thomas F. Nash Laurel Gibbons Nelson W. Graham Newman Donald E. Noel Charlotte Williams Overstreet Howard E. Palmes Earl B. Parsons Jr. James L. Perry III Mabry S. Phillips Jr. Russell S. Pimm C. Winfred Powell Dean G. Ratliff Ray Reaves John W. Redmon James L. Rooker Gordon M. Ross Jerald B. Rutland Arthur W. Sanderson Erik David Scheer David Killough Searcy Carl B. Shelley Jerry E. Sides John M. Sikes William M. Spann William S. Sprinkle John Thomas Stallings James H. Stewart Jr. Raymond C. Styres Charles H. Sudduth John Wesley Thomas Donald C. Thomason Harry O. Trachy Jr. R. Harold Tuck Thomas P. Tytula F. Donald Vines Marjorie Kirk Waldrop William A. Walter Jr. Thomas A. Walthall IV John Holman Watson Harry T. Weaver Laudrey E. White Mary O. White-Spunner John Foshee Wilson Thomas W. Winstead Guy E. Womack William Woodall Jr. James K. Wright Wheeler Compton Wright Jr.
1961 Richard Middleton Acker Tommy L. Adair Joe A. Akin Jr. John Michael Alexander Connie A. Allen Johnny G. Allen Harriet W. Aristeguieta Douglas Hines Barclay Richard W. Barnwell Kenneth Earl Bass J. Taylor Beard Joseph S. Boland III Jack W. Boykin Ray Brakefield Thomas L. Brantley Billy G. Broach James R. Brothers
Don E. Butts Frank M. Cater Royal E. Colson David Allen Conner Jerry Ann Macks Conner Joseph T. Crockett Maxine Reynolds Davis Louie Jones De Arman III Leiland M. Duke Jr. Charles Eichelberger Sr. Don B. Ellis James E. Fibbe Sr. Gerald Denson Foster James Edwin Fowler Ralph E. Frizzell Richard G. Galloway John C. Gary Jr. Edward C. Goldhill Jr. Glen E. Goodin Donald W. Griffis Don M. Guilford Charles K. Hall John Taylor Hannon Jr. Glenda Steele Harris David G. Hicks Anita Griffith Hill Donald O. Hill James H. Hilt Jr. Robert B. Howle Patricia Watson Irwin G. Sherman Jobe Thomas G. Johnson Sr. Richard L. Joiner George Norman Jones Jeanette Hasty Jones Frank Julius Keeney J. Paul Kirkland Jerry Edward Lampkin William Joseph Len Jr. Clifford W. Lewis Samuel B. Ligon Frank B. Lockridge Jr. Samuel L. Lovelace Jr. Raymond Elliott Loyd Donald W. Lynn Bobby A. Malone Raymond A. Manning Nathaniel DeHass McClure IV Geraldine K. McGee James L. McGee James D. McMillan Larry N. Mercer Morris G. Middleton Whitwell N. Middleton Doris Cannon Miller Herbert W. Miller Robert Coleman Miller Robert Lee Moody Thomas L. Moody L. Daniel Morris Jr. Betty LaFrange Mosley Charles F. Norris Alton B. Overstreet George P. Perdue Gordon H. Perry Aubrey E. Pippin Gary Walton Popwell Andrew J. Powell Jr. Jamie Earl Price Sr. Charles Hugh Puckett Joel N. Pugh Robert S. Pugh Jack S. Rice Joe C. Richie
Frederick J. Richmond Eugene S. Risler III Jack P. Robinson William D. Ruff Charles C. Rupp David C. Schulz William H. Schwarz Joseph A. Self Leslie Earle Smith Billy D. Snell Nelson M. Snow III Wayland Earl Stewart Gary H. Street Jack Ron Tabor Clifford Leroy Talley Walter D. Talley Jr. Hugh Ed Turner William K. Tyson Sam Y. Venable Jr. Hugh H. Vickers R. Leon Walden William R. Waldrop Robert F. Weaver Jr. Larry E. Webster Randall C. Weir Robert E. Welch James D. Wester J. Mack Whitaker Charles W. White Joe H. Whittington J. David Williams Jr. Philip S. Zettler
1962 Jack M. Abbott Talmadge Jackson Adams Jr. William Albritton Jr. Paul Lee Anderson Jr. Harris E. Atkins Jr. Bruce Lynwood Baker Robert P. Baker T. Kenneth Barfield Norment A. Barnes Jr. James M. Boyd Dan W. Braswell Russell McDill Brengelman David Nelson Brown Jesse C. Charles Bush Jr. James A. Byrd Roger A. Canfield Charles R. Carter H. Burton Case Jr. Wiley Mitchell Cauthen George E. Clausen Jr. Eldridge Ruthven Collins Jr. Donald M. Conlon Raymond Louis Copeland Harlan E. Cross Ralph S. Cunningham Thomas Stewart Denney Kendrall H. Flessas Robert S. Ford Daniel Gissendanner Sr. Gene Glenn Arthur R. Grizzle Glenn Harold Guthrie Robert A. Hale Elmer Beseler Harris Elaine T. Hawkins Roy L. Heifner Jr. John T. Henderson Jr. Roy Henderson John H. Hodges James Hollingsworth Jr.
Chun S. Hong Ronald L. Horn Carl E. Horne Donald Charles Irvin Tim McCall Jenkins Wayne L. Jenkins Bobby Joe Johnson Jane McFarland Johnson John Edward Johnson Jr. Billy E. Jones Lavon F. Jordan Wallace G. Keltner Reginald W. Kemp Herman Eugene Kesler John F. Key Jr. Al Kirwan Ralph C. Lake Wilmer M. Leslie Jr. L. Jack Little George M. Long Nance C. Lovvorn Ronnie Manoske Joel W. Marsh Jerry T. Maxwell Elmer McDaniel Geary B. McDonald Jr. William E. McDowell B. Wayne McPherson Kenneth L. Milton Clifton F. Minter Jr. Edward R. Moreland Jr. Patrick A. Moseley Charles W. Nelson John A. Nicholls III Gilbert Warren Oden Allie Ellis Orr Jack Taylor Parker Barbara Nevels Payne Donald W. Philpott William T. Pillow Richard A. Pollock Michael N. Ponder Johnny M. Rampy Malcolm Reddoch Emmett F. Reeder Paul R. Roberts Thomas L. Rocks Evelyn Staggers Rothe Samuel S. Sanders Thomas Saunders Sr. Marilyn L. Seier Wade G. Shores William J. Silver Lendon Oliver Skipworth John Richard Slaughter Sr. Danny Gerald Snow Larry Edward Speaks Ewart A. Speer Russell M. Stender Rebecca Brown Stewart John Edward Vick Ronald C. Waites John Lee Waldrop Benny H. Walker Russell L. Weaver Harold L. Wheeles Blanche Baxter Whigham Lynard D. Whitaker Dwight L. Wiggins Jr. Sara Price Wiggins Anthony Boyd Williams Clinton M. Williams Gary E. Woodham Charles Edward Woodrow III
1963 Charles R. Acosta Donnie Edward Allen Robert Scott Ballard Jewel B. Barlow Charles A. Beaird George M. Breeden III Harry H. Briscoe John E. Burkhalter Donald Ray Bush Richard E. Cannon Gene E. Carnathan Nancy Brunson Carr Susan Copeland Cobb David Witt Collier Carole Burnett Cook James R. Cook Patricia J. Cook William M. Damerel James L. Davis Jr. Terrell W. Daughtrey Harry L. Deffebach Jr. John C. Donehoo Daniel O. Dulaney Eddie P. Feltman O’Neil Buck Feltman Henry J. Ferguson III Travis F. Fincher William Gordon Fluker William M. Forman Carol Hall Foss Lionel D. Freeman Sellers G. Gauntt Charles F. Gilliland William R. Glass William G. Goff Jr. Gary W. Guttry Jerry R. Hannon Earl Hartsfield Lamar Travis Hawkins John Steele Henley II Dallas T. Hollaway Jr. Joe T. Howell Jr. Lawrence W. Hullett Michael W. Jones Larry E. Kendrick John Patrick Langan E. Diane Lawrence Thomas W. Lawrence Jr. Albert Allen Lee James R. Lewis Larry W. Linville Rayford L. Lloyd Jr. William B. Locke Mary Glass Long Meriwether Eugene Long Otis J. Manar III James L. Massey James Cruit Mays Thomas Lee McAliley Roland Smith McCluskey E. Graham McDonald C. Wendell Mead Maurice W. Midgette Marylin Montgomery Charles N. Moody Richard L. Mullins Sr. Vernon C. Murray Kenneth Ray Osborne Elwyn E. Palmer Jr. Robert E. Pannone Dorothy Crump Parker Charles S. Payne P. Lake Pennington
H. Joe Perry Ann Risher Phillips Robert J. Phillips Jr. James W. Poe Gerald A. Pounds George T. Ray Jacqueline Frye Rice Jerry H. Risher John Michael Rocks Charles N. Sanders Samuel M. Schrader Tempie Bagwell Sharley Wright W. Simmons Charles E. Smith Jr. E. Douglas Smyly Paul Joseph Spina Jr. Thomas Springfield Jr. Thomas J. Stone Jr. Gunther L. Sturm Terry D. Summerville John B. Switzer Hal W. Tanner Jr. Jerry Franklin Thomas John M. Thomas Jr. Cliff Green Thompson Stephen F. Thornton William Hogan Tipton III Gary W. Trimble Sandra Gray Vallely Ray Jarrell Vinson William A. Waller III Wendell W. Whiteside Carlton E. Whittle Joe M. Willis Gerald W. Zinkan
1964 Beverly F. Anderson Charles H. Ashley Jr. David Richard Autry Robert F. Barrs Earl E. Bearden Edward M. Beck Lynn Davis Blackburn Jr. Robert Wayne Bonnett Henry Franklin Brown Jerry Radford Brown Lawrence Owen Brown Max Leonard Bryant Sidney M. Bufkin George Glen Burgess Charles William Burgin James K. Cantrell James T. Castellow Jerry D. Cooley Arthur W. Cooper Jr. Cecil Merritt Cork Oscar Lee Coston Jr. Aurelia Reeves Couch Harry G. Craft Jr. Luanne Mount Cutchins Frank Allen Dagley Bill Daugherty Hiram Gerald Daugherty Walter E. Demick James W. Dumas William G. Dyson Jr. John L. Feagin Jr. George D. Frost Millard Inwood Frost Jr. William W. Fuller Edward C. Garner Thomas W. Gauntt Robert M. Glasgow Jr.
Robert J. Glenn Ralph B. Godfrey B. Lynn Greer James W. Gumm Jr. Holbert L. Hale Jr. Richard T. Hammock Sam S. Hartin Charles E. Heaton Elizabeth Hinton Henley James A. Hill Jerry W. Holmes Jackson L. Hulsey James A. Hutchby James R. Hyatt Larry Keith Israel Harold Lawrence Ivey James M. Jenkins Jr. James Cecil Johnson Thomas R. Johnson Jr. Max Fred Jones James R. Jordan Edward J. Kaiser Mary Donna Kaiser J. Nelson Knight George G. Langley Jr. Emily R. Leischuck Gerald S. Leischuck F. Kylan Lewis Robert E. Lowder Clarence B. Mahoney Jr. Reuben C. Manasco Jr. William M. Mayo Jr. William C. Mayrose William W. McCartney Sr. Mack Adrian McDaniel Shelby J. McIntosh John L. Miller Jr. Kenneth L. Mitchell Gordon B. Mohler Joseph W. Moore Jr. Wayne David Morgan Jr. Knut E. Mueller Nancy Thomas Mueller James E. Nichols Howard W. Parker Joseph Francis Parrish Louis Cary Phillips O. Clyde Prather Jr. William Franklin Qualls Jr. Robert J. Robison Fred R. Robnett Wolfram F. Rothe Joe W. Ruffer Frank A. Rusche Donald H. Sanders Walter Albert Saunders John G. Schmohl Victor Quentin Shirley Frank L. Sigler III Patrick G. Singleton Jerry Franklin Smith R. Aubrey Smith Billy Wayne Speller Nancy W. Payne Stanfield John Monro Stickney Edward James Sultan R. Wilson Talmadge Jr. J. Max Tate Charles W. Taunton James R. Thomas Jr. E. Dale Threadgill Arthur S. Vitagliano John D. Wait Jr. Larry C. Waites
Gary C. Wallace James W. Warr Olan G. Whitaker H. Wayne White Harry L. Wiggins Jr. David J. Wilson Jr. John R. Wright
1965 Thomas S. Abernathy Jr. L. Rodney Addison Letty W. Albritton J. Patricia Woolf Allen Francisco R. Bechara James A. Bedsole Millard F. Berry Jr. Harold Hampton Boles Bobby G. Bowles David B. Bradley Claude E. Breed C. Calvin Bullock Charles I. Burgess David Andrew Cole Alton L. Colvin Larry M. Curtis Jimmy H. Davis Lynda Buhler Davis Sam G. Davis Jr. Harvey M. Derrick Paul Keith Ellis Terry B. Farris Helen Likis Foxhall Dean R. Freitag Philip W. Garrison John G. Gates Mary Roselle Glasgow Michael E. Glasgow H. Gray Gordon William Miles Greer John Ralph Griffin Sr. Toby Eugene Gurley Benjamin E. Harrison William F. Hayes Michael J. Henry John B. Herrin Bobby L. Hinson L. Hugh Hiott Jr. Charles C. Holman Gordon Wood Holmes Jr. John Michael Jeffries Patricia J. Jeffries James R. Jenkins C. Travis Johnson Jon W. Kilgore W. Edward Killgore Donald E. Laird M. Stacy Lanier James R. Latham Charles R. Lewis James T. Lewis Gerald E. Lott Jimmy F. Lowe Joseph R. Lunsford Steven John Marcereau Roy W. McAuley Jr. Richard M. McCraney James Michael McKinney Paula Stapp McMillan Donald W. McQuaig D. L. Merrill Jr. John P. Miles Jr. John K. Mitchell Thomas R. Mitchell III Eugene R. Moré
Pete C. Morgan Thomas W. Morris Sr. William Lee Morrison Penn E. Mullowney Jr. W. Russell Newton Johnny Michael Oddo Steve P. Osburne Spiros G. Pallas Michael D. Parker Timothy W. Pierce Robert C. Prater James Walton Rainer III Marcus L. Rhodes James E. Roberson Phil R. Rushing David Scarborough Murriel W. Scarborough E. Todd Sharley Jr. Robert Jackson Spence James W. Stewart Henry P. Stinson Jr. Denver Stone Marianne Stringfellow Thomas D. Stringfellow Patricia Hosmer Stubbs Robert H. Stubbs II Elizabeth Field Thomas Arthur Tonsmeire III John W. Torrance Arun Kumar Trikha Joseph B. Turner III Donald P. Vallely Ira C. Waddey Jr. Mary Justice Ward Wade L. Ward Jr. J. Ernest Warren Glenn D. Weathers Sarah Byrd Weaver Theron Stacy Welch Jr. James Woodson White John L. White Jr. Jimmy S. Wiggins Robert F. Womack Gary S. Woodard Wallace K. Woolley
1966 John W. Abney John Boswell Allen Robert C. Allphin Jr. William C. Anderson Marion C. Aquilino Gerald Eugene Aultman Mitzi Cockrell Austin William A. Baker James Bernard Barber Donald H. Barringer Kay B. Beasley Thomas Franklin Beasley Cecil C. Beck Charles William Berry Jr. J. Michael Beste Robert A. Bishop Gail Wright Breed James H. Briggs Lawrence Edward Browder R. Michael Browder Howard H. Burkart II Charles M. Canon Wendell W. Carter Margaret A. Chappell Burt Cloud R. Frank Cobb Louis E. Connor
Douglas Cox Jr. J. Donald Craft Edwin E. Culpepper W. Kirkland Cunningham James N. Dennis James A. Dicso Marvin B. Dinsmore Jr. Terry Duncan Sr. Douglas Edmond Dutton Michael D. Fahey Frank C. Feagin Paul R. Flowers Jr. Walter Floyd Jr. Maynard W. Ford James C. Forman III Jack P. Franklin Frank R. Fryer Foy S. Fuller Joseph E. Graham Jr. Frank C. Grantham Jr. John R. Greer Jr. Clay G. Griffin Marilyn M. Guffin James H. Ham III Douglas M. Harper Frederick Hugh Henderson David P. Henry Jr. Henry P. Holt Milford M. Howard Beaul Dean Hunkapiller Lawson N. Jaquith O. Guthrie Jeffcoat Jr. C. Wayne Jennings Sr. Robert M. Jones Tim J. Kearns III Oliver D. Kingsley Jr. Sally Yeaman Kingsley Dean G. Koch Homer C. Lavender Jr. Terry K. League Bobby E. Ledford M. Quitman Liner J. Ben Long II James W. Lyons Jr. James Luther Martin Noel Q. Martin II Pauline Miller Martin William L. McCormick II Jim W. McGaha Randolph H. McGee Jackson R. McGowen Thomas W. Merritt Jr. Gerald T. Monroe H. Joe Montgomery Thomas W. Mooney John T. Morgan Jr. Donald Bryce Nelson J. Kirk Newell III Wilmer M. Oliver Martha Faye Palmer Booker Pearson T. Wesley Phinney Jr. Gerald L. Prather Joe W. Pruett Roger J. Rader B. Dewey Reams John R. Richey Arthur J. Roch Jr. David Earl Saur Sherman M. Seltzer William H. Sherard Gerald Pleasant Shoaf Max Oscar Smith N. Oliver Smyth III
Floyd F. Soule Jenean O. Sprayberry Leon Stanford Ernest Singley Strong Jr. Michael T. Tuley J. Barry Turman Thomas M. Turner Jr. W. Bruce Vickers Lavene L. Vorel Mac Douglas Waldrup Jr. Thomas R. Waller Harold D. Walls Lewis Albert Ward Rena Kennedy Wiggins James Allen Wilson L. Roland Young Jr.
1967 Gloria S. Abernathy Nathan J. Adams Jr. Shelton Sutton Anderson Alvin C. Bailey Michael S. Barefield Michael W. Beard Carroll Boatwright Jr. Patricia B. Boatwright W. Allan Boomer Michael T. Borelli C. John Brewer James M. Bright Herbert W. Brown Paul W. Brunson Jr. Clifford Maxwell Butler Harold Deason Callaway Jr. Anne Hinton Campbell James Steven Campbell Miguel Angel Carrero John H. Cassidy Terrell T. Cato Sean C. Chen Sherry Grace Cloud Belva Lee Collins William Fred Conway E. Douglas Cowart Nell Spivey Craft Klaus D. Dannenberg George R. Davidson Jr. Timothy J. Days Curtis Warde Deal William R. Dodd Jr. Dana Dean Lesley Dougherty Floyd W. Dougherty Robert F. Dunbar H. Wendell Ellis John Russell Ellison Jim W. Evans Daniel A. Farmer Edward B. Fischer Russell S. Foxhall John Sam Freeman Charles Eugene Fuller III Joe Starkey Fuller Edward G. Gasperini Rebecca C. Glagola Richard Randall Golden Stanley L. Graves William George Hairston III Charles Richard Hamrick Michael B. Harris Albert E. Hay J. Robert Heath William Harlan Hinson Jr. Lawrence Hollingsworth Danny R. Hughes
L. Phillip Humann Jr. Kay E. Ivey George V. Jones George A. Kell Ben J. Kelly Jr. Dieter W. Kuberg Mary Rodgers Latham Joe B. Leonard Jr. John G. Link Jr. Edward J. Lynch Donald W. Magnusson Francis McKenzie Jr. Darryl L. McMillan Malcolm T. McPherson Jr. Sansing S. McPherson James Merriwether Jr. Walter E. Messer David L. Mixon James Howard Morrow Leo C. Mueller III James L. Mullin Cliffors Ken Murray Charles F. Norris Roy Hart Norris III James Carl Oakley William D. O’Bar Charles R. Oliver Jr. William L. Overstreet Gerald E. Paul Ronald David Phillips James L. Pickett James L. Powell William R. Powell H. P. Purdon Michael B. Putnam James Lee Rayburn Laura Ellis Richardson Lewis G. Riley Daniel E. Ross Edward Schrimsher Jr. Robert J. Schwechten II Robert J. Scroggins William W. Selman Thomas A. Sipos Sr. David C. Sjolund Don W. Skipper Kent Foster Smith Michael Lawrence Smith William James Smith Wayne Leslie Spier John Douglas Spivey R. Steve Sprayberry Patrick C. Stacker Joseph Stanfield Jr. Francis H. Thurston William M. Tuck Frank J. Walker Jr. Michael Keith Walton Albert L. Ward R. Conner Warren Billy F. West Lenward Wilbanks Jr. George Edmond Williamson II Alan W. Wingfield James L. Wisener Alexander H. Wright Jr.
1968 James Richard Alexander Jonathan W. Alexander Bill B. Baker Jr. David R. Baker Robert V. Baldwin L. Dean Battles Jr.
Charles Bethea Jon M. Bieker William Y. Bishop Rupert R. Bond Larry F. Bowers Robinson B. Bradley Richard J. Bradshaw Jr. John Randolph Brandt Haran Worthy Bullard Jr. Albert L. Burbic Jr. Richard L. Burton Marianne Busbee Rebecca Page Byard F. Max Carroll Carl H. Caudle J. Richard Clark William C. Claunch J. Mack Clayton Robert R. Coleman III Dennis S. Davis Robert H. Doyle Jr. Gerald W. Driggers Robert J. Dugan James C. Edwards W. Stanley Edwards J. Mark Elliott Kenneth Bryant Fairly Jane Glennon Feagin Jeffrey S. Fenimore Barbara Meeker Flowers Stanley F. Folker Jr. Robert E. Forbes Wilbur D. Forbes James Melton Glenn James C. Glidewell Vernon C. Gordon Johnnie M. Hamilton C. Gary Harrington George L. Hart R. Jerry Hart William D. Harwood O. H. Heely Jr. Robert L. Heine James M. Hicks Linda Turner Hinson Rodger W. Holman Thomas C. Howard Jr. Jane McKenzie Humann John W. Hurston Frederick M. Jennings Jane Cox Jones Roy A. Jones Lester Killebrew Sr. Gary Virgil King Ronald Walker Kirkland Stephen C. Korn J. Gerard Kwilecki III Paul Jerome Langford Michael T. Larson Terry Edwin Lawler James A. Lightfoot Harold R. Lonergan Jr. Larry Clark Lunsford Richard Lusk William Edgar Mahaffey Henry A. Malec Angeline Honnell Markley Stephen Alexander McCarl B. Allan McCrum Jr. James H. McDaniel Paul A. McIntyre William R. McNair Earlon Curtis McWhorter David R. Meier
Frank C. Mingledorff Jr. Robert T. Montgomery W. Kenneth Mooney Larry J. Morgan Thomas David Morse Robert J. Murphy Jr. Richard E. Olson John Paul O’Neal Ronald C. Owen George A. Palmer Jr. Murray A. Parks Jr. James F. Phillips Howard W. Putnam Jr. Parker L. Rakocy Robert Daniel Reid Robert Terrence Rendleman Allen C. Rice John O. Richardson Jr. Audrey L. Roberts Paul Ray Roberts John Michael Robinson Joseph B. Sarver III Bill I. Seitz Randall E. Sellers Terry Sullivan Shiver Arthur Lewis Slotkin Carl D. Smith Jr. Jarel P. Starling Frank Eugene Stubbs Jr. Joel Paul Sutherland Kenneth Underwood Tommy D. Veatch Robert G. Vick Jr. Eugene F. Voss James Calhoun Wade Jr. John Michael Weigle David Travis Whitt Gary D. Williams Stephen E. Williams Clyde E. Wills Jr. John Larry Wingard H. Wayne Wright Robert Harrison Wynne Jr. Charles R. Yarbrough III
1969 Lawrence Albritton II Gregory Lane Alford George Hubert Allen Jr. Spencer T. Bachus III R. Lee Barnett Ronald E. Battle Danny L. Blackburn Richard W. Boothe Charles J. Bowers Richard A. Braswell Edward Charles Brauner Dwight Truman Brown Rodney W. Byard Isaac N. Byrd John B. Byrd III William N. Byrd John L. Carr Jr. Larry D. Carter James W. Cauthen Otto Peter Cerny Peggy King Cerny William B. Chambless William Lewis Chartier H. Blake Coker Jr. Frank F. Cook Tommy J. Copeland Jo Ann Culpepper Cowan Harry E. Crisp II
Richard D. Crowley Phillip B. Davidson Andrew W. Denton Jr. Glenn Edward Dickerson John William Duke Clifford A. Dykes Ronald M. Dykes David W. Ezell Virgil F. Fairchild E. Steve Faris Richard I. Farrell Theodore Ferreira Jr. William Everett Ferrell Ellen C. Flenniken Jesse Brian Ford William D. Fountain Joseph Giangrosso Jr. Wayne Granade Jefferson Grant Jr. Gary W. Gray David E. Green Garnett Hinton Grubb John Dennis Haire Marvin Lynn Hanks Rheba Meadows Hardin Wilbur H. Hargrove Barbara M. Harkleroad George Michael Harper James Preston Henderson C. Burton Hewitt III Robert C. Hicks Farris E. Hill W. Charles Holt Charles W. Honey John Leroy Hood Jr. John L. Hopper Charles R. Horn K. Byron Housley Ronald P. Hyde Leonard E. Ingram W. Russell James Francis S. Jensen Anthony Lee Johnson Pierce Johnson Jr. Carter Allen Jones Frank S. Jones Jr. Ronald G. Jones Stephen H. Keown James E. Kiel William Thomas Killian Larry Kizer G. Rodney Kleedehn Richard Douglas Kramer Robert R. Lancaster Grady Oliver Lanier III Robert E. Latham Larry Neal LeCroy Nelda K. Lee Larry Alex Lewis Thomas A. Linke Jester Mort Loomis III Edgar J. Love Lani Welch Lusk Paul M. Manning Sr. William H. Marsh III Douglas Paul Marshall Benjamin G. Mason Kenneth Leslie McGill Joseph E. McKay Danny C. McManus G. David Melvin Michael L. Menk Daniel H. Mikos Alexander Forrest Money
John Brevard Montgomery Thomas F. Mueller Scott B. Murray Jay M. Myers Thomas D. Myers David L. Nelson William K. Newman John M. Parr George R. Pate William H. Pearson Jr. Bill N. Pemberton Jerry C. Pemberton Calvin J. Phillips Frank R. Pierce Dennis M. Pinkard Stephen F. Platt William J. Porteous Jr. Robert Lyons Prince Edwin Clark Pruett Neil D. Pundit David I. Rach Larry F. Ragan James R. Randall Thomas Leonard Ray John H. Reaves Martha Reimer Reed Claud O. Renauld III William Leon Reynolds L. Terry Rice William E. Richardson Ronald L. Riggles Paul M. Roche Shelia Braasch Roche James Franklin Roe Jr. William J. Rowell Arthur N. Ryan Larry E. Ryan Joseph A. Saiia Mary Graves Saiia Bruce E. Scott Terry L. Self Michael L. Sexton J. David Sharp III John T. Sheffield Edward H. Shoemaker Patrick Bruce Sloan James K. Smith III Thomas Lowry Smith Robert Charles Stacy Joseph A. Stanley Jr. David Rice Stone David F. Stroberg James Walter Styring Robert L. Swain John Ennis Taylor Marvin Fred Terrell Jr. Leonard W. Thomas Jr. Thomas Weldon Thompson James R. Thornton Frank Ridley Thrash Jr. Paul Victor Todd J. Ronald Tucker Daniel S. Tully Jr. Raymond Lee Valley Bernard W. Vatz Richard Turner Wade Dudley C. Wass II Lucy Hargrove Weigle John P. Wesson Thomas W. Wheeler III Thomas M. Whelchel John Mark White James Richard Whitten John Gary Wiley
Benjamin M. Williams Elwyn McLeod Williams Larry Q. Williams D. Thomas Willis George J. Wolf Jr. Walter Stanley Woltosz Jimmy Y. Yeung
1970 Kerry E. Adams Charles C. Aderholdt James David Alexander James R. Anderson John C. Assell Robert E. Batson Susan Brasfield Batson Malcolm N. Beasley Byron Jackson Bell Jr. Eugene C. Bennett John Tom Best Jr. Brij Bhushan James I. Blake Phillip R. Blest Rebecca Hard Bradley Edwin B. Branch James Robert Brannock D. Christopher Bright Shay T. Bryant Stanley Eli Bryant Kenneth R. Bryson N. Phillip Burroughs Jack N. Callahan Margaret P. Callahan Richard Lee Camp Billy G. Carwile Paul Cash Michael S. Catron Frederic D. Chapman Larry W. Coger Douglas H. Cooper William R. Cooper Charles D. Cope John E. Corner Fred D. Covington Jr. Joseph Lamar Cowan Anne Hale Craft Thomas L. Creason Philip G. Cuba Ramachandraiah Daram Gordon L. Davis James A. Deason II David Reynolds Dennis Gregory Claude Denson Osborne Bill Deyo Jr. Charlie C. Dill Jr. Jack O. Dorough J. Douglas Dowdy Robert E. Duram Joe D. Edge Lem B. Ellis Kenneth E. Evans Steven D. Felahis Thomas R. Fluker III Gayle Parks Forehand Walter C. Frampton Jr. Joseph Lee Gaines Judith Baker Gaines Jerry L. Gibbs Martin C. Glover Larry R. Graves Patsy Hyche Graves Allen R. Green John M. Green Robert H. Griffin
Richard E. Grusnick Daniel Franklin Gunn J. Robert Hamill Arthur Brown Hammond Leon L. Hardin Homer L. Harkleroad Danny H. Harvey Joel A. Hastey Fred C. Hawkins Lewis A. Hayward Charles L. Henderson Tommy Glenn Hendrick Thomas Farrell Higgins Walter H. Hollingsworth George C. Howell Jr. E. Gordon Huffman Andrew H. Hughes James A. Humphrey Daniel K. Hunt L. Catherine Hunter C. Wayne Ingram Glenn N. Ivey Alton Britt James W. Blake Jeffcoat John David Johnson Stanley P. Jones William Simon Keller Byron R. Kelley Hugh C. Kennamer William H. Kenney Neal E. Kern Jay R. Kistler Jr. Bernard Kneeland Jr. George Landingham Olan Reggie Landrum Thomas C. Lawrence Ruth Howe Liddell Danny Little Katherine King Little Larry Wilson Lockett Charlotte Glover Lowder Ira F. Luker J. Hal Lunsford Robert W. Lynch William David MacFarlane Miles M. Majure Richard Frank Mayer James E. McClellan Jr. Joel David McClinton Sr. Joseph G. McFaull Jr. Leon F. McGinnis Jr. Donald McKinnon James McLaughlin Jr. John L. McRae George A. Menendez Gayle Banks Merrill Phillip H. Merrill John L. Miller William Harvey Miller James A. Mino L. Leigh Morgan Jr. James Robert Murphy J. Curtis Neely Jr. Marshall McCoy Nelson Michael C. Nichols Robert E. Norman Jr. Terry A. Nunnelly Bob Osborne J. Robert Otwell Jr. James R. Overstreet Mark G. Pierce Joseph S. Pitts Randall L. Powell Stephen G. Rainey
W. Allen Reed Benjamin Reynolds Jr. Edgar L. Reynolds Hobson Rudolphus Riley Jr. Ronald W. Robertson Kenneth G. Rogers C. Richard Roselle J. Andrew Rutland Carl C. Sharpe Marvin W. Shaw Jr. William H. Sheley Charles E. Short John H. Sligh David B. Smith Gray T. Smith Samuel Lee Smith Jr. Susan C. Smith Jean Schauss Smyth John Albert Smyth Jr. Edwin Stephenson Jr. Richard M. Stevenson Donald S. Stewart William Terry Surrency Donald W. Taylor Peggy Thomas Taylor Donald L. Thomas John F. Todt Robert V. Townes III Lois Folmar Turnipseed Clark Walker Tony R. Walker Walter R. Wallace Linda Barnes Waters Norman M. Weed William M. White Jon C. Whitmer John C. Williams III John B. Woodruff Jr. William Robert Young
1971 A. Sidney Adams Jr. Dianne Booker Adkison James T. Adkison Jr. Charles W. Alderman Betty M. Anderson William P. Anderson III Jerry Anthony Bagley Carlton Barnes Joseph F. Barth III Dale H. Beason Greg F. Bendall Jack Boswell John D. Braddock Robert Craig Brewer Herbert Warren Broughton James Lawrence Bryant Ricky Joel Bullard Clifford Bruce Campbell Danny R. Carpenter Michael Louis Carroll Bruce K. Colburn R. Miles Coleman Edwin Dale Cornelius Donald B. Cotton Michael L. Culver Kenneth E. Defricke Edward N. Donnelly David N. Dorough Jr. Paul E. Drummonds Brian K. DuPell Jayne Webster Edge Everett W. Edwards Reed A. Edwards
George E. Elkins Charles M. Estes Jr. Joe W. Forehand Jr. Earl Richard Foust Nan Vinson Foust Russell A. Fowler Edward T. Fowlkes Jr. James E. Garifalos II Thomas C. Gill Robert W. Glenn Robert L. Hall Judge Hub Bost Harrington Carol Hensley Hastey Robert Ralph Hein Lynn Harrison Hermann Stephen G. Hill Edward L. Hogg Charles Wesley Holland Charles D. Holliday Jr. Robert Sanford Holliday Cary M. Horn Michele A. Humphrey Samuel Lee Jackson Ronald L. Jacobs Cecilia Martin Johnson J. Edwin Johnson Samuel W. Johnson II A. Curtis Jones Kerry Dale Jordan Madhusudan C. Joshi David A. Kelley Michael W. Kinard Karl James Kinkead Horst Klein David P. Kulavich Ted Landers Leslie Scott Lanier Robert A. Laseter Thomas F. Lavender Jr. Samuel R. Lester Michael G. Lucas Peter Marchiony Jr. Cary C. Martin James A. McCool Jr. Emmett L. McCutchin John B. McDonald Jr. Guy M. Mitchell Lionel C. Mitchell Jr. Walter O. Monteith Jr. Glenn Rodney Montgomery Phillip Franklin Moon Jordan L. Morgan M. John Morgan Lars B. Ostervold Sr. Julius C. Otero Jr. John F. Palmer Jr. Christopher Joseph Peterson Samuel O. Phillips Phelen Ellis Pilgreen Thomas L. Powell Duane M. Ready Emory F. Redden Jane Beverly Reynolds Richard H. Rush Billy Mac Sanders II Robert H. Scott Thomas D. Senkbeil Alan D. Sikes William E. Skinner David Slovensky Richard W. Smart James Larry Smith John Randolph Smith Jr. James A. Snider
James Lewis Starr W. Kenneth Stewart W. Perry Stowe Robert Emery Strickland Richard H. Swearengin William J. Thomson A. Alex Upchurch Donald W. Vaughn Suzan Curry Voss Jesse O. Waddell Jr. Jimmy Walker William J. Walker III Kenneth Boland Walkley Louie P. Wallace III Freeman Darrell Warnix James Barnett Warren Robert Morgan Waters James E. Watson III Joseph D. Weatherford Alva Taylor Webb II Claude T. Wells Jr. Alfred C. White Ronald G. Wilkinson Sr. John W. Williams Jr. Dennis N. Wilson Marcelle E. Wood Jr. Thomas W. Yelvington
1972 Jerry D. Abrams William P. Allinder Glen D. Atwell John Robert Bailey William E. Bailey Jr. Philip Stuart Ball III Travis E. Beasley Jr. David E. Beverly Sr. John Carleton Blair Danny F. Bonham Patric J. Brandon Alvin B. Bresler Earnest David Brown David Gilbert Burks Porter B. Calhoun Dana Owens Camp Newal S. Cauthen Joe Mark Chambers Jr. Bill Randy Chandler Richard I. Chenoweth Michael W. Clements Joe D. Clifton Daniel M. Cook Frederick A. Davis William Derek Davis Thomas Paul Deuley Steve Doctorchik James Allen Dowdy Jr. Francis R. Driggars Michael A. Dupree Nancy Luck Duttry Steven Ray Duttry David L. Elam Sr. J. David Estes John E. Farley Jr. Julia C. Floyd Phillip W. Garrett Diana Wood Gester John William Gibbs Dennis C. Glover Michael H. Googe Glenn Foster Gordon Lamar S. Gray Truman Green Reginald P. Guess Jr.
Charles D. Gunter Jr. Ernest Lin Guy Hershel G. Hammett Robert A. Harper John W. Haskell John E. Hassett Lloyd M. Hegler Steve W. Helms Homer E. Henson George S. Hermann Robert I. Hirshburg Wayne Holland Raymond H. Holmes Ronnie L. Huber Rea A. Huston Thomas A. Imler J. Morris Irvin Larry R. Jarvis Carl W. Jones Hilton Stephen Jordan Kerry Cliff Kabase John S. Kenerly Dale A. Kiel Richard E. Kime Alan J. Lane Malcom C. Lebron Stephen Elbert Lee Becky S. Lewis David Wayne Lewis Edwin Lamar Lewis Roger A. Lewis Thomas H. Lowder Lawrence L. Lynch Jr. John Andrew MacFarlane Noel C. Mareno Charles A. Martin Gary Willis McCarthy James Terry McDonald James E. McIndoe Phillip S. McKinney Kenneth W. Means Stephen R. Miller Thomas M. Milton Max A. Mobley John L. Momeier John David Montgomery Gilbert V. Moore Walter D. Mullins Jr. Michael K. Myrick Charles G. Nicely Ronald James Nix Robert G. Orrison Jr. Donny Thomas Parr Henry Pratt Parrish L. Wayne Payton P. Don Perkins Warren R. Pollard H. Vincent Poor Hubert Edward Prescott Margaret J. Reynolds Willis H. Robertson Michael A. Robinson Thomas C. Ross John H. Russell JoAngela Freeman Saxon Paul Barrett Scott Jr. Steven F. Segrest Andrew J. Sharp Jr. Gary F. Shelley William H. Simpson Jr. Michael R. Smith William Ronald Smith Norman O. Speakman Jon Frederick Stansell
William C. Stegall Jr. Donald L. Stroud Ken W. Swords William B. Tallon Warren E. Thomas Jr. Stanley Carl Thompson Travis Andrew Tucker Venelia Hill Turner Timothy Neil Turnham Ronald Lee Tyler Dewitt Uptagrafft E. Wayne Vandiver Andrew D. Veren James S. Voss James D. Wadsworth Alvis F. Wales Jr. Gabriel R. Wallace Eugene H. Weeks James E. Weems Larry Russell White Randall D. Whorton Jerry Wills Gary Wayne Winkler Richard D. Winter Norman E. Wood R. Duke Woodson R. Edward Yeilding
1973 Robert Stephen Aicklen Charles S. Aiken Jr. Rafael E. Alfonso Edward W. Allender Claire S. Andrews Nelson Alan Averhart Phillip D. Baggette Charles Daniel Bagley Tommy E. Baldwin Jr. Nancy Pugh Bissinger Scott A. Blair William O. Blalock Kenneth P. Brannan Felix C. Brendle Jr. Janie Craft Bryan Eddie C. Burt Stephen F. Cameron R. Wayne Camp Donna McArthur Carmon Gerald Wayne Cato John Wendell Chambliss Vicki Boyce Chenoweth Ronald Columbo Leigh Young Compton Edward T. Connor Edward B. Cooley III Charles Larry Daniel Ralph Lamar Davis Stevan Alden Davis Robert Clark Donaghy Harold Drain Wendell Harris Duke Danny Ledger Dyess Carol W. Fischer John Daniel Folker George William Gallops Jr. Raymond Garlington Jr. Gregory Lamar Gibson Robert Michael Glover Durwood E. Graddy Jr. Bobby Gene Gray H. Neal Griffin Susan Owens Hamilton Joe Ashford Happer Robert Waite Hardie
Samuel Laroy Harris Richard A. Harrison Jr. Michael Donovan Helms Robert E. Hollingsworth Dennis Edward Homesley Douglas Cushman Hughes Arnold W. Hughey Jr. William David Hunter Ed Ingram William Frank Jenkins Jr. Michael Ray Jones Joel Denny Kearley Mary Coggins Kearley Samuel L. Kennedy William G. King Jr. Daniel Bernard Kinney Frederick C. Kirk Charles Wendall Knight Arthur Marshall Lane Ronald E. Leatherwood Steven Max Lee Anne Warren MacFarlane Timothy J. Marcinak Charles P. Markert Jr. Joseph W. Martin J. Douglas Maxwell James R. McAdory III Charles Douglas McCrary David N. McCutcheon Alan Glen McDevitt William M. McGough Jr. James N. McGowen Jr. Judy Bean McGowen William McLaughlin Jr. Donnie Ray Miller D. Ray Mitchell Karen Holt Mitchell Nancy Playle Mitchell Robert Lane Monk Jane Holley Moon Howard Milton Murphy Michael F. Murray Adolfo Ojeda Adams Jr. David Carter Orrison John Mitchell Ozier Edson Oliver Parker III Ronald Lynn Paseur Victor W. Payne Jr. Anne Rankin Penney Jane Turner Poe William Courtney Poe Edwin C. Polke Jr. Richard John Poturalski Jerry Lynn Pullen Marsha H. Reardon Joseph A. Rhodes Jr. Jim Alan Richter Mary S. Shrader Richter Jesse Douglas Riddle II Richard Young Roberts John Crawford Robertson John Woodrow Rockett John Anderson Samford Ethan A. Schrader Jr. Charles S. Shinkle John Charles Singley Douglas R. Sittason Theodore Dean Soliday Michael Joseph Sosebee Donald Clark Spain Albert V. Spratley II Clyde Richard Stanley Jr. James R. Stansell Jr. Rodney Chapman Steffens
Steven Robert Stewart Oliver William Stuardi Kent Sullivan Nila Pierce Swann Robert W. Sylvester C. Bilbo Thompson Jr. George Clinton Thompson Donald Davis Thornbury William Alexander Tomb Anthony Joseph Topazi Patricia Colley Topazi David H. Tullis Jr. Robert Earl Vaughan Walter Karl Vollberg Gayla Jones Von Ehr John Richard Voorhees W. Charles Wagers Judith Bennett Walkley William John Wallace Ronnie Ray Watkins W. Keith Watkins William S. Weeks G. Thomas Welch James Wade Wesson James Stephen Whitt Michael Leonard Wiggins Jonathan W. Willingham Robert H. Wilson III R. C. Wright Jr. Stephen Arlin Yother
1974 Patricia P. Aicklen William A. Allanson James F. Allen Jr. Terry Mark Anthony Scott T. Baker William R. Barron Jr. James L. Barton John C. Bedford James D. Blackmon Karen Franklin Blaise Peter James Blaise James R. Brannon Terry W. Burton John P. Caldwell Jr. Patricia P. Carroll Gary N. Chambers Dennis Michael Corrigan Charles S. Cowart James E. Cox K. Frank Day Joe R. DeVore Ray Allen Dimit John T. Douglas William G. Dyas Barry L. Dyer Irvin L. Emmons Michael R. Fosdick Wilton E. Foster Jr. Ann Adams Galbreath Davis R. Gamble Jr. David J. Gardner Stewart D. Glass Lee M. Gross III Robert A. Hamm Donald M. Hammond Donald B. Heacock Jr. Thomas A. Hereford Jr. John H. Hessey V Gregory J. Hill Arni T. Hopkins Tommy Ralph Horne Jr. Charles C. Huang
Bruce Edward Imsand Michael L. Jackson Penelope D. Johnson Clark T. Kelley Daniel M. Kennedy Jr. Nancy Watkins Kinard Calder Dan Kohlhaas Jr. Thomas E. Lackey Jr. Lucius Edmond Lanier II Philip D. Lanier Jr. William Lawrence Jr. Paul Harvey Leaver Ronald Craig Lipham Keith Jackson Lowery Phillip Madonia M. Jane Major James L. Marks John R. McBride Edward Nichols McCoy James Randall McFall Jerry A. McGilvray Michael B. McGuffey Bruce Edward McKinney John McMenamin Jr. Robert W. Meinzen Steven D. Meloney Donald R. Minton Richard Eugene Mullins Wayne T. Munson Robert D. Nelson Thomas Peter Newdome Ruben V. Nichols Jr. Barry Lloyd Oakes Richard P. Owen L. Laszlo Pallos Mark Adams Pass Robert Claude Patterson C. Rod Pearce David M. Pemberton Janice Potts Peterson J. Dallas Rea Francis J. Rentz Peggy Frew Roberts David J. Robinson Lewis E. Robinson Jr. G. Michael Roebuck Charles Philip Saunders Mark Gordon Scheirer Merry Susan S. Schreck Kenneth C. Sims Darrell B. Skipper Rhett Acker Smith Jr. Roger L. Sollie Marion P. Soutullo Robert Stallings Jr. David W. Strain Jon E. Stroberg John L. Strube David Sullivan Jack Weaver Swann John B. Thomas Jr. Joseph C. Thomas Jr. Robert E. Tracy Jr. Frank Patterson Turner IV Toni Thompson Turpen Charles P. Ward William E. Warnock Jr. Charles Erby Watts Jr. Kenneth R. Webber Gerald Robert Whitaker James E. White Debra Adams Wilkinson Bobby E. Williams Gregory Haywood Williams
John David Winter Merry Cleveland Wynn
1975 Joseph L. Alexander Robert A. Allen Pete L. Anderson Dwight Chris Barden Ben Bozeman Barrow Jr. Stephen R. Beard James Ross Beaty Steven T. Beck Allan Harry Bissinger Waylon D. Blakeley Ollie W. Boyd Jr. Ricky Bradford Terry L. Bradford Kenneth David Bradley Lemuel O. Brannen Jr. Dennis W. Brown F. Glen Bryant David Burton Bugg Robert Flournoy Bynum Steven C. Carpenter Ronald D. Carter Donald J. Catt Jo Anne Coggins James R. Cornelison Christopher C. Creagan David L. Cross Malcolm L. Dailey Jr. Michael Joseph Deering William G. Dickie Jr. Douglas L. Dixon James Victor Doyle Brian Wilson Evans James A. Faircloth Jr. Ann Marie Ferretti William Andrew Fuller Ralph M. Funderburk Raymond J. Geiselhart Nicky L. Glover Rusty Gordon James E. Gorham Jr. Charles A. Graeber Sr. Charles D. Griffin George L. Griffith Jr. Linda Vanstrum Griggs Raymond I. Halaby Gary Lee Hallen Ray Hamilton II Nelson L. Hanks Paul T. Hardy Ronald Ugee Harris Harold Edward Hazen Jr. James Monroe Holley IV John S. Hornsby Edwin T. Horton Jr. Thomas L. Hovater Clinton P. Hughes Jr. Joseph M. Hughey Hiram T. Ingram Ronald Jackson David S. Johnson Joseph S. Johnson Jr. Patricia D. Johnson T. M. Jones IV Thomas E. Jones Robert Lewis King John H. Klingelhoeffer John C. Kummel Thomas D. Lampkin Kenneth Harold Landers Katherine F. Leaver
Ernest J. LeRoy Mike Nan Heng Lin Jack Don Lokey Jr. Jewell C. Maxwell Jr. John R. McCarthy Michael Evans McNeal David F. Mitchell Sally Ann Montgomery P. Blake Moore Jr. Terry Wayne Motes David Jonathan Murphy William Tom Nabors Gerard F. Nachreiner Charles H. Neill Jr. Robert B. Newton Bobby M. Nolen David Lee Nordness William B. Norton Anthony Fred Owens William S. Pace Jr. Hans G. Paul Robert E. Portera Jack B. Porterfield III Karl W. Potts Jr. David A. Pride Norman Hill Rahn III James A. Redmon Larry D. Richardson Elaine Coots Riddle William Riddle Thomas S. Robbins III Troy J. Roop William A. Samuel H. James Scheer William Schwarzauer III Michael Louis Scott Gregg L. Seigart Brooks S. Sellers Ethel Brown Shariett Alisa Walker Shivers Charles Herbert Shivers Robert Barry Smith Ann Agnew Stewart Steven M. Stimpson Curtis B. Stulting James R. Sullivan Jr. Stephen Eric Thornton William Allen Till Jr. Charles R. Turbanic Charles C. Wear Marion Scott Wear William B. Womack Gary Arvel Wynn
1976 John Michael Abernathy Andrew Cofield Adams Glen Wade Adams Jr. Donald L. Allen Gayle McKinney Allgood Robert Noble Allgood Cynthia M. Anderson John P. Anderson Robert Lawrence Barron Richard F. Bauer Jr. Robert V. Bell R. Jeff Benton Susan Lynne Bolen Thomas Reagin Booth John Webster Bowen James E. Brasfield Jr. Gail Williams Brendle Kathryne L. Brugge Steven C. Brugge
Joseph Elliot Bryant James Kenny Carr Jr. Elizabeth M. Chambers Terry James Coggins Steven Craig Compton Herschel W. Connor Jr. Frank David Cuzzort Terry T. Cwik Michael Arthur DeMaioribus David E. Dixon Robert Bruce Donnellan William D. Drake Jr. Steve A. Dunlap William D. Edmundson Joseph D. Eiland Bernard B. Ferguson Paul Stephen Fontenot Charles M. Ford Robert Eugene Friar Jr. Thomas Collie Friday Hank Galbreath Philip Darwin Garner Arnold Geeslin Jr. David Kenneth Gilbert Jefferson E. Graves Roger Dale Green Richard C. Griffin Heyward H. Haddock James C. Hall Jr. William Lemuel Hall William M. Hand Donald A. Hanke James F. Harris Jr. Dennis W. Henderson James Robert Hendrix Albert B. Hicks Jr. Deborah Taylor Hodge James R. Holmes Jr. Byron G. Hooks Ronald M. Hudson Timothy E. Hughes Daniel F. Jackson III David Evans Jeffcoat Dennis Wayne Jones David M. Kaetz Randolph H. Kelly Martha Lavetta Kull Steven John Lampen William C. Lathem Rodney Lon Long Richard W. Martin Kennie Eglon Matthews Linda Young McCartney Timmons S. McClanahan Michael Alexander McKown John T. Melson James Bruce Melton Dale Milton David Michael Mitchell William Lynn Moench Jr. Larry G. Montarella Michael L. Neighbors Wayne B. Nelson III Kenneth A. Powell Terry L. Price Charles Watson Rasch Jr. Rebecca K. Robinson Ann Bendinger Rundquist David J. Schobelock Eugene N. Schuster Susan Herron Sewell Deborah Smith Shaw Elayne M. Shelton Charles Merrion Shirk
Randy Leon Smith Steven C. Strength Dennis H. Taylor Ernest J. Thebo Charlie Thomas Gail Oliver Thomas Michael Paul Thomas Robert P. Tourville Kathleen Chaplin Vogel Christopher J. Wallace Robert M. Wilbanks Jr. Thomas A. Wilke Kenneth Wayne Williams Bobby J. Wilson Deborah Kay Wilson Michael B. Wimberly Paul L. Wingard David Johnston Wood Elizabeth N. Woodham Lamar S. Woodham Jr. Duane Dale York Michael W. Young
1977 Thomas W. Adams Jr. Michael F. Allison Jeanne Denoon Amos Anthony M. Andruzzi Jr. Don Thomas Arkle Leonard L. Bailey Jr. W. Michael Ballard Dennis Michael Bazzy Joel D. Benson William Richard Best Mark D. Blue Anthony E. Bosco Bradford C. Brightman Vernon D. Buchanan Travis A. Burke Christopher Lee Burns Sandra Hawkins Burson David Neal Bush John K. Calhoun James W. Callahan Morgan Ronnie Cantrell Stephanie Freeman Carpenter Thomas J. Carter III Jonathan Coy Commander Marion H. Cooper Keith L. Cox Richard Weldon Cox John Douglas Crawford Lawrence Ronald Crow John Robert Davidson Sr. Linard Craig Davis N. Jan Davis James Barcroft Dodd Thomas Lee Dodson Diane Rowan Drake Melvin Lee Drake Jr. John Hal Earle C. Houston Elkins Jr. Mary Evans Elkins Carl Douglas Evans C. Jack Everett Jr. Roy Willis Fain Jr. Donald B. Farnham Clifford C. Fetter Mark Alexander Fleming Curtis B. Fortenberry Allen Thomas Gandy Debra Little Gant Thomas Gordy Germany J. Richard Glass Jr.
Paul Mallette Goggans Benny F. Graham Chris B. Graham Jerry Michael Grantham Ronald Joe Grantham William F. Ham Jr. Phillip Hamilton Reginald W. Harris Dennis D. Harrison Richard M. Heeth Jr. John Raymond Heil Robert D. Hendrix II Melissa Brown Herkt Cynthia L. Hess Ann Reynolds Hill William Thomas Hudgens Dennis Lee Hudson Patsy Nichols Jeffcoat Leigh Pinkston Kelly Roger Bruce King Steven Robert Krause Robert Eugene Lang John T. Lee William Steve Leonard Miriam Bruce Lowrey Vincent Davis Lucido John D. Maise Robert A. Malseed John R. Markham Jr. Allison McGhee Marsh Cecil E. Martin Michael Clay Mays Richard W. McAllister Marcus S. McClanahan Charles D. McClendon James Barthell McCurry Jeffrey Alan Meadows Joseph Avery Miller III Elizabeth K. Mills Max Steven Milton Robert Stephen Minor Lawrence B. Moore Jr. Michael A. Moore David R. Motes Charles G. Munden Jr. David Kenneth Owen Olivia Kelley Owen Robin Steven Peacock Frederick A. Pehler Jr. Edward M. Perkins Linda Talley Pierce Ernie Dwight Prater John Gordon Reamer Jr. Harry Glen Rice Eugenie Borcher Riddle Glenn A. Sheffield Michael Steven Shelton David W. Snow Richard Earl Sorrell Cathy Coblentz Sowell Emily K. Straussberger Norman J. Stringfellow Jr. Douglas B. Tambor Bobby Ray Templin James F. Thorington Jr. James A. Tucker Jr. Philip Gary Vaughan Michael E. Walton John Buck Watkins Paul Gaston White Jr. Donna Rabun Wilcox Larry D. Wilhite David A. Williams Jr. Hiram R. Wilson
Peggy Ann Wilson Ralph Steven Wingo Teng Hsang Yue
1978 Carol Petty Allison Richard A. Almond Robert C. Amos Robert Earl Anderson Jules E. Avrard III Jerry L. Aycock George Barksdale Jr. John F. Bergschneider Hobson G. Best James Conrad Bishop K. Steven Bourque II John G. Bradshaw Jr. Mary S. Brandes Keith Evan Bryant Marc M. Butts Robert Waite Clark Jr. Phillip L. Clemons Jr. Daniel B. Cliffe IV Ronald R. Cofer Lee Randy Cook Joseph F. Craven Jr. William C. Crawford Donald N. Cullen Vernard Paul Dean Jr. Amy Thomas Dobbs Ann Paschal Dodd James Otis Dollar Jr. Beverly Evans Ellison Robie L. Elms Patricia Roukema Evans James E. Fleming Jr. Deborah L. Fraley Gary Franks Deborah Boucher Freind Clark W. Furlong Lester Gant Jr. Kenneth R. Garrick John Allen Gunn Robert Keith Hamby Robert T. Hamlin Duane R. Hampton Harry B. Handlin D. Mark Helsel Leta Orrison Helsel William J. Hendrickson Thomas H. Hicks Brent E. Hill Gregory S. Hodges Stephen A. Hughey John G. Hyatt Nancy Luckie Jackson Glenn W. Jeffcoat Kathryn L. Johnson Thomas W. Johnson Jay R. Jones James K. Jung Jr. Todd Pendleton Lary Thomas E. Latham Thomas K. Lawman James H. Lee Jr. Thomas M. Lee William Douglas Lewis Eddie Little Michael George Lloyd Lum M. Loo Gordon Alan Lowrey Edward P. Lynk Stanford M. Mangham Fred W. Martin Jr.
James P. Martin Curtis Ray Massey Emily Philpot McAnally Issac Paul McCurley Philip L. McDuffie George W. Miller Richard R. Miller Marshall R. Millican William V. Moore Jr. Mark A. Nall William Karl Nesmith Pamela Price Nolen F. John O’Donnell Jr. David C. O’Hagan Lenwood A. Owens Leon W. Pace Keith F. Palmer Richard S. Pate Gregory D. Peterson Henry W. Poellnitz III William H. Power Lynda Merkl Price Reynaldo M. Ramirez Raif M. Rihani Carl W. Robinson Earl D. Rogers Gregory Kennedy Rosser William W. Rowell Walter Randall Rushton Larry C. Rutland Karen Kennedy Rutledge Walter H. Rutledge Rickey Lane Saucer Dwight Maynard Schmale David W. Scobey Jr. Phillip S. Sherrill Laura Poteat Slagh Kenneth L. Smith Jr. Robert E. Snider Mark S. Sowell III Gary Wayne Spradlin Jacqueline G. Steele Derril L. Strickland Fred Albert Sumrall George R. Thomas James Mark Tolar Daniel Andrew Traynor Janet W. Varagona Michael J. Varagona Robert H. Venable Jr. Naomi E. Vickers Shannon Vinyard Nancy Coleman Wagner James L. Weaver Clara Leigh Welch John D. Whitaker Sr. Anthony A. Windham Everett R. Winters Barbara K. Wood Lu A. Woodson R. W. Wright Daniel C. Yates
1979 Jamie MacDonald Acker Thomas Wayne Adkison Peter W. Allen Marcia S. Andruzzi George G. Ard David Anthony Baciocco Albert Jehial Banks Jr. Michael Patrick Batey John Robert Baxter James Andrew Bolt
Clifton Lee Buck Jr. Walton Oscar Buie Frank L. Bullard III Randolph C. Bunt LuAnn Cavallaro Allen Crenshaw Chapman Raymond James Chewning Cy Gregory Christian Raymond A. Clenney P. Darden Cobb Richard Stephen Coggins Don Alan Colgrove Stephens Minor Conn Cindy Cooley John David Dement Wesley Wilkerson Diehl Calvin Edward Dorman L. Craig Dowdy Daniel Dovesmith Dudley Cheryl Owen Dynan Robert Charles Dynan Danny Lee Edwards Eugene Stewart Ellison Stephen P. Engelstad Joseph G. Ferguson Jr. Charles Robert Fetz Michael Scott French Thomas L. Fultz Judson Dyar Gaines H. Thomas Garrison Jr. Joel Gaston Gerald Mason Gaulden P. L. Gilbert Mario A. Giordano Bruce Edgar Gornto Emily Earle Graffeo Gary Allen Hagler Rodney Dewitt Hames Rodney Haddock Hamm John Allan Hancock W. Dennis Harmon Michael A. Hartley Robert Wayne Hayes Harold E. Haynes Jr. Albert Blake Heard Jr. Terry Richard Henderson Henry Burns Hene Lee Scott Herron Robert C. Higginbotham Jr. Dennis Steve Hill James Philip Hollway Carolyn M. Holmes Robert Keith Howell Roger William Howell Allan Day Huffman Craig Kenton Hurst Paul Wayne Imsand Steve Alan Jarrett David Wayne Johnson Emmett F. Johnson Jr. James B. Johnson Jr. David Fulton Jones Sam Russell Jones Russell Alan Kelly Michael Craig Kirk Nannette Weaver Kirk Richard Lawrence Kracke Vygantas P. Kulpa Robert Gibbs Lee Gregory Charles Lester John Alan Little Deborah Rice Loefgren William A. Lovell Jr. Gary Alan Mangus
Pamela Phillips Martin Sonja S. Massey Samuel Frank McGhee III David E. Merriwether Peter Thaw Meyer Thomas Henry Munhollen John Lawrence Neff Lisa Drewry Neff Jerry Wayne Nutt Charles Emerson Ortt Jerry D. Parker Jr. Elaine Sikes Paschal Wallace J. Paschal II James Randall Plyler Wayne Leonard Price Bruce Lee Purvis George Wesley Putman Donald Eugene Qualls Ralph Andrew Quigley James Kinion Reynolds Thomas Lynn Richardson Karl James Robinson Charles Price Robison Sylvia Dianne Rogers Karen Harris Rowell Lawrence David Rutledge David Frank Samson Lea Bradford Sevier Gregory Denton Sherman Martha Tillman Sims Donald Keith Smith Julianne J. Smith Thomas Sherburne Smith Walter Arnett Starkey III Jeffrey Ira Stone Linda Johnson Stone Bruce Stout David Carriell Sulkis Kathleen C. Sulkis Colin Tang John Edward Taylor Ross David Telson George D. Thaxton IV David Edward Thomas Claude L. Tinney III Tamera Thorpe Trenkler Dwight J. Turner Mark David Vanstrum Charles Ralph Vick Richard H. Wall Jr. Connie Linden Wallace David McDonald Watson James L. Watterson Jr. Larry Calvin Weaver David Ford Wesson Ralph Edward Wheeler Jane Meeker White Deborah A. Williams Ken Curb Williams H. Coleman Wood Keith Duane Wood David William Wright David Gene Young
1980 Laurence K. Abernathy Robert Lee Adams Hany Mahmoud Fahmy Aly James Godric Barrett Harry Allen Baulch Patricia Casey Bethay Franklin Lamar Bigham Tina Savage Bigham Leigh W. Bolt
Robert Joseph Brackin William C. Bridges Stanley Jay Burson Terry Landingham Butler Glenn Paxton Campbell Comer Aston Carmack III John Franklin Cheney Gregory J. Christakos Starla M. Christakos Mark Peter Cleaver Richard Dale Colberg Timothy Lane Cole Stephen D. Conyers Rhonda Horne Cook Donald William Coppock Pamela Nichols Cornutt Frank V. Couch III Paul Richard Cox Cleve Cunningham Billy Joe Davis Sandra James Davis Tom Russell Dehart H. Lynn Dell Cindy Wilson Diehl Jeffrey Bohn Donnellan Edward G. Downing Russell Mark Dreadin Bascom Daniel Eaker Rick Edge Donald Manuel Elliott James David Finch Timothy E. Fitzsimmons Lawrence Walton Fleming Hugh Allan Francis Gary Merle Friesen Terry Wayne Fuller James Patrick Gallaher Mark Gatlin Thomas Steven Gauntt Melanie R. Germany Mark Randal Gonzalez Richard Stannus Gottlieb Adrian Fields Grimes George Seaton Hamilton James Edward Harden III Charles R. Hartline Michael Francis Hawkins James Lamar Hays Richard Carlton Healy Donna Herndon Timothy David Hicks Nancy Y. Higginbotham Lon Taylor Hill Stephen Garrard Hill Hugh Gordon Hindmon Kathryn R. Hoffman Joseph Lamar Holliday Ira Joseph Holloman Frederick Arnold Hollon Roy Daniel Holmberg James Henry Holt Jr. Keith F. Hornbuckle Bertha T. Hoskins Michael Cary Hotchkiss Newton Robert Houston Deanne Walden Howell Larry Dean Huey Cindy Minor Hurst Karen Culp Jacobson Richard Carlton Jones Issa Alberto Kalil Michael Wayne Kelly Randall Earl Kemp Bobby Charles Kimbro
Stephen Lambeth Leonard L. Langford Jr. Terry Wayne Langston Larke Lanier Sharon Levesque Libert Dezso Joseph Linbrunner Steven Powell Livesay Dale Kevin Loden Kenneth Hardy Loefgren James Arnold Lowe J. Byron Lowery Donald Marker Maschoff Karl Davis McCaleb Robert Donald McCaleb John Timothy McCartney Laura Ledyard McCartney Kenneth McElrath Jr. Charles Donald Miller Jimmy L. Mills Darrell Lige Moore Joseph Rufus Moseley III Don Edward Moser Susan Shovelton Moser Margaret Dailey Neyman Robert M. Ogilvie Jr. Janice Donaldson Parler John Virgil Patton Derk S. Philippona Robert Austin Plaus Keith Neils Poulsen Jane E. Rausch Willard M. Reed Jr. Carolyn A. Reynolds Robert Francis Roggio William Edwin Rowland Jr. James Edmund Royds Ralph Norman Runge Thomas Howard Rush Dallas McEver Russell Donald Lee Salt Russell Keith Sandlin Patty Kalla Sands Stephen Thomas Sands William Andrew Shelton Daniel Howard Smith David Menzies Smith Eugene Franklin Smith Jr. James Louis Smith Keith Wayne Smith Claude Pryor Snoddy Becky C. Soutullo Michael Anthony Soutullo G. Nolan Sparks Jr. Charles Chris Spraggins Charles Wayne Stanley David Slay Stewart Jim Franklin Streetman James H. Strickland Jr. Donald Arthur Stumbo Jr. George Olen Sullivan Victoria D. Sullivan Harold J. Thomasson Howard Lee Trotter Anthony Sha Tucker Peter James Velotas Andrew Hins Wagner Susan Mullican Ward Jacqueline Lamb Willey Denise Dale Wood Hugh Chapman Wood Alan Spivey Woolf Charles Ray Wright Walter James Wright Karl William Zart
1981 Mary H. Adams-Morales Douglas L. Ahrens William K. Allison Jr. Richard Keith Allums James Eugene Ard Henry John Babin Michael Anthony Baker Douglas Alan Barnett Rodney Neal Barry Thomas J. Beall Susan Coker Bell Thomas Keith Benton Dominic F. Beovich III Stephen Joseph Bethay J. Richard Bishop Jr. Ralph C. Bishop Jr. Robert P. Bishop Jr. Benjamin Earl Black William Boushka Jr. Katharyn A. Brazier Kay Catanzano Bridges Edwin J. Bruce Stanley Fred Bullington Paul Dallas Burkhalter Robert Anthony Burns Paul Gregory Cardinal James Curtis Cargile James S. Carmichael Joe Thomas Carter Rebecca Eskew Carter M. Bernard Catanzano James Otis Chaffin Jr. Peter Judson Chamberlin Anthony E. Channell Jeffery G. Christiansen Frank Michael Churillo John Kyle Clary Robert Emmett Cloud II David Wayne Coggin Steven Lee Conoly Jerome Stephen Conway James L. Cooper Jr. Robert Royce Creel Ray Eugene Currier William Mark Daily William Reed Daugette Gary Ray Davis Randall Lee Davis Jerry Glenn Dooley Walter C. Dorsey Jr. Amy Oliver Duncan Russell Parker Durrett Robin Lee Dyle James Thayer Eldridge Kyle Ellison II Barbara C. English John Mark English Linda Ann Figg Michael Findley Nancy Hooper Fliss Margaret Long Forsythe Robert Martin Fox James Leslie Freind Jason James Funderburk William L. Gafford Arthur Francis Garcia Richard F. Garnett Tony Franklin Gatlin Cleveland C. Gilbert Marvin Gilbert Roy Lee Gilreath Jr. Melanie A. Graff Douglas Paul Green
William Henry Haase III Susan Hetzel Hallmark Ricky Keith Hammon Kay Upton Harlow Gregory Allen Harris Ph.D Istvan Steve Harton Lawrence Allen Hawkins Karen Hayes Leslie A. Hazenfield Donald Charles Hendry Thomas Henry Lydia Alisa Hernandez Patrick D. Higginbotham Laing Hensley Higgins Al Barker Hill Paul Kevin Himebaugh Samuel King Hogg Joseph Casey Hollenbeck J. Edward Horne Jr. James M. Hoskins Rick Doyle Howard Wayne Roger Hucaby Dorothy P. Hughey Ken Darrel Ingram Carl Fields Jacks III Mark Dilworth Jacobs David Neal Jacobson Carol Peters Jenkins Francis M. Jessup III Beth Wages Johnson Donald Ray Johnson Douglas H. Johnson Danny K. Jones Randall Eugene Jones Joyce A. Kaumeyer Morse Bernard Kent Jr. Roberta W. Kologinczak Julie Sanderson Kravec Brian Keith Lawrence David Tarrant Lee Ellen Sanders Lee Frank Joseph Magazine Chris Lamar Manley Eleridge E. McCracking Jr. Robert Kirtland McCutchen Thomas McDaniel Albert F. McFadden Jr. Preston Brian McGill David Leroy McKinney Michael Shane McPeters Hadi Mehrooz David W. Midlik Gary Wallace Moore Thomas Mullany Kurtis Edwin Nall Lynn Nelson Fred F. Newman III Toni Porter Nicalek Mitchell S. Nunley Richard Mark Nunnelly Thomas O’Connor III James Lester Olson John B. Overstreet Preston Keith Parker Richard Whitsett Parker Jon Burt Patrick Robert David Peck Lisa Mundinger Peeples Michael Peeples Rebecca Camp Pehler Robert Kevin Perkins Lisa Shawn Phelps James D. Phillips Jr. Michael Daniel Pilcher
David Edward Popp Pamela P. Poulsen Tina Bryan Pynes Gregory Grant Rains Gary Lee Randolph Clark Cameron Rankin John Drew Ricketts Julie Diamond Ritz Kenneth Evan Roberts Kenneth William Robuck David Arthur Roell L. Dee Cook Rowe Michael Arthur Rowland Rita Sims Russell Robert E. Russell Jr. Geo Leonard Rutland III Raymond Wayne Sanders Ronnie Alan Sansom Edward Gregg Scott Jr. Karen L. Sharpless Timothy Sean Sheehy James H. Sherer Jr. Kenneth Shipman Michael Byron Shirey Kenneth Abner Smith Nathan Smith IV David Wayne Speer Albert Lee St. Clair Ellen B. Stewart Susan Nolen Story James P. Tamblyn Jr. John Edwin Taylor Laura Harrison Taylor Terry Ellis Thames III Michael James Tourville Bruno Trenkler Jr. Benjamin F. Vandervoort Lawrence Acton Wall Thomas Wayne Wallace Charles Wayne Ward James Michael Watts Mary Louise Wheless Gilbert G. White III Harold Gene Williams Phillip H. Williams Thomas Mark Williamson W. S. Wilson Jeffrey Mason Young
1982 George Michel Abdelnour Larry William Abston Richard Samuel Allen James Harrison Alton II Thomas O. Anderson IV Jeffry Albert Angermann Robert Albert Arnold Timothy Atkinson Chuck Barefield Jr. Karen Thomas Barnett Eric Norman Barnhart Robert E. Bickert John Rezzie Booth III Alex Edwin Bowden Gary Mickael Bowling Charles Howard Bozeman Larry Scott Brown Kim Kennamer Broyles Wallace E. Broyles Jr. Samuel Allen Budenstein Philip Randal Carroll Gary Patrick Cavanaugh Chia Lin Chen John Dale Clark
Anne M. Cleary Shawn E. Cleary Steven C. Clontz Sr. Charles David Cloud Ronald S. Coggeshall Cathy H. Coggin Barbara Sands Combs Craig Combs Timothy Donald Cook John Aubrey Cooper Robert Dana Couch Scott Derald Craig Barbara Elaine Crawford John Christian Cromwell Wade Culver Frederick Wayne Dotson Donald E. Drey D. Bryan Drummond Melody M. Drummond Marshall Dugger III Doyle Levert Dunn Steven Lee Edwards William Bert Embree Martin John Engelstad Ronald William Falta Jr. William W. Fontaine Brian Lance Franklin Theodore Warren Fussell Maury D. Gaston John Cooper Geiger Stuart Grady Gibson Randall Wayne Gipson Gina Victoria Gloski Thomas Allen Goodson Mark Douglas Granger Elizabeth A. Griffin Michael W. Gruber Michael Andrew Hale Gregory D. Hallmark Billy Jordan Hand Jr. Kenneth E. Harbin Dennis Wholey Harris Joel Charles Harris Nancy Yarbrough Harris William David Harris Thomas Wayne Hart Jr. Robert L. Hawkins Roger Allen Hawkins Timothy Russell Hayes Susan L. Heredia Harold Douglas Hester John Trygve Hoff James Joseph Howell Allen Craig Ivey Charles Creagh Jansing Benjamin Johnson H. Pete Jones Lisa Jeannene Keet Robert Kennedy Kelly Robert Dukes King Bradley S. Kitterman William Joseph Knapp Mark Anthony Kolasinski Mark Edward La Cour Sally Denise Macon Will Richard Marchant Michael Paul Martin Harry Walker Mayhall Bobby Glenn McCullouch Alicia Rhodes McDaniel Michael Brooks McLean Jacquelyn B. Mills Ronald Edward Moody Michael H. Moore Sr.
Douglas Earl Morrison Berne Lanferd Mosley Jeffrey Alan Mullen Richard Edward Musall J. Chris Naftel Douglas Gregg Neilson Shelia Patten Nichols Darren Glenn Norris Douglas Eric Opatich John Buster Owen Chung K. Pak Donald James Parke J. Kay Parker Douglas Allan Pate James C. Payne John Adolph Posenecker Gerald L. Pouncey Jr. Frank Preston Powell John Carl Price Patrick Eugene Pride David Earl Raby Victoria Clark Ragland Thomas Jerome Raispis R. Dennis Ray Renee Roberson Reid John F. Rice Mark Noie Richard Mary F. Riddell Kimberly Mullin Rieger William Allen Roberts Linda Patterson Ryan Charles A. Shariett III Jimmy Dale Shoulders Nelson L. Smith Zeke Walter L. Smith Kenneth Bruce Soileau Karen L. Spanyer Lisa Adkison Stallings Barbara Lynn Staples Wellington Stevens III Miriam McGhee Stone Paul Cavert Stumb Joseph R. Styslinger Stanford Wayne Suits Daniel Edward Summers John Michael Swearengen John Vincent Taylor William Jackson Taylor Norman Edward Tew Aphea Ann Thornton John Carlton Todd Wayne Hewitt Toney Amy Weaver Tourville Karen Louise Trapane Ann Neighbors Trausch M. Allen Tucker Jr. Victoria Kenyon Turley Raymond Karl Uhlir Jr. Richard Alan Vance John T. Vaughan Jr. Robert F. Vines Jr. Kurt Louis Wadowick William Brice Wager Michael James Walker Sylvan A. Walliser III Linda King Walsh Timothy Earl Watts Michael A. Wayne Julie Welch Wentworth Randy Craig Williams Roger Williams Mark Curry Wilson P.E. Julia Cheape Wood Jimmy Howard Woods
Gregory Jay Worley Scott Alan Yost
1983 Michael Aldridge Chuck Alexander Michael Allan Ammer Karen D. Anderson Gary Bruce Arnold James Gwin Bagley Jr. David Lloyd Bakke Pamela B. Baldwin Paul Edward Ballard Constantine Peter Bandy Cheryl Gamble Barlan Gary Scott Barron Shevawn Clemmons Barron John Wesley Baugh Jr. Michael Andrew Baulch Christopher T. Bell Morris Dale Benedict James Michael Blackmon James Lee Boyd Deborah Bell Bradford Susan Mary Bresowar Neill David Briggs John Samuel Brolund Richard Edward Brown Kipling Scott Browning Deborah Ann Bursa Roger Dale Calhoun Anna Calhoun Carbine Russell Lee Carbine Holly Larson Carr Karen K. Caudle Peter Francis Cento Fletcher H. Chambliss Wheeler E. Chapman III Morris T. Collins Jr. Stephanie Adair Cotton Timothy Ray Cotton John Bernard Crofton Robert William Cronk Jr. Gaye Daine Crowther James E. Cunningham Cynthia Bostwick Dades Jane Boswell Daniel Stephen Daniel Daugherty Glenda Louise Dean Jerry Markham Dement Helena A. Dooley Brian Robert Dotson Charles Elwood Dowd Jr. Michael Steven Driggers Thomas Edward Driver Thomas Edward Dudman Eugene E. Eckman Jr. William H. Edwards Jr. Robert C. Effinger III Russell Jay Eiland Kelly Burkhardt Ellis Scott P. Fears Alan Freeman John Neil Gamble William Joseph Gardner Warren Sprague Gilmore John Emory Gipson Michael Sterling Gregg Joseph Lewis Gregory Lisa Hamilton Gwock Margaret Fuller Haack Robert Otto Haack Jr. Donald Eugene Haas Jr. Dwain R. Hamby
John Glenn Hancock Lewis Eugene Harden Silas H. Hardin III Donna L. Harris Jimmy Ramonn Harris Ronda Bates Harris Raymond Gary Harrison Ann Marie Hatch Roderick A. Hawkins Jeffrey Alan Hawthorne Lynn Reaves Hecathorn Sandra Smith Homan Timothy Gillen Homan Jeffrey Clell Hudspeth Gregory Alan Johnson Russell Robert Johnson Timothy Karl Johnson Donald Lee Kachelman John Rodgers Kain Kevin Ward Keene John Edwin Kinsaul Jr. Steven F. Krzyzewski Linda C. Langston Donald Milton Littrell Philip Carroll Littrell Peter Daniel Llewellyn Larry Lee Luhrs II Frank Alex Luttrell III David Scott Mabee Steven Lynn Mackey Joanne Janosov Makofske Robert Makofske Forrest Timothy Maloney Clay Jackson Massey Scott Raymond McBride John David McCalla Davis Alan McGee Michael Laurie McMillan Stuart Bostick McMillan J. Mark McVay Laurie Mauk Meidt Thelma Schall Mellin E. Hugh Miller Jr. Joseph Austin Miller Scott T. Montgomery Laura Omundson Moore Mary Manson Moore Patrick Eugene Murphy John Weekley Nichols James L. O’Neal John Mark Olive Scott Allan Olson Karen Kozar Owens Paul Edwin Owens Timothy Kile Packard Joseph Luther Parker Maria S. Parkhurst Michael Lee Parrish Robert Gregory Pate Mary Thompson Perez Timothy S. Pettibone Douglas Craig Pfrimmer Barry Joe Pike Lloyd Lavon Pitts Daniel I. Pollard Jr. James David Pope Michael Wayne Price John Paul Raispis James Shelton Rasco Jr. Carlton McCoy Ray Luke Taft Reid Denise Ridgway Brian Marshall Sage Lane D. Sauser
William Thurston Schultz Jerry Howard Shafer Robert Sheppard Jr. Ketan G. Shridharani Calvin Cleveland Smith John Vincent Smith Mary Melissa Smith Monroe Stone Neil Walker Sutphin James Baird Svacha William Hill Swearengen Robert Alan Teem Tony Layne Thomas Stanley Threatt Lee Tinch Jr. Gloria Garcia Toney James Eric Turner Susan Gattis Turner Chase Van Valkenburg III Elizabeth B. Vaughan David Allen Vinson Dawn Nagler Walker Beverly Tanner Walton Leslie Hicks Ware Carole Adair Welch Carlos F. Westberry III Wayne Martin Westerhouse Melissa Markham Weydert Joseph Matthew Whitfield Jerri Ann Whitlock Charles Wesley Widner James Ligon Williams IV James Lynn Williams Jeannine S. Williams David Mark Wilson Paul Kenneth Winfree Stanley Bruce Wise Melinda Taylor Woller Mark Joseph Wood James O. Wright Jr. Terrell Higdon Yon III
1984 Steve Ferrel Allen John P. Armington Bruce Allen Baber Richard Wade Bailey Michael Eldridge Baker Douglas Hines Barclay II Karen Eckert Barker William Morris Bass Douglas Louis Beary V. Lynn Behner Gregory Charles Benson Donald Jay Black Richard V. Blanchard Daniel Howard Bowers Mary Stone Bowers James Henry Bowman III Terry Neal Boyd Andre P. Brackin K. Michael Brandon Gregory James Breland Kimberly P. Brooks Barbara McCool Brown Peggy Sandefur Browning Stephanie Morgan Burmeister James B. Burrows Jr. Gregory Marvin Callis James M. Chandler III Wah Yow Cheong Stephen Alford Chubb Kaye Love Clements James Martin Coles
Vincent Russell Costanza Karen Larue Cotton Forrest Keith Covington Randy Lee Cox James W. Daniel Jr. John Timothy Daniels Joe David Davis Keith Noel Davis Linda Sumners DeBrunner Victor Earl DeBrunner Charles de Celle Raymond Deep Nancy Kay Denning Angela Strain Douglass J. Patrick Douglass Jeffrey Fredric Drinkard Tina Knight Drozd William Madison Duke Russell Franklin Dunn Harvey Graham Elethorp Edward G. Elliott John Robert Elliott Joel Wesley Ellis Eric Mack English Kimberly R. Etcheson Craig Allen Farlow Janice S. Fincher Mark Joseph Fincher Mark Alan Frederick Janet Roberts Freemon Roger King Fuston Christian G. Gackstatter Perry William Gard IV Douglas Lane Gardner Peggy Riggs Gentry Cynthia Ann Gibson Sean Patrick Gibson Vatis Harold Gibson Jr. Stephen Gilbert Barry Lynn Gilliland Daniel Morris Givens Patrick Thomas Glynn M. James Gorrie II Jeffery Wayne Graham Kay Glass Graham Mark Anthony Griffin Michael Jeffrey Griffin Damon Gregg Griffith James Kenneth Guin Jr. Christopher Dean Hall Tamela A. Hall Blane Alan Hamner Charlotte Hamner Christopher P. Harris Bruce Albert Harvey Mitchell Payne Hatfield Robert Keith Hayes Barry Wayne Haynes Edward Cox Healy John David Herfurth John David Hinrichsen John Edwin Hogan Rhonda Elaine Hoggle Marcela Carra Holder Philip Wade Holloway James Stephan Hood Mark Bruce Hood Kenneth C. Horne Michael Paul Horne Thomas D. Horne Jeffrey Langdon Howard William Scott Howell Thomas Edward Hubbert Charles W. Huguenard
Kenneth Bruce Hunt Theresa C. Jellenc James Kendall Jenkins Pamela Holderby Jenkins Linda Baker Jeter Tony Reid Johns Ann McCamy Johnson Kay B. Johnson Roger Warren Johnson Trishel Drake Johnson Keith Allen Jones Robert Preston Kocher Carl Thomas Krampert William Morgan Lee Gary Franklin Letchworth Ying-Hsin Andrew Liou Bonnie Wilson Luckie Alan Timothy Lukemire Laura Ward Mabee Laron Edward Maloney John Wayne MaLuda Robbie Taft Mathison Jack Lee Mayfield Monica Delaune McCalla Steven James McDonough Max Blane McGee Gerald G. McGlamery Jr. Eddrice M. McMullan Stephen Michael Meadows Michael David Mets Donna J. Miller Mark Steven Miller Robert Glen Milner Steven Daniel Moore James M. Morrison Deanne Isbell Mott Charles Leroy Mullaley Donna Muscolino Oliver John Scott Oliver Jerry Dickerson Page Linda Jones Page Robert Allen Parker Susan S. Parker Milo Challie Pass Jr. Bernie Charles Petters Douglas E. Phillpott Tracy C. Phillpott Susan Wakely Pike Joe Powell Poole Daniel Lee Posey Catherine V. Price Thomas Patrick Pruitt Steven Thomas Purdy David Barry Reed James Clifford Reeves Jr. Amanda Brownlee Rice Joseph Heath Richardson Donald Haley Robbins Jr. Michael Rudy Roberts H. Craig Robinson Daryl Alvin Rotta Scott Johnston Russell Betty Ann Ryberg Mathew Tey Salter David Leray Sandberg Julia Cook San Roman Donald Reuben Searcy Stephen Aldridge Shaw Eric Keith Sheffield Bradley Scot Shepherd John Harold Sizemore Jr. Timothy Ben Slay Walter Scott Slimp Brian Keith Smith
Hugh Coleman Smith Lisa Williams Smith Luther Randal Smith Mitchell Lyndon Smith Steven Bradley Smith Matthew Lewis Snook Jack David Spain John Mark Spain Steven David Spangler Donald Kevin Stanley David Glen Stephens Michael Lynn Stockton Cole Charles Studstill Helen L. Tillett William Y. Vaughan III Randal Paul Vest Todd Richard Waitz Russ Darrell Ward Dee Dee J. Westbrook Alan Ray Whaley Gregory Kent Whitfield Mark Gregory Whitley Jon G. Wolfe Ronald Ray Woller Timothy Wayne Womack Jim Waldo Wood Thomas Paul Wood Jerry Dwain Wright Karl Matthew Wurstner Lee Manuel Zook
1985 Chris J. Anderson Edward Phillip Asher John Keith Ashley Steven Alan Bailey Clinton Dean Baker Curtis Eugene Baker Robert Daniel Barton James Christopher Batte Jeffrey Lynn Beasley David Michael Bennert Gregory John Bodley Jay Hunter Bonham Dallas Todd Bowden Shannon Clifton Brabham Roger Max Bradford Tomlinson J. Brooks Jr. William Jeffery Brown William Owen Burdette Christopher Lynn Burgess Michael Francis Cahalan Julie Barnes Carr Brian Casey Mark Alex Casey Kenneth Wayne Cater Lori Pentecost Chandler William Gregory Chandler Randall Clark Chase John MacLachlan Church David Clabough Douglas Jerome Clapp Stephen W. Clay Kenneth Robert Colley Larry Collins Jeffrey William Colquitt Dale Keith Colter Valarie Ann Cook Michael P. Conner Richard Allen Coss Jr. Samuel Blaine Crabtree Janet T. Crawford Miles McCord Cunningham David Paul Curland
Henry Alvin Currier William Albert Davis III Linda Peters DeHaven David Lawrence Diaddario Melanie Magee Dixon Christopher Mark Dorr Marjorie Chapman Dortch Timothy John Dwyer Laura Smith Dyas Robert Harry Earles Kimble Manley Eastman Kenneth Lee Echternacht Susan Wallace Edwards Alice Ann Bourque Ellis Joe Bob Evans Roy Louis Fabbrini III Ransom Rudolph Fairchild Paula Ann Falocco Daryl Wayne Fincher Michael Joseph Fleri Deborah D. Flint John Newell Floyd Jr. Eric Eugene Fox Gregory Allen Fox Theresa Leichner Fox Charles Eugene Frame Jr. Thomas Daniel Fuqua Jr. Ernest Mark Gamble Frank Harris Garcia Thomas Bryan Garrett James A. Gaskin III James Allen Gibbs Jr. James P. Gilmore Jr. Roberta Perry Gnan Richard Mills Graham Karl J. Greene Hollis M. Grissom Ralph Edward Grissom III Wallace Edward Guthrie Beth J. Haas Erik Alis Hale James Russell Hannegrefs Mitchell Martin Harder David Arnold Harlow Suzanne Michelle Harvey Coy Timothy Head Gary Wayne Heard Stephen Edward Henning James Robert Hix Coley Myer Holloway Jr. Henry Anderson Holmes Jr. John Stanley Hudson Billy Hurst Michael R. Induni Leigh Hutchinson Ionata Daphne Goss Irby Angela Leigh Jackman Alan Kulp Jenkins Gregory Jenkins William Mark Jennings Andrew Robert Johnson Jeanne Guy Johnson Richard Donovan Johnson Russ Elmer Johnson Bruce Alan Jolly Sr. Roger Ernest Jones Michael Adam Lawler Judith Thomas Lewis Edmond Joseph Limoge Bruce Allen Lindl Cleatus Dewayne Little John Spencer Littlefield John Phifer Loflin Joseph Watts Lovorn
Joe Coker Luckie Stephen Keith Mamakos Anthony Joseph Marino Jesse Duane May David Morse McDonald Terry Lee McLean Allen Brunson McLemore Michael Lynn McMurray Mary Melinda Mets Edwin Hankins Miller III Toni Etheridge Miller John Kallam Millhouse David Gregory Milstead Scott Mabry Missildine Sherri Ann Mokry James Russell Moore Jr. Randall Cary Moore John Harold Morrison Jr. Curtis Robert Morse Thomas Freeman Nagel Thomas Lyle Napier Gregory O’Bryant Craig Lynn Olson James Mason Orrison Michael Thomas Palmer Susan Ounanian Palmer Robert Eugene Parmer John Anthony Patton Sr. James Pearson Jr. Richard Earl Pepper Jr. Marian Moist Perkins Daniel Lee Phillips Keith Wayne Pierce Timothy Eugene Pinkston Timothy J. Pittman Cheryl L. Poole James C. Pounds Jr. G. Edward Powell Jr. Jason Michael Poyer Robert David Price William Harold Price Jr. Linda Galione Quina Alan Eldred Rainer Jeffery Lynn Ramsey Deepa Varma Rawls Craig Arthur Ressler Patrick Monroe Roberts Benjamin Edwin Robuck Brandon Ewart Russell Timothy E. Schaftlein Valerie A. Scherschel Cynthia Rene’ Schreiber Thomas Bryan Scruggs Alice Johnson Searcy Douglas Scott Shatto Paul Nichols Sims Russell Albert Small Kristi Terry Smith Steven Lee Smith Carolyn M. Souther James Randal Souther James C. Stanley Jr. Dick Kelly Steinberg John David Stephenson Norman D. Stiegler Jr. Jon David Stone William Bryan Stone II Kirk Alan Stricklin Christopher L. Strzelecki Charles Summers Daniel Greene Swann Jr. Boeng Sam Tan Robertson Winn Taylor George Duke Thigpen Jr.
Steve Conrad Thompson James H. Thorington Jr. Gregory Paul Thurlow Kenneth Lee Tolar Carmen Pimm Tucker Michael Darrell Tucker Jeffrey Norman Vahle David Dwayne Vaughn Lori Antony Vaught Dan Davies Venable Manja Christina Wallace NancyAnn Herrmann West Ronda Vaughn West Lawrence Whatley Jr. Paul Edward Wilhite Howard Lowery Williams Hugh Eugene Wilson III Scott Ward Wright
1986 Henry Thomas Adams Gregg Stephan Alex Thomas Brack Alford IV Robert Stephens Andress Scott W. Ayers Carol Daniel Ballard John Walter Barlow Mark Andrew Barnes William Dale Barnes William Erwin Barrett Thomas Ray Bass Regina Hinson Battles Haskell Wallace Beckham James Gordon Bennett Jr. John Edward Bookwalter Marcia Mattox Boshears Larry William Bross Cynthia Burt Brussee George Bryant Buchner Susan Daniel Campbell William Russell Campbell Scott Garrett Chatlin David Wheeler Clark Jr. David King Clay John William Coggins Charles David Conway James L. Cook Jr. Leah E. Cook Gary Louis Cottle Timothy Robin Cowan Richard Conrad Cox Andrea Tipert Crawford David Keith Cutshaw Nancy Simpson Deep Randy Joseph Dees Alvin Yancey Diamond Lynn Donaldson Dowling Robert S. Dowling Jr. Charles William Eastman William James Ellis II Laura Cornutt Entrekin Bruce William Evans James Bruce Everett Eve Fabbrini B. Page Farmer Jr. Chris Farrington Elan Pardue Feagin Shannon Lee Fields Gary Thomas Fitzwilliam Amy Jordan Floyd Gregory Scott Ford James Alan Ford Margot W. Fox Charles B. Frazer Jr.
David Carter French Leslie Loppacher Fuqua Robert C. Futral Beth Harris Garcia Rex Wayne Gaskey Danelle Nolen Glasscock Kathy Sudduth Graben Steven Clay Graben Jerry Graham Julie Deering Graham Richard Gary Grayson Robert Stanley Gregory William Foster Grimmitt Brian Drew Gross Elizabeth J. Hammond Kevin Ray Hammond Brent Alan Harper John Jeffery Hayes Travis Lloyd Hendrix John Steele Henley III Dan Cranford Henry Peter Spencer Hermes John Robert Hicks Ramona Green Hicks Marvin Keith Hill Frank Roby Holmes Michael Dale Holmes Sherrel Wayne Hooie Mark David Horn David Lee Hosley Jr. Melanie Parkman Howard Gary Lynn Howman Jong-Shyr Huang Kaye Hutchins Hughes Sandra Bennett Hunt Dina S. Johnson Judith M. Jones John Bryant Justice Jyh-Huei Kang Mary Jane Kelley Alan Clarence Kerr Keith Vernon Kight Vincent Lamar Kirkland David McCoy Kudlak Jack Jay Landreth Becky Jenkins Landry Jacquelyn I. Langhout Jeffrey Lee Langhout Mike Carl Lawrence James Scott Laye John Scott Lee Robert James Leichti Thomas Pearson Lewis Daniel Jon Loftis Michael M. Logue Louis Scherr Loving James Edward Mabe Jr. Jeffrey David Mabry Richard E. Markwalter Jr. Leslie Tara Marshall Timothy Blane Martin Charles E. Matthews Jr. Eliska Floeck Mattox Vincent Reani Mattox T. Mark McEnerney George Lee McGlamery Clinton C. McGraw Jay Bartley McKiever Katherine W. McLean Timothy Deane McWhorter Susan Adair Melians J. Dean Metz Kenneth Rains Michaels J. Roger Mitchell
Jeffery Allen Morgan Melanie Monk Morris Suzanne H. Morrison Marlon Kale Moye Harvey J. Mullinax Jr. Kelli Murray Murphy David Scott Neff David Draper Newton John William O’Farrell Denise Woods Oliver Thomas Lee Oliver II Robert Wesley O’Neal Trace Duane Parish Sharon McNamee Parker Sheppard Hall Parker John Pate Laurie B. Paulonis Kenneth Thomas Peacock Thomas Lee Peck Timothy Scott Penny Steven Harold Peterson Sheryl C. Phillips Tracy Lynn Phillips Randall Alan Pinkston Susan Bell Poyer Susan MacCrone Pryor Kathryn M. Reeves Nanci Neely Rich Judith Vernon Roberts Adam W. Robinson Jeffrey Dean Robinson Kent Lloyd Sager Sara Cooper Santarelli Robert Warren Saxon Christine G. Schnittka James P. Schoonmaker Charles Robert Sewell Charles Allen Shaw Marcus David Shelby Meena Snyder Sheley Scott Austin Shoulders Shing-Kuo Shyong James Kerry Sibley Brett Keith Smith Deanna Davis Smith Earl David Snider Yew Huat Song Marie Frances Sorrell Steven David Space Elizabeth H. Sparkman Edwin Herbert Stanley Martin John Stap John Stanley Stein III Kristi Thomas Stein Robert Benham Stewart Susan Spears Stewart Samuel Bradford Sunshine Sue Damian Sutphin LeAnne Catrett Tamblyn Donn Alan Tarpley Gregg William Taylor Dailey Archer Tipton Virgil Ronald Trotman Jr. Robert Glenn Tucker Jr. Laura Crowe Turley Jeffrey Stuart Walker Michael Steven Ward A. Shelby Watts Almon Wesley Wear Jr. William Michael Weaver James Douglas Webb Clifford Allen Whitmore Thomas Huston Whitt Gregory Otto Wilder
Linda Kay Wilson Robyn Irene Witter Anita Cooper Wright Craig Robert Young Susan Ishol Young Billy Joe Yow Jr.
1987 Douglas Alan Adams Mark Joseph Altonji David Robert Anderson Sherri Anderson Andrews Scott Robert Arvin Michael James Benoit Jana C. Blanchard W. Alan Blankenship Robert Scott Boothe David Ashley Bowers Kathryn W. Bugg Michael Andrew Bush Ethan Lee Butterworth Chris Cooper Bynum Ted C. Calvert Jr. David Allan Carr Gregg Kevin Carr Patrick Thomas Carroll Keith Randall Champion Sarah Messick Champion Po-Shou Chen Winston Chung Jimmy Dwayne Compton Brett Allen Covington Gary Dreaper Cowles Joseph Braxton Craven Jr. Carolyn C. Culwell Bryan Scott Cummings Michael Darnell William J. Davis Pamela H. Dawson David Miles Dempsey Ronnie Delon Driskell Charles F. Duggar Jr. Ronald Robert DuRoss Lynn Farris Franklin Timothy Faulk Deanna Taylor Flowers Donald Curtis Fowler Kent A. Fredrickson Carolyn Weise Fuller Danny Wayne Gilliam Thomas C. Glasscock Sanjay Govil William Rosenau Graham Byron Roger Grate Lee Wayne Grice John Charles Gunter Allen Merrill Haas John Daryl Hall Timothy Wade Hamilton Christian Lee Hardcastle Jeffrey Curtis Harris Chadwick Todd Hawley Jennifer Brown Hebert Robert Scott Henderson Juan A. Hinds-Rico Charles Fredrick Hodge William Thomas Howle III Robert Edward Hudson James Allen Hunt Stephen Michael Hunt Michael Ray Ingram Steven Kent Irvin C. Alan Jayroe Richard Chip Jenkins
Frank Scott Johnson Thomas Gordon Johnson Jr. Jed Conrad Kane Karl William Keiser Lora Schultz Keiser Kenneth Boyd Kelley Michael Andrew Kinard Kenneth James Knight Nancy Powell Koger David Phillip Laney Jr. Richard Milton Larkin Alan Scott Lee Mark Taylor Leininger Cynthia R. Lovelace Debra Ann Luyk Stuart Alexander Manson Annie Laurie Matisak Randall L. Matthews Karl Richard Mattle Stephen Mark Maxwell Richard Franklin May Mark Lawrence Melsen Patricia Lee Melsen Thomas Orville Meredith Paul Burton Meyer Mark Thomas Miller Christopher Daryl Mize Brian Michael Moore Kenneth William Moore Kristin Livengood Moore B. K. Moring David Emory Murphy Kenneth Howell Murphy Michele Robke Nagy Steven Rex Newton Huan D. Nguyen Michael Joseph O’Connor Thomas Freeland Odom Jr. William Leslie Olinger Melanie Morgan Owen Cari Jo Parker Kevin Andrew Partridge Devin Charles Patty Michael Alan Paulonis Dean Patrick Petters William Peter Pflug Glenn Stewart Phillips Mikel Thomas Phillips Timothy L. Phillips Vincent Anthony Pilato Lisa Benson Pollitt Steven Ross Posey Jamie Earl Price Jr. Jamie Norman Rains Elizabeth L. Rausch Timothy Johnson Rayborn Charles Barry Reid Robert Clarence Rice III Winston Dewayne Riddle James Roberts Thomas Arthur Roberts Cheralynne E. Robinson John Ward Rogers Roger Alan Salter Amy Douglas Scales Myron B. Scales III Carl Vincent Scheuneman David Duane Schnuelle Stephen James Sedlacek Stuart Chris Shirley Michael A. Sienkiewicz Garnett F. Slaughter III Charles Ray Smith David Thomas Smith
Kevin James Smith Marie B. Smith Thomas Lamar Smith Steven Edward Speaks Reggie Allen Spivey Daniel Alan Springer Karen Green Stanley Arthur Lee Storey Jr. Walter Henry Straub Jr. Steven Joseph Sullivan Keith Schofield Taylor Michael Steven Thornton Thomas Scott Thorson Anthony Dwayne Todd Elmo L. Torbert III Victor Stephen Trent Matt Hugh Triplett Paul Peter Urbanowski David Frederick Vicker Jeffrey Alan Walker Ted O’Neal Welch Mark Powell White Robert Edward Wickline Mark Andrew Widdowson Michael James Willett Harold Lewis Wilson William Gregory Wilson Charles Allen Wood Charles Edward Wright Glenn Martin Yost Gretchen Michele Yost
1988 Kent Sanders Albertson Cathy Ann Alsup David Lane Amerson Stephen David Ames Harry Anderson Jr. J. Gregory Anderson Dan Hogan Arnold Jr. James Michael Arnold Jeffrey Atwell Tony Joel Aycock Scott Alan Bennett Todd Bradley Blackburn Sophia B. Blair Paul Dennis Bonair Jeffery S. Britnell Brian Douglas Brown Warren Marshall Brown Charles David Capps Ann Day Carey Donald Edward Carmon Timothy Royce Carpenter Terry William Carroll Stephen D. Catchings Todd Blair Caton James Dale Chaney, M.D. John Paul Chapman Gwo-Huang Chen Li-Ching Chen Duane Alan Coleman William Ernest Cook Jr. John Cary Copeland Bradley Russell Cothran Martin J. Couvillon John Russell Cowan Beverly Wright Cowart George Stephen Cowart David Andrew Creel Chris Crumbly James Randall Cumbie Robert Lane Czekala Samuel Jeffreys Darwin
Melody Johnson Dau Michael Roy Davidson Julie Davenport Davis Stephen M. Davis John Reynolds Deyton Jr. Mark Henry Donovan Robert Boyce Drescher W. Scott Duke Richard Erwin Dukes Henry Joseph Endt III Bradley Seal Flynt David R. Fowler William Fitzgerald Fox Kimberley W. Fraher Philip G. Fraher Richard DeWayne French Carol Nelson Garland Robert Herman Geiger Natalie Gleaton Givins Malvern U. Griffin III Michelle A. Guidry Edward Joseph Guindon Jeffery Arnold Hales Lynwood H. Hamilton Jr. Frank Arthur Hamner William Keith Hardy Woodson T. Harmon Jeff Grady Harvey Joey Cleveland Hayes Jay Michael Hebert Gregory Charles Hendry Gregory Michael Herman James Evan Hinkle James Brandon Holland Robert Simpson House Kimberlyn Nan Hudgens David Ernest Hughes Stephen Joseph Hughes Philip Edwards Ivey Carol Colton Jackovich Gerald R. Jackson Jr. Andy James Ginny Eatmon James Melvin Tyner Kinslow Jr. Joanne S. Kiriazes John William Knapp Mark Anthony Langford Christopher LaPlatney Mark Alan Lawley Harold Thomas Ledbetter Michael Robert Lenga Jyh Cherng Lin Bruce Edward Long Christopher J. Lundberg Jimmy Lee Lundy II Robert Colvin Lynn Ray Anthony Madison Timothy Frank Maker Todd Stephen Malik Christopher Allen McCoy James P. McHugh Jr. Mark Eugene McNally William Conrad Mershon Stewart A. Michelini Barry Stephen Minchey Charles David Mixson David C. Moss Gwendolyn Joyce Nelson Todd Stanley Nemec Elmer Anthony Norvell W. Drake Nunn David Paul Ochsenknecht Christy Stacey Ogletree Kenneth J. O’Malley Jr.
Leigh Ann Oncale James Donald Packard John David Parker Scott Hayward Pearce John Mathew Petrillo II Duane Anthony Phillips William Ernest Piland Jr. Amy Jackson Price Patrick Jerome Quirk David Paul Ray Carolyn Bruce Reid Diane Carroll Reynolds Frederick J. Reynolds Lee Wiley Richards Eric A. Robertson III Robert Eugene Roten Jr. Alice Carter Ruf Byron Alfred Sample III Richard Quina Sanchez Thomas R. Schmittou James William Semler Scott Daniel Sexton Mitzi Moorer Shanks Dennis James Shaw Veronica Carole Sherard Michael Craig Slaughter B. Dewayne Smith Robert Anthony Smithson Crystal B. Steen James Allen Strickland David Bryan Swann Ronald Craig Tatum Peggy Yaofang Teng Walter K. Thaxton Jr. W. Robert Thompson III Thomas Owen Thomson Jeffrey Gerald Tickal Allan Carlo Trau Scott Joel Tucker Elizabeth B. Urbanowski Edward D. Villanacci Kevin Wayne Wales Tai-Yue Wang Maj Kenneth M. Warburton Patrick Michael Watson Kent A. Weir Eric Edwards White Renee Pina Williams Michael B. Willoughby Lisa Hamm Wise Angela Haley Wolff Damon Eric Woodson Matthew Karl Zimmermann
1989 Stephen E. Alban Jesse R. Alexander Garry Dean Andrews Julie Johnson Arvin Philip Allen Benefield Andrew Robert Blemker Larry Wayne Brantley James Robert Bromstead Ellen Flanders Brooks Earnest Lee Brown George Merritt Bugg II William E. Bush Jr. Bradley Steven Carey Patrick Joseph Carey Wallace Carpenter Eric Alan Carson George Edward Colvin Danny Steven Connor John Thomas Crawford Jr.
Michael Harley Crowder William Lee Crump III Roderick Dwayne Davis John Brooks Donald Gregory J. Downes Christopher R. Dozier Eric Ross Dudley David Lee Edwards David Boyd Elkins James Andrew Elkins III Michael Sean Evans H. Mark Ezekiel ENS Jesse Demming Fox John Fuller Kerry Marie Funston Kenneth Michael Gardner James Loyd Givins Stephen Beason Glenn Richard Roland Graham Jr. Thomas Curtis Grimes Ann Rebecca Guthrie Richard Eben Hale Michelle D. Hancock Cindi Perdue Hane Scott L. Heber Brian Edward Heinfeld Michael Bennett Hogan Eric Lee Hoge William Ralph Huff Lorraine Baird Hunt Charles W. Irrgang IV Bryan Rayburn Johnson Russell Larry Johnson Steven Dwight Johnson Michael Alan Johnston David Eric Jones Robert Michael Jones William Edward Jordan Jr. Marcus James Kelley Graham Criss Killough Robert Allan Kinchler Kevin Knight William A. Koons Margaret S. Kubiszyn James William LaMance Jr. Jeff Chason Langford Chase R. Laurendine Jr. Jeffrey Lamar Lee Layne Gene Lenning Stephen Wesley Leonard Randal Steven Lindsey Shannon Handegan Lisecki Guy L. Locker Jr. Robert Brent Loper Michael Robert Lunsford James Norbert Maertens Jeffrey Carroll Martin Brian Patrick Matisak Kent Smith McCormick Robert Neal McDevitt Henry Warren McElreath Michael Dean McFadden Patrick Neal McLaughlin H. Conrad Meyer IV Aundrea S. Milldrum Clarence T. Milldrum III Robert Alan Miller James Otto Mitchell Heath Darin Morgan James Garris Morgan Charles Ray Mosling Jeffry Owen Mudd Michael Edward Murphy Jeffrey Harold Nelson
Gregory Allan Nichols David Wayne Nixon Mark Eric Ogles Michael Ray Ogles Clark Timothy Owen Timothy Ray Owings Darrell Pace Amanda Jill Pacer Michael Anthony Pacer J. Patrick Parks Anthony Carl Perkins John Earl Peterlin William Wright Petit Maureen I. Petrillo Johnny A. Phillips III Philip Adam Piraino James C. Pope Jr. Scott McClain Portis Carl Stephen Powell Michael Edward Pryor B. Scott Richburg Steven R. Robinson II Michael Thomas Sage Sarah Johnson Sanchez Rita Walsh Scanlon Timothy Lee Schmitz Bradley Walt Schumann Daniel Paul Seep William W. Sellers Jr. Daniel Joseph Shabo Gregory Joseph Smith Penny L. Smith Russell Lewell Smith Joy M. Spangler Jeffrey Denton Sparkman Bradley Thomas Speaks Benny L. Spears Jr. Michael Lee Steber Barry Lamar Taylor Robert Jonathon Taylor Todd Nicholas Tedesco Sheng-Hsien Teng Casey George Thompson Susan K. Thompson Cynthia A. Triplett Barry Burton Tye Christopher Todd Ulmer Paul Bryan Veeneman Kathryn Knight Waddel Jeffery Walding Joan Waldrop Matthew M. Watkins Paul Linniel Webster Scott Allen Wedge Kenneth William Weinel Charles F. Welsh III David Fain Wheeler Ann Fite Whitaker Thomas Allen Whitman Jr. Thomas Wichers Robert Donald Wiggins Sandra L. Williams Nannette Corey Woods Sandra Leigh Wydra William Andy Young Christopher Zimmerman
1990 Jeffrey Jon Abrams David Alan Adsit Jerry Ray Ake James Christopher Alsup Bryan Clinton Ambrose J. Pat Autrey
Darrell Scott Ayers Michelle Maddox Ayers Matthew Arthur Barker Robert T. Barker Donald Dwayne Beckett Robert I. Bell Sharon H. Bell Clayton Wily Bethea Dan Allen Bodeker III Norman Keith Bone William Robert Boyd John Proctor Bradford Larry Dwayne Brown J. Randall Bugg David Nathaniel Burch Elizabeth Bentley Butler Ronald David Butler John Goodwin Butterfield Omner Dean Calhoun Patrick S. Campbell Julia Snell Cartier Brian Hugh Cates Christopher R. Champion Song-Fon Chen Patrick Joseph Coleman Gregrey Alan Compton Mark Edwin Coopwood David Paul Counts Douglas Robert Craig James Bernard Daley Oliver Wendell Dallas Jr. Andrew Pierce Davis Darion Andrew Davis Steven Rutledge Davis Jennifer Lyn DeMocko John Brian Donehoo Wayman Scott Duffey Michael Wayne Durboraw Jeffrey Darren Dyess Laura Cleveland Edwards G. Rob Elliott Jr. Cedric Deneal Estelle David Wesley Evans Lance Hayes Francis Jordan W. Fravert III Michael Eban Fugate Daniel Edward Furno Jeffrey Truett Greene Lee Youngblood Greene Jr. Grant Kevin Greenwood Paul Anthony Hajek Robert Christopher Hales Kenneth Conrad Hamilton Virginia S. Hamm Lauren Frey Hamner Peter Andrew Harris Alita Sewell Hayes Ralph Bradford Haynes Douglas H. Hedrick Lisa W. Heiser Ashley G. Henderson William Rex Henderson Wesley Richard Hills Richard Troy Hogue Thomas A. Holloway Jr. Steven Michael Hopper Jeffrey Alan Horn Keith Lynn Hosey Stanley Houston Jr. Michael Scott Huang Robert Thomas Huie Brian Howard Hunt Wayne Houston Jenkins John David Jennings
Roger Sterling Johnson Brian Clayton Jones Kathy Cooper Jones Kenneth Lee Jones Kenneth Kelly Howard Graham King Stefanie Faris King Douglas R. Kirkland Traci Andrews Korkowski Anthony T. Kouskolekas Richard W. Kretzschmar Jennifer Cannon Kunz Steven Eugene Lambert Calvin Jackson Lee Jr. Rodney Bryant Lee Duane Allan Little Cheng-Hsin Liu Catherine Medlin Lyle Srinivas Manchiraju Jeffrey Verl Mashburn Cary Lynn Matthews Mark Edward McDaniel Elizabeth A. Meredith Brian Wayne Milner Mitchell Alan Milner Vance Allen Moody Andy Moore Rebecca W. Mullis Travis E. Mullis Jr. Chris Michael Murphree John Edward Murphy III Carlo Anthony Musulman Charles Barry Nicks Jr. Andrea Bruschi Noland Billy Wayne Norton David Wynne Nottingham David Lynn Oakley Christopher Oliphant Jane Elizabeth Orr Brian Thomas Owens Julianne Cook Pearce Mary B. Peevy Malinda R. Perdzock Scott Evans Pimm Susan McGrath Powe George C. Prueitt John David Prunkl Kevin Aural Puscas Michael Albert Ramsdell Stephen E. Redifer Haralson Kerr Reeves Jr. Lewis Leron Riles John Edward Riley Sonya Medling Riley Stacey Glen Rock James Spencer Roy Jr. Alicia Hailey Rudolph Kimberly N. Sanderson Jeffrey Trent Shepherd Jennifer K. Shepherd Viresh Singh Janice Kay Smith Michael Wayne Smith Donald Wade Spivey John L. Steele III Patricia B. Stevenson Brent Alan Story Todd Edward Stouffer Thomas C. Stubbs Walter J. Sullivan IV William B. Thacker Robert Michael Thomas Randall Lynn Tielking Arquila Rivers Todd
Jeffery Thompson Todd Deborah Saliga Tomek Donna Whaley Tucker Jill Butler Tyvand Russell H. VanBrackle William Varnon Jr. Stacy Glenn Waldrop Michael J. Walraven Effie Lorenda Ward Leslie Ann Ward Patrick Rolland Whatley Lee Hamilton Whitted Tara Carleton Wichers George J. Williams Jr. David Gerard Wimsatt Jerome Lee Wood Phyllis Holt Woodson Paul Howard Wright Chris Wesley Yarbrough Yeou-Fen Chiang Yu Jeffrey S. Zabinski
1991 Mary Engler Adcox Steven White Allison Ralph A. Amadeo Jr. David Ament David Bryant Andrews William Glenn Bain Robert Leland Baker Peter Willem Baljet Camille Stuart Barker Kyle Ozment Barnes Christopher D. Barnwell George Antony Barone Bryan Gene Bell Roger Dale Benson Lynne Jennifer Bernardoni Tania Shipley Betts Dean Anthony Bickerton Joe Bieker Harrell A. Bloodworth William Lee Bowers Paul Albert Bricco Hugh Clark Brown J. Kevin Brown Lee John Bruno Thomas Mark Buckhalt Diana L. Burlingame Jerry Burpee Thomas Lee Cameron Jr. Trey Emory Cantrell Cheryl Lynn Carlson Craig Allen Carlson Michael Patrick Cary Thomas Coy Channell, P.E. Bradley P. Christopher Blair Anthony Coker Christopher W. Conway Michael Scott Costanza Gary Donald Crawford Jason Robert Crawford Jay K. Cross Brenda W. Davis Christie P. Dennis Jeff Earley William F. Ellis Jr. Michele Hand Englebert Signe Ruth Erickson Russell Arthur Eubanks John Anthony Fasano Steven Scott Fendley Gilbert L. Fernandez James Brian Fleming
Robert Joseph Fleming Wilson Bibb Folmar III Frank Steve Gentle II Thomas Alan Gilreath Charles Robert Glagola Michael Steven Gordian Ruskin Clegg Green B. Eric Gross Daniel W. Harper Gregory Alan Harville Troy Hamilton Hawkins Virgil Orlando Heath Jeffrey Wayne Hester Jeffrey Todd Hicks John Melton Holifield Bryan Stephen Holloway Joseph Lynn Hopkins Jr. Randall Cory Hopkins James M. Howell Jr. Chung-Lung Hsu James Hughes II Jeffrey Thomas Huner Thomas Joseph Hyde Joseph Richard Jelich Bradley Bernard Johnson Jesse Mack Joiner III Dana Hagler Jones David Randel Jones Robert Anthony Jones Robert O’Neil Jordan Randall James Katz II Chin-Hsian Kuo Deborah W. Lambert Ronald Dean Lambert Jr. Cynthia Lynn Larkin James Monroe Lee Jr. John Robert Liechty John Kenneth Longenecker Mary E. Longenecker Angela Marie Luckie Steven Clinton Maddry Jr. Sal M. Marino Tim Massey Todd Matthew Matteson Roy Howard Mayo Jr. John M. McCormick II Daniel Lynn McPherson Tracy Angell McWhorter James I. Middleton Jr. Anthony Clark Miller Raymond W. Miller Jr. Steven Edward Miller D. Scott Moorhead Carl F. Moslener II Samford Turner Myers Michael F. Nicholson Joseph C. Niedermair Wendy W. Oakley Andrew Michael O’Reilly Marsha McElreath Owen Todd Christopher Owen Lisa Ann Parker Timothy Alan Parsons Jiten Ramesh Patel Ryan Randall Pendleton Joseph Edward Perdzock Jeffrey Allan Persall Kathryn Knox Petit David Scott Poole Benhe Qu Suresh Raghavan Stacey Lee Raines William Craig Ramsey Mary Nell Reid
Daniel Root Jr. Barry Thomas Rosson Barry Walton Russell David Warren Ryder Kristen A. Sanderson Jill Olson Scherrer Philip M. Schockling George John Shunnarah Sheila Ransone Smith Timothy Scot Smith Wanda Marie Solano Mark Alan Stafford John Baxter Stevenson Susan H. Stringfellow Christopher S. Talley Francis Alvin Taylor Matthew Douglas Taylor Galen Jay Thackston Jeffery Paul Thompson Leslie Ann Thrasher Ajay Thukral James Thomas Treharne Pat Mayfield Turner David Troy Veal Jerry M. Vines Jr. Brian Walter Voecks Thomas Von Eschenbach Richard Lee Waddel Michele Cordes Walker Darryl Ray Wall Wesley Luther Wasson Joseph Walter Weber Charles Daniel White Stephen Whittington Amie Chason Wiggins Russell Whitt Wilborn Randy Lee Wood Christopher Andrew Wyke Jyh-Long Yu Thomas Frederick Zoes
1992 Karen Emerson Albritton William Scott Albritton Craig W. Alexander William Jerry Allen Michael Arthur Amos David Michael Anderson Ralph Clinton Andrews Marguerite Eleanor Armistead Reid Alan Armistead Robert Walter Arnold Gary Eugene Baker Stacey Edward Balch Buford Dennis Barker Jr. Kathleen Grant Bartosch Joseph Lee Baughn Roderick S. Bayliss Ann Holtzman Beale Thomas Seth Belcher Leah Skarupa Benavides Matthew C. Beynon Fred Lee Blakeney Jr. Jeanne S. Boe Pamela O. Boyd Darrell Eugene Boyer Jon Christian Bradford Mark C. Bradford William L. Brooks III Regina Robertson Brown Jeffrey McCurdy Browne Ronald Brunner Laura M. Butterfield Michael James Bykowski
Kevin Allen Cabanas Marenda Bryant Caldwell Suzan D. Cambell John Phillip Caraway Frederick F. Cazenave III Anthony Reid Chambers Michael DeWayne Cheaney Donna Lyn Clements Angela Tuberville Cobb Lee Andrews Coley Stacey Rhea Costanza Erick Lin Crosby James Ray Deer James Michael DeLano Scott Jackson Dennis David Thomas Derrer Scott Doss Charles Michael Duke Jr. Roger Wade Dukes Brian Donald Dunson Allen O. Earnest Darren Spencer Eastall Kimberly S. Elliott Julie Ann Ellis Clint Epperson Terry Kay Epperson Christopher M. Everett Robert Donald Fain Karl J. Findorff Christina F. Francis Christopher Roy Furr William Lee Garrett III John Brian Geurin Boyd Wesley Giles Jr. Juan Pablo Gil Galvan Jeffrey Kenneth Grantham Howard Crosby Graves III R. Robert Grieco Mike A. Griffin David Boyd Grimes Lainie Fowler Hall Desiree M. Harrell Vernon Nicholas Hasten Julie Diane Hegwood Stephen Wade Henderson Jerry Patrick Hickey Sharon W. Hickman William Frazier Hodges William Seabrook Horne Charles M. Houston Jr. Kurt Erich Huhner Mark Monroe Hutto Brian Todd Jackson Daniel Allen James Teresa Ann Jayroe James Lyle Johnson Thomas Joseph Joiner Srinivas Kadiyala Andrea Gilchrist Kallas Michele Ashton Kane Kevin Wayne Kennoy Thomas Larry King Jr. Ann-Marie F. Kinzler Steven George Kratt Vicki Meredith Kretzschmar Michael Myongsu Lee Rosemary Frances Lesser Rebecca Leigh Lewis John Christopher Main Paula Revels Marino Benjamin Frederick Martin III Rick A. Martindale John Kenneth Massey Catherine M. Matthews
Lynn Lea Mayes Paul Douglas McClure Frank Howard McIlwain Paul Alan McIntyre Matthew G. McLaughlin Mark Theodore Milam Valerie Lynn Mills Joel Keith Morgan Timothy Eugene Morris Vance Hampton Morris Brandt Andrews Moslener Kennith Craig Moushegian John Vincent Mullis Scott Everett Murff Mark Pryor Murphree Charles Gordon Murphy Amanda S. Myers Stephen Harold Nabors Carl Maynard Nagel Katherine Duke Naumann Peter Carl Nimrod James David Noland Diane Michele O’Brien Todd Hugh O’Donnell Lawrence D. Ollice Jr. Kelli Rogers O’Reilly Kenneth Harold Patrick Brian Keith Pearman W. Henry Pennington III Robert W. Phillips John Lyda Pittman Kimberly M. Pittman Andrea Gail Pocreva Joseph Arthur Pocreva David Paul Poe Steven Tracy Poole Darren Ross Poore Denise Sandlin Raper Larry Neal Ray Alan Scott Reams Erin Dawn Richardson John Wilson Rogers Michael David Runager Randall Blake Ryan Theodore Bertrum Sanders Eric Leo Sanderson John Doyle Sasser Martin Joseph Savoie Wade Scott Schofield Judith Studnicka Scott Mukkavilli Seetharam Irving Douglas Senn Jr. Mike Glen Shepp Michael Scott Shewfelt Breanna Brown Shumpert Andrea Fulton Sligh Charles Proctor Smith David Clinton Snyder Zhuang-Mei Guan Snyder Cary Robert Sosebee Jarod Alton Stephens Jennifer S. Stephens Jennifer H. Stoudenmier Tonya Spears Strickland Kelly Wayne Stricklin J. Todd Strong William Dwayne Struble Mark Everett Summers Paul Matthew Sykes Nagaraj Tanguturu Marlyn Elizabeth Terek William Mark Thompson Chao-Chi Ting Jeffrey A. Topczynski
Jeffrey Ryan Trotman Yen-Shi Tsai Rachael Ann Hickey Uebel Ronald Lee Underwood Jr. William Gray Vallely Calvin Wainwright Jr. Robert Arnold Walker Jr. Kim Sheffield Whisonant William G. Whitcher Matthew S. Whitehurst Mary Jo Wikle Ehrenreich Brett Daniel Wilber Derek Lane Wilkes Stephen M. Williams Gary Willoughby Michelle B. Wilson Harris Craig Winn William H.L. Witsell Linda Brooks Wood Michael Pierce Woodall Travis Anthony Wright
1993 David Preston Adams Jeffery Wayne Allred Gregory Arlan Antony John Chris Austin Christine Martin Baker Matthew Allan Baker Christopher S. Baldwin Moses Mancil Baldwin Mark Nathan Bass Matthew D. Bell Stephanie H. Bell Jeffrey Alan Benson Alan Robert Biddle Scott Saunders Bigelow James Marshall Binion Edward Thomas Blackmon David Alan Bledsoe Bart Robert Blume Paul Boyd William G. Brown Michael Dean Busby Christopher B. Cantrell Phillip Jay Carnes Michael S. Castleberry Janet Hall Chase Michael Howard Collins Christopher Cooper Cowan Mark Adamson Cowhick Samuel L. Crawley III Edward Carter Damewood Thomas Davis Michael Boyd Deavers Jeffrey Delano Deen Richard Randall Dewberry Christopher S. Drescher Robert Martin Dunbar Christopher Von Durf Patricia Lenora Duttera Tyson Brett Eaves Theodore N. Fanelli Barry Lynn Fiore John Robert Fleck David Edward Fly Constance S. Foster Jerry Dean Foster Leanne L. French Angela Simpson Garrison Richard William Garrison Zachary John Gentile Jr. Benjamin T. Gibbons IV ENS Christopher M. Giordano
Daniel Gissendanner Jr. Kenneth Wayne Gould Aimee Jones Gray Derek William Gregg Heather S. Griffin Tammy Simmons Griffin Rebecca Hand Grove William Thomas Hall II Jason Leigh Halsell Rusty Alan Hammond Andrew Palmer Hanson Chad Warren Harris Brently Michael Hart Scott Arthur Harvey Tillman Don Hatcher Jr. Matthew Taylor Headley Robert Clay Heatherly Daniel Allen Heidt Michael Thomas Hendrick Larry Brian Hicks Angela Cuzzort Higdon Chad R. Hightower John Kimbrough Hill Ray W. Hiltbrand Jennifer Gurney Hilton Robert C. Hilton Christopher J. Holcomb Nathaniel Aaron Husman Thomas Edward Jacks William Benton Jeffries Houston E. Jenkins Jr. Jeremy J. Jetton David Mark Johnson Robert M. Johnston Jr. Scott Ellis Jones Paul Joseph Lisa Sakich Kalv Gregory G. Karahalis Richard Michael Kassouf William Christopher Ketter Mary Horton Kramer Kari H. Laudenslager Mark Laudenslager John Richard Lawley Kyle Mathews Leverette Haney Alexander Long III David Dwayne Lyons Manikkam Madheswaran Jason Lindell Matheney Glen L. Matlock Jr. Barry Fritz Matthews John Craig Mayer Charlton Brown McArthur Marshall Reed McBride Michael Wayne McCauley Kevin Michael McClain Jeffrey Thomas Mellone Darin Strickland Miller Sujata Biswas Mitra David Neil Money Sherri Lena Morgan Erich Hamlin Mueller Carson Phifer Murray Nathan Edward Myers Scott Craig Naugher Erik L. Naumann John Dennis Nord Melissa Lee Norris Leah Suzanne Oglesby Anthony Joseph Okrutny Kenneth Troy Parker Kirk Richard Peake Karl Andrew Peaspanen Grady Foy Persell
Donald Michael Phillips Lisa Milam Phillips Andrew William Pieroni Kurt James Pinniger James Scott Pittman Michele Hendel Pittman Winston Jones Powe III Dawn Lavonia Reddix Alan Douglas Reed Patrick Francis Reilly Jason Lee Rider Kimberly Fallon Rider Christopher Rizzolo Sheri L. Rumphrey H. G. Sanjay Deana Smith Seigler Karl Brian Serafin Debbie L. Shaw James Julian Shepherd Jr. Timothy Edward Skarupa Alexander P. Steel Scott Edward Steinbrink Michael Robert Stojak Anthony F. Strickland Kathy W. Strickland Peter Jacob Swyers David Charles Terrell Michele Louise Terry Jason Douglas Thompson Wendell Kelly Tinker Mary Turnmire Trotman Vincent Leo Underwood Gregory R. Vanden Heuvel Philip Todd Walker James Theodore Warren Russell David Webb Christine J. Wellbaum Timothy Benjamin West Gregory Todd Whetstone Brenda Gale Williams Rita A. Wilson William Alan Wilson Mark Terrance Wilton Steve Austin Worth David Thomson Wortmann Lisa Anne Wright Todd Lewis Youngblood
1994 Daniel Scott Abrams Heather Marie Abrams Mark W. Aderholdt Laura Jones Allen Joseph Lee Anderson Robert Paul Andrews Torris Jerome Babbs Kathren S. Bailey Lisa Ann Bailey Probal Banerjee Douglas James Bayley Wendell Pierce Beckwith Thomas Anthony Bedics Barry Reed Billmann Jr. Natasha L.P. Blair Dayna S. Blankenship Valerie Ann Boaten Kenneth Joseph Boe Jr. Thomas Henry Bordelon Leigh Anne Bradford Paul Alexander Britton Kevin Ray Brown Richard Joseph Brown Hunter W. Bruce Gretta Lynn Buchanan
Phillip Todd Burgett Vania Clemons Bynum James S. Campbell Jr. J. Travis Capps Jr. Gerald Wiley Carter Jack Edgar Carter Sanjoy Chakraborty Milton Alfred Chambers James Allen Chase Thomas W. Christian Lynn K. Clemmons Sean C. Collins Stephen Erick Collins Christina Marie Copple Kathleen Ann Cory Cathy Couch Christopher J. Couch Loren Lee Crawford Micah Q. Curtsinger Konanda Devarapalli Patrick R. Dierberger Brian Lee Dillaman Sean C. Donahue Sean Schilling Doughtie Darlene Whatley Duerr Danielle Ann Dunbar Chris Len Easterwood Robert Michael Egan Robert Charles Engberg Jerry Ladon Eubanks Scott Matthew Forehand Mitchel David Gibbs Norman Douglas Giles Brett Alan Giordano Trevor Howard Gossett Glen Eric Granberry John Alexander Green Mark Allen Gwaltney Joel Michael Haight Michael Nolen Hamlin Jason J. Handel Stephen Brett Hayes Brian Edward Haynes Christopher C. Hazelrig Gregory Lee Hendricks Shannon Lee Herndon Howard Pearson Hodge Jonathan Michael Hodge Kenneth David Holder Christopher Eldon Huner Gail Jackson-Crowell Mara Lowry Jacobson Paul Andrew Jacobson Peter Glen Janyska Eric Bradley Johnson Jeanae B. Johnson Jimmy Ray Johnson Jerry Christopher Jones Sheri M. Jones Shone Anthony Jones Eddie Raymond Joyner Gregory Douglas Kalv Brian Shane Klugh Christopher J. Kramer Stefanie Robin Lange Paige Watler Lankford Russell Todd Large Michelle Angelique Law Derek Stephen Lee Roxann Foster Leonard Robert Parker Lewis Jeremy Scott Livingston Rebecca Clark Lorber Veronica Jane Lovvorn
Carol Louise Lubben Jared Lee Madewell Craig Richard Marks Ginger Robinson Martindale Russell Wade McAuley Holley Deanne McBroom David Alexander McGirt Mary Adams McGriff Christopher S. McKenzie Stacey Latham McKinney Brian Blackwell McLean Gregory Charles McLean Warren David McWhorter Jason Scott Merchant Wesley Shane Mize Mark Wesley Moore Jeffrey Wade Moreland Troy Cunningham Morgan Christopher S. Moshell Diane Olyniec Moshell David V. Noonan Jr. Emory David Osgood Ryan Christopher Owen Corey Lynn Patterson James Michael Pepper Robert Russell Perkins Lucas Benjamin Perrigo Neil Henson Phillips Jana Massey Price Patrick Joseph Quick Sonya Marie Raney Kathleen Clark Redman Kevin Dean Redman Stephen Wayne Richardson Jason Allen Richburg Benjamin Allen Rives V Bryan Alex Robertson Amy Goddard Robison Derek Scott Roh Chad Kevin Rollins Frederick Alan Rush Elizabeth Evans Savoy Kenneth Franklin Schales Amy Sue Schmitt Jeffrey R. Schmitt Thomas Alan Scoggins Joseph Edward Scollard Ericka Bertrice Seay Kurt Joseph Sehn Greta Naugher Senn Jeffrey Glenn Shields Geri Ann Shoop Randall Dewaine Siers Meija Marika Sillanpaa Coby Wade Smith Gregory Allen Stewart Lawrinda Michelle Stone Samuel Blake Taylor Lance Edward Thompson Stiles Craig Thompson Nicholas Gregory Trial Matthew A. Vail Linda Carin Vanacore Aldos Lamont Vance Thomas Holcombe Varner Brian Jeffrey Vaughn Christopher B. Waddell Scott William Walker Sherrie Kaye Walker Wayne Charles Wall David Gibson Walsh Elizabeth N. Warfield William W. Waters John Mark Waynick
Brian Eugene Weyerman Anthony Blake White Brian Thomas Windsor Sondra Anne Winter Matthew E. Wolf
1995 Julian Brian Adams Ermal Kendall Allen James Samuel Allen Tanya Jarnita Anderson Jonathan Matthew Avery Diaco Aviki Ronald D. Ballard Jr. Shannon Sherell Battle Brett Brown Bias Thomas J. Billups Jr. Andrew Beecher Blakeslee Allison Wright Bouchillon Clayton Eugene Boyd Richard Todd Boyd Richard Timothy Branscomb Tonya Farmer Britt Michael Carson Brooks Elizabeth Jeffers Brown Frederick Marlon Brown James Seay Brown III Robert A. Brown Jr. Bruce Elliot Burkhalter Jacquelyn Locke Byrne Ashley Craig Carden John Braddock Cates David Lewis Chambers Alice Chiehmei Chang Wren Dickinson Chase Anthony Edward Clement Loren Bryant Cofield Larry Scott Coger Kevin Douglas Colvett Rochelle Evangeline Cook Benjamin Allen Cope Clayton Michael Cory Dale Sean Crockett James Stuart Dickson III William H. Doyle III Matthew Clark Enochs David William Erickson Maureen Keane Fain Ke Feng Daniel Hunter Finch Kimberly Michele Flanzer Bradley William Flowers Harris Marvin Frank Sheila Preachers Fuller Kristen D. Godfrey Angela Martinez Goral Mark Clinton Graves Elizabeth Adcock Green Christopher David Guinn Marshall Wayne Hagler Stephen Thomas Hammett Thomas Albert Hand Kevin Michael Harp Lewis Danial Harrell James Harry Haun Jr. Steven Bruce Haun Lori Tripp Hazelrig Glen Scott Helms Matthew C. Henderson Matthew Josef Heyen John Cary Hicks Gina Sue Hunt Susan Elizabeth Hunt Brian C. Iselin
Allen C. Jacobs III Charles Barton Jordan Janice Larunda Booker Jordan Dylan Thomas King Rebecca Burleson LaRue Ryan Christopher Leahy Deanna Monahan Lee Clark Andrew Leeth Keith Robert Liner George Scott Lipyance John Phillip Logan Dale Eric Long Mike David LoVoy Frederick Ramon Lyda Yvonne Roberts Lyda Jennifer Nicole Manville Kristen Stinson McClung Marisa H. McEntire John Kendrick Merder Kelly Christopher Miller Paris Kirtley Miller Joseph Myllow Montgomery Kevin Lee Moore James Barry Mott Laxmi Prasad Musunur Ganesh Muthukrishnan William Michael Myrick Jeffrey Estes Naefe John Andrew Nemeth Margaret Rose Newman Christine M. Noell Miranda Haynes Oden Albert Daniel Outcalt Regina Gail Parris Matthew Ryan Pasley William Garrett Pass Sheelpa Indravadan Patel Joseph Atkins Pettus IV Susan Ashley Phillips William Eric Pitts A. Brian Porter Nathan Matthew Porter Brian Robert Randles Lewis David Ray Jr. Gregory Thomas Roden Heather Weaver Roden Jill Small Roh David Lee Romero Timothy David Ryals Mark Leslie Sadler Regenia Rena Sanders Jared Paul Sass John Howard Schulz Jason Allen Seale Edward C. Shaffer Scott Douglas Shelton Karen Holaway Short Ginger Guyer Slaughter Thomas S. Slay Scott Hilary Sligh Brenda Jenkins Smith Richard Allan Stevens Iris L. Stover John Alan Thacker Michael David Thomas Stephen Wade Thomas John Michael Thompson Gregory J. Thrash Nhan Thanh Tran Sidney Ernest Trouard Richard Eugene Tyler III William Anthony Vandiver Walter T. Van Houten William David Van Tassel
Kristina Cashatt Vorse Alan Michael Warfield Brad Hart Warner Jeffrey Allen Wendt Garris David Wilcox Leon Otto Williams Allison M. Wootton Susan Keturah Wright Douglas Wynn Xinche Yan Shaobo Yang Mark Jason Young
1996 Rebecca R. Abbott Robert Adamson Jason Ryan Amos Ken Averitte Kevin Joseph Bailey Scott Robert Ballance Merry Alicia Barton Dakin Adam Beard Mina Molliann Benson Jason Alan Beville Fred P. Bickley III Amy Elizabeth Bingham Anthony B. Blankenship Gerald Glenn Bolden Michael Boscaccy Brian Richard Brown Daniel Richerson Bryant John Garrick Bryars Michael Shane Buchanan Michael B. Burnett Thomas Eugene Burns Andrew William Carter Dennis Lyle Carter John Anthony Carter Jeffrey B. Casady Chun-Yu Chen Michael John Clark II Douglas A. Coker Susan Nelson Collins Jason Brent Cotton John Croghan Stacey L. Croghan Jason Thomas Cronin Christopher Leo Dilks David Jay Dutton Adam James Dyson Edward C. Eckroate Anthony James Elston Ada Nicole Faulk Jonathan Daniel Feit Sheri Marie Festoso Claudia D. Finnamore John David Flack Jeremy Allen Fogt Elizabeth L. Forrester Leon Francis Fuller Jr. John Paul Galassini III Albert Lamar Garrett Daniel Lewis Golding Joseph David Gortney Trevor James Grant Gary N. Grubb II Jason Patrick Handley John Alexander Heflin Lily Edmonds Heflin Diane Patricia Hickey James R. Hickman Jr. Misty Mason Holtcamp Jingming Huang Angelo Antonio Huezo
Scott Stanford Joffrion Sean Kelly Johnson Steven Carlos Johnson Patrick Joseph Kane James D. Kelley Scott Allen Kellum Barbara Mary King Todd Wayne Kirkpatrick Karl Monroe Klinner Lawrence Donald Kos XueKui Lan Melanie Dawn Leenhouts John Edwards Lewis Samuel J. Lewis IV Shihua Liang Michael Peter Long Amy Susanne Lundin Mark Douglas Mabee Kevin O’Neal Matthews Zaw Myo Maung Robert Cloney McDonald Henry Seawell McKee Brian Benjamin Miller John Michael Mitrik Jennifer Fletcher Mize Hong Ki Moon David Allen Morris Larry Eugene Morris Julia Laurine Morse Paul Matthew Munafo Carter Timothy Nama Marc Samuel Newman Harry Nelson Newton James Richard Nielsen Michael C. Noell Terry Dwayne Perdue Scott Steven Peters Amy Davis Pillers Tara D. Poe Charles Wesley Poole James Cecil Radden Jr. Wanda Elaine Ragan Christopher E. Ragsdale Ronald Lesley Ray Jr. Deidre Ann Reilly Eric Jonathan Rickert Jared Alan Rindfusz Michael Kemper Ritchie Robert Nicholas Roberts William Thomas Roberts Joseph G. Rogers Shannon Dulion Roh Scott Terence Rollen Joseph Ashton Ross Stephanie P. Rushing Brian D. Savage Jr. Patrick T. Scarborough Michael C. Schovel William Brian Seals Christopher A. Seymore Jing Shen Scott Philip Sheumaker Robert Wade Short Denver Jacob Smith Jennifer D. Smith John Raymond Smith Chad Jeffrey Smoak Heath Quinn Spurlock William Lee Steed Jr. Michael Samuel Stone Tara Alania Stringfield David Bruce Thompson Marc William Thompson William Scott Tillman
Troy Ted Tindal Christoffer Heath Turner Gerald Lee Updyke William Todd Vaught Christopher A. Vorse Casey Haynes Waid Leann Walker Johnny Wang Jeffrey Bryan Weathers Carlos Shundale White John C. Williams James R. Williamson Jr. Charles Alan Wilson Eric Josef Wittendorfer Michael David Woodry Stephen Terrance Woodry Brandon Arthur Wright Jason Paul Zencuch Liyun Zhang Qiang Zhang
1997 Mark Lee Adams Jennifer Leigh Arnold Glen Stuart Ashley Cary Carnell Baker III Timothy Willard Baker Joseph Michael Banasik Jennifer Lynn Bangsund Brad David Banker John Bradford Baty Rachel G. Bauman Bryant Houston Beason Gustavo O. Benavides III Tom Anthony Bingham Brett Boner Braden Steakley Buck Annette Ruth Burberry Steve Bush David Lewis Butts Robert Howard Campbell V. Michelle Campbell Laura S. Canterbury William Edwin Canterbury Yong Wan Chang Yugender Chikkula James A. Childs Douglas Ray Clayton Jr. Darren Wilson Cobb Charles Marcus Coleman Lawrence Douglas Cornell Mark Battles Cox Joseph Howard Cummings Kevin Charles Davis N. Robert Dennis Erick William Dieperink Stephanie H. Dieperink Patrick Wayne Dunson Stephen Charles Eckell Timothy Ryan Elmore Christina D. Ficken Westerfield John Ficken Patrick Neil Fieg Timothy C. Finnamore Gilbert Fournelle Jason Matthew Gallaspy Hong Gao Clifford Duane Geohagan Timothy Alan George Dorothy Helen Gill Anil Govindaraju Eric Byron Green James Howard Greene Joseph Allen Gresham IV
Tracy Brian Hare Elizabeth M. Hargrave Jeffrey Keith Hargrave William J. Harlin Christy S. Harp Tina M. Harris Thomas W. Harwell Jr. Robert Shawn Hasenfuss Courtney A. Heath Jan Martin Heering Lee Allen Herring Amy Giles Hershberg Matthew Walker Hill Kenneth Eugene Hoganson Timothy Holtcamp Miranda Leigh Holton Rob Edward Homer Brian Gunville Hoyt Yuehua Huang Darren Barnes Humphrey Eric Lamar Ingram Sean Kent Ingram Clifford Ray Jeffcoat Thomas Whitley Junker Allison Amos Kelly Jennifer M. Kilgo Andrew James Kirchhoff Michael Francis Kler Ellen Marie Kraft Jack Lott Lavallet III Matthew Ryan Lawson Richard John Lett Ruchun Lin Mei Ling Sara G. Lloyd Larry Thompson Lowe Steven Joel Manry Jr. Jonathan D. Martin Marc Lowell Mason Robert Mathis Monica Kreher Molitoris Kathryn Ann Moore Christina K. Moorman Jay Matthew Nelson Keith R. Nelson Tuan Van Nguyen William Scott Pace Casey Todd Payne David Richard Peck Ziyun Pei Amy Elmore Plumb Bryan Douglas Prince David Len Pritchett Brian A. Proctor Tracy Coleman Radden Gary Beau Rafnson Michelle Susan Ray Shashikiran N. Reddy David Elton Roberts Steven Brian Roberts Steven Kenneth Rose Mandi Henson Rouyea Stephen Allen Russell Todd Michael Rutherford Michael Joseph Schultz Jonathan Frederick Scott Eric Gavin Shull Lewis C. Silvis Jr. Jason Brent Slade Ashley Coleman Slaughter Brent James Smith Jerard Taggart Smith Scott Graham Smith Sharath Chandra Srinivas
Steven Boyd Stockman Lance Ward Taylor Allison Cerny Thomas Charles Jason Thomas Rodney Francis Todaro Mickey R. Ware Jeremy Buford Wellmon Tilden Alexander White Garrick Jamie Wilder Elizabeth Boles Wilson Patrick David Wootton Jie Wu Tracy Higgins Young Ligui Zhou
1998 Earlene R. Atkinson Carrie Leigh Barnes Patrick William Barrick David Gordon Bernstrom Daniel Howard Black Thomas Joel Blackburn Natalie E. Blanchard Jacob Dean Bowers Matthew Wayne Brantley Chad Baron Bryant Arthur Joseph Cerveny Madhusudan Rao Chaganthi Isaac Chemmanam Frank P. Conway Benjamin Jason Crew Benjamin Forrest Crowe Leigh D’Amico Leslie Chandler Davis Tiffany Renee Davis William Edward Deichert Brad Edward Delcambre Vincent Javerson Dennis James Wilson Drake Karen Crandall Durden Stephanie Hathcote Evans Brandon C. Everett Mark Eric Flanzer Paul T. Flippo Angel Forney Fournelle Thirunellai G. Ganeshan Meredith Ann Graves Corin Chantall Gresham Christopher M. Grund Yimin Guan Keith Shellie Hagler Brad Randal Harrison Christopher A. Harvey Ashley Brannon Haynes Erin E. Henderson Paula Lee Hensarling Cheryl Harrell Higdon Brandon Scot Hiller Michael Blaine House Tyce Frederick Hudson John Sterling Hummel II Gwendolyn Waren Jones Kirk William Jones Natalie McLean Jones Elisabeth Bailey Kahle Kevin James Kahle John Scott Kahler Aaron Richard Keene Kendall Kilpatrick Ashley David Koby Ram M. Krishnamurthy Tongtong Li Zhicheng Lin Brian Jay Little
Hing Lor Landon Davis Lunsford Kelli Bagby Martin Brian Lloyd Mason Seth Alan Mason Emma V. Mayhall Raymond A. McDonald Jr. Teresa Crawford McGee Stephen Robert McRae Mason Bradley Mead Matthew Alan Mobley David Lee Moore Daniel Murray Jason Howard Nelson Jason Allen Nichols Cody Lee Nicholson William Clinton Osteen Jonathan Chase Payne Matthew Elliott Payne Charles Hunter Pearson Matthew Jonathan Pearson Sean Harris Pharr Ryan William Radel Peter Harry Range Christopher Adam Rixey Mathew Noland Rodgers Michael Scott Shaw II Jianfeng Shen Brian Charles Sneed Mary Elizabeth Stahr Geoffrey Scott Sundberg Bradley Phillip Thomas Joshua Carter Thomas Matthew Scott Trammell Nathaniel David Valukas Margaret Graves Warren Marvin Key Warren III Pleas Clayborn White Ragan Alysha White Kristopher B. Williams Charles Scott Wilson Zhangwen Wu Bin Ye Qing Zhang
1999 Jeffrey Scott Ackel Deta T. Adams James Liston Anderson Ross H. Armstrong Jason P. Arrington Michael Lee Ashley Matthew Douglas Barham Heather Nichole Bateman James Leo Bateman Antonio D. Benford Michael Len Birt Michael J. Bliss III Lashun Booth David C. Brasfield Jr. Aaron M. Bray Kevin Brown Karen Sevin Bryan Joel D. Camann Brian Kenneth Carter Philip Brian Carter Stephen Waylon Chambless Fuhu Chen Robert Coleman Cleere Lynn C. Coddington Marcus Ferez Conner Ryan Scott Cooper Suzanne E. Crew Marten Huibert Dane
Kathleen Mary Davis Natalie Marshall Dean James Alexander Dinsmore Shawn J. Doyle Kevin M. Dries Patrick Erby Duke Mark David Erdberg Pamela Rackley Everett Sean Patrick Flinn Roberto Henry Flores Ben W. Fredrick III Daniel Eugene Gess Raymond Glenn Goral Benjamin D. Green Timothy W. Grubb Seth M. Hammett Jr. Brandon M. Helms Kristin M. Hicks Michael A. Howard Jr. Jason P. Hughes Gabriel Edward Jackson Chad D. Jones, P.E. Courtney Margaux Jones Christopher Charles Kelm Ryan M. Kern Kristopher A. Lancaster Julie R. LeGault Andre Lanier Lennon Martin Forrester Lindsey Jason Lewis Wesner Lynn William Maloney Johnny Scott McGriff Ashley Suzanne McVicar Lauren Elizabeth Meek Richard L. Meek William M. Melton III Alegria Britt Nixon Cari Ann Ossenfort Matthew R. Parker Michael Kenneth Perrin Dennis W. Pike Benjamin A. Poole Gregory Scott Powell Millard Todd Powell Ashley Thompson Ramage Dana Cooper Raughton Steven Michael Raymond Kenneth J. Reding Elena V. Rossi Jeffery Lane Schell Michael James Schettini Elizabeth Ann Shaw Kimberly L. Shaw Micah Vincent Sims Barun Singh Julia Collins Smith Daniel Snook Jennifer Paton Stacey Zachary Blaine Stacey James R. Stallings John Michael Stallions Jean Stephens Jackson D. Stokes Kelly Brannon Stokes James C. Strickland III Vijay Swamidass Corey D. Thomas Trung Tran Ching-Wei David Tzeng Sandra Elmore Valukas Vishal Subhash Varma William Jared Vascocu Sandra Lopez Vaughn Chenoa S. Barfoot Vick
Walter David Vollberg Benjamin Wayne White Skyler White Ronald Bryan Whitehead Christopher A. Whitehurst Kevin R. Wiley Byron Colley Williamson Derek Alan Wilson Brian T. Wimberly Renee Lausier Wittendorfer Larry A. Woods Bryan Yerkes Shiming Zhang
2000 Gamal Aberra Michael Stanley Adams John Thomas Anderson Naseem Ansari Kavit Antani Ashley Graves Bates Christopher L. Bentley Achintya K. Bhowmik Ryan Allen Birge W. Heath Black Gary L. Blackmon Wesley Thomas Bolin Jason Alan Boothe Susan Phelps Bowden Jonathan Thomas Bowie Michael Edward Brook Benjamin L. Brooks David F. Brown Kevin Shane Brown Karen Michelle Burgess Michael A. Cain Amanda Ann Campbell Benjamin M. Carmichael Steven Dale Cash Yen-Ming Cheng John Wesley Christopher Robert Craig Clawges Matthew Robert Clements Ryan Aubra Cleveland Joshua A. Cobbs Brian Howard Cochran John Bradley Collier John W. Conner Jr. Hillard Lee Cooper Thomas Clay Croft Alice Leia Cutcliffe Cathy Jean Davis Jamie Kristin Davis Mary Mackey DeArment Jaime E. Demick-Montelara Julee Erika DiPlacido Michael Anthony Diruscio Johnny Dorminey Brian Michael Duke Daniel J. Edwards Susan Mary Elkins Brett Dominique Estrade Erin A. Fleet John Ray Fleet William Thomas Flippin Meredith Cay Fox Jermetra Dewayne Gaines Caroline B. Gallardo Robert Gallardo Devon Bonds Gess T. Shane Goodwin James Everett Goosby Chadwick Edward Hall Jeffrey Patrick Harper
Jennifer Kristy Harris Charles David Hartin II Samantha Allison Hartsell Clay Christopher Herring Dwyaine Devon Jackson Brian Darrell Jones Christopher Robert Jones Justin Lynn Jones Milton Kapa Jr. Gerald Don Keeton Tonya R. Klaudi William H. Klima Jr. Ryan Kyle Knight Lee Prewitt Kresovsky Jason Max Lee Daryl L. Lemieux Brandon Leung Chao Liu Ian Donald Locy Monica Brown Loftin Tiffany S. Loggins Gregory Joseph Maples Monica Leigh Maxwell James L. McCrory Jr. Matthew M. McDougald Kimberly Moore McGrath Rick McKibbin Marshall Chandler McLeod Andrew D. Miller Abby W. Morgan Roger Webster Morris Chris A. Murphree Matthew W. Murphy Patrick C. Murphy Alison Scheu Nelson Amy Kathryn Newton Timothy Odell Robert L. Odom Joseph John Pelfrey Breton Andrew Peterson Chet Christopher Plank Catherine Lindley Pruitt Jason Pearson Redd Michael Reid Sara Beth Richardson Brinnan C. Riley Nicole L. Rittenhouse Courtney L. Rose Todd D. Rossi Herbert S. Ruge John N. Scarlett Aislinn L. Schmersahl David Tyler Siegel Marianne Long Siegel William Nicklaus Siegel Elizabeth L. Skidmore Anna Marie Kirkland Smith Marianno Anton Smith Samuel Chester Snow Tim K. Speakman John Travis Spraggins Jr. David Bruce Strom Christopher Darrell Taylor Algernon Thomas Jr. Bradley Wayne Thomas Christopher Tidwell Timothy Tolton Kenneth William Totty Robert Nelson Trujillo Adam Wood Turnbull David M. Turner Candice Simpson Vaughan Aimee E. Wall William Jerry Walls
Seth Tyson Walton Jennifer Sue Whitten William David Whitten William Chad Wideman David Edward Williams Jason McLeod Williams Robert A. Williams Jason M. Wood Kelley Hagee Worden John Parker Wurst Virginia Anne Zeigler Renzhe Zhao
2001 Trudy Allen Christopher L. Allgood Albert E. Amerson III Benjamin Keith Amos William David Azok Justin Lamar Barfield Ashanti C. Bradford Rebecca P. Brellenthin Susan Elaine Carlisle Orlando J. Carlo Andrew C. Chapman Partha Chowdhury George D. Clem Wendy M. Collier Matthew A. Cook Steven Michael Corley Jeremy H. Corpening Andrew D. Dagostin Salvador Jean D’Amico III Jonathan Mark Darden Colleen Elaine Hillis Dixon Harold Marcus Drain Curtis Irvin Eatman III David Michael Eike Haley Brooke Elrod Brian Adam Evans Cordell Micque Fluker Kirk Douglas Fuller II Brock Harrison Goodwin Jonathan Garry Hammett John David Hardman Matthew E. Henderson Kenneth William Herrle Nicholas S. Hill Nathanael H. Hudson Katherine G. Hughes Kevin J. Jackson Jonathan Paul Jones Srikanth Kottilingam Sherilyn Posey Latham James Frank Lobash Jr. Clint Lamar Loftin Jason David Long Christine Ann Macaulay Charles A. Marsh Clark Martin Steven C. Mauldin Robert Brooks McCants IV David E. McClure Jonathan Tremaine McCory Melissa J. McIndoe Michael G. McKelvey Brooke L. Moore David Arnold Moore Jo Michelle Murphy Jonathan E. Nash Richard C. Nelson Cassandra A. Parker Sederic DeWayne Parker Brannon D. Payne
Billie Yevonne Pearce Marcus Paul Peters Christopher J. Phillips Joel C. Reed Melinda Zuber Rixey John Bentley Roberts Steven Joseph Rodia Samuel G. Saia Ryan Michael Schulz Sean P. Sherlin Anthony Kenyatta Smith Christopher S. Springer David Edward Stinson Alicia Jane Stockstill Gregory J. Straub Kyle Steven Swenson K-Rob Thomas Marcia Leatha Thomas Keith Matthew Tidwell Matthew Paul Todd Ashley Owens Turnbull Gary William Vaughan Summer Vaughan Jesse Eric Waldrip Cheryl Ann Walker Rebecca A. Walker Ginny Claire Wargo Aaron M. Warren David J. Welch Bryan Joseph Wells Keith N. Wheeler Brigid Z. Williams Margaret B. Williams Jason S. Wilson John M. Wolka Bradley Rupert Worden Ralph J. Wright Jr. Nathan S. Yarbrough
2002 Andrew J. Ackel Michael Dewayne Adams Jeffrey Todd Amos Rusty Allen Anderson Robert Gibson Andrews Philip S. Armstrong III Frank Anthony Arnold Isaac Nathaniel Austin Ivan M. Avilès Segundo Lindsay Janet Bach Jason Graig Britnell Terrance Lamar Brown Michael Anthony Caudill Pratibhash Chattopadhyay Neoma Kendra Cole Christopher Matthew Conlin Adam Hagan Cotter Daniel James Crosby James Henry Cross Wesley Walter Driver Abby Catherine Dunlap Jared Courtland Ebelhar Lauren E. Ebelhar Matthew Wayne Edmondson Cory Ryan Evans Angela Case Folse Daniel Franklin Allison Marie Franz Omar Tarik Fraser Shigodta LaShunta Freeman Stephen Andrew Freeman Beau Alan Frierson Matthew Don Gann Anthony Joseph Giardina
Alan Eugene Godwin Jason Wilson Gonce James Andrew Gosnell Joseph JaMar Grice James Clayton Hamblen III Crystal Clare Hamilton Phillip G. Hamilton Jr. Jim Han Yvonne Michele Hardy James Landon Harrison Eric David Hicks Travia Monike Holder Jenny Gibbs Howell David Leon Howie Yanhui Huang Susan Stacy Hudgins Matthew W. Hunkapiller Steven P. Huston Christopher Allen Jackson Jun Jiang Emily E. Johnson Timothy Micah Johnson Ronnie T. Jones Tommy H. Jones Junyeop Kim Jeremy Nathan Krauss Benjamin Powell Lamar Jennifer Kelley Latham Robert Ernest Latham Christina Lynn Leach Kalyn Lee Lewis Panagiotis Dimitrios Lianos Yuehua Lin Julie Marie Sransky Lynn Bert Ian Maatta Donald David Mackay Jr. Joseph Edward Manusakis Christopher Daniel Martin Lindsey Frank Martin Sally Michelle Mathison Jason McFarland David Allen McGlone Elizabeth McIntyre Marion Wesley McRimmon Michael Kevin Miller Jason Andrew Morehouse Daniel Irvin Morton Brian Hugh Moseley Troy Cade Moseley Corey Patrick Murphy Andrew Alan Neal Cory Matthew Nelson Efosa Anthony Oni Jamesha Johnson Parks Nicholas J. Parks Chad Edward Patterson Randy Wayne Paulk Wes Ryan Persall Jennifer L. Peterson William Peterson Mark Timothy Poole Kevin Andrew Purkey Jeremiah D. Rasch Matthew Rasmussen Jennifer Lynn Rice ENS Noah Stephen Rich Christopher James Riley Tiffany P. Riley Adam Joseph Rinaldi Gary Lamarr Rogers Jr. Kristi Conner Rose Carla Daphne Rountree David Bruce Rowland Sara Corbin Scheu
Brenda M. Scheufele Otis LaShon Seals Eric John Shapach Allison Rebekah Sibert Daniel Christopher Siggers Gregory Wayne Sistrunk Niger-Gambia Sledge R. Scott Smallwood Chad C. Snellgrove Denise Snyder Albert William Spratley II Jason Robert Standridge David Ray Sunderman Shida Tan Dustin Taylor Susan Thomas Matthew Eric Tomlin Jason A. Trolard Samuel J. Tyus James J. Uttley Nathan Thomas Vogt Elizabeth Jo Volovecky Holly H. Waldrip Jeremy Travis Walker Weijun Wang William Wardlaw Scott Jeremy Jackson White Harry S. Whitesell III Lydia Wilkinson Tami Renee Williamson Matthew Skipper Willson Beau Evan Wilson Kevin Nathaniel Wisener Christopher Stephen Woodie Qian Xiang
2003 John Darron Abner Lia Vasconcelos Almeida Abby Renee Anderson Justin M. Andrews Bradley A. Apking Christopher Bryan Aplin Holly Atchley Joseph Dewitt Bailey Jennifer L. Baldridge Charlie Baxley Derek Aaron Beck Gary Russ Beck Jr. Tyson Merle Begly Jeremy Alan Belcher Sarah C. Blackmar Sravan Kumar Bodana Juan Carlos Boulton Heather Marie Bowman Jeffrey A. Boyer Christopher Alan Brock Dennis E. Brown John Carson Brown Wilson Ken Clemons Jessica Ann Cobb Michael Andrew Cochran William Adam Cone Lori Leak Conway Philemon K. Croft Jr. Stephen Lee Daniel James G. Davenport Elizabeth Ann Davidson Drew T. Davis Joshua D. Davis Melissa Shea Davis Jason Cargill Dean Kimberly Ryanne Dial Jerald E. Dumas
Ryan Daniel Durden Aaron M. England Richard Edward Estis Jr. Christopher Ethridge Olin Fields Farrior Adam Ryan Ficken Michael LeRoy Foley Geoffrey Edwin Folse Sara Anne Frangiamore Michelle Forinash Fullerton Natalie Gerber Wayne Gerber Jeffrey Giroux Jared Taylor Gladden Steven Bruce Gladden Scott Kent Gladney Linda S. Glaze Juan Jose Gomez Lloyd Hodnett Gray III Garon J. Griffiths Laura Alan Grostick Amy Leann Hall Melanie Richburg Hall Christopher Robert Hamm Nathan L. Hanks Dustin Thomas Harris Bret Thomas Henderson Rebecca Hiers Daniel Eliot Hodge Thomas Beck Hogan IV Jeremiah John Horn Christy M. Horne Stephen Carl Howell Douglas G. Hughes Jonathan Ryan Humphreys Omar S. Hyder Bradley N. Jeffcoat Cameron O. Johnson David B. Joiner Thomas Jay Jordan Steven L. Keast Daniel K. Kersting Jessica Mixon Kersting Katherine Goswick Kirby Bonnie DeShadra Layne Sandra Jean Lee Roy W. Lightle Jr. Carrie White Lueck Eric William Lummus Paul David Lyon Jr. Benjamin M. Machen Hannah McCollum James Ira McCormick III Kelli McNeilly McCullough Mark P. McDonald Daniel McGough Lisa Michelle McKenzie Philip K. McMillan Jr. Courtney Moore Meredith Christopher Brian Mitchell Michelle Ladonna Moss Jim Mark Motes Christopher James Nabholz Jonathan Whitley Newby John M. Olson Nathan Bentley Outlaw Jeremy Glenn Owen Ronson K. Parker Barton L. Pate Briana Lynn Patrias Jeremy Patterson Kristopher C. Paulk Joseph Scott Perry William B. Petty
Tammy Marie Pickett Mark Alan Presley Jeremy Scott Prickett Erin Azok Rasch Adam A. Ray Patrick Scott Redmill Michael W. Reed Mindy Whitt Reed Lynn A. Renoll Jr. Kajuana Dwanyelle Rice Caleb Allen Rickabaugh Ryan A. Roberts Bradley W. Rogers Charles B. Rogers III Ronald Allen Rose Laura Goodin Rouillier John Roy Stuart Reid Searcy Nirav P. Shah Robert Shaw Jr. Sean Michael Shea William Brent Shepherd Jacqueline Louise Sims Samantha Louise Sims Sandra Drew Sims Andrea Janel Smith Mann Chan Shyu Spraley Jason David Steinhauser Jesse Shane Swords Sharree T. Taylor Michael P. Terrigno Lauren Henderson Tubbs Caanan E. Tully Steven R. Tully David R. Turner Whitney Hutson Uttley Christina Van Santen Matthew J. Varagona Daniel M. Wells Randall J. Whitehead Alesha L. Williams Trent Edward Williams D. Clay Wilson Jr. Paul G. Wittenbach Andrea L. Wolf Tiffany S. Yates Taraneh Bahrami Young
2004 Lewis S. Agnew Jr. Davis E. Ajaegbu William R. Alexander Syed Asim Ali Jacob A. Ansley Brian S. Audenaert Dianoosh Marlene Aviki Scottie Lee Barrentine Nathan Jerry Blackwood Matthew A. Brickell John M. Chalk Jr. Scott L. Church Selena B. Coats Deven T. Conley John D. Cook Jeffrey O. Duckworth Norman L. Duffell Collins Dukes Jeffrey Michael Duncan Amy Lynn Geiger Brian Scott Glass Bradley Evan Glover Jason Hamilton Godwin Addie Maurine Gollotte Garrett Gossett
Roger G. Graham Kathryn M. Green Brian M. Griffin Townsend Kemp Hanafourde Patrick L. Hanks Jon Phillip Hayes Albert B. Hicks III Brooke Hodges Peter Hyde Hopkins Jr. Christy Goodwin Hyche Francis Dee Imlay Elisa K. Intraboona Ashwini S. Iyer Scott L. Jernigan Bradley S. Johnson Gregory Thomas Jones Richard Hollinger Jones Daniel M. Kennedy Fatma S. Kilinc Melissa Lamarque Charles Richard Lawley Xuan Li George Daniel Lilly Jonathan R. Logan Timothy Edward Lowery Jason Scott Lueck Matthew P. Maples Jonathan Edward Maybin John Richard McBride Adam McGee Mary Eleanor McKenzie Jonathan Metts Melissa J. Minter Beth DeMaioribus Monroe Gina H. Montgomery Kristina S. Neuschwander Brian Nix Abiola O. Oladapo Edward Frank Otralek II Anthony Owens Paul C. Pace Manuel Jose Pagan Courtney Stephens Perry Charles H. Ping III Christopher F. Plott Angela Lynn Priest Govindaraj Ramasamy Christopher Keith Range Andrew Rauschenberg James C. Ray III Jeremy D. Rayburn John T. Reaves Timothy W. Reilly Scott S. Roberts Andrew Craig Rodgers Ryan B. Roth Michael S. Ryan Nicole Sizemore Stephanie S. Smith Kimberly Harrison Snyder Andrew Edward Stark Leslie Stephens Megan K. Stroud Thomas S. Tew Jr. James Lewis Thomson Matthew Alan Timbrook Shanda Rene’ Torbert Jason E. Traylor Wyman David Turner Daniel W. Ward Thomas Jae Whitaker Jason M. Wilks Bennie E. Williams Hong Yang
Josh Young Judson Brant Young Michael A. Zieman Jr.
2005 Justin Paul Allred John W. Andrews Walker K. Armistead Robert Lee Bailey Brandon A. Bethune Nicholas Aaron Blair Julia Michelle Bower David Matthew Breland Christopher Daniel Brown Jody Brian Burrows Charria Y. Campbell Michael Jason Chavers Subhadravalli Chitti Joseph J. Colletti Justin Dithmer Jonathan David Doroh Joshua Brian Doyle Daniel L. Edwards Lee Adam Estes Eric Frederick Friese Caesar Garcia II Miss Mellany Jatone George Jeffrey D. Gilmore Christopher D. Harmon Kathleen Donovan Hartman Christy Anne Hea Steven T. Henry Michael W. Hester Hunter Thomas Hodges Jennifer Ann Johnson Brian J. Kane Jonathan Robert Kilpatrick Darrell R. Krueger Michael T. Kulbacki Russell Allen Lassiter Robert Shin Lauderdale Sheena Demett Lewis Sarah Sanders Markham Derek E. McCarty Matthew Stewart McLean Phillip A. McPhail Andrew H. Monroe Jonathan Lathram Moore Johnson E. Murray Tiffany Bates Ostertag Edwin L. Perry Richard J. Pettis Nathan C. Pieritz Jeffrey M. Powers Stephen Cody Prickett Brandy Olivia Reed John Elvin Rogers Michael David Salyer Laura Sims Senn Kenneth Sharpless Weston Allen Sheldon Seth O. Stehouwer Chris J. Thrash Eldon Dale Triggs II Matthew Glenn Waldrep James Rex Walker William C. Walker Shuo Wang Colie G. Warren Sarah Ashley Whalley Katherine E. Wilbanks April Day Williams Gerald Dewayne Williams William A. Witherspoon
Matt Zorn
2006 Bridgette C. Adams Carolyn Anne Alenci Ololade Ayanwale Ryan Lee Baker John Philip Braswell Ashley Marie Bryant Matthew Allen Calak Jonathan Clay Coleman Karlee Harvey Copeland Dan Culpepper Rose Marie Cummings Robert G. Dawson Jr. Seth O. Duncan Adam R. Forrester Sean M. Frank Melissa Dawn Fulmer-Miller Derek Wayne Green Michael Andrew Gunnells Jonathan W. Hagood Nicholas Alan Hall Matthew Edward Hawes Gerry Rober Hicks Thomas Russell Hogelin Kenneth D. Howard Joshua Dale Jones Trevor Joseph Jones Daniel Steven Levis Jessica Lynn Levis Christie Lynn Mardis Erik Levi Martin Steven Douglas McDavid Jr. Timothy M. McFalls Charles Iver Meadows Matthew B. Parsons Wendi M. Powell Christopher G. Rhoden Samuel Adam Richardson Suhaila O. Rowe Shaunte Fitzgerald Scott Venessa Dawn Faust Smith Jennifer Brooke Swinney Andrew Ray Thornbury Andrew G. Tilt Christopher Trueblood Zachary Carl Truelove Anthony Kosta Vlahos Joseph Vincent Webster
2007 Mustafa Ali Olange Olatunde Anise Benjamin Charles Burmester Kellen B. Cole Lanier Marchant Davenport Brian J. Downs Zack Anthony Glaser Ralph J. Hall Simon James Halton Tenika Nacole Johnson Jessica Vickery Lassiter Heather M. Layne James Ian Maloy Joshua W. Mcclung Michael A. Nicholson David Shelton Parsons Jonathan T. Pritchett Nathan Alexander Smith Steven Elliott Smith J. Scott Terry Laura Steele Walsh
2008 Emily A. Asher Cynthia Frye Marks
Friends Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Abel Joy E. Abney Pamela L. Abrams Greg T. Abramson Cynthia W. Achorn Ted G. Achorn William M. Acker Derek C. Ackley Paula A. Ackley Charles W. Adair Robert S. Adams Wanda T. Adams Joseph Macon Aderholdt Harold L. Airington Jan Akin Sheila A. Aldridge Martha L. Alexander Celia S. Alison James F. Alison Jr. Amelia A. Allen Brett P. Allen Shelia M. Allen Deborah Ann Allgood William L. Allgood Ann Allison Barbara Allison Kimberly Anderson Debbie Angel Jeff Angel Kathleen J. Angus Robert Andrew Angus Charliene Armstrong Phil Armstrong Jr. Barbara Arnold Shapard D. Ashley Beverly S. Atwell Lynne Fowler Austin Sandra Averhart Angela Aviki H. Albert Awtrey Ronald H. Babb Linda H. Bachus Joan W. Backes Nickolas A. Backscheider Paula R. Backscheider Darrell G. Bagby Lucinda Bagby Lisa A. Baggett Judy Bailey Harold A. Baker Joyce Baker Sean Baker Eason Balch Jr. Margaret Balch Huseyin Hakan Balci Elizabeth P. Ball James R. Ballintine Thomas E. Barker Becky Barnett John Barnett Agnes B. Barrett Jane Barrow Gail Barth Clara Bass Roger Bass Nicole Battle Mary Ann Baum Peggy Baxter Jonathan Bean
Kathie Beard Mary Jones Beason Christopher C. Beaudoin Royce E. Beckett Shirley Beckett Roger Bedford Jr. Robert B. Beim Jeremy Alan Belcher Allison F. Bell Ed J. Bell Beverly K. Bendall Marcus Bendickson Mary L. Benefield A. J. Benintende Jr. James P. Bennett Jayne B. Bennett Ellis Benson Catherine M. Bergh Charlene L. Berry Eleanor M. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bice Frank J. Bickerstaff III Carole L. Billiam Arlene Bishop Elizabeth Bishop Betsy Harriet Bishop Mary K. Bishop Ann Black Eugenia S. Black J. Temple Black Kerry Thomas Black Teresa Black Wicky H. Black William I. Black James B. Blackmon Jr. Chita Blakeley Mary M. Bledsoe Diane Bobo Geraldine R. Bolen Ronald Glen Bond Jr. Alice Stewart Boone Marcia L. Boosinger Timothy R. Boosinger Mark S. Bourgoin Pamela Bourgoin Gary Alan Bouse Rebecca Bouse George E. Bowen Steven G. Bowers Marilyn L. Box Paul C. Box Elizabeth A. Boyd Kendra H. Boyer Robert Boyer Shirley A. Bradford Alesya Grebenkina Bradley James S. Bradwell Gerald R. Brandt Linda Brandt Mary Jo Brannen J. Andrew Brantley Linda Brantley Joanne Braswell Quinlyn Bray Matthew Breland Mary Anne Brewer Christine B. Bright John H. Bright John W. Brodak Eleanor Idelle Brooks Deborah Broughton Judy A. Broussard Cheryl D. Brown Elizabeth A. Brown
Elton Ray Brown James Edward Brown Korrie D. Brown Ruth S. Brown Linda V. Bruner Mary Helen Brown Brookes Brown Michael D. Bruner Mike Bruner Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryan Janie Bryan Kaye Bryan Tommy Bryan James O. Bryant Jr. Michele Buck Monica Rosalia Buckner Dena Kay Buford Thomas Mark Buford Richard K. Burgreen Rebecca Burt Emma Kate Busbin Jo Bush Vivian S. Bush Susan A. Busler Brandon K. Bynum B. J. Cain Barbara F. Caine Mary Caley Sarah M. Calies Judith E. Campbell Richard A. Campbell Sue G. Campbell Lois Cannady J. W. Cannon Jr. Kasey J. Cannon Nick D. Cannon Patricia M. Caraway Elvia Cardinal Carol Carlan Helen B. Carlisle Martin C. Carlisle Orlando R. Carlo Sr. David E. Carnahan Mary J. Carnahan Robert J. Carr Betty McNeice Carroll Andrew W. Carter Bill Carter Jeannie Kay Carver Michael James Carver James G. Cary Jr. Sue W. Cary Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Casey R. Joseph Cassady Dorothy M. Cater Frances Cater H. E. Cauthen Jr. H. E. Cauthen Jo Ann Cauthen David Cawley Barbara J. Chamberlain Valerie Chandler Robert Irving Channon Alan J. Chapman Laurianne Chapman Lorraine Chapman Marjorie E. Chapman Martha Lee Chapman Martha F. Chappell Hui-Ling Liu Chen James G. Chism James G. Chism Jr. Martha Chisolm Mark Chittam Sandra Chittam
David L. Christensen Dan G. Christiansen Mary Z. Christiansen Charles T. Clark James F. Clark Suzanne M. Clark Willie Russell Clark Lisa Cruz Cleary Delia G. Clenney Arleta Cobb Elizabeth Cobb Jimmie Osborn Cobb Jr. Kimberly Joy Cobb Sue Bell Cobb William J. Cobb Barbara W. Coburn J. David Cochran Matilda H. Cockrell Robyn Pee Cole Robert G. Coleman III Thomas L. Coleman Imogene J. Collier Johnny J. Collier Linda Collier Helen Spinks Connor Chris W. Conway George Rodger Cook Marvin D. Cooper Sherry Cooper Betsy B. Coplin William Thomas Coplin Alan B. Copperman Kira B. Copperman Patricia G. Corbitt Mary F. Cordato Marolyn B. Cornelius James G. Cotton Ashley Cousins Margaret Ann Cox Trudy Craft-Austin Margaret C. Craig-Schmidt Barbara Ann Adkins Crane N. A. Crane Tina J. Joiner Crawford Toye A. Creel Louise Crews Ruth C. Crocker Ann Marie Crowder Charles R. Crowder Judith E. Crowe Kathy Crowther Ann G. Crumpton Anna C. Culver Louise M. Culver Deborah Cunningham John Currado Lani Currado Christine W. Curtis Malcolm A. Cutchins Sr. John Dallam Matthew Damato Trisha Jenkinson Dane Jennifer P. Daniels Walter F. Dankoff Ann Davidson Dorothy Davidson Charlotte Davis Debbie Meyer Davis Deborah H. Davis Dewell Loretta Davis Sarah Davis Thomas Evan Davis Jane Day Sandra F. Deal
Jason C. Dean Sue Dean John H. De Borde III Margaret M. de Maine Lavoy R. Dennis Jay C. Denton Benton Derrick Linda S. O’Connor Deyo Sarah R. Dial Bette Dickinson O. E. Dickinson Amanda Dickson Larry S. Dillard Sr. Joseph G. Dobbs John M. Dodd Benjamin Bolton Donahue Balfour John Donald Sara I. Doornbos Len Dorminey Victoria Fox Dorminey Robert G. Dortch Doug Doss Judy Doss Linda Doyle Gerry V. Dozier Shannon Drake Cheryl D. Duck Betty Duke Margaret H. Duke Robin K. Duke David J. Durden Ronald O’Neill Durham Dora Durland Gary Durland Rhonda DuRoss Anne Dykes Robert C. Dykes John Thomas Dyson II Charlton H. Eagan Sarah H. Edwards John W. Elder Mark D. Elgin Belinda McCullough Elliott Jerry F. Elliott Celia Ellis Said Salah Elnashaie Carlene N. Elrod Elizabeth J. Elrod G. Donald Elrod E. E. Engler Barbara S. Ennis Daric William Escher William J.D. Escher Cheri Espinosa Jaime A. Espinosa Joseph Etheridge Michael Etheridge Vicky Etheridge Allison Evans Janice Evans Jody Jones Evans Marsha Elaine Evans Patricia Ann Evans Charles Everhart Merrilyn Everhart Barbara R. Facemire Jon P. Facemire Elizabeth Falco Sandra F. Falkenberry Pamela Fanelli Joseph M. Farley Jimmy H. Faulkner E. Q. Faust Patricia Faust
Elizabeth L. Feit Annette Felahis Stephen Fell Mary J. Ferguson Geraldine P. Ferrell Patsy Fincher Gregory S. Finger Fred W. Fischer Anne F. Fisher Britt Fleck Anthony A. Flynn Mary-Lynn Hedison Flynn Greg L. Fochs Bonnie Gerwin Folker Harriette E. Ford Janice F. Forman Dewey Foster Doris Foster Merinello G. Fowler Nona Jean Fowler Olga Gilliland Franklin Omar Fraser Brian Freeman Leah P. Friar Audrey Fulford Gale M. Fuller Gregory H. Fulton David F. Fuqua Terrence Gallagher Mary Galloway Georgia Gardner Jack Lynn Garner Mary L. Garner Cathleen Gasperini Annette Gaston Evelyn Gauggel Mary Love Gaverick Carol Ann Gavin Ann Gent Tom Gent Emma Gentle Jeanne T. Gentle Andrew G. Gibson Lynne Gilbert Pamela A. Gill M. M. Gilliland M. B. Gilliland Ann Ginn Patti Gipson Reba D. Glasgow David Michael Gloski Renae L. Goff Michael J. Golasinski Patricia J. Golasinski Mary M. Golson Charles H. Goodman Patricia Goodman Virginia M. Goodwin William A. Goodwin Guerry Graham Gordon J. Don Gordon Jane Gordon D’Nelle Graham Shelley P. Graham Geneva Grandy Charles Kyle Grant Elizabeth Grant Maria T. Grant Richard K. Grant Willie T. Grant Marie F. Graves James A. Gray Jennifer B. Gray Jo Gray
Leila Green Rise G. Green Dana Greene George Greene Kevin Gribbin Mary Jane Griffin Donna Griffis Paul G. Griffis Dorothy Fore Griffith Gordon R. Griffith Charles A. Gross Dorothy L. Gross Peggy Grubb Tom Guffin Jeffrey Carroll Gulledge Gerry Gayle Hails Chris Hall Rhoda Marie Taylor Hall Kimberly Ham Anne C. Hamilton Charlotte A. Hamilton John A. Hamilton Rena D. Hamilton Tina L. Hammond Brenda Hancock Kathy Hanks Sue Hanlein Emil H. Hansen Deborah A. Hardin William B. Hardin Willie F. Harper, Jr. Claudia I. Harris Patricia A. Harris Sally L. Harris Golda Harrison Kathleen Harrison Jim Hatch Carrie Hatcher Clark W. Hawk Julia M. Hawk Brian D. Hawkins Miriam W. Haywood Jared Christian Healy Sandy Hedrick Mary B. Hemmen Dot Hemminghaus Dorothy F. Henagan Dolores Henderson Eric Henderson Gayle Henderson Jay Henderson Joan D. Henderson Norma Z. Henderson Christina L. Hendrick Judy Josey Hendrick Elias Hendricks Jr. Gaynell Hendricks Cheryl L. Hendrickson John L. Hendry III Rose Marie Hendry Michael Hensler June M. Henton Richard W. Henton Cora M. Herb Robert A. Herb Constance T. Herndon Thomas H. Herndon Susan R. Herrle Eugene C. Hess Jr. Marvin Hewlett Jr. Rita Higgins Carolyn S. Hill M. Gayle Hill Leo J. Hirth
Doreen Hock-Beim Bill H. Holbrook Howard E. Holcomb Todd Holcombe Jannifer Holland Linda Hollaway Thomas G. Hollis James E. Hollopeter James B. Holman James B. Holman Lessie Holt Martial A. Honnell Jean Hopkins Paul M. L. Hopkins Peter H. Hopkins Virginia Hopkins Shelby J. Horner Lynn Hornsby Margurite Hornsby Angela C. House Lawrence C. Howard Jr. Margaret S. Howard Nita M. Howard William C. Howard Thomas Hruby Jr. Jo Ann Huddleston Sue R. Huddleston Joi Hudgins James Huff James D. Huff Angela Hughes Brian Hunt Harolyn Hunt Mary Woodward Hurst Marilyn R. Hutfilz Miriam W. Hutson Sharon Hyde Dave C. Ingram Doris Latta Ingram Janice N. Ingram Lorie Conley Ingram Martha M. Irwin Barbara Faye Isbill Lowry Thomas Isbill Dorothy Nixon Ivey David Jack Amy Jackson Debra S. Jackson Joseph Jackson Kristen L. Jackson Richard C. Jaeger Virginia Jenkins Jewrette Y. Johnson Johnna Johnson Larry T. Johnson Nancy A. Johnson Patricia B. Johnson Theodore W. Johnston William D. Johnston Ashley Jones Betty Lou Jones Francine B. Jones Jo R. Jones J. Philip E. Jones Marajane Jones Nancy W. Jones Tobi Jones Gary L. Jordan Nancy Jordan Joseph F. Judkins Jr. Ellen Bowman Kaetz Florence Kaylor Clarice Kearley Joseph C. Kearley
Johanna K. Kearns James W. Keith Rebecca S. Keith Viney Spears Kelley Debby Kelly Roy R. Kelly III Robby Betty Kemp Linda D. Kern Karen F. Khodadadi Karen Killian Fuller Kimbrell John C. King Julia King Robert Wayne King Melissa W. Kirkindall Sanford Kirkindall Karen Klingelhoeffer Ronnie Knight John L. Knutsson Catherine M. Kolar Jeffery J. Kowal Swathy Krishnamurthy Donna A. Krueger William H. Kryder On Cheon Kwon Novan LaGrone Andrew J. Lairmore Diane P. Lairmore Norma F. Lambeth George Landegger Betty Ann Landers Michael Edward Lanier Peter Donald Lanier Janie B. Laseter Lawrence H. Lassiter Janie Laury Jeanette Laury Michael Laury Lynn A. Lavender Dan Law Becky Leak Betty H LeCroy Jerry W. Ledford II Chung Wei Lee Elaine Lee Margie Lee Mary Sue Wright Lee Rich Leeman Sherrie Leeman Evelyn Leggette Sergio Leguizamon James Eugene Lehe Phyllis Leonard Vickie F. Leonard Daniel J.H. Levack Esther Alice Levy Connie R. Lewis John E. Lewis Ruth Adams Lewis Patricia Ligon Diane Lilly Kim C. Lim Charles L. Lineback Virginia S. Lineback Lynda Linville Russell C. Lipham John E. Lippincott Kathy R. Lippincott Hon. Ted D. Little Kelley Lloyd Grace N. Lo John H-Y Lo Judy P. Locke Elizabeth Loder
Anika W. Lodree Sam Loftin Louis L. Loosbrock Jarman Lowder Bettye Lowe Effie Lowman J. Felipe Luna Natalia Luna Kenneth MacAllister Terry A. Macaluso Juanita Mace Rita D. MacFarlane Sonya C. Machemehl Bert C. Madden Truesdale G. Madden Peggy W. Mahaffey Martha Mallett Dina Malloch Graeme G. Malloch Jo Ann Manasco Cathy Manry Linda A. Manson James K. Marble Rebecca Marcereau Richard G. March Sue March Vicki G. Markham Dalbert Marsh Angela H. Martin Paul H. Martin Richard S. Martin, Sr. Suzanne E. Martin Daniel A. Martinez Pamela J. Mason Jack R. Mathews Ronald Dale Matthews Claudia B. Maxwell B. Carol May Amy Mayer Dave Jack Mayer Philip McAfee Lois B. McAliley Robert J. McAlindon Angela D. McAtee Gregory B. McAtee Linda McCaleb Ruth G. McCartney Sheila J. McCartney E. D. McCauley Jr. R. Anthony McClain William Joe McClain Kelly Lyn McClay Sara McCrary Adelle Hollenbeck McCrory Aileen R. McCullough Charles M. McCullough Jeffrey W. McCullough Caswell G. McCurdy Jean McCurdy Dennis McDaniel Dotty McDaniel Frances McGaha John F. McGarry Jr. D. Robert McGinnis Michele McGinnis Nancy B. McHugh Elaine McKeown James M. McKeown David A. McLain Pamela F. McLain Anne F. McLaughlin Ann Simmons McMillan Billie Carole McMillan Dave McMullin
Vicki McMullin Lana McNair Jean L. McRae Betty McWhorter George Mead Cindy Meier Mike Meier Paul Mark Melius Elizabeth Melton Jonathan D. Melton Thomas Melton Rebecca Lindsey Merrill Gwen C. Mickleboro James G. Mignone Lena Mignone Bradley T. Miller Charla G. Miller Kathleen Ann Miller Melissa D. Fulmer Miller Dorothy Millis Thomas D. Minor Tommy Minor Deborah Minton Brian Mitchell Nancy Mitchell Ila S. Mitchum Kathy W. Mobley Pamela Moench Rachel Mohler Denice Montgomery Dennis Montgomery Jo Moody Mr. and Mrs. Butch Moore James T. Moore Nancy Moore Joy Ann Moorman Judith Moran Michael Moran Essie P. Morgan Kathryn C. Morgan Patricia Morgan Rita Morgan Timothy Morgan Nancy Morris Cathi M. Morriss F. C. Morriss Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Morriss Donna E. Morrow Evelyn G. Moudry Marianne L. Moye Linda Mullen Sandy H. Munden Michael Murphey George Murray Debbie D. Myrick Wendy A. Neff Dona J. Nelson George G. Nelson Jr. Sandra H. Nelson Karen Manasseri Nesbitt Emmy Jane Newman Kate M. Newman Rita P. Nicholls Jane J. Nichols Margaret M. Nichols Robert C. Nichols Patricia R. Nix Kimberly H. Norris Forster H. Northrop Marilyn Francis Oakes June Odom Jane M. Oglesby Lamar Oglesby Cassiline B. O’Neal
Mary Orrison Walt Osborne Bobbie Osburne Lisa R. Owen Mark Owens Teresa Packard Ginger E. Page Milton A. Page Harriet H. Pallas Shirley Palmes Doris Panter Geraldine W. Parker Melvin W. Parker Jr. Waldean Parker R. Ponder Parks Rodney H. Parks Louise T. Parmley Nancy Parsons Elizabeth Ellen Pate Julie D. Pate Lisa M. Pate Bruce R. Paton Jr. Sanford L. Patrick Jr. Beverly Self Patterson Leva Paul Hunter Andrew Payne Jim Payne Patrick Payne Mr. and Mrs. Ned Peabody John D. Pearson Rhonda L. Pearson Lillian M. Peeler Andrew L. Pelletier Johonna M. Pelletier Judy K. Pemberton Jason R. Pennington Judy Pennington Juliet Ross Perdue Regina Perry Jean A. Peters Anne E. Petters Michele Pettibone Fred D. Phillips Phillips Michael S. Pindzola Leon Pinkston Randolph B. Pipes Nancy H. Pollock Karen M. Pominville Michael J. Pominville Mildred Ponder Susan Poole Connie H. Poor Lonnie H. Pope Sr. Bradley Porter Carol Portis Bonnie Pouncey Nancy W. Powell Jackie Pray Kimberly K. Price Marcalyn G. Price Raymond Priestley Colleen S. Pritchett William H. Putney William Pylant Robert C. Quarles Tallulah Dunlap Quina Shelia Raby Patsy B. Rach Judy Kay Rader Dorothy Rainey Teri Raispis Cindy Rawls Barbara Ray Josephine Ray
Priscilla C. Ray Robert N. Ray Virginia Ray Susan Reams Shirley W. Redelsheimer John W. Redmon Betty K. Reeves Deborah Edwards Reeves Wilma Jean Rendulic Charles Peter Reynolds Mary Jo Reynolds Peggy Reynolds Barbara Rhinehardt Russel E. Rhodes Esther W. Rice Gail G. Rice Gloria L. Rice Richard Rice Sherida W. Rice George Edward Richards Joyce Ann Richards Adam Richardson Patricia Richardson Van L. Richey Michael A. Richter Charles Gayle Riley Dale Evans Riley Brandon Risko Maxine Roane Gary M. Roberts Krystine Roberts Lee Roberts Lynn Hawkins Roberts Nancy Hawkins Roberts Norma H. Robertson Jimmie A. Robinson John W. Robinson Sheila Robnett Jennifer Roe David Arthur Roell Carol H. Rogers Helen J. Rogers Tony Rogers A. J. Ronyak Patricia Ronyak Kyle G. Rose Margaret A. Rose Steve Rose Grant H. Roth Cordelia Roton Christopher J. Roy Margaret Roy Jennifer M. Rucker Philip Rucker Levis Rushton James T. Russell Jeane Russell Matthew Ryan Kathryn S. Satterwhite William I. Sauser Jr. Cynthia Schaefer Robert W. Schaefer Carolyn H. Schafer Robert L. Schafer Laura C. Schmitt Stephen P. Schmidt Aina Schneller Stewart W. Schneller Charles K. Schramm Marilyn C. Schramm Joan Schwartz Con Schweitzer Richard T. Scott Jr. William H. Scott Jr.
Betty Seckinger Ernest Seckinger Nathan Segall Karen Senkbeil Betty Sessamen Buford R. Sewell Rebecca L. Shabo Pam Shafer Frances D. Sharman E. Ann Shelton Donna H. Shergy Robert Sherrill Jr. Andrew A. Shih Frances C. Shipman Bill Shoemaker Charlcie W. Shotts Zac Shotts Faye B. Sides Carl R. Siebert Frances W. Siebert Sandra Sikes Paul Simchik Shirley Simchik Peggy Fanning Simpson Jacalyn D. Sims John D. Sims LuAnn Sims C. Stanley Smith Carlton Smith Claire LeMoyne Smith David L. Smith Dorothy Smith Douglas W. Smith Jill Smith Joy Smith Miriam C. Smith Ruth Smith Wendell Keith Smith Janet D. Smyly David E. Snoddy Audrey R. Snow Sharon Snow Tommie R. Soileau Ratanjit S. Sondhe Harry A. Sonnheim Margaret Sowell Chris Spangler L. T. Spears Steven Spencer Bena Ann Spina Sean Edward Spraley Patty Spring Linda Stacker Ralph S. Stagner Scott O. Stanfield Ellen Stark Steve Stark Sherry L. Starling Catherine Ballard Starr Crawford Feagin Stone Leonard Streit Leonard Streit Belinda Strickland Carol L. Strother Barb Struempler Jon Stryker Pat Stryker Ronda Stryker Jim Sullivan Judy H. Sullivan Kelly Sunshine Steven W. Surbaugh Molly Swan William V. Swan
Mike Synyard James Tabor Stephen E. Tarr Martha Tate Jr. Patricia H. Tatum Jacqueline Taunton Ruth E. Taylor Watson Robbins Taylor Sr. William D. Taylor Alejandro Teran Tony Terhaar Elizabeth R. Thomas Mary S. Thornburgh Linda Thornbury Betty Todd Leah McFarlain Todd Mary Lou Tolar Dena Tomilson Rob Tomilson Donald D. Tomlin Elizabeth B. Tomlin Bill Tompkins Rebecca D. Tompkins William David Tompkins Jr. Marilyn Tonkon Max Edward Tonkon Dan Trettin James F. Trucks Christy Tubbs Corbin Tubbs David E. Tubbs Suzanne Tuberville Thomas Hawley Tuberville Jon M. Tunnell C. A. Turnage L. H. Turnage James T. Turnbull Alice T. Tyson Patricia Tyson Yonhua Tzeng Barbara Y. Unger Vernon E. Unger Joan Uptagrafft Mary Uthlaut Meryl Vaiden Patrick M. Vanatta Mark David Vanstrum Jane Varner H. Rick Vaught Jr. Robyn Ann Veal Pauline Vecellio David L. Vick Faye Vick Alwynna B. Vinson Keith Vogel Jill E. Voyles Joe M. Voyles Sheila Dempsey Wade Brian P. Wagner Margaret M. Wagner Cathy Waldrup Myrna McGuire Walker Rex G. Walker Allison J. Wallen Terry A. Wallen Thomas P. Walters Kenneth H. Walton Wynelle Ward Rebecca C. Warnock Carol Handley Wasley Alice Watson Chris Watson Gail Watson Christie Wayco
Phillip L. Wayco Kathy Weatherford Jerry Weaver James B. Webb Nancy Webb Bruce C. Webster Anna P. Weeks Emilie Weir Charles Gratiot West Ronda A. West Nell S. Wetzel Kevin Whalley Major Wheeler Jo Ann White Kaye White Mary Joyce White Mary T. White Ron Wiggins Sammie Wiggins Gerald S. Wilborn June J. Wilborn Alan W. Wilhite Joe D. Wilkerson Kelly McMichael Williams Kenneth W. Williams Mary Samford Williams Olivia Williams W. Wes Williams Carol F. Williamson James M. Williamson Sunny S. Williamson Judy Willis Ayline L. Wilson Clay Wilson David K. Wilson Denise M. Wilson Eugenia C. Wilson Harold Wilson John C. Wilson M. Teressa Wilson Megan Richards Wilson Sharon Wheeler Winn James L. Wolk Virginia Woltosz Shirley Womble Barbara Wood Elizabeth P. Wood William Wood Louise M. Woodall Della Woods Denise V. Woods Dewey Woods Mary E. Woods William David Woods Gloria Wynn Ben Wyrosdick Xue Xue June Hardage Yancey Howard A. Yeager Lillian Yerlich E. T. Young E. T. Young Harold Zallen Frances Ann Zwenig
The April 18 Shelby Center dedication featured a standing room only audience as Auburn Engineering celebrated the completion of Phase I of the new complex.
Samuel Ginn College of Engineering Auburn University 1301 Shelby Center Auburn, Alabama 36849-5330
Auburn University is an equal opportunity educational institution/employer.
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