Mar 23, 2017 - If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Amanda Hughes at. HamiltonFundra
Hamilton Elementary School
▪ 1650 West Cornelia Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60657 ▪
Dear Friend of Hamilton, We’d like to invite you to join us in supporting the Hamilton Elementary 2017 Patriots’ Ball auction. Please know how very important your generous contributions are to the dreams and success of the talented students at Hamilton Elementary. Past proceeds were used to purchase technology such as Smart Boards and iPads, a sound system for the theater, a turf athletic field, and our new playground. Funds raised this year will go towards building an outdoor sport court and continuing to add to our maker lab where students can build things using their imagination and creativity! Hamilton Elementary, a Chicago Public Schools Fine Arts Magnet-Cluster school with a mission to inspire lifelong learning, serves more than 477 students from diverse families across Chicago. The proceeds from the Patriots’ Ball directly benefit Hamilton’s academic, arts and wellness programs. A generous donation of your products or services, gift basket items or gift cards would be a wonderful addition to our auction. We are very grateful for any contributions of these items. With 2016 Patriots’ Ball support and generosity we were able to use funds to provide new technology for every student, an improved playground for our community, and most importantly the vision of the maker lab. Our school is among the first in Chicago to be able to make this happen. It is truly heartwarming to know that so many people came out to help make our school an even better space for our students and our community.
If you would like to make a donation to our 2017 Patriots’ Ball please complete and return the included donation form. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Amanda Hughes at
[email protected] or by phone at 773-242-8428. All donors receive publicity within the Patriots’ Ball program. We request that you return your auction donation by March 23, 2017. For event details visit the Patriots’ Ball website at Thank you for your consideration of this request and we look forward to hearing from you soon! Warmest Regards,
Amanda Hughes 2017 Patriots’ Ball Co-Chair
Hamilton Action Team 2017 Auction Donation Form Hamilton Elementary School
1650 West Cornelia Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60657
Your name/company ______________________________________________________________ (as you would like it listed on our auction material)
Your company contact name _______________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________________________________________ Email address _____________________________________________ Phone _________________ Description of donated item(s)
(continue on additional sheet)
Please list all restrictions - MUST list exact blackout dates/additional costs/expiration dates
(continue on additional sheet)
My donation is:
□ Enclosed
□ Call to arrange delivery
□ Create a certificate for my donation
Fair market value ________________________________________________(as determined by donor) Donor's signature __________________________________________ Date ______________________ Return this form with donation to: Hamilton Action Team c/o Amanda Hughes 1604 W. Cornelia Ave. # 3W Chicago, IL 60657
▪ To arrange for donation pick-up or questions, E-mail Amanda Hughes
[email protected] ▪ For monetary donations please make checks payable to “Hamilton Action Team”.
Please Note: Donation Deadline is March 23, 2017. - Thank You!
▪ Hamilton Action Team is a registered 501(c) (3) notfor profit charitable organization, which makes your gift tax deductible. Tax id number: 20-8329677.
HAT reserves the right to combine your donation with other donated items to create an auction package.
Event info: