Austenite plasticity mechanisms and their behavior

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Oct 5, 2017 - journal homepage: Austenite plasticity ... International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 185–195. Available ... ductility is still frequently used as a rule-of-thumb to expected LCF life, though with ...
International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 185–195

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Austenite plasticity mechanisms and their behavior during cyclic loading Surajit Kumar Paul a b c



, Nicole Stanford , Timothy Hilditch



School of Engineering, Deakin University, Pigdons Rd, Waurn Ponds, VIC 3216, Australia Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Bihar 801103, India Future Industries Institute, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia



Keywords: TRIP steel Low cycle fatigue Austenite Martensite Dislocation density

The low cycle fatigue (LCF) response of three austenitic steels has been studied over a range of cold-rolled reductions. The three steels have different plasticity mechanisms during cyclic deformation: one with prominent transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) behavior, one with a moderate TRIP response, and the third alloy deformed only by slip. The LCF life was found to be directly correlated to the tensile ductility, with more ductile materials showing the highest LCF lifetimes. This relationship was found to be a first order effect, indicating that regardless of the plasticity mechanism (slip or TRIP) the overall ductility of the alloy predominantly determines the LCF lifetime. This is consistent with the observations on dislocation density which showed that an increase in dislocation density during LCF correlated to higher LCF lifetimes, while a drop in dislocation density gave comparatively poor LCF behaviour. The TRIP effect was observed to occur at significantly lower applied stress levels during cyclic fatigue compared to monotonic loading. It is suggested that the development of local stress concentrations during cyclic loading allows transformation to martensite even though the global applied stress is below the critical value required for transformation. The results also suggested that a higher volume fraction of austenite to martensite transformation may provide a small benefit to the LCF life relative to that expected from the tensile ductility.

1. Introduction Austenitic stainless steels are the most widely used stainless steel, with excellent corrosion resistance, formability and toughness. These properties make austenitic stainless steels attractive in a range of environments that include chemical, food-processing, high temperature and/or structural loading considerations. Conventional, or non-stainless steel design, particularly in industries such as automotive, have also used austenite in the development of steel grades to look for improved mechanical property combinations [1]. Austenitic and austenite-containing alloys have received significant research attention over the past several years due to their high fracture strength, exceptional ductility and good energy absorption ability. The deformation behavior of austenite is quite complex. It undergoes the usual plasticity mechanism of dislocation slip, and in addition to this some alloys show mechanical twinning (the SS effect). Plastic strain can also be accommodated in certain alloys by stress induced transformation to martensite (the transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) effect), with the transformation product being either epsilon or alpha martensite. Thus an alloy can exhibit one or more of four possible deformation mechanisms in either a concurrent or progressive manner.

The selection of which of these modes operates, and to what extent, is determined by a variety of factors such as alloy chemistry, grain size, deformation strain rate, and deformation temperature. With the complexity of austenite plasticity in mind, it is apparent that the fatigue behavior of these alloys will also be rather complicated in microstructures that accommodate plasticity by more than just dislocation slip. During high cycle fatigue (HCF) it has been reported [2–5] in multiphase TRIP steels that transformation of retained austenite to martensite ahead of a fatigue crack tip leads to a reduction in the fatigue crack growth rate. This has been suggested to be the result not only of the absorption of strain energy ahead of the crack tip, but also the expansion of the lattice adding a compressive strain around the crack tip. In fully austenitic alloys, redirection of the crack propagation path to the γ/ε-interfaces has been observed, and this was found to reduce the overall crack growth rate [6]. Transient HCF behaviors have also been observed in 304 austenitic steel. In that case it was found that if the transformation was triggered after fatigue crack initiation the fatigue life was enhanced, while if triggered before initiation, the fatigue life was reduced [7]. Thus for the case of HCF, where fatigue life can be heavily influenced by crack initiation, still there seems to be

Corresponding author at: School of Engineering, Deakin University, Pigdons Rd, Waurn Ponds, VIC 3216, Australia. E-mail address: [email protected] (S.K. Paul). Received 13 April 2017; Received in revised form 28 September 2017; Accepted 4 October 2017 Available online 05 October 2017 0142-1123/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 185–195

S.K. Paul et al.

consensus in the literature that the TRIP effect enhances the HCF life under conditions where its progressive transformation can reduce crack growth rates [3,8]. For the case of low cycle fatigue (LCF) the effect of TRIP on the fatigue life is less clear. Traditionally, the LCF life has been related to monotonic tensile properties via the true fracture ductility, which is calculated via the reduction in area [9]. While studies have shown that this relationship is not necessarily strong [10], the monotonic tensile ductility is still frequently used as a rule-of-thumb to expected LCF life, though with many studies not reporting reduction in area or true fracture ductility, this is often simplified to total elongation. Studies on the impact of alloying in fully austenitic twin induced plasticity (TWIP) steels has shown that a change in the stacking fault energy (SFE) sufficient to change the slip from planar to wavy has a significant impact on the LCF life, without a noticeable change in tensile ductility [11,12]. It is known that martensite is a significantly harder phase than austenite, hence the progressive formation of martensite during LCF testing results in cyclic hardening of a material [13]. Martensite is also a low ductility phase, and as a consequence, the martensitic transformation has been reported to decrease the LCF life of low strength [14] and high strength austenitic steels [15] when tested at high strain amplitudes. On the other hand, the TRIP effect is known to markedly improve monotonic plasticity [16], so the TRIP effect should also improve LCF behavior in instances where there is progressive transformation during loading, as occurs during monotonic deformation. Several authors have reported a slight improvement in LCF life in multiphase TRIP steels due to austenite transformation [17,18], with explanations that suggest a likely influence of both additional strain accommodation and crackblunting of the advancing crack tip. While it appears from the literature that the TRIP effect is detrimental to the LCF life of austenitic steels at high strain amplitudes, it is less clear as to its effect at more moderate strain amplitudes. In steels where there is progressive austenite transformation during deformation, it is not clear whether ductility attributed to austenite transformation leads to the same LCF life as austenitic steel with a similar level of ductility generated by slip-only deformation. Thus it is not clear what microstructure and deformation modes would be optimal under conditions where LCF resistance was required. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the effect of the TRIP and slip behaviors on the LCF performance of austenitic steels. The overall objective of this research is to understand the interplay between austenite deformation mechanisms, slip and TRIP, and their effect on LCF life.

Fig. 1. Details of anti-bucking guide.

test direction was parallel to the rolling direction of the sheet. The gauge length of the LCF specimens was 7.9 mm, and the gauge width was 2 mm [18]. The LCF tests were carried out on a 25 kN servo-hydraulic load frame in strain amplitude controlled mode. The tests were fully reversed (R = − 1) LCF tests and were carried out in accordance with ASTM E606-92 [19]. The strain is measured using a clip-on extensometer. All tensile and LCF tests were conducted at a constant strain rate of 0.02 s−1. The test frequency was varied in each test to ensure that the constant strain rate of 0.02 s−1 was maintained. The total strain amplitudes were computed from the monotonic tensile stress-strain curves so that constant plastic strain amplitude of 0.0025 was maintained in every LCF test. The plastic strain amplitude reported here was based on the initial applied plastic strain. To prevent buckling under large compressive strains anti-buckling guides (Fig. 1) were used. The fatigue failure was defined here as a load drop of 30% from that of the stabilized hysteresis loop. To examine the microstructural evolution during LCF, samples were prepared by mounting and polishing using standard metallographic techniques, followed by ∼10 min polishing with oxide polishing suspension (OPS). Imaging using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was carried out with a Supra VP operated in high current mode using a Zeiss angular selective backscattered detector (ASB). Images were taken at a small working distance of ∼5.5 mm and an accelerating voltage of 20 kV. Selected specimens were examined further on a JEOL 7900F SEM using both electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) and standard backscattered imaging. For backscattered imaging, the “gentle beam” mode was used to improve resolution by applying a positive bias to the specimen stage. EBSD and imaging were conducted at 20 kV. The EBSD system used was an Oxford Instruments HKL system. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to measure the volume fraction of martensite and dislocation density of selected specimens. Specimens were metallographically prepared in an identical way to that described above for SEM analysis. XRD was carried out on a Bruker D8 Advance with Cu Kα radiation and line focus optics. The volume fraction of austenite and martensite were calculated using the fitting software TOPAS version 5. Instrumental broadening was measured using a NIST standard LaB6 specimen, and microstrain was also calculated using TOPAS. Microstrain was converted to dislocation density using the relationship [20]:

2. Experimental procedures The three steels investigated were fully austenitic in the as-received condition which was, in all cases, fully annealed. The three alloys: 304 alloy, 316 alloy and a high manganese austenitic steel (AS) are all commercially available and their compositions are given in Table 1. Note that the third alloy, AS, has a composition consistent with those known to show the TWIP effect. However, in our case, twins were not observed so we refer to this alloy here simply as an austenitic steel (AS) alloy because it deformed almost exclusively by slip. The initial sheet thickness of the 304, 316 and AS alloys was 1.8, 1.45 and 1.25 mm respectively. The three alloys were tested in five different cold-rolled conditions: 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% reduction. LCF specimens are cut from the rolled sheet such that the tensile Table 1 Composition (wt.%) of the three alloys tested.

304 316 AS











18.7 17.6 –

8.0 10.2 –

1.0 0.9 18.3

0.05 0.02 0.57

0.11 0.03 < 0.01

0.5 0.5 0.23

– – 0.9

– 2.0 –

Bal Bal Bal

kε02 b2

ρ = dislocation density εo = microstrain measured by XRD



International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 185–195

S.K. Paul et al.

Fig. 2. Summary of tensile test data: (a) engineering stress-strain curve of the 304 alloy, (b) engineering stress-strain curve of the 316 alloy, (c) engineering stress-strain curve of the AS alloy, (d) increase in the ultimate tensile stress (UTS) with cold-rolled reduction, and (e) decrease in the total elongation (ductility) with cold-rolled reduction.


International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 185–195

S.K. Paul et al.

Fig. 3. XRD data: (a) XRD spectra of 304 alloy (black shows 0% cold rolled reduction, red shows 40% cold rolled reduction), (b) change in martensite volume fraction with various cold rolling strains, and (c) variation of dislocation density with various cold-rolling strains. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

despite having very different TRIP behaviors, the three alloys show very similar mechanical responses and dislocation densities.

b = Burgers vector k = 16.1 3. Experimental results

3.2. Low cycle fatigue behavior

3.1. Tensile test behavior

Fig. 4 shows the cyclic stress response curves for the three steels with five different cold-rolled reductions. For all three steels, the stress amplitude increases and the LCF life decreases with increasing coldrolled reduction. The cyclic hardening/softening behavior is different in the three steels. Prominent cyclic hardening throughout its LCF life is noticed for 304 alloy (Fig. 4a), however the amount of cyclic hardening decreases with increasing cold-rolled reduction. In the as-received condition (i.e. 0% cold-rolled reduction) the 304 alloy shows marked secondary hardening. For the 316 alloy, cyclic softening and mild secondary hardening was observed (Fig. 4b). In the AS alloy, mild cyclic hardening for small cold-rolled reductions and mild cyclic softening for large cold-rolled reductions were observed (Fig. 4c). Just before the end of test sudden cyclic hardening indicates the fatigue crack formation outside the gauge length. For a clear illustration, the cyclic hardening/softening factor (H) is calculated for all three steels at various cold-rolled reductions. The cyclic hardening/softening factor (H) can be obtained from (σhalf − σfirst)/σfirst. Where σfirst and σhalf are the stress amplitudes at first and saturated (i.e. half life) cycles respectively. A positive value of H means cyclic hardening and negative value of H indicates cyclic softening. The

Monotonic stress-strain curves measured in tension for all three steels with five different levels of cold-rolled reduction are shown in Fig. 2. All three steels show increase in yield strength and decrease of uniform elongation with cold-rolled reduction. It is also apparent that all three alloys show very similar behaviors in relation to their yield strength, work hardening, ductility and response to cold-rolled reduction, Fig. 2d. Fig. 3a shows a typical example of the XRD spectra obtained from the 304 alloy samples. It can be seen that after cold-rolled reduction, the alloy develops stress induced alpha martensite with a BCC structure. The 316 alloy also transformed to martensite, and the volume fraction of transformed microstructure for these two alloys is shown in Fig. 3b. The 304 alloy showed the largest transformation percentage, and the 316 alloy showed about half of the transformed percentage of the 304 alloy. The AS alloy did not show any transformation to martensite at any cold-rolled reduction. The dislocation density in the three alloys was also measured using XRD, and this is shown in Fig. 3c. It can be seen that all three alloys show very similar behavior in this regard. So 188

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Fig. 4. LCF data showing the stress amplitude and number of cycles for the three alloys. All data shown was tested at a plastic strain amplitude of 0.25%. The cyclic hardening/softening behavior of all three alloys is summarized in (d), lines to guide the eye.

cyclic hardening/softening factor (H) is plotted in Fig. 4d for all of the cold-rolled reductions. The 304 alloy shows prominent cyclic hardening, with the magnitude of cyclic hardening decreasing with increasing cold-rolled reduction. The 316 alloy displays mild cyclic softening. The AS alloy exhibits two regimes of behavior, it shows mild cyclic hardening for low cold-rolled reductions, and mild cyclic softening for high cold-rolled reductions. The LCF life of the three steels is shown in Fig. 5 for all of the coldrolled reductions. For each condition at least one repeat experiment was conducted. For low levels of cold-rolled reduction, the 304 alloy showed the best LCF life, followed by the 316 alloy and then the AS alloy. At the highest level of cold-rolled reduction, the 316 alloy performed slightly better than the 304 alloy. Under all conditions the AS alloy had the poorest LCF life. 3.3. Microstructural evolution in LCF Representative microstructures after LCF in two conditions (without any cold-rolled reduction and 20% cold-rolled reduction) for the three steels are shown in Fig. 6. The sub-structure formation was examined using the backscattered electron imaging technique which highlights

Fig. 5. Comparison of LCF life of the 304, 316, and AS alloys at various cold-rolled reduction conditions. All LCF testing was carried out with a constant plastic strain amplitude of 0.25%.


International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 185–195

S.K. Paul et al.

Fig. 6. Development of dislocation substructure after LCF testing at a constant strain amplitude of 0.25%. Specimens are shown in two conditions: (a, c, e) no cold rolling after LCF, and (b, d, f) 20% cold-rolled reduction after LCF.

increases the dislocation density. However, for specimens that have been subjected to a cold-rolled reduction, LCF was generally found to decrease the dislocation density in the austenite. The XRD measurements also showed that the dislocation density of the martensite also decreases as a result of cyclic loading, Fig. 10d.

crystal orientation contrast and at higher magnifications, can image dislocations. For those specimens that were tested from the as-received condition, development of a dislocation substructure can be seen, Fig. 6a–c. In the case of the 304 alloy, the formation of martensite during LCF testing is also evident, Fig. 6a. The microstructure after LCF of those specimens subjected to a cold-rolled reduction showed a more deformed structure, had an increased prominence of martensite formation, and also developed the classical substructure expected from LCF of steel, Fig. 6d–f. EBSD was used to further examine the effect of LCF on the microstructural development. A series of EBSD maps for 304 alloy are shown in Fig. 7. The austenite is shown in blue and the martensite is shown in red. It can be seen that there is a small fraction of martensite in the starting condition with no cold-rolled reduction. However, after LCF there is a significant portion of martensite evident in the microstructure, Fig. 7b. For the sample of 304 alloy with 20% of cold-rolled reduction, martensite is evident in the specimen before LCF, and a significantly larger portion evident after LCF. In the 316 alloy too, certain specimens were found to have increased percentages of martensite after LCF, Fig. 8. XRD was used to quantify the volume fraction of martensite of all specimens after LCF, Fig. 9. It can be seen that LCF significantly increased the volume fraction of martensite in both the 304 and 316 alloys. No martensite was evident in the AS alloy under any condition. The dislocation density of the austenite was examined with XRD, Fig. 10. It can be seen that for the specimens with 0% cold-rolled reduction (i.e. in the fully annealed starting condition) LCF testing

4. Discussion 4.1. The cyclic hardening and cyclic softening response During cyclic deformation there are competing effects which can either harden or soften the material. An increase in dislocation density or an increase in the volume fraction of martensite both lead to cyclic hardening. Dislocation rearrangement and annihilation reduces the dislocation density of both the austenite and martensite phases, resulting in cyclic softening. Small cyclic hardening and softening behavior observed in the present case is the result of the delicate interplay of these competing effects. For the AS alloy in which no transformation takes place, the only significant factor determining the cyclic hardening response is dislocation density. In that case, the dislocation density dropped only slightly during LCF, and this correlated with the small cyclic softening observed, Fig. 4b. For the two TRIP steels, the 304 alloy shows significant hardening (Fig. 4d), and this can be explained by the increased martensite volume fraction during LCF. The hardening from martensite formation is countered by a small drop in austenite dislocation density during LCF, and also by a more substantial drop in dislocation density 190

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Fig. 7. EBSD phase map for the 304 alloy. Images on the left (a & c) show the microstructure before LCF, images on the right (b & d) show the microstructure after LCF. Maps are shown for two starting conditions, 0% (a & b) and 20% (c & d) cold rolling. Martensite is shown in red, and austenite is shown in blue. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)



(a) 304, 0% cold-ƌollĞd ƌĞducƟon


(b) 304 aŌĞƌ LCF, 0% coldͲƌollĞd ƌĞducƟon


(c) 304, 20% cold-ƌollĞd ƌĞducƟon

(d) 304 aŌĞƌ LCF, 20% cold-ƌollĞd ƌĞducƟon

in dislocation density during LCF testing, and this offsets any hardening that may have occurred from transformation. Overall, specimens from this data set exhibited increasing cyclic softening (or decreasing hardening) with increasing cold-rolled reduction. This can be explained by the fact that the specimens with larger cold-rolled reductions start with higher dislocation densities, Fig. 3c, therefore the cyclic softening mechanism of dislocation annihilation is

of the martensite. Since there is more martensite in those specimens that had larger cold-rolling treatments, there was a larger contribution to softening by the martensite dislocation density drop, so in these specimens the cyclic hardening was less in comparison with the samples with smaller cold-rolling treatments. For the 316 alloy, the large increase in martensite did not correlate with significant cyclic hardening. In this case the austenite and martensite both showed a significant drop

Fig. 8. EBSD phase map for the 316 alloy. Images on the left (a & c) show the microstructure before LCF, images on the right (b & d) show the microstructure after LCF. Maps are shown for two starting conditions, 0% (a & b) and 20% (c & d) cold rolling. Martensite is shown in red, and austenite is shown in blue. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)



(a) 316, 0% cold-ƌollĞd


(c) 316, 20% cold-ƌollĞd ƌĞducƟon

(b) 316 aŌĞƌ LCF, 0% cold-ƌollĞd ƌĞducƟon


(d) 316 aŌĞƌ LCF, 20% cold-ƌollĞd ƌĞducƟon 191

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Fig. 9. Change in martensite volume fraction as a result of LCF. The volume fraction of martensite is shown for the different cold rolling reductions before LCF, as well as after LCF. Dotted lines to guide the eye.

Fig. 10. Dislocation density of the austenite and martensite phases before and after LCF for specimens prepared with different amounts of cold-rolled reduction.


International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 185–195

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about this strong correlation is the insensitivity to deformation mode. It does not appear to matter if the material is fully or partially austenite at the beginning of the test, nor does it matter if the material accommodates LCF by slip or TRIP mechanisms, the main factor determining the LCF lifetime is the ductility. The data suggests there may be a slight effect of martensite transformation. At the lowest total elongation values in Fig. 2, the 316 alloy has a higher LCF life and significantly more martensite transformation than 304 or AS (∼40% compared to 15% and 0% respectively). At intermediate values of total elongation, there are similar transformation levels between 304 and 316 alloys and both show similar LCF life. At high total elongation values (above 0.4), the 304 alloy has the highest LCF life and higher martensite transformation volume fractions than the other two steels (∼30–35% compared with 0%). The relative insensitivity of the LCF lifetime to the TRIP effect may be explained by the relatively small strain accommodated by martensite formation. The martensite shear strain is 0.7, and if we take the maximum possible Schmid factor of 0.5, and the maximum volume fraction that transformed during LCF testing of 53%, the maximum possible strain that could be accommodated by martensite transformation is a true shear strain of 0.19 (i.e. equivalent axial plastic strain of 0.11). Put into context, the accumulated plastic strain during the tests carried out here varied between true axial plastic strains of 2.4 and 50. It can therefore be seen that even in those microstructures that showed large volume fractions of transformation during LCF testing, the large majority of the plastic strain is accommodated by slip, not TRIP. In addition the strain associated with the austenite to martensite transformation is not reversible and hence cannot carry cyclic strain.

Fig. 11. Change in total dislocation density as a result of LCF.

more active in these specimens during LCF. Those specimens that begin with a low dislocation density tend to show cyclic hardening corresponding to an increase in the dislocation density. 4.2. Factors affecting LCF lifetime The change in total dislocation density from the beginning of the test compared to the start of the test (DD is dislocation density, δDD is the change in dislocation density) showed a strong correlation with the number of cycles to failure, Fig. 11. This shows that those samples with lower cold-rolled reductions tend to increase in DD, resisted cyclic softening, and showed larger LCF lifetimes. This behavior is independent of the deformation mode. In other words, if the steel exhibits the TRIP effect, this relationship between dislocation density change and LCF lifetime remains the same. Thus the LCF life is dictated by the overall dislocation density irrespective of the deformation mode. We can conclude then that for austenitic alloys, the optimum microstructure for resistance to LCF is one in which the dislocation density remains the same or rises in response to cyclic loading, and attainment of this behavior could be either by TRIP, slip deformation, or a combination of these two. Since LCF lifetime is known to be strongly correlated with material plasticity, it is commonly found that more ductile materials show better LCF behaviors [21]. In the present case too there is a strikingly correlation between ductility and LCF life, Fig. 12. The most surprising thing

4.3. Effect of cyclic loading on the TRIP effect In the present case we have studied two TRIP alloys, 304 and 316. The 304 alloy has a more pronounced TRIP behavior than the 316 alloy, and produces more martensite at a lower strain. Plotting the martensite volume fraction as a function of stress we can see that in the 304 alloy, martensite forms at a lower stress level, Fig. 13a. The stress required to form martensite under monotonic tensile loading conditions is ∼350 MPa for the 304 alloy, and for the 316 alloy is ∼800 MPa. However, under cyclic loading conditions this is no longer the case. If we take the example of the 316 alloy specimen rolled to 10% strain, at the end of the cold rolling treatment it contained no martensite because the flow stress of 600 MPa was well below the 800 MPa required in monotonic loading. However, under cyclic loading this specimen was subject to stress levels between 480 MPa and 550 MPa, yet transformed during LCF testing to form 16% martensite. Other specimens in this set show similar behaviors. This can be summarized by correlating the magnitude of the cyclic stress with the volume fraction of martensite formed, Fig. 13b, and it is apparent that for the case of the 316 alloy, cyclic loading causes a significant reduction in the applied stress required to form martensite. Although it is clear from the observations summarized in Fig. 13 that cyclic deformation enhances the TRIP effect, it is informative to consider why this is the case. The austenite in TRIP steel is metastable, and the system can lower its energy by transformation to martensite. We can view this from a thermodynamic perspective, and the classical illustration of the energy of martensite and austenite is shown in Fig. 14 [22]. The difference in energy between the austenite and martensite, ΔGMS, is the energy required to nucleate martensite. For the case of stress induced martensite,1 the application of stress provides 1 Stress-induced transformation is commonly used to describe a transformation that begins at yielding in unison with slip. Strain-induced is typically used to describe a transformation that is preceded by slip [23]. It is worth noting that the austenite to martensite transformation will be activated upon reaching the critical stress value. In some cases this requires work hardening, but ultimately the transformation is initiated by the application of stress. Therefore we prefer to use the term stress-induced when

Fig. 12. Effect of total elongation on the LCF lifetime for a plastic strain amplitude of 0.25%.


International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 185–195

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Fig. 13. Stresses required to form martensite under monotonic tensile loading and LCF conditions for the 304 and 316 alloys with cold-rolled reductions of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%.

seen that the energy required for transformation, ΔGMS, cannot be reached at T1. Transformation would only be possible if the total transformation energy ΔGMS was also lowered by cyclic deformation. It is not considered likely, however, that the thermodynamic drive to transform is altered in this way by cyclic loading. (2) Cyclic loading creates local stress concentrations. The second hypothesis is that during cyclic loading the microstructure develops regions of highly localized stress concentrations at features such as grain boundaries, phase boundaries and dislocation walls [24–26]. These local stress concentrations exceed the critical stress level (U) for martensite nucleation, and transform to martensite regardless of the macroscopically imposed stress level. This hypothesis does not require any of the thermodynamic quantities to be modified by cyclic loading, simply that local areas carry more load than others. Cyclic loading does not decrease the critical stress level for martensite transformation, but rather, LCF creates local stress variations in the microstructure large enough to transform the austenite despite the macroscopic stress level being low. Of these two possibilities, the latter is preferred. It is a simple explanation for the observation that LCF can result in transformation to martensite at low macroscopic stress levels. Hypothesis number (2) is also consistent with the conclusions made in another study that focused on the mechanism of martensitic transformation in cyclic straining of an austenitic stainless steel [27]. However, it is conceded that the substructure that develops during LCF may increase the number of nucleation sites for martensite, and this may result in a higher number density of smaller plates being formed during cyclic loading compared to monotonic loading. This is somewhat indicated in Fig. 7b where it can be seen that the martensite forms in small packets rather than the large blocks that can be seen in Fig. 7c. We also note here that from a plasticity perspective, the TRIP effect is always competing with dislocation slip, and in all cases dislocation motion will be preferred if it requires the smaller applied stress.

Fig. 14. Schematic illustration showing chemical free energy of austenite and martensite as function of temperature.

an additional mechanical driving force for martensite formation. The critical mechanical driving force (U in Fig. 14) must be met for the transformation from austenite to martensite to be possible. We can utilize this simple thermodynamic model of martensite formation to examine the reason behind the observation that cyclic loading decreases the applied stress required to form martensite. There are two possible explanations: (1) The critical nucleation stress (U) is reduced by cyclic loading. It could be the case that cyclic loading creates a dislocation substructure in which martensite nucleation is easier. This may then allow martensite formation at a lower stress level. In thermodynamic terms, this would mean that the critical value for U is decreased by cyclic loading. If we decrease U in Fig.14, it can be

5. Conclusions The low cycle fatigue (LCF) response of three austenitic steels has been studied. The three steels were chosen to have different responses to deformation - the 304 alloy showed extensive TRIP behavior, the 316 alloy showed a moderate TRIP response to strain, and the AS alloy showed no TRIP response and remained fully austenitic under all conditions. The LCF behavior of these three alloys was examined over a

(footnote continued) referring to the transformation in the present case.


International Journal of Fatigue 106 (2018) 185–195

S.K. Paul et al.

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range of cold-rolled reductions. The microstructural evolution after LCF testing was examined using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The following conclusions can be drawn:

• All alloys showed a decreased LCF life for higher cold-rolled reductions • In the as-received condition, the alloy with the strongest TRIP re-

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sponse (304 alloy) showed the highest cyclic hardening, and this hardening decreased with increasing cold-rolled reduction. The alloy with moderate TRIP behavior, the 316 alloy, showed small cyclic hardening at low cold-rolled reductions, and cyclic softening at high cold-rolled reductions. The austenitic steel that deformed by slip showed only cyclic softening during LCF. The two TRIP alloys both exhibited a significant increase in the volume fraction of martensite after LCF compared to the starting microstructure. The dislocation density was found to either increase or decrease after LCF depending on the alloy and its starting condition. A relationship between the change in dislocation density and LCF life was observed, with increasing dislocation densities being correlated with higher LCF lifetimes, while specimens that showed a drop in dislocation density were found to have poor LCF lifetimes. The LCF life was found to be directly correlated to the alloy ductility, with more ductile materials showing the highest LCF lifetimes. This relationship was found to be a first order effect, indicating that regardless of the plasticity mechanism (slip or TRIP) only the overall ductility of the alloy is the principal determinant of LCF lifetime. The TRIP effect was observed to occur at significantly lower applied stress levels during cyclic fatigue compared to monotonic loading. It has been suggested that this is due to the development of local stress concentrations in the microstructure that exceed the minimum stress required to nucleate martensite. Consequently, during cyclic loading, materials may exhibit transformation due to local stress variations even though the global applied stress is below the critical value for nucleation.

Acknowledgements The present work was funded by the Alfred Deakin Post-Doctoral Fellowship and it was carried out with the support of the Deakin Advanced Characterisation Facility. The authors acknowledge use of facilities within the Monash X-Ray Platform. The assistance of Mr. Lynton Leigh with the heat treatment work and Mr. Rodney Seiffert with the specimen fabrication work are gratefully acknowledged. References [1] Matteis P, Scavino G, D’Aiuto F, Firrao D. Fatigue behavior of dual-phase and SS steels for lightweight automotive structures. Steel Res Int 2012;83:950–6. [2] Sarosiek AM, Owen WS. The work hardening of dual-phase steels at small plastic