Australian Curriculum: Languages Italian - The Australian ...

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Italian – F-10 - Draft Scope and Sequence – December 2012. 2 ... (Level 1). Years 3 and 4. (Level 1). Years 5 and 6. (Level 2). Years 7 and 8. (Level 3). Years 9 ...
Australian Curriculum: Languages Italian Draft F-10 Scope and Sequence

December 2012

Communicating Strand Foundation to Year 2 (Level 1)

Years 3 and 4 (Level 1)

Years 5 and 6 (Level 2)

Years 7 and 8 (Level 3)

Years 9 and 10 (Level 4)

Share interests, leisure activities, feelings and preferences

Initiate and maintain interactions with peers and known adults by seeking and offering ideas, thoughts, feelings about people, objects/ artefacts and events.

Initiate, sustain and extend interactions, (including with less familiar interlocutors), related to seeking and giving advice, aspirations, relationships, and responses to social issues

Interact in classroom activities and create shared class routines and rules

Participate in classroom activities, giving and following instructions, asking questions to clarify purpose and describing actions

Make arrangements and organise shared experiences

Contribute to collaborative planning, negotiating arrangements, considering options, for events and experiences

Socialising and taking action Interact with teacher and peers to greet, introduce themselves, to name and describe favourite things, friends, family members, special talents, through action related talk and play.

Interact and socialise with teachers and peers to exchange personal information, describe people, places, things and everyday routines about self, school and home environment

Participate in games and shared activities

Participate in class experiences and activities

Interact in classroom routines and follow classroom instructions.

Participate in everyday classroom activities by asking permission, requesting help, asking how to say or write something, asking for repetition, praising or complimenting

Italian – F-10 - Draft Scope and Sequence – December 2012

Arrange and manage interactions with peers related to shared tasks, problem solving and expected roles, negotiating diverse views, and evaluating learning experiences


Foundation to Year 2 (Level 1)

Years 3 and 4 (Level 1)

Years 5 and 6 (Level 2)

Years 7 and 8 (Level 3)

Years 9 and 10 (Level 4)

Participate in simple transactions such as purchasing and ordering goods and services

Participate in transactions related to purchasing goods and services such as buying clothing, games, tickets, and evaluating ‘value for money’

Transact with others including stating views on quality of goods and services and seeking action, such as making complaints and recommendations, sharing experiences, and resolving disagreements/disputes

Obtaining and using information Locate specific words and expressions in texts using early literacy skills

Gather information from others relating to home, routines, responsibilities and interests

Listen to, view and read texts to understand information related to time and movement, natural and built environments, and concepts drawn from other learning areas

Analyse, summarise and share key ideas and information from texts such as from articles, reports, charts, television programs, advertisements, itineraries and brochures

Analyse, synthesise and evaluate ideas and information from multiple sources, examining matters such as perspective, authorship, similar or conflicting content

Share information about known people, everyday objects, family celebrations and places of interest

Provide information including descriptions of people, objects, places and events in texts

Represent ideas and information appropriately for diverse audiences

Provide information to convey ideas or views, to solve problems or take action

Represent ideas and information in multiple ways, stating a view/s in relation to the content, taking into account significance for audience

Responding to and expressing imaginative experience Participate in the shared reading of short imaginative texts

Listen to, view and read stories, children’s’ TV programs and paintings to discuss messages and impressions

Italian – F-10 - Draft Scope and Sequence – December 2012

Give, compare, share opinions about the ideas within forms of expression such as artwork, fables, performances and game shows

Compare the ways in which people, places and experiences are represented in diverse expressive forms

Appreciate and review creative texts such as short story, film, poetry, rap, and songs


Foundation to Year 2 (Level 1) Respond to real and imaginative experiences using drawing, miming, performing, writing

Years 3 and 4 (Level 1)

Years 5 and 6 (Level 2)

Respond to imaginative experience in original and creative ways such as creating, modifying and completing own versions of stories, paintings, plays, and songs

Produce scripted performances, raps and digital stories using imaginary characters, places, ideas and events

Years 7 and 8 (Level 3)

Years 9 and 10 (Level 4)

Create texts that draw on past experiences or future possibilities, for the purpose of self-expression

Invent ideas, characters, events and worlds through various media such as games, songs, poems, stories, drama

Translate texts, recognising that words and meanings do not always correspond across languages, and expanding descriptions or giving examples where necessary to assist meaning

Translate texts, discussing different versions and why these might occur

Select a range of texts in an anthology/folio and comment on how they reflect different aspects of the translation experience

Create bilingual texts such as signs, notices and labels for the immediate environment and consider what translates easily or with difficulty

Interpret texts for others by providing supports that assist meaning for non-Italian speakers such as sub-titles, captions and commentaries

Create texts that reveal aspects of Australian culture for Italian speaking audiences

Moving between/translating Share with their peers and families what they can say in Italian and explain particular expressions to them

Share with peers, teachers and family, what they know about aspects of the Italian language and culture that are different from English

Expressing and performing identity Recognise themselves as belonging to groups, for example my friends, my Italian class, my school, my family, my community

Describe memberships of a wider network such as a club, country, language speaking communities (and being a learner of Italian)

Italian – F-10 - Draft Scope and Sequence – December 2012

Represent connections between aspects of identity such as nationality, ethnicity, and language and how these are related to culture

Record and share significant people, places, events and influences in own life and explain why they are important to identity

Investigate and share family and cultural traditions and experiences, considering how these have shaped and continue to shape identity


Foundation to Year 2 (Level 1)

Years 3 and 4 (Level 1)

Years 5 and 6 (Level 2)

Years 7 and 8 (Level 3)

Years 9 and 10 (Level 4)

Reflecting on intercultural language use Begin noticing what is ‘strange’ or ‘new’ and recognise differences and similarities between Italian and Australian cultures

Share childhood experiences noticing how these are influenced by culture and may or may not be expressed readily in Italian

Italian – F-10 - Draft Scope and Sequence – December 2012

Compare everyday social experiences and language and consider how these reflect Italian/Australian culture

Listen to, read and view authentic texts in order to discuss cultural practices and reflect on the nature and value of these to self

Participate in intercultural exchange, taking responsibility for contributing to mutual understanding


Understanding Strand Foundation to Year 2 (Level 1)

Years 3 and 4 (Level 1)

Years 5 and 6 (Level 2)

Years 7 and 8 (Level 3)

Years 9 and 10 (Level 4)

Systems of language Reproduce the sounds of the Italian language

Experiment with pronunciation and intonation and use rules of spelling

Attend to pronunciation and intonation of Italian-specific sounds to distinguish between words, questions, statements, exclamations and requests and to apply print conventions more independently

Develop an appreciation of the musicality of Italian

Apply features and rules of Italian pronunciation, stress and intonation, to own reading, listening and speaking to assist fluency and even tempo

Notice and identify some of the main features of the Italian language system

Use key grammatical structures to form simple sentences and texts

Use grammatical knowledge to show understanding and to convey meaning

Use grammatical structures to extend meanings.

Use grammatical rules in relation to gender, number, person, tense and mode and apply rules of word order (subject-verb-object or vice versa) to create texts

Notice distinctive features of text organisation in Italian

Describe distinct features of text organisation

Identify linguistic and stylistic choices made to create effects, to influence audience reaction and to support interpretations of meaning

Compare and contrast some features of the Italian and English systems of language and sentence structure using appropriate metalanguage

Develop a language for comparing and contrasting sentence structure and text types across Italian and English

Discuss linguistic, cultural and textual features of specific genres, commenting on how these reflect Italian cultural values and ideas

Draw connections and make comparisons between key grammatical features and their equivalents in English

Italian – F-10 - Draft Scope and Sequence – December 2012


Foundation to Year 2 (Level 1)

Years 3 and 4 (Level 1)

Years 5 and 6 (Level 2)

Years 7 and 8 (Level 3)

Years 9 and 10 (Level 4)

Recognise that language varies depending on context

Recognise how language use varies according to geographical location such as regional dialects, range of speakers and connections to bordering countries, urban/rural areas and in diasporic communities

Variability in language use Recognise that in Italian there are different words to address and greet different people

Understand that language use varies according to age, gender and the relationship of participants

Identify the variable linguistic features and registers present in various learning sources used and discuss why there is variability of linguistic forms in all language use

Language awareness Understand that Italian is one of the many languages spoken in Australia

Understand that Italian is the national language of Italy, and is spoken in a variety of forms, by many people outside of Italy, including in Australia

Understand variants across languages represented in the classroom, such as standard language and dialects

Understand the value of the diversity of languages, by recognising regional dialects represented in the local community, and discuss the interrelationship between Italian, English and other languages

Develop awareness of the ecology of languages in local settings

Recognise that languages borrow words from each other

Understand that languages change with use over time

Recognise the dynamic nature of language and culture

Recognise the impact of media and technology on Italian as a language of local and international communication

Recognise how Italian has evolved, the nature of its regional variations and how it continues to change over time due to influences such as exposure to other languages and contexts of use Understand that language has the power to influence social relationships, beliefs and values

Italian – F-10 - Draft Scope and Sequence – December 2012


Foundation to Year 2 (Level 1)

Years 3 and 4 (Level 1)

Years 5 and 6 (Level 2)

Years 7 and 8 (Level 3)

Years 9 and 10 (Level 4)

Role of language and culture Notice and reflect on different cultural practices and the specific ways of describing them (mainly in English in this Band)

Compare and reflect on different practices and behaviours and how they are an important part of everyday communication

Compare and contrast linguistic and cultural systems in interculturally sensitive ways

Recognise how choices in everyday language use reflect cultural behaviours, practices, interests, and values

Analyse how language and culture are shaped, and shape, practices, values and ideas of Italian society in general and specific sub-groups

Reflect on own assumptions about values, beliefs and cultural norms of the Italian people as compared to their own

Evaluate own and others’ assumptions about values, beliefs and cultural norms of Italian communities and their own

Critique and challenge assumptions about cultural difference and consider ways to increase mutual understanding

Reflect on how meanings vary according to cultural assumptions that people, including students themselves, bring to interactions and experiences

Italian – F-10 - Draft Scope and Sequence – December 2012