Australian Government Subclass 600 Visitor Visa ATTACH THIS ...

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Australian Government ... Completed Form Form 1419 – For Tourist Stream, or ... Visa Application Charge (refer to our website for accepted payment methods) ... listing relevant business contacts in Australia and/or an Invitation letter from your business ... that you have purchased travel insurance covering your travel period; .
Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship


Completed Form Form 1419 – For Tourist Stream, or Form 1415 – For Business Activity Stream and 1 current passport-sized photograph of you

Visa Application Charge (refer to our website for accepted payment methods)

Copy of the biographical page of your current passport (and any pages showing any amendments)

For non PNG or Solomon Island Citizens, evidence of your visa status in PNG / Solomon Islands For applicants under the age of 18 years old not travelling with both parents or legal guardian/s

A copy of your full birth certificate or relevant court documents showing custody.

Form 1229 completed for each parent or legal guardian not travelling with the child.

Identification documentation for each person who completed a Form 1229

If this is your first application for a visitor visa or if it has been more than 2 years since you last held a valid Australian visitor visa please provide the following information.

Completed Form 54 Family Composition completed (only one form required when family applying together) Evidence you can fund your proposed travel, this may include:  A letter from your employer outlining information such as your position, salary and, term of service, or  If self-employed, evidence you operate this business, or  Relevant documentation showing that a third party will support your proposed travel, or  Any other documentation you believe will demonstrate you can fund your proposed stay If travelling for business purposes – Evidence of your proposed business dealing such as an itinerary listing relevant business contacts in Australia and/or an Invitation letter from your business contacts in Australia. Other information

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If you are 75 years old or over: You will need to undergo a medical examination. We may also request you to provide evidence that you have purchased travel insurance covering your travel period;

Completed Form 956 or 956A if you would like an Agent or another person to communicate with us on your behalf

Australian High Commission, Port Moresby Locked Bag 129, Waigani, Port Moresby, NCD PAPUA NEW GUINEA 