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in co-operation with the ... airblast orchard sprayers using low volume nozzle systems ... HC series LV nozzles operating at varying application volumes and ...


Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture Volume 37, 1997 © CSIRO Australia 1997

… a journal publishing papers (in the soil, plant and animal sciences) at the cutting edge of applied agricultural research

w w w. p u b l i s h . c s i r o . a u / j o u r n a l s / a j e a All enquiries and manuscripts should be directed to Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture CSIRO PUBLISHING PO Box 1139 (150 Oxford St) Collingwood Vic. 3066 Australia Telephone: 61 3 9662 7614 Facsimile: 61 3 9662 7611 Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Published by CSIRO PUBLISHING in co-operation with the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management (SCARM)

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 1997, 37, 591–7


Reducing spray volumes and dosages on conventional airblast orchard sprayers using low volume nozzle systems S. A. BoundA, M. J. OakfordB and K. M. JonesA A

Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research, New Town Research Laboratories, St John’s Avenue, New Town, Tas. 7008, Australia; e-mail: [email protected] B Grove Research Station, Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries, RSD 2048, Pages Road, Huonville, Tas. 7109, Australia.

Summary. Low volume, fine-droplet hollow cone (HC) Delavan nozzles were fitted to a conventional airblast machine in an attempt to reduce both the volume of spray and the dosage of chemical to thin apples. Red ‘Delicious’ trees at the Grove Research Station in southern Tasmania were thinned with ethephon at full bloom and the post-bloom thinner 6-benzyladenine at 20 days after full bloom. An unthinned control was compared with a treatment handthinned at 20 days after full bloom and chemically thinned treatments. The chemical sprays were applied with an airblast sprayer at high volume using conventional nozzles or Delavan HC nozzles at 50, 100, 200, 400 or 800 L/ha at 50, 75 or 100% of the dosage used at high volume. Most chemical treatments had some effect on the parameters measured when compared with the unthinned control while some were

as effective as the hand-thinned treatment. The most consistent treatments were at 200 L/ha at the 75 and 100% dosages. Higher or lower volumes tended to be less effective, however, this could have been caused by either spray drift or evaporation of the smaller droplets used at these volumes. Although reducing the dosage to 75% did not reduce thinning effects, reduction of dosage to 50% resulted in significantly less thinning. These results offer a breakthrough for many orchardists to convert to low volume spray application very economically using the Delavan HC nozzles which produce a better droplet size than traditional high volume hydraulic nozzles. It also offers possibilities to significantly lower chemical usage by reducing dosage of chemical applied per hectare. Even more important is the reduction of wastage and pollution.

Introduction Evidence has been supplied by Oakford et al. (1991, 1994a) that spinning discs or rotary cage atomiser sprayers can effectively spray low volume (LV) (