Authoritarianism in the Middle East

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The logic behind this analysis is found in Dankwart Rustow 's sem- inal article, where he writes, "the dynamic process of democratization itself is set off by a ...
Authoritarianism in the Middle East Regimes and Resistance

edited by

Marsha Pripstein Posusney Michele Penner Angrist






For our sons, Eric Devin Pripstein and Jordan Isadore Angrist, and for the children of the Middle East, in the hopes that they will grow up to experience the freedoms that our sons enjoy

Published in the United States of America in 2005 by Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 1800 30th Street, Boulder, Colorado 80301 and in the United Kingdom by Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 3 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 8LU © 2005 by Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved by the publisher

Library of Congress Cataloging~in~Publication Data Authoritarianism in the Middle East : regimes and resistance I edited by Marsha Pripstein Posusney and Michele Penner Angrist. p. em. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1*58826-317-7 (hardcover: alk. paper) ISBN 1-58826-342-8 (pbk.: alk. papec) I. Arab countries-Politics and government-21st century. 2. Authoritarianism-Arab countries. 3. Middle East-Politics and government-21st century. 4. Authoritarianism-Middle East. L Posusney, Marsha Pripstein. II. Angrist, Michele Penner, 1970-

JQ!S50.A58A94 2005 909'.0974927083-