Automated Theorem Proving in Multiple Valued Logics Reiner H¨ahnle Chalmers University of Technology, S-412 96 Gothenburg
[email protected]
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This book is a revised version of my PhD thesis, submitted to the Department of Computer Science, University of Karlsruhe in May 1992. Many people have helped and encouraged me in many ways while this book and the PhD thesis from which it emerged was being prepared. My sincerest thanks go to—my parents for all their love and support over the years; Gabi for being a true friend in all seasons; Uli for his friendship, his humour and his delicious ice creams; Prof. P. Schmitt for being the most excellent advisor one could wish for and for suggesting that I investigate many-valued theorem proving in the first place; Prof. D. Mundici for being co-referee of my thesis, for great encouragement, for many stimulating discussions, and for providing important contacts; Prof. W. Menzel for waking my interest in Theoretical Computer Science ten years ago; the Department of Computer Science at the University of Karlsruhe for granting that my thesis could be written in English, otherwise this book would not have been produced; B. Beckert, S. Gerberding, and W. Kernig for spending their time and expertise in the construction of 3TAP far beyond their duties; IBM Germany for providing the financial framework of the TCG project; M. D’Agostino, J. Dix, I. Gent, M. Kummer, J. Lu, B. Lud¨ascher, N. Murray, J. Posegga, W. Reif, E. Rosenthal, Z. Stachniak for valuable discussions and comments at one time or another; Prof. D. Gabbay, Imperial College, London, for communicating my work to OUP; a ‘retired English Gentleman without hair’ who prefers not be mentioned for removing grammatical mistakes and improving the style of my English; and, finally, to Groucho Marx, Monty Python, David Lodge, Kingsley Amis, and Ernst Lubitsch for cheering me up more than once. I am grateful to all of you. Any mistakes, errors and shortcomings still present are, of course, my own and the above mentioned people and institutions are not to be blamed for them. I gratefully dedicate this book to all my teachers, be it in life or in science. Karlsruhe June 1993
R. H.
2.1 Abstract algebras
2.2 Syntax and semantics
2.3 Examples of multiple-valued logics 2.3.1 The logics of Kleene and of Rosser and Turquette 2.3.2 Lukasiewicz Logics 2.3.3 Post logics
12 13 14
The Logical Basis: Signed Analytic Tableaux
Introduction to Chapters 3 to 6
3.1 Signed tableaux for classical logic
3.2 On the rˆ ole of signs in analytic tableaux
3.3 Multiple-valued extension of tableau systems
3.4 Discussion
A New Technique: Truth Value Sets as Signs
4.1 Sets as signs
4.2 Soundness
4.3 Completeness
4.4 Size of proof trees
4.5 Function minimization
Uniform Notation regained: Regular Logics
5.1 Primary Multiple-Valued Connectives
5.2 Regular logics
5.3 On the scope of regular logics
5.4 First-order multiple-valued logics
5.5 Extensions
Beyond Tableaux
6.1 Lemma generation—asymmetric rules—analytic cut 6.1.1 Lemma generation and asymmetric rules 6.1.2 KE systems and the principle of bivalence 6.1.3 Lemma generation in multiple-valued logics 6.1.4 The principle of multivalence
81 81 83 85 87
6.2 Tableaux as integer programming problems 6.2.1 Mixed integer programming 6.2.2 Tableau proofs with constraints 6.2.3 Example 6.2.4 Complexity of multiple-valued logics 6.2.5 A reduction from multiple-valued deduction to bMIP Negation 6.2.6 MIP formulation of Lω 6.2.7 Outlook
89 89 91 94 95 96 98 99 101
6.3 Other inference systems 6.3.1 Techniques common to tableau-like calculi Proof representation Free variables 6.3.2 Decision diagrams 6.3.3 Extending multiple-valued dissolution 6.3.4 Resolution
102 102 102 102 103 104 105
6.4 Evaluation 6.4.1 Evaluating the criteria from the introduction 6.4.2 Some experimental results 6.4.3 Outlook
107 107 108 109
7.1 Overview
7.2 Applications of a theoretical nature 7.2.1 Independence proofs in Hilbert systems 7.2.2 Relevance logic: A special case 7.2.3 Sucho´ n’s tableau system: another special case 7.2.4 Improvement of an S5-implementation by Caferra and Zabel
112 112 113 115
7.3 Applications of a practical nature 7.3.1 Interval arithmetic 7.3.2 Hardware verification
117 117 117
A History of Multiple-Valued Theorem Proving
8.1 Resolution-based systems 8.1.1 Morgan’s resolution-based system 8.1.2 Schmitt’s resolution-based system 8.1.3 Stachniak’s resolution logics 8.1.4 Resolution-based systems for fuzzy logic Lee and Chang’s resolution-based system Extended Post logics ω +1-valued Post logics 8.1.5 Paraconsistent logics
121 121 125 127 133
8.2 Other approaches 8.2.1 Decision diagrams Binary decision diagrams n-ary decision diagrams Multiple-valued deduction as a unification problem 8.2.2 Approaches based on tableaux and Gentzen calculi 8.2.3 Path dissolution by Murray and Rosenthal 8.2.4 Beavers’ approach to Lukasiewicz logic 8.2.5 Mellouli’s three-valued extension of Plaisted’s modified problem reduction format 8.2.6 General frameworks AUTOLOGIC Labelled deductive systems
139 139 139 140
8.3 Discussion
134 134 136 138
142 143 144 147 148 151 151 151
1 INTRODUCTION La derni`ere chose qu’on trouve en faisant un ouvrage est de savoir celle qu’il faut mettre la premi`ere. — Blaise Pascal, Pens´ees This book is, to the best of my knowledge, the first monograph exclusively devoted to automated theorem proving in many-valued∗ logics. There are several books on automated theorem proving, for instance Chang and Lee [1973], Wos et al. [1984], Bibel [1987], Wos [1988], Fitting [1990b], and even more on many-valued logic† [Rosser and Turquette, 1952; Ackermann, 1967; Rescher, 1969; Dunn and Epstein, 1977; Gottwald, 1989; Bolc and Borowik, 1992]. There are also books on automated theorem proving in other nonclassical logics, for example, Wallen [1990]. In general, the interest in theorem proving in various non-classical logics, triggered mainly by new applications in computer science,‡ has grown vastly in the last ten years. One can easily find dozens of references on theorem proving in intuitionistic, modal, linear, conditional, non-monotonic and temporal logic, but not so on theorem proving in many-valued logic. The reasons for this situation are, first, the widespread opinion that many-valued logic is not of much use, except for the pure mathematician, a view expressed, for example, in Urquhart’s article on many-valued logic in the Handbook of Philosophical Logic [Urquhart, 1986]. Indeed, a brief look into the Proceedings of the field’s main conference,§ shows that the major interests are in pure mathematics (algebra, spectral theory) and in the actual implementation of switching circuits. The second reason for the apparent lack of interest in computational many-valued logic is the seeming heterogeneity of many-valued logics¶ and conceptual opaquenessk ∗ In the literature the terms multiple-valued, many-valued and multi-valued logic are used interchangeably, which is also what we will do in this work. † There is even a conference series devoted to the subject, see below. ‡ There are at least two conference series devoted to logic and computer science. A good deal of the papers have non-classical logics as their subject. § The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic; the proceedings are published by IEEE Press. ¶ Urquhart shows that it is difficult to characterize what exactly the term many-valued logic means. k ‘Everyone can understand {t, f }-valuations, but few—even the creators of the subject—can understand many-valued truth tables’ [Scott, 1976]
which makes it hard to compare different systems against each other and also hinders the development of general proof procedures. Thirdly, it has been argued that many-valued logic suffers from a lack of convincing applications.∗ In Chapter 7 we show that, at least since recently, this is no longer true. One of the results, however, will be that these applications involve rather different kinds of many-valued logics. It is therefore not surprising that activities so far in many-valued theorem proving have almost always been restricted to small and short-term projects, and researchers in many cases do not even know of related work done by their colleagues. Also, with few recent exceptions, only specialized logics or restricted classes of logics have been considered for automated theorem proving. Consequently, one of the contributions of this work is to give the (to the best of our knowledge) most comprehensive overview to date on activities in many-valued theorem proving. Chapter 8 gives an extensive historical account of the subject. The best argument for doing further research in the subject, however, is to show that it can actually be done, not only in principle, but also efficiently, provided the appropriate theoretical tools are chosen. Starting out from a straightforward solution that uses semantic tableaux (Chapter 3), we develop a notion, we have coined sets-as-signs and which is henceforth used to manage an efficient representation of the many-valued computational search space (Chapters 4, 5). Once we have the tool of sets-as-signs we see that it is not limited solely to application on semantic tableaux, but can be used to modify virtually any known inference method to handle many-valued logics. We show this for selected examples (Chapter 6). Therefore, we see the present work as a foundation for many-valued theorem proving. Before we start with the formalities, let us set up for later use a catalogue of properties which a framework that can serve as a foundation for many-valued theorem proving should satisfy. • Wide applicability For a wide range of logics, including very different kinds, propositional as well as first-order, a theorem proving system must be schematically derivable. • Flexibility A proof system for a new logic can be derived without having to give new proofs for soundness and completeness theorems, when the semantics are given in some standard way. • Easy adaptability Switching to a different logic must be possible without having to redesign the whole prover. Preferably it should be ∗ Urquhart’s main argument is that many-valued logic fails to solve the problems that it was designed for by its inventors. Indeed, even in recent overviews such as [Gottwald, 1989], convincing applications are hardly to be found.
done interactively by the user with a few simple instructions with the necessary changes being computed automatically. • Performance The derived theorem provers are to be reasonably efficient with respect to the complexity of the given logic and in comparison with theorem provers for classical logic. • Closeness to classical versions A proof system for many-valued logic should not be dramatically different from a classical version of it, so that techniques of implementation and for improving performance known for the classical case can be reused or easily adopted. This catalogue will be evaluated in Section 6.4.1. Since this book emerged from a PhD thesis, naturally it does not have an introductory character, but, rather, is intended for the active researcher. On the other hand, an attempt has been made to make it self-contained and to be generous with the references. The essential ideas presented in Chapters 4 to 6 appeared in H¨ ahnle [1990b], H¨ ahnle [1991], H¨ ahnle [1992a], H¨ ahnle [1993b], but the text was considerably revised and extended for the present purpose. Some of the material in Chapter 7 appeared in H¨ ahnle [1993c], H¨ ahnle et al. [1992]; Chapter 8 has not been published before.
2 PRELIMINARIES Gebt Ihr ein St¨ uck, so gebt es gleich in St¨ucken! Solch ein Ragout, es muß Euch gl¨ucken; Leicht ist es vorgelegt, so leicht als ausgedacht. Was hilft’s, wenn Ihr ein Ganzes dargebracht? — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust In this chapter we collect some definitions that we will use frequently in this book and introduce some special notation. Readers who are familiar with formal logic and automated theorem proving can skip this chapter in a first reading. 2.1 Abstract algebras In order to specify the syntax and semantics of the logics we are going to discuss we use a slightly more general approach than is found in most logic textbooks, namely the concept of an abstract algebra.∗ We borrowed most of the material in this and the following section from Carnielli [1987], Cohn [1981] and Rasiowa [1974]. Unlike the latter author, our primary reason for the use of abstract algebras is not the aim of an algebraic treatment of logic, but merely to simplify notation: in many cases we do not want to be specific about the particular connectives or semantics involved. So, following Carnielli [1987], abstract algebras are a convenient device that allows a more general treatment here. Definition 2.1. (Abstract algebra) Let A be a non-empty set and Ω = (ωi )i∈IN an indexed family of finitary operators on A. Assume that we have a function α giving the arity of each operator, thus ω : Aα(ω) → A for each ω ∈ Ω. Call A = (A, Ω) an abstract algebra on A and the sequence hα(ω1 ), α(ω2 ), . . .i its similarity type. The set A is called the universe of A. In cases where only finitely many operators are present, we write (A, ω1 , . . . , ωm ) and hα(ω1 ), . . . , α(ωm )i. Two algebras that share the same similarity type are called similar. Call A0 a subalgebra of A = (A, (ωi )i∈IN ), iff ∅ 6= A0 ⊆ A and A0 is closed under the operators of A restricted to A0 that is under (ωi ↾A0 )i∈IN . A non-empty set A0 generates a subalgebra B of A ∗ Some
authors, for example Cohn [1981], speak of Ω-algebras.
iff B is the least subalgebra of A containing A0 . A set A0 generates A iff the subalgebra of A that is generated by A0 is A itself. Definition 2.2. (Homomorphism) A mapping h : A → B between similar abstract algebras is called a homomorphism from A to B iff for all n ∈ IN, a1 , . . . , an ∈ A, ωiA ∈ A, ωiB ∈ B with α(ωi ) = n we have h(ωiA (a1 , . . . , an )) = ωiB (h(a1 ), . . . , h(an )) Definition 2.3. (Free algebra) An algebra A in a class K of similar algebras is called free in K iff it has a set of generators A0 , such that for all algebras B ∈ K and mappings f : A0 → B, f can be extended to a homomorphism from A into B. In this case we say that A0 freely generates A in K. Proposition 2.4. Any mapping g from the generators of a free algebra A in K into any B ∈ K can be extended uniquely to a homomorphism h from A into B. Proof. See Rasiowa [1974]. 2.2
Syntax and semantics
The familiar notions of language, formula, and so on are now restated in terms of abstract algebras. For most purposes it suffices to retain the na¨ıve interpretations; however, in order be able to write down precisely the proofs given in Chapter 4 it will be easier to make reference to the following definitions. The main idea is to use abstract algebras to represent both syntax and semantics. We will take the free term algebra over propositional variables to represent a formal language and we will take a characterization of the algebra of connectives as their semantics. The specification of the latter can then be done with one of the usual methods, for example equationally [Rasiowa, 1974], lattice theoretically [Balbes and Dwinger, 1974], with consequence relations [W´ ojcicki, 1988], by recursive definition, or simply by explicitly specifying the value of the finite operators in tabular form. The latter method is generally known as truth table semantics and it is also the one we will use frequently throughout this book. Definition 2.5. (Propositional formula) Consider a free∗ algebra L with operations F1 , . . . , Fr , generated by L0 = {pi |i ∈ IN}. Then we call the members of L0 propositional variables or atomic formulas and the members of {F1 , . . . , Fr } propositional connectives. Define Li+1 ∗ Free
= Li ∪ means always free in the class of similar algebras.
{Fj (φ1 , . . . , φα(Fj ) ) | φ1 , . . . , φα(Fj ) ∈ Li , Fj ∈ {F1 , . . . , Fr }} [ = Li i∈IN
and call Li the formulas of depth i and L the propositional Lformulas. We note that the algebra (L, F1 , . . . , Fr ) is well-defined and freely generated by L0 . Thus the following definition is justified. Definition 2.6. (Propositional language) The abstract algebra L = (L, F1 , . . . , Fr ), defined as above, is called propositional language L. Definition 2.7. (Matrix, truth value) Let L be a propositional language and A = (N, f1 , . . . , fr ) (for a finite set N ) be an algebra similar to it. Then we call the algebra A = (N, d1 , . . . , dk , f1 , . . . , fr ), where k ≤ |N | and all di are 0-ary operators on N , a propositional matrix for L. The set N is called the truth value set of A, while D = {d1 , . . . , dk } ⊆ N is the set of designated truth values. We denote the cardinality of the set N (resp., D) with n (resp., d). The designated truth values support the validity of a statement. In the familiar propositional two-valued case one chooses the two-element Boolean algebra as a matrix. In our exposition we usually take equidistant numbers from the rational interval [0, 1] to denote the set of truth values and the larger k elements in this set as the designated truth values. Therefore, typically we would 1 n−2 n−k+1 n−2 have N = {0, n−1 , . . . , n−1 , 1}, D = { n−k n−1 , n−1 , . . . , n−1 , 1}. When the value of D is obvious or is not of concern we omit D from the definition of a matrix A. Let us further abbreviate {0, 1} with 2, {0, 21 , 1} with 3, and 1 n−2 generally, {0, n−1 , . . . , n−1 , 1} with n. Definition 2.8. (Propositional logic) Let L be a propositional language and A a propositional matrix for it. Then the pair L = (L, A) is called n-valued propositional logic with designated truth values D. As in the classical case, a valuation simply assigns a truth value to each atomic formula of the language. Definition 2.9. (Valuation) Let L be a propositional logic. A propositional valuation is a mapping v : L0 → N . Since any valuation v can be uniquely extended to a homomorphism v ′ : L → A (this follows from Proposition 2.4) we often speak of v ′ , when only v is explicitly defined. Definition 2.10. (Satisfiability, model, tautology) Let L be a propositional logic. A formula φ ∈ L is propositionally satisfiable iff v(φ) ∈
D for some L-valuation v. A set of formulas is satisfiable iff some Lvaluation simultaneously satisfies each of its members. The valuation that satisfies a formula φ is called a (L-)model for φ. If a formula φ is satisfied by any valuation it is called propositional (L-)tautology. All of the propositional operators in classical logic can be generalized to many-valued logics. The problem is that, in general, there is more than one way to do this. Consider, for example, the connectives ¬ and ∼ defined in Tables 2.1 and 2.2 on pp. 12 and 13. Both can serve as a kind of three-valued negation. We introduce the following notions in order to be able to compare different many-valued versions of classical propositional connectives. Definition 2.11. (Generalized, weak, strong connective) Let F be a k-ary classical propositional connective and L an n-valued propositional logic whose language contains the k-ary operator symbol F ′ . Then F ′ is an n-valued generalization of F iff F ′ ↾2 = F . Let F, G be two n-valued propositional connectives in L with the same arity k. We call F weaker than G (G stronger than F ) iff for all L-valuations v, φi ∈ L: v(F (φ1 , . . . , φk )) ≥ v(G(φ1 , . . . , φk )) Obviously, this defines a partial order on each class of connectives with the same arity. Now we are going to extend our case to first-order logic. For the most part this can be done in a straightforward manner. S Definition 2.12. (Term algebra) Let E = i≥0 Ei be a finite or countable set of function symbols, where each Ei contains i-ary function symbols. Let V be a countable set of object variables. Consider the free algebra T with operations E, generated by V . Define T0 Ti+1 T
= V = Ti ∪ {f (t1 , . . . , tj ) | t1 , . . . , tj ∈ Ti , f ∈ Ej , j ∈ IN} [ = Ti i∈IN
and call T the terms over V ∪ E. We note that T = (T, E) and call T the free term algebra over V . Note that T is not empty, since V ⊆ T . Definition 2.13. (First-order formula) Let T = (T, E) be aSterm algebra, L = (L, F1 , . . . , Fr ) a propositional language, and P = i≥0 Pi a
non-empty finite or countable set of predicate symbols, where each Pi contains i-ary predicates. Define the set L1 of first-order (L1 -)formulas as follows: L10 1 Li+1
= {p(t1 , . . . , tj )| t1 , . . . , tj ∈ T, p ∈ Pj , j ∈ IN} = L1i ∪ {Fj (φ1 , . . . , φα(Fj ) ) | φ1 , . . . , φα(Fj ) ∈ L1i , Fj ∈ {F1 , . . . , Fr }} ∪
{(Qy)φ|y ∈ V, Q ∈ {∀, ∃}, φ ∈ L1i } [ = L1i i∈IN
The formulas in L10 are called atomic formulas. The formulas in the sets L1i are called first-order formulas of depth i. The abstract algebra L1 = (L1 , F1 , . . . , Fr ), where the Fi are defined as in L, will be called firstorder language L1 associated with L. We note that L1 is similar to L. On various occasions we need first-order languages that contain parameters and Skolem functions. Definition 2.14. (Parameter, Skolem function) Let L1 be a firstorder language and par a countable set of constant symbols disjoint from E0 . If we replace E0 in Definition 2.12 with E0 ∪ par we call the resulting first-order S language Lpar and the members of par parameters. Similarly, if sko = i≥0 skoi is a countable set of function symbols that contains infinitely many function symbols skoi disjoint from Ei for each arity, we construct a first-order language Lsko by replacing Ei with Ei ∪ skoi at each stage of the definition of T . We call the additional symbols Skolem function symbols and Skolem constant symbols. We define free (bound) occurrences of variables in formulas exactly as in the classical case and refer the reader to any logic textbook, for example see Fitting [1990b]. We use the notation φ(x) if the variable x occurs freely in a formula φ. Formulas without occurrences of free variables are called closed formulas or sentences. Definition 2.15. (Substitution) Let L1 be a first-order language. A substitution is an arbitrary mapping σ : V → T . Again, σ can be uniquely extended to σ ′ : T → T and subsequently to σ ′′ : L1 → L1 in the usual manner, see Fitting [1990b] for details. We denote the result of applying a substitution σ to a formula φ with φσ. We assume that the reader is familiar with the standard concepts and results of unification theory. If σ(x) 6= x for only finitely many x ∈ V , say for
x1 , . . . , xn , we denote σ with {x1 ← t1 , . . . , xn ← tn } where σ(xi ) = ti , 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Definition 2.16. (First-order structure) Let L1 be any first-order language. We call M = (U, I) a first-order structure for L1 , provided that: 1. U is a non-empty set, called the domain or universe of M. 2. I assigns to each (a) f ∈ Ei a mapping I(f ) : U i → U , (b) p ∈ Pi a mapping I(p) : U i → N . Definition 2.17. (First-order logic) Let L1 be a first-order language and A a propositional matrix of the associated propositional language. Then the pair L1 = (L1 , A) is called an n-valued first-order logic with designated truth values D. The semantics of quantifiers is not mentioned in the definition above, since it is regarded as fixed in all logics that we will consider. Definition 2.18. (Assignment, variant) Let L1 be a first-order logic and M a structure for it. We call any mapping β : V → U an assignment in M. Given an assignment β we define the x-variant of β with value u, βxu as follows: β(y) y 6= x βxu (y) = for all u ∈ U, x, y ∈ V u y=x Obviously, any assignment β : V → U can be uniquely extended to β ′ : T → U . We will tacitly make use of this fact in the following. There are several ways in which a (many-valued) valuation function for a given first-order formula, structure, and assignment can be defined. For instance, one could parallel the definitions of formula, language, substitution, and so on, relative to the domain U instead of the set of terms T , then take a propositional valuation for this domain-based language, extend it with appropriate rules for quantifiers, and consider an arbitrary U in the validity definition. This approach was taken by Carnielli [1987] following Smullyan [1968] to ease the handling of generalized quantifiers. Another option, carried out, for example, by Morgan [1976] is to specify a truth value as an argument of the valuation function which now yields a (possibly empty) set of satisfying assignments. The approach that we have taken (along the lines of Fitting [1990b]) is to stay as closely as possible to the usual two-valued definitions, which seems to be most appropriate when no unusual quantifiers are involved. See Section 5.5 for a possible generalization of the truth value semantics. Definition 2.19. (First-order valuation) Let L1 be a first-order logic, M a structure for it and β an assignment in M. The function vβ : L1 → N
is a first-order L1 -valuation, provided the following holds for all L1 formulas: 1. vβ (p(t1 , . . . , tn )) = I(p)(β(t1 ), . . . , β(tn )) for atomic formulas. 2. vβ (F (φ1 , . . . , φα(F ) )) = f (vβ (φ1 ), . . . , vβ (φα(F ) )), where f is the operation in A that corresponds to F in L1 . 3. vβ ((∀y)φ) = min{vβyu (φ)|u ∈ U }, where min is interpreted naturally on N . 4. vβ ((∃y)φ) = max{vβyu (φ)|u ∈ U }, where max is interpreted naturally on N . Definition 2.20. (First-order satisfiability, tautology) Let L1 be an n-valued first-order logic. A formula φ ∈ L1 is called first-order satisfiable iff there is a structure M for L1 such that for some assignment β of M, vβ (φ) ∈ D. We say that φ is true in M iff it is satisfied under all assignments of M, it is valid iff it is true in all structures for L1 . Valid L1 -sentences are called first-order tautologies. It is obvious that the truth value of a sentence in a structure M does not depend on the assignments of M. In this case we usually drop the subscript β from v. Note that, as in the classical case, all propositional tautologies are also first-order tautologies, but not vice versa. Definition 2.21. (First-order consequence) Consider a first-order logic L and sentences Φ ⊆ L, ψ ∈ L. We say that ψ is a (L)-consequence of Φ, in symbols Φ L ψ, iff for all (L)-structures M v(Φ) ⊆ D implies v(ψ) ∈ D. Of course, ∅ L ψ iff ψ is a first-order tautology. In this case we write L ψ instead of ∅ L ψ . Sometimes it will be convenient to introduce syntactical abbreviations in a language. Definition 2.22. (Formula schema) Let L1 be a first-order language and fs be a countable set of new symbols. Let Lfs be the language that results when the atomic formulas of L1 are extended by fs. Then we call a member ψ of Lfs that contains symbols φ1 , . . . , φn from fs a formula schema of L1 and denote it by ψ[φ1 , . . . , φn ]. Valuations can be extended naturally to Lfs if we treat expressions from fs as propositional variables. Definition 2.23. (Abbreviation, syntactical variant) Let L1 be a first-order language and ψ[φ1 , . . . , φn ], θ[φ1 , . . . , φn ] formula schemata in L1 . We define ψ[φ1 , . . . , φn ] as an abbreviation for θ[φ1 , . . . , φn ] by the expression
ψ[φ1 , . . . , φn ]def = θ[φ1 , . . . , φn ]. Let Abbr be a set of abbreviations. Two L1 -formulas ρ, τ are syntactical variants of each other with respect to Abbr iff there exists a matching substitution σ : fs → L1 and an abbreviation ψ[φ1 , . . . , φn ]def = θ[φ1 , . . . , φn ] ∈ Abbr such that ρ and τ can be made syntactically identical by replacing zero or more occurrences of ψ[φ1 , . . . , φn ]σ in ρ with θ[φ1 , . . . , φn ]σ. They are called syntactically equivalent with respect to Abbr, denoted by ρ ⇔ τ iff there is a finite set of L1 -formulas ν0 , . . . , νk (k ≥ 0) such that ν0 = ρ, νk = τ and νi is a syntactical variant of νi+1 , 0 ≤ i ≤ k − 1. Definition 2.24. (Literal, clause) Consider a first-order language L1 whose associated propositional language is given by (L, ∧, ∨, o1 , . . . , or ) with similarity type h2, 2, 1, . . . , 1i. A literal is a formula of the form oi1 · · · oik p, where k ≥ 0 and p is atomic. A clause is a formula of the form l1 ∨· · ·∨lm , Wm where m ≥ 0 and the li are literals. We use the notation i=1 li for clauses. If m = 0 we speak of the empty clause and denote it by 2. We stipulate that v(2) = 0 for all v by definition. Definition 2.25. (Negation normal form) Let L1 be as above, but with only a single unary operator ¬ present. A formula is said to be in negation normal form (NNF) if ¬ only occurs before atomic formulas. Definition 2.26. (Conjunctive normal form) L1 is as above. A formula is said to be in conjunctive normal form (CNF) if it is in the form C1 ∧· · ·∧Cs , where s > 0 and the Cj are clauses. We use the notation V s j=1 Cj for formulas in CNF. Definition 2.27. (Prenex normal form, matrix) L1 is as above. A formula φ is said to be in prenex normal form if it is of the form (Q1 x1 ) · · · (Qt xt )E, where t ≥ 0, Qi ∈ {∀, ∃} and E is quantifier-free. The formula E ∈ L1 is also called the matrix∗ of φ, which is said to be in universal (existential) prenex form if all the Qi are of universal (existential) type. A formula is in prenex CNF if it is in prenex normal form and its matrix is in CNF. 2.3
Examples of multiple-valued logics
In this section we look at some many-valued logics which will be used several times throughout the rest of the book and are collected here so that they can be referred to quickly. At the same time these logics can serve as examples to illustrate the preceding definitions. ∗ There is no danger of confusion with our earlier notion of matrix. It will always be clear from the context which one is meant.
2.3.1 The logics of Kleene and of Rosser and Turquette These logics were first introduced in Rosser and Turquette [1952]. They bear a close resemblance to the logics used by Kleene [1938]; see below. Definition 2.28. (LnM ) Let LnM be a first-order logic defined as follows: • There are no 0-ary predicate symbols. • The associated propositional language LnM is given by the abstract algebra (LnM , ∧, ∨, ¬, J0 , . . . , J1 ) with similarity type h2, 2, 1, 1, . . . , 1i. n−k+1 • The matrix is (n, n−k n−1 , n−1 , . . . , 1, ∧, ∨, ¬, J0 , . . . , J1 ) for some n > k > 0, where the operators∗ are specified as follows: 1. i ∧ j = min{i, j}, where min is interpreted naturally on N . 2. i ∨ j = max{i, j}, where max is interpreted naturally on N . 3. ¬i = 1 −i. 1 i=k 4. Jk (i) = for k ∈ N . 0 i 6= k We call ¬ strong negation and the Ji ’s truth value assertions. For n = 3 we also give the definition of the propositional matrix in tabular form in Table 2.1. Table 2.1 ∧ 0 1 2
0 0 0 0
Truth tables of propositional connectives in LnM for n = 3 ∨ 0
0 0
1 2
1 0
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 1 1 1
¬ 1
1 2
1 2
1 2
J 12
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
It is easy to prove that for each n the propositional part of LnM is functionally complete, i.e. every n-valued connective is definable by the ones that are already present. Definition 2.29. (LnM+ , weak connectives, equivalences) Extend LnM with a unary propositional operator ∼ and binary operators ⊃, ≡, ∼ = whose semantics for n = 3, D = {1} are defined according to Table 2.2. In general, the semantic definitions are as follows: 1 i∈N −D 1. ∼ i = . 0 i∈D 1 i∈N −D 2. i ⊃ j = . j i∈D (i ∈ N − D and j ∈ N − D) or 1 (i ∈ D and j ∈ D) . 3. i ≡ j = min{i, j} otherwise ∗ Since no confusion can arise, we denote the propositional operators and their semantical interpretations by the same symbols.
Truth tables of weak connectives in L3M+
Table 2.2 0 1 2
∼ 1 1 0
4. i ∼ =j=
⊃ 0 1 2
1 0
0 1 1 0
1 2
1 1 1 2
1 1 1 1
≡ 0 1 2
0 1 1 0
1 1
1 0
∼ = 0
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
0 1 0 0
1 2
0 1 0
1 0 0 1
i=j . i 6= j
These connectives are called weak negation, weak implication, weak equivalence, and strong equivalence, respectively.∗ Additionally, we allow 0-ary predicate symbols from now on. We call the resulting logic LnM+ . A restriction of LnM+ to certain connectives yields the family of strong Kleene logics which were introduced by Kleene [1938] in the context of partially defined recursive functions (originally only for the propositional case and n = 3, but the generalization is straightforward). Definition 2.30. (LnSKL ) Let LnSKL be a first-order logic defined as follows: • The associated propositional language LnSKL is given by the abstract algebra (LnSKL , ∧, ∨, ⊃, ¬) with similarity type h2, 2, 2, 1i. • The matrix is (n, 1, ∧, ∨, ⊃, ¬), where the operators are defined as in LnM+ . LnSKL is called n-valued strong Kleene logic. We note that LnSKL is not functionally complete for any n. 2.3.2 Lukasiewicz Logics Definition 2.31. (L3 ) Let L3 be a three-valued first-order logic according to the following specifications: • The associated propositional language L3 is given by (L3 , ⊃, ∨, ¬) with similarity type h2, 2, 1i. • Let (3, 1, ⊃, ∨, ¬) be the matrix for the associated propositional language where the operators ∨ and ¬ are defined as in LnM+ and the operator ⊃ by i ⊃ j = min{1, 1 − i + j} This is the three-valued logic named after Lukasiewicz which was defined in his famous paper [Lukasiewicz, 1920]. By merely changing the set of truth values N to n we obtain the class of finitely-valued Lukasiewicz logics denoted Ln , and for the choice N = ∗ It is easy to see that these are generalizations of classical negation, implication, and equivalence.
[0, 1] infinitely valued Lukasiewicz logic Lω (instead of the rational unit interval we could as well have taken the unit interval of the reals since Lω has strong finiteness properties). 2.3.3 Post logics We continue with the definition of syntax and semantics of what is often called n-valued Post logic.∗ Definition 2.32. (LnP ) We call a first-order logic LnP an n-valued Post logic, whenever • its associated propositional language LnP is defined by the algebra (LnP , ∧, ∨, σ) with similarity type h2, 2, 1i, • the matrix (n, 1, ∧, ∨, σ) is defined as usual for ∧ and ∨ and 1 σ(i) = min 1, i + for all i ∈ n n−1 We will see in Section 5.3 that each Post logic is functionally complete. This property is mainly due to the σ operator, which can also be imagined as a rotate left operation when the truth table is drawn as usual.† “Glad that’s over”, said Mrs. Elmhurst, uncovering her face. “Now what comes next? A tableau. . . ?” — Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts
∗ In honour of Emil Post, who initiated [Post, 1921], independently from Lukasiewicz, the development of many-valued logics using the logics defined below. † It would be as well to define σ as a rotate right operation and this is in fact what has been done by some authors. Post defined 0 as the designated truth value, with truth tables changed accordingly, and this seems to have caused some confusion.
3 THE LOGICAL BASIS: SIGNED ANALYTIC TABLEAUX ’. . . Tableau!’ — Wolfgang von Nibelsch¨utz, Der Blaue Kammerherr Introduction to Chapters 3 to 6 The formal proof system called semantic (or analytic) tableaux was introduced by E. W. Beth [1986] and K. J. J. Hintikka [1955] in the 1950s, its ancestors being Gentzen systems. R. Smullyan [1968] gave a particularly elegant version of tableaux which largely increased their popularity, and most tableaux systems used today are based on the formulation he set out. Semantic tableaux are popular as a pedagogical tool; however, recently, their importance in the field of automated theorem proving has also grown substantially. A common prejudice is that tableau-based provers are hopelessly inefficient. Recent implementations [Oppacher and Suen, 1988; Letz et al., 1991] based on variants of the tableau method, on the other hand, have shown that this is not necessarily true for all time. The reason for the relative inefficiency of tableau-based provers so far may very well be a lack of research effort invested into tableau methods in comparison with the more than two decades of attention which resolution-based approaches enjoyed. But whether tableau-like calculi will provide an alternative to resolution-based systems or not (we will not discuss this issue any further in the present work), they constitute a starting point for developing proof procedures in all kinds of non-classical logics. Once a tableau system has been derived for a logic, it is possible to make use of the insight gained therebye into its search space and to develop a more efficient inference method than pure tableaux, be it a tableau refinement or some variant of resolution. A paradigmatic example of this process constitute the work of Wallen [1990] and Ohlbach [1989] for modal and intuitionistic logics. Our methods are different from Wallen’s (since modal logic is different from many-valued logic), but the intention is the same in the present work, namely to provide a computationally adequate representation of satisfiability and validity in those logics. We will provide a brief introduction to semantic tableaux in Chapter 3. In the same chapter we will sketch a method developed by Surma [1984] and Carnielli [1987] that generalizes signed semantic tableaux to arbitrary finitely-valued logics. Taking this as a starting point, in Chapter 4 we introduce a generalized
notion of signs in tableaux that enables us to speak concisely about the truth values a formula can take on at a certain stage during the construction of a tableau. This emphasizes the view that the rˆ ole of signs is on the meta level, namely to introduce certain non-classical properties of the model semantics into an otherwise classical deductive system. The ontological status that we give to signs here is quite similar to that of labels in Gabbay’s Labelled Deductive Systems [Gabbay, 1991], though not quite so general. Uniform Notation for tableau systems was introduced by Smullyan [1968] as an important technique that shortens and clarifies proofs and implementations. Although uniform notation does not work in the general setting of Chapter 4, one can define reasonable restrictions on the class of logics that will give us back uniform notation as a tool. This is done in Chapter 5, together with a justification, why we think the resulting class of logics (which we call regular logics) is important and what its scope within many-valued logics is. It will turn out that the concept of regular logics is closely connected with the existence of useful quantifier rules. Consequently, many-valued predicate logics are also dealt with in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6 we show that the idea explicitly incorporating semantic information into a deduction system via sets of truth values is by no means restricted solely to the tableau method, nor does it make the tableau method incompatible with various improvements known from classical logic. We argue that sets of truth values as bits of meta information are a natural device to enhance the performance of most many-valued proof systems. We support our claim by sketching a possible way to enhance our tableau system, following recent suggestions of D’Agostino [1990] for classical logic. In Section 6.2 we show that a further generalization of our approach leads to a new translation from deduction to integer programming and the possibility of implementing many-valued theorem proving very efficiently, at least on the propositional level. Even resolution is amenable to sets-as-signs, as we are going to show in Section 6.3.4. Finally, we will evaluate the proposed methods against the requirements catalogue set up in the Introduction. 3.1
Signed tableaux for classical logic
In this section we give a short account of semantic tableaux for classical logic. By a classical logic we mean a first-order logic whose associated propositional matrix has the truth value set 2, with designated truth value 1. Common operators, such as conjunction, disjunction, material implication, negation, and so on, are denoted and interpreted as usual. Tableaux systems come in two versions, namely signed and unsigned, from which we will always use the former for reasons which will soon become obvious. In the classical case our set of signs (sometimes also called prefixes) will
be {F, T} where F, of course, corresponds to the truth value 0 and T to 1. Definition 3.1. (Signed formula) A signed formula is a string of the form S φ, where φ is a (propositional or first-order) formula and S is either F or T. If L is the set of formulas in a logic, the set of signed formulas will be denoted by L∗ . Following Smullyan we divide the set of signed formulas into four classes: α for propositional formulas of conjunctive type, β for propositional formulas of disjunctive type, γ for quantified formulas of universal type, and, finally, δ for quantified formulas of existential type. Smullyan called this unified notation. It simplifies the presentation of rules and the proofs of various results considerably. This classification is motivated by the tableau expansion rules which are associated with each signed formula. The rules characterize the assertion of a truth value (corresponding to its sign) to a formula by means of asserting truth values to its direct subformulas. For example, T (φ ∧ ψ) holds if and only if T φ and T ψ hold simultaneously. The rules for the various combinations of signs and formula types are given schematically in Table 3.1. Premisses and conclusions are separated by a horizontal bar, while vertical bars in the conclusion denote different extensions which are to be thought of as disjunctions. The correspondence between formulas and rule types is shown in Table 3.2 on page 17. For convenience we treat negated formulas as α-formulas where α1 = α2 . Table 3.1 α α1 α2
Tableau rule schemata for different formula types β
γ γ(t)
δ δ(c)
where t is an arbitrary term.
Table 3.2 α T (φ ∧ ψ) F (φ ∨ ψ) T ¬φ F ¬φ
where c is a new Skolem constant.
Correspondence between rule types and formulas α1 Tφ Fφ Fφ Tφ
γ T (∀x)φ(x) F (∃x)φ(x)
α2 Tψ Fψ Fφ Tφ
γ(t) T φ(t) F φ(t)
β T (φ ∨ ψ) F (φ ∧ ψ)
β1 β2 Tφ Tψ Fφ Fψ
δ F (∀x)φ(x) T (∃x)φ(x)
δ(c) F φ(c) T φ(c)
For our purposes it is sufficient to visualize a tableau proof as a finite labelled binary tree, whose node labels are signed formulas, constructed as follows. Definition 3.2. (Classical tableaux) Let L∗ be a language of signed formulas. The set T (L∗ ) of all tableaux over L∗ is defined as the set of trees that can be constructed by finitely many applications of the following rules: (T1) A finite linear tree whose node labels are signed formulas is a tableau over L∗ . (T2) If T is a tableau over L∗ and φ is a node label from T then a new tableau T′ is constructed by extending all branches of T that contain φ by as many new linear subtrees as the rule∗ corresponding to φ has extensions, the nodes of the new subtrees being labelled with the formulas in the extensions. If T is a tableau and Φ is the set in step (T1) above, then T will also be called a tableau for Φ. Remark 3.3. By the term ‘new’ in the δ-rule we mean that c is a symbol that does not occur in the tableau constructed so far. Therefore, the formulas which occur in a tableau proof tree are not merely from L, but actually from Lpar . Definition 3.4. (Branch) Let T be a tableau. A branch BT of T is a maximal path in T. Usually, when no confusion arises, we omit the subscript from BT . Sometimes, when we speak of a branch B, we actually mean the set of node labels (signed formulas) on B; however, we still use the symbol B. Definition 3.5. (Complementary signs and formulas) Two signs S1 , S2 are complementary iff S1 6= S2 . Let S1 φ, S2 ψ be two formulas on a tableau branch B. They are called complementary formulas iff S1 , S2 are complementary signs and φ = ψ. Definition 3.6. (Closed and open branch) A tableau branch is closed iff it contains a pair of complementary formulas. Otherwise it is called open. To prove that a formula φ is a tautology we begin with a tree whose single node is labelled with F φ, that is to say, we assume that φ is false in some model. A tableau proof represents a systematic search for such a model. Every tableau branch corresponds to a partial possible model in which the formulas on the branch are assigned the truth value corresponding to their sign. Therefore, a complementary pair of formulas, and ∗ It is obtained by looking up the subformulas corresponding to φ in Table 3.2 and instantiating the matching rule schema in Table 3.1.
consequently a closed branch, denotes an explicit contradiction, since in every model each formula has a unique truth value. Definition 3.7. (Closed tableau, tableau provable) A tableau T is closed iff all of its branches are closed. A L-formula φ is classically tableau provable, in symbols ⊢c φ, iff there exists a closed tableau for {F φ}. Definition 3.8. (Complete branch, complete tableau) A tableau branch is called complete if it is either closed or no rule application to a formula on the branch produces a formula that was not already present. A tableau is complete iff each of its branches is. A tableau proof tree represents a proof of the negated root formula when all branches in the tree can be closed simultaneously; in other words, when every attempt to construct a model that makes the root formula false leads to a contradiction. At this point a few remarks are in order: Remark 3.9. (Closure of branches) • If 0-ary propositional connectives such as t (which evaluates constantly to 1) and f (which evaluates constantly to 0) are present (cf. the logic in Section, additional closure conditions for branches become necessary. The constant operators t, f are handled by letting branches also be closed when they contain one of the formulas T f , F t. • Therefore, the following alternative definition of branch closure is possible which will prove useful in the following chapter. Alternative definition of branch closure Let Contrc = {{T φ, F φ}| φ ∈ L} ∪ {{T f }, {F t}} be the contradiction set for classical tableaux. Then a tableau branch B is closed iff 2B ∩ Contrc 6= ∅. • From now on we will use this definition. In all tableau systems for the various logics that we will consider, what will change besides the formula syntax are the tableau expansion rules and the choice of the contradiction set. • It is sufficient to consider complementary pairs of atomic formulas in the definition of branch closure. Theorem 3.10. (Soundness, completeness) Let L be a classical firstorder logic and let φ be any L-sentence. Then there is a closed classical tableau for {F φ} iff φ is a first-order classical tautology. In symbols, L φ iff ⊢c φ. Proof. See, for example, Fitting [1990b].
Remark 3.11. (Deletion of used formulas) It is sufficient for completeness to apply α-,β- and δ-rules only once to every formula in each branch. Consequently, formulas of these types may be deleted locally to the current branch after a rule has been applied to them. Note, however, that in general γ-formulas must be used repeatedly and hence may not be removed. Remark 3.12. (Systematic tableaux and fairness) Tableau construction for a set of formulas Φ as described above is a highly non-deterministic procedure. We did not specify, for example, in which order the tableau rules should be applied to the formulas on a branch, in which order newly generated branches should be processed, or what terms in which order should be ‘guessed’ by the γ-rules. Somewhere on the way to an actual implementation, however, these questions have to be addressed, since any real program on a real machine behaves deterministically. Our completeness result, on the other hand, does not exhibit anything of the order in which the tableau is built up. If one wishes to extend the completeness result towards a concrete implementation the notion of systematic tableaux [Smullyan, 1968] is usually introduced. The main issues to be considered are the γ-rule applications. If the γ-rule is repeatedly applied to the same formula every term in the language must finally occur in the conclusion. Moreover, the order of rule applications to γ-formulas are to be ‘fair’. Basically, this means that a tableau construction is carried out in such a way that for every γ-formula the corresponding rule is applied arbitrarily often. Depending on the rules used, fairness conditions can become quite complex, in particular when other optimizations, such as indexing of formulas, are implemented [H¨ahnle et al., 1992]. Since fairness issues are not dependent on the number of truth values in a logic, we will not discuss them in the present work. We merely inform the reader that all our completeness results could be strengthened with respect to systematic tableaux and we refer to Smullyan [1968], Fitting [1990b], H¨ ahnle [1992] for a deeper discussion of fairness. Remark 3.13. (Ground vs free variable tableaux) An important optimization in recent tableau-based theorem provers deals with the γ-rules. Instead of guessing an arbitrary ground term, as is done in the γ-rule we are using here, one marks the quantified variable in the conclusion as free and it is instantiated only later via unification with a term that is actually needed for a branch closure. Of course, then something also has to be done with the δ-rules in order to preserve soundness. For obvious reasons we speak of a free variable tableau system when rules of this kind are used and of a ground tableau system when the present rules are used. We will take up this issue again in Section Remark 3.14. (Strong soundness and completeness) In classical logic the usual strong soundness and completeness results can easily be
proved by observing that for all first-order sentences φ1 , . . . , φn , ψ and classical logics L {φ1 , . . . , φn } L φ iff L (φ1 ∧ . . . ∧ φn ) ⊃ φ holds. This fact, which is a kind of deduction theorem, does not hold in most many-valued logics, and worse, a consequence relation is not necessarily characterizable by finite matrices at all (cf. Section 8.1.3). In the following, we will not, therefore, be concerned with consequences, but only with tautologies. We conclude this section with two small examples whose purpose is merely to introduce our notation for tableau proof trees. Example 3.15. Using the tree drawn on the left we prove the first-order tautology ⊢c (∃x)(∀y)r(x, y) ⊃ (∀y)(∃x)r(x, y), while the tree on the right proves ⊢c p ⊃ (q ⊃ p). Formulas marked with an asterisk may be removed during the construction. ∗ (1) [−] F (∃x)(∀y)r(x, y) ⊃ (∀y)(∃x)r(x, y) ∗ (2) [1] T (∃x)(∀y)r(x, y) ∗ (3) [1] F (∀y)(∃x)r(x, y)
∗ (1) [−] F p ⊃ (q ⊃ p) (2) [1] T p ∗ (3) [1] F q ⊃ p
(4) [2] T (∀y)r(c, y)
(4) [3] T q
(5) [3] F (∃x)r(x, d)
(5) [3] F p
(6) [4] T r(c, d)
closed by (2, 5)
(7) [5] F r(c, d) closed by (6, 7) The formulas on the trees are numbered in the order of their appearance, starting with (1). These numbers are enclosed in parentheses. The numbers in square brackets indicate the number of the parent formula. Beneath each closed branch the numbers of the formulas which led to the closure are given. On the left side, in (4) a new parameter c has been introduced via a δ-rule application to (2), while (6) was inferred from (4) by a γ-rule application, whereby y was instantiated by d. Similarly, (7) was inferred from
(5) and (5) in turn from (3). The first rule applied to the tree was an αrule to (1), corresponding to F and implication, which produced formulas (2) and (3). The example on the right should be obvious enough. It is part of most Hilbert-style axiomatizations of classical logic and it will be used several times throughout the book, since it is also valid in various many-valued logics. For some more sophisticated examples of classical proof trees, see [Smullyan, 1968]. 3.2
On the rˆ ole of signs in analytic tableaux
The notion of a sign or prefix is central to our approach to many-valued theorem proving; unlike classical logic, where the choice between signed and unsigned tableau systems is merely a matter of taste (since they are completely dual), in non-classical logics signs are crucial. To stress this point we assume from now on that the set of signs is specified together with the language. Consequently, from now on, we will use the following definition instead of Definition 2.8, at least when tableaux are involved. Definition 3.16. (Propositional logic) Let L be a propositional language, A a propositional matrix for it, and S a finite set of signs with L ∩ S = ∅. Then the triple L = (L, A, S) is called an n-valued propositional logic with designated truth values D. Signed formulas are defined as above, but the signs are elements from S for which we sometimes also write SL to emphasize that the choice of signs is part of the definition of a logic. We feel this is justified, since changing the set of signs not only leads to a different proof system, but also forces one to express queries differently, and thus has an influence on the form of completeness theorems, as we will see. We said that changing the set of signs will result in a different proof system, just as does changing the set of connectives, however, the analogy carries further: while a certain set of connectives has to be present for a logic to be functionally complete, a certain set of signs also has to be present for the existence of sound tableau systems. We think it is an important step in proof procedures for many-valued logics (and not only for these) to separate the link structure, which is purely classical since it amounts to a semantic And/Or-graph over signed formulas, from the nonclassical part, which can be described as bookkeeping or resource management; and signs are a natural device to achieve this. In a way the sign language then has to reflect the kind of deviation from classical logic. In our case, truth value sets as signs reflect many-valued matrices; in other logics they may reflect temporal relationships or resource constraints. A similar philosophy is also behind Gabbay’s work on Labelled Deductive Systems [Gabbay, 1991].
Seen in this way, signs are not restricted to use within a tableau framework, but can be used advantageously in tableaux as well as in other proof procedures. We will illustrate this latter point for Binary Decision Diagrams and path dissolution, KE systems and resolution in Chapter 6. 3.3
Multiple-valued extension of tableau systems
In this section we sketch a method∗ of extending tableaux to handle any finitely-valued first-order logic. The method is due to Surma, who presented it at the International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic in 1974 [Surma, 1984]. In the same year Sucho´ n presented a tableau system for the special case of n-valued Lukasiewicz logics which had the advantage of yielding much shorter proofs than one would normally obtain using Surma’s approach. We delay the discussion of Sucho´ n’s system until Section 7.2.3, where we will describe precisely the relationship between both approaches using the tools that will have been developed by then. Some years later, Carnielli [1987] filled the gaps in Surma’s somewhat sketchy presentation and extended the treatment to distribution quantifiers [Mostowski, 1957] which include the standard ones that we consider.† Assume for the moment that we are working in a three-valued logic. Then, obviously, stating that a formula φ is not true is not the same thing as stating that it is false, or, more precisely, stating that φ does not have the truth value 1 is not equivalent to stating that it has the truth value 0. Yet another formulation of this fact, with respect to signed tableaux, is that not T φ is not the same as F φ. But being able to express this fact, that not T φ holds, is crucial for the tableau method to work, since this is what we must put in the initial tableau if the tautological status of a formula φ is to be established. The solution is to introduce signs other than T and F , namely as many as there are truth values in a logic. Let us fix 1 n−2 SL = 0, ,..., ,1 n−1 n−1 as the set of signs for an n-valued logic in this section. Each sign corresponds to a truth value in an obvious way. We use the same symbols for signs and truth values. For better readability the former are usually printed in sans serif typeface and this convention is understood as an implicit conversion function. We are now able to express invalidity of a formula in the following way: ∗ In the next chapter we will see that it can be regarded as a special case of the technique we are developing. Since we give the latter a thorough treatment we can afford to be sloppy in the present section. † The history of many-valued proof systems based on tableaux and Gentzen calculi is actually a bit longer. See Section 8.2.2 for some more references.
not 1 φ iff (0 φ or
1 2
So far, so good—but how does one compute the tableau rules corresponding to a certain sign and connective in this new setting? Assume that we wanted to compute the rule corresponding to 12 and disjunction for n = 3. If we take a look at the truth table (Table 2.1) we see that there are three entries equal to 12 . By covering these entries we can extract the necessary and sufficient conditions on the direct subformulas of a formula of the form φ ∨ ψ that characterize the assertion 12 (φ ∨ ψ). More precisely, we have that 1 2
(φ ∨ ψ)
( 21 φ and 0 ψ) or ( 12 φ and
1 2
ψ) or (0 φ and
1 2
Transforming this into a tableau rule, we obtain 1 2 1 2
φ 0ψ
(φ ∨ ψ) 1 0φ 2 φ 1 1 2 ψ 2 ψ
Recall that formulas on the same tableau branch are to be thought of as conjunctively connected while formulas on different branches are disjunctively connected, hence the one-to-one correspondence between conclusions of tableau rules and disjunctive normal forms of their premisses. Using the same method one can compute rules for all combinations of signs and connectives, provided the truth tables are known and the sign does occur in the truth table of the connective. If it does not, as, for example, the sign 12 in the truth table for weak negation (Table 2.2), the current branch can be closed immediately since an assertion of this kind can never be satisfied. We call signed formulas of this kind self-contradictory. A convenient method of handling these cases is to include them in the contradiction set of a tableau system. We illustrate the point by giving the contradiction set for the logic LnM (see Definition 2.28). ContrLn = {{S1 φ, S2 φ}| φ ∈ LnM , S1 6= S2 } M ∪{k Ji (φ)| 0 < k < 1, φ ∈ LnM , i, k ∈ N } Thus every branch that contains contradictory formulas, either complementary pairs or self-contradictory formulas, can be closed. One can note at once some important properties of many-valued tableaux: 1. The rules do not in general fall into either the α- or the β-schema. 2. The number of extensions generated by a rule for a formula Sφ can be equal to the number of entries corresponding to S in the truth table of the top connective of φ. For n truth values and k-ary connectives the worst case is a branching factor of nk − n with k(nk − n) formulas
in the conclusion. Since every entry in the truth table has to be analysed in exactly one of the rules corresponding to the connective, the number of extensions summarized over all rules corresponding to a connective is, with the exception of rare cases, when simplifications are possible, equal to nk . 3. For connectives with an arity not greater than 2 the rules are uniquely determined up to the ordering of the extensions in the conclusion and the formulas within each extension.∗ 4. Using (3.1) we can stipulate that a formula is not satisfiable. The price, however, is that the construction of two tableaux is required. In general, as many tableaux as there are non-designated truth values are required. Example 3.17. In Figures 3.1 and 3.2 the proof trees corresponding to the proof of the L3M -tautology (see Table 2.1) ¬p ⊃ (∼ p ∧ ¬p) are shown. Note that we need two proof trees in order to refute the two non-designated truth values 0 and 21 . Formulas in Figure 3.1 correspond to formulas with the same numbers in Figure 3.2. (1) [−] 0 (¬p ⊃ (∼ p ∧ ¬p)) (2) [1] 1 ¬p (3) [1] 0 (∼ p ∧ ¬p) (4) [2] 0 p , , (5) [3] 0 ∼ p
l l (12) [3] 0 ¬p
(7) [5] 1 p
(13) [12] 1 p
closed with (4, 7) closed with (4, 13) Fig. 3.1. Tableau proof of ¬p ⊃ (∼ p ∧ ¬p) using Surma and Carnielli’s method: refutation of truth value 0. ∗ For connectives with higher arity this is generally not the case even in classical logic. See Section 4.5 for an example.
(1) [−]
1 2
(¬p ⊃ (∼ p ∧ ¬p))
(2) [1] 1 ¬p (3) [1]
(5) [3]
1 2
1 2
(∼ p ∧ ¬p)
(4) [2] 0 p ! aa ! ! aa a !! (11) [3] ∼p (8) [3] 1 ∼ p
(6) [3] 1 ¬p
(9) [3]
1 2
(12) [3]
1 2
1 2
∼p ¬p
(10) [9] 21 p (13) [12] 21 p # c # closed with (5) closed with (4, 13) c c # (15) [8] 12 p (14) [8] 0 p (7) [6] 0 p
closed with (4, 10) closed with (4, 10)
Fig. 3.2. Tableau proof of ¬p ⊃ (∼ p ∧ ¬p) using Surma and Carnielli’s method: refutation of truth value 21 . Carnielli [1987; 1991] admits a very general class of quantifiers of which ∀ and ∃ are special cases. Assume for the moment a first-order language L containing quantifiers Q = {Q1 , . . . , Qr } and thus formulas (Qi x)φ. Definition 3.18. (Distribution of a formula) Let φ ∈ L and β be a variable assignment in a structure M for L. Then the distribution of φ with respect to M and β is defined as DistrM,β (φ) = {vβxu (φ)| u ∈ U } where U is the domain of M. Thus the distribution of φ yields all truth values that φ can take on under M and β while x is running through all possible values. Obviously, DistrM,β (φ) ⊆ N always holds. Now it is possible to define the semantics of a quantifier with a mapping from distributions to truth values, in
other words, each dQ : 2N → N defines a quantifier Q by the following convention, which replaces clauses (3) and (4) in Definition 2.19: vβ ((Qi x)φ) = dQi (DistrM,β (φ)) The resulting quantifiers are called, appropriately enough, distribution quantifiers. They were first introduced by Mostowski [1957]. The familiar quantifiers ∀ and ∃ may be defined using the mappings d∀ : X 7→ min(X) d∃ : X 7→ max(X) where min and max are interpreted naturally on X ⊆ N . If we define d−1 Q as d−1 6 X ⊆ N, dQ (X) = i} Q (i) = {X| ∅ = tableau rules for a sign i and a closed formula (Q x)φ are easily obtained by analysing the possibilities in d−1 Q (i) on a branch-by-branch basis. Informally, a set of truth values {i1 , . . . , ik } ∈ d−1 Q (i) says that 1. v(φ{x ← t1 }) = i1 , . . . , v(φ{x ← tk }) = ik holds for certain terms {t1 , . . . , tk } and 2. for any term t: v(φ{x ← t}) ∈ {i1 , . . . , ik }. We observe that if k = 1 then for all terms t we have v(φ{x ← t}) = i1 . A tableau rule that reflects the first condition for a sign i and a formula (Q x)φ has |d−1 Q (i)| many extensions, one for each set {i1 , . . . , ik } ∈ −1 dQ (i). If k > 1 an extension contains the signed formulas i1 φ{x ← c1 }, . . . , ik φ{x ← ck }, where {c1 , . . . , ck } are new parameters. If k = 1 then an extension contains the single formula i1 φ{x ← t}, where t is an arbitrary term. The contradiction set must be extended to include the following signed formulas: {i (Q x)φ| d−1 Q (i) = ∅, φ ∈ L, Q ∈ Q} Unfortunately, this definition from Carnielli [1987] as it stands can lead to incomplete rules, since the second condition above is not taken into account. An example that shows this as well as a possible correction is given in Carnielli [1991]. Example 3.19. [Carnielli, 1991] Let L be a three-valued logic containing two quantifiers Q, R which are defined as follows: 1 X = {0, 12 } 1 X = {0, 1} dQ (X) = dR (X) = 0 otherwise 0 otherwise
If we use the construction of tableau rules just given we arrive at the following rules for the prefix 1 : 1 (Q x)φ(x) 0 φ(c1 ) 1 2 φ(c2 )
1 (R x)φ(x) 0 φ(c3 ) 1 φ(c4 )
where the ci are new parameters. Now consider the set of signed formulas Φ = {1 (Q x)p(x), 1 (R x)p(x)} for an arbitrary predicate symbol p. Despite the fact that Φ is unsatisfiable, using these rules we obtain the tableau shown in Figure 3.3 which cannot be closed. (1) [−] 1 (Q x)p(x) (2) [−] 1 (R x)p(x) (3) [1] 0 p(c1 ) (4) [1]
1 2
p(c2 )
(5) [2] 0 p(c3 ) (6) [2] 1 p(c4 ) cannot be closed
Fig. 3.3. Attempted tableau refutation of Φ with incomplete quantifier rules. The incomplete rules are fixed in Carnielli [1991] by introducing additional rules with an empty premise (i.e. they can be applied at any time) that list exhaustively the possible truth values of formulas with parameters introduced at earlier stages. In the proof tree of Figure 3.3, for example, one could apply (among many others) the following rule: 0 p(c2 ) 1 p(c2 ) in order to close the tree. We argue that this solution introduces more indeterminacy than necessary, causing excessive branching and complicating
the generated proofs. In Section 5.4 we give a more satisfactory solution which avoids most of the drawbacks. To further illustrate how complex the computation of first-order tableau rules can be using Carnielli’s approach we consider the standard quantifiers, say 0 (∀x)φ(x), in three-valued logic. From 1 1 d−1 (0) = {{0}, 0, , 0, , 1 , {0, 1}} ∀ 2 2 the following tableau rule is computed: 0 φ(t)
0 (∀x)φ(x) 0 φ(c1 ) 0 φ(c3 ) 0 φ(c6 ) 1 1 2 φ(c2 ) 2 φ(c4 ) 1 φ(c5 ) 1 φ(c7 )
Where t is any term and ci are new parameters.
Since any distribution (i.e. non-empty subset of N ) of a quantifier Q has to be analysed in exactly one of the rules corresponding to 0 (Q x)φ, . . . , 1 (Q x)φ, the sum of the extensions in all rules for one quantifier is always equal to 2n − 1 if the rules are computed by the method just sketched. Sometimes rules may be simplified, for example the rule for 0 (∀x)φ(x) stated above can be reduced to 0 (∀x)φ(x) 0 φ(c)
where c is a new parameter.
It is a non-trivial task, however, to detect and validate possible simplifications, and Carnielli does not give a hint as to how to achieve them. Moreover, we did not count the branches generated by the additional rules that enumerate parameters. 3.4
We have seen that using Surma and Carnielli’s method it is possible to give tableau proof systems for every finitely-valued first-order logic including distribution quantifiers.∗ We have, however, also encountered obstacles which make the actual use of the method in a theorem prover highly problematic. • The number of proof trees that are necessary to validate a formula is |N − D| and thus usually O(n), since D is small. • Given that signs and connectives are approximately equally distributed in the proof trees, the average number of new branches that are k generated in a rule application is nn = nk−1 and the average number ∗ In Caferra and Zabel [1990] an implementation of a theorem prover based on Surma and Carnielli’s approach for propositional logic is described. See also Section 7.2.4 of the present work.
of new formulas is knn = knk−1 for k-ary propositional connectives, n while the figures for quantifiers are 2 n−1 for the number of extensions and Pn Pn n−1 n n−1 n X n − 1 X n−1 j=0 j j j=0 n j−1 = 2n−1 = = = i j − 1 n n i=0 j=1 for the number of new formulas. The number of branches generated by the parameter rules depends on the number of parameters present in the tableau, but can be exponential wrt this number.∗ • A closer inspection of the proof trees in Figures 3.1 and 3.2 reveals that all unsigned formulas in the tree shown in Figure 3.1 also occur in the tree shown in Figure 3.2 and at the same position: the first tree is isomorphic to a partial tree (that is, a tree that results when certain nodes are removed) of the second tree. Inspection of other examples shows that there is always a very high degree of redundancy in the trees corresponding to the various non-designated truth values. From these considerations several questions naturally arise: • Is there an economic representation of the many-valued search space which is less redundant? • Is there a method decreasing the excessive branching factor of the rules, in particular for the first-order case? • The quantifier rules are branching most and are complicated to denote, while at the same time it does not really seem to be useful to have the whole class of distribution quantifiers available. Is there a more restricted class of quantifiers that has more elegant and less branching rules instead? • It is annoying that the many-valued rules do not obey Smullyan’s classification schema into rules of type α, β, . . . . Is there a class of many-valued logics for which a uniform system does exist? In the following two chapters we will develop methods that allow us to answer all of these questions in the affirmative. In Section 6.2 we will also give a tentative answer to the following related question: Some many-valued logics seem to be more complex than others† and this should be mirrored in the corresponding proof systems, but in Surma and Carnielli’s approach the proof complexity grows uniformly with the number of truth values (this is another indicator that they are far from optimal). Are there criteria for ∗ This
analysis does not account for possible simplifications of the rules. example, the finitely-valued Lukasiewicz logics (Section 2.3.2), which are based on the ⊃L connective seem at first sight to be more complicated than the logics from the class Ln M (Definition 2.28) which are based on the simple generalized disjunction connective. It will become apparent that this is not the case. † For
estimating the proof size complexity of a many-valued logic which are based on semantical properties and which go beyond the specialized setting of analytic tableaux?
4 A NEW TECHNIQUE: TRUTH VALUE SETS AS SIGNS Gl¨ uckseliger Aspekt! So stellt sich endlich Die große Drei verh¨angnisvoll zusammen . . . — Friedrich Schiller, Wallensteins Tod As before stated we defer the discussion of first-order logics until the next chapter and deal only with propositional logics in the present one. Moreover, we assume that the languages under consideration contain no 0-place connectives. These are possible to accommodate, although they make the definitions unnecessarily complicated. We sketch what must be changed at the end of Section 4.3. 4.1 Sets as signs One approach to decrease redundancy in the tableau systems introduced in the previous chapter would be to perform the steps that are identical in all or in some of the proof trees at the same time (possibly using structure sharing); in other words, to search for the refutation of all non-designated truth values in parallel. Now, as always, when one is making algorithms and data structures trickier, this leads to a fairly complex proof procedure involving much bookkeeping and hence a cryptic completeness proof. Moreover, the results achieved in this way are unlikely to be applicable outside the context of analytic tableaux. A far more satisfying solution can be achieved on a logical level. Consider, for example, the signed L3M+ -formula∗ 1 ∼ φ. Application of the corresponding tableau rule computed according to Surma and Carnielli yields two new branches, each containing one of the formulas 0 φ and 21 φ. Encountering such a formula during a proof, however, does not give rise to any proof theoretical reason to split the proof tree at once into the two cases determined by the extensions of the rule. If we were able to express the more complex assertion φ has either truth value 0 or truth value
1 2
with a single signed formula we could avoid splitting. In other words, we delay the final decision of which model to assume for φ while retaining all necessary information. Hence, our idea is to increase the expressivity of the sign language in order to be able to state more complex conditions like the ∗ For
the logic L3M+ see Definition 2.29.
one just shown. Perhaps the most natural thing to do is to admit subsets of the set of truth values as signs. ¯ is defined Definition 4.1. (Base set of signs) The base set of signs S as ¯ = {{k1 , . . . , km }| {k1 , . . . , km } ⊆ N } = 2N S For the moment assume that the set of signs SL in a logic L always obeys ¯ {{i}| i ∈ N } ⊆ SL ⊆ S
We need the left-hand part of (4.1), because, otherwise, unsound rules can be stated. In Section 4.2 we give a weaker condition that is sufficient for soundness. Example 4.2. Let us fix the set of signs for the logic L3M+ as SL3 = {{0 }, { 21 }, {1 }, {0, 12 } , { 12 , 1} } M+ We can express the assertion that φ has either truth value 0 or truth value 12 by the signed formula {0, 12 } φ. An equivalent formulation would be to say that φ cannot take on truth value 1, hence we need to build only one tableau proof tree for each proof. We turn now to the question of how the tableau rules for generalized signs are computed. We can view the process of finding the extensions to a given sign S and connective F in a similar way as before (cf. Section 3.3), namely as finding of cover for all entries in the truth table of F that are members of S. The difference from the former approach is that, in general, extensions in which formulas with generalized signs do occur cover more than one entry. The next definitions formally describe this process. Remember that syntax and semantics are defined in terms of abstract algebras and valuations are homomorphisms between them. Definition 4.3. (Algebra of signs) Let L = (L, A, S) be any propositional logic with matrix A = (N, f1 , . . . , fr ). Then we define the algebra of signs AS = (S, f1′ , . . . , fr′ ) as an abstract algebra similar to A whose operations fi′ are defined as
fi′ (S1 , . . . , Sm ) =
[ {fi (j1 , . . . , jm )| jk ∈ Sk , 1 ≤ k ≤ m}
The algebra AS defines the semantics of L in terms of truth value sets corresponding to the members of S. In the following definition we use the convention f −1 (S) = {(j1 , . . . , jm )| f (j1 , . . . , jm ) ∈ S}, where S is the set of truth values corresponding to S. Definition 4.4. (Tableau rule) Let L = (L, A, S) be a many-valued logic, φ = F (φ1 , . . . , φm ) a L-formula, and let f and f ′ be the interpretations of F in A, respectively in AS . A (L-)tableau rule is a function πS,F which assigns to the signed formula Sφ ∈ L∗ a tree with root SF (φ1 , . . . , φm ) called premise and linear subtrees (denoted by ◦ · · · ◦) S1 φi1 ◦ · · · ◦ St φit such that S1 , . . . , St ∈ S, where 1 ≤ t ≤ m and the condition HS (F ; (S1 , i1 ), . . . , (St , it )), which is defined below, holds for each of these subtrees. The linear subtrees are called extensions.∗ The collection of extensions is called a conclusion of a tableau rule if (T0a) for any (j1 , . . . , jm ) ∈ f −1 (S) there is an extension S1 φi1 ◦. . .◦St φit with jik ∈ Sk for all 1 ≤ k ≤ t, and (T0b) there is no set of extensions with fewer elements satisfying (T0a). HS (F ; (S1 , i1 ), . . . , (St , it )) holds iff there exists a homomorphism h : L → AS , satisfying (T1)–(T4). (T1) h(φik ) = Sk for 1 ≤ k ≤ t. (T2) f ′ (S′1 , . . . , S′m ) ⊆ S whenever S′ik = Sk for all 1 ≤ k ≤ t and the other S′j are arbitrary. (T3) For no 1 ≤ k ≤ t is there a S′k with S′k % Sk that satisfies (T1) and (T2). (T4) There is no t′ with t′ < t that satisfies (T1) and (T2). If no such homomorphism exists, no rule for the formula φ and the sign S is defined. Since this rule is fairly abstract, we feel that some explanations are in order: ad (T0) The first part specifies soundness of rules with respect to AS . Each truth table entry which is a member of S must be covered by some extension. The second part minimizes the number of extensions. This is already necessary in the two-valued case. Three versions of a sound and complete rule for {1} (φ ∨ ψ) in ∗ Extensions are treated as sets. Thus of all subtrees that differ only in the ordering of their signed formulas only one appears as an extension of the rule.
ad (T1) ad (T2) ad (T3)
ad (T4)
classical logic are shown in Figure 4.1. (T0b) ensures that the one on the right is never selected. Since h is a homomorphism it respects the semantics of L. (T1) propagates this property to the rule via h. This guarantees completeness with respect to AS . Makes the Sk maximal and favours, for example, the rule for three-valued disjunction and { 21 } on the left in Figure 4.2 before the rule on the right. Minimizes the number of formulas in extensions. Once again, this is already necessary in the two-valued case. The rule in the middle of Figure 4.1 is favoured before the rule on the left.
{1} (φ ∨ ψ) {1} φ {0} φ {1} ψ
{1} (φ ∨ ψ) {1} φ {1} ψ
{1} (φ ∨ ψ) {1} φ {1} φ {0} φ {0} ψ {1} ψ {1} ψ
Fig. 4.1. Various tableau rules for classical disjunction and sign {1} .
{ 12 } (φ ∨ ψ) {0, 12 } φ { 21 } φ { 12 } ψ {0, 12 } ψ
{ 21 } (φ ∨ ψ) {0, 12 } φ { 21 } φ { 21 } ψ {0} ψ
Fig. 4.2. Two tableau rules for three-valued disjunction and sign { 21 } . From the multitude of sound and complete rules that are possible for each signed formula the above definition selects one with the help of the minimizing and maximizing conditions (T0b), (T3), and (T4), which is still not unique up to the order of formulas in the extensions and the order of extensions in the conclusion. See Section 4.5 for an example of a connective that gives rise to non-unique rules. There we will also prove the following proposition which states that conditions (T0a), (T1), and (T2) alone are sufficient to guarantee the existence of sound and complete rules. Proposition 4.5. If there are homomorphisms g1 , . . . , gr satisfying conditions (T0a), (T1), and (T2) in Definition 4.4, then there are also homomorphisms h1 , . . . , hq with q ≤ r satisfying (T0)–(T4). It is possible, of course, to discuss conditions (T0b), (T3), and (T4), because they are not the only ones one could think of. In particular one could argue that (T3) should be reversed so that the rule on the right in Figure 4.2 is selected instead of the rule on the left, since the former gives more information about the formula ψ in the right extension than the latter.
A similar argument can be applied to (T4) and the two leftmost rules in Figure 4.1. The issue is neither trivial nor unimportant since it can have a profound influence on the proof length complexity of the resulting tableau system. We will take up this discussion again in Chapter 6.1. There we will see that varying conditions (T3) and (T4) constitutes the general case of a technique which is commonly called lemma generation in the two-valued case. A detailed derivation of the rule on the left in Figure 4.2 will further clarify the preceding definition. Example 4.6. Find the tableau rule for { 21 } (φ ∨ ψ) in L3M . The task is to find a minimal set of homomorphisms {h1 , h2 , . . .} whose corresponding rule extensions together cover all entries in the truth table of ∨ (see Table 2.1) that are equal to 12 . All hi must satisfy (T1)–(T4). Obviously, it is sufficient to define hi on φ, ψ (and, therefore, on all of their subformulas). h1 (φ) = { 21 } , h1 (ψ) = {0, 21 } defines the partial cover. . .
. . . adding the partial cover corresponding to h2 (φ) = {0, 12 } and h2 (ψ) = { 21 } yields
1 2 1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2 1 2
It is easy to see that (T1)–(T4) are satisfied for h1 , h2 . And since the required cover cannot be achieved with a single homomorphism, (T0b) also holds. Signed formulas for which no rule is defined are essentially selfcontradictory formulas (see page 24) and have to be added to the contradiction set. Instead of pairs of complementary formulas we now have to look for finite sets of formulas with no common truth value that they can take on in a possible model. Definition 4.7. (Contradiction set) Given a logic L we define the contradiction set ContrS of many-valued tableau systems using sets of truth values as signs by Tr ContrS = {{S1 φ, . . . , Sr φ}| r ≥ 1, j=1 Sj = ∅, Sj φ ∈ L∗ } ∪{{S φ}| no rule defined for S φ ∈ L∗ } No other parts of the proof tree construction are affected by the new system. Note that in the above definition r is, in general, required to be greater than 2, for example when formulas such as {0, 21 } φ, {0, 1} φ,
{ 21 , 1} φ are present on a branch. Let us abbreviate the fact that there is a closed proof tree over N − D φ with the string ⊢S φ. At this point we may ask ourselves which signs should be chosen in order to produce an adequate tableau system. Certainly, not all of the ¯ do make sense and these are also far too 2n possible ones (the size of S) numerous to handle. We will give a very precise answer for a certain class of logics in the next chapter, but in general the following rule of thumb is helpful: 1. Include all signs necessary for a compact expression of your queries. If, for example, you are usually asking for logical consequence in the sense of Definition 2.21 then you are well advised to include D and N − D in the set of signs. Call the resulting set of signs S1 . 2. Include all other signs that are necessary to write down short rules for the combinations of signs in S1 and connectives in the logic. 3. Check that (4.2) below is satisfied. If not, add a sufficient selection of signs and goto 2. Note that the signs {} and N are not explicitly excluded, although a branch containing a formula such as {} φ can always be closed immediately, since no rule can be defined for such a formula∗ and a formula of the form N φ does not add any real information. Example 4.8. In Figures 4.3 and 4.4 we give the full tableau system for the propositional part of the logic from Example 4.2. Note that the rules for sign 0 with strong equivalence and affirmation of { 21 } could have been simplified if the sign {0, 1} had been available. It is instructive to compare the size of the rules in this system with the size of the rules that are generated by Surma and Carnielli’s method described in Section 3.3.
∗ By (T0a) and (T0b) only the empty set of extensions is possible, but then no homomorphism h exists and the rule is undefined.
Conjunction { 21 } (φ ∧ ψ) { , 1} φ { 12 } φ 1 { 2 } ψ { 12 , 1} ψ
{0} (φ ∧ ψ) {0} φ {0} ψ
{1} (φ ∧ ψ) {1} φ {1} ψ
1 2
{ 21 , 1} (φ ∧ ψ) { 21 , 1} φ { 21 , 1} ψ
{0, 12 } (φ ∧ ψ) {0, 12 } φ {0, 12 } ψ Disjunction {0} (φ ∨ ψ) {0} φ {0} ψ
{ 21 } (φ ∨ ψ) {0, 12 } φ { 21 } φ 1 { 2 } ψ {0, 12 } ψ
{0, 21 } (φ ∨ ψ) {0, 12 } φ {0, 12 } ψ
{1} (φ ∨ ψ) {1} φ {1} ψ
{ 21 , 1} (φ ∨ ψ) { , 1} φ { 21 , 1} ψ 1 2
Strong negation {0} ¬φ {1} φ
{ 21 } ¬φ { 21 } φ
{1} ¬φ {0} φ
{0, 12 } ¬φ { 21 , 1} φ
{ 21 , 1} ¬φ {0, 12 } φ
Affirmation of {0} {0} J0 (φ) { 12 , 1} φ
{1} J0 (φ) {0} φ
{ 21 } J0 (φ) No Rule
{0, 12 } J0 (φ) { 12 , 1} φ
{ 21 , 1} J0 (φ) {0} φ
Affirmation of { 21 } {0} J 21 (φ) { 21 } J 1 (φ) 2 {0} φ {1} φ No Rule
{1} J 12 (φ) { 12 } φ
{0, 21 } J 12 (φ) {0} φ {1} φ
{ 21 , 1} J 21 (φ) { 12 } φ
Affirmation of {1} {0} J1 (φ) {0, 12 } φ
{ 21 } J1 (φ) No Rule
{1} J1 (φ) {1} φ
{0, 12 } J1 (φ) {0, 12 } φ
{ 21 , 1} J1 (φ) {1} φ
Fig. 4.3. Tableau system for the logic from Example 4.2, Part I.
Weak negation {0} ∼ φ {1} φ
{0, 12 } ∼ φ {1} φ
{1} ∼ φ {0, 12 } φ
{ 21 } ∼ φ No Rule
{ 12 , 1} ∼ φ {0, 12 } φ
Implication { 12 } (φ ⊃ ψ) {1} φ { 21 } ψ
{0} (φ ⊃ ψ) {1} φ {0} ψ {0, 21 } (φ ⊃ ψ) {1} φ {0, 21 } ψ
{1} (φ ⊃ ψ) {0, 12 } φ {1} ψ { 21 , 1} (φ ⊃ ψ) {0, 21 } φ { 12 , 1} ψ
Weak equivalence {0} (φ ≡ ψ) {1} φ {0} φ {0} ψ {1} ψ
{ 21 } (φ ≡ ψ) {1} φ { 21 } φ { 21 } ψ {1} ψ
{0, 12 } (φ ≡ ψ) {1} φ {0, 12 } φ 1 {0, 2 } ψ {1} ψ
{1} (φ ≡ ψ) {0, 12 } φ {1} φ {0, 12 } ψ {1} ψ { 21 , 1} (φ ≡ ψ) {0, 12 } φ { 21 , 1} φ {0, 12 } ψ { 21 , 1} ψ
Strong equivalence {0} (φ ∼ = ψ) { , 1} φ {1} φ {0} φ {0, 21 } ψ { 12 , 1} ψ {0} ψ 1 2
{1} (φ ∼ = ψ) {0} φ { 21 } φ {1} φ {0} ψ { 21 } ψ {1} ψ
{0, 12 } φ {1} ψ
{ 12 } (φ ∼ = ψ) No Rule
{0, 12 } (φ ∼ = ψ) { , 1} φ {1} φ {0} φ {0} ψ {0, 12 } ψ { 12 , 1} ψ 1 2
{0, 21 } φ {1} ψ
{ 21 , 1} (φ ∼ = ψ) {0} φ { 21 } φ {1} φ {0} ψ { 21 } ψ {1} ψ Fig. 4.4. Tableau system for the logic from Example 4.2, Part II.
We close this section with an example of a proof tree constructed using the system from Figures 4.3 and 4.4. Example 4.9. We show that ⊢S ¬p ⊃ (∼ p ∧ ¬p) holds in the tableau system corresponding to the logic from Example 4.2. The same fact was proven in Example 3.17. Note that the single tree required now is exactly the size of the smaller one of the two trees before. (1) [−] {0, 12 } (¬p ⊃ (∼ p ∧ ¬p))
(2) [1] {1} ¬p
(3) [1] {0, 21 } (∼ p ∧ ¬p)
(4) [2] {0} p Q Q Q Q (7) [3] {0, 21 } ¬p (5) [3] {0, 21 } ∼ p
(6) [5] {1} p
(8) [7] { 21 , 1} p
closed with (4, 6)
closed with (4, 8)
From now on we refer to the tableau systems introduced in this section as the sets-as-signs approach to discern it, for example from classical tableaux or Carnielli’s rules. 4.2 Soundness Before we proceed to prove soundness we state precisely which conditions should be imposed on the set of signs in order to guarantee it. Consider the tableau system for the logic L3M+ from the previous section, but equipped with the set of signs {{0} , {1} }. As a consequence, the rules corresponding to formulas such as { 21 } ¬φ are not defined. Thus a branch containing such a formula could be closed, which is obviously unsound. To guarantee soundness we must therefore impose a technical condition on the set of signs so that ‘enough’ signs are present. Otherwise, not all rules that should be defined are actually defined, as we have just seen. Definition 4.10. (Complete set of signs) Let f be the interpretation of an m-place connective F and S the set of signs of an n-valued logic L. S is called complete wrt L iff for all F in L and S ∈ S
For all (j1 , . . . , jm ) ∈ f −1 (S), there exist S1 , . . . , Sm ∈ S ∪ {N } such that jl ∈ Sl , 1 ≤ l ≤ m and f ′ (S1 , . . . , Sm ) ⊆ S.
From now on it will be assumed that all logics come with complete sets of signs. It is easy to prove that (4.1) represents an easy-to-check criterion for the completeness of the sets of signs in the sense defined above. The relationship between complete sets of signs and definiteness of rules is expressed in the following lemma. Lemma 4.11. Let L, f , and F be as before and S complete. Then for any signed formula S F (φ1 , . . . , φm ) ∈ L∗ : If f −1 (S) 6= ∅ then a tableau rule for S F (φ1 , . . . , φm ) is defined. Proof. We construct a set of homomorphisms g1 , . . . , gr that satisfy (T0a), (T1), and (T2). Then, by Proposition 4.5, we know that there are also homomorphisms h1 , . . . , hq that satisfy (T0)–(T4) and hence the rule is defined. f −1 (S) 6= ∅, say f −1 (S) = {~ 1 , . . . , ~ r }, where the ~ k are m-tupels of truth values. Let ~S1 , . . . , ~Sr be tupels of signs ~Sk = (Sk1 , . . . , Skm ) that satisfy (4.2) for each ~ k , 1 ≤ k ≤ r. We define gk for 1 ≤ k ≤ r by gk (φi ) = Ski if Ski 6= N which gives us (T1). By (4.2) each ~ k ∈ f −1 (S) is covered by ~Sk , hence (T0a) also holds. (T2) also follows directly from (4.2), since for each ~Sk it assures that f ′ (~Sk ) ⊆ S. Definition 4.12. (Signed formula and tableau satisfiability) Let Φ be a set of signed formulas. Φ is satisfiable in a logic L iff there is a L-valuation v such that for all S φ ∈ Φ we have v(φ) ∈ S. We say that v is a model for Φ. A tableau branch B is satisfiable iff its set of node labels is. A tableau T is satisfiable iff it contains at least one satisfiable branch. Next we have the usual lemma on preservation of satisfiability. Lemma 4.13. Let T be a satisfiable tableau and suppose T′ was created by a rule application to an arbitrary formula in T. Then T′ is also satisfiable. Proof. T contains at least one satisfiable branch B. If the formula in the rule application was not in B then B is unchanged and hence is still satisfiable. On the other hand, let S F (φ1 , . . . , φm )) ∈ B be the formula which supplied the premise for the rule application and let v be a valuation that models B. For such a valuation, by definition, v(F (φ1 , . . . , φm )) ∈ S. Since v is a homomorphism, we have
v(F (φ1 , . . . , φm )) = f (v(φ1 ), . . . , v(φm )) ∈ S. Let S1 φi1 ◦ · · · ◦ St φit be an extension obtained by using (T0a) on (v(φ1 ), . . . , v(φm )) ∈ f −1 (S). Take any ik (1 ≤ k ≤ t): By (T0a) we have v(φik ) ∈ Sk . Together with the assumption that v is a model for B we have the satisfiability of B ∪ {S1 φi1 , . . . , St φit }, which concludes the proof. Theorem 4.14. (Soundness) Let φ be a L-formula. If there is a closed tableau with root N − D φ then φ is a L-tautology. In short, for any logic L and any φ ∈ L: If ⊢S φ then L φ Proof. Let T be a closed tableau for N − D φ. T cannot be satisfiable. Assume that B is an arbitrary branch in T. Since T is closed, there is a C ⊆ B with C ∈ ContrS . If the first part of ContrS applies then there is no valuation that satisfies all formulas in C simultaneously. If the second part applies then C = {S φ} and no rule is defined for S φ, hence by Lemma 4.11, f −1 (S) = ∅ and no homomorphism w : L → N such that w(φ) ∈ S and which is also defined on all subformulas of φ can exist. In both cases there can be no valuation that satisfies C and thus no valuation satisfies B. This holds for arbitrary branches, so T is not satisfiable. The next step is to show by a straightforward induction, using Lemma 4.13, that any tableau with satisfiable root must itself be satisfiable. We conclude that if T is not satisfiable then N − D φ is not satisfiable, which means by definition for all valuations v that v(φ) ∈ / N −D iff v(φ) ∈ D iff φ is a tautology. 4.3 Completeness The completeness proof for our system is quite straightforward and closely follows the lines of standard tableau completeness proofs as, for instance, in Fitting [1990b], but in order to be able to deal with generalized signs we will have to make appropriate modifications to the definitions of a Hintikka Set and of the Analytic Consistency Property. We then proceed as usual, first proving Hintikka’s lemma, and second a model existence theorem, which in turn yields completeness. For the sake of modularity and flexibility we prefer the formulation with analytic consistency properties over a more direct one. It is then easy to extend the proofs to first-order formulas or infinite sets of formulas. Also, other standard meta-results such as strong completeness (for suitable logics) and compactness may be easily obtained, although we do not include them here. Definition 4.15. (Many-valued propositional Hintikka set) A set H of SL -signed formulas is called a Hintikka set if it is contradiction free and downward saturated, or, more precisely, if the following two conditions hold:
(H1) TFor all signed atomic formulas Si p ∈ L∗0 : If S1 p, . . . , Sr p ∈ H then r j=1 Sj 6= ∅. (H2) If S F (φ1 , . . . , φm ) ∈ H then πS,F is defined and at least one of the extensions∗ determined hereby {S1 φi1 , . . . , St φit } is a subset of H. ¯ is called a saturated Hintikka set or model set A Hintikka set H if in addition to the above stated conditions it is atomically complete and upward saturated, that is, if the following hold: (H3) For all propositional variables p ∈ L0 there exists an S ∈ SL such ¯ that S p ∈ H. ¯ whenever at least one of the (H4) If S ∈ SL then S F (φ1 , . . . , φm ) ∈ H, ¯ extensions {S1 φi1 , . . . , St φit } determined by πS,F is a subset of H. Note that by (H1) and (H2) it is impossible that {} φ for any φ ∈ L ever occurs in a (saturated) Hintikka set. It may seem strange at first sight that ¯ for some p, because N p does not (H3) would even be satisfied if N p ∈ H give any information about the truth value of p. The definition becomes more natural if we remember that, also in the proof of Hintikka’s lemma in the classical version, the truth value of the atoms that are being added is completely arbitrary; it is only for definiteness that they are assigned a ¯ says, that p has a truth value. This is exactly what the formula N p ∈ H definite truth value, but we do not care which one. Lemma 4.16. (Hintikka’s lemma) Every Hintikka set H can be ex¯ tended to a saturated Hintikka set H. Proof. Let H be a Hintikka set, L0 = {pi | i ∈ IN} an enumeration of the propositional variables, and S0 ∈ SL arbitrary. We extend H to a saturated ¯ in the following way: Hintikka set H H0
H ∪ {S0 pi | pi ∈ L0 and S pi 6∈ H for all S ∈ SL }
Hi ∪ {S F (φ1 , . . . , φm ) | S ∈ SL , πS,F defined and at least one of the extensions {S1 φi1 , . . . , St φit } determined by πS,F is a subset of Hi }
¯ H
First we extend H so that it assigns a definite truth value set† to each variable not already occurring in H; then we inductively take all formulas with a greater depth that follow into account. ∗ Here
and in the following we treat extensions as sets. can take any S0 ∈ SL , for example N would have done as well provided it was in SL . See also the remark preceding Hintikka’s lemma. † We
¯ for, let p ∈ L0 , then either there exists a S ∈ SL such (H1) holds for H, that S p ∈ H, nothing is changed by the construction, and (H1) still holds, or S p 6∈ H for all S ∈ SL , then S0 p is added and since this is the only ¯ (H1) holds trivially. atomic occurrence of p in H, ¯ (H3) and (H4) hold by construction of H. ¯ and S ∈ SL . Then To see that (H2) holds, let S F (φ1 , . . . , φm ) ∈ H either, already, S F (φ1 , . . . , φm ) ∈ H and (H2) is inherited from H or SF (φ1 , . . . , φm ) was generated during the construction in some Hi for i > 0. Then, by definition, πS,F is defined and at least one of the extensions {S1 φi1 , . . . , St φit } determined by πS,F is in Hi−1 and (H2) is inherited from Hi−1 . Definition 4.17. (Subset closed, finite character) Let Γ be a family of sets. Γ is called subset closed if K ∈ Γ implies that K ′ ∈ Γ for any K ′ ⊆ K. Γ has finite character if a set K belongs to Γ iff all finite subsets of K belong to Γ. Definition 4.18. (Analytic consistency property) A family Γ ranging over sets of SL -signed formulas is called the Analytic Consistency Property (ACP) iff for all K ∈ Γ the following conditions hold: (ACP1) Tr For all propositional variables p ∈ L0 : If S1 p, . . . , Sr p ∈ K then j=1 Sj 6= ∅. (ACP2) If S F (φ1 , . . . , φm ) ∈ K then πS,F is defined and for at least one of the hereby determined extensions C = {S1 φi1 , . . . , St φit } we have K ∪ C ∈ Γ. Note that (ACP1) is identical to (H1) and (ACP2) is closely related to (H2). Thus an ACP can be regarded as a sequence of approximations of a Hintikka set, and as it turns out, it always actually contains a Hintikka set. If K ∈ Γ then K is called Γ-consistent. Every ACP Γ of finite character by a standard argument is also subset closed. Theorem 4.19. (Model existence) Let Γ be an ACP of finite character and K a Γ-consistent set, that is, K ∈ Γ. Then there exists a valuation v, such that v(φ) ∈ S holds whenever S φ ∈ K; in other words, v is a model for K. Proof. In a first step we will extend K with a Lindenbaum construction restricted to ACPs in order to find a L∗ -maximal element M in Γ (this step corresponds to Tukey’s lemma in the denumerable case); in a second step we show that M is a Hintikka set, so that we can use it to define an appropriate valuation. Let {ζ1 , ζ2 , . . .} be an enumeration of all signed formulas in L∗ and define Cn for n ≥ 0 as follows:
C0 Cn+1
= K Cn ∪ {ζn } if Cn ∪ {ζn } ∈ Γ = Cn otherwise
Clearly, all Cn are members of Γ and, ordered by set inclusion, constitute a chain in Γ. We define [ M= Ci n≥0
and thus have: 1. M is L∗ -maximal in Γ, since (Membership) Let M ′ ⊆ M be arbitrary, but finite. Hence we have some Cn with M ′ ⊆ Cn (take as n the highest index of all elements in M ′ ) and from Cn ∈ Γ, we also have that M ′ ∈ Γ because Γ is subset closed. Thus M ′ ∈ Γ for all finite M ′ ⊆ M and hence M ∈ Γ because of the finite character of Γ. (Maximality) Assume that there is M ′ ⊆ L∗ with M $ M ′ ∈ Γ. Then there must exist some ζn ∈ M ′ with ζn ∈ / M . By definition, we have Cn ⊆ M $ M ′ = M ′ ∪ {ζn }, hence Cn ∪ {ζn } ⊆ M ′ . Since Γ is subset closed we know that Cn ∪ {ζn } ∈ Γ. But, by definition, Cn ∪ {ζn } = Cn+1 ⊆ M thus, already, ζn ∈ M , which is a contradiction. 2. Membership and (ACP1) imply (H1), maximality and (ACP2) imply (H2) for M , so M is indeed a Hintikka set. According to Hintikka’s ¯. lemma we can extend M to a saturated Hintikka set M ¯ determines a model for K. For this purpose It remains to show that M we fix an arbitrary function v that obeys ¯ v(p) ∈ S iff S p ∈ M ¯. for all p ∈ L0 . We show that v determines a valuation that models M ¯ is a saturated Hintikka set. (H1) guarantees that v is well-defined and M (H3) that it is total on L0 . We extend v to a homomorphism from L to A and show by induction ¯ imply v(φ) ∈ S.∗ on the depth of formulas φ that φ ∈ L and S φ ∈ M The case when φ is atomic is settled by definition. Suppose that φ = F (φ1 , . . . , φm ). According to (H2) there is at least ¯ . The one extension determined by πS,F with {S1 φi1 , . . . , St φit } ⊆ M ∗ In the proof we do not make use of (H4). In fact, using (H4) we could also show the other direction, namely that for any φ ∈ L there exists a S ∈ SL such that v(φ) ∈ S ¯. implies S φ ∈ M
induction hypothesis yields v(φik ) ∈ Sk for 1 ≤ k ≤ t. Hence we can conclude v(φ)
= = ∈ = ⊆ ⊆
v(F (φ1 , . . . , φm )) f (v(φ1 ), . . . , v(φm )) (v homomorphism) f ′ ({v(φ1 )}, . . . , {v(φm )}) (definition of f ′ ) ′ f ({v(φ1 )}, . . . , {v(φi1 )}, . . . , {v(φit )}, . . . , {v(φm )}) f ′ (N, . . . , S1 , . . . , St , . . . , N) (induction hypothesis) S (Definition 4.4, T2)
¯ and the theorem follows So we have indeed constructed a model for M ¯. from the fact that K ⊆ M Lemma 4.20. 1. Any ACP can be extended to one that is subset closed. 2. Any ACP that is subset closed can be extended to one that is of finite character. Proof. 1. Let Γ be an ACP. Define Γ+ = {K| K ⊆ K ′ ∈ Γ}. Clearly, Γ ⊆ Γ+ and Γ+ is subset closed. It remains to show that Γ+ is an ACP. Let K ∈ Γ+ arbitrary. (ACP1) holds for K, since K ⊆ K ′ for some K ′ ∈ Γ and (ACP1) is inherited from Γ. For (ACP2) assume that S F (φ1 , . . . , φm ) ∈ K. Hence, S F (φ1 , . . . , φm ) ∈ K ′ for some K ′ ∈ Γ and since Γ is an ACP we have that a rule is defined and K ′ ∪C ∈ Γ for some extension C. But then, by definition of Γ+ and K ∪C ⊆ K ′ ∪C, K ∪ C ∈ Γ+ also. 2. Let Γ be an ACP that is subset closed. Define Γ+ = {K| K ′ ∈ Γ for all finite subsets K ′ of K}. Since Γ is subset closed for each K ′ ∈ Γ all (finite) subsets are in Γ, hence Γ ⊆ Γ+ and, obviously, Γ+ is of finite character. If (ACP1) would not hold for some TK ∈ Γ+ there would be a finite r set {S1 p, . . . , Sr p} ⊆ K for that j=1 Sj = ∅. This set is, by definition, in Γ, thus causing a contradiction. For (ACP2) assume that SF (φ1 , . . . , φm ) ∈ K ∈ Γ+ . First observe that a rule must be defined, since {S F (φ1 , . . . , φm )} ∈ Γ. If K is finite it must also be in Γ by construction and we are done. If K is infinite, consider the chain {S F (φ1 , . . . , φm )} ⊆ · · · ⊆ {S F (φ1 , . . . , φm ), κ1 , . . . , κi } ⊆ · · · ⊆ K for an arbitrary enumeration {κ1 , κ2 , . . .} of K. Each of the members of the chain is in Γ and defines some extension Ci of πS,F such that {SF (φ1 , . . . , φm ), κ1 , . . . , κi } ∪Ci ∈ Γ. Since πS,F has a finite number of extensions, at least one extension occurs infinitely often. Let C be
such an extension. It suffices to show that K ′ ∈ Γ for each finite subset K ′ of K ∪ C. Since C occurs infinitely often for each K ′ there exists a finite set K ′′ ∈ Γ with K ′ ⊆ K ′′ ⊆ K ∪ C and K ′′ ∪ C ∈ Γ. From the fact that Γ is subset closed we have the desired result, namely K ′ ∈ Γ. Theorem 4.21. (Completeness) Let φ be a L-formula. If φ is a Ltautology then there is a closed tableau with root N − D φ. In short, for any logic L and any φ ∈ L: If L φ then ⊢S φ Proof. Since φ is a tautology, for all valuations v(φ) ∈ D must hold. Suppose no closed tableau with root N − D φ exists. It follows that there exists at least one complete tableau T with root N − D φ that contains a complete open branch BT . Define B as the collection of all finite L-tableau branches that cannot be closed. For all B ∈ B we have: • For Tr all propositional variables p ∈ L0 , if S1 p, . . . , Sr p ∈ B then j=1 Sj 6= ∅, otherwise B would be closed. • If S F (φ1 , . . . , φm ) ∈ B then πS,F is defined and for at least one of the extensions determined hereby C = {S1 φi1 , . . . , St φit } we have B ∪ C ∈ B. For, assume that πS,F was not defined, then B would be closed. On the other hand, if for no C we had B ∪ C ∈ B then for all C B ∪ C could be closed and so could B, a contradiction. Putting these facts together, we have that B is an ACP; moreover, N − D φ is B-consistent, because N − D φ ∈ BT ∈ B. By Lemma 4.20 we can extend B to an ACP of finite character. From the Model Existence Theorem 4.19, we know that there exists a valuation v with v(φ) ∈ N − D and this is the contradiction we have been looking for. We promised to point out what has to be changed in order to handle 0-ary connectives. These are best treated as atomic formulas, although syntactically, they are formulas of depth 1. So tableau rules are never applied to 0-ary connectives. Their semantics is covered by extending the contradiction set. Consequently, the base cases for the Hintikka set and ACP must also be extended and so must the proofs of Theorem 4.14, Lemma 4.16, Theorem 4.19, Lemma 4.20, and Theorem 4.21. The changes, however, are all straightforward to implement. 4.4
Size of proof trees
In this section we take a look at the size of proof trees in order to gain some measure of what has been achieved so far. Since the depth of proof
trees in the propositional case depends only on the depth of the formulas to be proved we concentrate on their fatness rather than on their depth. In the following we again take up the considerations on average branching factors of rules made at the end of Section 3.3. First we can state that our system is exponentially better than Surma and Carnielli’s system. This can be seen already through trivial examples. Consider the three-valued tautology ((· · · (p1 ∨ p2 ) ∨ · · · ∨ pm )∨ ∼ p1 ) It is an easy exercise to convince oneself that its shortest proof tree has exactly one branch and 2m + 2 nodes. The two proof trees required when Surma and Carnielli’s method is used, however, always have O(2m ) size. When n > 3 it even becomes O(2mn ), while the proof tree obtained with our method still has 2m + 2 nodes.∗ In the following let us concentrate on two-place connectives. The worst-case branching factor per rule for Surma and Carnielli’s method is n2 − n, while the average branching factor is n. We compare this with our system. Proposition 4.22. For any logic L, if SL contains a sufficient number of signs then no rule constructed according to Definition 4.4 has more than n extensions with at most two formulas in each. Proof. Let F be any two-place connective and S any sign. Consider the n-branching rule for S F (φ1 , φ2 ) whose i-th extension (i ∈ |N |) is defined as i j | f (i, j) ∈ S φ1 ◦ Si φ2 , where Si = n−1 n−1 If we define hi (φk ) =
i } k=1 { n−1 Si k=2
then it is easy to see that (T0a, T1, T2) are satisfied when we use the homomorphisms h0 , . . . , hn−1 . The rest follows by Proposition 4.5 and by observing that each extension contains at most two formulas for a binary connective by definition. This result ensures that our rules cannot grow too ‘bulky’; however, nvalued strong equivalence (cf. Definition 2.29) shows that the bounds can actually be reached. The rule for {1} (φ ∼ = ψ) is ∗ It
is instructive to compute the example for n = m = 3.
{0} φ {0} ψ
{1} (φ ∼ = ψ) 1 { n−1 ... }φ 1 { n−1 }φ
{1} φ {1} ψ
The rules for most other signs have a smaller branching factor. There are logics, however, in which n extensions per rule are reached for each combination of sign and connective and hence have a branching factor of n on average. Such an operator ⊕ could be defined as i⊕j =
((i + j) · (n − 1)) mod n n−1
for which we have that ⊕−1 (k) = P1 (k) ∪ P2 (k), where P1 (k) =
{(i, j)|i + j = k}
P2 (k) =
{(i, j)|i + j = k + 1}
It is easy to see that for all k (i1 , j1 ) ∈ P1 (k), (i2 , j2 ) ∈ P2 (k) implies i1 < i2 , j1 < j2 which yields the branching property if one considers the diagonal shape of the Pi (k). The conclusion to be drawn from all this is that while our approach achieves a substantial improvement for many common many-valued logics and, in general, improves the worst-case branching factor, there are still some logics for which there is little or no improvement. While in logics such as LnM proofs are not much longer than their classical counterparts∗, proofs in n-valued Lukasiewicz logic, for example, already become intractable, for small n. Clearly, the method we have developed so far is not entirely satisfactory in all cases, particularly as operators such as strong equivalence, Lukasiewicz implication, and ⊕ have simple definitions, the former being very common. It turns out, however, that there is a nice solution to this problem, which we will discuss in Chapter 6. On the other hand, the worst-case is never reached, for example, in the system for LnM described in Example 4.2. This behaviour is typical for many logics found in the literature. ∗ Since all many-valued tautologies are also classical tautologies one can make comparisons on this basis.
4.5 Function minimization Assume that we are working in the logic from Example 4.2, but with the additional sign {0, 1} present. The definition of tableau rules admits the following two different rules for the signed formula {0} (φ ∼ = ψ): { 21 , 1} φ {0} ψ
{0} (φ ∼ = ψ) {0, 1} φ {0, 12 } φ { 21 } ψ {1} ψ
{1} φ {0, 12 } ψ
{0} (φ ∼ = ψ) { 21 } φ {0} φ {0, 1} ψ { 12 , 1} ψ
This kind of indeterminism stems from certain symmetries in the definition of ∼ = and can hardly be avoided in efficient representations such as the one we use. This becomes quite clear as soon as one notes that there is a close connection between our definition of tableau rules and work done in the area of (many-valued) function minimization (FM), where similar effects can be observed. In the FM literature, the representation of a logical operator with a disjunction of conjunctions (which is exactly what our tableau rules are) is usually called a sum-of-products (SOP) expression. There, the aim is to find minimal SOP representations of many-valued logical functions, and this, in a sense, is exactly what we do when we compute tableau rules. In fact, it is sufficient to minimize two-valued operators for our purposes. In the FM area, as a tool for finding minimal representations, so-called Karnaugh maps [Karnaugh, 1953] have been introduced. With Karnaugh maps it is possible to visualize k-ary operators for k > 2. Consider, for example, the two-valued four-place function∗ f (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = (¬x1 ∧¬x3 )∨(¬x2 ∧x3 ∧x4 )∨(x1 ∧x2 ∧x3 )∨(x2 ∧x3 ∧¬x4 ) which can be conveniently represented as in the diagram on the left in Figure 4.1. The value of f for a vector ~x = (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) can be found in the entry corresponding to the row labelled with the values of x3 x4 and the column labelled with the values of x1 x2 . For example, f (0, 0, 1, 0) = 0. We now need some FM terminology. Definition 4.23. (Minterm) An element of the domain of a k-place many-valued connective f , in other words, an element of f −1 (N ) ⊆ N k , is called a minterm of f . Definition 4.24. (ON-set) The ON-set of a two-valued connective f is the set of all minterms ~x such that f (~x) = 1. Definition 4.25. (Literal operator) The literal operator [ · ]S is a unary propositional connective which is defined for S ⊆ N as follows: ∗ The example is taken from Dueck [1988, p. 12f]; this reference can also serve as a pointer to further FM literature. Note that there are some errors in Dueck [1988, p. 12, (i)–(iv)] which have been corrected in our example.
i =
1 0
i∈S i 6∈ S
If S is a singleton write φi instead of φ{i} . For two-valued functions write φ instead of φ1 and φ¯ instead of φ0 . A literal in the present setting is a literal operator applied to a propositional variable. Definition 4.26. (Product term, sum-of-products) A product term is a conjunction of literals, usually written as xS1 1 xS2 2 · · · xSr r . A sumof-products is a disjunction of product terms, usually written as p1 +· · ·+ pl , where the pi are product terms. Definition 4.27. (Implicant, prime implicant) An implicant for a two-valued function f is a product term whose ON-set is a subset of the ON-set of f . A prime implicant of f is an implicant that is not properly contained in any other implicant of f . An essential prime implicant of f is a prime implicant whose ON-set contains a minterm that does not occur in the ON-set of any other prime implicant. We illustrate the definitions with the example from above. Some minterms of f , all of which are in the ON-set of f , are (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 0). A sum-of-products representation of f is f = x¯1 x¯3 + x¯2 x3 x4 + x1 x2 x3 + x2 x3 x¯4
All of the product terms in this representation are essential prime implicants. The boxed area on the left part of Table 4.1, for example, corresponds to the first one, x¯1 x¯3 . It is instructive to work out the others. Table 4.1
x3 x4
f 00 01 11 10
A two-valued Karnaugh map and a corresponding many-valued connective
00 1 1 1 0
x1 x2 01 1 1 0 1
g 11 0 0 1 1
10 0 0 1 0
ψ 00 01 11 10
2 3
1 3
φ 01
2 3
1 3
1 3
2 3
1 3
1 3
2 3
In FM one is often interested in obtaining a minimal sum-of-product representation for a given function. It was proven by Quine [1952] that
a minimal SOP representation involves only (essential) prime implicants, which restricts the search space considerably. The general problem is coNP-complete (the minimal SOP of a tautology is an empty product term), although heuristic approaches exist that perform very well in practice if one is content with nearly minimal forms. It is possible to compute nearly minimal representations of circuits that contain thousands of gates. When we speak of minimizing we always have in mind that the result is minimal in the sense of our tableau rule definition; in other words: (T0b) minimize the number of product terms; then (T3) minimize the number of literals in the product terms; in these (T4) maximize the sets occurring in the literal operators. This kind of minimization is very common in FM, although there are also algorithms for other criteria. Now look at the truth table of the four-valued connective g which is drawn on the right in Figure 4.1 (we do not claim that it has a natural interpretation; it is merely a technical example). Assume that we want to determine the rule for { 31 , 32 } g(φ, ψ). We need to find a minimal cover for the entries contained in { 31 , 23 } g(φ, ψ). But these correspond exactly to the ON-set of the two-valued four-place function f on the left. Moreover, the minimal SOP representation of f is just what we want and we can read the conclusion of the rule directly from it, using the following mapping between product terms in the SOP and extensions in the tableau rule. The first step is the completion of the product terms. Whenever a variable xi does not occur in a product term, add xIB i to it, where IB = 2 = {0, 1}. The next step is to map the truth values that the subformulas of g can take on to the variables xi in f . In our case x3 x4 represents the truth values that φ may take on and x1 x2 the truth values that ψ may take on. Let m(φ) = {3, 4}, m(ψ) = {1, 2} be this mapping. Then the extension corresponding to a completed product term p is Sφ φ ◦ Sψ ψ, where Sθ = {bin2rat(~ x)| ~ x in ON-set of the restriction of p to indices in m(θ)} and bin2rat is a function that converts a minterm read as a binary number to a rational number which represents a truth value in N .
For example, the extension corresponding to the product term x¯1 x¯3 in the example above is computed as follows. 0 IB The completion is p = x01 xIB 2 x3 x4 . The restriction of p to indices in m(φ) is x03 xIB . The ON-set of this (with respect to {x3 , x4 }) is 4 {(0, 0), (0, 1)}. Hence, 1 Sφ = {bin2rat((0, 0)), bin2rat((0, 1))} = 0, 3
Similarly, for ψ we obtain Sψ = {bin2rat((0, 0)), bin2rat((0, 1))} =
1 0, 3
A slight complication does occur when the number of truth values n is no power of 2, since we can represent 2k truth values with k two-valued variables. The solution is simple—just take the smallest k such that 2k ≥ n and set all entries that correspond to a greater truth value than n to 0 in the two-valued representation. We come back to the example with which we opened this section, a combination of sign and connective that gave rise to a non-unique tableau rule. In FM it is well known that the SOP representation of already twovalued functions with literal operators is not unique. In fact, the function f defined above has three minimal SOP representations other than (4.3), one of them being f = x¯1 x¯3 + x¯2 x3 x4 + x1 x2 x3 + x¯1 x2 x¯4 Each gives rise to a different tableau rule according to our definition. Among the criticisms that can be made against our framework as it now stands is the fact that it is not easy to find minimal rules for more complicated logics. Definition 4.4 is not very helpful, as it does not give any indication as to how to find the required homomorphisms. The relationship between FM and tableau rules developed in this section, however, renders the considerable amount of existing work and the very refined algorithms of FM accessible for the purpose of finding many-valued tableau rules. Efficient implementations of standard algorithms are available as Public Domain Software [Yurchak and Butler, 1990]. We summarize the steps that have to be undertaken in order to find a tableau rule for a signed formula S F (φ, ψ).∗ 1. Create a truth table of the same size as the one for F , whose entries are 1 iff the corresponding entry in the truth table for F is in S and 0 otherwise. 2. If necessary, add rows and columns filled with 0s until a power of 2, say 2k , is reached. 3. Choose 2k two-valued variables, give them indices running from 1 to† 2k, and map the subformulas of F (φ, ψ) to their indices, as described above. 4. Write down the resulting two-valued 2k-place function f in nonminimal SOP representation (one product term for each truth table entry). ∗ It
is not difficult to generalize the method to m-place connectives. to mk for m-place connectives.
† Running
5. Compute a (nearly) minimal SOP representation of f with any FM algorithm. 6. Extract the tableau rule from this representation as described above. Obviously, all steps can be easily automated. We are now in a position where we can see that Proposition 4.5 holds: if we are given the homomorphisms g1 , . . . , gr we compute a SOP representation of the function called f above. Minimization yields a tableau rule from which the required homomorphisms h1 , . . . , hq are easily extracted.
5 UNIFORM NOTATION REGAINED: REGULAR LOGICS Sly. . . . Comes there any more of it? Page. My lord, ’tis but begun. Sly. ’Tis a very excellent piece of work, madam lady. Would ’twere done! — William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew Two of the questions that were raised at the end of Chapter 3 are still open, namely the problem of introducing satisfactory quantifier rules, and the classification problem for many-valued tableau rules. The sets-as-signs notion from the preceding chapter, while answering the other two questions, also posed some new problems, namely the theoretically vast number of signs and the non-trivial computation of rules. The last problem has been alleviated in Section 4.5, but the need for FM tools seems to be unjustified for relatively simple logics. We will address all these issues in the present chapter. Since the quantifier problem turns out to be related to the others we solve these first, before turning to first-order logics in Section 5.4. 5.1 Primary Multiple-Valued Connectives A good starting point for the uniform notation problem in many-valued logics is to review the situation in classical logic. Not all classical connectives are associated with an α- or β-rule, which becomes quite obvious 2 by the observation that there are 22 = 16 different binary two-place connectives, eight different α-rules, and eight different β-rules. One needs an α- and a β-rule to characterize a connective, consequently there can be at most eight different connectives that are characterized by α- and β-rules. These connectives have been called primary connectives by Smullyan [1968] and we have stated their truth tables in Table 5.1 for convenience. A non-primary connective would be, for example, equivalence ≡. A class of many-valued connectives that play a similar rˆ ole (namely having uniform notation style tableau systems) in many-valued logics as do primary connectives in classical logic would give a class of logics with tableau systems that are close to Smullyan’s. So we must characterize primary connectives independently of the number of truth values in order to generalize them. Definition 5.1. (Conjugate truth value) Let N be a set of truth values. We define a unary postfix function ∗ : N → N by i∗ = 1 − i. If S ⊆ N
Table 5.1
Primary propositional connectives
∨ 0 1
0 1 0 1 1 1
↓ 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
∧ 0 1
0 0 0
1 0 1
↑ 0 1
0 1 1 1 1 0
⊃ 0 1
0 1 0
6⊃ 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 0
⊂ 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
6⊂ 0 1
0 0 0
1 1 1
1 1 0
we let S ∗ = {i∗ | i ∈ S}. We call i∗ the conjugate truth value of i. Note that v(¬φ) = v ∗ (φ). We begin with a many-valued version of primary connectives defined with the help of conjugation. Definition 5.2. (LnSm ) Let LnSm be the family of n-valued propositional logics whose languages are defined by (LnSm , ¬, ∨, ↓, ∧, ↑, ⊃, 6⊃, ⊂, 6⊂) with similarity type h1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2i, designated truth values D = n−d , . . . , 1}, and operator semantics specified as follows: { n−1 v(¬φ) = v(φ ∨ ψ) =
v ∗ (φ) max{v(φ), v(ψ)}
v(φ ↓ ψ) = v(φ ∧ ψ) =
min{v ∗ (φ), v ∗ (ψ)} min{v(φ), v(ψ)}
v(φ ↑ ψ) = v(φ ⊃ ψ) =
max{v ∗ (φ), v ∗ (ψ)} max{v ∗ (φ), v(ψ)}
v(φ 6⊃ ψ) = v(φ ⊂ ψ) =
min{v(φ), v ∗ (ψ)} max{v(φ), v ∗ (ψ)}
v(φ 6⊂ ψ) =
min{v ∗ (φ), v(ψ)}
Some of these operators we know already from Definition 2.28. The others are reasonable generalizations along the same lines. If we set N = {0, 1}, D = {1} we obtain precisely the classical primary connectives. The next problem we must face is how to choose an appropriate set of signs for these logics. If we admit arbitrary signs we know from Figure 4.3 (see, for example, the rule for { 12 } (φ ∨ ψ)) that we have no chance of achieving a uniform notation style system. On the other hand, do we really want to know whether { 12 } (φ ∨ ψ)? A much more common query is the
Table 5.2 α D ¬φ D φ∧ψ Dφ ↓ ψ D φ 6⊃ ψ D φ 6⊂ ψ ¯ ¬φ D ¯ D φ∨ψ ¯φ ↑ ψ D ¯ Dφ⊂ψ ¯ φ⊃ψ D D∗ ¬φ D∗ φ ∨ ψ D∗ φ ↑ ψ D∗ φ ⊂ ψ D∗ φ ⊃ ψ ¯ ∗ ¬φ D ¯ D∗ φ ∧ ψ ¯∗ φ ↓ ψ D ¯ ∗ φ 6⊃ ψ D ¯ D∗ φ 6⊂ ψ
α- and β-formulas and their components for LnSm α1 D∗ φ Dφ D∗ φ Dφ D∗ φ ¯∗ φ D ¯ Dφ ¯∗ φ D ¯φ D ¯∗ φ D Dφ D∗ φ Dφ D∗ φ Dφ ¯φ D ¯ D∗ φ ¯φ D ¯ D∗ φ ¯φ D
α2 D∗ φ Dψ D∗ ψ D∗ ψ Dψ ¯∗ φ D ¯ Dψ ¯∗ ψ D ¯∗ ψ D ¯ψ D Dφ D∗ ψ Dψ Dψ D∗ ψ ¯φ D ¯ D∗ ψ ¯ψ D ¯ Dψ ¯∗ ψ D
β Dφ∨ψ Dφ ↑ ψ Dφ⊂ψ Dφ⊃ψ ¯ φ∧ψ D ¯ Dφ ↓ ψ ¯ φ 6⊃ ψ D ¯ φ 6⊂ ψ D D∗ φ ∧ ψ D∗ φ ↓ ψ D∗ φ 6⊃ ψ D∗ φ 6⊂ ψ ¯∗ φ ∨ ψ D ¯ D∗ φ ↑ ψ ¯∗ φ ⊂ ψ D ¯ D∗ φ ⊃ ψ
β1 Dφ D∗ φ Dφ D∗ φ ¯φ D ¯ D∗ φ ¯φ D ¯∗ φ D D∗ φ Dφ D∗ φ Dφ ¯∗ φ D ¯φ D ¯ D∗ φ ¯φ D
β2 Dψ D∗ ψ D∗ ψ Dψ ¯ψ D ¯ D∗ ψ ¯∗ ψ D ¯ψ D D∗ ψ Dψ Dψ D∗ ψ ¯∗ ψ D ¯ψ D ¯ Dψ ¯∗ ψ D
one for either D φ or N − D φ, that is, whether or not φ has a designated ¯ truth value. Let us abbreviate N − D to D. Calculation of the tableau rules for the connectives in LnSm and for the ¯ shows that in the conclusions of the resulting tableau rules signs D and D ¯ D∗ , D ¯ ∗ occur. The same holds in the conclusions no signs other than D, D, ∗ ¯ ∗ . Thus it is possible to fix the set of signs of tableau rules for D and D n for LSm as ¯ D∗ , D ¯ ∗} SLn = {D, D, Sm and obtain a sound and complete system from it. Moreover, it turns out that all rules obey the α- or β-schema and we can present the whole tableau system as in Table 5.2, together with the usual α- and β-schemata. For convenience we treat negated formulas as α-formulas where α1 = α2 . So we have constructed a uniform notation style tableau system for testing the validity of formulas in any logic that contains at most negation plus the generalized versions of the classical primary operators and where n−d , . . . , 1} . To test the validity of a formula, say φ, all D is of the form { n−1 ¯ φ. we have to do is to construct a single closed tableau with root D
Automated tableau construction is possible with any tableau-based theorem prover that can be modified to accommodate four instead of two signs. On the other hand, the well-developed classical proofs of tableau completeness and soundness [Fitting, 1990b] can be carried over from classical logic with only minor modifications.∗ This is particularly useful in the case of implementation oriented tableau proof systems, where the completeness proof tends to be awkward. ¯ must also be present is The reason why the conjugates of D and D ∗ ¯ ¯ that, in general, the equality D = D does not hold. The signs D and D represent designated and non-designated truth values, whereas the signed formula D∗ φ is equivalent to D ¬φ. In classical logic, negation and nondesignatedness coincide. This is the reason why logically equivalent signed and non-signed versions of classical tableau systems can be formulated without extending the set of signs or the set of logical connectives. Our resulting logics are not very exciting, though. Since the expansion rules are the same for all n, a different logic can only arise when branches are closed. It is easy to see that all logics in LnSm fall into only three classes, namely when one of ¯ D ¯ D ¯ D
is satisfied. Within each class, all logics have essentially the same set of tautologies and the same consequence relation.† A moment’s reflection shows that the following cases can actually occur. ¯ ∗ = D. If we substitute If (5.1) holds, then, also D T
¯∗ = D D ¯ = D∗ D
the component formula Table 5.2 collapses into the classical one. Moreover, since ¯ D∗ } = {F } and S2 ∈ {D ¯ ∗ , D} = {T } S1 ∩ S2 = ∅ iff S1 ∈ {D, or vice versa, the resulting proof system amounts exactly to the classical tableau system for the primary connectives. By strong soundness of classical tableaux we have that LnSm is classical propositional logic when ¯ = D∗ . D ∗ Of course the results also follow from the preceding chapter; the completeness of the set of signs SLn with respect to Ln Sm is easily checked. † One
can obtain some other logics when fragments are considered.
The remaining cases occur only when n ≥ 3. If (5.3) holds we reason in the same way as above that there is only a single tableau system, namely ¯ D∗ , D ¯ ∗ , D under by noting that the closure is independent of the choice of D, that proviso. Consequently, the set ¯ φ has a closed tableau} DL = {φ| D is also independent of D. Therefore, we can take any logic from LnSm as a model. It turns out that the restriction to the connectives ¬, ∧, ∨, ⊃ with n = 3, D = {1} yields three-valued strong Kleene logic, see Section 2.3.1. Since all primary connectives are definable by only ¬ and ∨, DL is essentially the set of tautologies of LnSKL . Finally, if (5.2) holds we obtain a kind of dual to LnSKL which can be characterized with the help of D∗ L = {φ| D∗ φ has a closed tableau} by the equality D∗ L(5.2) = DL(5.3) (under the respective provisos indicated by subscripts). A dual result holds as well. This is a little disappointing; however, we have only considered a very special class of signs and connectives. There are more general possibilities for combining signs and rules so as to preserve the validity of the α- and β- rule schemata. Although a characterization of all these combinations is outside the scope of this book, in the following section we shall gain access to a substantial class of logics arising in this way. 5.2
Regular logics
The key is to observe a certain regularity that can be found in the truth tables of many multiple-valued functions and, in particular, in those of the primary connectives.
Fig. 5.1. Shapes of the truth table entries to be covered in truth tables of primary connectives. The shape of the truth table entries to be covered in truth tables of primary connectives combined with signs from SLn is always one of the Sm shaded areas in Figure 5.1, where the corner that the pattern is starting
from is arbitrary. The main reasons for this very simple shape are: • We only have signs of the form {0, . . . , i} and {j, . . . , 1}. • The truth values corresponding to the truth table entries are monotonically increasing or decreasing, starting from one corner. We express these constraints in a formal definition. Definition 5.3. (Circle, corner set) We define a metric∗ on N k by d(~x, ~y) = max |xi − yi | 1≤i≤k
for ~x, ~y ∈ N k . For r ∈ N we define the circle in N k with center ~x and radius r as the set c~x,r = {~y| ~y ∈ N k and d(~x, ~y ) = r} We define the corner set of N k as I k = {~x| xi ∈ {0, 1}, 1 ≤ i ≤ k} = {0, 1}k Definition 5.4. (Regular operator) A many-valued k-place connective f is called regular iff there is a ~x ∈ I k such that 1. for all r ∈ N f (c~x,r ) is a singleton, say {xr }, and 2. the sequence x0 , . . . , x1 is monotonic (either increasing or decreasing) wrt the natural order on N . We call ~x the starting point of f . The entries in truth tables of regular operators are ordered starting from some corner with the lowest (highest) truth value that the operator takes on. On each circle, with the starting point as its centre, all entries contain the same truth value. These truth values are monotonically increasing (decreasing) with the radius of the circles. Figure 5.2 shows a typical pattern, while Table 5.3 shows an example of a regular operator. Also, the operators {∧, ∨, ¬, J0 , J1 , ∼} of LnM+ are regular. We define parameters which are sufficient to describe all generalized primary connectives. Let I stand for the identity function on N . Recall that ∗ was the conjugate function on N . Furthermore, we abbreviate a truth value vector with identical entries (i, i, . . . , i) to ~ı. Definition 5.5. (Direction, orientation) Let f be a regular operator and ~x its starting point. Then ~δ(f ) = (δ(x1 ), . . . , δ(xk )) maps regular connectives into {∗ , I}k , is defined by δ(0) := I, δ(1) := ∗ and is called the orientation of f , while ∗ We could call this metric Chessboard Metric, since the distance gives the minimal number of fields that have to be passed between two points when diagonal moves are allowed.
` `` 1 x n−1
Fig. 5.2. Typical pattern of regular operator. Table 5.3 Truth table for operator ⊙. The marked entries constitute a circle with radius 32 and centre (1, 0) ⊙
1 3
2 3
1 3
ǫ(f ) =
1 3
1 3
1 3
2 3
1 3
1 3
if (f (c~x,i ))0≤i≤1 is monotonically increasing if (f (c~x,i ))0≤i≤1 is monotonically decreasing
is called the direction of f . Write δi (f ) for the ith component of ~δ(f ). Definition 5.6. (Threshold) If δ(f ) = (I, I) and ǫ(f ) = I we define thresholds for an operator f and a truth value i ∈ N as:
tf,i t¯f,i
= min{j | f (~) ≥ i}
= max{j | f (~) ≤ i}
Example 5.7. Let ⊙ be defined as in Table 5.3. Then δ1 (⊙) = ∗ , δ2 (⊙) = I, ǫ(⊙) = ∗ . Consider ∨ for n = 3: δ1 (∨) = δ2 (∨) = ǫ(⊙) = I and t∨,1 = 1, t¯∨,1 = 1. If we set k = 2 and (f (c~x,i ))0≤i≤1 = (i)0≤i≤1 or (f (c~x,i ))0≤i≤1 = (i∗ )0≤i≤1 the eight possible combinations of ~δ = (δ1 , δ2 ) and ǫ yield exactly the eight many-valued primary connectives for each n and the eight classical primary connectives for n = 2 in particular. By ~δ and the sequence (f (c~x,i ))0≤i≤1 a regular operator is completely determined. From now on we write δ instead of ~δ and we concentrate on binary operators in order to simplify the presentation. We remark that all considerations carry over to arbitrary k-place operators in a straightforward manner. Our next goal is a tableau proof system for regular operators with a sufficient number of rules and signs for complete handling of queries of the i 1 ¯ φ). } and {i + n−1 , . . . , 1} (in particular, D φ and D form {0, . . . , i − n−1 From Figures 5.3 and 5.4 it is obvious that we need only consider signs of 1 1 } and {t¯f,i + n−1 , . . . , 1}. the form {0, . . . , tf,i − n−1 As a shorthand for the signs involved we write the following definition.∗ Definition 5.8. i
i−1 } = [0, i) ∩ N n−1
i+1 , . . . , 1} = (i, 1] ∩ N n−1
Sets of truth values of the form >i , i , t¯f,i or v(ψ) > t¯f,i
Fig. 5.4. Determining the tableau rules for α i
f (φ, ψ).
α2 φ
β1 f (φ, ψ)
Proof. Follows directly from the above observations and Theorems 4.14 and 4.21, since a regular set of signs is complete with respect to regular connectives. Before we can deal with the other cases, where one or more of the parameters is equal to ∗ , we must state some basic properties of conjugation. Lemma 5.11. ∗ 1. i∗ for all i ∈ N . ∗ = i ∗ 3. (i∗ ) = i for all i ∈ N . ∗ ∗ 4. (S ) = S for all S ⊆ N . Proof. Follows almost immediately from the definitions. To change the rules for proper handling of values other than I of δi , observe that δ1 = ∗ indicates that the truth table of f is flipped around its
horizontal axis. To compute the threshold function properly we must count from upside down in the first argument of f or, in other words, we must conjugate the first argument before computing the threshold; however, the result has to be conjugated again. The same considerations also apply, of course, to the second argument of f and we arrive at the following updated definitions for the threshold functions and component rules. Definition 5.12. (Threshold, tableau rules δ ∈ {I, ∗ }, ǫ = I) tf,i t¯f,i
= min{j | f (~ δ(f ) ) ≥ i} = max{j | f (~ δ (f )
δ(f )
) ≤ i}
δ (f )
~ δ(f ) is to be read as (j11 , j22 ). The component rules for α- and β-formulas are given in the following table: α i
δ2 (f )
δ2 (f )
The next theorem follows immediately from what has been said above. Theorem 5.13. Let L be a regular logic with the restriction that for all connectives f ǫ(f ) = I. Then the tableau system given by the α and β component rules in Definition 5.12 is sound and complete. Example 5.14. Consider the three-valued weak implication from Definition 5.2. Assume that we want to compute the rule for { 21 , 1} (φ ⊃ ψ): • { 12 , 1} =
, so our component rules tell us that we have a β-type δ1 (⊃) δ2 (⊃) rule with extensions >t¯⊃,0 φ and >t¯⊃,0 ψ. ∗ ∗ ¯ • Since δ(⊃) = ( , I), we have t⊃,0 = max{j | v(j ⊃ j) ≤ 0} = 0, ∗ φ and >0 ψ. which yields extensions >0 ∗ 1 ∗ = 0 rule >0
{ 21 , 1} (φ ⊃ ψ) {0, 12 } φ { 21 , 1} ψ We can treat strong negation as a special case of the above stated rules. If we note that α1 (¬) = α2 (¬), make the convention that β1 (¬) = β2 (¬), note that δi (¬) = ∗ and t¬,i = t¯¬,i = i for all i, treat extensions as sets, and omit identical extensions, we arrive at the negation rules stated
Table 5.4 i
¬φ ∗
in Table 5.4. The unary regular connectives ∼ and J0 , J1 can be handled similarly. We still have to treat the case when ǫ(f ) = ∗ . Taking into account this possibility in the component rules and the threshold functions leads to the following definitions. Definition 5.15. (Conjugate operator) Let f be a regular operator. We define the conjugate operator of f , denoted by f ∗ as f ∗ (i, j) := ¬(f (¬i, ¬j)) = (f (i∗ , j ∗ ))∗ It easy to prove that the conjugate of a regular operator is again regular. Definition 5.16. (Threshold, tableau rules—general case) tf,i t¯f,i
= =
min{j | v(f (~ δ(f ) )) ≥ǫ(f ) i} max{j | v(f (~
δ(f )
)) ≤
ǫ(f )
where ≤∗ :=≥ and ≥∗ :=≤. α β
ǫ(f ) ǫ(f )
f (φ, ψ)
f (φ, ψ)
t¯ ǫ(f) ∗ f
δ1 (f ) δ1 (f )
t¯ ǫ(f) ∗ f
δ2 (f )
δ2 (f )
Example 5.17. Let ⊙ be defined as in Table 5.3. t⊙, 32 = 32 , t¯⊙, 23 = 23 . Lemma 5.18. For all i, j ∈ N , regular operators f : 1. f (i, j) = ¬(f ∗ (¬i, ¬j)) = (f ∗ (i∗ , j ∗ ))∗ . 2. δi (f ∗ ) = δi ∗ (f ). 3. ǫ(f ∗ ) = ǫ∗ (f ). Proof. Immediate consequence of the definitions. Theorem 5.19. Let L be any regular logic. Then the tableau system given by the α and β component rules in Definition 5.16 is sound and complete. Proof. The proof is by reduction to the case ǫ(f ) = I (Theorem 5.13). If ǫ(f ) = I, substitute i∗ for i and apply Lemma 5.11 to arrive at the rules for ǫ(f ) = I.
If ǫ(f ) = ∗ , from Lemma 5.18(3) we conclude that ǫ(f ∗ ) = I. Starting with the premise of the β component rule we proceed as follows, using Lemma 5.18(1), Lemma 5.11, and the negation rules:
ǫ(f )
f (φ, ψ) ≡ ≡ ≡
∗ >i
¬(f ∗ (¬φ, ¬ψ))
¬(f ∗ (¬φ, ¬ψ)) f ∗ (¬φ, ¬ψ)
Now we can use the β-rule for ǫ = I, since ǫ(f ∗ ) = I. This gives us the extensions δ1 (f ∗ ) δ2 (f ∗ ) >t¯ ∗ ∗ >t¯ ∗ ∗ ¬φ and ¬ψ f ,i f ,i
From here the theorem follows by Lemma 5.18(2), Lemma 5.11, and the negation rules again. The proof for the α case is similar. Before giving another example we want to simplify the rules a little. To this end we need the following lemma: Lemma 5.20. For all i ∈ N and all regular operators f : 1. tf ∗ ,i∗ = tf,i . 2. t¯f ∗ ,i∗ = t¯f,i . Proof. We show only (1); (2) is similar. By definition we have tf ∗ ,i∗
min{j | f ∗ (~ δ(f ) ) ≥ǫ(f
) ∗
i }
By definition of f ∗ , Lemma 5.18(2), and Lemma 5.11: ∗
= min{j | (f (~ δ(f ) )) ≥ǫ(f
) ∗
i }
And since i∗ ≤ j ∗ iff i ≥ j: =
min{j | f (~ δ(f ) ) ≤ǫ(f
Finally, from Lemma 5.18(3) and by definition of ≤∗ : min{j | f (~ δ(f ) ) ≥ǫ(f ) i} tf,i
= =
Using Lemma 5.11 and Lemma 5.20 we can simplify the component rules for the case ǫ(f ) = ∗ to: α >i
f (φ, ψ)
δ1 (f )
f (φ, ψ)
δ1 (f )
β 3 = < 3 and Examples 5.7 and 5.17 we see that the generic ∗ α-rule may be instantiated, yielding the extensions: < 23 φ = > 13 φ =
{ 32 , 1} φ and 5.3
< 23
ψ = {0, 13 } ψ.
On the scope of regular logics
In this section we draw breath and discuss what has been gained so far. The main result of the last section was the discovery that there is a non-trivial class of many-valued functions, called regular operators, which, together
Table 5.5 φ 0 1 n−1
Truth table of σ, σ ′ and ¬J1 σ(φ)
σ ′ (φ)
1 n−1 2 n−1
1 n−1 2 n−1
k n−1
k+1 n−1
k+1 n−1
... 1 0
... 1 1
n−2 n−1
¬J1 (φ) 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 0
with a suitable choice of signs, have uniform notation style tableau systems. Moreover, the rules of these tableau systems can be calculated in a simple and schematic manner. Checking whether a many-valued function is regular is also easy when its truth table is available. One of the immediate consequences is that for regular logics, any automated tableau proving system can be used with some very slight modifications regarding the number of signs and the check for branch closure. Another question, however, is how important regular logics are and thus how big the achievement actually is. An encouraging point in this direction is the following Theorem 5.23. (Functional completeness of regular logics) For any n there is a regular logic L with n truth values which is functionally complete. Proof. It is well known that the Post logics LnP from Definition 2.32 are functionally complete for each n. This is proved, for example, in Urquhart [1986]. Unfortunately, σ is not a regular operator, although ∨ and ∧ are. On the other hand, σ is easily definable using regular operators alone, and this is sufficient to prove our claim. To see that σ is definable by regular operators, consider the truth tables for σ, σ ′ , and ¬J1 in Table 5.5. All ∧, σ ′ , and ¬J1 are regular and obviously σ(φ) ∼ = σ ′ (φ) ∧ ¬J1 (φ) holds, so the desired logic is defined by the matrix (N, ∨, ∧, σ ′ , ¬, J1 ). Later (cf. Section 8.1.1, p. 124 f.) we will see that functional completeness alone is necessary (but not sufficient) for a truly general system intended for real applications. The fact that a logic is functionally complete is of limited use when the number of connectives is very restricted and definitions of new operators are bulky. In our framework we have a broad selection of connectives—any choice of regular operators is allowed. So even if an operator is not regular itself,
there is a good chance that it can be defined concisely with regular operators. For example, weak implication is not regular. It can, however, easily be defined by φ ⊃ ψ ≡ ∼ φ ∨ ψ. Compare this with the definition in LnM+ (cf. Sections 8.1.1 and 2.3.1): φ ⊃ ψ ≡ ¬(J n−d (φ) ∨ · · · ∨ J1 (φ)) ∨ ψ n−1
Another important point is the expressivity of the sign language. Using regular signs we cannot only state whether a formula takes on truth values from the sets {0, . . . , i} and {j, . . . , 1} for any i, j ∈ N , but it is also easy to combine these constraints conjunctively in order to query for arbitrary intervals or for exact truth values. This does not cause too much branching, since one of the formulas {0, . . . , i} φ, {j, . . . , 1} φ is always of type α. In other systems such queries must be encoded by more complex formulas. This is not only unnatural, but usually more expensive. Combinatorial excursus on the number of regular functions How many regular operators are there for each n? If m is the number of monotonically increasing sequences with length n and members from N , the answer is 8m − 8n + 1 (each constant function counts only once in each category). An approximation of m can be computed as follows. For each k ∈ N there is one sequence that differs in zero places from ~k (the constant sequence); in all, there are n such sequences. For each such sequence we obtain n − 1 different sequences that differ in one place from it and are still monotonically increasing, and so on. Finally, we take the sum of all sequences that are monotonically increasing and differ in j places from k, which amounts to m≤
n−1 X
j Y
(n − k) = n + n(n − 1) + · · · + n! ≤ n(n!)
j=0 k=0
Some sequences, but not more than half, have been counted multiply; thus m≥
n + n(n − 1) + · · · + n! n ≥ (n − 1)! 2 2
Together we have that the number of regular operators R(n) can be roughly estimated by 4n((n − 1)! − 2) + 1 ≤ R(n) ≤ 8n(n! − 1) + 1, n
but the number of n-valued binary functions is 22 , so there are few, combinatorially speaking.
First-order multiple-valued logics
An open question remaining from the list at the end of Chapter 3 is whether there is a class of signs and quantifiers which has more compact rules than Carnielli’s. In the meantime we have developed the sets-as-signs tool. Obviously, we could adopt Carnielli’s approach to our system simply by including in the conclusion all distributions that are associated with one of the truth values occurring in the sign of the premise. The tableau rule for {0, 1} (∀x)φ, for example, would result in a conclusion that comprises all extensions from the rules for {0} (∀x)φ and {1} (∀x)φ. But then in the extensions only signs corresponding to singleton sets would occur and it is difficult to see how one can take any advantage from the notion of sets-as-signs. The distributions corresponding to general quantifiers are simply too unstructured to be of any use in a general setting. On the other hand, for practical purposes there does not seem to be a real need for distribution quantifiers. Therefore, we decided to take a pragmatic approach and only consider the usual quantifiers ∀ and ∃, as defined in Chapter 2. Consequently, we speak of the n-valued first-order logic where the particular choice of propositional connectives does not matter. This leads to somewhat simpler quantifier rules in some cases, if combined with general signs. For example, take the rule for { 21 } (∀x)φ(x) in three-valued first-order logic. A sound and complete rule would be the following: { 12 } (∀x)φ(x) { 21 , 1} φ(t) { 21 } φ(c)
where t is any term and c is a new Skolem constant.
This rule is justified by the semantics of (∀x)φ(x), which asserts the truth value { 21 } to φ(x) iff for all assignments β of x the value of vβ (φ(x)) is either {1} or { 21 } and for at least one assignment it is { 21 } . This is nothing more than an awkward of expressing the fact that { 12 } should be the minimum taken over all vβ (φ(x)), but it directly justifies the rule given above. Note that the corresponding rule in Carnielli’s system has two extensions containing three formulas, not counting the rules that enumerate the used parameters. It is interesting, however, to note that sets-as-signs can be used to establish a much more compact rule representation of condition 2 given on page 27 than the one suggested by Carnielli [1991]. Recall that Carnielli’s solution was to introduce additional rules that list exhaustively the possible truth values of formulas with parameters introduced at earlier stages of the proof. Having the device of sets-as-signs at hand we can formulate condition 2 given on page 27 in a much more natural and compact way by a single signed formula, namely by {i1 , . . . , ik } φ(t). Example 5.24. We continue Example 3.19. The rules for the sign {1}
now become: {1} (Q x)φ(x) {0} φ(c1 ) { 21 } φ(c2 ) {0, 12 } φ(t1 )
{1} (R x)φ(x) {0} φ(c3 ) {1} φ(c4 ) {0, 1} φ(t2 )
where the ci are new and the ti are arbitrary parameters. It is not too difficult to prove completeness of the first-order tableau systems generated by the new rules along the lines given by Carnielli [1991], but we omit it here, since it is rather technical and we do not wish to investigate general distribution quantifiers further in this book. To conclude this issue, in Figure 5.5 we give a tableau proof of the inconsistency of the set Φ = {1 (Q x)p(x), 1 (R x)p(x)}, which can now easily be obtained using the new rules: (1) [−] {1} (Q x)p(x) (2) [−] {1} (R x)p(x) (3) [1] {0} p(c1 ) (4) [1] { 21 } p(c2 ) (5) [1] {0, 12 } p(c1 ) (6) [2] {0} p(c3 ) (7) [2] { 21 } p(c4 ) (8) [2] {0, 1} φ(c2 ) closed with (4, 8)
Fig. 5.5. Tableau refutation of Φ with complete quantifier rules using setsas-signs. Remark 5.25. The rules above are neither of γ- nor of δ-type, of course,
although they certainly have a γ-flavour due to the universal term in the conclusion, which means that in general they have to be applied more than once. From now on we concentrate on the many-valued generalizations of the quantifiers ∀, ∃. Our goal is to extend the uniform notation of classical quantifiers to them. A natural question to ask is what happens in the restricted case of regular logics, that is, when only signs of the shape >i and i
φ(t) is satisfiable for any term t.
∗ It is well known in the classical case that one loses no generality when working with Herbrand structures, which fulfil the representability condition trivially. We could also have done this in the present case, since the concept of a Herbrand universe does not interfere with many-valued notions. The proof of the lemma shows that the representability assumption is only needed for parts 1 and 2 and only for one direction.
2. 3.
i . If not, vβ (φ(t)) might not be a member of the sign set. (If:) Let >i φ(t) be satisfiable for every ground term t. Hence, for all t, 1 vβ (φ(t)) ∈ i + ,...,1 . n−1 And by (5.11):
vβ β(t) (φ(x)) x
1 ,...,1 n−1
By assumption, for each u ∈ U there is a tu ∈ T such that β(tu ) = u. By this fact and (5.12) min vβxu (φ(x)) u∈U
= min vβ β(tu ) (φ(x)) u∈U
= min vβ β(t) (φ(x)) x t∈T 1 ,...,1 ∈ i+ n−1 2. Similar. 3. (Only if:) Let 2 0~ 1 0 1 ~ 2 > ~ ~ 1 1 P P P0 P0 P1 2 2 Simplification rules have to be modified accordingly. This is only a minor improvement. The reason is that unlike the tableau rules, BDD rules are generated by a column-wise analysis of the truth tables, thus leaving less room for optimization. We can, however, achieve a much more concise BDD representation of many-valued logics when we admit variables on the edges. The rule under Step 1 on page 142 might then become ∗ Smullyan did not include function symbols in his first-order language, so in his case constants were the only ground terms.
p∧q k
p? ?? i= 1 ,1 ?? 2 ? q> >> j=0, 12 >1> > Pj Pi
| 0 || | ||
where an edge labelled i = i1 , . . . , im is understood as an abbreviation for m edges labelled i1 , . . . , im and with respective successor nodes Pi1 , . . . , Pim . If these abbreviations are expanded the usual rule results. Using this trick, similar savings as for tableau rules may be achieved. Additional savings are possible when some of the Pi s in the premise are identical and this fact is taken into account by the rule. Note that in the classical case the technique is not very useful, since it is only a kind of shorthand notation for BDDs; thus only the representation size is decreased, but not the number of computation steps. Representation size, however, is usually not a problem in the classical case, while it can be a considerable one in the many-valued case. In Bryant [1986; 1992] and Posegga [1992a] it was demonstrated that when using sophisticated programming techniques classical BDDs are quite a powerful decision procedure for classical propositional logic. Posegga [1993] showed that the framework can be lifted to first-order logic. We suspect that some, though not all,∗ of the work done in the BDD area can be paralleled for many-valued logics. 6.3.3 Extending multiple-valued dissolution The many-valued dissolution rule of Murray and Rosenthal (see Section 8.2.3 for the basic definitions) is limited to a relatively narrow class of many-valued logics, so-called UNF logics. In the following we sketch a technique that enables the application of dissolution to arbitrary finitely-valued logics. The key idea is to use our sets-as-signs tableau rules to transform a many-valued logic formula into a UNF formula. From then on the method discussed in Section 8.2.3 can be applied. We saw earlier (in Section 4.5) that the tableau rules employing sets as signs are nothing other than a minimal SOP representation of the characteristic function associated with a sign and connective. Thus, given a complex signed formula S φ, its tableau rule determines a representation of S φ where only signed direct subformulas of φ and conjunctions and disjunctions occur. ∗ Some results for BDDs rely upon normal form properties [Bryant, 1992] which may not be present in many-valued logics.
As an example take the signed formula { 21 , 1} (φ ∼ = ψ) from L3M+ (cf. Definition 2.29, Figures 4.3 and 4.4). The tableau rule gives us { 21 , 1} (φ ∼ = ψ) ≡ ({0} φ ∧ {0} ψ) ∨ ({ 21 } φ ∧ { 12 } ψ) ∨ ({1} φ ∧ {1} ψ) Hence, by recursive descent through a signed formula we may obtain an equivalent formula which is built up completely from conjunctions, disjunctions, and signed atoms.∗ This formula has the form of a UNF formula after the preprocessing step where unary connectives have been substituted by signs. The technique presented restores dissolution as a general proof procedure for many-valued logics.† Moreover, in a similar fashion other path-oriented proof procedures such as the connection method of Bibel [1980; 1987] or the matings of Andrews [1981; 1986] can be generalized to cover many-valued logics. The above also applies to other results of previous chapters, such as the theorems on regular logics and first-order many-valued logics. On the other hand, the techniques developed for MIP representation of analytic tableaux do not easily carry over to any of the other proof procedures mentioned. The reason is that the tableau procedure has a clear rule-based description and at the same time the tableaux have a simple logical structure. The other proof procedures lack one of these properties. 6.3.4 Resolution In this section we take the point of view that an efficient resolution system requires a kind of CNF. In Section 8.1.3 we review an approach to manyvalued theorem proving which is based on non-clausal resolution, but it remains to be seen whether this is viable. In Sections 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 some specialized attempts for achieving CNF are reported. A more general approach is taken in Baaz and Ferm¨ uller [1992], but the CNF algorithms in all these papers have in common the fact that they produce clause sets which are much more redundant than necessary. There are three main obstacles to be overcome when clausal normal forms are to be used in a generalized context: 1. Normal forms can become exponentially long wrt the length of the input when a na¨ıve algorithm is used. This is not so problematic in classical logic where knowledge bases usually consist of conjunctions of relatively short formulas. In non-classical logics, however, even relatively short formulas can become quite long during this process. In H¨ ahnle [1992b, pp 17–19] an example that illustrates the situation in many-valued logics can be found. ∗ It
is obvious how satisfiability for such formulas has to be defined. similar technique has been suggested independently by Murray and Rosenthal [1991c; 1993b]. †A
2. The normalized input bears no resemblance to the original formula. This makes it difficult to explain the machine-generated proof to the user. 3. Many non-classical logics may fail to have normal forms, or at least it is non-trivial to find them. The first two problems can largely be solved by using a structure preserving clause form translation [Tseitin, 1970; Boy de la Tour, 1990; Eder, 1991], which has the double advantage of 1. producing normal forms in linear time and space wrt to the input, and 2. establishing a relationship between the clauses of the normal form and the subformulas of the input formula. As to the third problem, it is not likely that there is a uniform solution to it due to the diversity of non-classical logics. It has been shown, however, that for certain classes of non-classical logics structure preserving CNF transformations (and corresponding resolution rules) can be devised to give the desired results [Mints, 1990]. These include intuitionistic logic and the modal logics S5, S4, T, K, K4. The central idea behind structure preserving clause form translations is to introduce additional atoms which serve as abbreviations for subformulas of the input. Assume that we are working in classical logic, that we have a propositional formula φ, and that we need a finite set of clauses Xφ such that φ iff Xφ ⊢ 2. Let SF (φ) denote the set of subformulas of φ (note that the size of SF (φ) is linear wrt the length of φ) and let n = |SF (φ)|. We denote by L∗ the complement of a literal, cf. Definition 5.1. Now we introduce a new variable pi for each φi ∈ SF (φ) which is not a literal and consider for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n and φi = (φj op φk ) the formula pi ∼ = (pj op pk )
where op is the top-most connective of φi and pj , pk either correspond to φj , φk or φl = pl if φl is a literal. This process is called abbreviation, definition, or renaming by various authors. Let Xφ,i be a CNF representation of (6.1). Now we can define ! [ Xφ,i ∪ {p∗1 } Xφ = i
where p1 is the definition of φ. It is fairly easy to see that Xφ indeed has the desired properties. Additional savings are possible by analysing the polarity of the subformulas and substituting either ⊂ or ⊃ for ∼ =.
In the many-valued case we work with signed clauses, i.e., the (classical) clauses over L∗0 . In order to turn a signed formula into a set of signed clauses we use inverse tableau rules [Kapetanovi´c and Krapeˇz, 1989], where extensions are conjunctively connected and the extensions themselves are signed clauses. It is possible to define a sound and complete resolution rule on signed clauses, for instance, S1 p ∨ D1 · · · Sm p ∨ Dm D1 ∨ · · · ∨ Dm
if S1 ∩ · · · ∩ Sm = ∅
together with an appropriate factoring rule. In H¨ ahnle [1993b] the ideas which are only sketched here are elaborated and a many-valued generalization of polarity is defined which helps to remove redundant signed clauses. 6.4
6.4.1 Evaluating the criteria from the introduction In the Introduction we stated a catalogue of desirable properties of a framework for many-valued theorem proving. Let us go through this catalogue and check to what degree the framework proposed in this book fulfils those properties. • Wide applicability For propositional logics we have certainly achieved this particular goal; for quantified logics we could provide an efficient treatment for the many-valued generalizations of ∀ and ∃. We showed that even for other quantifiers the sets-as-signs technique offers a considerable improvement over previous approaches. On the other hand, if quantifiers other than ∀ and ∃ really were needed in an application, more work would certainly have to be done. The results of Section 6.2 show that it is possible to deal with infinitely-valued propositional logics. • Flexibility Due to the generic soundness and completeness proofs of Chapters 4 and 5 we have a truly flexible framework. • Easy adaptability Based on the ideas presented in this book a tableau-based theorem prover for finitely-valued logics has been built [H¨ ahnle et al., 1992] which does possess exactly the kind of modularity required for easy adaptability to different logics (see also the next section). • Performance Regarding propositional logics, excellent performance can be expected from an MIP-based implementation (cf. Section 6.2). Using the quantifier rules of Chapter 5 such an implementation may be lifted to first-order logic by a similar method as that considered by Lee and Plaisted [1992]. For the time being, the theorem prover
[H¨ ahnle et al., 1992] may be used with acceptable performance. Also, good performance can be expected from an implementation of the resolution principle on signed formulas (see Section 6.3.4 and H¨ ahnle [1993b]). • Closeness to classical versions We hope that in the preceding sections we have made it clear that most known inference systems and strategies can be extended to many-valued logic using our techniques. The results of Chapter 5 on uniform notation systems in particular show that many-valued reasoning can be done by a relatively small and natural extension of classical techniques. All in all, the goals we set out have been achieved to a fair extent. Of course, much work can still be done, for example regarding non-standard quantifiers, a resolution implementation, or lattice-based logics. This book is a mere foundation for many-valued theorem proving, but we are now in a position where applications of many-valued logic can actually be tried. And sooner or later the demands of real applications will spin off further refinements on the theoretical side. In the following section we substantiate our claim that the techniques developed in this book make many-valued theorem proving a real possibility by reporting some experiences with an experimental implementation. 6.4.2 Some experimental results From 1990 to 1992 at the University of Karlsruhe the experimental tableaubased many-valued theorem prover 3TAP was developed as part of the TCG joint project between the University of Karlsruhe and the IBM Germany Science Center in Heidelberg.∗ A detailed description of 3TAP may be found in H¨ ahnle et al. [1992], for a short survey (written in German) see H¨ ahnle [1990a]. 3TAP can in principle handle arbitrary finitely-valued first-order logics and makes use of the techniques and results developed in Chapters 4 and 5. To make it capable of handling a new logic, all one has to do is to change the rule base and perhaps add some declarations of signs and connectives. Among others, the logics mentioned in Sections 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 were implemented. In order to gain some insight into how much is achieved in practice using the sets-as-signs concept, two implementations of the three-valued logic used in Gerberding [1991] were provided. The first version runs with rules derived from Carnielli [1987], that is, only singleton signs occur. The second version has a full set of signs and rules, that is, for each ∅ S {0, 12 , 1} and connective a rule is computed (for some combinations no rule ∗ TAP is available without charge to research institutions. Please contact the author 3 if you are interested in receiving a copy. 3TAP is written mainly in Prolog.
Table 6.5 Problem
Lemma 5.1 Theorem 5.3 Lemma 5.9 Figure 5.14 Figure 5.17 Axiom MVEQ4
Some Test Results using 3TAP
Closed branches when using Carnielli’s method Sets-as-signs Unlinked∗ Linked† Unlinked Linked 225 119 7 7 225 82 23 13 —‡ 33 4 4 254 254 10 8 — — — 8 46 33 6 4
is defined, however). In Table 6.5 statistical figures of runs in both versions are summarized for various first-order problems from Gerberding [1991]. Run times are roughly proportional to the number of branches generated, thus there is a very clear advantage in the sets-as-signs approach. All run times required in this case are within fractions of a second. Note that the sample problems are not particularly difficult and the underlying logic has only three truth values. For logics with a greater number of truth values the difference becomes even more spectacular. 6.4.3 Outlook Considering the material developed in the previous chapters and the discussion in the present section, what recommendations concerning the logical basis can we give to someone who is willing to build a many-valued theorem prover for real applications? The answer mainly depends on the expressive power of the logics under consideration and, to a certain degree, on the application. For propositional infinitely-valued logics an MIP-based implementation as sketched in Section 6.2 is probably best. For other logics, the state-of-the-art approach in the two-valued case should be taken and modified using the sets-as-signs technique. In particular, for propositional finitely-valued logics a modification of the Davis-Putnam procedure seems best if tautology checking is the aim [Buro and B¨ uning, 1992] and BDDs if simplification of large and unstructured expressions is desired [Bryant, 1992]. For first-order finitelyvalued logics a resolution framework as sketched in Section 6.3.4 (see also H¨ ahnle [1993b]) is very interesting. In the future refinements of tableaux might also turn out to be competitive [Letz et al., 1991; Letz, 1993].
∗ All
formulas are present on the initial branch. formulas with links into the formula in focus are fetched from the knowledge base on demand. ‡ No proof found after several minutes. † Only
7 APPLICATIONS Das Erforschliche in Worte sieben; Das Unerforschliche ruhig veralbern: — Arno Schmidt, Seelandschaft mit Pocahontas In this chapter we give an answer to the question Does many-valued theorem proving have any use?∗ We begin with a fairly exhaustive list of (possible) applications of manyvalued logics. Some of them will be examined more closely in the following two sections. Some of these applications demand a many-valued theorem prover of considerable flexibility. 7.1
1. Program verification, specification and synthesis There are various approaches to reasoning about programs that use three- and four-valued logics to model semantics of partially defined and/or distributed programs.† In some way or another statements about programs must be reduced to first-order formulas.‡ At this point a many-valued theorem prover may be useful. The most important approaches using many-valued logic include (a) several groups of researchers concerned with the Vienna Definition Method (VDM), notably the MetaSoft project. See Blikle [1991] for an overview and some recent developments. (b) Many-valued interpreters are used to assign a proper meaning to negation in logic programming, see, for example Fitting [1985; 1986; 1990a], Fitting and Ben-Jacob [1990], Kunen [1987], and Sheperdson [1989]. 2. Artificial intelligence (a) In de Bessonet [1991] many-valued logic is used within an AI reasoning system to express various grades of presence of properties. ∗ The
question is a slight variation of the title of a paper by Scott [1976]. fact it was the semantics of partial recursive functions which provided the motivation for one of the pioneer papers in the field of many-valued logics [Kleene, 1938]. ‡ In the case of Prolog, programs are formulas. † In
(b) In Ginsberg [1986a; 1986b] many-valued logics with a structured set of truth values are used to express hierarchies and dependencies in truth maintenance systems. (c) Belnap’s four-valued logic (see Section 7.2.2 below) has been used as a theoretical basis for knowledge representation languages in Patel-Schneider [1990; 1989] and Bittencourt [1989]. (d) In Sch¨ opke [1990; 1991] an application of many-valued logic for decision support is described. Truth values are used to model states in certain situations. Situations are modeled by propositional formulas in many-valued logic. A theorem prover may help to detect the state of a given situation. 3. Logic (a) Belnap [1977] used a four-valued logic to model relevance logic. Recently, D’Agostino gave a tableau system for this logic which turns out to be a special case of our work (see Section 7.2.2). (b) Caferra and Zabel [1990] used many-valued logics to implement a theorem prover for the modal logic S5. This can be improved and generalized using our results; see Section 7.2.4. (c) In MacNish and Fallside [1990] a three-valued logic is used to model default reasoning. The tableau-based default reasoning approach of Schwind [1990; 1991] can perhaps be made more fine-grained using many-valued logics. Ginsberg [1986a; 1986b] shows how to use lattice-based many-valued logics to implement a kind of default reasoning system. (d) Doherty [1990a; 1990b; 1991] and Doherty and Lukaszewicz [1991] used a three-valued logic to model a non-monotonic logic. In fact the tableau system given in Doherty [1991] is a special case of the systems from Chapter 4. Recently, very interesting connections between many-valued logic and non-monotonic reasoning were found by Stachniak [1993]. (e) Many-valued matrices∗ have long been used in proof theory to establish the independence of axioms in Hilbert-type inference systems. Since these proofs are extremely tedious to do by hand it may be valuable to have a proof assistant based on a flexible many-valued theorem prover that can quickly check whether a given matrix does the job. See Section 7.2.1. 4. Natural language processing The use of many-valued logic to model partial knowledge was suggested in a number of papers in the area of natural language processing (NLP), see Blau [1978], Fenstad et al. [1985; 1988], and Langholm ∗ The technique is due to Paul Bernays, see Gottwald [1989] and Urquhart [1986] for an introduction.
[1989]. In particular, for dealing with presuppositions (implicit assumptions) some proposals were made to use three-valued logic; see, for example Seuren [1985]. In Sch¨ opke [1991] Seuren’s logic was axiomatized and tested by a tableau-based theorem prover using our sets-as-signs rules. The gap between theory and application on the linguistic side has yet to be bridged however. Error-correcting codes Mundici [1989; 1990] suggested using many-valued logic in the area of adaptive error-correcting codes. He showed that Lukasiewicz’s truth values have a natural interpretation, namely as a measure for the degree of refutation of a certain meaning that a piece of information has, provided the number of possible errors does not exceed n − 2 in an n-valued logic. More complex applications potentially arise in any AI deduction system where one has to deal with a finite, though bounded, number of possible errors in the data. Interval arithmetic In the arithmetic of intervals of natural numbers, three-valued models arise naturally, see Section 7.3.1. A many-valued theorem prover can be used to prove properties of such many-valued axiomatizations. Hardware verification In hardware design and analysis there is a strong tradition of using many-valued logics for various purposes [ISMVL-21, 1991; ISMVL-22, 1992]. Most applications, however, have been either simulation tools or implementations of genuinely many-valued circuits. In Section 7.3.2 we describe briefly how many-valued logics render themselves naturally for the verification of switch-level specifications. Quantum physics In Mundici [1986] it is shown that the C ∗ -algebras of quantum lattice systems can be coded as sets of sentences in the infinitely-valued Lukasiewicz logic. Thus, theorem proving procedures in many-valued logic can be used to make computations over the corresponding C ∗ algebras. See, for instance, Mundici [1987b]. Applications of a theoretical nature
7.2.1 Independence proofs in Hilbert systems Assume that we have a set of axioms and rules which are sound and complete for some strongly finite propositional logic. We suspect that one of the axioms is independent of the others, since we fail to prove it from the others. A technique of proving that it is in fact independent based on many-valued logics goes as follows: With each connective we associate an appropriate many-valued truth table and define a subset of the truth values as designated. Then we show that all axioms except the one that is to be proved independent take on a
designated truth value under all valuations. Next we show that the rules are closed under propagation of designated truth values, that is, whenever the premise has a designated truth value so has the conclusion. The final step is to show that the axiom to be proved independent may take on a nondesignated truth value. The proof that this setup guarantees independence may be found, for example, in Gottwald [1989]. The number of truth values of the logic used in the independence proof must be larger than the number of truth values of the object logic. Let us consider, for example, the non-linear logics mentioned at the end of Section 5.5, whose connectives are implicitly defined with the help of an ordering on the truth values. These logics are good candidates for logics being used in independence proofs [Gabbay, 1991] and we could well imagine a mechanical proof assistant for independence proofs based on a versatile many-valued theorem prover. The user would specify designated truth values, truth value order, and definitions of connectives, while the machine would automatically compute the truth tables, instantiate a generic theorem prover with them, and check whether they constitute an independence proof for a given axiom system. With such a tool, one’s intuition could be checked quickly and tedious computations could be delegated to a machine. 7.2.2 Relevance logic: A special case The purpose of the remaining subsections is mainly to show that a number of developments in many-valued logics can in fact be regarded as special cases of the sets-as-signs framework developed in the preceding chapters. Belnap [1977] defined a four-valued propositional logic which corresponds to the axiom system of the first-order entailment logic in Anderson and Belnap Jr [1975]. An attractive feature of this logic is that it can deal with contradictory information. This has been exploited, for example, in Fitting [1989] to model the semantics of distributed logic programs. In the view of Ginsberg [1986a] the ordering induced on the set of truth values by taking ∧ as infimum and ∨ as supremum constitutes the simplest nontrivial bilattice. Belnap’s logic comprises the connectives ∧, ∨, →, ¬ which are defined according to Table 7.1. As the set of truth values we take N = {None, F , T , Both}. The choice of terminology becomes clear if we note that the connectives can alternatively be defined as i∧j
inf(i, j)
sup(i, j) T i4j F otherwise
where inf, sup, 4 are induced by the lattice in Figure 7.1. The truth value Both is understood to support truth and falsehood while None supports
Table 7.1
Truth tables of relevance logic
∧ None F T Both
None None F None F
T Both None F F F T Both Both Both
→ None F T Both
None T T F F
Both F T F T
∨ None F T Both
None F T None None T None F T T T T T Both T
None F T Both
¬ None T F Both
Both T Both T Both
neither. The connective → occurs only on the top level and models a meta-level entailment relation. yy yy y yy NoneE EE EE EE
T E EE EE E Both yy y yy yy F
Fig. 7.1. The truth value lattice of relevance logic. D’Agostino [1990] gave a simple signed tableau system for Belnap’s logic which relied on signs {t, f, t∗ , f ∗ }, which have the implicit meaning supports truth, does not support truth, does not support falsehood, and supports falsehood. D’Agostino proved the soundness and completeness of his system for Belnap’s logic, that is, φ → ψ holds iff there is a closed tableau for {t φ, f ψ}. If we take {t, f, t∗ , f ∗ } as abbreviations for t f
= {Both, T } = {None, F }
t∗ f∗
= {None, T } = {Both, F }
work exactly with these signs, and use Lemma 5.4.1 from D’Agostino [1990], we obtain D’Agostino’s tableau system exactly as a special case from the
systems introduced in Chapter 4, while soundness and completeness results follow from Theorems 4.14 and 4.21 without any further work being required. Hence, D’Agostino [1990, pp. 92–100] is just a special case of our technique. Note that we can also easily model other entailment relations, as long as they are truth-functional. If we observe that t =↑ Both, f =↓ None, . . . it becomes obvious that a formulation of the rules in the spirit of Section 5.5 which can take advantage of the lattice ordering could simplify the tableau system further. 7.2.3 Sucho´ n’s tableau system: another special case Probably the first tableau axiomatization of an n-valued logic was provided by Sucho´ n.∗ In Sucho´ n [1974] a tableau system for finitely valued 1 Lukasiewicz logics with truth value set N = {0, n−1 , . . . , 1} is given. As in Surma [1984], Carnielli [1987], D’Agostino [1990], Doherty [1991], Murray and Rosenthal [1991b], and in our own work, the technical device is a suitable modification of the sign language. The sign language in Sucho´ n [1974] consists of the set {T0 , T1 , . . . , Tn , F0 , F1 , . . . , Fn } A branch constructed using the rules according to Sucho´ n is closed iff it contains signed formulas Ti φ, Fj φ with i ≤ j. A formula φ is proved by constructing a closed tableau with root F1 φ. Sucho´ n does not motivate or explain his construction, but merely gives a formal soundness and completeness proof of his system based on a modified definition of the Hintikka sets—consequently it is quite difficult to see how the method works. Using the tools developed in Chapter 4 we can shed some light on it and see that it is another special case of our sets-as-signs notion. The correspondence is given below. We regard Ti , Fj as abbreviations for
Ti Fi
n−i = j| j ≥ ,j ∈ N n−1 n−i = j| j < ,j ∈ N n−1
Sucho´ n works with the redundant signs Tn = F0 = N . If we subtract n−i if these we are left exactly with our regular signs, that is, Ti = ≥ n−1 n−i i < n and Fi−1 = ≤ n−1 coincide with our own.
if i > 1. Hence, Sucho´ n’s closure conditions
∗ Of course, before this there have been Gentzen style axiomatizations of many-valued logics which are easily seen to be equivalent to tableaux; see Section 8.2.2.
A short inspection is sufficient to show that with this definition of Ti , Fj Sucho´ n’s rules are exactly those yielded by Definition 4.4 modulo redundant formulas Tn φ, F0 ψ which do not carry any information. Thus we see that Sucho´ n’s system is just a special case of Chapter 4. While the sets-as-signs notion is central to our approach, however, it is only present implicitly in Sucho´ n’s work. 7.2.4 Improvement of an S5-implementation by Caferra and Zabel Caferra and Zabel [1990] use a many-valued theorem prover based on the propositional part of Carnielli’s [1987] work to implement a theorem prover for some propositional modal logics. The key observation [Hughes and Cresswell, 1984; McRobbie et al., 1988] is that for any formula φ in certain modal logics it is possible to give a bound mφ on the size of a potential Kripke model depending on the size of the formula. In order to refute satisfiability of a formula it is sufficient to refute all models with at most mφ possible worlds. If one encodes an m-world model with 2m truth values, one can emulate modal logic with many-valued logic whenever a suitably flexible many-valued theorem prover is available. If we denote vectors of classical truth values as binary numbers hk1 , . . . , km i, the many-valued signed formula hk1 , . . . , km i φ is associated with a Kripke model where φ holds in world j iff kj = 1. With this translation at hand it is not difficult to specify many-valued connectives that characterize modal operators in m-world models. Although Caferra and Zabel identify branches that are identical up to a permutation of the worlds in the signs, branching may still be excessively high for more complex formulas.∗ Here our framework using sets-as-signs can save much of the branching that cannot be saved by identifying equivalent states. In addition, two of the approaches described in Chapter 6 may prove valuable. First, one could order the truth value set in such a way as to reflect the modal structure; the signs ≥i in this context could, for example, mean ‘all truth values corresponding to states that can be reached from state i’. This is not so interesting for the modal logic S5 (Caferra and Zabel’s only example), but, rather, for modal logics with weaker accessibility relations. Second, incorporating constraints might prove extremely interesting in this setup. This time the constraints would not be arithmetic inequalities, but would rather reflect accessibility constraints. Some connections with the work of Ohlbach [1989] show up here; however, it remains to be seen whether a tableau-based approach can offer any advantage over his resolution-based approach. ∗ It is probably best to iteratively increase the number of worlds starting with 1, since the bound mφ coming from techniques as in Hughes and Cresswell [1984] is usually not very sharp.
Applications of a practical nature
7.3.1 Interval arithmetic Interval arithmetic is an attempt to extend the usual operators of arithmetic from natural (integer, rational, real)∗ numbers to intervals of such numbers. An interval is understood as a number that is not precisely known, or, more accurately, that is known up to a certain degree of error. Possible applications of interval arithmetic are the investigation of rounding errors in arithmetical computations or the development of new proof techniques in number theory. The main problem that occurs is the definition of appropriate order relations on intervals. For example, should [1, 3] ≤ [2, 4] hold or not? A cautious strategy would suggest that [a, b] ≤ [c, d] iff b ≤ c. This leads to very counter-intuitive results (such a relation would not be reflexive). On the other hand, when [a, b] ≤ [c, d] iff a ≤ d transitivity is lost. Similar problems occur for equality. For these reasons many-valued models were considered relatively early on by interval mathematicians, but have not been pursued further until recently. In Gerberding [1991] a three-valued semantic for interval arithmetic is defined and interval analogues of the Peano axioms are given that characterize the three-valued model categorically. An interesting feature of the logic used is that it has two designated truth values. Our example from above [1, 3] ≤ [2, 4] would be assigned the intermediate truth value, denoting a kind of weak affirmation of the ordering relation. Gerberding [1991] demonstrates that for his choice of truth value designation and definition of ≤, =, +, ∗, 0 a natural behaviour of the operators is obtained. The first-order part of the logic has been axiomatized as a tableau system using our sets-as-signs rules and several properties of ≤ and = could be proved automatically, including, for example, antisymmetry and transitivity of ≤, validity of axioms of the Hilbert system, and commutativity of +. 7.3.2 Hardware verification In Hardware Verification, several potential application areas for a manyvalued theorem prover can be found: • verification of genuinely many-valued circuits, • modelling dynamic hazards by introducing pseudo states to find overlapping regions of competing signals (race detection) [Brzozowski and Seger, 1991], • test pattern generation by propagation of undefined or error values [Cho and Bryant, 1989], ∗ For
the sake of simplicity we consider only natural numbers in what follows.
• verifying the implementation of gates on the basis of switch level models [Hayes, 1982; Hayes, 1986]. For various reasons the last alternative seems to be the most attractive. Switch level models have been introduced by Hayes [1982] and Bryant [1984] and allow the formal description of circuits at quite a detailed level. For example, wire capacities, different voltage levels, and design techniques such as CMOS or NMOS are accounted for, usually however, on a symbolic level without specifying concrete values. Also, the actual circuit geometry and layout is not an issue on this level. The target of the specification is a single gate, for example an inverter or a NAND gate. The ‘grain size’ of a switch level model can be varied; in a first implementation one would, for example, exclude handling of wire capacities in order to keep the number of required truth values small. In a structured approach to hardware verification ranging from physical dimensions of parts and wires to a high-level description of module functions (which in turn might be the lowest level of software verification) there would typically be one layer beneath the switch level and two or more layers above the gate level. Each layer is specified by means of the layer directly beneath it; on each level specifications can be completely formal, although the tools may be quite different. It turns out that switch level specifications can be described naturally in many-valued logic. Various voltage levels in different situations are realized with different truth values [Hayes, 1986]. Transistors are switches and their propagation of voltage levels can be modelled by suitable logical connectives. As opposed to other approaches which provide only simulation tools for switch level specifications [Bryant, 1987], the many-valued logic approach allows automatic verification. In Kernig [1992] and H¨ ahnle and Kernig [1993] a case study for a particular switch level model for CMOS circuits has been carried out. The manyvalued theorem prover 3TAP (see Section 6.4.2) is used to verify switch level specifications of small gates automatically. The simplest logic that was used has seven truth values. More sophisticated models would have more truth values. Although we cannot go into the details here, some points about the logics used are noteworthy: • None of the many-valued logics used has occurred before in the literature outside the field of switch-level theory. • For some connectives the easiest way to provide a semantic is via certain lattices on the truth values. The truth tables of other connectives are determined by the physical properties of transistors and the kind of phenomena that are to be modelled; there is no mathematically natural description. • For dealing with sequential circuits (that is, circuits with feedback, in contrast to combinational circuits) it would be advantageous to have
temporal operators. Thus we need a theorem prover for many-valued logics which is not only suitable for a wide range of logics, but which can also be easily adapted and is able to handle logics with a relatively large number of truth values. In the light of the lattice-based semantics of the logics involved it is particularly interesting to work out the details from Section 5.5, although the sets-assigns approach alone is satisfactory for a prototype. Tableau-based approaches to temporal logic theorem proving already exist [Janssen, 1989; Wolper, 1981]; using constraint techniques as in Section 6.2 they could possibly be made more efficient. Other approaches to hardware verification on the switch level that involve many-valued logic are reported in Bryant and Seger [1991] and Filkorn et al. [1991]. The first approach works by a reduction of a temporal multiple-valued logic to classical propositional logic. The second states many-valued deduction problems as unification problems in finite algebras. These are reduced to unification in certain Boolean algebras. Boolean unification is implemented using decision diagrams (see also Section 8.2.1). We argue that genuinely many-valued reasoning techniques are potentially more efficient than reduction. Moreover, many-valued automated deduction is flexible and not restricted to any particular class of logics (for instance, the reduction from finite algebras to Boolean algebras works only for functionally complete logics).
8 A HISTORY OF MULTIPLE-VALUED THEOREM PROVING Without any doubt it is a discovery of the first order, eclipsing everything done in the field of logical research in Poland — Zbigniew Jordan, on many-valued logic The literature on many-valued systems is ridiculously large, but I am sure it does not match in waste of time that on modalities — Dana Scott, on the same topic Introduction Historically, most proof systems for many-valued logics were based on some version of the resolution rule; consequently, these will be reviewed together in a separate section. All but one of the remaining approaches are based upon extensions of more or less known proof procedures for classical logic. For the sake of completeness we have also included two very general frameworks for theorem proving which are not limited to many-valued logics. Two of the reviewed approaches (Sections and 8.2.4) can deal with infinitely valued logics, although in a limited way. We treat only such proof systems extensively that were intended for automated theorem proving by their authors or that are obviously suitable for that purpose. In particular, we do not mention most of the vast literature on Hilbert-style or Gentzenstyle axiomatizations. See Wolf [1977], Rescher [1969], Urquhart [1986], or Gottwald [1989], and the references contained therein, for that kind of proof systems. In the following overview we had to translate and partly reinterpret the definitions and results in our notation to achieve a certain degree of homogeneity. Those definitions and theorems that bear a reference to one or more papers in their titles have been taken more or less directly from the specified work(s). Others that were scattered amongst various articles required some reinterpretation within the context of the framework used. The relevant and most accessible papers on each approach are listed at the beginning of the respective subsection.
Resolution-based systems
Common to most resolution-based approaches (see Stachniak’s system for an exception) and common to all systems using a uniform inference rule (such as Dissolution or Plaisted’s method) is the requirement that theorems have to be transformed into some kind of normal form before the deduction process can even start. For classical propositional and predicate logic, how to achieve various normal forms is well known and considerable research has been undertaken on algorithms that produce short normal forms; see, for example, Boy de la Tour [1990]. In many-valued logics, however, normal forms often do not even exist, let alone they can be computed efficiently. Based on the sets-as-signs notion propagated in this book, some results regarding normal forms for many-valued logics are now available (see H¨ ahnle [1993b] and Murray and Rosenthal [1993b]; and Sections 6.3.4 and 6.3.3). All the earlier approaches presented in the following do not use setsas-signs and this, together with the fact that most multiple-valued logics lack the existence of unsigned normal forms,∗ impose a severe restriction on the applicability of resolution-based systems, at least on those which employ a clausal form of the resolution rule. 8.1.1 Morgan’s resolution-based system Perhaps the earliest reference to a many-valued deduction system, purposely designed for automated theorem proving and that has also been actually implemented, is Morgan [1976]. The primary motivation for Morgan was to have a finite approximation to fuzzy logic systems (for an overview see, for example, Zadeh [1988]), but in a sense it turns out to be more general. Morgan considers for each finite number n of truth values the class LnM (Section 2.3.1) of many-valued first-order logics that contain, besides conjunction, disjunction, negation, universal, and existential quantification with the usual multiple-valued generalized semantics, n unary connectives J0 , . . . , J1 which intuitively assert that the argument of Ji has truth value i. In Section 2.3.1 we mentioned that for each n the propositional part of LnM is functionally complete. Vice versa, any n-valued logic, whose propositional part is functionally complete could potentially be handled by Morgan’s approach. Even if the propositional part of a logic is not functionally complete, it could be handled by considering a suitable functionally complete conservative extension, the queries to which are restricted to formulas that can be expressed in the first system. This generality, however, is of limited practical use because of the fixed set of connectives: although arbitrary many-valued propositional connec∗ For an exception, which also shows how difficult the problem may become, see Mundici [1991; 1993].
tives are definable in LnM , the actual definition can be awkwardly long. In addition, it is a non-trivial task to find a minimal representation for a many-valued propositional function over a given set of operators—in fact the problem is only solved satisfactorily in special cases. See Section 4.5 for more on this issue. Morgan’s two main results reflect the two main problems which resolution-based and other similar approaches to many-valued theorem proving must solve: (i) to give a sound and complete transformation algorithm that computes the normal form of a given formula such that it can serve as input to (ii) a generalized inference rule that must be proved sound and complete, usually by adapting a standard proof. Definition 8.1. (J-CNF [Morgan, 1976]) A LnM -formula is said to be in J-CNF iff it is in CNF and all literals occurring in it are of the form Ji (p), for some i ∈ N and p atomic. Morgan proves a sequence of theorems which can be summarized as follows. Theorem 8.2. (Normal form [Morgan, 1976]) To each closed LnM formula φ, there corresponds a closed formula ψ in (LnM ) sko which is in universal prenex J-CNF such that φ is satisfiable iff ψ is satisfiable. Note, however, that we cannot replace ‘satisfiable’ in the theorem above by ‘has truth value i in the same structure’, since the transformations given in the proof preserve satisfiability, but may actually alter the truth value. We can formalize the difference between both notions as follows. Definition 8.3. (Refutational, logical equivalence) Let L denote a many-valued first-order logic. Two closed formulas φ, ψ ∈ L are called logically equivalent iff v(φ) = v(ψ) in all structures for L. They are called refutationally equivalent iff (v(φ) ∈ D iff v(ψ) ∈ D) in all structures for L. Since in refutation systems we are only interested in the coarser notion of refutational equivalence, Theorem 8.2 is sufficient. In many-valued resolution approaches this property is often exploited in order to obtain simpler systems, as we will see in the following sections. We note for later use that both equivalence relations are congruences on L. Proposition 8.4. Let φ, ψ be closed L-formulas and Abbr a finite set of abbreviations in L. 1. If for any abbreviation ψ[φ1 , . . . , φn ]def = θ[φ1 , . . . , φn ] ∈ Abbr and substitution σ : fs → L ψ[φ1 , . . . , φn ]σ and θ[φ1 , . . . , φn ]σ are logically
(refutationally) equivalent, then for any φ′ , ψ ′ ∈ L φ′ and ψ ′ are logically (refutationally) equivalent whenever φ′ and ψ ′ are syntactically equivalent. 2. If φ and ψ are logically equivalent then φ and ψ are also refutationally equivalent. Proof. 1. Exactly as in the classical case. 2. Immediate from the definition. Using the weak connectives of LnM+ it is possible to give an object level formulation of Theorem 8.2: Corollary. To each closed LnM -formula φ, there corresponds a closed formula ψ in (LnM ) sko which is in universal prenex J-CNF such that Ln φ ≡ ψ holds. M+
Formulas in universal prenex J-CNF are being processed further with a straightforward modification of the two-valued resolution rule. The basic idea is as follows. In J-CNF clauses only literals of the form Ji (p) for some i ∈ N and atomic p can occur. A disjunction of such literals, say Ji1 (p) ∨ · · · ∨ Jik (p), says informally that p has to take on a truth value from the set {i1 , . . . , ik }. Now assume that we have two clauses of the form C1 ∨ Ji1 (p) ∨ · · · ∨ Jik (p) ∨ D1 and C2 ∨ Jj1 (p) ∨ · · · ∨ Jjk′ (p) ∨ D2 . Then the sets {i1 , . . . , ik } and {j1 , . . . , jk′ } are the truth values that p can take on in the first and the second clause respectively. If these sets have an empty intersection then the factors Ji1 (p) ∨ · · · ∨ Jik (p) and Jj1 (p) ∨ · · · ∨ Jjk′ (p) obviously cannot be satisfied simultaneously and can thus be omitted from the analysis of both clauses. Definition 8.5. (Resolution principle [Morgan, 1976]) Let C1 and C2 be the sets of literals in two clauses from the matrix of a J-CNF formula in LnM . Without loss of generality assume that they have no free variables in common. Let K1 = {Ji11 (p11 ), . . . , Ji1r1 (p1r1 )} and K2 = {Ji21 (p21 ), . . . , Ji2r2 (p2r2 )} be subsets of C1 and C2 respectively. If • {p11 , . . . , p1r1 , p21 , . . . , p2r2 } are unifiable with most general unifier σ, • {i11 , . . . , i1r1 } ∩ {i21 , . . . , i2r2 } = ∅, then a clause with the set of literals (C1 − K1 )σ ∪ (C2 − K2 )σ is called an mv-resolvent of C1 and C2 . Remark 8.6. 1. This rule is more general than necessary. It is easy to see that each general mv-resolution step can always be substituted by a finite sequence of mv-resolution steps where the sets K1 and K2 are singletons. On the other hand, one could extend the rule to more than two input clauses to a kind of many-valued hyperresolution.
2. The sets K1 and K2 in the above definition are not required to be maximal. On the contrary, to achieve completeness all possible mvresolvents from a set of clauses must be generated within a finite number of steps. Obviously, this enlarges the search space dramatically. The notion of a resolution proof from here on is completely standard. With these definitions at hand it is not too difficult to prove a generalized form of Herbrand’s theorem and hence the soundness and completeness of the mv-resolution rule for LnM . Theorem 8.7. (Soundness, completeness [Morgan, 1976]) Let φ be some LnM -formula and ψ a universal prenex J-CNF of φ. Let E be the set of clauses corresponding to the matrix of ψ. Then φ is unsatisfiable iff 2 can be obtained by a finite number of mv-resolution steps from E. Let us conclude this section with an example of a derivation in Morgan’s system. Assume that we want to prove theoremhood of a formula from LnM+ within the resolution system for LnM . Since LnM is functionally complete, we can express ∼, ⊃, ≡ and ∼ = with the help of the remaining operators. One possibility would be to use the following abbreviations: ∼φ φ⊃ψ φ≡ψ φ∼ =ψ
= ¬(J n−d (φ) ∨ · · · ∨ J1 (φ)) n−1
= ∼ φ∨ψ def = (φ ⊃ ψ) ∧ (ψ ⊃ φ) def
(8.1) (8.2)
= (J0 (φ) ∧ J0 (ψ)) ∨ · · · ∨ (J1 (φ) ∧ J1 (ψ))
Remark 8.8. It is easy to check that for all instances in the formula schemata above, both sides are logically equivalent. Making use of Proposition 8.4 we will thus write ≡ instead of ⇔ from now on. Example 8.9. We give a proof that the formula ¬p ⊃ (∼ p ∧ ¬p) is a tautology in L3M , when 1 is the only designated truth value. It is easy to see that for this purpose it is sufficient to prove that the weakly negated formula is unsatisfiable, in other words, the truth values 0 and 21 are not taken on in any structure. We begin by expanding the definitions of ∼ and ⊃: ∼ (¬p ⊃ (∼ p ∧ ¬p)) ≡ ¬J1 (¬J1 ¬p ∨ (¬J1 p ∧ ¬p)) Next, the unary operators are pushed in front of the atoms and the conjunctions are pushed to the top. A lot of derived simplification rules are needed for this purpose. To avoid astronomical growth of the resulting clause set, subsumption checks also have to be made after each transformation step. After several hundred transformation steps where intermediate formulas such as
(J0 ¬J0 p ∧ J0 ¬J2 p) ∨ (J1 ¬J0 p ∧ J1 ¬J2 p) ∨ (J1 ¬J0 p ∧ J0 ¬J2 p)∨ (J0 ¬J0 p ∧ J1 ¬J2 p) ∨ (J0 ¬J0 p ∧ J0 ¬p) ∨ (J1 ¬J0 p ∧ J1 ¬p)∨ (J1 ¬J0 p ∧ J0 ¬p) ∨ (J0 ¬J0 p ∧ J1 ¬p) occur, the final result is (1) J0 p (2) J0 p ∨ J1 p (3) J2 p ∨ J0 p (4) J2 p ∨ J1 p A refutation of this clause set is trivial: (5) 2 from (1) and (4) Morgan’s system can be used, at least theoretically, to conduct resolution proofs in a wide variety of many-valued logics. Its practical use, however, is limited due to the fact that the definition of complex new propositional operators can become tedious and long, since it has to be done solely on the basis of the J-connectives and, therefore, normal form computation soon becomes intractable. Recently, a general treatment of resolution for many-valued logics based on signed clauses has been published [Baaz and Ferm¨ uller, 1992]. The resolution rule used in that paper is the simplified version of Morgan’s rule (see Remark 8.6, part 1). The propositional CNF transformation rules are those from Section 6.3.4; however, only singleton sets as signs and no structure preserving clause form are employed. On the other hand, a full treatment of distribution quantifiers and many-valued versions of some classical resolution refinements are included. 8.1.2 Schmitt’s resolution-based system The resolution-based proof system given by Schmitt [1986] for a certain three-valued logic that we will henceforth call L3 is very much in the same spirit as Morgan’s approach reviewed in Section 8.1.1. The logic L3 was introduced by Fenstad et al. [1985] in connection with natural language processing. The motivation for Schmitt was to provide a proof system for L3 that could be implemented reasonably efficiently for use within a natural language dialogue system. We will see that the drawback of Morgan’s approach mentioned at the end of Section 8.1.1 does not count so much in the case of L3 . First, the language, the number of truth values, and the subset of designated truth values is fixed and, second, the choice of connectives is such that the system obtained is relatively small. Definition 8.10. (L3 ) Let L3 be a three-valued first-order logic according to the following specifications: • The associated propositional language is given by (L3 , ∧, ∨, ¬, ∼) with similarity type h2, 2, 1, 1i.
• The matrix corresponding to the associated propositional language L3 is (3, 2, ∧, ∨, ¬, ∼), where the operators are defined as in Tables 2.1 and 2.2. We note that L3 is not functionally complete,∗ but weak implication and equivalence as defined in Table 2.2 can be expressed as in (8.1) and (8.2). Definition 8.11. (S-CNF) A L3 -formula is said to be in S-CNF iff it is in CNF and all literals occurring in it are of the form p, ¬p, ∼ p or ∼ ¬p where p is atomic. Theorem 8.12. (Normal form [Schmitt, 1986]) To each closed L3 formula φ, there corresponds a closed universal prenex S-CNF formula ψ in (L3 ) sko , such that the expression φ ≡ ψ is a first-order tautology. One observes that no additional connectives have to be introduced in order to achieve S-CNF normal form with only four types of literals. The reason is that any unary connective that is composed of zero or more applications of ¬ and ∼ is refutationally (though not logically) equivalent to one of the four literals occurring in S-CNF. Of course this also greatly simplifies the resolution rule. In the following definition let us denote a literal with s(p), where s is one of {ǫ, ¬, ∼, ∼ ¬}.† Definition 8.13. (Three-valued resolution [Schmitt, 1986]) Let C1 and C2 be the sets of literals in two clauses from the matrix of an SCNF formula in L3 . Without loss of generality assume that they have no free variables in common. Let K1 = {s11 (p11 ), . . . , s1r1 (p1r1 )} and K2 = {s21 (p21 ), . . . , s2r2 (p2r2 )} be subsets of C1 and C2 respectively. If • {p11 , . . . , p1r1 , p21 , . . . , p2r2 } are unifiable with a most general unifier σ, and • {s11 , . . . , s1r1 } ⊆ {ǫ} and {s21 , . . . , s2r2 } ⊆ {¬, ∼}, or {s11 , . . . , s1r1 } ⊆ {¬} and {s21 , . . . , s2r2 } ⊆ {ǫ, ∼ ¬}, then a clause with the set of literals (C1 − K1 )σ ∪ (C2 − K2 )σ will be called a L3 -resolvent of C1 and C2 . The remarks we made on Morgan’s resolution rule also apply here. Theorem 8.14. (Soundness and completeness [Schmitt, 1986]) Let φ be a L3 -formula and ψ a universal prenex S-CNF of φ. Let E be the set of clauses corresponding to the matrix of ψ. Then φ is unsatisfiable iff 2 can be obtained by a finite number of L3 -resolution steps from E. Let us illustrate this with the example from Section 8.1.1. ∗ The † Let
proof of this fact can be found in Schmitt [1990]. ǫ denote the empty string.
Example 8.15. We give a proof that the formula ¬p ⊃ (∼ p ∧ ¬p) is a tautology in L3 . As before, we start by negating the formula to be proved and expand the definition of ⊃. ∼ [¬p ⊃ (∼ p ∧ ¬p)] ≡
∼ [∼ ¬p ∨ (∼ p ∧ ¬p)]
Computing S-CNF yields: ≡ ∼∼ ¬p ∧ (∼∼ p∨ ∼ ¬p) ≡ ¬p ∧ (p∨ ∼ ¬p) This gives as the starting clause set: (1) ¬p (2) p∨ ∼ ¬p A refutation of this clause set is trivial: (3) 2 from (1) and (2) It may not seem fair to take an example that contains mostly connectives that are built into the logic. The point we want to illustrate, however, is that functional completeness alone is not sufficient. If the required operators are present in the deduction system, much better results can be achieved. The relative simplicity of Schmitt’s system rests mainly on two facts that are worth remembering. Remark 8.16. 1. The unary connectives obey DeMorgan’s laws with respect to conjunction and disjunction. Therefore, computation of the normal form follows more or less the classical case and is not too expensive. 2. The fact that in a resolution system, refutationally equivalent as opposed to logically equivalent transformations are sufficient is used to minimize the required instances of the resolution rule. 8.1.3 Stachniak’s resolution logics In a series of papers [Stachniak, 1988; Stachniak and O’Hearn, 1990; Stachniak, 1990a; Stachniak, 1990b; O’Hearn and Stachniak, 1992; Stachniak, 1991a; Stachniak, 1991c; Stachniak, 1991b; Stachniak, 1992] Stachniak developed a framework for many-valued resolution that in certain respects is more general than the previous systems. To see how and why, let us first recall that the usual definition of logical consequence in classical logic can mostly be carried over to non-classical
logics in more than one way.∗ Thus, minimum conditions that consequence relations should satisfy have been postulated and the theory of logical consequences is a field of research in its own respect, which has been pushed forward mainly by Polish logicians. Consequence relations provide an alternative in giving semantics to a language and from a certain point of view they definitely have advantages over matrix-based semantics. Although Stachniak has outlined a method as to how his results can be lifted to first-order logic [O’Hearn and Stachniak, 1992], to keep the presentation concise we will consider only propositional logics in the present section. Definition 8.17. (Consequence relation (Tarski)) Let L be a propositional language. A function C : 2L → 2L is called a consequence relation on L iff the following conditions are satisfied for all X, Y ⊆ L: (Ref ) (Mon) (Id)
X ⊆ C(X) If X ⊆ Y then C(X) ⊆ C(Y ) C(C(X)) ⊆ C(X)
Every propositional logic L = (L, A) naturally defines a consequence relation CA on L: φ ∈ CA (X) iff for every L-valuation v(X) ⊆ D implies v(φ) ∈ D Conversely, a well-known result by Lo´s and Suszko [1958] states the restrictions under which a given consequence relation has an adequate (possibly infinite) matrix. But general matrices† are still too large a class for resolution. Definition 8.18. (Strongly finite consequence relation) Let L be a propositional language. A consequence relation C on L is called strongly finite (SF) iff there T is a finite class K of finite propositional matrices for L such that C(X) = K∈K CK (X) for all X ∈ L.
Obviously, any finitely-valued logic determines a strongly finite consequence relation; just take K to be a singleton. Up to this point we have only considered proof procedures that perform tests on satisfiability—the problem as to whether a formula follows from a set of formulas is harder and in non-classical logics cannot in general be reduced to the tautology problem.‡ Since SF logics are decidable [W´ ojcicki,
∗ Strictly speaking, already in classical logic several variations of logical consequence are possible, but in a sense the usual one encompasses the others. † In general matrices need not to be finite, of course. But as we are mostly concerned with finitely-valued logics, we mean finite matrices as in Definition 2.7 if not stated otherwise. ‡ Note that a formula is a tautology iff it is in C(∅). Thus unsatisfiability is merely a special case of deciding C.
1988], there is an effective procedure that assigns to each X ∈ L and φ ∈ C(X) a Xφ such that φ ∈ C(X) iff C(Xφ ) = L (iff Xφ is inconsistent). It is this set Xφ that is refuted by a resolution system in order to prove that φ ∈ C(X). As mentioned earlier, many-valued logics, and thus SF logics, may lack the expressive power to allow normal forms. Not even a disjunctive operator needs to be present. One way to deal with this situation is to embody the many-valued version of a non-clausal resolution system as it has been presented for classical logic [Murray, 1982; Manna and Waldinger, 1986]. In classical logic, the non-clausal resolution rule∗ has the following form. φ(p) ψ(p) φ(p){p ← f } ∨ ψ(p){p ← t} where {f , t} are the constant operators that always yield false and true respectively. In SF logics neither ∨ nor {f , t} have to be present, or even definable; hence, some modifications must be made. • The disjunction in the conclusion of the resolution rule is replaced by a multiple-conclusion rule. • The set of constant operators that gives the substitution for the resolution variable in the conclusion is replaced by a finite set of formulas Ver= {v0 , . . . , vm }, whose elements are called verifiers (we will define the verifiers precisely in a moment. For the time being it is sufficient to view them as a kind of truth value set). The resolution rule then has the following form. Definition 8.19. (SF resolution rule (Stachniak)) Let the (not necessarily distinct) formulas {φ0 (p), . . . , φm (p)} all contain a variable p not occurring in Ver= {v0 , . . . , vm }. Then the following multiple-conclusion rule is called a SF logic resolution rule: φ0 (p) .. . φ0 (p){p ← v0 }
φm (p) ···
φm (p){p ← vm }
In order to complete the system, two additional types of rules are necessary: ∗ We write down the rules as n × m expansion rules in the sense of D’Agostino [1990]. The rules have n premises, m conclusions and are read as follows: ‘If all formulas in the premise are on the current branch of the proof tree, generate m new branches each containing a formula from the conclusion and append them to the current branch.’
• Transformation rules that simplify the formulas generated by the resolution rule. These have the form φ(p){p ← F (v0 , . . . , vk )} φ(p){p ← v} where {v0 , . . . , vk , v} ∈Ver, F is a (k + 1)-ary connective and v has to be logically equivalent to F (v0 , . . . , vk ) • 2-rules that terminate the deductive process. These are all the inconsistent subsets {vi1 , . . . , vik } of Ver and the rules have the form vi1 .. . vik 2 where 2 is a special symbol not occurring in the language. Definition 8.20. (Refutation tree, resolution system) We call a tree with root φ constructed according to the resolution, transformation, and 2-rules given above a refutation tree iff all paths through the tree contain the symbol 2. A set of verifiers together with accordingly constructed resolution, transformation, and 2-rules for a SF logic (relative to its defining class of matrices K) is called a resolution system for that logic. The crucial step towards a sound and complete resolution system for a given SF logic is, of course, the selection of a suitable set of verifiers. In classical logic we could take, for example, Ver = {p ⊃ p, ¬(p ⊃ p)}, when f and t are not present. In SF logics matters are more complicated; however, roughly speaking we require that, for each formula, there is a verifier that is logically equivalent to it. To make this precise we have to introduce some more terminology. If CK is a consequence relation on L induced by K and P = {p1 , . . . , pk } ⊆ L0 are pairwise distinct variables we define the restriction P CK of CK to P as follows: P φ ∈ CK (X) iff φσ ∈ CK (Xσ) for each substitution σ : L0 → P
A result by W´ ojcicki [1988, p. 256ff.] about SF logics says that it is P always sufficient to consider CK for some finite P : Proposition 8.21. Given any finite class of finite matrices K we have P that CK = CK for some finite P . Since there are only finitely many valuations from P into K, the sublanguage of L generated by P is divided into finitely many equivalence
classes by ∼ =.∗ These can be effectively constructed and, indeed, for any formula, there must be one class whose members are logically equivalent to it. Of course, these equivalence classes (or, more precisely, suitably chosen members from these equivalence classes) are taken as the verifiers. If Res is a resolution system based upon a set of Verifiers Ver, as deRes scribed above, then we let X ⇒ 2 be an abbreviation of the fact that X shares no variables with Ver and has a refutation tree constructed with Res. Theorem 8.22. (Resolution for SF logics (Stachniak)) Let C be a SF consequence relation on L and let Res be a resolution system based upon a set of verifiers Ver defined as above. Then for any X ⊆ L Res
C(X) = L iff X ⇒ 2 In Stachniak [1990a] it is shown that the number of verifiers may be arbitrarily large for certain classes of logics. More precisely, if t is the number of propositional variables occurring in Ver and k is the size of the smallest t matrix in K then |Ver| is bound by k k . For each t > 0, however, there is a logic whose minimal resolution system requires at least t variables. For the classical case the bound is 4, whereas we have seen that 2 is sufficient. So the resolution systems thus generated are not by any means minimal and although an effective algorithm exists [Stachniak, 1990a; Stachniak, 1991a] that computes minimal sets of verifiers, the efficient construction of minimal systems so far has been addressed only for certain special cases, such as functionally complete logics or Lukasiewicz logics [Stachniak, 1990a]. Various suggestions to make the size (i.e. the number of verifiers) of the required resolution proof systems smaller have been proposed. One suggestion is to approximate a ‘large’ resolution system with a finite set of ‘small’ resolution systems [Stachniak, 1990b; Stachniak, 1992; Stachniak, 1991c]: Consider a resolution system Res which is sound and complete for a SF consequence relation C (in the sense of Theorem 8.22). Intuitively, it is clear that there must be smaller resolution systems than Res if we drop the soundness requirement. When such a class of small systems is suitably chosen, one can approximate Res in the following way: Definition 8.23. (Resolution approximation) Let C be a SF consequence relation and Res a resolution system for it. Let R be a finite class of resolution systems that are complete (but not necessarily sound) with respect to C. We say that R approximates Res iff for all X ∈ L: Res
X ⇒ 2 iff X ⇒ 2 for all R ∈ R ∗ Where
φ∼ = ψ iff φ ∼ =K ψ for all K ∈ K.
Finding a set of small resolution systems that approximate a given system is a highly non-trivial task, for which no automatic procedures are in sight. The method has been extended to first-order logics [Stachniak, 1992] and And/Or-networks of approximating resolution systems [Stachniak, 1991c]. Another point where efficiency can be gained is the condition which is imposed on the transformation rules. It is possible to relax logical equivalence of the premise and conclusion to mere refutational equivalence without destroying soundness of the resulting resolution system [Stachniak, 1991a]. This reduces not only the required number of verifiers but also enlarges the class of logics for which resolution systems can be found. This is due to the fact that there are logics which do not have SF consequence relations but share the same class of satisfiable formulas with a SF logic. For example, classical logic and intuitionistic logic have the same finite sets of inconsistent formulas. The condition φ is a tautology iff ¬φ is not satisfiable is, however, only valid in classical logic, which relativizes the achievement. Other improvements consist of adopting the set of support and polarity strategies [Stachniak and O’Hearn, 1990; O’Hearn and Stachniak, 1992] from the classical case [Murray, 1982; Manna and Waldinger, 1986]. Finally, one might focus attention on logics containing a kind of disjunctive operator.∗ The result is that the multiple-conclusion rules can be substituted by single-conclusion rules with ∨ in the conclusion, which reduces the search space considerably. Example 8.24. For three-valued Lukasiewicz logic (Section 2.3.2) Stachniak gives the following six verifiers as a basis for a minimal resolution system (including the optimization regarding refutational equivalence as discussed above): v1
= p ⊃ p,
= ¬v3 ,
= p ∨ ¬p,
= v2 ⊃ ¬v2
= ¬v2 ,
= ¬v1
Let us consider the following L3 -tautology:† φ(r, q) := q ⊃ (r ⊃ q) We illustrate Stachniak’s system by showing that its strong negation is unsatisfiable. The paper size limit forces us to concentrate on a single branch in the following proof tree. ∗ A matrix is called disjunctive iff it has a connective ∨ such that for all i, j ∈ N : i ∨ j ∈ D iff i ∈ D or j ∈ D, cf. W´ ojcicki [1988]. † This is an axiom of the first Hilbert-style axiomatization of L , given by Wajsberg. 3
φ(q, r) fff fffff f f f f fffff fffff f f f f f φ(v2 , r) φ(v3 , r) HH iirr i i HH i ii rrr i i HH i r i i r i HH ii rr i i i ··· ··· i ··· φ(v3 , v3 ) φ(v3 , v4 )
¬v1 v6
2 The upper two layers in the tree consist of applications of the resolution rule, while the next two layers are transformation rule applications followed by 2-rule applications. Using disjunctive resolution rules linearizes the tree but does not change the size of the derivation. To summarize, Stachniak’s resolution-based approach to theorem proving in many-valued logics is of considerable flexibility and covers a wide scope of logics. Its main drawbacks are the size of the resulting systems, i.e. the branching factor of the rules due to the number of verifiers and the difficulty in finding small systems automatically (it is a non-trivial task already to design a small system for L3 ). Although some efforts have been made to overcome the first point, proofs that have been carried out by hand (see also the example above) indicate that an efficient implementation would be far from straightforward. 8.1.4 Resolution-based systems for fuzzy logic In this section we will review very briefly several resolution-based approaches which all have in common that they are related to fuzzy logic∗ [Zadeh, 1965; Zadeh, 1988]. As mentioned before fuzzy logic considered as a special case of multiple-valued logic was the motivation for Morgan’s system, which we dealt with separately since it is of interest in its own right. Lee and Chang’s system [Lee and Chang, 1971; Lee, 1972] was the first attempt at a many-valued version of the resolution rule. While the ∗ Actually there are two different notions of fuzzy logic around. The first, dealing with fuzzy logic as local logic is not considered here or in the cited papers. In theorem proving the second notion is always addressed, where a formula has a probabilistic truth value in the real interval [0, 1].
work of Di Zenzo [Di Zenzo, 1988] can be seen as a direct descendant, the system of Orlowska [1978] is motivated by the ω + 1-valued logics that were originally introduced by Rasiowa [1973] in the context of program verification. Since both logics are based on Post algebras and their connectives are closely related it seems justified to present them together. Lee and Chang’s resolution-based system Consider the first-order language L whose associated propositional language is defined by the free algebra (L, ∨, ∧, ¬) with the usual arities. The truth value set of the matrix is the unit interval [0, 1] of the reals, whereas the matrix operations corresponding to the connectives are the same as in Definition 2.28. Note, however, that for the semantics of quantified formulas in Definition 2.19, min and max must be replaced with inf and sup respectively. The designated truth values are the closed interval [0.5, 1]. As an additional notion Lee and Chang introduce the following definition. Definition 8.25. (Falsified, unsatisfiable [Lee and Chang, 1971]) Let φ be a sentence from L. We say that φ is falsified by a first-order structure M iff v(φ) ≤ 0.5 in M; it is unsatisfiable iff it is falsified under every structure. Using this definition it is possible that a formula is satisfied and falsified by the same structure. If we think without loss of generality of L-clauses as fully universally quantified, Lee’s main result [1972] can be stated as follows. Theorem 8.26. (Characterization of fuzzy logic [Lee, 1972]) A set S of clauses is unsatisfiable in fuzzy logic iff it is classically unsatisfiable. In other words, under the present definition of unsatisfiability and a straightforward extension of two-valued semantics, no new theorems can be proved. The situation becomes different, of course, when one is interested in the actual truth value (probability) that an inferred formula takes on under a certain interpretation. Also, the fundamental property of classical consequence, namely that v(φ) ≤ v(ψ) whenever ψ follows from φ, does not hold in fuzzy logic if φ can be falsified. Nevertheless, one would expect from a logic which claims to be a model for fuzzy reasoning a richer syntax that, for example, allows the probability of certain inference patterns to be specified generally, without assuming a specific interpretation. The examples in the next two subsections can count as witnesses for that line of development. A more recent paper is Weigert at al. [1993], which shows, however, few new aspects and is therefore not discussed in detail. Extended Post logics Di Zenzo [1988] considers an extension of Post logics (Section 2.3.3) which is enriched by an additional pair of dis-
junction and conjunction operators ∨, ∧ for each threshold value m ∈ n m m and a negation operator ¬, formally. Definition 8.27. (Extended Post logic [Di Zenzo, 1988]) We call a first-order logic LnEP an n-valued extended Post logic, whenever • its associated propositional language LnEP is given through the algebra (LnEP , ∧, ∨, . . . , ∧, ∨, σ, ¬) 0
with similarity type h2, 2, . . . , 2, 2, 1, 1i, • the definition of the corresponding matrix operations for σ and ¬ is as before, while for all i, j, m ∈ n: max{i, j} if i, j < m or i, j ≥ m ∗ i∧j = min{i, j} otherwise m min{i, j} if i, j < m or i, j ≥ m ∗ i∨j = max{i, j} otherwise, m • designated truth values and thus satisfiability are not specified yet, • instead of ∀, ∃ the first-order language contains 2n quantifiers ∀ , ∃ , m m which are defined by modifying Definition 2.19 in the following way: ∗ vβ ((∀ y)φ) = min{sup{vβyu (φ)|vβyu (φ) ≥ m, u ∈ U }, m
sup{vβyu (φ)|vβyu (φ) < m, u ∈ U }},
∗ vβ ((∃ y)φ) = max{inf{vβyu (φ)|vβyu (φ) ≥ m, u ∈ U }, m
inf{vβyu (φ)|vβyu (φ) < m, u ∈ U }}.
Remark 8.28. Obviously, ∧ is identical to ∨ and the same is true for ∨ 0
and ∧ as well as for ∀ and ∃, ∃ and ∀. 0
Since LnP is already functionally complete, in a certain sense all these additional operators are superfluous. They do allow, however, fuzzy relationships to be expressed more concisely than the ordinary system; moreover, they have interesting algebraic properties: (n,m) Let LEP be the logic that is yielded when LnEP is restricted to contain only the operators ∧ , ∨, ∧ , ∨ , ¬, and the quantifiers ∀ , ∃ . m m 1−m 1−m
m m
It is easy to see that for given n all of the LEP are isomorphic to each other and the subsystem for m = 0 is the n-valued restriction of Lee (n,m) and Chang’s system. Lee and Chang’s results carry over to LEP with suitable definitions of falsifiability and satisfiability. One can interpret m as the degree of confidence that describes the reliability of the data. Consequently, a derivation in LnEP consists of a sequence of resolution steps (n,m) carried out in different subsystems LEP that are appropriately chosen according to the reliability of the respective input clauses.
In conclusion, while from the standpoint of uninterpreted reasoning,∗ extended Post logics are not very interesting, one could very well imagine an application within a knowledge-based system relying on given probabilistic data. ω+1-valued Post logics In the early 1970s several infinitely-valued generalizations of Post logics have been investigated, mainly by Polish logicians. The primary motivation was to develop calculi for describing the logic of programs, and their interest seems to have been mainly in the algebraic properties and Hilbert-style proof theory of generalized Post algebras, but as Post algebras these logics are also potentially interesting for fuzzy applications. A step towards automation is Orlowska’s resolution system [1978], see also Orlowska [1980, pp. 338–340], for a ω + 1-valued logic from Rasiowa [1973]. Note that in the following definition for obvious reasons we do not take a subset of [0, 1], but, rather, the chain ω +1 i.e. 0 < 1 < · · · < ω as the set of truth values. Definition 8.29. (Generalized Post language) We say that L is a generalized Post language iff L is a first-order language whose associated propositional language is defined by the algebra (L, ∧, ∨, ⊃, ¬, (Di )1≤ij ω i=0 • ¬i = 0 i 6= 0 • ∨ and ∧ are sup and inf on ω +1, respectively. Let us call the resulting system Generalized Post logic. ∗ By this formulation we mean that the truth value of atomic formulas is not known in the beginning, or, put another way, in interpreted reasoning we do not ask for tautologies, but for the truth value that a formula takes on under one or a set of given interpretations.
The proposition Di (p) essentially states that p has a truth value equal to or greater than i, whereas the proposition ¬Di (p) ∼ = Di (p) ⊃ 0 states that p has a truth value smaller than i. Note that the signs >i , >> >1> >
1 0
p> >> >1> >
1 0
p> >> >1> >
pD DD DD1 DD q⊃p z DDD z 0z D1D DD zz z z 0 1
q> >> >1> >
q> >> >1> >
p> >> >1> >
Fig. 8.1. Tautology checking with Shannon graphs. case e of 0 : i; 1 n−1 : i; ··· 1 : i esac
∼ =
The propositional language under consideration in Orlowska [1967] incorporates the connectives {∨, ∧, ⊃, J0 , . . . , J1 } with similarity type h2, 2, 2, 1, . . . , 1i. The semantics of ∨, ∧, J0 , . . . , J1 is as in Definition 2.28, while ⊃ is defined as 1 i≤j i⊃j= 0 i>j The following theorems state soundness and completeness for these logics. Although these results are not stated explicitly in Orlowska [1967] they are easy consequences of other results in the same paper. Theorem 8.34. (Soundness) Let φ be a propositional formula and let T be the tree that corresponds to the formulas obtained after a number of
p ∧ qE EE y 1 E1E y 2 y E y P0 P1 P2 0 yy
p UUUU UUUU UUU1U UUUU UUUU UU q qA P0 AA } } AA A } } 0} 1 0} 1 A1A A1A } 2 } 2 A A }} }} P0 P1 P2 P0 P1 P2 | 0 || 1 | 2 ||
Fig. 8.2. Dealing with three-valued conjunction in n-ary decision diagrams. transformation steps. Let I be the set of truth values occurring in the leaves of T . Then v(φ) ∈ I for any valuation v. As suggested by this theorem, the same technique can be used not only to check many-valued tautologies, but also to determine exactly the range of truth values that arbitrary valuations of a formula can have. Theorem 8.35. (Completeness) Let φ be a propositional formula and assume that v(φ) = i for every valuation v. Then φ can be reduced to i in a finite number of transformation steps. As can easily be seen, there is ample room for various improvements of the rules (in fact the rule for ∧ given above is simpler than the one given in Orlowska [1967]), for example more sophisticated simplification rules could be designed. As in classical BDDs, one would use DAGs instead of trees in order to achieve a smaller representation. Also, there is no reason for separating expansion and simplification steps. On the contrary, we conjecture that the possibility of intermingling expansion and simplification rules lifts proof length complexity [Cook and Reckhow, 1974] in a similar way as does the admission of analytic cut in semantic tableaux [D’Agostino, 1990]. See Section 6.3.2 for another improvement involving sets-as-signs. Multiple-valued deduction as a unification problem We mention another approach to many-valued deduction in this subsection which can be implemented on the basis of decision diagrams. Recall that semantics of many-valued logics are provided by abstract algebras. Obviously, deduction problems in a propositional logic L = (L, A), for example ⊢ φ ∼ = ψ, can be reformulated as a unification problem in the algebra A, namely whether there is a most general unifier σ : L0 → L such that φσ =A ψσ. Provided that L is finitely-valued and functionally
complete, an effective unification algorithm that computes the most general unifier of two formulas relative to A can be formulated [Nipkow, 1988]. Nipkow’s algorithms have been improved and applied to hardware verification (cf. Section 7.3.2) in B¨ uttner et al. [1990]. The implementation is done by first reducing the unification problem for a certain family Ln of functionally complete algebras to unification in Boolean algebras of size n. Boolean unification can then be implemented by n-ary decision diagrams. The universality of the approach stems from the fact that the Ln are functionally complete. On the other hand, functional completeness is necessary in any event for the existence of most general unifiers. It turns out that the family of algebras used by B¨ uttner et al. [1990] bears a very close resemblance to the family LnM . As a consequence, the remarks on the restricted usability of LnM made at the end of Section 8.1.1 apply here also. Moreover, the approach is limited to propositional logic. 8.2.2 Approaches based on tableaux and Gentzen calculi This is the approach that our own work starts from; therefore, we decided to integrate the presentation into our development at the proper place. We refer the reader to Section 3.3. For a brief introduction into the method of semantic tableaux, see Section 3.1. Introductions into Gentzen systems can be found in most logic textbooks, for example in Fitting [1990b]. On the other hand, we want to mention at least the, historically, most important papers which led to the development of tableau procedures for many-valued logics. Probably the first Gentzen style axiomatization which was already completely general for arbitrary finitely-valued propositional logics (and even some first-order logics) was given by Schr¨oter [1955]. Rousseau [1967], independently, gave an almost identical Gentzen characterization of manyvalued logics which also accounted for the general class of distribution quantifiers (cf. Section 3.3). Neither paper uses signs in order to stipulate truth values of formulas, but, rather, the syntactic position in generalized n-ary sequents. For example, in the sequent 1 | · · · |Γ1 Γ0 |Γ n−1
a formula φ must take on truth value i iff φ ∈ Γi . The notation used by Rousseau in some examples comes close to sets-as-signs, but his interest was purely proof theoretic and the notion was not developed. Signs as a notational device for many-valued proof systems were introduced independently by Surma [1984] and Sucho´ n [1974] in the domain of semantic tableaux. Carnielli [1987] paralleled for semantic tableaux what Rousseau did for Gentzen systems, again completely independent from Rousseau’s work. The Gentzen system in Baaz and Zach [1992] boils down to a special case of Rousseau [1967]. The similarity between Gentzen
and tableaux systems, as well as two possible and dual formulations of satisfiability in the many-valued case, are emphasized in Baaz et al. [1992]. The first paper involving a systematic treatment of truth value sets-assigns is H¨ ahnle [1990b]. Independent formulations for special cases were given in Doherty [1990a], Murray and Rosenthal [1991a], and Zach [1992]. 8.2.3 Path dissolution by Murray and Rosenthal Dissolution is a sound and complete inference rule for classical first-order logic that was introduced in 1986 by Murray and Rosenthal [1986; 1987]; see Murray and Rosenthal [1990a; 1993a] for a detailed description. It operates on formulas in prenex negation normal form that are built up from n-ary conjunctions and disjunctions. It bears some similarity to Bibel’s connection method [Bibel, 1987] in that the focus is on maximal conjunctive paths through the formula tree. It can also be seen as a refinement of a proof method by Prawitz [1970]. In order to keep things simple, we constrain our exposition to the propositional case. Since dissolution is not so widely known as yet, we begin with a small example from classical logic before we turn to many-valued logics. Consider a formula built up from ∧, ∨, and ¬ in NNF, which is represented as a graph, where nodes are formulas and edges are either of conjunctive or disjunctive type. In the left part of Figure 8.3 we have drawn the graph for φ = D ∧ (A ∨ B) ∧ (A ∨ C) (where ¬ is denoted by ). Conjunctive connections are drawn vertically, while disjunctive connections are drawn horizontally. D
∧ A
∧ B
∧ A
∨ ∧
Fig. 8.3. Dissolution for classical propositional logic. Now consider maximal sets of conjunctively connected literals, so-called c-paths∗ in φ. For the present example, these are ∗ We will not define the graph-based notions that are used in the following formally. The intuitive reading should be clear and we refer the reader to Murray and Rosenthal [1990a] for the exact definitions.
{{D, A, A}, {D, A, C}, {D, B, A}, {D, B, C}}. A pair of complementary literals lying on the same c-path is called a link. The dissolution rule always operates on a link in focus.∗ The central idea behind dissolution is to restructure a formula in such a way that exactly the c-paths containing the link in focus are removed. The right-hand part of Figure 8.3 shows φ after dissolving on the link (A, A), which is highlighted on the left-hand side. One observes that the set of c-paths is now {{D, A, C}, {D, B, A}, {D, B, C}}, where the one path containing (A, A) has been removed. The completeness of the method in the propositional case now follows from the fact that after a finite number of steps there can be no more c-paths left that contain any links. Since in an unsatisfiable formula each c-path must contain at least one link, the empty graph must be produced after a finite number of dissolution steps if and only if the starting formula was unsatisfiable. Since NNF representation of formulas plays a crucial role in dissolution, the applicability to many-valued logics in the present form is restricted to logics that support the computation of NNFs. Recently, Murray and Rosenthal [1991c; 1993b] presented a technique eliminating the dependence on specific operators by translating any finitely-valued logic into a classical semantic And/Or-graph with general signs. The method is closely related to the techniques developed in Chapters 4 and 5 and we discuss this relationship and some possible improvements in Section 6.3.3. Definition 8.36. (UNF logic) A propositional logic LnUNF is called a unary normal form (UNF) logic iff the following conditions are satisfied: • The language of LnUNF is (LnUN F , ∨, ∧, o1 , . . . , ok ) with similarity type h2, 2, 1, . . . , 1i. • ∨, ∧ are defined as usual. • {o1 , . . . , ok } are defined in such a way that every LnUNF -formula is equivalent† to a formula in unary normal form, i.e. one which is composed solely of literals, ∧ and ∨. All logics mentioned in the preceding sections of the present chapter (with the exception of Section 8.1.3) in connection with resolution systems are UNF logics. ∗ In practice, that is. In general, a multiple-link dissolution rule can be defined. The multiple-link rule also represents an alternative approach to many-valued dissolution. It turns out, however, that implementation and control of multiple-link rules is not feasible in practice and hence will not be considered here. † It suffices to stipulate refutational equivalence here.
The main obstacle in developing a many-valued dissolution rule is the fact that in the many-valued case links are not necessarily binary. For example, the set of literals∗ {∼ A, ∼ ¬A} does not constitute a link (or a contradiction). One solution would be to design a dissolution rule that can handle n-ary links, an approach that results in many technical difficulties. Thus in Murray and Rosenthal [1991b] the dissolution rule is extended to handle incomplete or partial links. The basic idea (inspired by H¨ ahnle [1990b] and Doherty [1990a], see also Chapter 4) is to substitute for each literal o1 · · · om p in an NNF formula a signed literal of the form Sp, where S is the set of truth values for which v(o1 · · · om p) ∈ D iff v(p) ∈ S. For example, ∼¬p would be substituted by { 21 , 1} . Therefore, in the dissolution step the c-path containing a partial link {S1 A, S2 A} is not deleted, but is replaced by a path that contains {(S1 ∩ S2 )A} in place of the two literals. We illustrate this by giving a derivation based on many-valued dissolution of our earlier example. Example 8.37. We prove that ∼ (¬p ⊃ (∼ p ∧ ¬p)) is not satisfiable. First substitute ⊃ by ∼ and ∨: ∼ (¬p ⊃ (∼ p ∧ ¬p)) ≡
∼ (∼ ¬p ∨ (∼ p ∧ ¬p))
Next, we compute UNF: ≡ ∼∼ ¬p ∧ (∼∼ p∨ ∼ ¬p)
Substituting truth value sets for unary operators yields ≡
{0} p ∧ ({1} p ∨ { 21 , 1} p)
If we represent this graphically, we obtain the left-hand part of Figure 8.4. Dissolving on the partial link (which is also a full link) {{0} p, {1} p} results in the graph displayed at the right-hand side, from where the empty graph can be derived in one more step. We should add that in the many-valued version of dissolution the number of c-paths does not necessarily decrease from one dissolution step to ∗ The
operators ¬, ∼ are strong and weak negation as defined in Section 2.3.1.
{1} p
{0} p
{0} p
∨ { 21 , 1} p
{ 21 , 1} p
Fig. 8.4. Example of many-valued dissolution. the next, however, the number of partial links which belong to a c-path decreases. Murray and Rosenthal [1990b] prove that a restricted version of the dissolution rule can be used to improve the complexity of proof length [Cook and Reckhow, 1974] of propositional formulas within semantic tableaux systems. In Murray and Rosenthal [1991a] it is proved that under certain restrictions the same is possible for many-valued logics. See Chapter 6 for a further discussion of this topic. Dissolution seems to be a promising technique for theorem proving in many-valued logics. An extension to many-valued first-order logic along the lines given in Murray and Rosenthal [1990a] should not be difficult. The restriction to UNF logics is severe, but in Murray and Rosenthal [1991c] and Section 6.3.3 of this work a method for overcoming this severity is proposed. 8.2.4 Beavers’ approach to Lukasiewicz logic Consider infinitely-valued Lukasiewicz logic Lω . The close connection between certain function spaces and many-valued logics is exploited in the proof procedure for Lω by Beavers [1991]. By McNaughton’s theorem [McNaughton, 1951] there is a one-to-one correspondence between n-ary logical functions of Lω and continuous, piecewise linear functions with integral coefficients from the n-dimensional unit cube into [0, 1]. These functions are called McNaughton functions. If we denote the McNaughton function of a k-variable Lω -formula φ(p1 , . . . , pk ) by fφ (x1 , . . . , xk ), it is not difficult to prove that the domain of ˙ j, fφ can be divided into finitely many subdomains, say [0, 1]k = D1 ∪˙ · · · ∪D such that for all i the following hold: • There is a linear function, say πi (x1 , . . . , xk ) = ai +a1i x1 +· · ·+aki xk , with πi ↾Di = fφ ↾Di . • The boundary of Di is defined by mi ≤ j many linear inequalities in
k variables, say, b11 x1 + · · · + bk1 xk ≤ ··· b1mi x1 + · · · + bkmi xk
b1 b mi
• All ai , bj , akl , bmn given above are integers. Proving validity of a Lω -formula φ is equivalent to checking whether fφ is identical to 1 on [0, 1]k . From the considerations above (and continuity of fφ ) it follows that it is sufficient to show that for all i, πi has 1 as its minimum value on Di , which is in turn equivalent to solving j linear programming (LP) problems, each in k variables. It is also fairly obvious that restricting the LP problem to the set 1 n−2 {0, n−1 , . . . , n−1 , 1}k yields a proof procedure for the Lukasiewicz logics n−2 1 , . . . , n−1 , 1} (note, however, that the LP probwith truth value set {0, n−1 lems then become IP problems and are much more difficult to solve). Although LP is solvable in polynomial time, the algorithm itself is not necessarily polynomial. The reason is that the upper bound for the number of different subdomains is, in general, exponential in the number of binary connectives occurring in the formula, which is not surprising, since the satisfiability problem for Lω is known to be NP-hard [Mundici, 1987a] (cf. also Section 6.2). In practice, however, many subdomains turn out to be degenerate, i.e. they have a dimension of less than k, in which case they need not be considered. The proof method can be improved in various details and may be extended to include other binary connectives definable in Lω , such as ∨. It cannot easily be adopted to other logics, however, since it depends on certain characteristics of the representation functions of formulas. Beavers [1991] reports that he has written a FORTRAN77 program based on the technique, however; he does not provide test data. 8.2.5 Mellouli’s three-valued extension of Plaisted’s modified problem reduction format Plaisted [1988] introduced the modified problem reduction format (MPR), a first-order proof procedure which can be classified into the various attempts to extend Prolog-style Horn clause∗ logic programming to full first-order logic. We will use some common logic programming terminology in this section. Readers who are unfamiliar with these notions may consult, for example, Lloyd [1987] for background. ∗ Horn
clauses are clauses that contain at most one positive literal.
MPR has been simplified and extended to the logic L3 from Section 8.1.2 in Mellouli [1990]. Mellouli also provided a Prolog-based MPR implementation of both classical first-order logic and L3 . MPR assumes that the input is given in universal prenex CNF. First we sketch the classical case. Construction of proof trees proceeds quite similarly as in Prolog: definite Horn clauses∗ are handled in exactly the same way as in Prolog. Clauses with no positive literals are rewritten into the form† ⊥ : − l 1 , . . . , ln . where ⊥ is a reserved positive literal denoting falsity. All other (non-Horn) clauses have the form l : − ¬l1 , . . . , ¬li , li+1 , . . . , ln . for some i ≥ 1. A proof tree starts with root ⊥ and is expanded by treating clauses as Prolog-like rules. One possibility for closing a branch is when a fact which is already on the branch is in the database. The most interesting detail, of course, is the handling of negative literals. To this end three additional rules are provided. We assume that each branch of the proof tree has associated with it a list Γ of assumptions. The assumptions are attached to labelled nodes in the tree. Nodes are labelled with literals or have the empty label. Assumption addition If the current branch ends with a negative literal ¬p and {p, ¬p} are not in the current list of assumptions, then one may attach ¬p as an assumption below all other assumptions on the current branch and close the current branch. This rule corresponds to the usual negation as failure rule, which is unsound. Soundness is achieved by the following rule. Case analysis To any negative assumption ¬p attached to a literal node a case analysis may be applied by creating a new child of this node which is unlabelled and has the assumption p attached to it. In a complete proof each assumption must have been analysed. This requirement makes assumption addition sound. Assumption application Finally, assumptions that have been derived may be cancelled, that is, when a node literal unifies with an assumption on the current branch, the unifier is applied to the proof and the branch is closed. ∗ Definite † In
Horn clauses are clauses that contain exactly one positive literal. the following, p : − q may be seen as an abbreviation for p∨ ∼ q.
Before we turn to an example let us note the changes that have to be made for L3 . The normal form that is being used is S-CNF from Section 8.1.2. Rules and proof trees can be constructed analogous to the classical case, when literals of the form p, ∼ ¬p are treated as positive and literals of the form ¬p, ∼ p as negative. For the sake of clarity we repeat the construction rules including the modifications made for L3 . Assumption addition If the current branch ends with a negative literal ¬p (resp., ∼ p) and {p, ¬p, ∼ ¬p} (resp., {p, ∼ p}) are not in the current list of assumptions, then attach ¬p (resp., ∼ p) as an assumption below all other assumptions on the current branch and close the current branch. Case analysis To any negative assumption ¬p (resp., ∼ p) attached to a literal node a case analysis may be applied by creating a new child of this node which is unlabelled and has the assumption ∼ ¬p (resp., p) attached to it. In a complete proof each assumption must have been analysed. Assumption application Unchanged. For completeness a kind of consistency or weakening rule has to be added: ∼ (p ∧ ¬p) ∼ = ∼ ¬p : − p We illustrate the method by providing one more refutation of our example ¬p ⊃ (∼ p ∧ ¬p). Remember that the transformation to S-CNF yielded: (1) ¬p, (2) p∨ ∼ ¬p. After transformation to rule notation we have (1′ ) ⊥ : − ∼ ¬p, (2′ ) p : − ¬p. We obtain the following proof tree (assumptions are written in parentheses to the left of the node to which they belong, node labels are on the right): s⊥ (¬p) s ∼ ¬p
,l , l , l ls s,p (∼ ¬p) s ¬p
(Assmp. Appl.)
(Assmp. Add.)
Mellouli observed that removal of the consistency rule results in a proof
system for a somewhat weaker four-valued logic. Its adoption to other many-valued logics, on the other hand, is far from obvious, if at all possible. Thus the proof method is basically a special purpose implementation for L3 . Its merits lie in the closeness to standard Prolog: Mellouli’s implementation based on Quintus Prolog has similar characteristics to other Prolog-based theorem provers such as Stickel’s PTTP [Stickel, 1988], Manthey and Bry’s SATCHMO [1988], and, of course, Plaisted’s original MPR [Plaisted, 1988]. 8.2.6 General frameworks For the sake of completeness we mention two general purpose approaches to mechanical theorem proving, in which many-valued logics merely form a special case. AUTOLOGIC Morgan [1985] presented the theorem prover AUTOLOGIC that works in principle for arbitrary propositional logics whenever a Hilbert-style axiomatization is available, that is, a finite number of axiom schemata and inference rules (which take a finite number of formulas as premisses and have a single formula as conclusion) which characterize the tautologies of the logic. Starting from the theorem to be proved, the system works by generating a backward proof tree until each leaf matches with an axiom. It is, to best of my knowledge, the only serious attempt to construct a theorem prover based on Hilbert-style proof systems. Morgan claims that the system performs surprisingly well in comparison with the resolution-based Argonne Theorem Prover ITP [Wos et al., 1984], at least for small knowledge bases, although he admits to haveing tested it on only a very small problem set. Morgan starts with a simple backward chaining algorithm which is subsequently improved by various optimizations. For our purposes the approach gains its relevance from the fact that for most propositional many-valued logics Hilbert-style axiomatizations are available [Rescher, 1969]. On the other hand, due to indeterminism the search space is enormous and without specifying suitable lemmata, anti-lemmata, and derived rules the automated finding of more complex problems seems improbable, especially since Hilbert-style proofs are in practice long and tedious in comparison to their counterparts in other proof systems.∗ Also, dis-proofs or counterexamples cannot usually be detected using this approach, added to which the extension to first-order logic is not easy to achieve. Labelled deductive systems Gabbay [1991] developed a proof theoretic framework, called Labelled Deductive Systems (LDS), which covers a very wide range of non-standard logics including, for example, relevant, many-valued or non-monotonic logics, both in the propositional and first∗ This is not true in theory: Hilbert systems have a smaller proof length complexity than the inference systems generally used in automated theorem proving.
order case. It is well beyond the scope of this brief overview to even give a survey of LDS however we highlight the basic features. The central idea is to make semantical or meta level information explicit in a formal derivation instead of hiding it in the pattern of axioms and rules. The technical representation is done via signs or labels that are attached to each formula. This makes it possible to fix a set of logical rules (that manipulate formulas) for all kinds of logics (that have, of course, to share the same formula language) and incorporate the semantical information in a systematic way into the manipulation of labels. The language of labels can be freely chosen and a label intuitively represents the status of the formula that it is attached to in the current derivation, for example it may contain information on resources used to derive it, or on its reliability, or whatever. From a proof theoretical point of view LDS look very much like natural deduction systems, but with the extra feature of a labelling discipline that specifies the initial labelling and the propagation of labels. The considerable flexibility of LDS comes from the fact that both information on the semantic models and proof theoretic subtleties of natural deduction systems can be combined in the handling of labels. Automation has not been an issue so far in the development of LDS, so in order to provide some arguments we mention the LDS framework here. First, we expect that in the future LDS will have a considerable influence on some of the research being undertaken in the area that can be described as computational logic for AI applications and, therefore, implementation will become an issue sooner or later. Second, even if LDS are not directly suited for implementation they are a tool for gaining insight into the computational properties of non-classical logics and this insight can then be used to adapt a logical framework which is more suitable for automation than LDS. This philosophical standpoint is similar to our use of the tableau framework in the present work. Of course, the gap between theory and implementation is much broader with LDS than with tableaux, but then LDS are considerably more general. It is conceivable that tableaux are used as a kind of target system for the (prototypic) implementation of specific LDS. First results in this direction are reported in D’Agostino and Gabbay [1993]. 8.3
The purpose of this chapter is to give an overview of the work done in many-valued theorem proving alongside the efforts presented earlier in this book. It is fairly obvious that most of the approaches reviewed are of historical interest by now. Still, there may be something to be learned. One conclusion to be drawn is that several techniques, for example the many-valued resolution rule or the DNF representation of many-valued truth conditions with signs and other syntactic means were reinvented time
and again. Several completely independent completeness proofs of manyvalued resolution which differ only in minor details are still around. One aim of this historical account is to decrease the degree of redundancy that permeates the research undertaken in this field. Another achievement of such an historical account could lie in a possible comparison of the various approaches in order to rule out the ones which are not likely to be successful. Let us look at the catalogue of evaluation criteria for many-valued inference systems again. Wide applicability This requirement excludes all special purpose systems. This leaves us with decision diagrams, path dissolution, non-clausal resolution; resolution methods based on signed clauses also are a candidate if a transformation algorithm to CNF as mentioned in Section 6.3.4 is used. It is true that some of the logics considered in the other approaches are functionally complete in the propositional case and can thus, in principle, simulate all other logics, but as we have already pointed out in Section 8.1.1, functional completeness alone does not suffice in practice. One should add that first-order logics are difficult to cover in AUTOLOGIC. Flexibility This point is not applicable to specialized approaches. Easy Adaptability Adapting LDS to a new logic is in general an ingenious process, while in AUTOLOGIC it depends on the availability of a Hilbert-style axiomatization. Performance We refer to the discussion of this point in Section 6.4.1. We may add that the number of possible resolvents that form the search space may just be too large within the framework of Stachniak. The MPR approach performs excellently for the special case for which it has been designed. AUTOLOGIC is probably limited to relatively simple problems. Closeness to classical versions For Stachniak’s resolution and for decision diagrams, significant new implementation problems have to be faced. For LDS there exists no automated theorem proving paradigm so far; this also applies to Beavers’ approach, whose implementation seems to be rather ad hoc.
9 CONCLUSION ’If we could only find some absolutely impossible. . . ’ ’Unwritable. . . ’ ’Unfinishable. . . ’ ’Unimaginable. . . ’ ’Endlessly revisable. . . ’ ’Text without words. . . ’ — John Fowles, Mantissa In the preceding chapters we presented a new approach to many-valued theorem proving starting out from signed analytic tableaux. The main technical device was a systematic extension of the sign language. We showed that admitting subsets of the set of truth values of a logic as signs is sufficient to build compact and efficient tableau systems for a large class of many-valued logics and we coined the term sets-as-signs approach for that technique (Chapter 4). Its extendability to many-valued first-order logics was demonstrated (Section 5.4). The subclass of regular logics was defined (Section 5.2) and it was conjectured that these logics correspond precisely to those that have a uniform notation style system when the sets-as-signs approach is used (Section 5.5). We provided evidence that our sets-as-signs approach can easily be extended and used for logics whose connectives have a semantics based on a partial order on the truth values, thus yielding even more simple and efficient tableaux systems for such logics (Section 5.5). On the other hand, we proved that the usefulness of the sets-as-signs approach is restricted neither to analytic tableaux nor to many-valued logics. Most semantically oriented proof procedures can be extended to cover many-valued logics using the sets-as-signs technique (Sections 6.1, 6.3.3). In Section 6.2 we further generalized our ideas and introduced tableau rules with variables in the signs and annotated integer and linear constraints. As a result, a new translation from logic into mixed linear and integer programming is achieved. This enables one to undertake automated theorem proving in infinitely-valued propositional logics and provides for the first time an efficient method of handling Lukasiewicz logics. A corollary of the mixed integer translation is the availability of easy NP-containment proofs for a wide variety of finitely and infinitely-valued logics.
Previous approaches to many-valued theorem proving were exhaustively reviewed (Chapter 8) and, as a byproduct, the most complete bibliography on the topic to date has been accumulated. In Sections 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.4, 7.3.1, 7.3.2 we collected examples illustrating that a flexible and general theorem prover is indeed desirable. The next steps now are (i) to construct a competitive many-valued theorem proving system along the lines sketched at the end of Section 6.4.3, and (ii) to use such a system in order to move from academic examples to real-world applications.
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INDEX Underlined page numbers indicate the place, where a concept is defined. Page numbers in italics indicate occurrences in footnotes. L3 , 125 Ln M , 12, 24, 49, 122, 124 Ln M+ , 12 L3M+ , 12, 33, 40, 105, 124 Ln EP , 135 (n,m) LEP , 135 Ln P , 14, 69 Ln Sm , 56, 59 Lω , 14, 99, 100, 147 Ln UNF , 145 Ln SKL , 13, 59 3TAP , 108, 118 abstract algebra, 4, 5, 119, 142 free, 5, 5 free generators of, 5 free term algebra, 7 generators, 5 similar, 4 subalgebra, 4 unification in, 142 universe of, 4 ACP, see analytic consistency property algebra of signs, 33 analytic consistency property, 44, 47 analytic tableau, see tableau assignment, 9 variant of, 9 atomic formula first-order, 8 AUTOLOGIC, 151, 153 BDD, see decision diagram bilattice, 113 binary decision diagram, see decision diagram bMIP-representable, 90, 91 circle, 60, 60
clause, 11 definite Horn, 149 Horn, 148 CNF, see normal form, conjunctive compilation of logic problems, 102 complement closed, 87 completeness, 19, 27, 42–47, 63, 66, 68, 73, 86, 88, 94, 124, 126, 138, 142 strong, 21 complexity of proofs, 36, 48, 83, 85, 95, 147 of satisfiability problem, 100, 148 conclusion, 34 connection method, 144 connective, 5 0-ary, 47 as filter, 78 conjugate, 66 many-valued generalization, 7, 13 , 56 primary, 55, 55–59, 62 many-valued, 56 regular, 60, 61, 80 direction of, 60 number of, 70 orientation of, 60 starting point of, 60 threshold of, 61, 65, 66 strong, 7, 12, 13 weak, 7, 12, 13 consequence, 10, 21 consequence relation, 128 strongly finite, 128 consistent, 44 constraint rule, 92 for modal logic, 116 constraint tableau proof, 94 contraction rule, 76 contradiction set, 19, 24, 36, 47 control variable, 99 corner set, 60 criteria for theorem provers, 2–3, 107–108, 153 cut, 85 decision diagram, 102–104, 119, 139, 153 deduction theorem, 21 depth of formula, 6, 8 dissolution, 104, 105, 144, 153
170 many-valued, 146, 147 distribution quantifier, 27, 71, 143 tableau rule for, 29 downset, 79, 138 error-correcting codes, 112 extension, 34 intersection of, 85 fairness, 20, 86 falsified, 134 finite character, 44 first-order assignment, 9 atomic formula, 8 consequence, 10 formula, 8 language, 8 logic, 9, 102 satisfiable, 10 structure, 9 valuation, 10 formula abbreviation, 10, 122 atomic, 5, 19 closed, 8 complement, 87 complementary, 18, 19, 24, 36, 63, 137 distribution of, 26 first-order, 8 logical equivalent, 122, 123 propositional, 5, 6 refutational equivalent, 122, 123 schema, 10 self-contradictory, 24, 36 signed, 17, 41, 105 syntactical equivalent, 11 syntactical variant, 11 used, 20 function minimization, 50–54, 87, 122 functionally complete, 14, 69, 119, 126, 143, 153 fuzzy logic, 80, 121, 133, 133 Gentzen system, 143 hardware verification, 112, 117–119 Herbrand structure, 73, 76
INDEX theorem, 124 Hilbert system, 111, 112, 117, 132 , 151, 151 Hintikka lemma, 43 set, 42, 44, 47, 88 saturated, 43 homomorphism, 5, 34, 35, 41, 46 implicant, 51 prime, 51, 52 essential, 51 independence of axioms, 111, 112 integer programming, 90, 93, 95, 102 interval arithmetic, 112, 117 IP, see integer programming Karnaugh map, 50, 51, 86 KE system, 83, 84 analytic, 84 many-valued, 87, 88 unrestricted, 84 knowledge representation, 111 labelled deductive system, 22, 151, 153 lemma generation, 36, 83–87 Lindenbaum construction, 44 linear programming, 90, 102, 148 link, 145 partial, 146 literal, 11 operator, 50 signed, 146 logic classical, 16, 58 default, 111 functionally complete, 12, 13, 121 modal, 111, 116 non-monotonic, 111 nonclassical, 102 pseudo-regular, 78 regular, 63, 59–77, 137 relevant, 111, 113, 114 logic programming, 110, 113, 148 LP, see linear programming Lukasiewicz logic, 13, 49, 80, 92, 94, 98, 115, 148 infinitely valued, 99, 112 many-valued logic, 1
INDEX applications of, 110–119 bibliography, 120 complexity of, 31 in hardware verification, 118 lemma generation in, 85 non-linear, 80, 113 use of, 110 matrix, see propositional matrix McNaughton function, 147 theorem, 100, 147 metric, 60, 60 minterm, 50 MIP, see mixed integer programming mixed integer programming, 89, 90, 91, 94 , 97, 99, 100, 105 model, 7 model existence theorem, 44 model set, see Hintikka set modified problem reduction format, 148, 149 multi-valued logic, see many-valued logic multiple-valued logic, see manyvalued logic natural language processing, 111 normal form, 121, 122, 129 conjunctive, 11 D-CNF, 137 D-DNF, 137 J-CNF, 122 negation, 11, 144, 145 prenex, 11 CNF, 11 existential, 11 matrix, 11 universal, 11 S-CNF, 126 unary, 104, 145 ON-set, 50, 52 operator, see propositional operator paraconsistent logic, 138 parameter, 8 path dissolution, see dissolution poset, 79 Post logic, 14, 69 extended, 135 generalized, 136
171 prefix, see sign premise, 34 principle of bivalence, 84, 84 restricted, 84 principle of multivalence, 88 product term, 51 program verification, 110 Prolog, 97, 148, 149 propositional connective, 5 formula, 6 language, 6 logic, 6, 22 matrix, 6, 113 valuation, 6 variable, 5 quantification, 9 many-valued, 27, 71–77, 103, 143 resolution, 121–139 approximation, 131 hyper-, 123 proof, 124 rule, 122 Morgan, 123 non-clausal, 129 Orlowska, 137 Schmitt, 126 Stachniak, 129 rule, see tableau or resolution satisfiable, 7, 10, 122 tableau, 41 selection rule, 85, 86 semantic complement, 85 semantic tableau, see tableau sentence, see formula, closed sets-as-signs, 2, 33, 40, 71, 80, 85, 104, 109, 116, 117, 119, 154 Shannon graph, see decision diagram sign, 22–23, 33 algebra of ∼s, 33 base set of ∼s, 33 classical, 17 complement, 87 complementary, 18 complete set of ∼s, 40 corresponding to Kripke model, 116
172 in regular logic, 62, 63, 76, 80, 91, 138 many-valued, 23 similarity type, 4 size, see complexity Skolem symbol, 8, 17 SOP, see sum-of-products soundness, 19, 40–42, 63, 66, 68, 73, 86, 94, 124, 126, 138, 141 strong, 21 splitting rule, 76 subset closed, 44 substitution, 8 sum-of-products, 50, 51, 104 minimal ∼ representation, 51 switch level model, 118 tableau, 17, 15–23, 139, 143, 147 branch, 18 closed, 18, 19, 94 complete, 19 in focus, 82 open, 18, 94 closed, 19, 94, 138 complete, 19 construction, 17, 94 free variable, 20, 103 ground, 20 number of necessary trees, 25, 29 proof, 18 redundancy in, 30, 32 with constraints, 93 rule, 34, 53 asymmetric, 82, 84 branching factor, 24 conclusion, 34 constrained, 92 extension, 34 finding of, 53 for quantified formulas, 29, 73, 77 for regular logic, 63–66, 68 incomplete, 27 many-valued, 24 number of extensions, 24, 30, 34, 48, 49 number of formulas, 30, 35 premise, 34 proviso, 92 uniqueness of, 35, 50, 53, 81 with lemma generation, 85
INDEX satisfiable, 41 systematic, 20 tautology first-order, 10 propositional, 7 term, 7 truth maintenance system, 111 truth value, 6 conjugate, 55 designated, 6, 6, 57 order, 78, 79, 113 UNF, see normal form, unary unification, 142 unified notation, see uniform notation uniform notation, 16–18, 24, 55–80, 137 unsatisfiable, 134 upset, 79, 138 valuation, 9, 10 first-order, 10 propositional, 6 variable bound, 8 free, 8, 103 verifier, 129, 131 number of, 131