30th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 20-24, 2008
Automatic Home Care System for Monitoring HR/RR during Sleep Xin Zhu*, Member, IEEE, Wenxi Chen*, Member, IEEE, Zunyi Tang, Tetsu Nemoto, and Daming Wei, Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper described an automatic home care system for monitoring HR/RR during sleep. Pressure signal is measured with a completely unconstrained pressure sensor beneath a pillow; then the signal is digitalized and the data are transmitted to a remote server using TCP/IP via a netbox. The data are processed and analyzed with a wavelet-based algorithm to obtain the heart rate and respiration rhythm during sleep. Through analyzing 180 days’ data obtained from a female subject, it was found that this system can be used for daily monitoring heart rate and respiration rhythm during sleep and evaluating the quality of sleep at home.
LEEP is essential for human being to recover from tiredness and maintain in good health. Sleep occupies a large part of human’s life. However, many cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, stoke, and artery coronary disease, may influence the quality of sleep and lead to more serious symptoms and even sudden death during sleep [1]. Polysomnography as a traditional sleep monitoring method has been widely used for the diagnosis of sleep-related diseases in hospital. However, the polysomnography test is very expensive and requires well trained experts for accurate and comprehensive monitoring and diagnosis. Furthermore, the subject is difficult to keep in the normal sleeping mood in hospital. Hence, the reliability and accuracy of the polysomnography test may be reduced. To overcome these problems, many monitoring methods feasible for home sleep monitoring have been studied and developed. Linberg et al. used a fiber-optic sensor for monitoring respiratory and heart rates [2]. Nakajima et al. employed a digital filtering technique to monitor heart and respiratory rates with photoplethysmography [3]. Dobrev et al. developed a two-electrode telemetric instrument for infant heart rate and apnea monitoring [4]. Matthews et al. designed a non-contact vital signs monitor based on a very low power, high frequency Doppler radar [5]. Shin et al. realized a long-term sleep monitoring system and long-term sleep parameters using unconstrained method [6]. Watanabe et al. used a pillow cuff installed under the occiput in a biometry system to estimate respiration rate [7]. Zhu et al. proposed an Manuscript received June 26, 2008. This work was supported in part by the Competition Research Fund of University of Aizu. Asterisks indicate corresponding authors contributed equally to this work. *Xin Zhu, *Wenxi Chen, Zunyi Tang and Daming Wei are with the Graduate Department of Information Systems, University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima 965-8580, Japan (phone: +81-242-37-2771; fax: +81-242-37-2728; e-mail:
[email protected]). Tetsu Nemoto is with the Department of Laboratory Sciences, School of Health Science, Faculty of Medicine, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-1192, Japan.
978-1-4244-1815-2/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE.
approach for real-time monitoring of respiration rhythm and pulse rate during sleep [8]. In this paper, based on our previous research, we devised an automatic home care system for monitoring HR/RR during sleep and introduced it below. II. METHODS A. System schematic The schematic of the automatic care system for monitoring HR/RR during sleep is shown in Figure 1. The system is mainly composed of the sensor unit, an amplifier and a netbox, as well as the database server for the data storage and analysis. B. Sensor unit
Fig. 1. Schematic configuration for long-term automatic data collection during sleep. A sensor unit is placed beneath a pillow. Two air-free water-filled vinyl tubes and two micro tactile switches are sandwiched between two acrylic boards. When a person lies down and puts the head on the pillow, at least one of tactile switches would be pressed and turns on the power supply of the measurement system. Pressure signal will be detected by sensor heads, amplified by pressure amplifiers, and digitized, and transmitted to a remote database server via a netbox.
The sensor unit is composed of two incompressible polyvinyl tubes, 30 cm in length and 4 mm in diameter, filled with air-free water preloaded with an internal pressure of 3 kPa and set in parallel at a distance of 11 cm from each other. One end of each tube is hermetically sealed and the other end is connected to a liquid pressure sensor head (AP-12S, Keyence Co. Ltd.). The inner pressure in each tube includes static and dynamic components, and changes in accordance with respiratory motion and cardiac beating. The static pressure component responds to the weight of a head and the preloaded water pressure and acts as a load to turn on the micro tactile switch. The dynamic component reflects the weight fluctuation of a head due to breathing movements and pulsatile blood flow from the external carotid arteries around the head. Two micro tactile switches (B3SN, Omron Co. Ltd.) are fixed along the central line between two parallel tubes and
22 cm away from each other. The tactile switch on the acrylic board can be pressed to turn on the DC power supply through a delay switch (4387A-2BE, Artisan Controls Corp.) when a subject lies down to sleep and puts one’s head on the pillow. The above two tubes and two micro switches are sandwiched between two acrylic boards, both in 3 mm thick. Pressure signals beneath the near-neck and far-neck occiput regions are conditioned by two amplifier units (AP-V80, Keyence Co. Ltd.). After being filtered by a band-pass filter (0.16–5 Hz), the static component is removed from the signal, only the dynamic component is digitized at the sampling rate of 100 Hz and transmitted to a remote database server by the netbox, which is built using a network board [9]. According to our previous research, the signal obtained under the near-neck occiput is enough for the estimation of heart rate and respiration rate. C. Netbox The netbox contains an H8/3069F CPU, an RTL8019 Ethernet controller, and a 16 MB DRAM. The H8/3069F is embedded with 512 KB flash ROM, 16 KB RAM, and eight channels of 10-bit A/D converter. The uClinux operation system is installed in the netbox. Figure 2 shows the block diagram inside the netbox.
Fig. 2. Block diagram of the netbox. Pressure signals are picked up by pressure sensors (AP-12S) and conditioned by a pre-amplifier unit (AP-V80). After being filtered by a band-pass filter (0.16–5 Hz), pressure signal is fed to an ADC buffer and digitized at the sampling rate of 100 Hz. The RTL8019 Ethernet controller supports the TCP/IP data transmission to a remote database server through an internet connection. System DC power supply is turned on/off by a tactile switch (B3SN) through a delay switch (4387A-2BE).
Besides the ADC function, the netbox works as a client to transmit the pressure data to the remote database server for data storage and analysis. The data communication is conducted using TCP, which is a reliable stream delivery service that guarantees to deliver a stream of data sent from one host to another without duplication or losing data [10]. As the netbox detects that the pressure signals have been acquired and a specific size of data buffer has been filled, the netbox will send a handshake to establish a connection with a remote database server. After both the client and server have received an acknowledgment of the connection, the data in the transmission data buffer are transmitted to the database server via internet. In this research, the size of the transmission data packet is 30 Kbytes, that is, 1 channel data in about 150 second. D. Database server The database server was setup for the data transmission. The server was configured with a fixed IP address and can
receive the data. The database system on the server is built with MySQL and includes three main tables: Pillow_user_info, Pillow_sensor_data, and Pillow_exam_result as shown in Table 1. The Pillow_user_info table contains the user’s personal information, the sensor ID, and the network configuration; the Pillow_sensor_data table includes the data start time, sensor start time, server receiving time, and received pressure data; the Pillow_exam_data table includes the estimated heart rate and respiration rhythm data, the examination comment, and emergency flag. The digital pressure data are saved in the binary format and the data’s volume is over 8 Mbytes for about 6 hours’ sleep. Furthermore, the database server also provides the functions for data analysis and interface for remote access to review the heart rate and the respiration rate as illustrated in Figure 4. Table 1 Field definition in TBL_userinfo and TBL_pillowdata Pillow_user_info table Field name Column name Data type Null User ID uid integer(10) not null Name in Japanese nam varchar(20) Name’s pronunciation fln varchar(40) not null Login ID lid varchar(30) not null Password pas varchar(10) not null Sensor ID sid varchar(12) not null MAC address maa varchar(17) not null Cellular phone number mpn varchar(13) not null Email address mpm varchar(50) not null Birthday dob date not null Gender sex varchar(2) not null Nationality nat varchar(20) Post number 1 jp1 varchar(8) Birth place pob varchar(10) Post number 2 jp2 varchar(8) Current address adr varchar(250) Religion rlg varchar(10) Legal domicile orh varchar(10) Home phone number htl varchar(13) Occupation ocp varchar(40) Height hgt double Weight wgt double Blood type bld varchar(2) Father’s name fan varchar(40) Mother’s name mon varchar(40) Hereditary disease hed varchar(40) Marital status som varchar(2) Name of disease nod varchar(50) Phone number 1 pn1 varchar(12) Name of contact 1 cp1 varchar(40) Email address of contact 1 cm1 varchar(110) Relation with contact 1 rl1 varchar(40) Pillow_sensor_data table Field name Data sequence number Sensor ID Data start time Sensor start time Server data receiving time Channel 1’s data Channel 2’s data Channel 3’s data Channel 4’s data
Column name seq sid tod dst srt ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4
Data type integer(32) varchar(12) datetime datetime datetime text text text text
Null not null not null not null not null not null
Pillow_exam_result table Field name Data sequence number Sensor ID Data time Sensor start time Data start time HR data RR data BM data Exam comment Emergency flag
Column name seq sid dst sst tod hrd rrd bmd mrc dfg
Data type integer(32) varchar(12) datetime datetime datetime text text text varchar(250) varchar(2)
Null not null not null not null not null
Fig. 3. The interface for remote access to review the heart rate and respiration rate.
E. Data collection The near-neck occiput pressure signal was collected from a healthy 30’s female volunteer at her own house for seven months, during which about 30 days’ data were not measured. Total 180 days’ data were recorded. The pillow is stuffed with numerous fragments of soft comfortable materials made of synthetic resins and can be bought at any local super market. Signals can be steadily picked up during a stable sleep either in a supine or recumbent position, but will be disrupted when body movement occurs. F. Signal processing and data analysis Digital signal processing algorithms for detecting heart/respiration rates were designed based-upon Zhu et al’s results [8]. Detailed descriptions can be found in Zhu [8] and Daubechies [11]. The following paragraphs summarize the processing flow briefly and describe the algorithms for body movement detection and long-term data evaluation. The collected signal is wavelet transformed on a dyadic grid plane by a multi-resolution procedure, which can be implemented by the recursive à trous algorithm. The CDF (Cohen-Daubechies-Fauraue) (9, 7) biorthogonal wavelet is selected as the basis function to design the decomposition and reconstruction filters [12], [13]. The raw pressure signal is decomposed into the approximation and detail components through a cascade of filter banks. Because the 26 scale approximation waveform is close to the respiration rhythm while the detail waveforms in both the 24 and 25 scales contain peaks similar to those of the heart beats, the 26 scale approximation component A6 is used to reconstruct the waveform for obtaining the respiration rate, and D4 and D5 detail components at the 24 and 25 scales are combined into one synthesized waveform for detecting the heart rate. Figure 4 shows a good sample detected under a
stable measurement situation, within which both respiration rate and heart rate are fully detectable on the basis of respiration-by-repiration and beat-by-beat, respectively. From top to bottom in Fig. 4, three waveform segments in 60 seconds are depicted: (a) the raw pressure signal measured under the near-neck occiput region; (b) the pulse-related waveform reconstructed from D4 and D5 components in wavelet transformation; and (c) the respiration-related waveform reconstructed from A6 component. The detected characteristic points for respiration/heart rate determination are marked by circles “○”. During one night sleep, mostly 4-6 hours, regular pulsation due to either heart beating or respiration movement is not always detectable. Body or head movement may greatly distort the pressure variation pattern. In such time slot, either respiration rate or heart rate, sometimes even both, is hardly detectable. Such time slot is categorized as the undetectable period (UP). The algorithm for recognizing the UP is described as follows, Before detecting the characteristic points, UPs in the pressure signal caused by body movements are detected using a threshold method. When an extremely large value, whose absolute value is 4 times larger than the standard deviation of the preceding detected UP-free raw signal, is found in the raw coming signal, the preceding and succeeding 2.5-second raw signals are neglected and not used for the estimation of respiration rate and heart rate. For each data segment collected from one night sleep, respiration rate is detected on the basis of respiration-by-respiration, and heart rate is obtained beat-by-beat, while individual undetectable period is defined as a continuous time slot in unit of second.
Fig. 4. A good sample in which both respiration rate and heart rate are fully detectable on the basis of respiration-by-respiration and beat-by-beat, respectively. From top to bottom, (a): the raw pressure signal measured under the near-neck occiput region; (b): the pulse-related waveform reconstructed from D4 and D5 components; and (c): the respiration-related waveform reconstructed from A6 component. Blank cycles “o” indicate the detected characteristic points for respiration/heart rate determination.
III. RESULTS Figure 5 shows the complete profiles of respiration rate (RR) and heart rate (HR) during sleep in 180 nights. Data are plotted on the basis of day-by-day. Vertical axis represents the respiration/heart rates in unit of rpm or bpm (respiration/minute or beat/minute). Marks and vertical bars,
terminated at upper and lower ends by short horizontal lines, show the mean values and standard deviations of the detected heart rate (o) and respiration rate (*) in the corresponding night. The bold line is derived by filtering the mean values of heart rate with 5-point Hanning window. The dashed line is estimated empirically to indicate the possible trend of the average day-base heart rate during those nights when data were not measured. It is observed that the profile of the mean heart rate revealed a periodic property that corresponded to the female monthly menstrual cycle. Figure 6 indicates the undetectable period percentage (UPP) over sleep hours daily. Although the percentage varies widely among about 10% to 30%, the mean value over 180 nights is about 17.2% and standard deviation is about 3.4%.
sleep. The automatic detections of heart and respiration rates are evaluated by the wavelet-based algorithm developed by Zhu et al [8]. A statistical moment-based algorithm is used to recognize the undetectable period, within which body movement occurs. The seven-month profiles of heart/respiration rates and undetectable period disclosed that the daily average percentage of undetectable period over 180 days was satisfactorily low, and moreover, undetectable period seems a good index for quality of sleep although respiration rate and/or heart rate are unfortunately undetectable in these periods. Periodic property in the mean heart rate profile also revealed a similarity in accord with female monthly menstrual cycle. This study suggests that the potential application of the devised system as a less expensive alternative in a long-term automatic sleep monitoring is promising. It meets the ever-increasing demands in the home healthcare domain to provide an at-home substitute for serving as preliminary screening to determine the need for further clinical examinations in sleep-related disorders. It is also possible to derive some physiological parameters connected to quality of sleep and menstrual regularity. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are grateful to Ms Yumi Kanemitsu for her endurable efforts in long-term data collection.
Fig. 5. Two complete profiles of respiration rate and heart rate of 180 nights. Data are plotted on the basis of day-by-day. Vertical axis denotes the respiration/heart rates in unit of rpm or bpm (respiration/minute or beat/minute). Marks and vertical bars, terminated at upper and lower ends by short horizontal lines, show the mean values and standard deviations of the detected heart rate (o) and respiration rate (*) in the corresponding night. The dashed line is approximation of mean heart rate on day-base.
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Fig.6. Complete profile of the undetectable period percentage during sleep in daily base. Vertical axis is the UPP (%). Three horizontal lines set indicates mean value ± standard deviation. The dashed line and dotted line represent the mean value and standard deviation, respectively.
This paper reported an automatic home care system targeting at long-term application in daily respiration rate and heart rate monitoring during sleep at home. A seven-month data set is collected from a female volunteer during daily
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