Automotive component isolation in social media postings

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Dec 30, 2012 - We explore related work on text categorization and on social media analytics. We ... Product reviews. Software. Helpfulness votes. Wang, Liu, and. Fan [88] .... content to improve their search engine rankings (i.e. SEO). Finally ...
Decision Support Systems 55 (2013) 871–882

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What's buzzing in the blizzard of buzz? Automotive component isolation in social media postings Alan S. Abrahams a,⁎, Jian Jiao b, Weiguo Fan c, e, G. Alan Wang a, Zhongju Zhang d a

Department of Business Information Technology, Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech, 1007 Pamplin Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech, 114 McBryde Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States Department of Accounting and Information Systems, Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech, 3007 Pamplin Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States d Operations and Information Management Department, School of Business, University of Connecticut, 2100 Hillside Road, Unit 1041, Storrs, CT 06269, United States e School of Information, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hang Zhou, 310018, P.R. China b c

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Available online 30 December 2012 Keywords: Social media analytics Diagnostics Text mining User-generated content (UGC)

a b s t r a c t In the blizzard of social media postings, isolating what is important to a corporation is a huge challenge. In the consumer-related manufacturing industry, for instance, manufacturers and distributors are faced with an unrelenting, accumulating snow of millions of discussion forum postings. In this paper, we describe and evaluate text mining tools for categorizing this user-generated content and distilling valuable intelligence frozen in the mound of postings. Using the automotive industry as an example, we implement and tune the parameters of a text-mining model for component diagnostics from social media. Our model can automatically and accurately isolate the vehicle component that is the subject of a user discussion. The procedure described also rapidly identifies the most distinctive terms for each component category, which provides further marketing and competitive intelligence to manufacturers, distributors, service centers, and suppliers. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Hundreds of millions of users are contributing social media content via blogs, product reviews, social networking sites, and content communities on the Internet [45]. Detecting “whispers of useful information in a howling hurricane of noise” is a huge challenge and filters are needed to extract meaning from the “blizzard of buzz”, prompting automotive companies like Chrysler to employ “Twitter teams” to find and reply to complaint-laden tweets [94]. To gain a better understanding of the issues affecting their products, effective firms must gather product-relevant information both internally and externally [28,32,35]. It is widely accepted that consumer complaints are a valuable source of product intelligence [34,58,75,76]. The knowledge of outsiders or user communities is an important source for product-related business intelligence [5,23,25]. Historically, many companies have invested substantial effort in soliciting product usage stories from practitioners, for the purposes of diagnosing or understanding problems, or allocating issues to technicians that are able to solve them. Especially for firms selling a mechanical consumer product, these so-called ‘communities of practice’ are an important aspect of a firm's business intelligence repertoire, as they

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 540 231 5887; fax: +1 540 231 3752. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A.S. Abrahams), [email protected] (J. Jiao), [email protected] (W. Fan), [email protected] (G.A. Wang), [email protected] (Z. Zhang). 0167-9236/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

provide a repository of past usage experiences which can be drawn upon for operational issue resolution, product development, or other purposes [12,20,49,79,90,91]. Monitoring trending topics [11,52,99] and finding opinionated postings by outspoken customers [2,21,64,86,87] have been attempted in a variety of industries. However, it has recently been shown that, in the motor vehicle industry, customer anger (negative opinion) does not necessarily correlate with defect existence or severity, and specialpurpose tools are required for diagnosing and prioritizing vehicle defects [4]. Pin-pointing the specific components referred to in these discussions, is a further issue of concern to automotive corporations, since diagnostic information must map to a sensible, industry-specific ontology (or ‘decomposition’) for describing vehicle components, in order for a proper hazard analysis (HA) or failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) to be performed [43,89]. In this paper, we employ text mining to map automotive enthusiast discussion forum postings to such an ontology: effectively isolating the component under discussion. In the process, we uncover distinctive terminology that relates to each component category, which provides additional marketing and competitive insight to both vehicle and parts manufacturers and distributors. This paper tackles three major research questions. Firstly, can text mining be employed to automatically isolate the vehicle component category under discussion in an online social media posting? Secondly, if component isolation is feasible, what text mining parameters (algorithm, feature selection method, and number of features/terms) produce optimal classification performance? Finally, what are the


A.S. Abrahams et al. / Decision Support Systems 55 (2013) 871–882

distinctive features that discriminate discussion threads that come from different component categories? The primary contribution of this paper is the development and assessment of a text mining model for vehicle component isolation from discussion forum postings. For nine major component categories, our model is able to accurately pinpoint the component category that is the subject of the postings, with greater than 95% accuracy. In comprehensive evaluations, we determine the parameters (algorithm, feature selection, and number of terms) that appear to provide optimal classification performance. A further contribution of this paper is a consequence of the pursuit of the primary goal: a significant number of the top terms discovered by the feature selection methods are component-specific industry jargon terms, or brand names that are active in manufacturing or distributing replacement parts for the component. As we shall illustrate later, our approach can therefore be a helpful source of real-time marketing and competitive intelligence. While we focus on a specific example from the vehicle industry, the method we propose can be generalized to various other industries and problem contexts. For instance, it could be well-suited to component isolation for a multitude of complex manufactured products, such as power tools [32], computers and electronics, fishing gear [33], and other items. Further, while our example specifically analyzes discussion threads, these are just one form of social media posting [45] and the techniques are applicable to other forms of social media posting such as user reviews, blog posts, micro-blogs, social media status updates, and feeds (such as RSS feeds [72], Atom feeds [41,42], or Twitter feeds). The rest of this paper is structured as follows. First, we discuss and contrast related work. We describe our contributions and the research questions we aim to address. We lay out a workflow for automotive component diagnostics from online discussions. We test our text mining approach in a pilot study and then on a large sample data set. Finally, we discuss limitations, implications, and conclusions. 2. Background and related work In this section, we set out our research motivation. We explore related work on text categorization and on social media analytics. We review the coverage and limitations of prior work, and the research questions raised. 2.1. Text categorization Automated document categorization involves the automated assignment of documents to pre-defined categories, and has been well-studied over the past half-century [7,9,13,44,51,95]. Categorization may be guided by a training set of manually tagged documents [50,68,73,82], or may be entirely machine-directed [17,61] using classification-based techniques. In the information retrieval literature, search results (documents) can be partitioned by topic (class) to allow the user of the web search engine to rapidly locate a pertinent document in the user's intended subject area, thereby reducing information overload [18,38,96]. Text categorization problems characteristically have high dimensionality: hundreds of available input attributes, some of which may be highly correlated or violate the assumption of normality. Popular algorithmic approaches to text categorization include Bayesian approaches, decision trees, example-based classifiers, neural nets, and Support Vector Machines, with the latter (SVMs) showing particularly high performance for text characterization and discrimination tasks when used with a suitable selection of text features [1,82]. 2.2. Social media analytics The “social web” has recently received substantial attention [65]. 75% of Internet users have created or read some form of social media content: this user-generated content (UGC) includes blog postings, product reviews, social networking sites, and collaborative content

[45]. We define social media as online services that provide for decentralized, user level content creation (including editing or tagging), social interaction, and open (public) membership. In our definition, public discussion forums, public listservs, public wikis, open online communities (social networks), public usenet groups, customer product reviews, public visitor comments, user-contributed news articles, micro-blogs, and folksonomies would fall within the gamut of social media. Online discussions contain a significant amount of information relating to companies and their product categories [32,33]. Navigation of this content is a significant research challenge [31,39,65] that may require filtering, semantic content grouping, tagging, information mining, or other techniques. Social media analytics involves “developing and evaluating informatics tools and frameworks to collect, monitor, analyze, summarize, and visualize social media data, usually driven by specific requirements from a target application” [98]. Social media analytics revolves around

Table 1 Comparison of text analysis studies using traditional web and social media. Study



Output variable

Coussement and vd. Poel [21] Spangler and Kreulen [83] Romano et al. [70] Cao, Duan, and Gan [14] Wang, Liu, and Fan [88] Duan, Gu, and Whinston [26] Abbasi and Chen [1]


Customer complaints Customer complaints Movie box office Software

Complaint classification

Email Product reviews Product reviews

Film popularity score Helpfulness votes

Consumer electronics Movie box office

Helpfulness classification


Enron scandal communications

Schumaker and Chen [80] Antweiler and Frank [6] Tetlock et al. [85]

News articles

Stock market

Topic, opinion, style, genre, interaction pattern Stock price

Online forums

Stock market

News articles

Stock market

Ma, Sheng, and Pant [56] Ma, Pant, and Sheng [57] Oh and Sheng [63] Loughran and McDonald [55]

News articles

Stock market

Market volatility and trading volume Company earnings and stock returns Comparative revenue

News articles

Stock market

Competitor relationships

Micro-blogs 10-K filings

Stock market Stock market

Vechtomova [87] Kolari et al. [47] Brooks and Montanez [11] Santos et al. [77] Li and Wu [52]

Blog postings Blog postings Blog postings

General General General

Directional movement Tone (negativity); earnings; volatility; company internal control weakness Topic, opinion Spam classification Topic

Blog postings Online forums

General Sports

Zhang et al. [99]

News articles

Wiebe et al. [69,92,93]

News articles

Finch [32]


Health epidemics News/politics/ business/travel/ English literature Power tools

Finch and Luebbe [33] Abbasi, Chen, and Salem [2] Decker and Trusov [24]

Public listserv

Fly fishing gear

Online forums

Movie reviews, political talk Mobile phones

Abrahams et al. [4] This study a

Online forums

Issue categorization

Product reviews

Online product reviews Online forums

Vehicle defects

Online forums

Vehicle defects

Estimated revenues

Relevance, trends Hot (i.e. trending) sports topics Disease news classification Subjectivity

Message purpose, tone, product classa Company name, product typea Opinion classification Sentiment towards each product attribute of each brand Defect existence and criticality Component classification

Manual analysis, rather than automated classification, was used in [32,33].

A.S. Abrahams et al. / Decision Support Systems 55 (2013) 871–882

technologies for web-based social listening, measuring, and monitoring [84]. It is sometimes viewed narrowly as “buzz monitoring”, “reputation monitoring”, or “topic monitoring”. Popular commercial software platforms include Google Trends, Nielsen BlogPulse/BuzzMetrics, TweetDeck, Collective Intellect, TwelveFold Analytics, Clarabridge, Visible Edge, and others. Users of social media analytics include marketing managers who view content trends in the top areas of interest for a target audience, product managers who chart brand or product mentions over time to measure the success of campaigns, or customer service managers (e.g. in hospitality) who monitor user review forums for disappointed or irate customers. Existing buzz monitoring services typically monitor and graph topic mentions and consumer sentiment, with the intention of uncovering trends. In the academic space, various methods have been proposed for navigating the content (topics) and sentiment of the blogosphere. For example, Kolari et al. [47] introduce tools for automatically identifying reputable blogs and Brooks and Montanez [11] propose a system for automatically tagging blogs by topic. Vechtomova [87] presents a method for retrieving blog posts containing opinions about an entity expressed in the query. Results are classified as either relevant/not-relevant to the target entity and, if relevant, positive or negative in sentiment about the target entity. See [62,77] for a detailed review of social media mining techniques. Table 1 summarizes previous research on text classification of various types of social media content (product reviews, internet news articles, public regulatory filings, listservs, emails, newsgroups, blogs, and online discussion forums). To the best of our knowledge, no previous study has focused on product component analysis using social media. The only research stream close to ours studies aggregated quality features extracted from user-generated product reviews, and the users' sentiment toward those features [24].

2.3. Research gap addressed In this paper, we investigate the use of text mining for the classification of content (component isolation) from social media postings in the automotive industry. Rapid classification of the components discussed


in individual postings, and the identification of significant terms (or more generally, features) for each component class, is helpful for a variety of tasks, such as defect management, and competitive intelligence.

3. A process model for text classification and component isolation Fig. 1 shows the process model for component isolation from social media postings. Again, while our example case revolves around discussion threads in the vehicle industry, the method we propose can be generalized to social media postings in various other industries and problem contexts. Starting at the top right of Fig. 1, users of an online automobile discussion forum manually choose a relevant sub-forum for their new postings. This is effectively manual component classification. Fig. 2 shows an example of this from a user posting at Here the user has added their posting to the sub-forum “Honda and Acura Technical Forums> Suspension & Brakes”. The user has provided a manual component classification, by assigning their posting to a component-related sub-forum: “Suspension & Brakes”. Returning to Fig. 1, each component-related sub-forum is crawled (1.) and terms are extracted (2.). In our study, term extraction involves stemming [66] of the thread text, followed by uni-gram (single word) extraction. However, alternative approaches may involve word-sense-disambiguation [81] and/or part-of-speech tagging, coupled with noun-phrase (n-gram), named entity, verb, or other term extraction methods [16,29]. Term selection (3.) is employed, for each component category, to determine which terms are most significant (unusually prominent, or unusually absent) for that category relative to other categories [30]. Full threads, including component category, and terms, are stored in the discussion database (4.). Text mining (5.) is employed on new social media postings to determine which terms are indicative of which component categories. The results of text mining are two-fold: firstly, an automated component classification (6.) for each posting; secondly, a list of significant terms, by component category (7.). In summary, a text mining model is trained on a large sample of discussion threads, organized by category; this process identifies significant terms for each component category. The

Fig. 1. Process for vehicle component isolation from social media postings.


A.S. Abrahams et al. / Decision Support Systems 55 (2013) 871–882

Fig. 2. Example of a user-classified discussion forum posting at

text mining model can then be applied to new social media postings to classify each posting, and construct an organized database of postings. Automated component classification (6.) is helpful as it allows new social media postings to be rapidly and accurately classified. This facilitates defect prioritization [4], since analysts can segregate safety issues (e.g. relating to brakes) from performance issues (e.g. relating to air conditioning) by mapping the posting to a vehicle component decomposition (i.e. to component classes) [43,89]. The list of significant terms (7.) typically includes the brand names of competitors that market or distribute the component, as well as component-specific jargon. Both these items provide additional competitive intelligence to the social media analyst: firstly, brand names allow the analyst to rapidly identify potential competitors, suppliers, or business partners. Component-specific jargon is valuable as it can be used for search engine optimization (SEO) [22] and pay-per-click (PPC) campaign enhancement. For example, for PPC, the use of highlyrelevant jargon words in pay-per-click campaigns is known to increase impressions, decrease cost-per-click (CPC), increase click-through-rate (CTR) and in-bound traffic, and ultimately lead to higher return-oninvestment [3,36,54,74]. The use of brand names as bid keywords in PPC campaigns can have similar effects [71]. Auto manufacturers and parts suppliers could therefore use the list of significant terms to optimize their pay-per-click campaigns, and to optimize their web-page content to improve their search engine rankings (i.e. SEO). Finally, descriptive analysis (8.) can be performed. This is useful to analysts working at auto manufacturers, parts suppliers, and car dealers. For example by observing, comparing, and investigating trends in discussions for certain components of certain models or brands, auto manufacturers can feed insights to their product managers, designers, and engineers, who can use this intelligence for benchmarking their vehicles against competitors, or conducting quality improvement. Parts suppliers could use the component isolation tool to compile focused information on specific component types. Using the component isolation model as a rapid content discovery and organization tool, auto dealers, dealer networks, and service centers could build a componentspecific knowledgebase to assist service technicians with diagnosing and remedying specific component failures presented by customers at dealerships. Such categorized experience repositories, or “communities of practice”, have been shown to substantially increase the efficiency of technical staff [12,20,49,79,91].

Table 2 Data sources. Forum

Number of users

Number of sub-forums

Total threads

Sample size (threads)

Honda Tech Toyota Nation Chevrolet Forum

201,975 78,203 18,498

34 100 48

1,316,881 216,599 26,936

1500 1500 1500

4. Methodology We used a case study approach to validate the process model proposed in the previous section. The case study method of theory building is widely accepted [8,27,37,59,78,97]. We followed a research design consistent with earlier studies on consumer postings [32] and textual content analysis [60]. We began with a small pilot study of 4500 discussion threads, which were tagged by three paid automotive experts. Our intention with the pilot study was to determine what major vehicle components existed, how discussions were dispersed among these components, and how these components related to vehicle defects, for a variety of vehicle brands. We observed that a random sampling of threads yielded a poorly balanced sample: roughly consistent with Koch's 80/20 principle [46], it was found that only 20% of component categories accounted for (more than) 80% of forum postings, leading to too few postings for the majority of component categories. To avoid this bias, which was exacerbated by the high cost of retrospective classification by automotive experts, we undertook stratified sampling for the production study. In the production study, we used 25,000 threads, pre-categorized into one of several component categories by the writer (creator) of the first post in the thread, and we selected a roughly even number of threads from each known component category. The following sections describe the pilot and production studies in more detail.

4.1. Pilot study For the pilot study, we used 15 major component classification labels, abridged from the 339 unique component descriptions used by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Defect Investigation (NHTSA ODI1). For example, the NHTSA provides 45 categories of “Service Brake” complaints and 29 categories of “Power Train (Transmission)” related complaints — we simplified these to the categories “Braking” and “Transmission” respectively. The 15 major component classification labels we used were as follows: [Acoustics], [Air Conditioning], Airbag, Braking, Electrical system, Engine, Lights, Seat Belts, Steering, Structure and Body, Suspension, Transmission, Visibility (Windows), Wheels and Tires, and Other. The categories in square brackets were added as they cover a substantial set of performancerelated defects that are largely ignored by the NHTSA's safety-focused classification scheme. We studied three different vehicle brands: Honda, Toyota, and Chevrolet. We obtained the permission of the forum owners and crawled all threads available at,,


A.S. Abrahams et al. / Decision Support Systems 55 (2013) 871–882


Fig. 3. Total number of threads discussing a defect, by component category.

and as of June 2010. We then found the top 1500 threads from each of these three forums, which contained the most occurrences of the top 200 defective components from NHTSA complaints. 1500 was chosen as the sample size that would produce an acceptable margin-of-error of ± 2.5% at the 95% confidence level. We eliminated sub forums about news, racing and advertising because discussions in those forums generally do not relate to defects. To remove short and low quality discussions, we applied two additional criteria: (1) thread contained at least 50 words; and (2) thread comprised at least 2 posts. Table 2 presents summary information related to the three forums. We extracted the following information from each thread: title, text of each posting, date and time of each posting, user identifier of each posting, and number of times the thread had been viewed. We employed three, paid automotive experts to tag the threads by defect existence, defect criticality, and component affected, following the protocol defined in [4]. We computed the inter-rater agreement [19] for the component category2 selected by the raters on the training set, and found κ = 0.653, indicating substantial agreement between raters [48]. Disagreements in component classification were resolved by taking the judgment of the most senior (experienced) rater. Most of the defect discussions related to the engine, electrical system or transmission; few threads discussed defects with seat belts, suspension, or acoustics (Fig. 3). Overall, for all three brands together, discussions about air conditioning, visibility, or lights were usually concerning defects with these components, whereas discussions about the wheels and tires or transmission where usually not about defects (Fig. 4). As is to be expected, this varied substantially by brand, with some brands having a larger or smaller proportion of defect discussions for certain components. Finally, for statistical rigor, we ran a contingency analysis between defect existence and each component category. Table 3 shows the results: for each component category, we show whether the proportion of defects in that category is lower than other threads, higher than other threads, or no different from other threads. Bold text and an asterisk (*) alongside the p-value indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level (support for the hypothesis; p b 0.05); non-bold text (with

2 Inter-rater agreement levels for defect existence and defect criticality were reported earlier, in [4]. For defect existence κ= 0.96 and for defect criticality κ = 0.90. In both cases, this represents ‘almost perfect’ agreement [48]. 3 Raters were allowed to select multiple component categories. The κ shown is interrater agreement on the first category selected. Using a more lenient metric of agreement on any component category selected, we find κ = 0.76.

no asterisk) indicates that the hypothesis is not supported. Table 3 shows strong associations between types of component discussed in the thread, and the existence, or absence, of defects. 4.2. Production study Having ascertained that vehicle components were frequently discussed in connection with vehicle defects, but that the distribution of discussions by component was highly skewed, we moved to a production study, with a larger sample of threads, more evenly distributed between components, to attempt to rapidly and automatically classify threads by the component class under discussion. 4.2.1. Coding scheme for components In the pilot study, tagging of the 4500-thread training set consumed 30 person days of effort expended over a period of 11 weeks. The average time to tag a thread was 1.8 min, with a standard deviation of 2.2 min [4]. Given the slow speed of manual thread classification, and the small number of threads found for certain component classes (as seen earlier in Fig. 3), we moved to an alternative component classification method for the production study. For the production study, we searched through all sub-forum titles on a single, large forum,, to find sub-forums that specifically related to vehicle components. Honda-Tech was chosen for this case study as it was the

Table 3 p-Values for contingency analyses: defect existence vs. component category. Component category

Air conditioning Airbag Braking Electrical Engine Lights Seat belts Steering Structure and body Transmission Visibility Wheel and tires Suspension Other

Defect proportion for component, compared to other threads? (p-value) Is lower?

Is higher?

Is different?

1.000 0.1209 0.9995 1.000 0.0117* 1.000 0.9820 0.9994 1.000 b0.0001* 1.000 0.1378 0.8466 b0.0001*

b0.0001* 0.9129 0.0008* b0.001* 0.9901 b0.0001* 0.0336* 0.0011* b0.0001* 1.000 b0.0001* 0.9022 0.2194 1.000

b0.0001* 0.2196 0.0014* b0.0001* 0.0220* b0.001* 0.0530 0.0020* b0.0001* b0.0001* b0.0001* 0.2591 0.3922 b0.0001*


A.S. Abrahams et al. / Decision Support Systems 55 (2013) 871–882

Fig. 4. Percentage of threads, for each component category, discussing a defect.

largest forum, by number of users, by number of threads, and by number of component-specific sub-forums. Component classification labels (sub-forum names) varied by brand so sub-forums across different brands were not directly mappable: contained only 4 component-specific sub-forums, each with fewer than 500 threads; contained only 1 component-specific sub-forum; the remaining Chevrolet and Toyota sub-forums were organized primarily by model name and model year. We identified the following 9 component-related sub-forums from Audio/security/video, Welding/fabrication, Suspension, Wheel and tire, Paint and body, Lighting, Engine management and tuning, Transmission/drivetrain, and Brakes. We dissected the multi-class classification problem into multiple binary classification problems (one for each component category), and solved each binary classification separately. Our reason for undertaking separate binary classification problems is that it is well-known that the more classes a multiclass classifier handles, the more likely it is that the classifier's prediction accuracy will degrade [53].

4.2.2. Data sampling In the production study, for each component we sampled up to 5000 threads from that component's sub-forum as positive examples and we used a random sample with the same number of threads from all the other sub forums as negative examples. To increase the variety of automobile-related threads, we included threads from one non-component-related sub-forum (“Road-racing/autocross” sub-forum; 30,863 available threads) among the available negative examples. Table 4 shows the number of threads that existed in each component-related sub-forum, and the sample size (number of

Table 4 Sub-forum names, threads per forum, and sample size used in the production study. Sub-forum name

Threads available

Sample size used

Audio/security/video Welding/fabrication Suspension Wheel and tire Paint and body Lighting Engine management and tuning Transmission/drivetrain Brakes

24,124 9117 16,395 11,572 4721 1872 2090 1917 620

5000 5000 5,000 5000 4721 1872 2090 1917 620

positive examples) we used for training and testing the binary classifiers for each component-related sub-forum. 4.3. Procedure For all sub-forums that related directly to vehicle components, all discussion threads for the sub-forum were crawled, and mapped to their sub-forum name (component classification) in a database. The text of each thread was parsed and stemmed, using Porter's stemming algorithm [66], to obtain a term vector of canonical (stemmed) terms for each thread. The term vectors for each thread were stored and analyzed. Text mining was then run on the component-labeled, term vectors. Three parameters were used for model tuning: algorithm, feature selection method, and number of terms. 4.3.1. Algorithms We tried two alternative algorithms known to perform well for text classification tasks [82]. Support vector machines (SVM) were run using the LibSVM package [15] with a linear kernel while the Naïve Bayes classifier (NB) was executed using Weka [40]. 4.3.2. Feature selection method We used four feature ranking methods to select the most important term features. These were: information gain (IG), chi-square (CS), document and relevance correlation (DRC), and Robertson's selection value (RSV) [30]. 4.3.3. Number of terms We varied the number of terms from 200 to 2000, in 200 term increments. We ran 5-fold cross validation for all experiments as illustrated in Fig. 5. To alleviate the problem of over-fitting, feature selection and validation were run separately within each fold, following the general approach outlined in [67]. 4 The average classifier performance across all folds was evaluated for each combination of algorithm × feature selection method × number of terms.

4 We did not implement the feedback loop from testing results to feature selection that was suggested in [67]. This was because no satisfactory way of guiding feature selection based on classification results exists and it is very easy to sink to local minima. In addition, as we have a large number of features (up to several thousand), the complexity of implementing the feedback loop is prohibitive.

A.S. Abrahams et al. / Decision Support Systems 55 (2013) 871–882


Fig. 5. Feature selection and validation for separate folds.

5. Results and evaluation Table 5 shows the classification performance (F1-measures, as defined in [95]) for each binary component classification task, as the classification algorithm, term selection method, and number of terms are adjusted. The algorithm and feature-selection method which produced the highest classification performance are shown in parentheses alongside the component class name in the heading for each chart. In all 9 cases, SVM was the top performing algorithm. The IG and RSV feature selection methods each produced the highest classification performance in 4 cases. Finally, 400–600 features produces the optimal (or very nearly the optimal) classification performance in all cases, though in many (6 of 9) cases the relatively flat line (F1-measure score) for the best method (i.e. algorithm + term selection combination) indicates that the best method is relatively insensitive to the number of features used. Table 6 provides receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves for the highest performance classifier, for the binary classification tasks for each component. The identity of the highest performance classifier (algorithm + feature selection method) and the total Area Under each ROC Curve (AUC score) are shown alongside each component heading. All AUC values are close to 1, which indicates high performance of the classifiers [10]. Table 7 shows the most significant features we found for each component classification. In the table, column headers describe the component. In parentheses, alongside the component class, is the feature selection method that produced the highest classification performance, as measured by F1 score. Below each component class is the list of the 20 most significant features we discovered for that component class. As a word stemmer was employed, word stems are used (e.g. “suspens” in place of “suspension”) [66]. For nonobvious terms (industry jargon for the component category), footnotes provide further details as to the origin of the term. Brand names are shown italicized in the table. 6. Conclusions In this paper, we developed a model of text classification and component feature selection. We showcased our model for automatic product component categorization of online user postings using the automotive industry as an example. Various model configurations (in terms of classification algorithm, term selection method, and number of selected features) were evaluated to identify the “optimal” classifier. Our results demonstrate that the performance of the classifier is highly sensitive to classification algorithm, term selection method, and number of selected features. An SVM classifier with IG

or RSV feature selection and 400–600 terms produced the highest classification performance. The limitations and implications of our work are as follows: 6.1. Limitations The study reported in this paper was restricted to automotive enthusiast forums. While the results are likely to generalize to other social media postings, such as user reviews, comments, feeds, blogs, and micro-blogs (e.g. Twitter), this presumption needs to be further tested. Given that the classifiers were tuned using different vehicle sub-forums, and the most significant features appear highly plausible, it would seem that the classifier is able to distinguish even subtle differences between component-related postings. Further large-scale research needs to be undertaken on a wide range of social media postings, with manual verification by automotive experts, to validate this supposition. 6.2. Implications for practice and research The findings of this study have a number of implications for practitioners at vehicle and vehicle component manufacturing or distribution companies: • An SVM classifier with IG or RSV feature selection and 400–600 terms produced the highest classification performance. This implies that product managers can use these parameters to rapidly isolate component-specific threads on discussion forums, and categorize by component for detailed review (e.g. defect discovery and prioritization, or customer requirement elicitation). • The most significant features (terms) for each component category were identified. This implies that marketing managers can increase product visibility by using these highly significant terms both in web-site content, for search engine optimization (SEO), and in pay-per-click or pay-per-action search engine marketing/search engine advertising (SEM/SEA) campaigns relating to the corresponding component categories. For researchers, the implications of our findings are as follows: • Our study reinforces prior research showing that SVM approaches perform well for text-categorization tasks (e.g. [1,82]). We showed that, for vehicle discussion threads, the SVM's classification accuracy is sensitive to both feature selection approach and number of features. This implies that social media analytics researchers should continue to pursue SVM approaches for text categorization tasks, but must fine-tune both feature selection approaches and number of features.


Table 5 Variation in F1 measures for binary classification tasks for each component category, adjusting algorithm, feature selection method, and number of features (i.e. selected terms).

Audio / Security / Video (SVM+IG)

Welding / Fabrication (SVM+CS)

Paint and Body (SVM+IG)

Engine Management & Tuning (SVM+IG)

Transmission/Drivetrain (SVM+RSV)

Lighting (SVM+IG)

Brakes (SVM+RSV)

A.S. Abrahams et al. / Decision Support Systems 55 (2013) 871–882

Wheel and Tire (SVM+RSV)

Suspension (SVM+RSV)

Table 6 Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves for binary classification tasks for each vehicle component.

Welding / Fabrication (SVM+CS; 0.97)

Suspension (SVM+RSV; 0.97)

Wheel and Tire (SVM+RSV; 0.98)

Paint and Body (SVM+IG; 0.98)

Lighting (SVM+IG; 0.99)

Engine Management & Tuning (SVM+IG; 0.97)

Transmission/Drivetrain (SVM+RSV; 0.98)

Brakes (SVM+RSV; 0.98)

A.S. Abrahams et al. / Decision Support Systems 55 (2013) 871–882

Audio / Security / Video (SVM+IG; 0.99)



A.S. Abrahams et al. / Decision Support Systems 55 (2013) 871–882

Table 7 Most significant features for each component classification. Audio/security/ video (IG)

Welding/ fabrication (CS)

Suspension (RSV)

Wheel and tire (RSV)

Paint and body (IG)

Lighting (IG)

Engine management and tuning (IG)

Transmission/ drivetrain (RSV)

Brakes (RSV)

amp speaker 94c wire race sub alarm audio instal wheel power unit radio spring weld suspens deck alpin system cd

weld welder pipe tigd steel manifold tube stainless machin flang aluminum migk fab exhaust materi metal cut make fabric piec

spring coilovb shock suspens konie lower ride rear gci teinj bush strut lcam wire front adjust tokicoq kybs swai ecua

wheel rim tire wire rota har ecua offset spt amp size nsxtasil speaker motor engin 195/55-15p manifold instal obd1t 195/50-15p

paint sprai sand coat race color clear bodi primer set setup ecu track stock job wire swap bumper spring power

light bulb headlight hid wheel race projector beam retrofit spring suspens tire track fog ballast tranni weld halogen coilovb shock

ecua tune wheel front map hondataf rear chip tire paint crome tuner fuel s300n suspens sensor rim obd1t injector p28u

tranni gear tran transmiss clutch lsdg synchro shift bear shaft countershaft paint mainshaft mfactori amp wire hydror 5th diff fd

brake calip rotor pad booster abh master slot disc legend prop cylind bleed pedal mco proport front drum rear ecua


ECU = Engine Control Unit. Coilov = Coilover (automobile suspension device). c 94 = model year number (1994). d TIG = Tungsten Inert Gas (welding method). e Koni = popular brand of adjustable shock absorber. f Hondata = company that modifies and enhances standard Honda Engine Control Units. g LSD = Limited Slip Differential transmission. h Ab = stem of ABS = Anti-lock Braking System. i GC = Ground Control Suspensions (popular brand of suspension equipment). j Tein = popular brand of suspension products. k MIG = Metal Inert Gas (welding method). l Nsxtasi = username of active forum user. m LCA = Lower Control Arm (suspension part). n S300 = plug in module to the OBD1 factory Honda Engine Computer (ECU). o MC = Motorcycle. p 195/5X-XX = popular tire size descriptors. q Tokico = popular brand of shocks, springs, and suspension. r Hydro = hydrostatic transmission. s Kyb = popular brand of shocks and struts. t OBD1 = On Board Diagnostics protocol. u P28 = part number for commonly-used Engine Control Unit. b

Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Professor Mehdi Ahmadian, Director of the Center for Vehicle Systems and Safety, Virginia Tech, for his helpful feedback, guidance, and assistance. This research is partly supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant #70872089 and #71072129) and the National Science Foundation (Grant #DUE-0840719). References [1] A. Abbasi, H. Chen, CyberGate: a system and design framework for text analysis of computer-mediated communication, MIS Quarterly 32 (4) (2008) 811–837. [2] A. Abbasi, H. Chen, H.A. Salem, Sentiment analysis in multiple languages: feature selection for opinion classification in Web forums, ACM Transactions on Information Systems 26 (3) (2008). [3] N. Abou Nabout, B. Skiera, Return on quality improvements in search engine marketing, Journal of Interactive Marketing 26 (3) (August 2012) 141–154. [4] A.S. Abrahams, J. Jiao, G.A. Wang, W. Fan, Vehicle defect discovery from social media, Decision Support Systems 54 (1) (December 2012) 87–97. [5] V. Anand, W.H. Glick, C.C. Manz, Thriving on the knowledge of outsiders: tapping organizational social capital, The Academy of Management Executive 16 (1) (2002) 87–101. [6] W. Antweiler, M.Z. Frank, Is all that talk just noise? The information content of Internet stock message boards, Journal of Finance 59 (3) (2004) 1259–1294. [7] C. Apte, F. Damerau, S. Weiss, Automated learning of decision rules for text categorization, ACM Transactions on Information Systems 12 (3) (1994) 233–240. [8] I. Benbasat, D.K. Goldstein, M. Mead, The case research strategy in studies of information systems, MIS Quarterly 11 (3) (1987) 369–386. [9] H. Borko, M. Bernick, Automatic document classification, Journal of the ACM 10 (2) (1963) 151–162.

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Alan S. Abrahams is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Information Technology, Pamplin College of Business, at Virginia Tech. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge, and holds a Bachelor of Business Science degree from the University of Cape Town. Dr. Abrahams's primary research interest is in the application of decision support systems in entrepreneurship. He has published in a variety of journals including Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems with Applications, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Communications of the AIS, and Group Decision and Negotiation.

Jian Jiao is a PhD candidate in Computer Science at Virginia Tech and a Software Design Engineer at Microsoft. He holds an M.S. in Computer Science from the Beijing Institute of Technology, and has previous work experience at Microsoft Research Asia and Motorola.

Weiguo (Patrick) Fan is a Full Professor of Accounting and Information Systems and Full Professor of Computer Science (courtesy) at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech). He received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2002, an M.S. in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore in 1997, and a B.E. in Information and Control Engineering from the Xi'an Jiaotong University, P.R. China, in 1995. His research interests focus on the design and development of novel information technologies – information retrieval, data mining, text/web mining, business intelligence techniques – to support better business information management and decision making. He has published more than 100 refereed journal and conference papers. His research has appeared in journals such as Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Information Systems, Communications of the ACM, Journal of the American Society on Information Science and Technology, Information Processing and Management, Decision Support Systems, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Pattern Recognition, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Pattern Recognition Letters, International Journal of e-Collaboration, and International Journal of Electronic Business.

G. Alan Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Information Technology, Pamplin College of Business, at Virginia Tech. He received a Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the University of Arizona, an M.S. in Industrial Engineering from Louisiana State University, and a B.E. in Industrial Management and Engineering from Tianjin University. His research interests include heterogeneous data management, data cleansing, data mining and knowledge discovery, and decision support systems. He has published in Decision Support Systems, Communications of the ACM, IEEE Transactions of Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Part A), IEEE Computer, Group Decision and Negotiation, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, and Journal of Intelligence Community Research and Development.

Zhongju (John) Zhang is an Associate Professor in the School of Business, University of Connecticut. He received his Ph.D. in Management Science (with minors in Economics and Operations Management) from the University of Washington Business School. Zhang's research focuses on the problems at the interface of information systems/technologies, marketing, economics, and operations research. His research has been published in academic journals including Information Systems Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Journal of Management Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, Communications of the ACM, Decision Sciences Journal, as well as in various international conference proceedings. Zhang was a co-recipient of the Best IS Publications of the Year 2010 award. He has also won the Research Excellence Award (2011), the MBA Teacher of the Year (2010), the Best Paper Award (2009), and the Ackerman Scholar Award (2007–2009) at the UConn School of Business. Zhang is a guest associate editor for MIS Quarterly and serves on the editorial board of Journal of Database Management, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, and Electronic Commerce Research and Applications.