We study security of home networks in the context of a research about auto- ... tually proposes a certificate-based decentralized model. Another one [5], which.
Autonomic Security for Home Networks Mohamad Aljnidi and Jean Leneutre CNRS - UMR 5141 LTCI - ENST - INFRES department 46, rue Barrault - 75013 Paris - France {Mohamad.Aljnidi, Jean.Leneutre}@enst.fr
Abstract. Home networks are becoming prevalent and interest in their security is increasing. We introduce in this paper an autonomic security model, in which we deal with a home network as an ad hoc network in general, but also we consider its particularities. We show how autonomy is required in different aspects of the proposed solution. Above all, we address autonomy to minimize the intervention of home users, who generally lack experience, in the management of the security infrastructure.
Such as all communication networks, a home network is prone to security attacks. However, a home network needs special security solutions, taking into consideration its ad hoc nature, in addition to other particularities, including but not limited to, longterm inter-device relations, quasi-static topology, diversity of networking technologies, heterogeneity of devices and inexpert administrators. We study security of home networks in the context of a research about autonomic security for mobile networks. Our main assumption is that home devices can depend on the existence of each other under time constraints; Because a home is an ultimate meeting point for its mobile devices, we can define T as the longest time for which a device can be away from home. The value of T goes from some hours to a couple of days according to mobility needs or preferences. Security solutions for ad hoc networks address decentralization and selforganization [1] [2]. This is also required for the special case of home networks [3], but we can impose limitations thanks to home particularities, using the constant T for instance. A Previous research [4], which we generalize and enhance in a part of our work, defines a home network as a longterm community, and eventually proposes a certificate-based decentralized model. Another one [5], which inspired us in terms of security architecture, proposes a generic design for a self-organized security system that can be applied in the case of home networks.
Devices of a home network are not homogeneous nodes. If we use asymmetric cryptography we will have performance problems with light-duty devices. If we use symmetric cryptography we will loose the chance for a better security implementation in heavy-duty devices.