One of the things I like to do when I'm out and about, is smile at strangers. Right now, you might be thinking: 'OK Tony
IS IT TIME FOR A CHANGE? It's not Rocket Science - It's Neuroscience!
AUTUMN 2018 NEWSLETTER "Hi, and welcome to the latest edition of my newsletter. I hope you enjoy the articles and find the tips and strategies helpful." Go well ~ Tony
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KEEP SMILING - it’s really good for you One of the things I like to do when I’m out and about, is smile at strangers.
Right now, you might be thinking: 'OK Tony that's a bit weird.'
There's a purpose to my smiling. Smiling actually makes us feel better.
When I smile, not only do I lift my mood but I lift the other person's too. And in the majority of cases I get a smile in return. Now that's what I call a 'WIn-Win'.
Did you know .......
when we smile we stimulate our brain’s reward mechanisms. British researchers found that one smile can provide the same level of brain stimulation as up to 2,000 chocolate bars!
smiling has been associated with reduced stress hormones (like cortisol and adrenaline), increased health and mood enhancing hormone levels (like endorphins), and lowered blood pressure.
Learn more about the benefits of smiling here ....
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6 STRATEGIES TO OVERCOME FEAR Is fear stopping you from living life to the full?
How many important, potentially life changing, actions or decisions have you avoided over the course of your life because of fear? Fear is unavoidable; it’s part of our human experience. It helps protect us from danger – real or imagined. A certain level of fear in the form of anxiety is useful, but when it's irrational or becomes overwhelming it can be both debilitating and limiting. So it’s important that we have some strategies for keeping our fear under control.
Here are 6 strategies than can help you overcome fear - Read Now.
Freedom From
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If you have a problem you want to resolve, use the links on the
right to find out how I can help.
Stress Management
Lift Depression
Weight Management
Pain Management
Stop Smoking
Relief From Trauma & Phobias
ARE YOUR EMOTIONAL NEEDS BEING MET? “When our innate emotional needs are not being met, or when our resources are misused, or not used at all, we suffer considerable distress, and so can those around us.”
~ The Human Givens Institute
What do you need right now? Many people don’t know, or have lost sight of, what it is that they actually need to live a healthy life, one that delivers them the fulfillment they desire and is free of unhealthy stress.
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The Human Givens Institute’s Emotional Needs model enables us to explore our basic emotional needs. The model forms one of the cornerstones of my coaching approach when working with anxious and stressed clients.
An Emotional Needs Self-Assessment (which involves assessing how well each of our 9 emotional and 3 physical needs are currently being met) provides strong clues as to the source of the individual's anxiety and stress. This enables coaching to be focused on where it will have optimum impact.
To learn more about your innate emotional needs click here.
To make an appointment with Tony, simply reply to this email or send him a text on 021 056 8389. He'll be in touch within 24 hours. You can choose F2F or SKYPE/ZOOM coaching sessions. For weekly Tips and Techniques check out Tony's weekly blog. Download, for free, the first chapter of his book - 7 Ways To Reduce Anxiety In 7 Minutes Or Less here. Email: tony@tycoaching Website: Mobile :021 056 8389
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