Autumn RSPB Growing Up Wild activities - Girlguiding LaSER

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Jul 6, 2017 - Can they hold one? Share what they have found. Anywhere outdoors! Surrounded by concrete? No leaf litter?
Autumn RSPB Growing Up Wild activities The evenings are getting darker but you can still get outdoors, wrap up warm and try these fun RSPB activities to get you and your unit connected to nature. Why not plan a day event to fully experience autumn’s colours? Get your RSPB Growing Up Wild Paw Print! The RSPB and Girlguiding LaSER are working together to get hundreds of girls and their leaders outdoors exploring, having fun and learning about the natural world. In order to encourage units outside we’ve created a special Growing Up Wild RSPB Paw Print! In order to get this Paw Print the RSPB have put six seasonal activities together of which you will need to complete three activities outdoors and complete the evaluation form to receive your badges. Complete the requirements and receive an RSPB Growing Up Wild Paw Print. You and your unit MUST complete the activities first then follow the link to the evaluation form and instructions for ordering your badge. What you need to do:  Ask your unit to choose 3 activities from the list below 

Click on the chosen link to download the unique RSPB PDF’s to print off and use

Complete the activities – remember to be outdoors!

Spend a minimum of 30 minutes doing each activity

Paw Prints cost 80p each Follow the link to complete a Google form evaluation and directions for ordering the badges 

Badges will be administered through the Girlguiding LaSER Regional Office

Badges will be sent out once the completed evaluation form and payment has been received

 Please note girls and leaders will be able to earn the same RSPB Growing Up Wild Paw Print if they attend an RSPB/Girlguiding LaSER event at an RSPB reserve, unless a unique bade for the event is otherwise promoted.  Please contact the Girlguiding LaSER office if you would like a PDF any of the other seasonal activities and we can send this to you as a PDF. [email protected]

Activity 1-Leaf litter minibeasting

Suggested ideas

Where can I do this?



Use the mini beast spot sheet to see what you can find in your local area. What do they think they will discover? How many of each type of mini beast did they find? Can they hold one? Share what they have found.

Anywhere outdoors! Surrounded by concrete? No leaf litter? Nature is everywhere see how many insects and mini beasts you can find around your unit meeting place or go to a nearby park, green space or a Leaders garden.

Spot sheets, pencil, magnify glasses, magnify pots, recycled plastic pots, paint brushes. How to make a bug catcher.

Remind all to be really careful when handling mini beasts, carefully move away leaves or grass, look closely, share what you have found, and put them back safely where they won’t get squashed!

2-Fabulous fungi

Go on a Fungi Foray! A walk hunting for fungi.

Great for: Brownies, Guides and members of The Senior Section 3-Nuts and berries

Make a wood pile at your unit to encourage more fungi and mini beasts, watch what happens.

Anywhere with trees, damp places and dead wood, fields, parks and gardens.

Magnify glasses, camera or pencil and note pad to record unusual ones! How to make a log pile PDF.

Do not pick the fungi, if touched remember to wash hands after handling, do not touch any Fungi.

Use the spot sheet: To work in a six/patrol/group to see what they can find locally, record their findings on a mobile or draw pictures

Anywhere. There are trees, shrubs and bushes in towns, cities, villages. Go on a walk to see what you can spot.

Spot sheet and pencils.

If collecting ONLY pick things up from the ground, do not pick from trees and plants.

What animals might eat the seeds? Or live in the trees? Create a natural art using found fallen seeds and leaves to make pictures of the animals who eat the seeds. Save found seeds to plant in the Spring.

Use the colours in nature chart to go out and hunt for all the colours, look for interesting leaves and seeds, make a colour wheel on the ground with your findings.

Around your unit meeting place, or plan a walk to a park, green space or a garden.

Colour sheet, pencil, paper bag if you are collecting things.

If collecting ONLY pick things up from the ground, do not pick from trees and plants.

Follow the instructions, they can build a mini bug hotel individually or make a big one altogether.

Follow the link to building a bug hotel, use plastic bottles, toilet rolls or tetra pack cartons hung up, stuffed with the same filling.

Keep checking over the weeks and months to see who has moved in!

Follow the instructions. Hang up the feeder and

Mini ones to take home for a balcony, garden, big space, small space outside your unit meeting place, ask at a local park/community garden or a Leaders garden. Anywhere outdoors!

Follow the link.

Keep it topped up! Birds will come back so once you start to feed them

Great for: Rainbows and Brownies

Great for: Brownies Guides members of The Senior Section

4 -Autumn colour hunting Great for: Rainbows and Brownies 5-Build a bug hotel Great for all sections

6- Make a bottle bird feeder

watch/record what birds visit.

continue through the Winter.

Activities for any season: 1. Mini beast hunt Great for: Rainbows and Brownies

2. Colours in nature Great for: Rainbows and Brownies

3. Build a bug hotel Great for: all sections

1. Hug a tree Great for: Brownies and Guides

Use small pots to collect mini beasts, use paint brushes or teaspoons to carefully collect the mini beasts

Look closely at mini beasts with no legs, 5, 8 and more

Use the spot sheet to spot and tick off natural colours

Go on a scavenger hunt to collect different coloured natural objects

Try this out in different seasons

Follow the instructions, they can build a mini bug hotel individually or make a big one altogether

Make a mini beast hotel, hunt for and record mini beasts in the bug hotel in all seasons

This is all about sensing nature in different ways. Before you start this activity, sit or stand outside in a circle Ask the girls to close their eyes Ask the girls to listen out to any noises, each time they hear a different noise with their fists out, count each noise on each finger After 1-3 minutes ask the girls to open their eyes. What did they hear? What natural sounds did they hear?

  

Anywhere outdoors. In leaf litter or in soil around plants, on plants and trees, around outside of buildings

Spot sheet, pots, paint brushes to put bugs in pots, magnify glasses

Be really careful when collecting mini beasts Always put mini beasts back where you found them

Anywhere outdoors

Spot sheets, pencil,

Only pick up objects from the ground do not pick any plants, leaves or flowers

outside your unit meeting place, ask at a local park/community garden or a Leaders garden

Follow the link for building a bug hotel, use plastic bottles, toilet rolls or tetra pack cartons hung up, stuffed with the same filling.

Keep checking over the weeks and months to see who has moved in!

Anywhere there are trees


Leaders to be vigilant supervising this activity to prevent girls from walking into trees or tripping over