Agency (EASA), the European Defence Agency (EDA), the French Ministry of.
Defence… .... Aviation Legislation – Equivalent to Module 10 of Part 66 .
Burea B au Ve eritas s Aerona A autics s & Sp pace D Divisiion SPE ECIALIZ ZED TR RAININ NG COU URSES S Acqu uire and d maintaiin knowl wledge off regulattions and sstandard rds
TAKE E UP THE CURRENT AND D FUTUR RE CHAL LLENGES S Worldw wide, competitive, regulatted environm ment, the con ntrol of standards and reggulations is a major issue e for all actors on the aviation and sp pace stage. The tra aining of perssonnel on sta andards and d regulations in force is a very effectiive lever for businesses that want to o improve the eir performan nce as they a achieve appliicable safety y requiremen ts. Thankss to our training offer and a expertise e, your pers sonnel not only o acquirees, maintains and develops knowled dge and qua alifications necessary to comply with h regulations s and standaards, but als so supports your y efforts tto take up the current and future challlenges of yo our company.
CHALLENGE E Provide e your perso onnel with awareness a a and familiarrization with applicable reegulations and standardss. Inform your person nnel about ch hanges relati ng to regulattions and sta andards in foorce. Develo op the knowle edge and competences o of your perso onnel. Improv ve working te echniques in accordance with regulations and standards. Improv ve the opera ational effectiveness of your personnel.
BUREAU VER RITAS, A REAL A ASSET! Collaboration of nearly 90 years with o operators, authorities an nd civil aviattion organiza ations in the e
aero ospace secto or. Relationship of trust with the European Commission n, the European Aviationn Safety Age ency (EASA),
the European Defence D Agen ncy (EDA), th he French Ministry of Deffence and m many others. Trainers with a dual compettency: expert rtise gained in the field, and a strengtheened by consultancy and d teacching experie ence (gained d in a recogn nized organiz zation and/orr in teaching)). A trraining engineering team at your disp posal for all your projects
Maintenance 100
Burea B au Ve eritas s Aerona A autics s & Sp pace D Divisiion
INTE ER-COM MPANIES TRAININ NG Participate in an a inter-com mpanies trraining in our o premise es(please ccontact us for detailss):
M Maximum of 12 students per ssession to promote exchange e aand participation of e every atten ndee T The price includes th he provision ng in our fa acility, morn rning and afternoon a n of trainin ssnacks and d lunch
Conttact our tra aining corre espondent (refer to th he contacts s on the baack of this catalogue) to ge et more dettails on the e planning..
IN-H HOUSE TRAINING T G Choo ose an in-h house train ning and ta ake advantage of the following:
C Customize our course e content w with examp ples close to your ow wn activity L Lower ratess C Choice of trraining location S Scheduling g of training g sessions according g to your ca alendar connstraints
d you ur requirem ments. Conttact us to discuss Our ttraining en ngineering and flight o operations s team will advise youu on your project, p and w will develo op a solutio on tailored to meet yo our expecta ations.
To ous nos co ours sontt égalemen nt disponiibles en Frrançais. Contact us for traiining courrses in oth her languaages.
Burea B au Ve eritas s Aerona A autics s & Sp pace D Divisiion A FL LEXIBLE TRAININ NG OPTIO ON
Customized educational program mme ba ased on standard s urses, dura ation and/o or content a adjustments cou
Org ganization of seminars on the ttopic of you ur choice
Tra ain the trrainer with h our ed ucational technics training pro ogram and d acquire the trainin ng capability “in ho ouse” to cre eate or cu ustomize your y own training courses c with w our asssistance
To go o further with w helping you to m meet your challenges s, our exppertise is another a asset for your company. The Aerronautics and a Space e division ooffers a co omplete ns to assis st you in acchieving yo our goals. range of solution
Burea B au Ve eritas s Aerona A autics s & Sp pace D Divisiion
AS/EN 91 100 - Stand dard for Design D and d/or Produ uction Org ganisation ns
AS/EN 91 110 - Stand dard for Maintenanc M ce Organiisations – Brief cou urse
10 0
AS/EN 91 120 - Stand dard for Stockist S Diistributors s
11 1
12 2
Auditing technique es for maintenance
12 2
Auditing Techniques Trainin ng for Flig ght and Grround Ope erations
13 3
14 4
Supply C Chain Matu urity
14 4
SCMH (Supply Cha ain Manag gement Ha andbook) - Assessm ment toolss
15 5
16 6
16 6
EASA reg gulatory frramework k structure e
16 6
Aviation Legislatio on - Equiva alent to M Module 10 of Part 66
17 7
Airworthiiness Insp pector Bas sic Trainin ng
18 8
Airworthiiness Insp pector Rec current Trraining
19 9
Flight Op perations Inspector I Basic Tra aining
20 0
Flight Op perations Inspector I Recurren t Training g
21 1
Cabin Sa afety Inspe ector Train ning
22 2
SSP - Sta ate Safety Programm me
23 3
25 5
Part 21 su ubpart J - Design Organisatio O on Approv val (DOA)
25 5
Part 21 su ubpart G - Production Organ nisation Ap pproval (P POA)
26 6
DO-178 - Software considera ations in a airborne systems s ce ertification n
28 8
DO-254 - Design Assurance A for Airborrne Electrronic Hard dware
29 9
Burea B au Ve eritas s Aerona A autics s & Sp pace D Divisiion CONTINU UING AIRW WORTHINE ESS MANA AGEMENT T
Part M su ubparts G & I - Conttinuing Airrworthiness Management
31 1
Part M su ubpart F/G G/I - Mainte enance Orrganisatio on for non-large airccraft
32 2
Maintena ance Progrramme
33 3
Reliability y Program mme
34 4
36 6
Part 145 - EASA Ma aintenanc ce Organis sation App proval (MO OA)
36 6
CCAR 14 45 - CAAC Maintenance Organ nisation Approval A
37 7
Part 66 - A Aircraft Maintenanc M ce Licence e (AML)
38 8
Part 147 - Maintena ance Train ning Orga nisation Approval A (MTOA) (
39 9
Part/FAR R 145 & CA AR 573 - Compariso on between n EASA, FAA F &
40 0
CAR 573 regulation ns
40 0
CRS - Ce ertificate of o Release to Servic e
41 1
ed Unapprroved Partts (SUP) - Bogus Pa arts Suspecte
42 2
Human Factors - Awareness A s course
43 3
A Human Factors - Advanced course
44 4
E t to Modul e 9 of Parrt 66 Human Factors - Equivalent
45 5
k Safety Fuel Tank
46 6
Electrical Wiring In nterconnection Systtems (EW WIS) - Awarreness
47 7
49 9
EASA Airr Operatio ons – Aero oplanes
49 9
EASA Airr Operatio ons – Helic copters
50 0
Human Factors in Aviation and a CRM
51 1
Ramp Ins spection (S SAFA/SAC CA) Aware eness Tra aining
52 2
54 4
EASA Ae erodrome Certificatiion - Awarreness course
54 4
55 5
ATM insig ght trainin ng course
55 5
Burea B au Ve eritas s Aerona A autics s & Sp pace D Divisiion
56 6
Safety Ma anagemen nt System - Awaren ness cours se
56 6
Safety Ma anagemen nt System - Practica al impleme entation
57 7
58 8
IATA Dan ngerous Goods G (Cattegories 1 to 12)
58 8
AEO - Au uthorised Economic E c Operatorr
59 9
Airport B Badge Security
60 0
Security Programm me
61 1
Threat De etection by b X-Ray
62 2
63 3
63 3
EMAR 14 45 - Mainte enance Orrganisatio n Approva al
63 3
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 Q QUALIT TY STA ANDAR RDS Q Quality Manag gement AS/E EN 9100 - Standa ard for D Design an nd/or Pro oduction Organis sations Course C o objectives s Detailed D understanding of o the re equiremen nts related d to the Quality Manageme M nt System ms for des sign and production p activities in aerosp pace and defence ind dustry Ability A to conduct the ce ertification process p for the organization Familiarisat F tion with th he require ements to be b assesse ed during an a internal audit
Cours se plan
Aeronautical standaards and re egulations environme ent
Quality co oncepts
Principles and definiitions
Process approach a
Chapters of the 910 0 standard d:
Introductio on, scope, references, definitions
Quality Ma anagemennt System
Target T atttendees
Managem ment responnsibility
Quality Q stafff and interrnal auditorrs Managers M o of the orga anization Anyone A in nvolved in n the ce ertification process p
Resource managem ment
Product re ealization
Measurem ment, analyysis and im mprovemen nt
Control off acquired kknowledge e
Prerequis P sites None N
Duration D 2 days
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 Q QUALIT TY STA ANDAR RDS Q Quality Manag gement AS/E EN 9110 - Standarrd for Ma aintenance Organisations s – Brieff course Course C o objectives s
Cours se plan
General G understanding of o the re equiremen nts related d to the Quality Manageme M nt System ms for maintenance activities a in aerospace and defence in ndustry Ability A to conduct the ce ertification process p for the organization Familiarisat F tion with th he require ements to be b assesse ed during an a internal audit
Aeronautical standaards and re egulations environme ent
Quality co oncepts
Principles and definiitions
Process approach a
Chapters of the 911 0 standard d:
Introductio on, scope, references, definitions
Quality Ma anagemennt System
Target T atttendees
Managem ment responnsibility
Quality Q stafff and interrnal auditorrs Managers M o of the orga anization Anyone A in nvolved in n the ce ertification process p
Resource managem ment
Product re ealization
Measurem ment, analyysis and im mprovemen nt
Control off acquired kknowledge e
Prerequis P sites Having H fo ollowed AS/EN A 9100
Duration D 1 day
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 Q QUALIT TY STA ANDAR RDS Q Quality Manag gementt AS S/EN 912 20 - Stand dard for Stockistt Distribu utors
Course C o objectives s Detailed D understanding of o the re equiremen nts related d to the Quality Manageme M nt System ms for distribution and a resale activities in aerosp pace and defence ind dustry Ablity A to conduct the ce ertification process p for the organization Familiarisat F tion with th he require ements to be b assesse ed during an a internal audit
Cours se plan
Aeronautical standaards and re egulations environme ent
Quality co oncepts
Principles and definiitions
Process approach a
Chapters of the 912 0 standard d:
Introductio on, scope, references, definitions
Quality Ma anagemennt System
Target T atttendees
Managem ment responnsibility
Quality Q stafff and interrnal auditorrs Managers M o of the orga anization Anyone A in nvolved in n the ce ertification process p
Resource managem ment
Product re ealization
Measurem ment, analyysis and im mprovemen nt
Control off acquired kknowledge e
Prerequis P sites None N
Duration D 1 day
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 Q QUALIT TY STA ANDAR RDS A Audit Auditting tech hniques for f mainttenance
Course C o objectives s Detailed D u understand ding of th he main principles p a and objecctives of an audit quality sysstem in compliance c e with a specific standard (ISO O 9001 – EN91xx E – Part P 21 – Part 145 – etc.) e Knowledge K and abillity to apply audit preparation p n, plan nning, conduct, evaluating, e reporting g and follow-up methodolog m gy, in a le ean way and with high added value of the personal Knowledge K p attributes a re elated to ccommunica ation and behaviour b of o the au uditor in order to manage re elationship p during the e audit
Cours se plan
Principles of audit
Introductio on to ISO 119011 stan ndard: Key definition relatted to auditts Audit planning Role off the audit cclient Audit programme
Audit phases:
Initiating the audit Conduc cting docum ment review w Prepariing the on-ssite audit ac ctivities Conduc cting on-sitee audit activ vities Prepariing, approv ing and disttributing the e audit report
Target T atttendees
Comple eting the auudit
Quality Q man nagers, internal audittors Any A person nnel involve ed in intern nal or external e auditing
Conduc cting audit ffollow-up
Prerequis P sites
Communication duriing the aud dit Auditorr’s behaviouur and attitu udes
Exercises to consoliidate acquired knowledge
Audit simu ulation
None N
Duration D 3 days This course can be b combin ned with ttraining co ourses on n aerospacce quality y standard ds (EN 9100, EN 9110, EN N 9120) orr aviation regulations (Part 145, 1 Part M M, etc.) in n order to o apply audit tech hniques to o aeronau utics 12
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 UALITY Y STAN NDARD DS QU A Audit Au uditing Techniqu T ues Train ning for Flight F and Groun d Operations Course C o objectives s Understand U ing of how h to conduct effective Part O OPS com mpliance monitoring m activities in relation to flight operations o Understand U h to conduct ing of how compliance monitoriing activiities in re elation to ccontracted activities such as ground hand dling in an efffective com Knowledge K mpliance monitoring m process which w will provide adequate fe eedback to o the Acco ountable Manager, M in n line with determinatio d on of the ro oot causess of findingss and adeq quacy of corrective actions in comp Knowledge K pliance mo onitoring te echniques to facilitatte a fully effective compliance monitoring process in re elation to fflight and ground op perations and suppo orting the achievem ment of business ob bjectives
Target T atte endees Compliance C e Monittoring (Quality) Managers M a and Auditorrs Accountable A e Manag gers and Flight to Operations O Manage ers willing understand and ensure e th hat the compliance monitoring and as ssociated audit proce ess will provide p the em with sufficient asssurance off the adequ uacy and effectivenesss of opera ations in re elation to re egulatory ccompliance Prerequisit P tes Aviation A ope erations background
Cours se plan
Manageme M ent system m requireme ents of Parrt OPS O
The T Princip ples of Mannagement System
The T role & responsib ilities of a Compliancce Manager M
Complianc C e auditing as an integral part of manageme m ent
Developme D ent of comppliance mo onitoring programme p es
Complianc C e auditing and reportting metho ods
Audit A plann ning and deevelopmen nt of checkk lists
Best B practices in auddit conduct
Auditing A sk kills and tecchniques
Factual F rep porting of aaudit findings
Interactive audit role play activity
Audit A reporrts and reccords
Non-compl N iance roott cause dettermination n,
Corrective C action andd audit follo ow-up
Competenc C cy and evaaluation of the auditors
Psychologi P cal aspectts of auditing
Auditor A perrsonal attri butes, kno owledge an nd skills s
Education, E work expeerience, au uditor training and a audit experience e e
Duration D 3 days 13
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 Q QUALIT TY STA ANDAR RDS In ndustrial perfforman nce Supplly Chain Maturity y Course C o objectives s
Cours se plan
Kn nowledge a and use of the tools including IA AQG tool in measuring performance of ind dustrial p processes from ex xisting or po otential ssuppliers and yo our own org ganization:
The intternationall aviatio on regu ulatory environme ent: IAQG and their missions m
SCMH (Supply Chain Manage ement Handbook k) tool : SS SCAM (Su upplier Sele ection & Capability As sessment Model) and associated d documennts.
SSCAM ((Supplier Selection S & Capability Assessm ment Model) Understa anding of the imp provement process of perform mances of suppliers your on (selfand off organizatio assessment)
Lead L an a assessmen nt of the maturity le evel of industrial pe erformances using SSCAM S an nd develo op an actiion plan/ im mprovement plan of the industrial network of your orga anization and/or the organization o n.
Target T atttendees Quality Q Departmentt second partts auditorss
first f
Managers M of the diffferent org ganization sectors Any A staff involved in i the ce ertification process p
Prerequis P sites Knowledge K of the process appro oach
Duration D 1 day
Processes and theeir contributting factors Maturity y Levels Maturity y level eval uation Assess sment Repoort of the ma aturity level
Evaluation n of the orgganization and visualization of resu lts
Identification of gapss and issue e of action n plan/impro ovement
Follow-up of the act ions
Practical exercises e oof evaluatio on and issue of the action plan
This course c wa as develooped in partnership p p with EAQG G
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 Q QUALIT TY STA ANDAR RDS In ndustrial perfforman nce SCM MH (Sup pply Chaiin Manag gement Handboo H ok) - Ass essmentt tools Course C o objectives s Knowledge K and use the 2 IA AQG toolss with w regard d to perform mance eva aluation off in ndustrial prrocesses of o your sup ppliers and of o your own o organizatio on (self-assessmen a nt):
Control C the e performa ances imp provementt approach a of you ur suppliers and subcontracttors and your organization using the tw wo IAQG dedicated to ools Lead L an asssessment of the maturity level of o industria al performances and d develop p an a action p plan /impro ovement plan p of an organization o n industria al network Use U a P PPDAC qu uestionnaire as a supplementtary guide to SSCAM M in orderr to o perform a more dettailed asse essment off th he organizzation or off an ability to assesss risks and in nteractivity between processes p
Target T atttendees Quality Q De epartment staff, first f and second partts auditorss Managers M of the diff fferent organization sectors
Prerequis P sites
Cours se plan
The intternationall aviatio on regu ulatory environme ent: IAQG and their missions m
IAQG SC CMH (Suppply Chain Manage ement Handbook k) Tools, S SSCAM & PPDAC: P
SSCAM The org ganization i ndustrial prrocesses the process Contriributing facto ors, the org ganization m maturity level evaluatio on The ma aturity level Evaluation Report
PPDAC From certification c to improvem ment of products The too ol use and aadaptation with w regard to the company objectivees Preparation to Process or Organization evaluattion
Evaluation n of tthe visualization of resu lts
Identification of gap s and issu ue of action n plan improvem ment/plan
Follow-up of actionss
Practice exercises e oof evaluation and isssue of the Action n Plan
orga anization
This course c wa as develooped in partnership p p with EAQG G
Knowledge K of the process appro oach
Duration D 2 days
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION A Aviation n Regu ulatory y Frame ework EASA A regulattory fram mework structure s e
Course C o objectives s
Cours se plan
Knowledge K of the Eu uropean regulatory frramework of civil aviation in its in nternationa al and Euro opean conttext Become B familiar with the e new European E R Regulationss structure e Understand U d the implicatio ons of members m sstates and their own national re egulation
Presentatio P on of the E EASA and its i new responsibil r ities
Presentatio P on of the E EU regulatio ons adoption process p
Presentatio P on of the n ew Europe ean regulations structure s
Presentatio P on of the n ew division ns of responsibil r ities betweeen EASA and the Members M States S
Target T atttendees
The T EASA flight standdards regu ulations (Air Crew, C Air operations o and TCO)
The T EASA ATM/ANS S regulation n (Air Trafffic Controllers C s and Air N avigation System) S
The T EASA Aerodrom me regulatio on (Aerodrrome certification c n)
Everyone E
Prerequis P sites None N
Duration D 1 day
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION A Aviation n Regu ulatory y Frame ework Aviatio on Legislation - E Equivalent to Module 10 o of Part 66
Course C o objectives s Familiarisat F tion with th he internattional and European E requirem ments an nd their re elationship p with other o airw worthiness re egulations codes understan Detailed D nding off EASA re egulations,, approva als, and associated a privileges p Have H an understtanding of legal re esponsibilities Familiarisat F tion with h the regulation document la ayout
Target T atttendees Accountabl A e manag gers, qua ality and te echnical m managers Anyone A iinvolved in civil aircraft operation, o maintenan nce and continuing c airworthines a ss
Courrse plan
Overview w of the inteernational and Europ pean regulation n framewoork
The EASA Part 66 regulation (Maintena ance personne el licenses))
The EASA Part 1455 regulation (Approve ed maintena ance organnizations)
The EASA OPS reggulation (C Commercia al Air Transporrt)
The EASA Part 21 regulation (Certificattion of Aircraft)
The EASA Part M rregulation (Continuing Airworthiness)
Internatio onal and naational spe ecificationss (SB, CRS, ETOPS etc.)
Control of o acquired knowledg ge
Prerequis P sites General G kn nowledge in i aeronau utical field of o civil airccraft operration, ma aintenance and a continu uing airworrthiness
Duration D 4 days
This cou urse cov vers all to opics of Module 10 (Part 66 – App pendix 1)
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION C Civil Av viation Autho orities Airworrthiness Inspecto or Basic Training g Course C o objectives s Understand U ding of all the airwo orthiness aspects a ba ased on the interrnational re egulations and EASA A requirements Understand U ding of all ne ecessary in nformation in relation n to the ta asks the must Airworthine A ss Inspector accomplish a within th he frame of their airworthines a ss duties Acquire A an exhaustive review of o all the ta asks that h have to be e performe ed by an Airworthine A ss Inspecttor
Target T atttendees Prospective P e and ne ew National CAA and Airworthine A ss Inspectors re epresentattives of op perators in contact with w the aviation autho orities
Cours se plan
International requirem ments (ICA AO SARPS S and Documents D s)
EASA E requ uirements
Responsib R ilities of thee State and State regulatory r system
The T role, duties and rresponsibilities of the e Airworthine A ess Inspect ctor
Human H Fac ctors
Safety S Man nagement System
Initial & Co ontinuous A Airworthine ess
EASA E Part M & EASA A Part 145 5
Airworthine A ess functtional documenta d ation
Airworthine A ess operaational org ganisation and documenta d ation
Certificates C s, approvaals, bullettins, direcctives, permits, p lic censes andd supervis sion reportts that are a used within w the frrame of airrworthinesss task accomplish a hment
Oversight O processes p
Prerequis P sites Knowledge K in Airrworthines ss and Operations O and Mana agement co oncepts
org ganisation
Duration D 5 days
Note: On--Job Training (OJT) in local nattional proce edures is generally g pperformed at nationall level, with the a assistance of Bureau Veritas (o n request).
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION C Civil Av viation Autho orities A Airworth hiness In nspector Recurre ent Trainiing Course C o objectives s
Cours se plan
Addressing A of special focus areas and detailed training on se elected are eas Provision P o of updated informa ation on re evised a and new w airwo orthiness le egislation Remaining R of Airworrthiness In nspector qualification ns throug gh a con ntinuous upgrade pro ocess
Update on:
ICAO SAPRS and doocuments
EASA E requ uirements
Airworthine A ess Inspect ctor recurre ent training
requ uirements
The T role, duties annd responsibilities of o the Airworthine A ess Inspect ctor (remind der)
Airworthine A ess inspecttions
Target T atttendees
Facility F insp pections
National N CA AA Airwortthiness Ins spectors and a perso onnel fro om organ nisations being b subcontracte ed to perform operational o oversight functions
Oversight O processes p
Auditing A prrocedures
Workshops W s with all paarticipants
Prerequis P sites Basic B Airwo orthiness trraining
Duration D 2 days
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION C Civil Av viation Autho orities Flight Operation O ns Inspec ctor Basic Traini ng Course C o objectives s Understand U ding off the basic re equiremen nts of th he AOC safety oversight o a and providing a platfform for fu urther stud dy Understand U ding th he role & re esponsibilities of the e flight op perations in nspector Compliance C e with h interrnational re egulations (ICAO SA ARPS) and d EASA re equiremen nts for FO OI qualific cation & continuous upgrade process in ncluding re ecurrent tra aining at re egular intervals Acquire A o oversight technique es and auditing a pro ocedures Knowledge K in SS SP and SMS im mplementa ation
Cours se plan
International requirem ments (ICA AO SARPS S and Documents D s)
EASA E and National reequiremen nts
The T role, duties and rresponsibilities of the e FOI
AOC A issuance and coontinuing oversight o
Flight F inspe ections
Ramp R inspections
Cabin C safety oversighht
Human H Fac ctors in Avviation and CRM
Regulatory R y auditing teechniques
Aircrew A training standdardisation n
MMELs M and MELs
Flight F data Monitoringg
Target T atttendees
Leasing L
Prospective P e and ne ew National CAA Flight F Op perations Inspectorrs and personnel p from org ganisations s being subcontractted to pe erform ope erational oversight o fu unctions
Aircraft A ma aintenance and contin nued airworthine a ess
Complianc C e monitorinng system
Safety S Man nagement System
Prerequis P sites
Dangerous D s Goods
Training T an nd manage ement exp perience in n aviation a as an asse et
Duration D 5 days Note: On n-Job Training (OJT T) includin g local na ational pro ocedures is generally perform med at national le evel, with an a assistan nce of Bure eau Veritas s (on reque est).
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION C Civil Av viation Autho orities Flight Ope erations Inspecto or Recurrent Traiining Course C o objectives s
Cours se plan
Addressing A of specia al focus are eas and detailed training on se elected are eas Provision P o of updated informa ation on re evised and new op perational aviation le egislation Remaining R of FO OI qualiffications th hrough a ccontinuous upgrade process p
Update on:
Target T atttendees National N CAA Fllight Op perations In nspectors and personnel from organisation o ns being subcontra acted to perform p ope erational oversight o fu unctions
Prerequis P sites In nitial (basicc) FOI traiining and On-JobTraining T
ICAO SAPRS and opperational issues i
EASA E OPS S with curreent update es, includin ng AMCs A and GMs for ccontinuing safety s oversight of o commercial and noon-commercial organisatio o ons
FOI F recurre ent trainingg requirements
Reminder R on o the rolee, duties an nd responsibil r ities of thee FOI
Ramp R inspections
Flight F inspe ections
Facility F insp pections
Oversight O techniques t s
Auditing A prrocedures
Workshops W s with all paarticipants
Duration D 2 days
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION C Civil Av viation Autho orities Ca abin Safe ety Inspe ector Tra aining Course C o objectives s Understand U ding of the factors, which w the re egulator w will need to include in a cabin safety overssight progrramme Detailed D kn nowledge of Air OPS and AIR A CREW W cabin sa afety requirements and a their im mplementattion Knowledge K in establishing a cabin safety inspe ection prog gramme
Cours se plan
Cabin C Crew w Training and relate ed requiremen r nts: Initial Cabin Crew ((CC) trainin ng Cabin crew c Recurrrent training g Cabin crew c Refressher training g Cabin crew c converrsion and diifferences training Single cabin c crew ooperations training Senior Cabin C Crew w Member (S SCCM) training
Target T atttendees
Familiarization trainning
National N CAA Fllight Op perations Safety In nspectors and Cabin Operations O Inspectorss
Cabin crew c safety procedures s manual an nd training manual Cabin crew c trainingg records
Cabin C Safe ety Inspecttion Progra amme:
Prerequis P sites
Aircraft inspection
Basic B know wledge in the interrnational and a Air OPS requirrements fo or cabin safety operations
Demons stration/prooving flight Cabin ra amp inspecction Cabin crew c pre-fligght briefing Cabin crew c pre-fligght cabin em mergency &
Duration D
safety equipment e ccheck
3 days
Cabin fllight inspect ction
Passenger P r safety relaated inform mation: Passenger safety bbriefing card ds Pre-fligh ht safety briiefings Passenger briefinggs in emergency
Emergency E y evacuatioon: Emerge ency evacuaation proced dures
Emerge ency evacuaation demon nstration tesst (AC 25.803-1A)
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION C Civil Av viation Autho orities SS SP - Statte Safety y Program mme Course C o objectives s
Courrse plan
Provide P the e participants unde erstanding of: o
Introduction to the ssafety concept
State Sa afety Progra amme conc cepts
ICAO S Standards and Reco ommended Practice es (SARPs)) on SSP
Regulato ory requirem ments of Civil C Aviatio on Authoritie es
SSP definition and objectives s
The rela ationship be etween SSP P and SMS
Relations ship betweeen SSP an nd SMS
The re esponsibilitie es related to safety oversigh ht
SSP fram mework:
Safety Po olicy & Objjectives
Safety Riisk Manageement
Safety As ssurance
Safety Prromotion
Presenta ation of the European n Aviation Safety S Programm me & Plan (EASP)
Implemen ntation of S SSP
Developm ment of thee SSP man nual
Safety ov versight: auudit techniques
Develop D participantts’ knowlledge im mplement a an SSP Plan P the implementation of an SSP S
Target T atttendees Director D G General of Civil Aviation Authorities A Representa R atives fro om Civil Aviation Authorities A with respo onsibilities regarding SSP S or SMS
Prerequis P sites None N
Duration D 1 day
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION C Civil Av viation Autho orities Also contact us for:
Safety S Man nagement System In nspectors s Training T dedicated to Civil Aviattion staff in n charge off oversight related to SMS for aeronautica a al organisation o ns includin ng carriers,, airports, m manufacturers and maintenanc m ce organisa ation
ICAO Safe ety Audit (USOAP) ( Training T of personnel from Civil Aviation A Authorities to the USO OAP audit and the 19 9 ICAO Annexes A re equirementts
Accidents A s & Inciden nts investigation The T training g includes the role off accidentss/incidents investigation within tthe safety manageme ent, and a introduces the invvestigation n technique es as well as a the associated moodel and to ools
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION In nitial Airwort A hiness s Part 21 1 subparrt J - Des sign Orga anisation n Approv val (DOA A)
Course C o objectives s Knowledge K in PART T 21 Subp parts for enhanced e understa anding of their in nterconnecctivity and d contribu ution to airworthines a ss specific Good G un nderstandin ng of re equiremen nts of Part 21 parrticularly th hose in Subpart J relative r to Design activities a (D DOA)
Cours se plan
International Civil Aviiation Regu ulations
European E civil c aviatioon regulatio ons structu ure
The T concept of approoval and its s implicatio ons
The T different Subpartts in Part 21 2
Detailed D prresentationn of Part 21 1 Subpart J requiremen r nts: DOA aapproval
Obligations O s and rightss related to o the appro oval
DAO D appro oval processs presentation
Target T atttendees
Initial issua ance of DO OA approva al
Quality Q A Assurance e, airwo orthiness manageme m nt, engin neering, method, control, and d customerr service sttaff
Continuing C DAO apprroval proce ess
Control C of acquired a kknowledge
Prerequis P sites General G kno owledge in n aeronautical field
Duration D 1 day
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION In nitial Airwort A hiness s P Part 21 subpart s G - Produ uction Organisation Apprroval (PO OA)
Course C o objectives s Be B familiar with the EA ASA regulation for th he producttion of aircrraft Have H a de etailed und derstanding g of the EASA E PAR RT 21G (P POA) requirements and a know its scope e and ob bjectives re elated to cconception and produ uction of aeronautica a al materialss (components)
Cours se plan IC CAO: Overv view of thee international regulattions EA ASA (European Aviattion Safety y Agency): History and Organisati on Eu uropean Regulationss (IR, CS ettc.) Re egulation structure s Sttatus on ne ew regulati ons develo opments EA ASA PART T 21:
Target T atttendees
Presentation P n of the doccument, objectives
Assurance A Qualityy, airwo orthiness manageme m nt, engin neering, method, production, p control, and customer service stafff
Definitions D
Prerequis P sites
De etail review w of the Suubpart G (P Production Ap pproval)
General G kno owledge in n aeronautical field
Design D Orga anisation Appproval (DO OA) Production P Organisatio O on Approval (POA) Additional A Chapters: C TC C, modificattions & STC C, repair definitio on, ETSO eetc.
Ho ow to use the t EASA Form 1
Duration D 1 day
Co ontrol of ac cquired knoowledge
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION In nitial Airwort A hiness s Also contact us for:
Part 21 s subpart B – Type-Ce ertificates s Understan nding the process p tha at allows th he Civil Av viation Auth horities to iissue Type e Certificattes for aircraft an nd to mana age change es to such TC
Part 21 s subpart D//E – Chang ges to Typ pe Certific cates and Supplemeental Type e Certifica ates Presentattion of the processes for the ap pproval of changes, c depending d on their cla assification ns and on the privvileges of the t applica ant
Part 21 s subpart M – Repairs s Understan nding the process p forr the appro oval of repa airs as welll as the asssociated requiremen r nts and DOA privileges
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION In nitial Airwort A hiness s DO--178 - So oftware considera c ations in n airborne system ms certifiication Course C o objectives s Knowledge K in the requirements related to o critical ae eronautical software in the pro Knowledge K ocess to be e applied a for certification of airborrne software in how to adapt this Knowledge K approach a in n special ca ases covered by th he standarrd (automa atic coding, software reuse...)
Cours se plan
Regulatory R y context off certification
General G principles annd system aspects: System certificationn VS softwa are certificattion Software e levels Architectural optionns
Development plannning:
Definition of the life cycle Objectives and plannning activitties
Target T atttendees
Transitio on criteria
Project P man nagers, software man nagers, methods m en ngineers, people p in charge of o the certiffication of airborne a sy ystems, quality assu urance managers Any A staff invvolved in developing d software forr complex or highly in ntegrated a aircraft sysstems
Plans an nd standardds The environment (m methods, tools ...) Development proceess
Supporting S activities: Verification Configurration manaagement Quality Assurance A
Prerequis P sites
General G kno owledge of software engineering e g and softw ware Qualitty Assurance A
Duration D 2 days
Demonstra D ation of com mpliance: Traceability informaation Verification Certification coordinnation
Specific S aspects: Commerrcial softwa re Software e reuse Development tools and environ nment
Specific means of ccompliance
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION In nitial Airwort A hiness s D DO-254 - Design Assuran A ce for Airborne Electron E ic Hardw ware Course C o objectives s
Cours se plan
Knowledge K in th he requirements applicable a to airb borne ellectronic hardware Knowledge K in the procedure e to be applied a for the certification of airborne a hardware
Regulatory R y context off certification
General G principles annd system aspects:
Target T atttendees
Project P Managers, hardware managers, m metho ods engineers, people p in ccharge of the t certific cation of airborne a systems, quality q assurance managers m Any A staff in nvolved in the development of o electron nic hardwa are (PCB, ASIC, PAL, P etc.)) for com mplex or highly in ntegrated a aircraft sysstems
System certificationn VS hardwa are certifica ation The leve els of criticaality of the equipment Development plannning
Developme D ent processs: Requirem ments colleection Preliminary and dettailed design Realization Transferr into producction Acceptance testing Mass production
Support S ac ctivities: Verification and valiidation Configurration manaagement
Prerequis P sites General G design
kknowledge e
Duration D 2 days
Quality Assurance A
ele ectronics
Demonstra D ation of com mpliance: Docume entation andd information traceabilitty
Specific S as spects: Materials s Trade The reus sed materiaals In-servic ce experiencce
Tool qua alification
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION In nitial Airwort A hiness s Also contact us for:
SB S – Service Bulletin Understand U ding of the concept off Service B Bulletin, the e different SB categoories and how h to establish, e a approve and issue a Service S Bu ulletin
In ndividual A Aircraft Certificatio C on Understand U ding of the Individual Aircraft Ce ertification process and the reqquirements to complyy with in n order to o obtain a Ce ertificate of Airworthi ness (C off A)
Part/CCAR P R 21 – Com mparison between b E EASA and CAAC reg gulations Knowing K the main diffferences between Ch hinese and d European n regulationns for the Design and d Production P of aircraft and their component c ts
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION C Continu uing Aiirworth hiness Manag gementt Pa art M subparts G & I - Co ontinuing g Airwortthiness M Managem ment Course C o objectives s Detailed D un nderstandiing of the e EASA Part P M re equirementts related to the manageme m nt of aircra aft airworth hiness Ability A to crreate and maintain a Part M approval a Understand U ding of lega al responsiibilities Familiarisat F tion with the re egulation document la ayout
Target T atttendees Technical T managers in air transport companies,, accountable manag gers and Qu Technical T uality Ma anagers, Quality Q Au uditors off repair stations (a aircraft or ccomponents) Anyone A involved in maintenance organization o ns
Prerequis P sites General G kno owledge in n aeronautical field
Cours se plan
General G ov verview of tthe Europe ean regula ation
General G ov verview of aall subpartts of the EU U 2042/2003 2 Europeann regulation n Part M
Definition D of o responsiibilities
Definition D of o Continui ng Airwortthiness Manageme M ent
Maintenanc M ce standarrds
Aviation A co omponentss
Continuing C airworthinness management Organisatio O on (CAMO O)
Continuing C airworthinness management exposition e (CAME): ppresentatio on of the document, d objectivess, content
Certificate C for Releasse to Servic ce (CRS)
Airworthine A ess Review w
Airworthine A ess Review w Certificatte (ARC) isssue
Control C of acquired a kknowledge
Duration D 1 day
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION C Continu uing Aiirworth hiness Manag gementt Part M subpa art F/G/I - Mainten nance Orrganisatiion for no on-large e aircraft Course C o objectives s
Cours se plan
Getting G to grips witth the ap pplicable non-large aircraftt maintenance re equiremen nts in Europ pe Understand U ding of ho ow to obtain and maintain m aP Part M sub bpart F app proval Have H an understa anding of legal re esponsibilities
Regulation R structure
Introduction to the Paart M subparts
Definitions D of responssibilities
Definition D of o Managem ment, Continuing C Airworthi ness
Maintenanc M ce standarrds
Aircraft A com mponents
Target T atttendees
Maintenanc M ce Organizzation struc cture
Managers M and perso onnel invo olved in lig ght aircraftt maintena ance Aircraft A O Owners, Presidentts and Technical T M Managers of o flying sc chool Aircraft A eng gineers
Maintenanc M ce Organissation Man nual
Certificate C of Releasee to Servic ce (CRS)
Airworthine A ess Review w Certificatte (ARC)
Issue and renewal r off ARC
Importation n of Aircrafft
Assessmen A nt of acqui red knowle edge
Prerequis P sites Knowledge K of aviation airworthines a ss principle es
Duration D 2 days
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION C Continu uing Aiirworth hiness Manag gementt Mainten nance Prrogramm me Course C o objectives s Understand U ding of th he objectiv ves and th he role of a Maintena ance Progrramme Developme D ent and use of o the Maintenanc M ce Program mme Update U a and imprrovement of a Maintenanc M ce Program mme
Target T atttendees Personnel P in charg ge of Co ontinuing Airworthine A ss and involved in the developmen nt and use of Maintenance Programme P e and Relia ability Prog gramme
Prerequis P sites Basics B of the regula atory environment fo or the continuin ng airwo orthiness manageme m nt of aircra aft
Duration D 1 day
Cours se Plan
General G Co oncepts: General G Prrinciples off the Maintenance Programme P e (MP) Definition D and a naturee of the diffe erent manuals Responsib R ility, Appliccability, Ap pproval Developme D ent State S regullatory requuirements Instructions s for Continnuing Airw worthiness (ICA) The T MSG-3 3 process The T certific cation requuirements (ALI, ( CMR) EWIS E and CDCCL Modificatio M ns & Operrations MP M for a fle eet of the ssame aircrraft type Customiza C tion of a M MP to a parrticular airccraft Change C Ma anagemennt Predictive P Operation O of the airc craft Low L Utilisa ation Requiirements (L LUR) Specific S typ pe of operaation (weather, environme e nt, manoeuuvre, ETOPS etc.) Structure S and a contennts of a MP P Backgroun B d & pagingg Recommen R ndations & mistakes to be avoid ded Pitfalls P and d recommeendations Three T case e studies Amendmen A nt - Optimizzation MP M amendment and annual update MP M optimiz zation and use of Reliability Programme P e Merging M of maintenannce tasks Approval A Steps S and approval P Process Documents D s introduceed by the Authority A Indirect approval
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION C Continu uing Aiirworth hiness Manag gementt Reliab bility Pro ogramme e Course C o objectives s
Cours se plan
Understand U ding of th he objectiv ves and stakes re elated to o a Reliability R Programme P e Developme D ent and intterpretation n of the re esults of th he Reliability Program mme In ntroduction n of the outcome of the re eliability an nalysis into o the Maintenance Programme P e
General G
Target T atttendees
History H and d evolutionn of aircraftt maintenance concepts c Definition D and a objectiives of a Reliability R Programme P e Relationsh R ip betweenn Reliability y Programme & Maintenanc M ce Program mme Reliability R Programm P e management in the e CAME C Regulatory R y Requirem ments Review R of the t differennt regulato ory requiremen r nts When W is a Reliability Programm me required d? Case C studies Examples E of o indicato ors that can n be used to t track t reliab bility Definition D of o alert leveels Example E of applicatioon: reliability problem m of the t OFV Sources S Sources S off data to deevelop a Reliability R Programme P e Examples E of o incidentts Part P remov val rate andd reliability y tracking Information n processinng Calculation C n of indicattors Data D proce essing by ssimple analysis Form F and content c of a reliability y report Example E of Reliabilityy Reports Data D Analy ysis Method M of examiningg data Consequen C nces of Daata Analysis Decisions D Example E of cost-beneefit analysis Engine E Condition Moonitoring General G principles off engine reliability
Personnel P in charg ge of Co ontinuing Airworthine A ss and involved in the developmen nt and use of Maintenance Programme P e and Relia ability Prog gramme
Prerequis P sites Basics B of the regula atory environment fo or the continuin ng airwo orthiness manageme m nt of aircra aft
Duration D 1 day
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION C Continu uing Aiirworth hiness Manag gementt Also contact us for:
Airworthin A ess Revie ew Know-how K related to the t aircraftt records re eview and aircraft ph hysical exaamination required r for the is ssuance off an Airworrthiness Re eview Certtificate or a recomme endation too the competent Authority
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION M Mainten nance Part 145 5 - EASA Mainten nance Orrganisatio on Appro oval (MO OA) Course C o objectives s
Cours se plan
Detailed D un nderstandiing of the e EASA Part P 145 requirements and a its re elationship p with other airwo orthiness re egulations codes Ability A to create and a mainttain an approval a fo or aircraft and components maintenanc m ce Understand U ding off the legal re esponsibilities Familiarisat F tion with the re egulation document la ayout
General G ov verview of tthe new European regulations r s
The T Europe ean regulaation Part 145: 1
Additional A proceduress versus th he JAR 145 5 MOE M
Target T atttendees
Responsib R ilities relateed to certiffication and d the aircraft a Cerrtificate forr Release to t Service (CRS) (
The T compo onents Cerrtificate for Release to service s EA ASA FORM M1
Control C of acquired a kknowledge
Accountabl A e managers, quality and te echnical m managers, quality aud ditors of re epair statio ons (aircrafft or compo onents) Accountabl A e manag gers and quality managers m of PART T 145 approved organization o ns Anyone A involved in maintenance organization o ns
Prerequis P sites None N
Duration D 1 day
Detailed presentatioon Definitions Quality requirement r ts including g the AMCs Maintenance Organnisation Exp position (MO OE): Presenta ation of the document, objectives Content
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION M Mainten nance CCAR R 145 - CA AAC Maiintenanc ce Organisation A Approval Course C o objectives s Detailed D un nderstandin ng of the Chinese Regulation R CCAR R Part 145 re equiremen nts, includin ng practica al details as a regards approval isssue and renewal, r fo or aircraftt and co omponents s repair stations Ability A to m meet the increasing needs n of th he Chinese e aviation market m
Cours se plan
General G inttroduction: international regulattion context c
Regulation R stake: saffety
The T interna ational reguulation
General G inttroduction: CAAC History
Target T atttendees Accountabl A e managers, quality and te echnical m managers, quality aud ditors of re epair statio ons (aircrafft or compo onents) Accountabl A e mana agers, te echnical managers m o of operatorrs Anyone A involved in maintenance organization o ns
Prerequis P sites Knowledge K of aircraft maintenan nce and its regulatorry environm ment (Partt 145)
Regulation structuree
Application A n for CCAR R Part 145 R3 approvval
CCAR C Partt 145 R3 reegulation: Detailed presentatioon Definitions, requirem ments Differenc ces with EA ASA PART1 145 Differenc ces with CC CAR Part 14 45 R2
Maintenanc M ce Manuall: documen nt presenta ation, objectives, o content
Implementa ation in thee existing documenta d ation (MOE) (
Release R off aircraft coomponent with w Form AAC038 0
Control C of acquired a kknowledge
Duration D 1 day
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION M Mainten nance P Part 66 - Aircraft Maintenance Lic cence (AM ML) Course C o objectives s
Cours se plan
Knowledge K of the EASA E reg gulations re egarding q qualification n of certifyiing staff Detailed D un nderstandiing of the e EASA Part P 66 requirem ments and its re elationship p with other airwo orthiness re egulation ccodes Understand U ding off the legal re esponsibilities Familiarity F with the re egulation document la ayout Ability A to a apply the requireme ent in a practical p ma anner
International Aviationn environment
European E community c y aviation regulations r s
Links L between mainteenance reg gulations: Part P 145, Part P 66, Paart 147
Part P 66 and d the licencces princip ple:
Target T atttendees
Equivalenc E ce, grandfaathering rig ghts
Accountabl A e managers, quality and managerss, te echnical PART T 145 maintenanc m ce worksho op certifying staff Part P 147 tra aining scho ools manag gers
Additional A trainings t
Highlights H on o the lastt amendme ent of 2042/2003 2 :
Certifying staff cateegories Application Privilege es Experien nce requirem ments Basic kn nowledge reequirements s and task rating r training
New B3 licence
Prerequis P sites
Changes s in type annd group rattings and tyype training
Knowledge K of aircraftt maintenance and its regulatorry environm ment (Partt 145)
Changes s in the privvileges of B1 and B2 licences
Duration D 1 day
Control C of acquired a kknowledge
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION M Mainten nance Pa art 147 - Maintenance Tra aining Orrganisation Apprroval (MT TOA)
Course C o objectives s Detailed D un nderstandiing of the e EASA Part P 147 requirements and a its re elationship p with other airwo orthiness re egulation ccodes Understand U ding of lega al responsiibilities Familiarisat F tion with the re egulation document la ayout Ability A to a apply the requireme ent in a practical p ma anner
Target T atttendees Accountabl A e managers, quality and te echnical ers, instructors, manage examiners e and staff of o training schools managers m Accountabl A e manag gers and quality managers m of PART T 145 approved organization o ns
Cours se plan
International Aviationn environment
European E community c y aviation regulations r s
Aircraft A ma aintenance Regulations
PART P 147 and relateed AMC: Definitions Detailed presentatioon, Requirem ments
Organizatio O on of an Appproved Maintenanc M e training t sch hool
The T Mainte enance Traaining Orga anisation Exposition E (MTOE): Presenta ation of the document Objectives Structure e
Basic B trainiing: theoreetical and practical p tra aining
Basic B know wledge exaamination
Theoretica T l and practtical task ra ating training
Prerequis P sites Knowledge K of aircraftt maintenance and its regulatorry environm ment (Partt 145)
Duration D 1 day
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION M Mainten nance P Part/FAR 145 & CAR 573 - Comparison between EA ASA, FA AA & CAR 573 regu ulations Objective O es course e Understand U ding of the similaritties and th he main difference es betwe een the EASA E (European Aviation Safety Agency), A tthe FAA (Federal Aviation Administrat A tion) and TCAA (Transport Canadian C C Civil Aviatio on) for airc craft and components maintena ance requirements Knowledge K how to ob btain and maintain m a FAR145 a and CAR 573 5 Repairr Station approval a ass per the MAG M agreement
Target T atttendees Any A person nnel involve ed in a BA ASA-MIP agreement a or seeking g such agre eement Any A staff involved in n maintenance of aircraft a acccording to o regulatio on FAR 145 and/or Part 145
Prerequis P sites Knowledge K of regulation EASA Part 145
Duration D 1 day
Cours se plan
International (ICAO) aand Europ pean regula atory environme e nt
Structure S of o the US reegulations
Structure S of o the EU reegulations
Production P and mainttenance in n the Europ pean Union U and the Unitedd States
Maintenanc M ce (FAR 1445, FAR 43, FAR 65, FAR 121 1 Subpa art L)
Integration of FAR 1445 and FAR R 43 requiremen r nts in the re regulation Part P 145
Taking T into o account tthe require ement CAR R 573 & 571 in the MAG EA ASA - TCA AA
Detailed D co omparison of EASA Part P 145, 14 1 CFR C Part 145 1 (FAR1 45) and CAR 573 (T TCAA) requiremen r nts
Release R to Service foor an EASA A Part 145 5, 14 CFR C Part 145 1 (FAR1 45) and fo or the CAR 573 (TCAA) ( – EASA E Form m 1 “dual release” r
Maintenanc M ce Organissation Exposition (MO OE), the t specific c chapter fo for FAA agreement (p part 7) 7 and the TCAA (parrt 8)
Control C of acquired a kknowledge
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION M Mainten nance CRS - Certifica ate of Re elease to o Service e Course C O Objective es Knowledge K of the ap pplicable re equiremen nts related d to airc craft or aircraft a com mponent Re elease to Service S Knowledge K of the e respon nsibilities associated a to the issu ue of a CRS S
Target T atttendees Accountabl A e mana agers, te echnical managers, m quality managers s, team le eaders Any A person nnel involve ed in maintenance of o aircraft/aircraft com mponent Certifying C staff
Cours se plan
Definition, D objectives o
Certifying C staff s
Qualificatio Q ons
Responsib R ilities
Tasks T
Intervention n of subcoontractors
Documents D s used
EASA E Form m 1, CRS-C CRM
FAA F Form 8130-3
Control C of acquired a k nowledge
Prerequis P sites Knowledge K of aviattion maintenance and a regulattory environment
Duration D 0,5 0 day
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION M Mainten nance Suspec cted Una approved d Parts (SUP) - Bogus B Pa arts
Course C O Objective es
Co ourse pla an
Knowledge K and advicce to courrse participants p s in enabling them to more m succcessful recognitio on, manageme m nt and report of BOGUS B PA ARTS prob blems.
Enviro onment and d History ((Definition, issues, History y from 199 95 to preseent…)
Why should we w unapproved partts?
Cost and a impact of installinng SUPs
Target T atttendees
Parts Approval Processses Role es and Respo onsibilities (FAA, E EASA, Certificate, holderrs, Manufac cturers, MR ROs…)
Receiv ving Inspections andd how unapproved parts enter e the system
Determ mining the e status oof parts and a part substa antiation
Determ mining airw worthiness of parts Involved I In acciidents
Part Marking M Re equirementts; new an nd used parts with w update ed materiaals
Fabric cation of pa arts during maintenan nce
Civil and Legal Impact of pproducing, selling, certific cating, or in nstalling Unnapproved d Parts
What is being done too address s SUPs problem? (Industry, Governnment)
Reportting a SU UP and intterfacing with w the FAA/E EASA
Setting g up a SUP program m and actio ons that you ca an take
Servic ces those are a availa ble to ass sist your organization
Accountabl A e mana agers, any a corporate operator, air carrie er, manufactur m rer, repair station and supplier that is invo olved in the procuremen p nt, m manageme nt, in nspection, distribu ution and approval a of p parts and components within the aviation supply chaiin and can n be a dire ect link to prevvent a SUP P from being in nstalled in an aircrafft, engine or system.
Prerequis P sites Knowledge K maintenanc m ce environmen e nt
Duration D 1 day
of and
aviation regulato ory
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION M Mainten nance Hum man Facto ors - Awa areness course Course C o objectives s
Cours se plan
Understand U ding of the appearance process p off human errors an nd their consequencces within n the aircraft or component maintenan nce organisations Knowledge K of the factors that allow a diminution o of these ca auses Knowledge K in the approach re ecommend ded in the fascicle GSAC G P 54-46 5
General G inttroduction:
A new visio on on hum ans and sa afety
ICAO and EASA answ wer
Awareness A s about “Huuman Facttors”:
Physiologic P cal and meedical basis s
Operator O in ntellectual capacity and limits
Human H errors and re liability
Stress-ada S aptation-viggilance and d attention
Target T atttendees
Communic C ations withhin a team
Systems S au utomation
Decision D making m
Resources R managem ment within a team
The T operattor, actor oof a comple ex system
Synthesis: S what is a ssafe organ nisation?
Prerequis P sites
Dangerous D s attitudes and their prevention p
None N
Glossary G
Duration D
Control C of acquired a kknowledge
Airline A ma aintenance staff, Pa art 145 maintenanc m ce organisation staff (quality managers, m anagers, technical ma engineers, e ng staff, operatorss, certifyin etc.) e
1 day
Bureau Veritas participa p ated in th he writing g of Fasc cicle P 5 54-46
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION M Mainten nance Hum man Facttors - Advanced course c Course C o objectives s Understand U ding of the appearance process p off human errors an nd their consequencces within n the aircraft or component maintenan nce organisations Knowledge K of the factors that allow a diminution o of these ca auses Know K led dge in the approach re ecommend ded in the fascicle GSAC G P 54-46 5 Im mprovement of the safety s of pe ersonnel and a produccts maintain ned
Cours se plan
General G inttroduction:
A new visio on on hum ans and sa afety
ICAO and EASA answ wer
Detailed D prresentationn of “Huma an Factors””:
Physiologic P cal and meedical basis s
Operator O in ntellectual capacity and limits
Human H errors and re liability
Stress-ada S aptation-viggilance and d attention
Communic C ations withhin a team
Systems S au utomation
Decision D making m
Resources R managem ment within a team
The T operattor, actor oof a comple ex system
Exercises E on o optical iillusions
Working W grroups:
Prerequis P sites
Actual A case e studies fr from videos s
None N
Exercises E showing s thhe importan nce of hum man factors f in th he draftingg of proced dures
Use U feedba ack effectivvely
Introduction to Safetyy Managem ment Syste em
Exercises E et e psycholoogical tests s
Control C of acquired a kknowledge
Target T atttendees Airline A ma aintenance staff, Pa art 145 maintenanc m ce organisation staff (quality technical ma managers, m anagers, engineers, e operatorss, certifyin ng staff, etc.) e
Duration D 2 days
Bureau Veritas participa p ated in th he establlishmentt of Fasc cicle P 54 4-46
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION M Mainten nance Hum man Facttors - Eq quivalentt to Modu ule 9 of P Part 66 Course C o objectives s
Cours se plan
Understand U ding of the e mechan nisms of human errrors emerrgence in aircraft maintenanc m ce Knowledge K about how w to contro ol those fa actors Im mprovement of the safety s of pe ersonnel and a produccts
General presentattion of hum man factors s
Target T atttendees People P in nvolved in component maintenan nce
Prerequis P sites None N
Duration D
Human H perrformance and huma an limitation ns
The T influen nce of psycchology in individual and a social s actio ons
The T various s factors aaffecting hu uman performanc p ce
The T influen nce of the pphysical en nvironmentt
The T errors inherent inn the organ nisation an nd execution e of o tasks
The T part off communiccation
Mastering M the t humann error proc cess
Identificatio on and conntrol of haz zards in the e workplace w
Control C of acquired a knnowledge
4 days
This courrse covers s all topics of Modu ule 9 (Part 66 – Appe endix 1)
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION M Mainten nance CD DCCL - FTS F - Crittical Des sign Con ntrol Con nfiguratio on Limita ations Fue el Tank Safety S Course C o objectives s Compliance C e with the European ED 200 Decision D 07/001/R, which re equires personnel involved in Fuel Tank T Safetty Systemss to be tra ained to CDCCL C Ability A to g give a simple descriiption of th he historiical backg ground and a the elements e requirin ng a safety consideratio on, using common n words and a show wing exa amples of o nonconformitiess
Target T atttendees
Cours se plan
Example es of Accideents Analyses and answ wers FAA an nd EASA
Fire prev vention
0,5 0 day
Concepts C and a requireements to be met Conceptts of Critica l Design Co onfiguration Control
Limitations L and Requuirements The Airw worthiness LLimitation Ittems (ALI) fuel f system Design Requiremen R nts FAA 14 CFR 25 an nd EASA CS 25 AMC De evelopment Part M and d 145 Design Changes C
Prerequis P sites
Duration D
Explanatio E ns and Firee Triangle Fire Cau uses
Quality Q managers, quality auditors, a engineers, e c of storage s people in charge Any A perso onnel invo olved in aircraft maintenanc m ce activitiess
General G kno owledge in n aeronautical field and a in aircraft mainten nance regu ulation
History H and d conceptss of Fuel Ta ank Safetyy
Maintenance proceedures Chan nges Changes s to the MO OE and job cards c
Developme D ent of inertting system ms of reserrvoirs
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TORY M Mainten nance E Electricall Wiring Intercon I nection Systems s (EWIS) - Awareness Cours se plan
Course C o objectives s Technical T a and regula atory know wledge in safety on electrical wiring in nterconnecction systems
Backgroun B nd and conntext of the e implemen ntation of o the safety and pprecautiona ary approa ach to systems s Electrical wiiring interc connection
Understand U ding of the e applicatio on of this re egulation
Requireme R ents regulaation: CS 25, 2 Append dix H 25.4 2 (a) (3) and 25.5 AMC to Appendix A H 25.4 (a) ( (3) and 25.5, and AMC 20-2 21
Focus F on AMC A 20-211:
Target T atttendees
Enhance ed Zonal Annalysis Proc cedure (EZA AP)
Personnel P involved in n the main ntenance or o manag gement of o the co ontinuing airworthines a ss of aircra aft Personnel P involved in working w nea ar fuel tankks
main ntenance
Guidanc ce for Geneeral Visual In nspection (G GVI) Protectio on and cauttion Analysis s of degradeed situation ns in terms of o safety
Prerequis P sites None N
Duration D 1 day
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TION M Mainten nance Also contact us for:
Part/CCAR P R 145 – Co omparison between EASA and d CAAC re egulationss Learning L ab bout the main differen nces betwe een Europ pean and Chinese C reggulations fo or the maintenanc m ce of aircra aft and their compone ents
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TORY F Flight Operati O ons EAS SA Air Op perations s – Aeroplanes Course C o objectives s Knowledge K about the the EASA re egulation transpose ed into European la aw as conccern aircraft operations Ability A to take in nto accou unt the re equiremen nts of Qua ality Assurrance in th he operato or’s flight op perations division d
Cours se plan
Regulatory R y environm ent: history y, organiza ation, operations o
EASA E Air Operations O s structure including Regulation R s governinng: Annex I - Definitionss for Annex xes II to VIII Annex II - Part-ARO O, Authority y Requireme ents for Air Operations O Annex III - Part-OR RO, Organisation requirem ments for CA AT Operato ors
Target T atttendees Flight F Ope erations Managers, Chief Pilots, P Operrations Control Mana agers, Flight F Crew w Memberss and Cab bin Crew Members M Compliance C e monitorin ng (Quality) staff
Documenta D ation
Prerequis P sites
Forms F
Annex IV V - Part-CA AT, technica al requireme ents for CAT Operationss with Aerop planes Annex V - Part-SPA A, requirements for operations requiringg specific approval
None N
Duration D 2 days
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TORY F Flight Operati O ons EAS SA Air Op perations s – Helic copters Course C o objectives s Knowledge K of the EASA regulation trransposed into European E law as concern aircraft opera ations Ability A to take into acco ount the re equiremen nts of Quality Assurance in the operator’s o fflight opera ations divis sion
Courrse plan
Regulato ory environ ment: histo ory, organizattion, operaations
EASA Airr Operationns structurre including g Regulatio ons governning: Annex x I - Definitioons for Annexes II to VIII V Annex x II - Part-AR RO, Authority Requirem ments for Air Operationss Annex x III - Part-O ORO, Organ nisation require ements for C CAT Opera ators
Target T atttendees Flight F Operrations Man nagers, Ch hief Pilots, Operations O Control Managers, Flight F Crew w Memberrs and Ca abin Crew Members M Compliance C e monitorin ng (Quality) staff
Documen ntation
Prerequis P sites
None N
Duration D 2 days
Annex x IV - Part-C CAT, technic cal requirem ments for CA AT Operatio ns with Helicopters Annex x V - Part-SP PA, require ements for operattions requiriing specific approval
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TORY F Flight Operati O ons Human Facto ors in Av viation an nd CRM Course C o objectives s
Cours se plan
Understand U ding of th he human factors affecting a ind dividual an nd team be ehaviour Understand U ding of the e nature off human error e and identify and pred dict the potential p hu uman errorr Knowledge K of the e strategies for re educing orr controlling g human error e and adopt a a crredible, non-punitive e policy to oward hum man error Id dentificatio on of tre eats beforre they become b errrors Developme D ent of effective e risk manageme m nt practice es
Human Error and Reliabilityy:
Target T atttendees
Effective E Communica C ation: Forms, barriers b andd counterme easures, commun nication styl es Inquiry, advocacy aand assertiv veness Conflict resolution Feedbac ck and critiqque Situation nal Awareneess: Compon nents of SA Informattion processsing Develop pment of a m mental model Clues to o the loss off SA SA and Automation A n
Prerequis P sites
Duration D
Stress: S Rational VS automaatic thoughtt processess Acute stress responnses and efffects on performa ance Delayed responsess under stress Stress and a human pperformanc ce Stress and a task com mplexity Stress to olerance Workloa ad and task allocation Fatigue and subtle pilot incapa acitation
All A employees within aviation authorities a erators, in ncluding and ope post p holders, qualityy staff, airr crews, SMS S mana ager, head ds of depa artments and a operations manag gers
In nterest in achieving knowledge in the understanding of the human fa actors in aviation a an nd the CR RM concept as it applies a to diffferent working environmen e nts
Types T of errror Error chain Treat an nd error mannagement Compan ny safety cuulture, SOPs s and organiza ational factoors
Decision D Making: M
Decision n Making typpes Leadership, Team B Behaviour and a Synergy Leadership and folloowership Teams, team worki ng and crew w coordinattion Leadership and maanagerial sk kills
3 days
Aviati A ion Trrainin ng Catalo C ogue 2016 6 C CIVIL AVIATIO A ON REG GULAT TORY F Flight Operati O ons Ram mp Inspec ction (SA AFA/SAC CA) Awarreness T Training
Course C objectives Knowledge K mp Inspectio on (RI) of the Ram Programme P e & necessa ary informa ation on how to prep pare crews & aircraft fo or RI ing of the Understand U e check lis st of the items to be e checked & legal refferences to o ICAO SARPS Familiarisati F ion with relevant ICAO standards, E EU regulation & RI leg gislation up crew operator Building B w & communicattion with the ramp inspector and authoritties Target T atten ndees Flight F opera ations, train ning & com mpliance from monitoring m (qualityy) staff Commercial C l Air Tran nsport & General Aviation A operators (> 5.700 kg MTOM) flying within n/into/from European n SAFA countries Owners O & operators of GA aeroplanes with w MTOM