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B-AWAKENING-TRAVELING SACRED SOUND CURRENTS Nancy A. Watters. Music and sound are powerful tools for awakening your spiritual Essence and ...
Location of the Retreat Saanich Baptist Church 4347 Wilkinson Road, Victoria, BC For directions go to Google Map, Mapquest or the HPVictoria website. Experience the deep wisdom of your body and its senses

Healing Pathway Victoria Retreat


Surrender to the ongoing support of the mystery. Celebrate the opportunity to consciously connect with your soul.

Body, Mind and Soul

Know you are Beloved.

Awakening…… Embrace what you are still in the process of becoming.

Healing Pathway Victoria For more detailed information about our retreat and workshops go to:

Special thanks to Fairfield United Church for their administrative and accounting support.

“Connecting the mind, body and soul to the Divine Source”

Scent free environment.

Friday, April 11, 2014 Saturday, April 12, 2014 Cost: Friday only $55 | Saturday only $75 Register for both days $120 or $100 before March 1st

“Healing Comes Through Embodiment of the Soul” Marion Woodman

Friday, April 11th Experiential Day 9:00 -3:30


Our experiential day….. Registration: 9:00-9:30 | Lunch 12:30 - 1:30

Name: _______________________________ Practice Group:________________________ E-mail:_______________________________

Bring your own bag lunch. Beverages and snacks provided. W1 Experiential Healing Workshop - Rochelle Graham. Morning session focusing on the heart, exploring energy movement and resistance. Afternoon session focusing on the masculine and feminine energies, the inner marriage and giving birth to new life. Pre-requisite: Healing Pathway Phase 1 & one level of Phase 2. Class size limited. W2 Healing with the Medicine Wheel - Sister Dorothy. Do you know what the medicine wheel is and how it can help you on your spiritual journey and with self-care? Sister Dorothy will share the gifts and wisdom she received from her Great Grandmother with the focus being on healing the whole self.


Saturday, April 12th Workshops, Worship & Connect

Indicate your first and second workshop choices .


Friday April 11th

Friday only $55

W1- Experiential Healing W2– Healing with the Medicine Wheel

1st___ 2nd____ Saturday April 12th Morning 10:45 –12:15 1st___ 2nd____

Saturday only $75

Choose - A, B or C

Afternoon 1:30-3:00 1st___ 2nd____ Choose - D, E or F

Please identify food allergies_______________

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Both Days Before March 1st $100 After March 1st $120 Total_________

Send registration and cheque to: Fairfield United, 1303 Fairfield Rd, Victoria, BC V8S 1E3 Payable to ‘Fairfield United’ Attention: HPV We look forward to sharing time with you!

8:45 8:45--3:30

Our keynote speaker….. Sharon Yetmen Come and hear stories of the Healing Pathway alive and well across Canada and in Guatemala as we awaken to new possibilities for growth, healing and transformation. Our Workshop day….. Registration 8:45-9:10 | Welcome, Worship & keynote 9:15-10:15| Coffee 10:15-10:45 | Workshops A, B, C 10:45-12:15 | Catered Lunch 12:15-1:20 | Workshops D,E,F 1:30-3:00 | Worship & Evaluation 3:00-3:45

Our morning workshops….10:45 –12:15 A- BODY CONNECTION-CORE AND FASCIA EXPLORATION Nicole Runcie Breathing is the essence of life. Come learn and experience ways to deepen your meditation breathing, release muscle tension and improve your posture through engagement of the deep core muscles and fascial release. These techniques are useful in everyday life for self care and ease of movement. Class size limited. B-AWAKENING-TRAVELING SACRED SOUND CURRENTS Nancy A. Watters Music and sound are powerful tools for awakening your spiritual Essence and connecting with the Divine. In this workshop you’ll experience the live vibrations of 20 exquisite Alchemy TM quartz crystal and gemstone “singing” bowls. The pure, captivating, soul-stirring tones help people transform more deeply at all levels of their being. C-AWAKENING TO THE BELOVED –WAYS TO CARE FOR THE SOUL Linda Mulhall How am I both Lover and Beloved? Who is the Beloved whom I seek? Surely the purpose of any spiritual path is to learn to love: to be a Lover and to come to know oneself as Beloved. What are the practices that will help to instill this in my life? What can we learn from the mystical traditions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity? Today we will look at the presence of the Beloved in our lives, and ways to deepen that relationship, the ways to care for the soul.

Our afternoon workshops….. 1:30 –3:00 D-T’AI CHI CHIH –JOY THROUGH MOVEMENT Eileen Campbell Come experience joy through 20 gentle, meditative T’ai Chi movements which will assist you with releasing stress, breathing more deeply and enhancing body energy while experiencing a feeling of groundedness and wholeness. E-THEATRE FOR THE SOUL Mark Hellman Come play and explore to free the body-mind, engage breath and voice, ignite the imagination, release emotion and tension and spontaneously create imagery, narrative, and character. The workshop will touch on a variety of theatrical concepts and modalities that are designed to be both therapeutic and informative. F-AWAKENING TO THE BELOVED –WAYS TO CARE FOR THE SOUL Linda Mulhall See Workshop C above, as this workshop is going to be offered in the morning and in the afternoon.