awards - Australian Council for Educational Leaders

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May 19, 2017 - [email protected] | Phone: 1800 680 559 | Fax: 1800 680 561. When: 19th May ... recognition for their out



2017 When:

19th May 2017 Where:

The National Wine Centre of Australia Time:

6:45pm - 10:00pm cost:

SA Awards evening A highlight each year for the Australian Council for Educational Leaders South Australian Branch (ACEL SA) is the annual presentation of awards. It is through these awards that ACEL SA honours educational leaders who have made a significant contribution to education, educational leadership and the improvement of student and organisational outcomes. Please join us in celebration as worthy educators receive well deserved recognition for their outstanding leadership and extraordinary service to education.

$99 pp The Alby Jones ACEL SA Fellowship Award

Includes pre-dinner drinks, canapés, a two course dinner, wine, beer and soft drinks

Professor David Giles, Flinders University SA The ACEL SA Distinguished Contribution to Research in Educational Leadership Award Professor Pat Thomson, Nottingham University UK (formerly a Principal in SA) The South Australian Fellowship Award Dr Lynda MacLeod, Adelaide University Mr Simon Murray, St Peters College Educational Leadership Medal Award Mr Carl Salt, Pembroke School Mr Warren Symonds, Mt Barker High School Dr Matthew White, St Peters’College The ACEL SA Media Award Mr Spence Denny, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Council for Educational Leaders PO Box 876, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012 | [email protected] | Phone: 1800 680 559 | Fax: 1800 680 561

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Please complete all relevant sections and return with payment to: PO Box 876, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012 Phone: 1800 680 559 | Fax: 1800 680 561 [email protected] |

Australian Council for Educational Leaders PO Box 876, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012 | [email protected] | Phone: 1800 680 559 | Fax: 1800 680 561

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