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the four awards will have their registration fees waived off for the next IAOO meeting. If there is more than one author, the presenting author's registration fee.
To view the awarded papers of the 4


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Awards Awards were presented to the authors of the best clinical and best science based papers. Four best papers were awarded as follows: ORAL PRESENTATIONS BASIC SCIENCE PAPERS DEVELOPMENT OF A PERSONALIZED EX-VIVO PLATFORM TO PREDICT THE CLINICAL OUTCOME OF ANTI-CANCER AGENTS IN NSCC Biswanath Majumder, Ashok M. Shenoy, Pradip K. Majumder, India CLINICAL PAPERS TUMOUR INFILTRATING LYMPHOCYTES PREDICT SURVIVAL IN HPVPOSITIVE OPSCC Matthew Ward, Toby Mellows, Catherine Riley, Emma King, Gareth Thomas, UK POSTER PRESENTATIONS

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BASIC SCIENCE PAPERS ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF METFORMIN IN THE TREATMENT OF ORAL AND OROPHARYNGEAL CANCER; RETROSPECTIVE STUDY Jungirl Seok, Heejin Kim, Won Yong Lee, Hyo-Geun Choi, Dong Wook Kim, Yoon Chan Rah, Wonjae Cha, Soo-Youn An, Woo-Jin Jeong, J. Hun Hah, Soon-Hyun Ahn, Tack-Kyun Kwon, Myung-Whun Sung, Kwang Hyun Kim, Korea CLINICAL PAPERS INCIDENCE OF DISTANT METASTASES IN H&N CANCER PATIENTS: IS CHEST CT NECESSARY FOR ALL PATIENTS? Tarun Mittal, Phillip Ameerally, Arti Hindocha, UK

All authors of the four best papers received a certificate commemorating their scientific achievement during the closing ceremony of the congress. Recipients of the four awards will have their registration fees waived off for the next IAOO meeting. If there is more than one author, the presenting author’s registration fee will be waived.