AWRE 2017_A5 6pp.indd - AWR Europe

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Feb 3, 2017 - 07.30-09.00 Registration and refreshments. 09.00-10.00 ... Ÿ Discussion. 17.00-17.30 Keynote address: AWR
Abdominal Wall



2nd, 3rd & 4th February 2017



WWW.AWREUROPE.COM Tweet about the meeting: #awreurope2017 IN ASSOCIATION WITH



CONFERENCE CO-CHAIRS: David Ross Alastair Windsor

Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College Hospital, London Consultant Surgeon, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

For more information, visit or call 020 7501 6762

PROGRAMME Thursday 2nd February 07.30-09.00 Registration and refreshments 09.00-10.00

Welcome and Setting the Scene CHAIRS: Al Windsor (GBR) & David Ross (GBR)

ŸŸ Welcome and introduction Al Windsor (GBR) & David Ross (GBR) ŸŸ Is it time for the hernia sub-specialist? Al Windsor (GBR) ŸŸ The hernia centre approach to hernia repair Todd Heniford (USA) ŸŸ Establishing an AWR practice: the Georgetown experience Maurice Nahabedian (USA) ŸŸ Discussion

10.00-10.45 Industry Symposium kindly supported by Every ventral hernia matters: choosing when and how CHAIR: John Abercrombie (GBR)

ŸŸ Adapting the component separation technique to the patient Ben Griffiths (GBR) ŸŸ Laparoscopic Ventral hernia repair. To close the defect? Choosing when and how Filip Muysoms (BEL) ŸŸ Endoscopic component separation: choosing when and how Lars Jørgensen (DNK) 10.45-11.15 Refreshments and exhibition viewing 11.30-12.15 Assessing the Abdominal Wall

CHAIRS: Naguib El-Muttardi (GBR) & Maurice Nahabedian (USA)

ŸŸ Hernia classification and risk stratification: where are we in 2017? Christoph Strey (CHE) ŸŸ Radiology: now and the future Steve Halligan (GBR) ŸŸ Discussion

12.15-12.45 Keynote address: Laparascopic vs open incisional hernia repair: where is the border?

Giampiero Campanelli (ITA) CHAIR: David Ross (GBR)

12.45-13.15 Industry Symposium kindly supported by Phasix Mesh: filling the gap in CAWR 12.45-14.00 Lunch and exhibition viewing 14.00-15.00 The Acute Abdominal Defect

CHAIRS: Al Windsor (GBR) & Doug Bowley (GBR)

ŸŸ How to manage the burst abdomen David Sanders (GBR) ŸŸ Abdominal compartment syndrome Marja Boermeester (NLD) ŸŸ Abdominal and intestinal failure: reconstructive challenges John Abercrombie (GBR) ŸŸ Discussion 15.00-15.30 Refreshments and exhibition viewing

15.30-17.00 Perioperative Optimisation

CHAIRS: Andrew de Beaux (GBR) & Todd Heniford (USA)

ŸŸ The perioperative physician David Walker (GBR) ŸŸ Risk reduction in the acute obese abdomen Shaw Somers (GBR) ŸŸ Prevention of surgical site occurrences and negative pressure closed wound therapy Marja Boermeester (NED) ŸŸ Abdominal wall binders: what does the literature show? Thue Bisgaard (DNK) ŸŸ Discussion

17.00-17.30 Keynote address: AWR in conflict Doug Bowley (GBR)

CHAIR: Al Windsor (GBR)

17.30-18.30 Question Time kindly supported by

Expert panel, chaired by Al ‘Dimbleby’ Windsor (GBR) Paul Rooney (GBR), Lars Jørgensen (DNK), Doug Bowley (GBR), David Sanders (GBR), David Walker (GBR), Todd Heniford (USA) ŸŸ Quiz the experts on your own difficult cases

18.30-20.00 Networking reception & close of day one

Friday 3rd February 07.00-07.45 Registration and refreshments 07.30-08.00 Industry Breakfast Symposium 08.00-09.00 Principles of Reconstruction

CHAIRS: David Ross (GBR) & Kevin Hancock (GBR)

ŸŸOrigins of component separation Oscar Ramirez (USA) ŸŸMesh sutured repairs of abdominal wall defects Greg Dumanian (USA) ŸŸDiscussion

09.00-10.15 Component Separation

CHAIRS: Kevin Hancock (GBR) & Ian Daniels (GBR)

ŸŸAnterior or posterior CS: how do you decide? Maurice Nahabedian (USA) ŸŸBotox and pneumoperitoneum in AWR Angel Zorraquino (ESP) ŸŸPerforator sparing and minimal access CS Lars Jørgensen (DNK) ŸŸThe failed CS: what happens next? Todd Heniford (USA) ŸŸDiscussion 10.15-10.45 Refreshments and exhibition viewing

10.45-12.30 Choosing your Prosthesis

CHAIRS: David Sanders (GBR) & Greg Dumanian (USA)

ŸŸBiological mesh: what I need to know Ian Daniels (GBR) ŸŸAre all synthetics the same? Andrew De Beaux (GBR) ŸŸThe bit in the middle: absorbable synthetics and biological composites Dominic Slade (GBR) ŸŸThe two steps technique Marwan Al-Zarouni (ARE) ŸŸDiscussion

12.30-13.00 Industry Symposium Kindly supported by Evolution of materials in the surgical treatment of ventral hernias: from tissue separating meshes to a new category of hybrid meshes Todd Heniford (USA)

12.30-13.45 Lunch and exhibition viewing 13.45-15.00 How I do it: Practical Tips Video Session

CHAIRS: Frederik Berrevoet (BEL) & Martin Kurzer (GBR)

ŸŸLaparascopic posterior CS Salvador Morales Conde (ESP) ŸŸRobotics and the ventral hernia Filip Muysoms (BEL) ŸŸLaparascopic ventral hernia: when to close the midline Lars Jørgensen (DNK) ŸŸSutured closure technique and the prevention of incisional hernia Jared Torkington (GBR) ŸŸOpen ventral hernia repair: 5 technical tips to improve outcomes Todd Heniford (USA) ŸŸDiscussion

15.00-16.15 Parastomal and Perineal Hernias

CHAIRS: Al Windsor (GBR) & Salvador Morales Conde (ESP)

ŸŸParastomal hernia: classification, prevention and minimal access repair Filip Muysoms (BEL) ŸŸParastomal repair Birgitte Hansson TBC ŸŸPerineal hernias: prevention Kristian Kiim Jensen (DNK) ŸŸPerineal hernia repair: minimal access approach Pieter Tanis (NLD) ŸŸDiscussion

16.15-16.45 Refreshments and exhibition viewing 16.45-17.30 A sticky situation kindly supported by

ŸŸMore gaps with tacks Paul Wilson (GBR) ŸŸMesh fixation with glue in hernia repair Frederik Berrevoet (BEL) ŸŸPrevention of seroma formation after ventral hernia repair using ‘glue’ Gernot Köhler (AUT) ŸŸDiscussion

17.30-18.00 Industry Symposium kindly supported by 18.00

Networking reception & evening social function

Saturday 4th February 08.00-09.00 Registration and refreshments 09.00-09.45 Logistics and economics

CHAIRS: Al Windsor (GBR) & David Sanders (GBR)

ŸŸData is king: AHS & QC Todd Heniford (USA) ŸŸReimbursement for AWR: assessment of 5 countries David Macarios (USA) ŸŸDiscussion

09.45-10.30 The Complex Abdomen: Aesthetic Considerations

CHAIRS: Kevin Hancock (GBR) & Janis Constantinides (GBR)

ŸŸReconstruction following cancer David Adelman (USA) ŸŸBody contouring after massive weight loss Dirk Richter (DEU) 10.30-11.00 Refreshments and exhibition viewing

11.00-13.00 Abdominal Aesthetic Surgery Masterclass

CHAIRS: David Ross (GBR) & Naguib El-Muttardi (GBR)

ŸŸMesh abdominoplasty Greg Dumanian (USA) ŸŸLiposculpture of the abdomen Oscar Ramirez (USA) ŸŸTips and pearls in body contouring Dirk Richter (USA) ŸŸPanniculectomy and repair of diastasis recti Maurice Nahabedian (USA) ŸŸMinimising risk in aesthetic abdominal surgery Kevin Hancock (GBR) ŸŸDiscussion

13.00-13.15 Summary of key points and closing remarks 13.15-14.00 Lunch and close of meeting

VENUE INFORMATION Royal College of Physicians 11 St Andrew’s Place, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4LE

Park Square Gardens

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REGISTRATION FORM Web: Tel: +44 (0) 20 7501 6762 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7978 8319 Email: [email protected] Please return below registration form to: MA Healthcare Ltd, AWREurope, Freepost BFH1337, London, SE24 9BR


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DELEGATE RATES Standard rate (Consultants, Surgeons, Associate Specialists, Staff Grade, Specialty Doctor, or equivalent) £545.00

Trainee/Nurse rate (From Core and Foundation Trainee levels up to Specialist Registrar, or equivalent) £440.00 (Send written confirmation of the hospital to [email protected]) All prices for registration are in British Pound Sterling (£) and include 20% VAT. After your registration a confirmation together with an invoice will be sent to you. Registrations without concurrent payment cannot be considered. Cancellation before 30th November: 50% of the registration fee; Cancellation after 30th November: no refund. Cancellation has to be made to MA Healthcare Ltd in writing only. On-Site-Registration rate: £700.00.

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Thursday 2nd, Friday 3rd & Saturday 4th February 2017 ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, 11 ST ANDREW’S PLACE, REGENTS PARK, LONDON, NW1 4LE

TYPE OF EVENT A three day, CPD certified international conference on advanced surgical strategies for the complex abdominal wall defect, including reconstructive and aesthetic techniques. Scientific lectures and practical video sessions will be combined with open panel discussions and debates by international faculty.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This conference is designed for general, GI, colorectal, plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons working in clinics and private practices, as well as specialist nurses and clinical managers

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE David Ross: Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust & King’s College Hospital, London Alastair Windsor: Consultant Surgeon, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

CONFIRMED FACULTY John Abercrombie, United Kingdom, David Adelman, USA, Marwan Al Zarouni, UAE, Frederik Berrevoet, Belgium, Thue Bisgaard, Denmark, Marja Boermeester, Netherlands, Doug Bowley, United Kingdom, Giampiero Campanelli, Italy, Ian Daniels, United Kingdom, Andrew de Beaux, United Kingdom, Greg Dumanian, USA, Naguib El-Muttardi, United Kingdom, Ben Griffiths, United Kingdom Kevin Hancock, United Kingdom, Todd Heniford, USA, Lars Jørgensen, Denmark, Kristian Kiim Jensen, Denmark, Gernot Köhler, Austria, Salvador Morales Conde, Spain, Maurice Nahabedian, USA, Oscar Ramirez, USA, Dirk Richter, Germany, Paul Rooney, United Kingdom, David Sanders, United Kingdom, Shaw Somers, United Kingdom, Christoph Strey, Switzerland, Pieter Tanis, The Netherlands, Jared Torkington United Kingdom, David Walker, United Kingdom, Paul Wilson, United Kingdom, Angel Zorraquino, Spain

CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION Ÿ Tel: +44 (0)20 7501 6762 Ÿ Email: [email protected] Ÿ Web:

Find us on Facebook: Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Europe Tweet about the conference: #AWREurope2017