B.A & B.Sc All _Part-I,II,III_ - Nalanda Open University

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Part-I. { ekr`Hkk"kk (fgUnh) }. SET-I. Time: 1½ Hrs. Full Marks: 50. fdUgh ik¡p iz' uksa dk ..... Bachelor of Arts, Economics (Hons.), Part-I. Paper-I {Micro Economics }.
Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts/Science (Hons.), Part-I { ekr`Hkk"kk (fgUnh) } SET-I Full Marks: 50

Time: 1½ Hrs.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A [k.M ¼d½ ls fdUgha rhu v vkSkSj [k.M ¼[k½ ls fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj visf{kr gSaA [k.M ¼d½ fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A NJ êèóäÜåâä=ÇÜ=ÇâlXñê=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= OJ= àÖÜÉ=ìë=IÇ=äâcâ=eâÑaêCàÜÑê=îâpà=ìÜÑê=ÇÜ=ÑZâçëKâÜ=îáìë=äâÑÖoX=Éë~=ÅÖâXÜ=Öp^=êÇwáïKâw=ã½âà=åÜÑíI^= PJ= ÑÅÖâàÜóâó=ÇÜ=ÇâlXñê=ÑçDâë?âêâ=ÅêâÄI^= QJ= ÉpÑcâóÜDâàKâ=ñèfê=Çë=ÇâlX=É~ë=àâ?sŸÜX=eââçìâ=ÑÇì=Wáâë~=Éë~=lXâfê=Öpy=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= RJ= {áòcâÉ=àÑDÉG=ÇÑçêâ=Éë~=lXaê=eââçâ~ë=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= SJ= {áàDâèàâÉ=ÇÜ=áòêÜôââG=Éë~=ÑìÑÖê=ä~åëDâ=Çâë=îáìë=Dâ`åâë~=Éë~=ÑóÑxâI^= = [k.M ¼[k½ fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A TJ ä~hâ=Çâë=áÑàeââÑ?âê=Çàêë=ÖèI=ãäÇë=eâëåâë~=Çâë=äâëåâÖàKâ=äÉ[âÄXë^= UJ= Çâó=ÑÇäë=ÇÖêë=Öp~y=ãäÇë=ÑÇêìë=eâëå=Öp~^= VJ= çâaX=Éë~=áòXâëñ=õâàâ=Ñìbìâ~ÑÇê=óâëÇâëÑaêXâë~=Çâ=îcâw=iá?s=ÇÜÑíIBC== = ÖâëìÖâà=Ñçàçâì=Çë=Öâëê=ÑéÇìë=áâêz=IÇ=á~câ=åâë=Çâíz=Ñéàâñ=êóë=î~Lëàâz=îâflxâ=Çë=î~Lë=ñâfl_=Çë=áïàëz=xââëåâ= áÖâjH=ÑìÇóÜ=éèÑÖXâ^= NMJ= ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=îçêàKâ=Çâ=î~ñòëíÜ=Éë~=îìèçâå=ÇÜÑíIBC= = EÇF=ÑÇäâìâ~ë=Çë=ÑóI=ç?ââw=çàåâì=Öp^=ç?ââw=Çë=ÑÅìâ=îìâí=ìÖÜ~=ãáí=äÇêâ=îâpà=ÑÇäâìâë~=Çâë=îÑLÇCîÑLÇ= ìèÇäâì=Öâë=íâêâ=Öp^=eââàêç?âw=Éë~=ÑÇäâìâë~=Çâë=xâëêÜ=Çë=ÑóI=êcââ=xâëêâë~=Éë~=îìâí=ápåâ=Çàìë=Çë=ÑóI=ÉèxXêB=ç?ââw= áà=ÖÜ=Ñìeâwà=Çàìâ=ájHêâ=Öp^= =


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts/Science (Hons.), Part-I { ekr`Hkk"kk (fgUnh) } SET-II Full Marks: 50

Time: 1½ Hrs.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A [k.M ¼d½ ls fdUgha rhu vkSj [k.M ¼[k½ ls fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A [k.M ¼d½ fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A NJ êèóäÜåâä=Çâ=äâÑÖÑoXÇ=áÑàéX=áòiêèê=ÇÜÑíI^= OJ= áòiêèê=áâ_=Çë=îâLâà=áà=àÖÜÉ=Çë=lXÑaêoç=Çâ=áÑàéX=ÇÜÑíI^= PJ= ÑÅÖâàÜ=Çë=åâëÖâë~=Çâ=eââçCäâp~åXw=ãåú\ââÑsê=ÇÜÑíI^= QJ= ÉpÑcâóÜDâàKâ=ñèfê=ÇÜ=ÇÑçêâ={Éâê`eâïÑÉG=Çâ=eââçCäâpråXw=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= RJ= kâXâçâå=Çë=áòÑêÑìÑL=ÇÑç=Çë=Wá=Éë~=á~ê=Çâ=ÉïvXâ~Çì=ÇÜÑíI^= SJ= {áàDâèàâÉ=ÇÜ=áòêÜôââG=ÇÑçêâ=ÇÜ=äÉÜôââ=ÇÜÑíI^= = [k.M ¼[k½ fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A TJ äçwìâÉ=ÇÜ=áÑàeââ?ââ=åëÇà=ãäÇë=eâëåâë~=Çâë=äâëåâÖàKâ=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= UJ= îlXX=ÑÇäë=ÇÖêë=Öë~y=îlXX=Çë=eâëåâë~=Çâë=ÑóÑxâI^=ÑÕXâ=ÑçDâë?âKâ=Çâë=ãåâÖàKâ=äÑÖê=äÉ[âÄXë^= VJ= çâaX=Éë~=áòXâëñ=õâàâ=Ñìbìâ~ÑÇê=óâëÇâëÑaêXâë~=Çâ=îcâw=iá?s=ÇÜÑíIBC= = îLíó=ññàÜ=kóÇê=íâIz=îrLâë~=Éë~=Çâìâ=àâíâz=Çâ=ç?ââw=íÅ=¢Ñ?â=äèxââìÜz=îâÉ=Çë=îâÉ=ñè_ÑóXâë~=Çë=åâÉz= Öâcâ=Ç~ñì=Çâë=îâàäÜ=aXâ^= NMJ= ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=îçêàKâ=Çâ=î~ñòëíÜ=Éë~=îìèçâå=ÇÜÑíIBC= = åëDâ=Çë=içê~Zâ=Öâëìë=Çë=Åâå=äë=ÖÜ=äàÇâà=ñâflçâë~=ÇÜ=Öâóê=äèLâàìë=ÇÜ=ÇâëÑDâDâ=Çà=àÖÜ=Öp^=äeâÜ=çñâëw~=Çë=óâëñâë~= Çâë=äÖâXêâ=áÖèfléâìë=Çë=ÑìÑÉê=XâëíìâIfl=éâóï=Çà=åÜ=ñÄw=Öp~^=áòxâ~j=ÑçÇâä=Iç~=äâÉèåâÑXÇ=ÑçÇâä=áÑàXâëíìâîâë~= Çë=îråà=ñòâÉ=ÑçÇâä=Çë=ÇâXwÕÉ=Ää=ÑåDââ=Éë~=îmkë=ÇåÉ=Öp~^= =


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts/Science (Hons.), Part-I { ekr`Hkk"kk (fgUnh) } SET-III Full Marks: 50

Time: 1½ Hrs.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A [k.M ¼d½ ls fdUgha rhu vkSj [k.M ¼[k½ ls fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj visf{kr gSaA [k.M ¼d½ fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A NJ= êèóäÜåâä=Çâ=äâÑÖÑoXÇ=áÑàéX=áòiêèê=ÇÜÑíI^= OJ= àÖÜÉ=ìë=IÇ=äâcâ=eâÑaêz=àÜÑê=îâpà=ìÜÑê=ÇÜ=ÑZâçëKâÜ=îáìë=äâÑÖoX=Éë~=ÅÖâÄw=Öp^=êÇwáïKâw=ã½âà=åÜÑíI^= PJ= ÑÅÖâàÜ=Çë=åâëÖâë~=Çâ=eââç=äâpråXw=ãåú\âÑsê=ÇÜÑíI^= QJ= ñèfê=íÜ=Çâ=áÑàéX=åëêë=ÖèI=ãìÇÜ=ÇâlXñê=ÑçÑDâ?sêâîâë~=ÇÜ=äÉÜôââ=ÇÜÑíI^= RJ= á~ê=ÇÜ=ÇâlX=Çóâ=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= SJ= ÑåìÇà=ìë=áàDâèàâÉ=ÇÜ=áòêÜôââ=ÑóxâÇà=îáìë=àâ?sŸÇÑç=Öâëìë=Çâ=áòÉâKâ=ÑåXâ=Öp^=aXâ=îâá=Ää=Çcâì=äë=äÖÉê= Öp~y= = [k.M ¼[k½ fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A TJ= ÑçDâë?âKâ=ÑÇäë=ÇÖêëy=ãäÇë=eâëåâë~=Çâë=äâëåâÖàKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= UJ= Çâó=ÑÇäë=ÇÖêë=Öp~y=ãäÇë=eâëåâë~=Çâë=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= VJ= çâaX=áòXâëñ=õâàâ=Ñìbìâ~ÑÇê=óâëÇâëÑaêXâë~=Çâ=îcâw=iá?s=ÇÜÑíIBC= = îâÉ=Çë=îâÉ=ñè_ÑóXâë~=Çë=åâÉz=ì=àÖëñâ=Åâflä=ì=ÅíëñÜ=ÅâfläèàÜz=xââëåâ=áÖâjH=ÑìÇóÜ=éïÑÖXâz=ñèW=ñèjH== = = éëóâ=éÜìÜz=îâñë=ìâcâ=ì=áÜkë=áñÖâ^= NMJ= ÑìbìÑóxâÑê=îçêàKâ=Çâ=î~ñëòíÜ=Éë~=îìèçâå=ÇÜÑíIBC= = éâflå=á`cçÜ=Çâ=ãáñòÖ=Öp^=XÖ=á`cçÜ=Çë=éâàâë~=îâpà=\âïÉêâ=Öp^=XÖ=äïXw=Çë=áàâçÑêwê=áòÇâDâ=Çë=ÇâàKâ=àâê== Éë~= éÉÇêâ=Öp^=XÖ=äèråà=óñêâ=Öp^=éâflå=Çâ=éÉÇêâ=Öèîâ=áòÇâDâ=ÅÖèê=îâì~ååâXÇ=Öâëêâ=Öp^=éâflå=ÇÜ== àâëDâìÜ=Éë~=á`cçÜ= áà=ÇÜ=éÜíë~=éâflåÜ=ÇÜ=êàÖ=éÉÇêÜ=Öp~^= =


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts/Science (Hons.), Part-I { ekr`Hkk"kk (fgUnh) } SET-IV Full Marks: 50

Time: 1½ Hrs.

fdUgha fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A [k.M ¼d½ ls fdUgha rhu vkSj [k.M ¼[k½ ls fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A [k.M ¼d½ fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A NJ== êèóäÜ=Çâ=äâÑÖÑoXÇ=áÑàéX=åëêë=ÖèI=ãìÇÜ=ÇâlXñê=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= OJ= àÖÜÉ=ìë=IÇ=äâcâ=eâÑaêz=àÜÑê=îâpà=ìÜÑê=ÇÜ=ÑZâçëKâÜ=îáìë=äÑÖoX=Éë~=ÅÖâÄw=Öp^=êÇwáïKâw=ã½âà=åÜÑíI^= PJ= ÑÅÖâàÜ=Çë=áÑ_ê=åâëÖâë~=ÇÜ=ÑçDâë?âêâ=ÅêâÄI^= QJ= ÉpÑcâóÜDâàKâ=ñèfê=ÇÜ=ÇÑçêâ={Éâê`eâïÑÉG=Çâ=eââç=äâpråXw=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= RJ= kâXâçâå=Çë=áòÑêÑìÑL=ÇÑç=Çë=Wá=Éë~=á~ê=Çâ=ÉïvXâ~Çì=ÇÜÑíI^= SJ= ä~Ñôâfê=íÜçìCáÑàéX=Çë=äâcâ={ÑåìÇàG=ÇÜ=ÇâlXñê=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=ÇÜ=äÉÜôââ=ÇÜÑíI^= = [k.M ¼[k½ fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A TJ== ä~hâ=ÇÜ=áÑàeââ?ââ=åëêë=ÖèI=ãäÇë=eâëåâë~=Çâë=äâëåâÖàKâ=äÉ[âÄXë^= UJ= ÑçDâë?âKâ=ÑÇäë=ÇÖêë=Öp~y=ãäÇë=eâëåâë~=Çâë=äâëåâÖàKâ=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= VJ= çâaX=áòXâëñ=õâàâ=Ñìbìâ~ÑÇê=óâëÇâëÑaêXâë~=Çâ=îcâw=iá?s=ÇÜÑíIBC= = Çâ=ç?ââw=íÅ=¢Ñ?â=äèxââìÜz=Ñéàâñ=êóë=î~Lëàâz=îÇëóâ=éìâ=eââjH=ìÖÜ~=ánâëjH=äÇêâz=îâÉ=Çë=îâÉ=ñè_ÑóXâë~=Çë= åâÉz=îâflxâ=Çë=îrLë=ñâfl_=Çë=áïàë^= NMJ= ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=îçêàKâ=Çâ=ÑÖråÜ=Éë~=îìèçâå=ÇÜÑíIBC= = Walking has many advantages. It makes a man healthy and strong. It is specially necessary for those who have do mental work. During walking all parts of our body undergo an exercise.


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts/Science (Hons.), Part-I { ekr`Hkk"kk (fgUnh) } SET-V Full Marks: 50

Time: 1½ Hrs.

fdUgha fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A [k.M ¼d½ ls fdUgha rhu vkSj [k.M ¼[k½ ls fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj visf{kr gSaA [k.M ¼d½ fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A NJ== îXâë≠XâÇâ~j=Çë=áÑ_ê=áåâë~=Éë~=ÑìÑÖê=eââçâë~=Çâë=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= OJ= àÖÜÉ=ìë=IÇ=äâcâ=eâÑaêz=àÜÑê=îâpà=ìÜÑê=ÇÜ=ÑZâçëKâÜ=îáìë=äâÑÖoX=Éë~=ÅÖâÄw=Öp^=êÇwáïKâw=ã½âà=åÜÑíI^= PJ= ÑÅÖâàÜóâó=Çâ=äâÑÖÑoXÇ=áÑàéX=åÜÑíI^= QJ= ñèfê=íÜ=Çë=ÇâlX=Éë~=àâ?sŸÜX=eââçìâ=ÑÇì=Wáâë~=Éë~=lXâfê=Öpy=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= RJ= á~ê=ÇÜ=ÇâlXCÇóâ=Çâ=ÑçDóë?âKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= SJ= {áàDâèàâÉ=ÇÜ=áòêÜôââG=Éë~=ÑìÑÖê=ä~åëDâ=Çâë=îáìë=Dâ`åâë~=Éë~=ÑóÑxâI^= = [k.M ¼[k½ fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A TJ== äçwìâÉ=ÇÜ=áÑàeââ?ââ=åëÇà=ãäÇë=eâëåâë~=Çâë=äâëåâÖàKâ=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= UJ= Çâó=ÑÇäë=ÇÖêë=Öp~y=ãäÇë=eâëåâë~=Çâë=äâëåâÖàKâ=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= VJ= çâaX=áòXâëñ=õâàâ=Ñìbìâ~ÑÇê=óâëÇâëÑaêXâë~=Çâ=îcâw=iá?s=Çàë~BC= = ì=àÖëñâ=Åâflä=ì=ÅíëñÜ=Åâfläàè Üz=Öâcâ=Ç~ñì=Çâë=îâàäÜ=aXâz=xââëåâ=áÖâjH=ÑìÇóÜ=éèÑÖXâz=ñè@=ñèjH=éëóâ== = éÜìÜz=îâñë=ìâcâ=ì=áÜkë=áñÖâ^= NMJ= ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=îçêàKâ=Çâ=ÑÖråÜ=Éë~=îìèçâå=ÇÜÑíI=BC= = Walking has many advantages. It makes a man healthy and strong. It is specially necessary for who have do mental work. During walking all parts of our body undergo an exercise.




Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts/Science (Hons.), Part-I { ekr`Hkk"kk (fgUnh) } SET-VI Full Marks: 50

Time: 1½ Hrs.

fdUgha fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A [k.M [k.M ¼d½ ls fdUgha rhu vkSj [k.M ¼[k½ ls fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A [k.M ¼d½ fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A NJ== êèóäÜåâä=ÇÜ=ÇâlXñê=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= OJ= áòiêèê=áâ_=Çë=îâLâà=áà=àÖÜÉ=Çë=lXÑaêoç=Çâ=áÑàéX=åÜÑíI^= PJ= ÑÅÖâàÜ=Çâ=áÑàéX=åëêë=ÖèI=ãìÇÜ=ÇâlXñê=ÑçDâë?âêâ=ÅêâÄI^= QJ= ÉpÑcâóÜDâàKâ=ñèfê=ÇÜ=ÇÑçêâ=Éâê`eâïÑÉ=Çâ=eââç=äâpråXw=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= RJ= {áòcâÉ=àÑDÉG=ÇÑçêâ=Éë~=lXaê=eââçâë~=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= SJ= {áàDâèàâÉ=ÇÜ=áòêÜôââG=ÇÑçêâ=ÇÜ=äÉÜôââ=ÇÜÑíI^= = [k.M ¼[k½ fdUgha nks iziz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A TJ== ÑÕXâ=ÑÇäë=ÇÖêë=Öp~y=äÇÉwÇ=îâpà=îÇÉÇw=ÑÕXâîâë~=Çâ=ãåâÖàKâ=åëÇà=îrêà=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= UJ= îlXX=ÑÇäë=ÇÖêë=Öp~y=îlXX=Çë=eâëåâë~=Çâë=ÑóÑxâI^=ÑÕXâ=ÑçDâë?âKâ=Çâë=ãåâÖàKâ=äÑÖê=äÉ[âÄXë^= VJ= çâaX=áòXâëñ=õâàâ=Ñìbìâ~ÑÇê=óâëÇâëÑaêXâë~=Çâ=îcâw=iá?s=ÇÜÑíIBC= = îLíó=ññàÜ=kóÇê=íâIz=îrLâë~=Éë~=Çâìâ=àâíâz=IÇ=á~câ=åâë=Çâíz=Ñéàâñ=êóë=î~Lëàâz=îÇëóâ=éìâ== eââjH= ìÖÜ~=ánâëjH=äÇêâ^= NMJ= ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=Çâ=ÑÖråÜ=Éë~=îìèçâå=ÇÜÑíIBC= = The Library is a place where is a large collection of books. Libraries are of two kinds- public and private. Some people are very fond of books and collet them to satisfy for knowledge.


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts (Hons.), Part-I { ekr`Hkk"kk (fgUnh) } SET-VII Full Marks: 50

Time: 1½ Hrs.

fdUgha fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A [k.M ¼d½ ls fdUgha rhu vkSj [k.M ¼[k½ ls fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj visf{kr gSaA [k.M ¼d½ fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A NJ== îXâë≠XâÇâ~j=Çë=áÑ_ê=áåâë~=Éë~=ÑìÑÖê=eââçâ~ë=Çâë=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI= OJ= áÑ_ê=ÇÑçêâ=Çë=îâLâà=áà=àÖÜÉ=Çë=lXÑaêoç=Çâ=áÑàéX=åÜÑíI^= PJ= ÑÅÖâàÜ=ÇÜ=ÇâlXñê=ÑçDâë?âêâ=ÅêâÄI^= QJ= ñèfê=íÜ=Çâ=áÑàéX=åëêë=ÖèI=ãìÇÜ=ÇâlXñê=ÑçÑDâ?sêâîâë~=ÇÜ=äÉÜôââ=ÇÜÑíI^= RJ= á~ê=Çë=íÜçì=Iç~=äâÑÖoX=Çâ=áÑàéX=åÜÑíI^= SJ= {áàDâèàâÉ=ÇÜ=áòêÜôââG=ÇÑçêâ=ÇÜ=äÉÜôââ=ÇÜÑíI^= = [k.M ¼[k½ fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A TJ== ä~hâ=ÑÇäë=ÇÖêë=Öpp~y=ãäÇë=eâëåâë~=Çâ=äâëåâÖàKâ=ãvóëxâ=ÇÜÑíI^= UJ= ÑÕXâ=ÑÇäë=ÇÖêë=Öp~y=äÇÉwÇ=îâpà=îÇÉwÇ=ÑÕXâîâë~=Çâ=ãåâÖàKâ=åëÇà=îrêà=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= VJ= çâaX=áòXâëñ=õâàâ=Ñìbìâ~ÑÇê=óâëÇâëÑaêXâë~=Çâ=îcâw=iá?s=ÇÜÑíIBC= = îLíó=ññàÜ=kóÇê=íâIz=ÖâëìÖâà=Ñçàçâì=Çë=Öâëê=ÑéÇìë=áâêz=îrLâë~=Éë~=Çâìâ=àâíâz=Çâóâ=îôâà=eâp~ä==ÅàâÅàz= IÇ=á~câ=åâë=Çâí^= NMJ= ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=îçêàKâ=Çâ=ÑÖråÜ=Éë~=îìèçâå=ÇÜÑíIBC= = Discipline is necessary in all walks of life. Whether at school or at home, in the office or in the factory, in the playground or in the battle field, discipline is a necessity. Without discipline, will be complete chaos and disorder.



Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts/Science (Hons.), Part-I { ekr`Hkk"kk (fgUnh) } SET-VIII Full Marks: 50

Time: 1½ Hrs.

fdUgha fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A [k.M ¼d½ ls fdUgha rhu vkSj [k.M ¼[k½ ls fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A [k.M ¼d½ fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A NJ== êèóäÜåâä=Çâ=äâÑÖÑoXÇ=áÑàéX=åëêë=ÖèI=ãìÇÜ=ÇâlXñê=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= OJ= àÖÜÉ=ìë=IÇ=äâcâ=eâÑaêz=àÜÑê=îâpà=ìÜÑê=ÇÜ=ÑZâçëKâÜ=îáìë=äâÑÖoX=Éë~=ÅÖâÄw=Öp^=êÇwáïKâw=ã½âà=åÜÑíI^= PJ= ÑÅÖâàÜóâó=Çë=åâëÖâë~=Çâ=eââç=äâpråXw=ãåú\ââÑsê=ÇÜÑíI^= QJ= ÉpÑcâóÜDâàKâ=ñèfê=Çë=ÇâlX=Éë~=àâ?sŸÜX=eââçìâ=ÑÇì=Wáâ~ë=Éë~=lXâfê=Öpy=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= RJ= kâXâçâå=Çë=áòÑêÑìÑL=ÇÑç=Çë=Wá=Éë~=á~ê=Çâ=ÉïvXâ~Çì=ÇÜÑíI^= SJ= {áàDâèàâÉ=ÇÜ=áòêÜôââG=ÇÑçêâ=ÇÜ=äÉÜôââ=ÇÜÑíI^= = [k.M ¼[k½ fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A TJ== ÑçDâë?âKâ=ÑÇäë=ÇÖêë=Öp~y=ãäÇë=eâëåâë~=Çâë=äâëåâÖàKâ=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= UJ= äçwìâÉ=ÇÜ=áÑàeââ?ââ=åëÇà=ãäÇë=eâëåâë~=Çâë=äâåâÖàKâ=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= VJ= çâaX=áòXâëñ=õâàâ=ÑÇrÖÜ~=áâflé=óâëÇâëÑaêXâë~=Çâ=îcâw=iá?s=ÇÜÑíIBC= = îLíó=ññàÜ=kóÇê=íâIz=ÖâëìÖâà=Ñçàçâì=Çë=Öâëê=ÑéÇìë=áâêz=îrLâë~=Éë~=Çâìâ=àâíâz=Çâóâ=îôâà=eâp~ä=ÅàâÅàz= IÇ=á~câ=åâë=Çâíz=Çâ=ç?ââw=íÅ=¢Ñ?â=äèxââìÜz=Ñéàâñ=êóë=î~Lëàâz=îÇëóâ=éìâ=eââjH=ìÖÜ~=ánâëjHêâ^= NMJ= ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=îçêàKââë~=Çâ=ÑÖråÜ=îìèçâå=ÇÜÑíIBC= = Discipline is necessary in all walks of life. Whether at school or at home, in the office or in the factory, in the playground or in the battle field, discipline is a necessity. Without discipline, will be complete chaos and disorder.



Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A./ B.Sc. Home Science (Hons), Part-I Paper-I [Food Science and Nutrition] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Write an essay on components of food.

Hkkstu ds ?kVdksa ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k;s A 2.

State the meaning of food budget and discuss the factors influencing food budgets.

[kk| ctV dk vFkZ crkb;s ,oa [kk| ctV dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 3.

Define food preservation and discuss methods of food preservation.

[kk| laj{k.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s ,oa [kk| laj{k.k dh fof/k;ksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 4.

Define food adulteration and describe effects of food adulteration.

HkksT; inkFkksZa esa vifeJ.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s ,oa HkksT; inkFkksZa esa vifeJ.k ds izHkkoksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A 5.

What do you mean by food safety? Discuss the legal measures for consumer protection.

[kk| lqj{kk ls vkidk D;k rkRi;Z gS\ miHkksäk laj{k.k ds dkuwuh mik;ksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 6.

Discuss the objectives and advantages of cooking of food.

Hkkstu idkus ds mn~ns';ksa ,oa ykHkksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 7.

Describe the nutrients essential for human body.

ekuo 'kjhj ds fy, vko';d iks"kd rRoksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 8.

Discuss the process of digestion, absorption and utilisation of carbohydrates in human body.

ekuo 'kjhj esa dkcksZt ds ikpu] vo'kks"k.k ,oa mi;ksx dh izfØ;k dh foospuk dhft;s A 9.

Explain the classifications of vitamins and discuss sources of fat soluble vitamins.

foVkfeu ds oxhZdj.k dks Li"V dhft;s rFkk olk ?kqyu'khy foVkfeu ds L=ksrksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 10.

Discuss the concept of meal planning and examine its influencing factors.

vkgkj fu;kstu dh vo/kkj.kk dh foospuk dhft;s ,oa bls izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A./ B.Sc. Home Science (Hons), Part-I Paper-II (Human Development) Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Why and what special care should be provided to expectant mother.

vk'kkfUor ekrk dks D;ksa ,oa D;k fo'ks"k ns[kHkky fn;k tkuk pkfg;s\ 2.

Write note on any one of the following:-

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d ij fVIi.kh fyf[k;s %& (a) Merits and demerits of breast feeding ¼ekrk ds nw/k ds ykHk vkSj gkfu;k¡½ (b) Immunization ¼Vhdkdj.k½ 3.

Discuss the concept of child development and describe the importance of study of child development.

cky fodkl dh vo/kkj.kk dk foospu dhft;s ,oa cky fodkl ds v/;;u ds egRo dk o.kZu dhft;s A 4.

Write a descriptive note on Principles of Development.

fodkl ds fl)kar ij ,d foLr`r fVIi.kh fyf[k;s A 5.

What do you mean by infant? Discuss the physical development of infant.

uotkr f'k'kq ls vkidk D;k rkRi;Z gS\ uotkr f'k'kq ds 'kkjhfjd fodkl dh foospuk dhft;s A 6.

Define emotion and maturity and describe factors affecting emotional development of infant.

laosx ,oa ifjiDork dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s rFkk uotkr f'k'kq ds laosxkRed fodkl dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A 7.

What is social development? Describe the characteristics of social development.

lkekftd fodkl D;k gS\ lkekftd fodkl dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A 8.

Discuss the socio-emotional development of child during thirteen to thirty six months of age.

rsjg ls NÙkhl ekg dh vk;q ds nkSjku ckyd ds lkekftd laosxkRed fodkl dh foospuk dhft;s A 9.

Write an essay on common behaviour problems of children.

cPpksa esa O;ogkj dh lkekU; leL;kvksa ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k;s A 10.

Write on essay on importance of Play in child development.

cky fodkl esa [ksy ds egRo ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k;s A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A./ B.Sc. Geography (Hons), Part-I Paper-I [Geomorphology, Climatology and Oceanology] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer five questions, selecting three from section "A" and two from section "B" [k.M ßvÞ ls rhu rFkk [k.M ßcÞ ls nks iz'uksa dks pqudj dqy ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft;s A


Section - "A" ¼[k.M&ßvÞ½ Give a brief account of the theory of continental Drift.

egk}hih; foLFkkiu fl)kar dk laf{kIr fooj.k nhft;s A 2.

Critically examine the geosyndival orogen theory of Kober.

dkscj ds ewlUufr ioZr fuekZ.kd fl)kar dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s A 3.

Give a reasoned account of the constitution of the interior of the earth.

i`Foh dh vkUrfjd lajpuk dk ldkj.k fooj.k nhft;s A 4.

Give an account of the landforms formed by river erosion.

unh vijnu ls mRiUu LFkykd`fr;ksa dk fooj.k nhft;s A 5.

Discuss the main features of Karst/ Coastal topography.

dkLVZ vFkok rVh; LFkykd`fr dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A 6.

Describe with examples the characteristic features produced by wind erosion.

ok;q vijnu }kjk mRiUu fof'k"V LFkykd`fr;ksa dk mnkgj.k lfgr o.kZu dhft;s A 7.

Section - "B" ¼[k.M&ßcÞ½ Critically explain climatic classification of Koppen.

dkWisu dh tyok;q oxhZdj.k dk vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft;s A 8.

What is front? Explain with sketches various types of front.

okrkxz D;k gS\ okrkxz ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dh O;k[;k dhft;s A 9.

Present critical description of various theories exampling the origin of coral reefs.


Give an account of the distribution of salinity in ocean water.

izokyfHkfÙk ds fuekZ.k ls lEcfU/kr fofHkUu fl)karksa dk vkykspukRed o.kZu dhft;sA egklkxjh; ty esa yo.krk ds forj.k dk fooj.k nhft;s A 

Nalanda Open University Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts/Science, Geography (Hons.), Part-I Paper-II {Geography of Asia, China and Japan} Full Marks : 80

Answer five questions in all, selecting three from section ‘A’ and two from section ‘B’.

dqy feykdj ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,] ftlesa rhu iz'u [k.M ^v* vkSj nks iz'u [k.M ^c* ls gksxsa A Section -‘A’ ¼[k.M ^v*½ 1.

Divide Asia into physiographic regions and discuss any one of them.

,f'k;k dks izkd`frd foHkkxksa esa ck¡Vs rFkk muesa ls fdlh ,d dk o.kZu dhft, A 2.

Explain the climatic conditions of Asia during winter and summer seasons.

,f'k;k esa 'khrdkyhu ,oa x`"edkyhu tyok;q n'kkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A 3.

Divide Asia into Agro-climatic regions and discuss in detail any one of them.

,f'k;k dks d`f"k&tyok;q izns'kksa esa foHkDr dhft, vkSj muesa ls fdlh ,d dk foLr`r fooj.k nhft, A 4.

Give a reasoned account of the distribution of population in Asia.

,f'k;k esa tula[;k forj.k dk ldkj.k fooj.k nhft, A 5.

Present a balanced geographical account of Pakistan.

ikfdLrku dk larqfyr HkkSxksfyd fooj.k izLrqr dhft, A 6.

Write an essay on agriculture of Bangladesh.

caxykns'k dh d`f"k ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A Section -‘B’ ¼[k.M ^c*½ 7.

Present an account of the salient features of the agriculture of China.

Pkhu dh d`f"k dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvsak dk o.kZu dhft, A 8.

Write an essay on the mineral resources of China.

Pkhu ds [kfut lalk/ku ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A 9.

Give geographical account of either Red Basin of China or Tokyo-Yakohana region of Japan.

phu ds jsMosflu vFkok tkiku ds Vksfd;ks&;kdksgkek izns'k dk HkkSxksfyd fooj.k nhft, A 10.

Present a reasoned account of the distribution of population in Japan.

Tkkiku esa tula[;k ds forj.k dk ldkj.k fooj.k izLrqr dhft, A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Economics (Hons.), Part-I Paper-I {Micro Economics} Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five questions. All Questions carry equal marks.

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj fyf[k, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gS A 1.

Make a comparison of definitions of economics given by Marshall and Robbins.

ek'kZy ,oa jkWfcUl }kjk vFkZ'kkL= ds fy, nh xbZ ifjHkk"kkvksa dh rqyuk dhft, A 2.

Define micro and macro economics and explain the types of micro and macro economics.

C;f"V ,oa lef"V vFkZ'kkL= dh ifjHkk"kk nhft;s vkSj O;f"V rFkk lef"V vFkZ'kkL= ds izdkjksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A 3.

Explain Consumer surplus. How consumer’s surplus is measured through indifference curve analysis?

miHkksDrk cpr dh O;k[;k djsa A mnklhUkrk oØ dh lgk;rk ls miHkksDrk cpr dks dSls ekik tkrk gS\ 4.

Explain Income Effect and describe the relation between price effect, income effect and substitution effect.

vk; izHkko dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk ewY; izHkko] vk; izHkko ,oa izfrLFkkiu izHkko ds chp ds lEcU/k dk o.kZu dhft, A 5.

Explain the law of variable proportions with diagrams.

ifjoÙkZu'khy vuqikr ds fu;e dh O;k[;k js[kkfp=ksa ds lkFk dhft, A 6.

What do you mean by equilibrium of a firm? Explain the conditions for equilibrium of the firm?

,d QeZ ds larqyu ls vkidk D;k rkRi;Z gS\ QeZ ds larqyu ds 'krksZa dh O;k[;k dhft, A 7.

What is market? Discuss its classification.

Ckktkj D;k gS\ blds oxhZdj.k dh foospuk dhft, A 8.

What is monopoly? How is price determined under monopoly in a short period?

,dkf/kdkj ls D;k vk'k; gS\ vYidky esa ,dkf/kdkj ds vUrxZr dher fu/kkZj.k fdl izdkj gksrk gS\ 9.

Discuss the modern theory of rent.

Ykxku ds vk/kqfud fl)kar dh foospuk dhft, A 10.

Explain the meaning and effects of Risk and Uncertainty.

Tkksf[ke vkSj vfuf'prrk ds vFkZ vkSj izHkko dh O;k[;k djsa A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Economics (Hons), Part-I Paper-II (Indian Economy) Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Describe the status of Indian economy in Pre British Period.

vaxzstksa ls iwoZ dh vof/k esa Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk dh fLFkfr dk o.kZu dhft;s A 2.

What do you mean by commercializations of agriculture? Discuss the impact of commercializations of Indian agriculture during British period.

d`f"k ds okf.kT;hdj.k ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ fczfV'k dky ds nkSjku Hkkjrh; d`f"k ds okf.kT;hdj.k ds izHkkoksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 3.

Discuss the general impact of British rule on Indian economy.

Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk ij fczfV'k 'kklu ds lkekU; izHkko dh ppkZ dhft;s A 4.

Discuss the main features of the Indian economy.

Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k djsa A 5.

Describe the Chief characteristics of India's Population. In what way can rapid growth in population be controlled?

Hkkjr dh tula[;k dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu djsa A tula[;k o`f) dks fdl izdkj fu;af=r fd;k tk ldrk gS\ 6.

Write an essay on "New economic Reforms"

ßu;s vkfFkZd lq/kkjÞ ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k;s A 7.

Discuss the importance of agriculture in the Indian economy. What are the main causes of backwardness of Indian agriculture?

Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk esa d`f"k ds egRo dh leh{kk dhft;s A Hkkjrh; d`f"k ds fiNM+siu ds eq[; dkj.k D;k gSa\ 8.

Analyse the role of the public sector in the economic development of India.

Hkkjr ds vkfFkZd fodkl esa lkoZtfud miØeksa dh Hkwfedk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft;s A 9.

What is the situation of Poverty in India? What are the steps taken by the government for the removal of poverty from India?

Hkkjr esa xjhch dh D;k fLFkfr gS\ bUgsa nwj djus ds fy, ljdkj }kjk D;k dne mBk, x, gSa\ 10.

What are the causes of inflation in India? What are the steps taken by the Government for the removal of this problem?

Hkkjr esa eqnzkLQhfr ds D;k dkj.k gSa\ bUgsa nwj djus ds fy, ljdkj D;k dne mBk ldrh gS\ 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts/ Science (Hons), Part-I Hindi Composition SET-I Full Marks : 100

Time : 3 Hrs.

Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A

[k.M ¼d½ ls rhu rFkk [k.M ¼[k½ vkSj ¼x½ ls ,d&,d iz'u dk mÙkj nhft;s A [k.M & ¼d½ fdUgha rhu iz'uks uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A 1- dfo fo|kifr dk thou&ifjp; nsrs gq;s mudh dkO;xr fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft;sA 2- ifBr inksa ds vk/kkj ij jSnkl dh dkO;xr fo'ks"krkvksa dk ifjp; nhft;s A 3- fcgkjh ds ifBr nksgksa dh fo'ks"krk,¡ crkb;s A 4- eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr ds dkO; esa jk"Vªh; Hkkouk fdu :iksa esa O;kIr gS\ Li"V dhft;s A 5- ^rksM+rh iRFkj* dfork dh fo'ks"krk crkb;s A 6- ßij'kqjke dh izrh{kkÞ esa fufgr lans'k dks vius 'kCnksa esa fyf[k;s A [k.M & ¼[k½ fdlh ,d iz'u dk mÙkj nhft, A 7- laKk dks ifjHkkf"kr djrs gq;s mlds Hksnksa dk lksnkgj.k o.kZu dhft;s A 8- okD; esa iz;ksx }kjk fuEufyf[kr 'kCnksa dk fyax funsZ'k dhft;s %& izlkn] /kwi] ckSNkj] Nkrk] p'ek] jkWdsV] eksrh] ukd] lUrku] xksn A [k.M & ¼x½ fdlh ,d iz'u dk mÙkj nhft, A 9- ckrs gSa\ Hkkjrh; lekt ij tkfr ds izHkkoksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 9.

What do you mean by personality? Discuss the determining factors of personality development.


What is learning? Describe main types of learning.

O;fDrRo ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ O;fDrRo fodkl ds fu/kkZjd rRoksa dh foospuk dhft;s A f'k{k.k D;k gS\ f'k{k.k ds eq[; izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Social Work (Hons), Part-I Paper-II [Social Work-Intervention with Individuals & Group] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iziz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Trace the history of social case work practice.

lekt dsl O;ogkj ds bfrgkl dh tkudkjh nhft;s A 2.

Why case Record is essential in Socical Case Work? Discuss the principles of case recording.

lekt dsl dk;Z esa dsl fjdkMZ D;ksa vko';d gksrk gS\ dsl fjdkfMZax ds fl)karksa dk foospu dhft;s A 3.

Trace the history of social group work.

lekt lewg dk;Z ds bfrgkl dks js[kkafdr dhft;s A 4.

Discuss the various types of Group Work Groups.

lewg dk;Z lewgksa ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 5.

What is social problems? Describe various types of social problems citing their causative factors.

lkekftd leL;k,¡ D;k gS\ fofHkUu izdkj dh lkekftd leL;kvksa dk muds dkj.kksa ds lkFk o.kZu dhft;s A 6.

What is communalism? Discuss genesis, growth and causes of communalism in India.

laiznk;okn D;k gS\ Hkkjr esa laiznk;okn dh mRifÙk] o`f) rFkk dkj.kksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 7.

What do you mean by multiplicity of family problems? Describe any one methods used by social workers to handle family problems.

ikfjokfjd leL;kvksa dh cgqyrk ls vkidk D;k vfHkizk; gS\ ikfjokfjd leL;kvksa dks fuiVkus ds fy, lkekftd dk;ZdÙkkZvksa }kjk iz;qä dh tkusokyh fof/k;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d fof/k dk o.kZu dhft;s A 8.

Explain the meaning of health and health care. Discuss the need and importance of social work in health case sector.

LokLF; ,oa LokLF; ns[kHkky ds vFkZ dks Li"V dhft;s A LokLF; ns[kHkky ds {ks= esa lkekftd dk;Z dh vko';drk ,oa egÙo dh foospuk dhft;s A 9.

What is economic growth? Elucidate the relationship between economic growth and social development.

vkfFkZd o`f) D;k gS\ vkfFkZd o`f) ,oa lkekftd fodkl ds chp ds lEcU/kksa dks le>kb;s A 10.

"Fundamental Rights are the political and civil rights meant for all the citizens" Explain.

ßekSfyd vf/kdkj lHkh ukxfjdksa ds fy, jktuhfrd vkSj ukxfjd vf/kdkj gSÞ le>kb;s A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Sociology (Hons), Part-I Paper-I [Introduction to Sociology] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iziz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Define Sociology and show its relationship with other disciplines.

lekt'kkL= dh ifjHkk"kk nhft;s vkSj bldk vU; fo"k;ksa ds lkFk lEcU/k n'kkZb;s A 2.

Define society and describe its main characteristics.

lekt dh ifjHkk"kk nhft;s ,oa bldh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 3.

What do you mean by social structure? State the relationship between social structure and functions.

lkekftd lajpuk ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ lkekftd lajpuk ,oa izdk;Z ds chp lEcU/k Li"V dhft;s A 4.

Define social stratification and discuss in brief its major theories.

lkekftd Lrjhdj.k dh ifjHkk"kk nhft;s ,oa blds izeq[k fl)karksa dh la{ksi esa foospuk dhft;s A 5.

What do you mean by status? What is the difference between Ascribed and Achieved status?

izfLFkfr ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ iznÙk vkSj vftZr izfLFkfr esa D;k varj gSa\ 6.

What is culture? Analyse its main elements.

laLd`fr D;k gS\ blds eq[; rRoksa dh leh{kk dhft;s A 7.

What do you understand by Social Mobility? what are its types.

lkekftd xfr'khyrk ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ blds dkSu&dkSu ls izdkj gSa A 8.

Define Social Group and discuss its major types.

lkekftd lewg dh ifjHkk"kk nhft;s rFkk blds eq[; izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A 9.

Define Social Change. Discuss technological factor of social change.

lkekftd ifjorZu dh ifjHkk"kk nsa A lkekftd ifjorZu ds izkS|ksfxd dkj.k dh foospuk dhft;s A 10.

Write short notes on any two of the following:-

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k;s %& (i)

Subject matter of sociology

lekt'kkL= dk fo"k;oLrq (ii)


lkekftdj.k (iii)

Social Control

lkekftd fu;a=.k (iv)

Applied Sociology

O;kogkfjd lekt'kkL= 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Sociology (Hons), Part-I Paper-II [Foundation of Sociological Thought] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

"Sociology has evolved during the period of Enlightenment", Analyse.

ßlekt'kkL= dk mn~Hko izcks/ku ;qx esa gh gqvk gSÞ A leh{kk djsa A 2.

Describe the causes of Industrial Revolution and discuss the significant areas of technological development.

vkS|ksfxd ØkfUr ds dkj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft;s rFkk rduhdh fodkl ds egRoiw.kZ {ks=ksa dh ppkZ dhft;s A 3.

Discuss the major Sociological contributions of August Comte.

vxLr dkEV ds izeq[k lekt'kkL=h; nsuksa dh ppkZ dhft;s A 4.

Critically examine the theory of suicide as propounded by Durkheim.

nq[khZe }kjk izfrikfnr vkRegR;k ds fl)kar dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s A 5.

Analyse in brief the different theories of Max Weber.

eSDl oscj ds fofHkUu fl)karksa dh la{ksi esa leh{kk dhft;s A 6.

The hitherto history of all existing society has been the history of class struggle". Examine this statement.

ßvHkhrd vkfoHkwZr leLr lekt dk bfrgkl oxZ la?k"kZ dk bfrgkl jgk gSÞ bl dFku dh foospuk dhft;s A 7.

Describe the life history of Vilfredo Pareto and discuss his main sociological contributions.

foYQzsMks ijsVks ds thou&pfj= dk o.kZu dhft;s vkSj muds izeq[k lekt'kkL=h; ;ksxnku dk foospu dhft;s A 8.

Analyse the contributions of Talcott Parsons in Functionalism.

izdk;Zokn esa VkydkWV ikjlUl ds ;ksxnku dh foospuk dhft;s A 9.

Discuss the contributions of Ralph Dahrendorf in conflict perspective.


Write short notes on any two of the following:-

la?k"kZoknh ifjizs{; esa jkYQ MsgjsUMkQZ ds ;ksxnkuksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k;s %& (i)

Law of three stages.


Robert Merton

rhu&Lrjh; fu;e jkcVZ eVZu (iii)

Circulation of Elites


Development of Sociology in India.

vfHktkr oxZ dk ifjHkze.k Hkkjr esa lekt'kkL= dk fodkl 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Tourism (Hons), Part-I Paper-I {Foundation course in tourism} Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Throw light on the differences of various types of Tourism and their impact on environment and culture.

fofHkUu izdkj ds i;ZVu dk varj Li"V djrs gq, i;kZoj.k vkSj laLd`fr ij muds izHkkoksa ij izdk'k Mkysa A 2. 3.

What is 4S formula? How for they are important in tourism? 4S QkWewZyk D;k gS\ i;ZVu esa budk D;k egRo gS\ Evaluate the importance of field work in the studies of Anthropology of Tourism.

i;ZVu ds ekuo'kkL=h; v/;;uksa esa QhYModZ ds egRo dks js[kkafdr dhft;s A 4.

Revised the changes in Communication system in Post-Independence era in India.

Lora=rk izkfIr ds ckn Hkkjr esa ifjogu {ks= ds ifjorZuksa dh leh{kk djsa A 5.

Examine the role of street guides in tourism.

i;ZVu esa LVªhV xkbMksa dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu dhft;s A 6.

Explain the categories of tourism classified by Eric Cohen.

,fjd dkWgsu dh i;ZVu dh Jsf.k;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft;s A 7.

Write an essay on the Desert festival of Rajasthan.

jktLFkku ds e:LFky mRlo ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k;s A 8.

What is Spa? Examine the short History of Kavalam-Spa and its importance in tourism.

vkjkexkg D;k gS\ dksoye leqnz rVh; vkjkexkg dk y?kq bfrgkl vkSj i;ZVu esa mlds egRo dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A 9.

Define the meaning of Travel Agency and its role in Tourism.

Vsªoy ,tsUlh dk vFkZ Li"V djrs gq, i;ZVu esa bldh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu dhft;sA 10.

Discuss the National Policy of Tourism and its significance.

i;ZVu lEcU/kh jk"Vªh; uhfr vkSj blds egRo dk o.kZu dhft;s A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Tourism (Hons.), Part-I Paper-II {Foundation Courses in English Language} Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five questions. All Questions carry equal marks. 1.

Bring out the salient features of tourism in India.


What steps would you suggest for the proper development of tourism? Give reasons for your answer.


Do you think that tourism promotes development of art and culture? Give reasons for your answer.



Write notes on any two of the following: Taj Mahal, Bodh Gaya Temple, Bishwanath Temple at Benaras, Importance of Rajgirh. Prepare a tour programme for visiting Varanasi.


Describe the significance of festivals in India.


State your experiences of visiting an important historical place.

8. 9.

What future do you envisage for the future of pilgrimage in India? Which state of India receives the greatest number of tourists and why is it so? Give a reasoned answer.


What facilities do the tourists get in big cities like Delhi and Jaipur? 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Science, Zoology (Hons.), Part-I Paper-I {Systematic Position, General Organization and life History } Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80 Answer any five questions. All Questions carry equal marks.

1. (i)

Multiple choice questions. Write the correct answer: Ommatidium is found in: (a) eye of insects (b) brain of mammals (c) ear of birds (d) eye of birds. (ii) Which of the following is a sponge: (a) Metridium (b) Porpita (c) pheronema (d) Physalia. (iii) Coelom first evolved in: (a) Echinodermata (b) Arthropoda (c) Aschelminthes (d) Annelida. (iv) Respiratory organs of star fish are: (a) Pedicellariae (b) Podia (c) Body wall (d) Papulae. (v) The freshwater helminth is a: (a) Taenia (b) Planaria (c) Schistosoma (d) Fasciola. (vi) Butter flies belong to class: (a) Arachnida (b) Crustacea (c) Insecta (d) Myriapoda. (vii) Aurelia is commonly known as: (a) jelly-fish (b) Sea-fan (c) Little-sail (d) Sea-pen. (viii) The larval form of Balanoglossus is: (a) Trochophore (b) Tornaria (c) Veliger (d) Planula. (xi) Simplest type of canal system is: (a) Diplodal type (b) Ascon type (c) Euryphylous (d) Sycon type. (x) Which of the following is commonly known as freshwater apple snail: (a) Unio (b) Pila (c) Sepia (d) Octopus. (xi) Intermediate host of Leishmania is: (a) tse-tse fly (b) Sand-fly (c) house-fly (d) mosquito. (xii) The silk is derived from: (a) Eggs (b) Adult (c) larvae (d) Pupae. (xiii) Trypanosoma gambiense causes: (a) Malaria (b) Sleeping sickness (c) Amoebic dysentery (d) Kal-azar. (xiv) Piercing and sucking type of mouthparts are found in: (a) house-fly (b) wasps (c) mosquito and bugs (d) mosquito (xv) The sperm of Ascaris is: (a) ciliated (b) amoeboid (c) oval (d) flagellated. (xvi) Which of the following causes filariasis: (a) Wuchereria bencrofti (b) Taenia solium (c) Ancyclostoma duodenale (d) ascaris lumbricoids. Or Give a comparative account of Pond and forest ecosystem. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Describe the canal system in Sponges. Describe the detailed structure and nutrition in paramecium. Give an account of the structure and life-history of Obelia. Describe the life- cycle of malarial parasite in man. Describe the life-cycle and pathogenesis of Taenia solium. Give an account of the life-cycle of Sacculina. Give an account of the nervous system of pila. Describe the water-vascular system of star fish. Give an account of the internal anatomy of Balanoglossus. 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.Sc. Zoology (Hons) Part-I Paper-II (Ecology, Animal Behaviour & Economic Zoology) Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80 Answer any five question.


What do you mean by ecosystem? Describe the components of ecosystem.


Define innate behaviour. Discuss various types of innate behaviour with suitable example.


Describe the parental care in amphibians.


Enlist the zoological names of paddy pests. Describe the life-cycle of any two of them.


Write an essay on wild-life conservation in India.


What is Biogeochemical cycle? Describe the nitrogen cycle.


Define pollution. Write an essay on water pollution.


Define the term biome and describe the desert biome.


Describe the "Apiculture".


Write short notes on any three:(i) Biological clock (ii) Migration in birds (iii) Food-chain (iv) Energy flow in Ecosystem (v) Symbiosis.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.C.A., Part-I Paper-I [Foundation course in English] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:Then he remembered what followed that evening. It was decided that the young man should spend the years of his captivity under the strictest supervision in one of the lodges of the banker's garden. I was agreed that for fifteen years he should not be free to cross the threshold of the lodge to see human being to hear the human voice or to receive letters and news papers. He was allowed to have a musical instrument and books, and was allowed to write letters, to drink wine, and to smoke. By the terms of the agreement, the only relations he could have with the outer world were by a little window made purposely for that object. He might have anything he wanted- books, music, wine and soon - in any quantity he desired, by writing an order, but could receive them only through the window. The agreement provided for every detail and every trifle that would make his imprisonment strictly and bound the young man to stay there exactly fifteen years beginning from twelve O'clock of November 14, 1870 and ending at twelve O'clock of November 14, 1885. The slightest attempt on his part to break the conditions, if only two minutes before the end, released the banker from the obligation to pay him two millions. (a) choose a suitable title to the passage (b) Between whom the agreement to live in confinement for fifteen years was signed? (c) Where was the young man required to spend the years of his captivity? (d) What facilities were granted to the young man while living in solitary confinement? (e) How could he have relations with the outer world? (f) What would happen if the young man left the room two minutes before twelve O'clock of November, 14 1885?


Write an essay on any one of the following: (a) Lok Sabha Election, 2009 (b) Our craze for speed. (c) Honesty is the Best Policy. (d) Your Aim in life. (e) A Bedside Book


Fill in the blanks with must or have to in the following sentences: (a) I __________ leave now; it is getting late. (b) I can never remember peoples phone numbers: I always ______ look up. (c) You _______ try to be a little more tactful. (d) It isn't fair, I always ________ do the dirty work. (e) If there is a problem. You _______ report it to me.


Insert to, Where necessary, before the verbs in brackets. (a) Do you know how (repair) a watch? (b) Why did you make us (wait) for so long outside? (c) Would you like (join) the army? (d) Please till me where (Keep) this vase in the drawing room. (e) It is necessary for me (attend) the meeting.


Turn the following into the Passive Voice: (a) People play cricket in many countries. (b) Shakespeare wrote "Hamlet". (c) A motorist must obey the rules. (d) Such adventure injures no one. (e) He showed me the new building.



Match words of list A with words of similar meaning in list B. A B Meditation Conflict Oblivion worship Adore Contemplation Strife forgetfulness Rowing Noisy


Answer the following: (a) How is a computer different from a human being? (b) How does the control unit decide which arithmetic operation has to be performed on the data? (c) In what form is the data stored in the memory unit? (d) How is an input device different from an output device? (e) Why is it necessary to have an output device? (f) How does a user check the computer output before getting its print out. (g) which components if a computer are required essentially for any sort of computing? (h) How does a control unit proceed?


Answer the following: (a) What are the components of a computer? (b) How is an analog computer different from digital computer? (c) List the reasons which make the monster computer so expensive. (d) Explain the functions of CPU. (e) Explain the types of computers.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I Paper-II {Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences}

¼ekufodh ,oa lkekftd foKku esa vk/kkjHkwr ikB~;Øe½ Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 80 Answer Five Questions. Question No 1 is compulsory. Attempt any 4 other questions out of the remaining 9 questions.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A izz'u la[;k 1 vfuok;Z gS] vof'k"V 9 iz'uksa esa ls fdUgha pkj ds mÙkj nhft,A 1.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Answer all the following 16 questions each carrying one (1) mark: Put √ tick mark against the correct statement and X mark against the incorrect statement. (i)

New Stone Age began 3000 years ago.




Alfred Krober was a British Anthropologist




The Book "Social Development" by L.T.Hobhouse was written in 1930.




The decision to Partition the Province of Bengal by the British Government was taken on 20 Sept, 1905.




Non-Cooperation Movement in India was started in 1917-19.




The Author of "Neel Darpan" play drama in 1860 was Shri Sharat Chandra.




Planning Commission of India, created in 1950, is a Constitutional Authority.



(viii) The female literacy rate in India as per 2001 census in 60.13 percent.




The National Saka Calendar in India was adopted in 24th march 1957.




The song Vande-Mataram was sung for the first time in the Congress Session of 1899.




The doctrine of Tribal Panchsheel was enumerated by Vereer Elwin.




The word secularism was coined by Jacole Holyoake in 1851.



(xiii) The Indian Constitution was adopted on 26th Nov 1949.




Article 14th of the Constitution of India deals with the Right to Equality.




The Fundamental Duties of the Indian citizens are described in Article 51A.




Indian States were reorganized in 1956.



(xvii) Bihar was partitioned in 2000.



= = = =

(xviii) The Supreme Court of India consists of 31 judges including Chief Justice.




The Bihar Legislative Assembly consists of 243 members.



Answer any four of the following questions:

îLâëÑóÑxâê=Éë~=äë=ÑÇrÖÜ~=éâà=áòDìâë~=Çâ=ã½âà=åÜÑíIB 2

Discuss the process of Human settlement.




Examine the causes and impact of the revolt of 1857. Why it called the First War of Independence?

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NURT=Çë=ÑçåòâëÖ=Çë=ÇâàKââë~=Iç~=áòeââçâë~=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^=Ääë=içê~Zâêâ=Çâ=áòcâÉ=Xè¼=aXâë~=ÇÖâ== íâêâ=


Define Humanism? Explain the sources of humanism of national movement in India.




Discuss the functions of a Welfare State.




Describe the organization and functions of the Planning Commission of India.




Discuss the functions and role of Public Distribution System in Social sector.




Examine the disadvantages of the rapid growth of Population.




Discuss the diverse patterns and problems of Tribal Culture in India.




What do you mean by Democratic Decentralization? Explain this in the context of the 73rd amendment of the Indian constitution.

= áòíâêâ~ÑZâÇ=ÑçÇëråòÜÇàKâ=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~y=eââàêÜX=ä~ÑçLâì=Çë=TPçë~=ä~DââëLì=Çë=ä~åeâw=Éë~== lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^= = ****


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.C.A. Part-I, Paper-IV [ PC Software Application Skill (CS-612) ] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.


3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Three married couples are to cross a river in a boat which can hold only two persons. One of whom must row the boat. Each of the three husbands is a jealous man who will not allow his wife to be left in the company of other men, unless he is also present. Show how the jealous husbands and their wives can accomplish the trip by labelling all the states on the left and right banks of the river. Explain the meaning and purpose of the following: (i) Auto Format (ii) Pivot Table (iii) Custom control (iv) WYSIWYG Explain the steps involved in displaying, editing and deleting a scenario manager. What is the remainder left after dividing 1!+2!+3!+................ + 100! by 7? What is a function? Explain any two functions with syntax; of the following categories: (i) Arithmetic (ii) Lookup and References What is a Domain Name System? What are the different bases for classifying Domain Name System? Explain with two examples each. What is "filtering a database"? Explain two ways to filter a database. (a) What are Macros? Explain two differences between Macros and Templates. (b) What is a URL in Internet? Explain the fields of a URL through an example. What are custom controls? Explain their use on the worksheet. Write the sequences of steps to create custom controls. What are the different software and hardware components required for Internet? Also, explain the use of different hardware components.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I, Paper-VI (CS-62) [ For Old Students only ] Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 60

Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8. 9.


WAP in C to insert and delete an element in a double ended queue. WAP in C to convert a prefix expression to postfix expression. Draw a 3-way B-tree for the following series of element:A, B, E, X, U, V, G, F, I, C, H, Y, T. Write short notes on: (a) Arrays (b) Kruskal's Algorithm (c) Sparse Matrix (d) DFS (Depth First Search) The following keys are inserted in the order shown, into an AVL tree. Draw an AVL tree for the same. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Different between the following giving an example for each:(a) Sequential file organisation and Direct File Organisation. (b) De queue and Circular queue. (c) Recursive algorithm and Non-Recursive algorithm. WAP in C to search a node in Binary Search Tree (BST) What is Preorder, Inorder and Postorder traversal. Explain giving examples. Construct the binary tree that has the following inorder and preorder traversals. Inorder : B, E, D, A, F, H, G, C Preorder : A, B, D, E, C, F, G, H. Differentiate between stack and queue. Write algorithms for implementing both.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I, Paper-VI (CS-62) [ Practical Examination ] SET-I Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 100 Answer all the questions.

1. 2. 3.

WAP in C for evaluation of postfix expression. A Dequeue is a list from which elements can be inserted or deleted at either end. WAP in C to implement a dequeue. Also check the necessary conditions. WAP in C for searching a linked list to find a specific item of information stored in the list.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I, Paper-VI (CS-62) [ Practical Examination ] SET-II Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 100 Answer all the questions.

1. 2.


WAP to multiply two matrices of dimension [3 X 3] in C. It is possible to keep two stacks in a single array, if one grows from the first position and other grows from the last position. Write procedure push (X, S) that pushes elements X onto stack S where S is one or other of these two stacks. Include all necessary assumptions. WAP in C for searching a linked list to find a specific item of information stored in the following: 1 2 1 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I Practical Exam (CS-611)

[For Old Students Only] Time: 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 60


Answer any five Questions. What is multi programming? How is it different from SPOOLING?


What is meant by the term Cryptanalysis? Describe the RSA approach of data security.


Explain EDI. What are its advantages?


What are the components of Von-Neumann machine? What is stored program concept?


Write short notes on:



Cache memory


Packet Switching





What are the reasons for development of Reduced Instruction Set Computer architective? What are the

principles of RISC? 7.

What are the different types of Communication Channels? Discuss their features?


Describe the use of basic elements of a programming language with the help of an


Describe the following terms in the Context of Computer:










What is Batch Processing? Explain how it is different from Real time system.



Nalanda Open University

Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I, Paper-VI (CS-62) [ Practical Examination ] SET-III Full Marks : 100 Answer all the questions.

1. 2. 3.

Draw an AVL tree for the given series of element: A, Z, B, Y, C, X, D, E, F, V, W, S. WAP in C recursively to test that the given string is a palindrome. Write a C function to compute total number of Internet nodes in a Binary tree.

Nalanda Open University

Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I, Paper-VI (CS-62) [ Practical Examination ] SET-IV Full Marks : 100 Answer all the questions.

1. 2. 3.

WAP in C to convert an infix expression to prefix expression. WAP in C (recursive) to implement quicksort technique and discuss its efficiencies. Draw an AVL tree for the given series of element: 20, 40, 42, 30, 75, 45, 52, 22, 60, 16.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I, Paper-VI (CS-62) [ Practical Examination ] SET-V Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 100 Answer all the questions.

1. 2. 3.

WAP in C to read a set of numbers from the keyboard and to sort the given array element in ascending order using functions. WAP in C (recursive) to traverse a Binary tree in pre-order. WAP in C to print the pattern given below:


1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

Nalanda Open University

Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I, Paper-VI (CS-62) [ Practical Examination ] SET-VI Full Marks : 100 Answer all the questions.

1. 2. 3.

WAP to read a set of numbers from the keyboard and to find out the sum of all the elements of the given array using functions in C. Differentiate between Doubly linked list and singly linked list. WAP in C to implement both. Write Prims and Kruskals Algorithm.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I, Paper-VI (CS-62) [ Practical Examination for Old Students only] Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 15 Answer all the questions.

1. 2.

WAP in C to implement Quicksort technique and discuss its efficiencies. WAP in C for evaluating a prefix expression.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I, Paper-VI (CS-62) [ Practical Examination for Old Students only] Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 15 Answer all the questions.

1. 2.

WAP in C to implement Quicksort technique and discuss its efficiencies. WAP in C for evaluating a prefix expression.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I, Paper-III (CS-611) [ Practical Examination for Old Students only] SET-I Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 15 Answer all the questions.

1. 2.

Write a macro which is invoked by pressing Ctrl+A, and it is supposed to print the following equation: ax2+bx+c=0 Create a Power Point Presentation having at least 5 slides and should do the following:(a) Set a slide transition on mouse click for all the slide. (b) Change the Background display of all the slides. (c) At least two slides should contain a picture.


Write all the steps of both the questions in your copy.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I, Paper-III (CS-611) [ Practical Examination for Old Students only] SET-II Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 15 Answer all the questions.


Using Mail merge features of Microsoft word do the following: Create a mailing list of your friends, containing minimum 5 addresses create a letter for inviting your friends to attend a party organized by you. 2. Create a Power Point Presentation for an organization to present various activities along with the performance of the organization. Do the following in your presentation: (a) Use auto presentation of 6 sec and choose necessary background. (b) Set the slide transition to "dissolve". (c) Create one action button on the first page which when clicked will take you to the last slide. Note: Write all the steps of both the questions in your copy.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I, Paper-VI (CS-62) [ Practical Examination for Old Students only] SET-II Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 15 Answer all the questions.

1. 2.

A Dequeue is a list from which elements can be inserted or deleted at either end. WAP in C, to implement a dequeue. Also check all the necessary error condition. WAP in C for printing the following pattern of elements:

2 3 2 4 3 2 5 4 3 2

1 1 1 1 1

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I, Paper-VI (CS-62) [ Practical Examination for Old Students only] SET-II Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 15 Answer all the questions.

1. 2.

A Dequeue is a list from which elements can be inserted or deleted at either end. WAP in C, to implement a dequeue. Also check all the necessary error condition. WAP in C for printing the following pattern of elements:

2 3 2 4 3 2 5 4 3 2

1 1 1 1 1

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) , Part-I Paper-I [ Financial Accounting ] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 80 Answer any five questions. All Questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj fyf[k, fyf[k, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gS A


From the following Receipt and Payment Account and further informations, prepare an Income and expenditure Account for the year ended 31st March 2009.

uhps fn;s x;s izkfIr ,oa Hkqxrku [kkrk rFkk vU; lwpukvksa ls 31 ekpZ] 2009 dks lekIr gksuos kys o"kZ dk vk;&O;; [kkrk cukb;s% Receipt and Payment Account Receipts ¼izkfIr;k¡½ To Balance b/d (1-04-2008) fiNyk o"kZ 'ks"k ¼1-04-208½ To Donations ¼nku½ To Subscriptions ¼pUns½ To Endowment ¼/keZLo½ To Legacies ¼olh;r½

Amount Payments ¼Hkqxrku½ (Rs.) 10,000 By Charities ¼/kekZFkZ nku½ 18,000 By Salaries ¼osru½ By Rent ¼fdjk;k½ 15,000 By Printing ¼eqnz.k½ 15,000 By Advertisement ¼foKkiu½ 5,000 By Investment ¼fofu;ksx½ By Balance c/d ¼'ks"k vkxs dks½ 63,000

Amount (Rs.) 13,000 4,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 30,000 11,000 63,000

Additional Informations: ¼vfrfjDr lwpuk;sa½ (i) Treat half of the donations and legacies as revenue Income. nku rFkk olh;r dh vk/kh jde dks vk;xr ekfu;s A (ii) Endowment is treated as capital Income. /keZLo dh lkjh jde iw¡thxr vk; gS A (iii) Salary Rs. 1000 is outstanding and Rent Rs. 500 is prepaid.

Oksru 1000 :0 vnÙk gS rFkk fdjk;k 500 :0 iwoZnÙk gS A 2.

X, Y and Z are three partners, sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:2:1. They decide to dissolve the firm and following is their Balance-Sheet on the date of dissolution 31st December 2008:

X, Y rFkk Z rhu lk>snkj gSa tks ykHkkykHk dks 2:2:1 ds vuqikr esa ck¡Vrs gSa A bUgksaus QeZ dks fo?kfVr djus dk fu.kZ; fd;k A fo?kVu ds fnu 31 fnlEcj] 2008 dks mUkdk fpV~Bk bl izdkj Fkk% Liabilities ¼nkf;Ro½ Creditors ¼ysunkj½ Reserve Fund ¼lafpr dks"k½

Amount Assets ¼lEifÙk;k¡½ (Rs.) 15,000 Cash ¼jksdM+½ 10,000 Stock ¼LdU/k½ Debtors ¼nsunkj½ 5,000 Furniture ¼QuhZpj½

Profit and Loss A/c ¼ykHk gkfu [kkrk½ X's Capital A/c ¼ X dk iw¡th [kkrk½

20,000 Plant and Machenary ¼IykUV ,oa e'khujh½

Y's Capital A/c ¼ Y dk iw¡th [kkrk½

10,000 Z's Capital ¼ Z dk iw¡th½ 60,000

Amount (Rs.) 4,500 14,300 15,000 4,000 16,000



The assets are realised as follows:

lEifÙk;ksa ls olwyh fuEu izdkj gqbZ% Stock ¼LdU/k½ 10,000, Debtors ¼nsunkj½ 12,000, Furniture ¼QuhZpj½ 2,000. Plant and Machinery was taken over by X at Rs. 12,000. Creditors are paid in full. Iyk.V ,oa e'khujh X

ds }kjk 12]000 :0 eas fy;k x;k A ysunkjksa dk iw.kZ Hkqxrku fd;k x;k A Z is insolvent but his estate pays Rs. 2,000. Prepare necessary Accounts in the books of the firm.

Z fnokfy;k gS ij mldh tk;nkn ls 2]000 :0 izkIr gksrk gS A QeZ dh iqLrdksa eas vko';d [kkrs

cukb;s A 3.

Akashdeep Keeps his books under single entry system. His financial position on 1st January, 2007 was as follows:

vkdk'knhi vius O;kikj dk fglkc fdrkc ,dy izfof"V iz.kkyh ds vuqlkj j[krs gSa A 1 tuojh 2007 dks mldh foÙkh; fLFkfr fuEu izdkj Fkh% Cash ¼jksdM+½ Rs. 200, Cash at Bank ¼cSd a esa jksdM+½ Rs. 1000, Debtors ¼nsunkj½ Rs. 3000, Stock ¼LdU/k½ Rs. 3000, Furniture ¼QuhZpj½ Rs. 5000, Machine ¼e'khu½ Rs. 3000, Creditors ¼ysunkj½ Rs. 1500, B/P ¼ns;fcy½ Rs. 2000. Following is the position on 31st December 2007. 31 fnlEcj] 2007 dks foÙkh; fLFkfr fuEukafdr gS% Cash ¼jksdM+½ Rs. 300, Debtors ¼nsunkj½ Rs. 3000, Stock ¼LdU/k½ Rs. 4000, Furniture ¼QuhZpj½ Rs. 1000, Machine ¼e'khu½ Rs. 5000, Creditors ¼ysunkj½ Rs. 3000, Bank overdraft ¼cSd a vf/kfod"kZ½ Rs. 1000. He withdrew Rs. 1000 during the year for his personal use and introduced Rs. 500 as further Cost. Find out the profit or loss far the year 2007 and prepare Balance Sheet on that date.

mlus o"kZ ds vUnj futh O;; ds fy;s 1000 :0 fudkys vkSj 500 :0 vfrfjDr iw¡th yxkbZ A 31 fnLkEcj] 2007 dk ykHk ;k gkfu Kkr dhft;s vkSj mlh frfFk dk fpV~Bk cukb;s A 4.

Magadh Co. Ltd. purchased a truck on the installment payment system on 1st January, 2006. The cash price of the truck was Rs. 4,00,000. Rs. 80, 000 was paid on delivery and four annual installments of Rs. 80,000 each are paid on 31st December. In addition, interest is to be charged at 6% per annum of yearly balance. Depreciation @ 10% annually is to be provided on the diminishing balance system. You are required to pass Journal entries in the books of the purchaser.

1 tuojh] 2006 dks ex/k dEiuh fy0 us fdLr Hkqxrku i)fr ij ,d Vªd [kjhnk A Vªd dk udn ewY; 4]00]000 :0 Fkk A 80]000 :0 lqiwnZxh ds le; pqdk;s x;s rFkk 'ks"k jde 80]000:0 pkj okf"kZd fdLrksa esa izfro"kZ 31 fnlEcj dks pqdkbZ tkrh gS A blds vfrfjDr okf"kZd 'ks"k ij 6 izfr'kr okf"kZd C;kt yxk;k tkrk gS A Øekxr gªkl i)fr ls izfro"kZ 10 izfr'kr gªkl fn[kykuk gS A Øsrk dh iqLrdksa esa tuZy ds ys[ks dhft;s A 5.

The assets of a merchant on 30th June, 2008 as shown by his books were Rs. 56,000 and his liabilities Rs. 44,000. He filed his petition in the insolvency court and estimated his deficiency to be Rs. 30,000. After making the above estimate he found that the following items were not passed through his account books. Interest at 6% on his capital from 1st January, 2008. A contingent liability for Rs. 10,000. Amount due as wages Rs. 300, as salaries Rs. 700, as rent Rs. 300 and as rates and taxes Rs. 100. Arrears payable as compensation under workmen compensation Act, Rs. 100. Prepare his statement of affairs and his deficiency account.

30 twu] 2008 dks ,d O;olk;h dh lEifÙk;k¡ ,oa nkf;Ro Øe'k% 56]000:0 vkSj 44]000:0 ds FksA mlus fnokyk gksus ds fy;s ,d vkosnu i= U;;ky; esa fn;k vkSj viuh vuqekfur deh 30]000:0 izdV dh A mi;Zqä vuqeku ds ckn mls irk pyk fd fuEufyf[kr ds fy;s ys[ks iqLrdksa esa ugha gq;s gSa %& 1 tuojh] 2008 ls mldh iw¡th ij C;kt 6 izfr'kr A mlds }kjk Hkquk;s gq;s 10]000 :0 ds fcyksa ij lafnX/k 2500:0 A ns; jkf'k;k¡&etnwjh 300:0] osru 700:0] fdjk;k 300:0] dj 100:0 deZdkj {kfriwfrZ vf/kfu;e ds vUrxZr ns; {kfriwfrZ dh cdk;k jkf'k 100:0 gS A fLFkfr fooj.k rFkk deh dk [kkrk cukb;s A 6.

7. 8. 9. 10.

Distinguish between Receipt and payment account and income and expenditure account.

izkfIr ,oa Hkqxrku [kkrk rFkk vk; ,oa O;; [kkrk ds chp vUrj Li"V dhft;s A What is Hire Purchase system? Discuss its different features. fdjk;k Ø; i)fr D;k gS\ blds fofHkUu fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A Write an essay on Garner Vs. Murray rule in the case of insolvency of a Partner. ,d lk>snkj ds fnokfy;k dh fLFkfr esa xkuZj cuke~ ejsZ fu;e ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k;s\ Discuss the different concepts and conventions of Accounting? ys[kkadu ds fofHkUu vo/kkj.kkvksa ,oa izFkkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft;s A What do you mean by independent Branch, What Journal entries are generally passed in the books of H.O. to incorporate Branch Trial Balance? Lora= 'kk[kk ls D;k le>rs gSa\ eq[; dk;kZy; dh iqLrdksa esa 'kk[kk ds ryiV dks lekesfyr djus ds fy;s dkSu&dkSu ls tuZy ds ys[ks fd;s tkrs gSa\ 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Commerce, Part-I Paper-II {Auditing} Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

Discuss principle and procedure of auditing.

î~ÇëôâKâ=Çë=Ñä¼ârê=Iç~=áòÑÕXâ=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 2.

Describe the objectives, advantages and limitation of audit.

î~ÇëôâKâ=Çë=ã∞ëDXâë~z=óâeââë~=Iç~=äÜÉâîâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= 3.

What is internal check? Distinguish between internal check and internal audit.

îârêÑàÇ=íâflé=aXâ=Öpy=îârêÑàÇ=íâflé=Iç~=îârêÑàÇ=î~ÇëôâKâ=Éë~=îrêà=ÇÜÑíI^= 4.

What is Deferred Revenue Expenditure? Discuss the duties of an auditor in respect of capital expenditure and revenue expenditure.

icâÑñê= îâXñê= lXX= aXâ= Öpy= áïflíÜñê= lXX= êcââ= îâXñê= lXX= Çë= ä~Å~L= Éë~= IÇ= î~ÇëôâÇ= Çë= ÇêwlXâë~= Çâ= Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= 5.

Distinguish between provisions and Reserve and state the auditors duties in relation to provisions and reserve.

îâXâëíì=Iç~= ä~éX=Éë~= îrêà=ÇÜÑíI=êcââ=îâXâëíì=Iç~= ä~éX=Çë= ä~Å~L=Éë~= î~ÇëôâKâ=Çë= ÇêlXâëw~= Çâ=ãvóëxâ= ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

What do you know about valuation of liabilities? Discuss types of liabilities and their verification and valuation.

åâÄolââë~= Çë= ÉïvXâ~Çì=Çë= Åâàë= Éë~= îâá=aXâ=íâìêë= Öp~y=åâÄoçâë~= Çë= áòÇâà=Iç~= ãìÇë= äoXâáì=Iç~= ÉïvXâ~Çì=ÇÜ= Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 7.

Explain the legislative provisions related to payment of dividend.

óâeââ~Dâ=Çë=eâèñêâì=äë=ä~Å~ÑLê=çpLâÑìÇ=áòâçLâìâë~=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 8.

Examine the civil and criminal liabilities of an auditor.

î~ÇëôâKâ=Çë=åÜçâìÜ=îâpà=îáàâÑLÇ=åâÑXoçâë~=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=Çàë~^= 9.

What is investigation? How does it differ from auditing?

îìèä~Lâì=aXâ=Öpy=XÖ=î~ÇëôâKâ=äë=ÑÇä=áòÇâà=Ñeârì=Öpy= 10.

Give the major provisions of the Companies Act in respect of Audit Report.

î~ÇëôâKâ=áòÑêçëåì=Çë=ä~Å~L=Éë~=Ç~áìÜ=îÑLÑìXÉ=Çë=áòÉèxâ=áòâçLâìâë~=Çâë=ÅêóâIfl^= = *******

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Commerce (Hons.), Part-I { ekr`Hkk"kk (fgUnh) } Time: 1½ Hrs.

Full Marks: 50

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

[k.M ¼d½ ls fdUgha rhu vkSj [k.M ¼[k½ ls nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A

[k.M ¼d½













fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A

[k.M ¼[k ½








îÇëóâ=éìâ=eââjH=ìÖÜ~=ánâëjH=äÇêâz=îâÉ=Çë=îâÉ=ñè_óÜ=Çâ=åâÉz=îâflxâ=Çë=îrLë=ñâfl_=Çë=áïàëz=ì=àÖëñâ=Åâflä=ì= ÅíëñÜ=ÅâfläèàÜz=Öâcâ=Ç~ñì=Çâë=îâàäÜ=aXâz=xââëåâ=áÖâjH=ÑìÇóÜ=éïÑÖXâz=ñèW=ñèjH=éëóâ=éÜìÜz=îâñë=ìâcâ=ì=áÜkë= áñÖâ^=

NMJ= ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=îçêàKâ=Çâ=ÑÖråÜ=îìèçâå=ÇÜÑíI^= The Library is a place where there is a large collection of books. Libraries are of two kinds – Public and = Private. Some people are fery fond of books and collect them to satisfy their Thirst of knowledge.


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Commerce (Hons), Part-I Hindi Composition Time : 3 Hrs.

Full Marks : 100

Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A

[k.M ¼d½ ls rhu rFkk [k.M ¼[k½ vkSj ¼x½ ls ,d&,d iz'u dk mÙkj nhft;s A [k.M & ¼d½ fdUgha rhu iz'uks uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A 1- dfo fo|kifr dk thou ifjp; nsrs gq;s mudh dkO;xr fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A 2- ifBr in esa O;Dr xksfi;ksa ds Hkkoksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A 3- jghe us ,d lkFk HkfDr] jhfr vkSj uhfr dh f=os.kh vius lkfgR; eas cgkbZ gS A rdZiw.kZ mÙkj nhft, A 4- ^Hkkjr nqnZ'kk* dfork dh leh{kk dhft, A 5- ^chrh foHkkojh tkx jh* 'kh"kZd dfork dh fo'ks"krkvksa dks mn~?kkfVr dhft,A 6- egknsoh oekZ dk thou&ifjp; nsrs gq, muds jpuk&lalkj dh foospuk dhft,A [k.M & ¼[k½ fdlh ,d iz'u dk mÙkj nhft, A 7- lekl rFkk mlds Hksnksa dks lksnkgj.k Li"V dhft, A 8- fuEufyf[kr 'kCnksa dk lfU/k foPNsn dhft, %& erSD;] ijekS"kf/k] jktsUnz] egf"kZ] f'koky;] johUnz] egksRlo] uk;d] iape] ljksoj A [k.M & ¼x½ fdlh ,d iz'u dk mÙkj nhft, A 910-

lekpkj&i= ds lEiknd dks vius eqgYys dh lM+d dh nqnZ'kk ls lEcfU/kr ,d i= fyf[k, A lekpkj ys[ku ds egRoiw.kZ fgLlksa dk o.kZu dhft,A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Science {Botany (Hons.)}, Part-I Paper-I {Biodiversity of Plants and Diversity of Algae) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.


Describe the economic importance of Algae.


Describe the life -cycle of Vaucheria or Oedogonium.


Draw a Heat Labelled ultra structure of cyanophycean cell (=Prokaryotic cell). No description is required.


What is loose smut of Wheat ? Describe the life-cycle of Ustilage.


Describe the identifying character of Albugo. Mention the symptoms of disease caused by this pathogen.


Describe the various methods of vegetative reproduction met in Bryophytes studied by you.


Describe the progressive sterilization of sporogenous tissue in Bryophytes studied by you.


Describe the morphological nature of the spike of Ophioglossum.


Describe the heterospory and seed habit of selaginella.


Write short notes on any two of the following: (i)



Rhizome of Marsilea




Gemna Cup




Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.Sc. Botany (Hons) Part-I Paper-II [ Gymnosperm, Fossils and Angiosperm ] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. 2. 3. 4.

What is fossilization? Describe various process of fossolization. Give a comparative account of the female gametophyte of Taxus and Gnetum. Give an account of the fossil flora of Bihar. Write short notes on any two:(i) Ovuliferaus scale of Pinus. (ii) Bars of sanio (iii) Female flowers of Gnetum. (iv) Lepidodendron.

5. 6. 7.

Describe about the internal structure of pinus needle and point out its xerophytic features. Describe about the system of classification proposed by Hutchinson. What are the demerits of this system. Describe the floral characters of Acanthacene and compare it with the flaral characters of lamiacea and Boraginaceae. Give a comparative account of family Rubiaceac and Apocynaceac. Describe one of the family selecting from class monocotyledones giving floral formula and essential diagrams. Write short notes on any two:(i) Hypanthodium (ii) Verticillaster (iii) Spoikelets. (iv) Pollinia.

8. 9. 10.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Science, Chemistry (Hons.), Part-I Paper-I {Physical chemistry & Inorganic chemistry} Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five questions, selecting two from group ‘A’ and three form group ‘B’


(a) (b)

Group – ‘A’ (Physical Chemistry) Define (i) pH (ii) Buffer solution Calculate the pH of 10-8N HCl solution in water.


(a) (b)

State and explain Ostwald's dilution law. What are its limitations? Explain the term solubility and solubility product.


Write notes on any three: (a) Common ion effect. (b) Buffer capacity (c) Mean free path (d) Hydrolysis of salt.


(a) (b)


Give the postulates of kinetic theory of gases. Calculate the r.m.s. velocity of oxygen at S.T.P.

Group – ‘B’ (Inorganic chemistry) Give the hybridisation structure and shape of H2O, NH3, SO2 and PCl3.


(a) (b)

Give the important ores of silver. How silver metal is extracted from its ore? What do you mean by 18 carats gold?


Explain the following: (a) Hund’s rule

(b) Orbit & orbital

(c) Quantum numbers.


Explain the following: (a) H2O is liquid while H2S is a gas. (b) XeF2 is linear (c) CO2 is linear while SO2 is angular


What are sigma and pi bonds? Why sigma bond is stronger than pi (π) bonds? How many sigma and pi (π) bonds are present in benzene?


Write notes on any three: (a) Lunar Caustic

(b) Inert pair effect 

(c) Lattice energy 

(d) Fajan’s rule.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.Sc. Chemistry (Hons) Part-I Paper-II [ Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry ] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80 Answer any five question. Selecting two questions from Group-A and three questions from Group-B.

Group-A (Physical Chemistry) 1. 2.

3. 4.

(a) Define osmotic pressure. How it is measured accurately? (b) Calculate the osmotic pressure of urea (M=60) solution containing 5% of 27oc (a) What do you mean by elevation in boiling point? Give Raoult's Law. How it is applicable in determination of molecular weight of none electrolyte and nonvolatile substance. (b) What is molal elevation constant. (a) Describe first law of thermodynamics. (b) Establish relation between pressure volume and temperature in an adiabatic charge. Write notes on any three:(a) Reversible - Irreversible process (b) Heat capacity (c) Van Hoff's theory of osmosis. (d) Colligafive properties of solution.

Group-B (Organic Chemistry) 5.

6. 7.

(a) Give the differences between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohol. (b) How glycerol react with (i) Hg (ii) Oxalic acid (iii) Pcl3 (a) How the presence of nitrogen and chlorine are detected in organic compounds. (b) What is the aim to base organic compound with sodium metal. Give the I.U.P.A.C. name of the following: (a) CH3-CH2-CH=CH-CHO (b) HOOC-CH2-CH2-COOH H | (c) CH3-C-CH2-COOH | OH (d) CH3-OH=CH-C=C-CH3

8. 9. 10.

(e) CH3-CH2-CH2-O-CH3 Give the hybridization and structure of C2H4 and C2H2 (a) How citric acid is obtained large scale. Write short notes on any three:(a) Hofmann's bromanide reaction (b) Hins birg's tisf (c) Tollen's reagent (d) Fehling's solution.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.Sc. Physics (Hons) Part-I Paper-I Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

State and prove Gauss's theorem. Set up Lagrange's equation and apply it to find the time period of simple pendulum. State and prove the principle of least action. Describe the motion of a particle under central force. Find the components of force if the potential V(x,y,z)=k ⁄ (x2+y2+z2)½ where k is a constant. Discuss the motion of a charged particle in electromagnetic field. Show that when a clock moves with velocity v relative to the observer, the rate measured is slowed by a factor of √1-v2/c2. Calculate the Doppler shift in wavelength for light of λ=6000Å (a) when the source approaches the observer at velocity 0.3c (b) when the source approaches transversely to the line of sight at a velocity of 0.7c. Set up the differential equation of propagation of one dimensional wave. Analyse the vibration of plucked string using Fourier theorem.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.Sc. Physics (Hons) Part-I Paper-II [ Heat, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics ] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five question, selecting at least two from each group. Group-A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Derive Maxwell's distribution law of velocities for gas molecules and discuss its experimental verification. Deduce an expression for mean free path. How will you measure it experimentally? Derive the Vander Walls equation of state of a gas. Mention its defects. State and explain Wiedemann-Franz Law. How will you derive it? Discuss the Debye theory of specific heat of solid.

Group-B 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

State and prove Carnot theorem. State and prove Clausius inequality. Mention its importance. Write an essay on production and measurement of low temperatures. Discuss the statistical basis of thermodynamics and derive an expression for thermodynamic probability. Write short notes on any two:-

(a) (b) (c)

Zeroth law of thermodynamics. First law of thermodynamics. Second law of thermodynamics. 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts/Science (Hons.), Part-I Paper-I {Geography Practical} SET-I Full Marks: 20

Time: 2.00 Hrs. Answer all questions.

lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A 1.

Reduce the given map of India half in scale.

ÑåXë=ñXë=eââàê=Çë=ÉâìÑéZâ=Çâë=iÇëó=Éë~=îâLâ=kâësâ=Çàë~^= 2.

Represent the following data by suitable diagram.

ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=îâ~ÇjHë=Çâë=ãáXèaê=ÑçÑL=õâàâ=áòåÑDâwê=ÇÜÑíI^= = = = = = = = = 3.

Production of Rice, 2005–06

éâçó=Çâ=ãoáâåìz=OMMRCMS= = State jkT; = West Bengal EáÑDéÉ=Å~ñâóF= Andhra Pradesh = Eîâ~Lò=áòåëDâF= = = = Uttar Pradesh Eã½âà=áòåëDâF= = Punjab (á~íâÅF= = Tamilnadu (êâÑÉóìâjèF= = Orissa EãjHÜäâF=

Production in Lakh metric tons.

mRiknu (yk[k ehVªhd Vu esa) 152.5 117.0 111.4 97.8 75.1 64.8

Practical Record & Viva




Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts/Science (Hons.), Part-I Paper-I {Geography Practical} SET-II Full Marks: 20

Time: 2.00 Hrs. Answer all questions.

lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A 1.


Reduce the given map of India ¼ in area.

ÑåXë=ñXë=eââàê=Çë=ÉâìÑéZâ=Çâë=ôâëZâánó=Éë~=¼=EIÇ=éâpcââÄwF=kâësâ=Çàë~^== 2.

With the help of following data draw Hythergraph.

ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=îâ~ÇjHâë~=ÇÜ=äÖâXêâ=äë=ÖÜåàñòâán=ÅìâÄwXë~^= Monthly Rainfall & Temperature of Kota. (dksVk Month

dk ekfld o"kkZ ,oa rkieku)






June July

Aug .





Rainfall in c.m. ç?ââw=Eäë∫ÉÜ∫F













Temperature ºC êâáÉâì=Eäë∫ñòë∫F














Practical Record & Viva


àëÇjw=Iç~=ÉâpÑxâÇÜ= =


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts/Science {Geography (Subsidiary)}, Part-I Paper-I { Geography Practical} Time: 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 20 Answer all questions.

lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A 1.

Reduce the given map of India one-third in scale.

ÑåXë=ñXë=eââàê=Çë=ÉâìÑéZâ=Çâë=iÇëó=Éë~=IÇCÑêÖâÄw=kâësâ=Çàë~^= 2. Represent the following data with suitable diagram.

ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=îâflÇjHâë~=Çâë=ãáXèaê=îâàëxâ=ÑçÑL=äë=åDââwÄXë=BC= Production of Wheat in India.

Hkkjr esa xsg¡w mRiknu Sl. No




Production in Million tons

mRiknu (fefy;u Vu eas)



==NJ= =








==OJ= =








==PJ= =








==QJ= =








==RJ= =







Practical Record & Viva.




Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts(Hons), Part-I Psychology (Subsidiary), Paper I, (Fundamentals of Psychology) SET-I Full Marks: 80

Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Describe the nature and scope of Psychology.

ÉìâëÑçhâì=Çë=içWá=Iç~=ÇâXw=ôâëZâ=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 2.

Mention the important characteristics of Scientific method.

çphâÑìÇ=ÑçÑL=ÇÜ=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=Çâ=ãvóëxâ=Çàë~^= 3.

Define illusion. What are the causes of illusion?

eâòÉ=ÇÜ=áÑàeââ?ââ=åë~^=eâòÉ=Çë=ÇâpìCÇâpì=äë=ÇâàKâ=Öp~y= 4.

What is Remembering ? Describe the nature of Remembering.

iÉàKâ=ÑÇäë=ÇÖêë=Öp~y=iÉàKâ=Çâ=içWá=Åêâçë~=^= 5.

Explain critically insight theory of learning.

äÜxâìë=Çë=äï[=Çë=Ñä¼ârê=ÇÜ=îâóâëéìâoÉÇ=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

What do you mean by motivation ? Mention the important kinds of motivation.

îÑeâáòëàKââ=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~=y=îÑeâáòëàKââ=Çë=áòÉèxâ=áòÇâàâë~=Çâ=ãvóëxâ=Çàë~^= 7.

Give a Suitable definition of emotion. Describe the characteristics of emotion.

ä~çëñ=ÇÜ=ãáXèaê=áÑàeââ?ââ=åÜÑíI^=ä~çëñ=ÇÜ=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 8.

How is Intelligence measured ? Describe the different tests of Intelligence.

ÅèѼ=Çâ=Éâáì=Çpäë=Öâëêâ=Öpy=ÅèѼ=Çë=ÑçÑeârì=áàÜôâKââë~=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= 9.

Describe the Subjective conditions of attention.

îçLâì=Çë=îâoÉñê=ÑìLâwàÇâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 10.

Describe the types of Personality.

lXÑaêoç=Çë=áòÇâàâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= = ****

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts(Hons), Part-I Psychology (Subsidiary), Paper I, (Fundamentals of Psychology) SET-II Full Marks: 80

Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Give a Suitable definition of psychology and explain it.

ÉìâëÑçhâì=ÇÜ=IÇ=äÉèÑéê=áÑàeââ?ââ=åÜÑíI=îâpà=ãäÇÜ=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 2.

What do you mean by the branches of psychology ? Describe its important branches.

ÉìâëÑçhâì=ÇÜ=Dââxââîâë~=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~=y=ÄäÇÜ=áòÉèxâ=Dââxââîâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 3.

Describe the experimental method. What are essential conditions for experiment in Psychology.

áòXâëñâoÉÇ=ÑçÑL=Çâ=çKâwì=Çà~ë=^=ÉìâëÑçhâì=Éë~=áòXâëñ=Çë=ÑóI=ÇâpìCÇâpì=äÜ=îâçDXÇ=Dâêëw~=Öp~^= 4.

Describe the attributes of Sensation.

ä~çëåìâ=ÇÜ=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= 5.

Define Learning. Make distinction between maturation and learning.

äÜxâìë=ÇÜ=áÑàeââ?ââ=åÜÑíI^=äÜxâìâ=îâpà=áÑàáaçêâ=Éë~=î~êà=ÅêâIfl^= 6.

What do you mean by Social motives ? Explain the major sociogenic motives.

äâÉâÑíÇ=îÑeâáòëàKââ=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~=y=áòÉèxâ=äâÉâÑíÇ=îÑeâáòëàÇâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 7.

What do you mean by Intelligence quotient (I.Q) ? What is the range of I.Q.of normal persons.

ÅèѼ=óÑ`L=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~=y=äâÉârX=lXÑaê=ÇÜ=ÅèѼ=óÑ`L=Çâ=áòäâà=ÑÇêìâ=Öâëêâ=Öp^= 8.

Discuss the factors Influencing Forgetting.

ÑçiÉàKâ=Çâë=áòeââÑçê=Çàìëçâóë=ÇâàÇâë~=ÇÜ=ééâw=ÇÜÑíI^= 9.

Describe the major types of Emotion with example.

ä~çëñ=Çë=ÉèxX=áòÇâàâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=äâëåâÖàKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 10.

Write notes on any two

ÑÇrÖÜ~=åâë=áà=ÑsfáKâÜ=ÑóÑxâXëB= = = = = = =


Scope of Psychology




Introvent Personality




Meaning and Definitions of Emotion


ä~çëñ=Çâ=îcâw=Iç~=áÑàeââ?ââ= ****

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts (Hons), Part-I History (Subsidiary), Paper I, (History of India (Earliest Times to 1206 AD) SET-I Full Marks: 80

Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Discuss the archaeological sources for writing of Ancient Indian History.

áòâéÜì=eââàêÜX=ÄÑêÖâä=óëxâì=Çë=ÑóXë=áèàâêâÑoçÇ=äòâëêâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíXë=^= 2.

Discuss the salient features of the Early Vedic Civilisation.

áïçw=çpÑåÇCäeXêâ=ÇÜ=áòÉèxâ=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 3.

Throw light on the life and teachings of Gautam Buddha.

ñâpêÉ=Åè¼=Çë=íÜçì=Iç~=ãáåëDââë~=áà=áòÇâDâ=jâóë~^= 4.

Give an estimate on the political condition of India during 6th century B.C.

k_Ü=Dâêâ`åÜ=Äw∫=áïçw=Éë~=eââàê=ÇÜ=àâíìÜÑêÇ=îçicââ=Çâ=ÉïvXâ~Çì=ÇÜÑíI^= 5.

What were the causes for the downfall of the Mauryas? How for Ashoka was responsible for the decline of the Mauryan empire?

ÉâpXâëw~=Çë=áêì=Çë=aXâ=ÇâàKâ=câëy=ÉâpXwCäâÉòâqX=Çë=áêì=Çë=ÑóI=îDââëÇ=ÇÖâfl=êÇ=ã½âàåâXÜ=câây= 6.

Give an account of the rule of the Satvahans.

äâêçâÖìâë~=Çë=Dââäì=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 7.

Throw light on the extension of Gupta Empire by Samudragupta.

ñèfêCäâÉòâqX=Çë=Ñçiêâà=Éë~=äÉèåòñèfê=Çë=Xâëñåâì=áà=áòÇâDâ=jâó~ë^= 8.

Discuss in brief the achievements of Harshvardhan.

Ö?âwç¼wì=ÇÜ=ãfóÑ`LXâë~=ÇÜ=ä~Ñôâfê=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 9.

Discuss the causes and effects of Arab invasion on Sindh.

Ñä~L=áà=îàÅ=îâÕÉKâ=Çë=ÇâàKâ=îâpà=áÑàKââÉâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 10.

Estimate the maritime activities of the Cholas.

éâëóâë~=Çë=äâÉèÑåòÇ=ñÑêÑçÑLXâë~=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=Çàë~^= =


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. History (Subsidiary) Part-I, Paper-I (History of India) [Earliest times to 1206 A.D.] SET-II Full Marks : 80

Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Discuss the literary sources for writing of Ancient Indian History.

izkphu Hkkjrh; bfrgkl ys[ku ds fy, lkfgR; L=ksrksa dk o.kZu djsa A 2.

Review the social, religious and political condition in the later Vedic period.

mÙkj oSfnd dky dh lkekftd] /kkfeZd vkSj jktuhfrd voLFkk dk o.kZu djsa A 3.

Write an essay on the rise of Magadh.

ex/k ds mRd"kZ ij ,d fucU/k fy[ksa A 4.

Why is Ashoka regarded as a Great King? Explain it.

v'kksd dks egku lezkV D;ksa ekuk tkrk gS\ Li"V djsa A 5.

Discuss the career and achievements of Kanishka.

dfu"d dh thouh ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dk o.kZu djsa A 6.

Discuss the cultural contributions of Chalukyas of Vadami.

oknkeh ds pkyqD;ksa ds lkaLd`frd ;ksxnkuksa dk o.kZu djsa A 7.

Explain the career and achievements of Chandragupta II

pUnzxqIr f}rh; dh thouh ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dk o.kZu djsa A 8.

Write an essay on the political history of Palas of Bengal.

caxky ds ikyksa dk jktuhfrd bfrgkl fyf[k;s A 9.

What were the causes and effects of the invasion of Mahmud Gazanavi on Northern India.


Give an account of the administration of Cholas.

mÙkj Hkkjr ij egewn xtuoh ds vkØe.k ds D;k dkj.k vkSj ifj.kke Fks A pksyksa ds iz'kklu dk fooj.k izLrqr djsa A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. History (Subsidiary) Part-I, Paper-I (History of India) [Earliest times to 1206 A.D.] SET-III Full Marks : 80

Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Enumerate the main features of the Indus Valley Civilisation.

lSa/ko lH;rk dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A 2.

Discuss the life and teachings of Gautam Buddha.

xkSre cq) ds thou ,oa mins'kksa dk o.kZu djsa A 3.

Trace the rise of Magadh up to Nanda dynasty.

uUn jktoa'k rd ex/k ds mRd"kZ dks js[kkafdr djsa A 4.

Throw light on the administration of Mauryas.

ekS;ksZa ds iz'kklu&izcU/k ij izdk'k Mkysa A 5.

Explain the cultural contributions of the Guptas.

xqIrksa ds lkaLd`frd nsuksa dh O;k[;k djsa A 6.

Discuss in brief the achievements of Harshvardhan.

g"kZo)Zu dh miyfC/k;ksa dh laf{kIr foospuk djsa A 7.

Analyse the development of Art and Architecture during Kushana period.

dq"kk.kdky esa dyk rFkk LFkkiR; ds fodkl dk fo'ys"k.k djsa A 8.

Throw light on the invasion of Mohammad Gauri on Northern India. What were the reasons for his success?

mÙkj Hkkjr ij eksgEen xkSjh ds vkØe.kksa dk o.kZu djsa A mldh lQyrk ds D;k djj.k Fks A 9.

Examine the cultural contributions of Pallavas.

iYyoksa dh lkaLd`frd nsuksa dk ijh{k.k djsa A 10.

Analyse the administration of Cholas.

pksyksa ds iz'kklu izcU/k dk ijh{k.k djsa A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Science, (Hons.), Part-I Botany (Subsidiary) Paper-I {Microbiology, Algae, Fungi, Lichens, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gaymnosperm, Angiosperm) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carries equal marks.




Draw a well labelled diagram of the ultra- structure of a Bacterium studied by you. Describe in brief its economic importance.


Describe the structure and life-cycle of oedogenious. Give sketches whereever necessary.


Name the casual organism of 'White Rust.' Describe its classification and life-cycle.


Define the term 'Stele'. With the help of neat diagrams describe how many types of stele you have studied in Pteridophyta.


Mention in brief the salient features of Bryophyta. Give a comparative account of gametophytes of Marchantia and Pellia.


Write short notes on any two of the following :(a)









With the help of labelled diagram describe the internal structure of needle of Pinus.


Describe the life-cycle of Puccinia graminis.


Compare in between family Cucurbitaceae and Euphorbiaceae. Mention the botanical name of two plants of each family.


Write an essay on Medicinal plants. Mention 5 plants with their uses and Botanical name. or Write short notes on any two of the following :(a)

Sporocarp of Marsilea


Sporophyte of Anthoceros.




Nitrogen Fixation


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts(Hons), Part-I Sociology (Subsidiary), Paper I, (Introduction of Sociology) SET-I Full Marks: 80

Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uks uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Define Sociology and discuss its scope.

äÉâíDââiZâ=Çâë=áÑàeââÑ?âê=ÇÜÑíI=îâpà=ÄäÇë=Ñç?âX=ôâëZâ=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 2.

Define Society. Discuss its major characteristics.

äÉâí=ÇÜ=áÑàeââ?ââ=åë~^=ÄäÇÜ=ÉèxX=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=Çâ=ãvóëxâ=Çàë~^= 3.

What do you understand by Function? Trace its relationship with Social Structure.

áòÇâXw=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~=y=äâÉâÑíÇ=ä~àéìâ=Çë=äâcâ=ÄäÇë=äbÅrL=ÅêâI~^= 4.

Define family and discuss its characteristics.

áÑàçâà=ÇÜ=áÑàeââ?ââ=åë~=îâpà=ÄäÇÜ=ÑçDâë?âêâI~=ÅêâI~=^= 5.

What do you understand by Society? Discuss its characteristics.

äÉâí=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~=y=ÄäÇÜ=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=ÇÜ=ééâw=Çàë~^= 6.

Write notes on the following:-


ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=áà=ÑsfáKâÜ=Ñóxâë~=BC= (a) Value (ÉïvXF=




What is Social Stratification? Which type of Social Stratification is Caste-system ?

Social Sanction (äâÉâÑíÇ=îìèDââÑiêF=

äâÉâÑíÇ=iêàÜÇàKâ=aXâ=Öp=y=íâÑê=lXçicââ=ÑÇä=áòÇâà=Çâ=äâÉâÑíÇ=iêàÜÇàKâ=Öpy= 8.

Write note on open and closed mobility.

Éèaê=Iç~=Årå=ñÑêDâÜóêâ=áà=ÑsfáKâÜ=Ñóxâë~^= 9.

Define Social change and discuss its various forms.

äâÉâÑíÇ=áÑàç½âwì=ÇÜ=áÑàeââ?ââ=åë~=êcââ=ÄäÇë=ÑçÑeârì=Wáâë~=Çâ=ãvóëxâ=Çàë~^= 10.

Analyse the interrelationship between Sociology and social problems.

äÉâíDââiZâ=êcââ=äâÉâÑíÇ=äÉiXâîâë~=Çë=îrêäwbÅrL=ÇÜ=äÉÜôââ=Çà~ë^= =


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts(Hons), Part-I Sociology (Subsidiary), Paper I, (Introduction of Sociology) SET-II Full Marks: 80

Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

What is Sociology? Discuss its formal and Synthetic School.

äÉâíDââiZâ=aXâ=Öp=y=ÄäÇë=içWáâoÉÇ=Iç~=äÉrçXâoÉÇ=äbáòåâX=Çâ=ãvóëxâ=Çàë~^= 2.

What do you mean by Institution? What are its characteristics ?

ä~icââ=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~=y=ÄäÇÜ=aXâ=ÑçDâë?âêâI~=Öpy= 3.

What do you mean by status. Analyse the concepts of Status and Role.

áòÑicâÑê=äë=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~=y=áòÑicâÑê=îâpà=eâïÑÉÇâ=ÇÜ=îçLâàKââ=Çâ=ÑçDóë?âKâ=Çàë~^= 4.

What is Family ? What are its major functions?

áÑàçâà=aXâ=Öp=y=ÄäÇë=áòÉèxâ=ÇâXw=aXâ=Öp~=y= 5.

'Society is web of social relationships'. Explain.

{äÉâí=äâÉâÑíÇ=äbÅrLâë~=Çâ=íâó=ÖpG^=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

What do you understand by Norm? Discuss its importance in Social Control.

îâåDâw=îcâçâ=ÑìXÉ=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~=y=äâÉâÑíÇ=ÑìXrZâKâ=Éë~=ÄäÇâ=ÉÖoç=ÅêâI~^= 7.

What do you understand by Stratification? What are the characteristic of closed type of stratification?

iêàÜÇàKâ=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~=y=iêàÜÇàKâ=Çë=Årå=içWá=ÇÜ=aXâ=ÑçDâë?âêâI~=Öp~y= 8.

Define Social Mobility. Explain Vertical Social Mobility

äâÉâÑíÇ=ñÑêDâÜóêâ=ÇÜ=áÑàeââ?ââ=åë~^=ãåñò=äâÉâÑíÇ=ñÑêDâÜóêâ=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=Çàë~^= 9.

Describe the different factors of Social Change.

äâÉâÑíÇ=áÑàç½âwì=Çë=ÑçÑeârì=ÇâàÇâë~=ÇÜ=ééâw=Çàë~^= 10.

What is Applied Sociology ? Discuss its nature.



Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Sociology (Subsidiary) Part-I, Paper-I (Introduction of Sociology) SET-III Full Marks : 80

Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

What do you understand by sociology? Discuss.

lekt'kkL= ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ o.kZu djsa A 2.

What do you understand by Social Group? Discuss its main characteristics.

lkekftd lewg ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ bldh eq[; fo'ks"krk,¡ crk,¡ A 3.

Define Role and discuss its relationship with status.

Hkwfedk dh ifjHkk"kk nhft;s vkSj izfLFkfr ds lkFk blds lEcU/k crkb;s A 4.

Analyse the changes that are taking place in family at present.

oÙkZeku le; esa ifjokj esa gks jgs ifjoÙkZuksa dh leh{kk djsa A 5.

What is culture? Discuss its main elements.

laLd`fr D;k gS\ blds eq[; rRoksa dk o.kZu djsa A 6.

Evaluate the role of custom, law and education in Social Control.

lkekftd fu;a=.k esa izFkk] dkuwu ,oa f'k{kk dh Hkwfedk dk ewY;kadu djsa A 7.

Write a short note on Social Stratification.

lkekftd Lrjhdj.k ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fy[ksa A 8.

What are types of Social Mobility? Explain horizontal Social Mobility.

lkekftd xfr'khyrk ds izdkj D;k gSa\ {kSfrt lkekftd xfr'khyrk dh O;k[;k djsaA 9.

What is the difference between social change and cultural change? Explain.


Write notes on any two of the following:

lkekftd ifjorZu ,oa lkaLd`frd ifjorZu esa D;k vUrj gS\ O;k[;k djsa A fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIi.kh fy[ksa % (i)

Social structure


Concept of cultural lag

lkekftd lajpuk lkaLd`frd foYEcuk dh vo/kkj.kk (iii)

Social Norm

lkekftd izfreku (iv)



Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Sociology (Subsidiary) Part-I, Paper-I (Introduction of Sociology) SET-IV Full Marks : 80

Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Define Sociology. Discuss its relationship with other social sciences.

lekt'kkL= dh ifjHkk"kk nsa A vU; lkekftd foKkuksa ds lkFk blds lEcU/k crk,¡ A 2.

What do you understand by Primary Group. Illustrate its main characteristics with examples.

izkFkfed lewg ls D;k le>rs gSa\ bldh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dks lksnkgj.k crk,a A 3.

What do you understand by Ascribed and Achieved status? How are social statuses determined?

iznÙk vkSj vftZr izfLFkfr ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ lkekftd izfLFkfr;k¡ dSls fuf'pr gksrh gSa\ 4.

Write a note on the future of family.

ifjokj ds Hkfo"; ij fVIi.kh fy[ksa A 5.

Explain the theory of Cultural Lag.

lkaLd`frd foyEcuk ds fl)kar dh O;k[;k djsa A 6.

Define Social Control. Describe its major agencies.

lkekftd fu;a=.k dh ifjHkk"kk nsa A blds eq[; vfHkdj.k dh ppkZ djsa A 7.

Discuss briefly the major theories of social stratification.

lkekftd Lrjhdj.k ds izeq[k fl)karksa dk la{ksi esa foospuk dhft;s A 8.

What is Social Mobility? What factors influences social mobility?

lkekftd xfr'khyrk D;k gS\ lkekftd xfr'khyrk dks dkSu ls dkjd izHkkfor djrs gSa A 9.

Explain the concept of Social Change and describe its characteristics.


Write a note on Sociology and Social Policy.

lkekftd ifjoÙkZu dh vo/kkj.kk dh O;k[;k djsa rFkk bldh fo'ks"krk,¡ crk,¡ A lekt'kkL= vkSj lkekftd uhfr ij fVIi.kh fy[ksa A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts (Hons), Part-I Tourism (Subsidiary), Paper I, (Foundation Course in Tourism) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Explain the meaning of Tourism. Why is "Package Tour" becoming popular in modern days?

áXwsì=Çë=îcâw=Çâë=áÑàeââÑ?âê=Çàë~^=îâLèÑìÇ=äÉX=Éë~={{ÑìXâwÑäê=eâòÉKâGG=aXâë~=óâëÇÑáòX=Öâë=àÖâ=Öpy= 2.

Write an essay on the origin and development of Tourism in Historical perspective.

IëÑêÖâÑäÇ=ä~åeâw=Éë~=áXwsì=ÇÜ=ãoáѽâ=îâpà=ÑçÇâä=áà=IÇ=ÑìÅrL=Ñóxâë~^= 3.

Write an essay on Khajuraho Festival.

xâíèàâÖâë~=ÉÖâëoäç=áà=IÇ=ÑìÅrL=Ñóxâë~^= 4.

Classify the importance of Museum in Tourism.

áXwsì=Éë~=ä~ñòÖâóX=Çë=ÉÖoç=Çâ=ÑçDóë?âKâ=Çàë~^= 5.

Discuss the role of Air-Communication in the field of tourism.

áXwsì=Çë=ôâëZâ=Éë~=çâXèCáÑàçÖì=ÇÜ=eâïÑÉÇâ=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 6.

Write the aims, achievements and significance of 'PATA'.

{áâsâG=Çë=ã∞ëDXz=ãáóÑ`L=îâpà=ÉÖoç=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 7.

Discuss the future of Pilgrimages in tourism in India.

eââàê=Éë~=êÜcâw=áXwsì=Çë=eâÑç?X=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=Çàë~^= 8.

Throw light on the Sociology of Tourism.

áXwsì=Çë=äÉâíDââiZâ=áà=áòÇâDâ=jâóë~^= 9.

Define the meaning of Travel Agency and its role in Tourism.

sŸëçó=IíëräÜ=Çâ=îcâw=iá?s=Çàêë=ÖèI=áXwsì=Éë~=ÄäÇÜ=eâïÑÉÇâ=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~=^= 10.

Explain the Four-Phases Structure of tourism.



Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Science, (Hons.), Part-I Zoology (Subsidiary) Paper-I (Non-Chordata, Cell Biology, Genetics and Evolution) Time: 3.00 Hrs.


Full Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.



Give an account of the process of Conjugation in Paramecium.


Describe the digestive system of Pila.


Describe the structure and function of mitochondria.


Write an essay on fertilization.


Give an account of reproductive system and cocoon formation in earthworm.


Write short notes on any three of the following:(i)

Tube feet

(iv) Autogamy




Crossing over


Green gland


Golgi complex


Give a brief account of structure and replication of DNA.


How does the Neo-Darwinism differ from the Darwinion theory of evolution.


Describe the salient features & affinities of Balanoglossus.


Differentiate between any one of the following:(a)



transcription and translation


r RNA and m RNA


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts(Hons), Part-I Social Work (Subsidiary), Paper I, (Introduction to Social Work) SET-I Full Marks: 80

Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Explain the concepts of Social Movement and Social Reform. What are their Characteristics?

äâÉâÑíÇ=îâråâëóì=îâpà=äâÉâÑíÇ=äèLâà=ÇÜ=îçLâàKââîâë~=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^=ÄìÇÜ=aXâ==ÑçDâë?âêâIfl=Öp~y= 2.

Trace the history of social work education in India.

eââàê=Éë~=äÉâí=ÇâXw=ÑDâôââ=Çë=ÄÑêÖä=Çâë=àëxââ~ÑÇê=ÇÜÑíI^= 3.

Write an essay on evolution of human society.

Éâìç=äÉâí=Çë=ÑçÇâä=áà=IÇ=ÑìÅ~L=Ñóxâë~^= 4.

What do you mean by group? Discuss the characteristics of Primary and Secondary group.

äÉïÖ=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~y=áòâcâÑÉÇ=äÉïÖ=Iç~=ÑõêÜXÇ=äÉïÖ=ÇÜ=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 5.

Define "Co-operation" as a form of social interaction and discuss various types of Co-operation.

äâÉâÑíÇ=áâiáâÑàÇ=ÑÕXâ=Çë=IÇ=Wá=Éë~={äÖXâëñG=Çâë=áÑàeââÑ?âê=ÇÜÑíI=êcââ=äÖXâëñ=Çë=ÑçÑeârì=áòÇâàâë~=ÇÜ= Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

What do you understand by Social Change? Explain the demographic factor of Social Change.

äâÉâÑíÇ=áÑàç½âwì=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~y=äâÉâÑíÇ=áÑàç½âwì=Çë=íìä~xXâoÉÇ=ÇâàÇâë~=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=Çàë~^= 7.

Define family and discuss its functions.

áÑàçâà=Çâë=áÑàeââÑ?âê=ÇÜÑíI=Iç~=ÄäÇë=ÇâXâëw~=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= 8.

Examine the role of state as a Social Institution.

IÇ=äâÉâÑíÇ=ä~icââ=Çë=Wá=Éë~=àâqX=ÇÜ=eâïÑÉÇâ=Çâ=ÉïvXâ~Çì=ÇÜÑíI^= 9.

What do you understand by Personality? Discuss the Psychosocial theory of Personality as propounded by Eric Erickson.

lXÑaêoç=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~y=IÑàÇ=IÑàaäì=Çë=õâàâ=áòÑêáâÑåê=ÉìâëäâÉâÑíÇ=Ñä¼â~ê=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=Çàë~^= 10.

What is abnormal psychology? Discuss the causes of abnormal behaviour.

îäÉârX=ÉìâëÑçhâì=aXâ=Öpy=îäÉârX=lXçÖâà=Çë=ÇâàKââë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= =


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts(Hons), Part-I Social Work (Subsidiary), Paper I, (Introduction to Social Work) SET-II Full Marks: 80

Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

What is Social Movement and Social Reform. Discuss the salient features of Social Movement.

äâÉâÑíÇ=îâråâëóì=êcââ=äÉâí=äèLâà=aXâ=Öpy=äâÉâÑíÇ=îâråâëóì=ÇÜ=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 2.

What do you understand by Social Welfare? Describe its importance and major characteristics.

äÉâí=ÇvXâKâ=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~y=ÄäÇë=ÉÖ½ç=Iç~=áòÉèxâ=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=ÇÜ=ééâw=Çàë~^= 3.

Examine the role of voluntary organisation in Social Welfare.

äÉâí=äëçâ=Éë~=iç~X=äëçÜ=ä~icââîâë~=ÇÜ=eâïÑÉÇâ=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 4.

What is Code of Ethics? Discuss the importance of code of ethics in Social Work.

ìpÑêÇ=ä~ÑÖêâ=aXâ=Öpy=äÉâí=ÇâXw=Éë~=ìpÑêÇ=ä~ÑÖêâ=Çë=ÉÖ½ç=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 5.

What is Socialization ? Discuss various agencies of Socialization.

äÉâíÜÇàKâ=aXâ=Öpy=äÉâíÜÇàKâ=Çë=ÑçÑeârì=Iíë~ÑäXâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

Analyse the role of Social Change in formation of social behaviour and social value.

äâÉâÑíÇ=lXçÖâà=Iç~=äâÉâÑíÇ=ÉïvXâë~=Çë=ÑìÉâwKâ=Éë~=äâÉâÑíÇ=áÑàçêwì=ÇÜ=eâïÑÉÇâ=Çâ=ÑçDóë?âKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 7.

Explain the concept of Social Stratification.

äâÉâÑíÇ=iêàÜÇàKâ=ÇÜ=îçLâàKââ=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 8.

Explain the term "Personality" and discuss the determining factors of personality development.

lXÑaêoç=áå==ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI=Iç~=lXÑaêoç=ÑçÇâä=Çë=ÑìLâwàÇ=êoçâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 9.

What is human development? Discuss different stages of human development.

Éâìç=ÑçÇâä=aXâ=Öpy=Éâìç=ÑçÇâä=Çë=ÑçÑeârì=éàKââë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 10.

Discuss some of the basis psychological concepts of human behaviour. How do they explain human behaviour?

Éâìç=lXçÖâà=ÇÜ=Çèk=Éïó=ÉìâëçphâÑìÇ=îçLâàKââîâë~=Çâ=Ñççëéì=Çàë~^=Xë=ÑÇä=áòÇâà=Éâìç=lXçÖâà=ÇÜ= lXâxXâ=ÇàêÜ=Öpy= =


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts(Hons), Part-I Political Science (Subsidiary), Paper I, (Principles of Political Science)

EáòcâÉ=áZâC=àâíìÜÑê=Ñçhâì=Çë=Ñä¼ârêF SET-I Full Marks: 80

Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Define Political Science and explain its Scope.

àâíìÜÑê=Ñçhâì=Çâë=áÑàeââÑ?âê=ÇÜÑíI=êcââ=ÄìÇë=ôâëZâ=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 2.

Explain the relation of Political Science with History and Geography

àâíìÜÑê=Ñçhâì=Çâ=ÄÑêÖâä=Iç~=eâïñâëó=Çë=äâcâ=äbÅrLâë~=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 3.

Examine the features of Behaviouralism.

lXçÖâàçâå=ÇÜ=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 4.

Examine Marxism.

Éâaäwçâå=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 5.

Discuss the Monistic Theory of Sovereignty.

ä~áòeâèêâ=Çë=IÇóçâåÜ=Ñä¼â~ê=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

Discuss the merit and demerits of presidential forms of Government.

î≠XôââoÉÇ=Dââäì=áòKââóÜ=Çë=ñèKâCåâë?ââë~=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= 7.

What do you understand by Sarvodaya? Discuss its relavace.

äçâëwåX=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~y=ÄäÇÜ=áòâä~ÑñÇêâ=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= 8.

Examine the Evolutionary theory of the origin of state.

àâqX=Çë=ÑçÇâäçâåÜ=Ñä¼ârê=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^== 9.

Define Equality and discuss its types.

äÉâìêâ=Çâë=áÑàeââÑ?âê=ÇÜÑíI=êcââ=ÄäÇë=áòÇâàâë~=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= 10.

Discuss Gandhi ji's theory of Satyagraha.

ñâflLÜ=íÜ=Çë=äoXâñòÖ=Ñä¼ârê=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= =



Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Political Science (Subsidiary) Part-I, Paper-I (Principle of Political Science) (izFke i=& jktuhfr foKku ds fl)kar) SET-II Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Enumerate the differences between the Traditional and Modern Political Science.

ijEijkxr ,oa vk/kqfud jktuhfr foKku ds e/; vUrjksa dk mYys[k dhft;s A 2.

Discuss the relations of Political Science with Economics and Psychology.

jktuhfr foKku dk vFkZ'kkL= ,oa euksfoKku ds lkFk lEcU/kksa dk foospu dhft;s A 3.

Explain the Force theory of the Origin of State.

jkT; dh mRifÙk ds 'kfä fl)kar dh O;k[;k dhft;s A 4.

Examine Pluralism.

cgqyokn dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A 5.

Examine the features of Federalism.

la?kokn dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A 6.

What is legitimacy? Explain the crisis of legitimacy.

vkSfpR;iw.kZrk D;k gS\ vkSfpR;iw.kZrk ladV dh O;k[;k dhft;s A 7.

Discuss the various types of Law.

dkuwu ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 8.

Explain Marx's views on State and Class Struggle.

jkT; ,oa oxZ la?k"kZ ij ekDlZ ds fopkjksa dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A 9.

Explain the Idealistic theory of the nature of State.


Explain the relevance of Gandhism.

jkT; dh izd`fÙk ds vkn'kZoknh fl)kar dh O;k[;k dhft;s A xka/khokn ds izklafxdrk dh O;k[;k dhft;s A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts(Hons), Part-I Political Science (Subsidiary), Paper I, (Principles of Political Science)

EáòcâÉ=áZâC=àâíìÜÑê=Ñçhâì=Çë=Ñä¼ârêF SET-III Full Marks: 80

Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

"When I see a good set of questions headed by the words Political Science, I regret not the questions but the title" Maitland. Elaborate this statement.

{{íÅ=Ép~=àâíìÜÑê=Ñçhâì=DâÜ?âwÇ=Çë=îrêñwê=áòDì=äÉïÖâë~=Çâ=îçóâëÇì=Çàêâ=Öïfl=êâë=Éè[ë=áòDìâë~=áà=ìÖÜ~z=çàì= DâÜ?âwÇ=áà=xâëå=Öâëêâ=ÖpGG=Éësóp~j^=Ää=Çcâì=Çâë=ÑçiêâÑàê=ÇÜÑíI^= 2.

Define State and discuss its elements.

àâqX=ÇÜ=áÑàeââ?ââ=åÜÑíXë=îâpà=ÄäÇë=êoçâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíXë=^= 3.

Enumerate the bases of Nationalism.

àâ?sŸçâå=Çë=îâLâàâ~ë=Çâ=ãvóëxâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 4.

Discuss Totalitarianism.

äçâwÑLÇâàçâå=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= 5.

Examine the concept of Total Revolution.

äbáïKâw=Õâ~Ñê=ÇÜ=îçLâàKââ=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

Discuss the features of Unitary Form System of Government.

IÇâoÉÇ=Dââäì=áòKââóÜ=ÇÜ=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=Çâ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 7.

Discuss the factors leading to the formation of Federal of Government? What is its future?

ä~\âÜX=äàÇâà=Çë=ÑìÉâwKâ=Çë=ÇâàÇâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^=ãìÇâ=aXâ=eâÑç?X=Öpy= 8.

Discuss the organic theory of the nature of State.

àâqX=ÇÜ=áòÇ`Ñê=Çë=îâ~ÑñÇ=Ñä¼ârê=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíXë=^= 9.

Examine the importance of Political Parties in Democracy.

áòíâê~Zâ=Éë~=àâíìpÑêÇ=åóâë~=Çë=ÉÖoç=ÇÜ=äÉÜôââ=ÇÜÑíI^= 10.

Define Authority. Also discuss different kinds of Authority.



Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts (Hons.), Part-I Political Science {Subsidiary} Paper-I {Principles of Political Science} Time: 3.00 Hrs.

SET-IV Full Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

Is Political Science a Science or an art? Advance arguments in support of your answer.

aXâ=àâíìÜÑê=Ñçhâì=IÇ=Ñçhâì=Öp=îcâçâ=IÇ=Çóây=îáìë=ã½âà=ÇÜ=áèÑ?s=Éë~=êÇw=áòiêèê=ÇÜÑíI^= 2.

Discuss the relations of Political Science with Sociology and Ethics

àâíìÜÑê=Ñçhâì=Çâ=äÉâíDââiZâ=Iç~=ìÜÑêDââiZâ=Çë=äâcâ=äbÅrLâë~=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= 3.

Explain the Divine theory of State.

àâqX=ÇÜ=ãoáÑê=Çë=åpçÜ=Ñä¼ârê=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 4.

Examine the nature of State as a representative of class.

çñw=áòÑêÑìÑL=Çë=Wá=Éë~=àâqX=ÇÜ=áò¢Ñê=Çë=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 5.

"Sovereignity is the Supreme Power over citizens and subjects unrestrained by Law." Explain this statement.

ƒä~áòeâèêâ= ìâñÑàÇâë~= Iç~= áòíâíìâë~= Çë= ãáà= Çâìïì= õâàâ= îÑìX~ÑZâê= äçâëwmé= ä½ââ= Öpş= Ää= Çcâì= Çâë= lXâxXâ= ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

Discuss the various kinds of Equality.

äÉâìêâ=Çë=ÑçÑeârì=áòÇâàâë~=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= 7.

Examine the relation of Law with Morality.

ÑçÑL=Çâ=ìpÑêÇêâ=Çë=äâcâ=äbÅrLâë~=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 8.

Examine the doctrines of Fascism.

ánâÑäisçâå=Çë=Ñä¼ârêâë~=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 9.

Explain the main differences between the Parliamentary and Presidental Form of Government.

ä~äåÜX=Iç~=î≠XôââoÉÇ=Dââäì=áòKââÑóXâë~=Çë=É≠X=ÉèxX=îrêàâë~=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 10.

"That government is the best which governs the least." Discuss the main Principles of Individulism with reference to this statement.

ƒçÖÜ=äàÇâà=ão¢?s=Öp=íâë=rXïìêÉ=Dââäì=ÇàêÜ=Öp^ş=Ää=Çcâì=Çë=ä~åeâw=Éë~=lXÑaêçâå=Çë=ÉèxX=Ñä¼ârêâë~=Çâ= áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= = ********

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Science {Hons.}, Part-I Physics Subsidiary, Paper-I Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) A radioactive sample ejects two electrons in opposite directions. If the radioactive sample is at rest in the laboratory, find the speed of one electron as measured from the observer attached to the second electron if each electron speed as measured by a laboratory observer is 0.55 c. (b) Momentum is conserved in a collition of two objects as measured by an observer on a uniformly moving train. Show that momentum is also conserved for a ground observer. 2.

Discuss the length contraction and time dilation as consequences of Lorentz transformation.


Set up the Lagrangian for (a) a one dimensional harmonic oscillator and (b) a particle of mass m falling under gravity. Write the equation of motion for each of them.


Discuss the motion of a particle under central force.


Define Young's modulus (Y), bulk modulus (K) and shear modulus of elasticity ( η ). Prove that Y=

9ηK 3K + η


What are the Ultrasonic Waves? How are they produced? Mention their properties and applications.


Define mean free path. Derive an expression for it. How will you measure it experimentally?


Derive the Van der Waals equation of state of a gas. Mention its defects.


Deduce Stefan's law of radiation. Assuming the sun to be a black body, calculate the surface temperature of the sun if the solar constant S=1.3514x103 Jm-2, solar radius R=6.96x105 km and the earth-to-sun distance D=1.496x108 km.


Describe Joule-Thomson effect and give its theory. ***********

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Economics (Subsidiary) Part-I, Paper-I SET-I Full Marks : 80

Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

"Economics is a science of wealth". discuss and state the relation between wealth and welfare.

ßvFkZ'kkL= /ku dk foKku gSÞ foospuk dhft;s rFkk /ku ,oa dY;k.k esa lEcU/k crkb;s A 2.

Distinguish between Micro Economics and Macro Economics. Point out the necessity of Macro approach in Economics analysis.

O;f"V vFkZ'kkL= ,oa lef"V vFkZ'kkL= esa vUrj dhft;s A vkfFkZd fo'ys"k.k esa lef"V er n`f"Vdks.k dh vko';drk dks crkb;s A 3.

Explain consumer surplus. How consumer's surplus is measured through indifference curve analysis?

miHkksDrk cpr dh O;k[;k dhft;s A mnklhurk oØ dh lgk;rk ls miHkksDr cpr dks dSls ekik tkrk gS\ 4.

What do you mean by economics of scale? Discuss its major effects.

iSekus dh ferO;f;rk ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ blds izeq[k izHkko crykb;s A 5.

What is Isoquants? Discuss its properties.

leksRikn oØ D;k gS\ bldh fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 6.

Discuss the modern theory of rent.

yxku ds vk/kqfud fl)kar dk o.kZu djsa A 7.

What do you mean by collective bargaining, can it raise the wages.

lkewfgd lkSnsckth ls vki D;k le>rs gSa] D;k blls etnwjh esa o`f) gks ldrh gS A 8.

"Interest rate is determined by monitory powers". Discuss

ßC;kt dh nj ekSfnzd 'kfDr;ksa ls fu/kkZfjr gksrh gSÞ] foospuk dhft;s A 9.

Discuss the pay Back Method of Investment Appraisal.


Write short notes on any two of the following:

fuos'k ewY;kadu dh uxn okilh fof/k dh O;k[;k dhft;s A fuEukafdr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVi..kh nhft;s %& (i)

New welfare economics

uodY;k.k vFkZ'kkL= (ii)

Indifference Curve

mnklhurk oØ (iii)



Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Economics (Subsidiary) Part-I, Paper-I SET-II Full Marks : 80

Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Economics deals with means the study of ends lies out side its scope. Discuss

vFkZ'kkL= lk/kuksa dk v/;;u gS mn~ns';ksa ,oa lk/;ksa dk v/;;u blds {ks= ls ckgj gS A foospuk dhft;s A 2.

Define micro and macro economics and explain the types of micro and macro economics.

O;f"V ,oa lef"V vFkZ'kkL= dh ifjHkk"kk nhft;s vkSj O;f"Vxr rFkk lef"Vxr vFkZ'kkL= ds izdkjksa dh O;k[;k dhft;s A 3.

Critically examine the Cardinal approach and Ordinal approach.

x.kokpd fopkj ,oa Øeokpd fopkj dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s A 4.

Explain the law of variable proportions with diagrams.

ifjorZu'khy vuqikr ds fu;e dh O;k[;k js[kkfp=ksa ds lkFk dhft;s A 5.

What do you man by equilibrium of a firm? Explain the conditions for equilibrium of the firm?

,d QeZ ds larqyu ls vkidk D;k rkRi;Z gS\ QeZ ds larqyu ds 'kÙkksZa dh O;k[;k dhft;s A 6.

Differentiate between Perfect and Imperfect Competition.

iw.kZ vkSj viw.kZ izfr;ksfxrk esa varj crykb;s A 7.

Explain the Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution.

forj.k ds lhekar mRikndrk fl)kar dh O;k[;k dhft;s A 8.

Examine critically the liquidity preference theory of Interest.

C;kt ds rjyrk vf/keku fl)kar dh O;k[;k dhft;s A 9.

What is Risk? Discuss the different sources of risk.

tksf[ke D;k gS\ tksf[ke ds fofHkUu L=ksrksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 10.

Write short notes on any two of the following:

fuEukafdr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVi..kh nhft;s %& (i)

Concept of compensation.

{kfriwfrZ dh vo/kkj.kk (ii)

Product Mix

mRikn feJ.k (iii)

Form of Risk

tksf[ke ds :i 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.Com. (Subsidiary) Part-I, Paper-I (Business Organization) Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Define management, administration and organization and distinguish between them.

izca/k] iz'kklu ,oa laxBu dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s rFkk buesa vUrj Li"V dhft;s A 2.

Define Single proprietorship and discuss characteristics, merits and limitation of single proprietorship.

,dy LokfeRo dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s rFkk ,dy LokfeRo dh fo'ks"krkvksa] xq.kksa ,oa lhekvksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 3.

What is public limited company? Discuss its features, merits and demerits.

lkoZtfud lhfer dEiuh D;k gS\ bldh fo'ks"krkvksa] xq.k ,oa nks"kksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 4.

Critically examine the concept of optimum and discuss factors determining the size of optimum.

vuqdwyre dh vo/kkj.kk dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s rFkk vuqdwyre vkdkj ds fu/kkZjd rRoksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 5.

What do you know about multiple shop? Discuss its features advantages and disadvantages.

cgqla[;d nqdkuksa ds ckjs esa vki D;k tkurs gSa\ bldh fo'ks"krkvksa] xq.kksa ,oa voxq.kksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 6.

Define Commercial Agent and Commercial Merchant and discuss types of Commercial Merchant with their functions.

O;kikfjd vfHkdrkZ ,oa O;kikfjd e/;tu dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s rFkk O;kikfjd e/;tu ds izdkjksa dh foospuk muds dk;ksaZ ds lkFk dhft;s A 7.

Define Scientific Management. What are its essential elements.

oSKkfud izca/k dh ifjHkk"kk nsa A blds D;k vfuok;Z rRo gksrs gSa\ 8.

Critically examine the principles of location.

LFkkuh;dj.k ds fl)karksa dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s A 9.

What is rationalization? Discuss elements of rationalization.


Write a descriptive note on Main Financial Institution in India.

foosdhdj.k D;k gS\ foosdhdj.k ds eq[; vo;oksa dh foospuk dhft;s A Hkkjr esa eq[; foÙkh; laLFkkvksa ij ,d fooj.kkRed fVIi.kh fyf[k;s A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.Com. (Subsidiary) Part-I, Paper-II (Principles of Economics) Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

"Economics is the Science of Wealth". Discuss

ßvFkZ'kkL= /ku dk foKku gSÞ O;k[;k djsa A 2.

"Economic laws are basically imaginary". Analyse this statement.

ßvkfFkZd fu;e ewyr% dkYifud gksrs gSaÞ bl dFku dk fo'ys"k.k dhft;s A 3.

Explain the main characteristics of Socialist Economy and high lights its merits and demerits.

lektoknh vFkZO;oLFkk dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys[k dhft, rFkk mlds xq.k&nks"k ij izdk'k Mkysa A 4.

What is law of Demand? Explain its assumptions and exceptions.

ek¡x ds fu;e D;k gSa\ budh ekU;rkvksa ,oa vioknksa dk o.kZu djsa A 5.

Define consumer surplus. How it can be measured?

miHkksDrk cpr dh ifjHkk"kk nhft;s A bldh eki fdl izdkj gksxh\ 6.

Explain the law of return to scale in detail.

iSekus ds izfrQy ds fu;eksa dk foLrkj ls O;k[;k dhft;s A 7.

Discuss the process of price determination under perfect competition.

iw.kZ izfr;ksfxrk ds vUrxZr ewY;&fu/kkZj.k dh izfØ;k dh foospuk dhft;s A 8.

Critically examine the marginal productivity theory of distribution.

forj.k ds lhekUr mRikndrk ds fl)kar dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s A 9.

Define Interest. Explain the classical theory of Interest.

C;kt dh ifjHkk"kk nhft;s A C;kt ds 'kkL=h; fl)kar dk o.kZu dhft;s A 10.

Critically examine the Recardian Theory of Rent.

fjdkMksZ ds yxku fl)kar dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A Hindi (Subsidiary) Part-I, Paper-I (fgUnh fgUnh dkO;) dkO; SET-I Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 80

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A iz'u la[;k 9 vkSj 10 vuok;Z gS A 123456789-

ßfo|kifr izse vkSj lkSUn;Z ds dfo FksÞ & izdk'k Mkfy;s A lwjnkl dk ifjp; nsrs gq, ßHkzejxhrÞ ijEijk esa lwj dk LFkku fu:fir dhft;sA jkepfjr ekul ds egRo dks izfrikfnr dhft;s A /kukuan ds dkO; esa O;Dr izse ds Lo:iksa dk fu/kkZj.k dhft;s A ßHkkjr&HkkjrhÞ ds vrhr [k.M dk lkjka'k vius 'kCnksa esa fyf[k;s A ßfHk{kqdÞ 'kh"kZd dfork dk ewy Hkko Li"V dhft;s A ßukSdk fogkjÞ dfork esa vfHkO;Dr Hkkoksa dk js[kkadu dhft;s A fnudj dh dkO;xr fo'ks"krkvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;s A fdUgha pkj ds y{k.k vkSj mnkgj.k fyf[k;s %& nksgk] pkSikbZ] lksjBk] :id] mRizs{kk] miek 10- fdUgha nks vorj.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft;s %& ¼d½ lrxqj dh efgek vuar] vuar fd;k mixkj A ykspu vuar m/kkfM+;k] vuar fn[kko.k gkj AA ¼[k½ lc izdkj Hkwifr cM+ Hkkxh A ckf lkspq ifjgjgw A flj /kfj jkt jtk;lq djgw AA ¼x½ Hkw&yksd dk xkSjo] izd`fr dk iw.;&yhyk LFky dgk¡\ QSyk euksgj fxfj fgeky; vkSj xaxkty tgk¡ A lEiw.kZ ns'kksa ls vf/kd fdl ns'k dk mRd"kZ gS\ mldk fd tks _f"kHkwfe gS] og dkSu\ Hkkjr o"kZ gS A ¼?k½ isV&ihB nksuksa feydj gSa ,d\ py jgk ydqfV;k Vsd] eqV~Bh Hkj nkus dks & Hkw[k feVkus dks eq¡g QVh iqjkuh >ksyh dks QSykrk & nks Vwd dysts ds djrk iNrkrk iFk ij vkrk A ¼M-½

eq>s rksM+ ysuk cuekyh ml iFk esa nsuk rqe Qsad ekr`Hkwfe ij 'kh"k pkj[k.M ds vkS|ksfxd izns'kksa dk fooj.k nhft, A *****


Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Examination 2009, Part-II Bachelor of Arts/Science Paper-IV [Geography (Hons.)] {Economics and Resource Geography} Full Marks. : 75 Answer five questions in all, selecting three from Section 'A' and Two from section 'B'.

[k.M&^v* ls rhu rFkk [k.M ^c* ls nks iz'uksa dks pqudj dqy ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A Section-'A' ¼[k.M&^v*½ 1.

Give an account of the characteristics of plantation agriculture.

okxkuh d`f"k dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft, A 2.

Account for commercial grain farming areas of the world.

fo'o ds O;kikfjd vUu mRiknd d`f"k {ks=ksa dk fooj.k nhft, A 3.

Give an account of the Industrial location theory of Weber.

oscj ds vkS|ksfxd LFkkuhdj.k fl)kUr dk fooj.k nhft, A 4.

Describe salient features of industrial regions of developed countries.

fodflr ns'kksa ds vkS|ksfxd izns'kksa ds egRoiw.kZ fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 5.

Give an account of the international trade of cotton.

dikl ds vUrjk"Vªh; O;kikj dk fooj.k nhft, A 6.

Divide the world into major agricultural regions and discuss their salient features.

fo'o dks izeq[k d`f"k izns'kksa esa foHkkftr dhft, rFkk muds izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Section-'B' ¼[k.M&^Ck*½ 7.

Define resource and classify resource.

lalk/ku dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk lalk/kuksa dk oxhZdj.k dhft, A 8.

Classify the soils of the world and discuss their distributional pattern.

fo'o ds e`nk dks oxhZd`r dhft, rFkk muds forj.k izk:i dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 9.

Analyse geographical conditions favouring the development of fisheries in Northern Hemisphere.

eRL; O;olk; ds fodkl ds fy, vuqdwy HkkSxksfyd n'kkvksa dk o.kZu mÙkjh xksyk)Z ds lUnHkZ esa dhft, A 10.

Give an account of the resource, production and distribution of coal in the world.

fo'o esa dks;yk ds lafpr HkaMkj] mRiknu ,oa forj.k dk fooj.k nhft, A *****

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-II Paper-III (Economics (Hons.) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

Analyse the concept of National Income.

àâ?sŸÜX=îâX=ÇÜ=îçLâàKââ=Çâ=ÑçDóë?âKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 2.

Critically examine the Keynesian theory employment.

Çë~í=Çë=àâëíñâà=Ñä¼â~ê=ÇÜ=îâóâëéìâoÉÇ=áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 3.

What is consumption function? Discuss determinants of consumption function.

ãáeââëñ=ánóì=aXâ=Öpy=ãáeââëñ=ánóì=Çë=ÑìLâwàÇâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 4.

Write a note on Keynesian theory Multiplier.

Ç~ëí=Çë=ñèKâÇ=Ñä¼â~ê=áà=IÇ=ÑsfáKâÜ=Ñóxâë~^= 5.

Compare the Classical and Neo-Classical theories of interest and Indicate the salient features of the Neo-Classical theory.


`Xâí=Çë=áòÑêÑ?_ê=êcââ=ìçCáòÑêÑ?_ê=Ñä¼ârêâë~=ÇÜ=êèóìâ=ÇÜÑíI=êcââ=ìçCáòÑêÑ?_ê=Ñä¼â~êâë~=Çë= ãvóëxâìÜX=êoç=ÅêâÄI^=


Describe critically Monetary theory of Hawtrey.

ÖâsŸë=Çë=ÉâpÑåòÇ=Ñä¼ârê=ÇÜ=îâóâëéìâoÉÇ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= 7.

Explain the Trade Cycle Model of Hicks.

ÑÖaä=Çë=lXâáâàCéÕ=Éâtjó=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=Çàë~^= 8.

Explain economic and non-economic factors of growth. Which factor in your opinion are more significant?

îâÑcâwÇ=ÑçÇâä=Çë=îâÑcâwÇ=Iç~=ñpàCîâÑcâwÇ=ÇâàKââë~=Çâë=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^=Çâpì=äë=êoç=îâáÇë=Ñçéâà=Éë~=îÑLÇ= ÉÖ½çáïKâw=Öp~=y= 9.

Discuss the main features of neo classical growth theory.

ìç=áòÑêÑ?_ê=ÑçÇâä=Ñä¼ârê=ÇÜ=ÉèxX=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 10.

Write short notes on an two of the following:-

ÑÇrÖÜ~=åâë=áà=ÑsfáKâÜ=Ñóxâë~= =


Concept of Acceletors

oçàÇ=ÇÜ=ÑçéâàLââàâ= =


Control of trade cycle

lXâáâà=éÕ=Çâ=ÑìX~ZâKâ= =


Human Recourses

ÉâìçÜX=äâLì= = *********

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts Economics Hons., Part-II Paper-IV (Money Banking & Public finance) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

Define money and discuss function of money.

Éèåòâ=Çâë=áÑàeââÑ?âê=ÇÜÑíI=êcââ=Éèåòâ=Çë=ÇâXâëw=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 2.

What is Index Number? Discuss its kinds, utility and limitation.

ÑìåëwDââ~Ç=aXâ=Öpy=ÄäÇë=áòÇâàz=ãáXâëÑñêâ=Iç~=äÜÉâîâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 3.

Define deflation and discuss its causes and effects.

Éèåòâä~Çèéì=Çâë=áÑàeââÑ?âê=ÇÜÑíI=êcââ=ÄäÇë=ÇâàKââë~=Iç~=áÑàKââÉâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 4.

Discuss the function of Commercial Bank.

lXâáÑàÇ=Åp~Ç=Çë=ÇâXâëw=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~= 5.

How Commercial Bank creat credit? Discuss.

lXâçäâÑXÇ=Åp~Ç=ÑÇä=áòÇâà=äâxâ=Çâ=ä`íì=Çàêë=Öpy=Ñççëéì=Çàë~^= 6.

Define public finance and distinguish between public finance and private finance.

äâçwíÑìÇ=Ñç½â=Çâë=áÑàeââÑ?âê=ÇÜÑíI=êcââ=äçwíÑìÇ=Ñç½â=Iç~=ÑìíÜ=Ñç½â=Éë~=îrêà=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= 7

Discuss the causes of growth of public expenditure in the context of India.

eââàê=Çë=ä~åeâw=Éë~=äâçwíÑìÇ=lXX=Éë~=ç`Ѽ=Çë=ÇâàKââë~=Çâ=ãvóëxâ=Çàë~^= 8

Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of Direct tax and Indirect tax.

áòoXôâ=Çà=êcââ=îáòoXôâ=Çà=Çë=äâáëÑôâÇ=ñèKâCåâë?ââë=~ Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 9

Define Public debt. Discuss the various sources of Public debt.

äâçwíÑìÇ=¼Kâ=ÇÜ=áÑàeââ?ââ=åë~^=äâçwíÑìÇ=¼Kâ=Çë=ÑçÑeârì=iZââëêâë~=Çâ=ãvóëxâ=Çàë~^= 10

Write short notes on any two of the following:-

ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=Éë~=äë=ÑÇrÖÜ~=åâë=áà=ä~Ñôâfê=ÑsfáKâÜ=Ñóxâë=B= =


Zero Base Budgeting

DâïrX=îâLââà=Åís= =


Characteristics of a Good Banking System

IÇ=gë?_=Åp~ÑÇñ=áòKââóÜ=Çë=óôâKâ== =


Money Policy

ÉâpÑåòÇ=ìÜÑê= = ***

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-II Paper-III {Hindi [Hons.]} Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 70

iz'u la[;k 1 vfuok;Z gS A izR;sd [k.M ls nks&nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gS A dqy ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj visf{kr gSa A 1¼d½


fdUgha nks x|ka'kksa dh O;k[;k dhft,% 8 x 2 =16 lr;qx esa euq"; dh eqfDr Kku ls gksrh Fkh] =srk esa lR; ls] }kij esa HkfDr ls] ij bl dfy;qx esa bldk flQZ ,d gh ekxZ gS vkSj og gS lsok A blh ekxZ ij pyks] rqEgkjk m)kj gksxk A tks yksx rqels Hkh nhu] nq%[kh] nfyr gSa] mudh 'kj.k esa tkvks A mudk vk'khokZn rqEgkjk m)kj djsxk A dfy;qx esa ijekRek blh ls nq%[k&lkxj esa okl djrs gSa A eSa rqEgsa izse djrk gw¡&izse A ysfdu eSa Hkh ugha tkurk gw¡] lquhrk D;k pkgrk gw¡\ rqe iwNksxh D;k pkgrk gw¡\ rks lquks] rqedks pkgrk gw¡] lewph rqedks pkgrk gw¡ A


tokuh dh lqUnjrk vkx yxkrh gS] vkSj cqs rSjuk ugha fl[kyk;k A dsoy rSjrs jguk fQj fdukjs ij yxuk ugha] lc ?kkV gekjs lekt }kjk vf/kd`r gSa vkSj dsoy rSjrs jguk euq"; ds fy;s vlaHko gS A fdUrq i{kikr vkSj U;k; dk esy\ tgk¡ i{kikr gks] ogk¡ U;k; dh dYiuk Hkh ugha dh tk ldrh A


[k.M&^d* 2345-

vkSiU;kfld rÙoksa ds vk/kkj ij ^lsoklnu* miU;kl dh leh{kk dhft, A ^lsoklnu* miU;kl dh dFkkoLrq la{ksi esa fyf[k, A ^lquhrk dh dFkk ,d leL;k dks dsUnz esa j[kdj pyh gSa A* bl dFku ds vkSfpR;kukSfpR; ij viuk fopkj fyf[k, A f'kYi dh n`f"V ls ^mlus dgk Fkk* dgkuh dh lajpuk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A

[k.M&^[k* [k.M&^[k* 678910-

MkWDVj iz'kkar dk ^T;ksfreZ;h* 'kh"kZd uhew dk pkfjf=d dFkkud dh n`f"V ^^ca'kh/kj ¼nkjksxk½ A

pfj= fpf=r dhft, A dgkuh dh f'kYi lajpuk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A oSf'k"V~; js[kkafdr dhft, A ls pwM+hokyh dgkuh dh leh{kk izLrqr dhft, A vius lR;] vkn'kZ e;kZnk ij fLFkj pfj= gSa** bl dFku dks izekf.kr dhft,


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts Hindi Hons., Part-II Paper-IV (ukVd vkSj fuca/k) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70

iz'u la[;k 1 vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd [k.M ls nks&nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj visf{kr gSaA 1.


= = =

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Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. (Hons), Part-II History (Subsidiary), Paper-II [World History] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

SET-I Full Marks : 70

Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Discuss the meaning of Renaissance and its salient features.

iqutkZxj.k dk vFkZ vkSj bldh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu djsa A 2.

Critically examine the nature and impact of Reformation Movement.

/keZ&lq/kkj vkUnksyu ds Lo:i rFkk izHkko dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k djsa A 3.

Throw light on the effects of Industrial Revolution.

vkS|ksfxd Økafr ds izHkkoksa ij izdk'k Mkysa A 4.

Write an essay on the origin and development of House of Commons and its functions in British Parliamentary System.

baxyS.M ds lalnh; iz.kkyh esa yksdlHkk dh mRifÙk] fodkl vkSj mlds dk;ksZa ij ,d fucU/k fy[ksa A 5.

Discuss the Causes and Effects of the French Revolution of 1789.

1789 ds Qzkalhlh Økafr ds dkj.kksa vkSj ifj.kkeksa dh foospuk djsa A 6.

Give an estimate of the achievements of Napoleon Bonaparte.

usiksfy;u cksukikVZ dh miyfC/k;ksa dk vkdyu djsa A 7.

Give an account of Unification of Italy.

bVyh ds ,dhdj.k dk o.kZu dhft;s A 8.

Discuss the Causes and Consequence of the Russian Revolution of 1917.

1917 bZ0 ds :lh Økafr ds dkj.kksa vkSj ifj.kkeksa dk o.kZu djsa A 9.

Give a critical estimate of the origin and aims of the League of Nations and also describe its various organs.

jk"Vª&la?k dh mRifÙk ,oa mn~ns';ksa dk vkdyu dhft;s ,oa blds fofHkUu laxBuks dk o.kZu dhft;s A 10.

Write short notes on any two of the following:-

fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k;s %& (a) Sun Yat Sen

lu;kr lsu (b) Meiji Restoration

esbZth iquLFkkZiu (c) Mustafa Kamal Pasha

eqLrQk deky ik'kk 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-II Paper-III (History) (Hons.)

SET-I History of India (1206 AD to 1757 AD) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

Form an estimate of the role of Iltutmish in the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate.

ÑåvóÜCävêìê=ÇÜ=icââáìâ=Éë~=ÄvêèêÑÉDâ=ÇÜ=eâïÑÉÇâ=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 2.

Give an estimate of the achievements of Qutbud-din-Aibak.




Examine the Economic Reform Policy of Alauddin Khalji.




Analyse the major administrative and economic reforms of Muhammad-bin-Tughluq.




Write an essay on the administration of Vijaynagar Empire.




Mark the main stages of Mughal-Afghan contest from 1526 to 1556 in India.




Throw light on the Religions Policy of Akbar.




Discuss the causes, characteristics and effects of Bhakti Movement.




Discuss the causes of the downfall of the Mughal Empire.




Evaluate the growth of Art and Architecture under Sultanate Rulers.




Discuss the administration of Shivaji.



= **************

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, History (Hons.), Part-II Paper III [History of India (1206 A.D.–1757 A.D.)] SET-II Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

"Iltutmish was the real founder of the Delhi Sultunate." Examine this statement.

{{ÄvêèêÑÉDâ=ÑåvóÜ=ävêìê=Çâ=çâiêÑçÇ=ä~icââáÇ=cââ=^GG=Ää=Çcâì=ÇÜ=áèÑ?s=Çàë~=^= 2.

Analyse the major administrative and economic reforms of Alauddin Khalji.

îóâã∞Üì=ÑxâóíÜ=Çë=áòÉèxâ=áòDââäÇÜX=îâpà=îâ¡câÇ=äèLâàâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~=^= 3.

Give an evaluation of Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq as a Sultan.

IÇ=äèvêâì=Çë=Wá=Éë~=ÉèÖbÉåCÑÅìCêèñóÇ=Çâ=ÉïvXâ~Çì=Çàë~=^= 4.

Write an essay on the rise of the Vijaynagar Empire and its administration.

ÑçíXìñà=äâÉòâqX=Çë=ãoÇ?âw=îâpà=áòDââäì=áòKââóÜ=áà=IÇ=ÑìÅrL=Ñóxâë~=^= 5.

Examine the role of Shershah Suri as a ruler.

IÇ=DââäÇ=Çë=Wá=Éë~=DâëàDââÖ=äèàÜ=ÇÜ=eâïÑÉÇâ=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=Çàë~=^= 6.

Explain the Rajput Policy of Mughals.

Éèñóâë~=ÇÜ=àâíáïêCìÜÑê=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI=^= 7.

Discuss the Deccan Policy of Aurangzeb.

îâpà~ñíëÅ=ÇÜ=åÑôâKâCìÜÑê=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~=^= 8.

Review the development of Industries under Mughals.

Éèñóâë~=Çë=îLÜì=ãöâëñâë~=Çë=ÑçÇâä=ÇÜ=äÉÜôââ=Çàë~=^= 9.

Discuss the causes for the decline of the Mughal Empire. How far was Aurangzeb responsible for it ?

Éèñó=äâÉòâqX=Çë=áêì=Çë=ÇâàKââë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI=^=ÄäÇë=ÑóI=îâpà~ñíëÅ=ÇÖâfl=êÇ=ã½âàåâXÜ=cââ=y= 10.

Evaluate the growth of Art and Architecture under the Mughal Empire.

Éèñó=äâÉòâqX=Çë=îLÜì=Çóâ=Iç~=çâiêèÇóâ=Çë=ÑçÇâä=Çâ=ÉïvXâ~Çì=Çàë~=^= = ***


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts (History) Hons, Part-II Paper-IV (Brief History of Modern Europe (1789 A.D.-1945 A.D.)) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

Discuss the role played by French Philosophers in the French Revolution of 1789.




Write a note on causes, expansion and impact of Industrial Revolution.




Discuss the causes and importance of the Revolution of 1830.




Give an account of the Unification of Italy.




Discuss the history of Franchise of Females in England.




Evaluate the extension of British Power in Asia.




Discuss the Causes and Effects of the First World War.




Examine the circumstances that led to Hitler's rise to power in Germany.




Discuss the achievements of Lenin in Russia.




Write short note on any two of the following:



= = = =


United Nations Organisation




Crimean War




Napoleon Bonaparte


ìpáâëÑóXì=Åâëìâáâsw= *******

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts/Science, Part-II Paper-III (Home Science (Hons.) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

Define therapeutic diet and discuss its objectives and importance.

ãáéâàâoÉÇ=áâë?âKâ=Çâë=áÑàeââÑ?âê=ÇÜÑíI=êcââ=ÄäÇë=ã∞ëDX=Iç~=ÉÖoç=ÇÜ=ÑççëéìâÇ=ÇÜÑíI^= 2.

Define Soft, Liquid and Light Diet and discuss their specific features.


ìàÉz=êàó=Iç~=äâpbX=îâÖâà=Çâë=áÑàeââÑ?âê=ÇÜÑíI=êcââ=ÄìÇÜ=ÑçÑDâ?s=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ= ÇÜÑíI^=


Discuss the etiological factors and Symptoms of under weight.

îváeââà=Çë=ÇâàKâ=Iç~=óôâKââë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 4.

Discuss etiological factors, symptoms and types of Dyspepsia.

É~åâÑuì=Çë=ÇâàKâz=óôâKââë~=Iç~=áòÇâà=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 5.

Explain etiological factors and Symptoms of ulcerative Colities.

îâflê=Çë=îväà=Çë=ÇâàKâ=Iç~=óôâKââë~=Çâë=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

Describe causes and types of diarrhoea.

îÑêäâà=Çë=ÇâàKââë~=Iç~=áòÇâàâë~=Çâ=ãvóëxâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 7.

Describe the types of Hyperlipidemia and discuss dietary requirement for a patient of Hyperlipidemia.

ÖâÄáà=ÑóÑáÑjÑÉXâ=Çë=áòÇâàâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI=êcââ=ÖâÄáà=ÑóÑáÑjÑÉXâ=Çë=àâëñÜ=Çë=îâÖâàÜX==îâçDXÇêâ=ÇÜ= Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 8.

What is food allergy? Discuss its symptoms and types.

xââö=IóíÜw=aXâ=Öpy=ÄäÇë=áòÇâà=Iç~=óôâKââë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 9.

Discus causes, symptoms and and treatment of Hemorrhoids.

ÅçâäÜà=Çë=ÇâàKâz=óxâKâ=Iç~=ãáéâà=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 10.

Write a descriptive note on actuate pancreatities.

êÜçò=ápÑÕXâsâÄÑsä=áà=IÇ=ÑççàKââoÉ=ÑìÅ~L=Ñóxâë~^= = *********


Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Examination 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-II Paper-III [Political Science (Hons.)] {Comparative Government and Politics} rqyukRed 'kklu ,oa jktuhfr Full Marks. : 70 Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds eku cjkcj gS A 1.

Define Comparative Politics and discuss its Scope.

rqyukRed jktuhfr dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, ,oa blds {ks= dk foospu dhft, A 2.

Write a Short essay on Constitutionalism in Britain.

fczVsu esa lafo/kkuokn ij ,d laf{kIr fucU/k fyf[k, A 3.

Examine the Organisation, Powers and functions of the British House of Commons.

fczfV'k dkeUl lHkk ds xBu] vf/kdkjksa ,oa dk;ksZa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 4.

Examine the role of the British Prime Minister.

fcfV'k iz/kkuea=h dh Hkwfedk dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 5.

Discuss the working of the Pressure Groups in Britain.

fczVsu esa nckc lewgksa ds dk;Zdj.k dk foospu dhft, A 6.

How is the President of USA elected? Describe his powers.

vesjhdh jk"Vªifr dk fuokZpu dSls gksrk gS\ muds vf/kdkjksa dk mYys[k dhft, A 7.

Describe the Salient features of the Constitution of France.

Ýkal ds lafo/kku dh fo'ks"krkvska dk mYys[k dhft, A 8.

"American Senate is the Strongest Second Chamber of the world". Explain this Statement.

^^vesfjdh flusV fo'o dk lokZf/kd 'kfDr'kkyh lnu gS** A bl dFku dh O;k[;k dhft, A 9.

Examine the working of The Judicial Review in USA.

vesfjdk esa U;kf;d leh{kk ds dk;Zdj.k dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 10.

Examine the role of the Communist Party in the People's Republic of China.

phuh tuoknh x.kra= esa lkE;oknh ny dh Hkwfedk dk ijh{k.k dhft, A (or) vFkok Write Short notes on any two of the following:

v|ksfyf[kr esa ls fdUgh nks nk ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k,% (a)

French Droit Administratiff.

¼Ýkal dh iz'kkldh; fof/k½ (b)

American House of Representatives

¼vesfjdh izfrfuf/k lnu½ (c)

Rule of Law (England).

fof/k dk 'kklu ¼baxySaM½ *****


Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Examination 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-II Paper-IV [Political Science (Hons.)] {International Politics ¼vUrjkZ"Vªh; jktuhfr½} Full Marks. : 70 Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds eku cjkcj cjkcj gS A 1.

Delineate the development of International Politics as an Independent discipline.

,d Lora= vuq'kklu ds :i eas] vUrjkZ"Vªh; jktuhfr ds fodkl dks js[kkafdr dhft, A 2.

Examine the System Approach to the study of International Politics.

vUrjkZ"Vªh; jktuhfr ds v/;;u gsrq O;oLFkk mikxe dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 3.

Discuss the organisation and functions of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.


Examine the effects of the end of the Cold War.

la;qDr jk"Vªla?k ds vkfFkZd ,oa lkekftd ifj"kn~ ds laxBu ,oa dk;ksZa dk foospu dhft, A 'khr;q) ds volku ds ifj.kkeksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 5.

Examine the Indo-USA relations in the special context 123 Agreement.

123 le>kSrk ds fof'k"V lanHkZ esa] Hkkjr&vesfjdk lEcU/kksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 6.

Examine the bases and features of the Indian foreign Policy.

Hkkjrh; oSnsfud uhfr ds vk/kkjksa ,oa fo'ks"krkvksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 7.

Write an essay on the "Regionalism in International Politics".

^^vUrjkZ"Vªh; jktuhfr esa {ks=h;rkokn** ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A (or) vFkok Examine the working of the ' SAARC'.

^lkdZ* ds dk;Zdj.k dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 8.

Discuss the economic and strategic importance of the Indian ocean in International Politics.

vUjkZ"Vªh; jktuhfr esa fgUn egklkxj ds vkfFkZd ,oa lkekftd egRo dk foospu dhft, A 9.

Throw light on the future of the Indo-Pak relations.

Hkkjr&ikfdLrku lEcU/kksa ds Hkfo"; ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 10.

Write Short notes on any two of the following:

v|ksfyf[kr esa ls fdUgh nks nk ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k,% (a)

Veto in the Security Council

¼lqj{kk ifj"kn esa fu"ks/kkf/kdkj½ (b)

Relations between India and Sri Lanka

¼Hkkjr ,oa Jhyadk ds e/; lEcU/k½ (c)

International Terrorism and world Peace.

¼vUrjkZ"Vªh; vkradokn ,oa fo'o'kkfUr½ (d)

The U.S. and South Asia

¼vesfjdk ,oa nf{k.k ,f'k;k½ *****

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-II Paper-III {Psychology (Hons.)} Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 70

Answer any five questions. All Questions carry equal marks.

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj fyf[k, A lHkh iz'uks uksa ds vad leku gS A 1.

What do you mean by observation? Discuss the merits and demerits as a method of Social Psychology.

fujh{k.k ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ lkekftd euksfoKku dh fof/k ds :i eas blds xq.k&nks"kksa dks crk,¡ A 2.

Describe the factors influencing Socialization.

lkekthdj.k dks izHkkfor djus okys rRoksa dk o.kZu djsa A 3.

Evaluate the social learning theory of Socialization.

lkekthdj.k ds lkekftd lh[kuk fl)kUr dk ewY;kadu djsa A 4.

Define attitude. Discuss the characteristics of attitude.

eukso`fÙk dks ifjHkkf"kr djsa A eukso`fÙk dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu djsa A 5.

Discuss the importance of Bogardus method of attitude.

eukso`fÙk ekiu esa cksxkMZl&fof/k ds egRo dk o.kZu djsa A 6.

Discuss the nature and definition of Pregudice.

iwokZxzg ds Lo:i ,oa ifjHkk"kk dk o.kZu djsa A 7.

What are the types of leadership? Distinguish between Authritain leader and Democratic leader.

usr`Ro ds dkSu&dkSu ls izdkj gSa\ lÙkkoknh usrk vkSj iztkra=kRed usrk esa D;k vUrj gS A 8.

Explain the nature of group cohesiveness. Describe the major determinants of group cohesiveness.

lewg lexzrk ds Lo:i dh O;k[;k djsa A lewg lexzrk ds izeq[k fu/kkZjdksa dk o.kZu djsa A 9.

Describe the major principles of progaganda.

izpkj ds izeq[k fl|kUrksa dk o.kZu djsa A 10.

What do you mean by public opinion? Describe its characteristics.

tuer ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ bldh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu djsa A


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts Psychology Hons., Part-II Paper-IV (History and systems of Psychology) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

"Psychology has a long past but short history" Comment.

{{ÉìâëÑçhâì=Çâ=îêÜê=óbÅâ=Öp=áàrêè=ÄÑêÖâä=kâësâ=ÖpGG=ÑsfáKâÜ=Çàë~^= 2.

Critically Examine the contribution of wundt in the field of experimental psychology.

áòâXâëñâoÉÇ=ÉìâëÑçhâì=Çë=ôâëZâ=Éë~=çè~s=Çë=Xâëñåâì=Çâ=îâóâëéìâoÉ=Ñççëéì=Çàë~^= 3.

Evaluate the Titchner's structural psychology.

Ñséìà=Çë=ä~àéìâoÉÇ=ÉìâëÑçhâì=Çâ=ÉïvXâ~Çì=ÇÜÑíI^= 4.

"John Dewey and James Angell were the founders of functionalism and structuralism but Harwey Carr was it developers." Explain it.

{{íâtì=ÑåçÜ=êcââ=íëbä=I~Ñíó=áòÇâXwçâå=Çë= ä~icââáÇ=câëz=óëÑÇì=Öâàçë= Çâàw= ÄäÇë= ÑçÇâäÇ=câë^GG=lXâxXââ= Çà~ë^= 5.

Assess the work of E.C. Tolman as a behaviouralist.

ÄwJ=äÜJ=sâtóÉpì=Çë=ÇâXâëw=ÇÜ=IÇ=lXçÖâàçâåÜ=Çë=Wá=Éë~=äÉÜôââ=Çàë~^= 6.

Describe the major antecedent factors of Behaviourism.

lXçÖâàçâå=Çë=áïçwçêÜ=ÇâàÇâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= 7.

Discuss the contributiion of Gestall Psychology.

ñëisâó=ÉìâëÑçhâì=Çë=Xâëñåâì=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= 8.

Critically examine the Jung's Analytical psychology.

Xè~ñ=ÑçDóëDâìâoÉÇ=ÉìâëÑçhâì=ÇÜ=îâóâëéìâoÉÇ=lXâxXâ=Çàë~^= 9.

Assess the history of the International organization of psychology.

ÉìâëÑçhâì=Çë=îrêàâw?sŸÜX=ä~ñ_ì=Çë=ÄÑêÖâä=ÇÜ=äÉÜôââ=Çàë~^= 10.

= = =

Write short notes on the following:-

ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=áà=ä~Ñôâfê=Éë~=ÑsfáKâÜ=Ñóxâë~BC= (a) Id, Ego, Super ego EãáâÖÉz=îÖ~z=êcââ=áàâÖ~F= (b) Collective unconscious EäâÉïÑÖÇ=îéëêìF= (c) Style of life EíÜçì=DâpóÜF= ***

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-II Paper-III (Social Work (Hons.) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

Define Community Organization and discuss its principles.

äâÉèåâÑXÇ=ä~ñ_ì=Çâë=áÑàeâÑ?âê=ÇÜÑíI=êcââ=ÄäÇë=Ñä¼ârêâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 2.

Disuss the concept and dimensions of Power and explain relevance of power in community organization.

DâÑaê=ÇÜ=îçLââàKââ=Iç~=îâXâÉâ~ë=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI=êcââ=äâÉèåâÑXÇ=ä~ñ_ì=Éë~=DâÑaê=ÇÜ=áòâä~ÑñÇêâ=ÇÜ= lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 3.

Discuss the concept, features and scope of social welfare administration.

äÉâí=ÇvXâKâ=áòDââäì=ÇÜ=îçLââàKââz=ÑçDâë?âêâIfl=Iç~=ôâëZâ=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 4.

Describe the following :-

ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= =


Formal and Informal organization

îâpáéâÑàÇ=Iç~=îìâpáéâÑàÇ=ä~ñ_ì== (b)

Structured and unstructured organization.

ä~éÑàê=Iç~=îä~éÑàê=ä~ñ_ì= 5.

Discuss the concept and principles of social action.

äâÉâÑíÇ=ÑÕXâ=ÇÜ=îçLââàKâ=Iç~=Ñä¼â~êâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

Discuss the following :-

ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI= =


Social action with reference to Social structure

äâÉâÑíÇ=ä~àéìâ=Çë=ä~åeâw=Éë~=äâÉâÑíÇ=ÑÕXâ= =


Social action with reference to Social struggle

äâÉâÑíÇ=ä~\â?âw=Çë=ä~åeâw=Éë~=äâÉâÑíÇ=ÑÕXâ== 7.

Discuss meaning, importance and scope of social work research.

äÉâí=ÇâXw=DââëL=Çë=îcâwz=ÉÖoç=Iç~=ôâëZâ=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 8.

Describe the methods and tools of data collection.

îâflÇjHë=IÇÑZâê=Çàìë=ÇÜ=á¼ÑêXâë~=Iç~=ãáÇàKââë~=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= 9.

What is mental health? Discuss different psychiatric disorders.

ÉâìÑäÇ=içâicX=aXâ=Öpy=ÑçÑeârì=áòÇâà=ÇÜ=Éìâë~ÑéÑÇoäÜX=lXâÑLXâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 10.

= = =

Write short notes on any two:-

ÑÇrÖÜ~=åâë=áà=ÑsfáÑKâXâfl=Ñóxâë~^= Ea) Women in Development (W.I.D) Approach ÑçÇâä=Éë~=ÉÑÖóâIfl=ãáâñÉ= Eb) Gender and Development (GAD) Approach íërjà=Iç~=ÑçÇâä=ãáâñÉ= Ec) Gender Inequality Ñó~ñ=îäÉârêâ= *********

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Social Work (Hons), Part-II Paper-IV {ifjokj ifjokj thou f'k{kk dk ifjp;} ifjp; Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 70

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

Explain the concept of family as a primary unit of society.

lekt ds izkFkfed vFkok ewy bdkbZ ds :i esa ifjokj dh vo/kkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft;s A 2.

Define family life education and discuss subject matter of family life education.

ifjokj thou f'k{kk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s rFkk ifjokj thou f'k{kk dh fo"k; oLrq dh foospuk dhft;s A 3.

Examine the role of home, school and religion in family life education.

ikfjokfjd thou f'k{kk esa ?kj] fo|ky; ,oa /keZ dh Hkwfedk dh leh{kk dhft;s A 4.

Define moral value and discuss the various theories of moral development.

uSfrd ewY;ksa dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s ,oa uSfrd ewY;ksa ds fodkl ds fofHkUu fl)karksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 5.

Distinguish between:-

vUrj Li"V dhft;s%& (a) Aggression and Violence

vkØedrk vkSj fgalk (b) Attraction and Love

vkd"kZ.k vkSj izse 6.

Write an essay on development aspect of childhood.

cpiu ds fodklkRed igyw ij ,d fucU/k fy[ksa A 7.

Discuss the concept and meaning of youth and explain the factors that cause concern with regard to the growth and development of youths.

;qod dh ladYiuk ,oa vFkZ dh foospuk dhft;s rFkk ;qodksa ds fodkl ,oa o`f) ls lEcfU/kr fparktud dkjdksa dh O;k[;k dhft;s A 8.

Define marriage and discuss the main criteria of selection of life partner.

fookg dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s rFkk thou lkFkh ds pquko dh eq[; dlkSVh dh foopsuk dhft;s A 9.

Write an essay on changing pattern of family life.

ikfjokfjd thou ds cnyrs Lo:i ij fuca/k fyf[k;s A 10.

Distinguish between Divorce, Separation and Migration and discuss causes of separation.

rykd] vyxko ,oa izokl esa vUrj Li"V dhft;s rFkk vyxko ds dkj.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft;s A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-II Paper-III (Sociology (Hons.)) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

Discuss various approaches to the study of Indian Society.

eââàêÜX=äÉâí=Çë=î≠XXì=Çë=ÑçÑeârì=ãáâñÉâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=Çàë~^= 2.

What do you understand by Rural-Urban Continuum? Discuss.

ñòâÉÜKâCìñàÜX=äâ~êoX=äë=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~y=Ñççëéìâ=Çàë~^= 3.

Define Scheduled Tribes and discuss their characteristics.

îìèäïÑéê=íìíâÑêXâë~=ÇÜ=áÑàeââ?ââ=åÜÑíI=îâpà=ÄìÇÜ=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= 4.

Describe peculiar problems of women. What are constitutional provisions for them?

ÉÑÖóâîâë~=ÇÜ=ÑçÑDâ?s=äÉiXâîâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^=ãìÇë=ÑóXë=aXâ=ä~çpLâÑìÇ=áòâçLâì=Öpy= 5.

Discuss the causes and consequence of population increase in India.

eââàê=Éë~=íìä~xXâ=ç`Ѽ=Çë=ÇâàKââë~=Iç~=ÄäÇë=áÑàKââÉâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

'Unity in diversity has been the fundamental element of Indian culture'. Discuss.

{eââàêÜX=ä~i¢Ñê=ÇÜ=ÑçÑçLêâ=Éë~=IÇêâ=ÖÜ=ãäÇâ=ÉâpÑóÇ=êoç=àÖâ=ÖpG^=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 7.

What do you understand by kinship? Discuss its types and categories.

ìâêëåâàÜ=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~y=ìâêëåâàÜ=Çë=áòÇâà=Iç~=gëÑKâXâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=Çàë~^= 8.

What is Class? How is it different from Caste?

çñw=aXâ=Öpy=XÖ=ÑÇä=áòÇâà=íâÑê=äë=Ñeârì=Öpy= 9.

What is Religion? Explain any one theory of its origin.

LÉw=aXâ=Öpy=ÄäÇÜ=ãoáѽâ=Çë=ÑÇäÜ=IÇ=Ñä¼ârê=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=Çàë~^= 10.

Write notes on any Two of the following:

ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=Éë~=äë=ÑÇrÖÜ~=nks=áà=ÑsfáKâÜ=Ñóxâë~=B= (i)





Joint Family




Caste System




Plural Society



= *************

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts (Sociology) Hons., Part-II Paper-IV (Social Research Methods) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

What is Research Hypothesis? How is it different from Research Problem?

DââëL=áÑàÇváìâ=aXâ=Öpy=XÖ=DââëL=äÉiXâ=äë=Çpäë=Ñeârì=Öpy= 2.

What is the importance of logic of enquiry in social science investigation? Explain.

äÉâí=Ñçhâì=îìèä~Lâì=Éë~=êâÑÇwÇ=xââëí=Çâ=aXâ=ÉÖoç=Öpy=lXâxXâ=Çàë~^= 3.

Explain the sources of Prejudice and bias in social studies.

äâÉâÑíÇ=î≠XXì=Éë~=áôâáâê=Iç~=ÑÉcXâ=[èÇâç=Çë=gâëêâë~=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 4.

What is Case Study? Describe its characteristics and methods.

lXÑaêÇ=î≠XXì=aXâ=Öpy=ÄäÇÜ=ÑçDâë?âêâIfl=Iç~=ÑçÑLXâfl=ÅêâIfl^= 5.

What do you mean by Social Research? Discuss its types.

äâÉâÑíÇ=îìèä~Lâì=äë=îâáÇâ=aXâ=êâoáXw=Öpy=ÄäÇë=áòÇâàâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

Describe various techniques of data collection and state their uses and limitations.

êcX=ä~Çóì=ÇÜ=ÑçÑeârì=áòÑçÑLXâë~=ÇÜ=ééâw=Çàë~=êcââ=ÄìÇÜ=ãáXâëÑñêâîâë~=Iç~=äÜÉâîâë~=Çâë=ÅêâIfl^= 7.

Explain different steps of social survey.

äâÉâÑíÇ=äçëwôâKâ=Çë=ÑçÑeârì=éàKââë~=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=Çàë~^= 8.

What is Stratified Sampling? Discuss its merits-demerits.

iêÑàê=áòÑêéXì=aXâ=Öpy=ÄäÇë=ñèKâCåâë?ââë~=ÇÜ=ééâw=ÇÜÑíI^= 9.

What do you mean by Classification of data? Discuss its objectives and types.

êcXâë~=Çë=çñÜwÇàKâ=äë=îâá=aXâ=äÉ[êë=Öp~y=ÄäÇë=ã∞ëDX=êcââ=áòÇâà=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=Çàë~^= 10.

Write notes on any Two of the following:

ÑìbìÑóÑxâê=Éë~=äë=ÑÇrÖÜ~=nks=áà=ÑsfáKâÜ=Ñóxâë~=B= (i)

Social Research




Action Research








Random Sampling



= *************

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-II Paper-III (Tourism (Hons.) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer all questions.


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:10 "The new dangers resulting from our more organic society call for certain changes in the kind of character that is admired. The bold buccaneer, or the great conqueror such as Alexander or Napoleon, has been admired and is still admired although the world can no longer afford this type of character. We come here upon a diffidently. It is a good thing that people should be adventurous and that there should be scope for individual enterprise, but the adventure and enterprise, if they are not to bring total disaster, must steer clear of certain fields in which they were formally possible. You can still, without harm to your fellowmen wish to be the first man to reach the moon. You may wish to be a great poet or a great composer or a man who advances the boundaries of scientific knowledge. Such adventure injures no one. But if Napoleon is your ideal, you must be restrained. Certain kind of __________ self assertion which are splendid in the literature or tragedy, have come to involve too much risk. A motorist alone on an empty road my drive as he pleases, but in crowded traffic he must obey the rules. More and more the lives of the individuals come to resemble the motorist in traffic rather than the lonely driver in an empty desert." (Bertrand Russell) Questions: (a) Choose a suitable title to the passage. (b) Why can't the modern world afford to have adventurous characters like Alexander or Napoleon? (c) What is splendid in the literature of tragedy? (d) What idea does the writer want to convey by giving the analogy of a motosist? (e) What kind of adventures injures no one? 2.

Write an essay on any one of the following: (a) A friend in need is a friend indeed. (b) Olympic Games (c) Detective fiction (d) A College Library



Turn the following into Passive Voice: (a) He urged the Council to reduce the rates. (b) He wants someone to take photographs. (c) My father planted this tree. (d) He hurt his leg in an accident. (e) They are repairing the bridge.



Fill in the blanks with the correct preset tense forms of the verbs given below: 10 (i) Animal lovers...................... to find a shelter for injured animals. (ii) There ...................... a number of good schools in this city. (iii) What we ......................... is a sound philosophy of education. (iv) You ....................... advised not to be too generous with your sentiments. (v) He ........................ no English. (vi) He ........................ more time in India than anywhere else in the world. (vii) Faith, they ........................, can move mountains. (viii)They .......................... here to satisfy their curiosity. (ix) He ......................... to come here as a guest. (x) My watch ......................the date as well as the time. The date.................. automatically at midnight. (Say, Show, Come, be, change, need, try, want, spend, speak)


Replace the italicized words with other suitable words beginning with un-, in- or im-. (i) The Student was not Happy, because he could not find a red rose. (ii) The figures about literate men and women in this village are not accurate. (iii) You are speaking so softly that you are not audible. (iv) It is not possible to sing like a Nightingale. (v) It is not pleasant to go for a walk on a foggy morning. (vi) Some rocks are not perishable. (vii) She could not go to office as she was not well. (viii)The officer was dismissed because he was not competent. (ix) It is not wise to put all your eggs in0 one basket. (x) The Students do no read important books.



Complete the following paragraph using the correct Simple Past or the Past Perfect forms of verbs given in brackets: 10


Early in the morning Jim Corbett and his dog Robin went to the forest. The previous evening Corbett............ (Wound) a L`eopard. They went to the spot Corbett ..................(fire) from. Robin .............. (examine) the ground where the Leopard ............. (Stand). He ............ (Come) to the bushes where the Leopard ........... (leave) a lot of blood. Corbett .............. (fire) at the Leopard at short range. He ............. (see) the bullet enter the Leopard's body. He .............. (know) the Leopard was dangerous as he ................. (have) fifteen hours to nurse his anger against men. Robin ............. (lead) Corbett in the thick jungle. Suddenly the dog ..................... (stop). Corbett saw what ................... (attract) the dog's attention. He ................(see) the Leopard's tail. He ..............(see) the tip of the tail moving. He knew the Leopard would attack him. Corbett just ................... (get) the rifle on his shoulder when the Leopard sprang at them. (Adapted from Jim Corbett: Man-Eaters of Kumaon.) 7.

Fill in the blanks with a, an, or the


(i) ........................ People standing there are on strike. (ii) Are you going to ............................post office? (iii) When I was coming to school, ..................... bus came from behind and hit my bicycle. (iv) Please close ....................... door. It is rather cold today. (v) I had to wait at .................... bus stand for ........................ long time. (vi) What ............................. beautiful shirt! (vii) He belongs to ..................... rich family. (viii) One of our neighbours is ......................... teacher. (ix) I thought you were .......................... honest man. (x) I am not .........................arrest of our leaders launched .............. Quit India movement.


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts Tourism Hons., Part-II Paper-IV (Foundation Course in Humanities & Social Sciences) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

Discuss the different stages of cultural progress during Pre-Historic age.

áòâÇúCIëÑêÖâÑäÇ=Çâó=Éë~=ä~âi¢ÑêÇ=ÑçÇâä=Çë=ÑçÑeârì=éàKââë~=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 2.

What is Social-change? Point out its impact on the formation of society.

äâÉâÑíÇ=áÑàçêwì=aXâ=Öpy=äÉâíCä~ñ_ì=Éë~=ÄäÇë=áòeââç=Çâë=Ä~Ññê=Çàë~^= 3.

Discuss the main features of ancient Egyptian Civilisation.

áòâéÜì=ÑÉiZâ=ÇÜ=äeXêâ=ÇÜ=ÉèxX=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 4.

What is "Feudalism"? Throw light on its development and salient features.

äâÉrêçâå=ÑÇäë=ÇÖêë=Öp~y=ÄäÇë=ÑçÇâä=Iç~=ÑçDâë?âêâîâë~=áà=áòÇâDâ=jâóë~^= 5.

Enunciate the impact of Renaissance on art, architecture, literature and science. How far they were influenced by the thought of Humanism?

áèìíâwñàKâ=Çâ=Çóâz=çâiêèÇóâz=äâÑÖoX=Iç~= Ñçhâì=Çë= áòeââçâë~= Çâë= áòiêèê=Çàë~^=çë= ÉâìçCçâåÜ=ÑçéâàLâàâ=äë= ÇÖflâ=êÇ=áòeââÑçê=câë^= 6.

Enumerate the causes of the Industrial Revolution.

îâpöâëÑñÇ=Õâ~Ñê=Çë=ÇâàKââë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=Çàë~^= 7.

Assess the Influences of British rule on Indian economy.

eââàêÜX=îcâwClXçicââ=áà=ÑçòÑsDâ=Dââäì=Çë=áòeââçâë~=Çâ=ÉïvXâ~Çì=Çàë~^= 8.

What were the causes and effects of the Revolt of 1857?

NURT=ÄwM=Çë=ÑçåòâëÖ=Çë=aXâ=ÇâàKâ=îâpà=áÑàKââÉ=câëy= 9.

Present a short essay on the causes and consequences of Non-Cooperation Movement.

îäÖXâëñCîâ~åâëóì=Çë=ÇâàKââë~=îâpà=áÑàKââÉâë~=áà=ä~Ñôâfê=ÑìÅ~L=Ñóxâë~^= 10.

Discuss the steps adopted by the Planning Commission for the development of economic growth in India.

eââàê=Çë=îâÑcâwÇ=ÑçÇâä=Éë~=XâëíìâCîâXâëñ=Çë=îrêwñê=îáìâÄw=ñÄw=ìÜÑêXâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=Çàë~^= 11.

Examine the social status of women in Indian Society.

eââàêÜX=äÉâí=Éë~=ìâÑàXâë~=ÇÜ=ÑicâÑê=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=Çàë~^= = ***

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-II Paper-VIII {CS-63 } Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 60

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

(a) Define Scheduling? Explain short term, medium term and long term scheduling. (b) How does scheduling help in increasing the performance of a system. (a) Explain the difference between paging and Segmentation. (b) What is a semaphore? What are its drawbacks? Explain 10 commands in Unix with examples and Syntax. Draw a flowchart and write a Shell Program for generating a Fibonacci series. Write short notes on: (a) PCB (Process control Block) (b) GUI (Graphical User Interface) (c) Linker (d) Dynamic loading What are the performance criteria that are used by schedules to maximize system performance. Explain? Define the essential difference between the following types of operating system. (a) Batch O.S. (b) Time - sharing (c) Real - time O.S. (d) Distributed O.S.


Write a context Free Grammar (CFG) and draw a parse tree for the following sentence: " Ram ate a Mango"


(a) Explain the utility of Lex and Yacc. (b) Write the usefulness of program development tools.


What is an algorithm? What are the five features of an algorithm? Explain giving an example.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 SET-I Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-II Paper-VIII {CS-63, (UNIX) } Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 15 Answer All the Questions.


2. 3.

Write the commands to do the following : (a) (b)

Create a directory of your name and make it your current directory. Create a file and write at least 10 names in it.

(c) (d)

Assign all permission to your file. Sort the file in ascending order of names and display it.

Describe the directory structure of UNIX file system. Write a Shell Script to generate Fibbonacci Series of 20 numbers.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 SET-II Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-II Paper-VIII {CS-63, (UNIX) } Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 15 Answer All the Questions.


2. 3.

Write the commands to do the following : (a) (b)

List the users with their terminal numbers who have currently logged in. Kill all the processes running at the background.

(c) (d)

Display top 10 lines of the file. List the entire content of the directory including the size of the files, date and time of creation, etc.

Describe Pipes and filters with examples. Write the Shell Script to generate 20 prime numbers.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 SET-III Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-II Paper-VIII {CS-63, (UNIX) } Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 15 Answer All the Questions.


2. 3.

Write the commands to do the following : (a) Create two files, file 1 and file 2, and write at least 5 lines in each. (b) Display the content of file 1 at the end of file 2. (c) List the last 10 lines of your directory. (d) List the user with their terminal numbers, who have currently logged in. Describe different modes of Vi editor. "To check whether the sting is a palindrome." Write the shell script for the above.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 SET-IV Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-II Paper-VIII {CS-63, (UNIX) } Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 15 Answer All the Questions.


2. 3.

Write the commands to do the following : (a) Kill all the processes running at the back ground. (b) Display the current directory you are working in and change it to root directory. (c) To display all the files starting with pc. (d) Compare two files line by line and display the difference if any. Define Kernel ? Describe different types of shells in Unix. Write a shell script to check that the given number is an Amstrong number.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-II Paper-IX {CS-05 } [Elements of System Analysis and Design) Time : 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks : 75 Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. 1.

Define System? Explain different types of system with an example.


What is System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)? Describe the steps of SDLC in detail?


What is Fact Finding Technique? Explain the different types of Fact Finding Technique.


(a) Why Outputs are designed? Explain different types of Outputs? (b) Explain Feasibility Study? Why it is important for software development.


Write short notes on any three: (a) Data Dictionary (b) Decision Support System (DSS) (c) MIS (Management Information System) (d) KBS (Knowledge Base System)


(a) Define DFD (Data Flow Diagram) What are the rules for drawing a DFD. (b) Draw a DFD for Railway Reservation System.


(a) What are the criterias for the selection of file Organization and Media? (b) Explain different types of File Organization?


Explain different types of Input verification and Control Techniques.


(a) What is Software Crisis? Explain Users and Programmers point of view of software crisis. (b) Explain the characteristics of a Good System Analyst.


(a) What is Hardware and Software selection? What are the criterias for Software Selection? (b) What are the criterias for Vendor selection?

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-II Paper-X {CS-06 } [Introduction to DBMS] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 75

Answer any Five Questions. 1. Compare and contrast BCNF and 3NF. Show that if a relation scheme is in BCNF, then if is also in 3NF. 2. Explain the distinction between closed and open hashing. Discuss the relative merits of each technique in database applications. 3. Discuss the 3 most important codd’s commandments through examples. 4. Define the following concepts in the context of DBMS. (i)

Bit Map


Candidate Key


Referential Integrity


E–R diagram

5. Describe the problems that are caused by data redundancies. Can data redundancies be completeley eliminated, when database approach is used ? Give reasons in support of your answer. 6. Define the following terms:(i)







Query processor.

7. Discuss the differences between the following file organization. (a)








8. Explain how the knowledge representation is done through Semantic Network. 9. Write short notes on :(i)

Database administator






Data Independence

10. Explain the design goals of good relational database design.


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-II Paper-XI {CS-64 } [Introduction to computer organization] Time : 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks : 75 Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. 1.

What is a micro-operation? Is it related to a micro-instruction? What is a horizontal micro-instruction? What are the advantages of horizontal micro-instruction over vertical micro-instructing. Describe the term micro-program.


What is the need of an Input/ Output processor? suggest a method by which an Input/ Output processor can be connected to slow devises. Can an Input/ Output processor be replaced by a DMA module? Justify your answer.


What is the need of master-slave flip flop? Draw the logic diagram of master slave flip-flop and explain its functioning?


What is the purpose of counters? How is ripple counter different to that of synchronous counter? Draw the logic diagram of a 3 bit synchronous counter.


Construct the karnaugh's map for the following function in term of variable A, B, C, D. Find the optional function using this map. F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (2, 6, 10, 14) Draw the resulting logic diagram of the function.


Describe the following terms in the context of computer organization and 8086 micro-processor: (a) Linker (b) Associative memories (c) Co-processor and peripheral processors (d) Interrupt vector table


What is a bit slice? where can it be used? compare and contrast the features of Random Access to Direct Access. Give an example of Direct Access.


What is the purpose of cache memory in a computer? "Even if the size of cache is small it increases the overall efficiency of a computer operation". Comment on above statement giving reasons. Describe the associative cache mapping scheme.


Compare and contrast the following:(a) Flash memory versus ROMs (ii) Magnetic disk versus CD-ROM (iii) DMA versus Input/ Output Processor


Write Assembly Language Programme to add two members and store the carry in third variable.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 SET-I Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-II Paper-XII {CS-65 P (Window Programming) } Time : 2.00 Hrs. Full Marks : 75 There are 2 questions in this paper. Answer both the questions. They carry 50 marks. The rest 25 marks are for vive-voice. 1.

Create a VB application to simulate a simple calculator to perform the arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and finding out percentage. Select and place appropriate application control on the form to provide user friendly interface.


Create a menu similar to that of a notepad application using menu editor.

Note: No need of doing any programming.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 SET-II Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-II Paper-XII {CS-65 P (Window Programming) } Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 75

There are 2 questions in this paper. Answer both the questions. They carry 50 marks. The rest 25 marks are for vive-voice. 1.


Create a VB application to calculate and display the gross pay, deductions and the net pay for the employee of the company, given the Basic pay, TA, DA, Perks, HRA and deductions (GPF, Medical contribution, Pension scheme, Loans). The pay slip should consist of all the details of the employee along with the pay details. consider the following details for calculating the DA, HRA, Perks allowances: TA Rs. 800 for all the employees DA 10% of Basic Pay Perks 3% of Basic pay HRA 30% of Basic pay Make other necessary assumption. Create a VB application to check whether the given string is a Palindrome or not.

Note: No need of doing any programming.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-II Paper-XIII {CS-66 } [ Multimedia ] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 75

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. 1.

Describe how multimedia can be used for following application areas:(a) Multimedia in publishing (b) Multimedia and distributed learning environment. (c) Multimedia in Medical Science.


Compare and contrast the following in the context of multimedia:(a) Analog Audio and Digital Audio. (b) Analog Video and Digital Video.


What are the various hardware components needed for multimedia display and development? Describe the usage of these components.


What is morphing? How is it similar/ different to that of warping?


Write short notes on: (a) Hypermedia (c) Multimedia

(b) Animation (d) MIDI


Describe the basic feature of any one of the following authoring tools? (i) Macromedia Director (ii) Author ware professional.


A multimedia tutorial is to be developed for delivery through Internet. How will you plan and develop the application.


"Multimedia is stronger than multiple media as it is interactive in nature" comment on the above statement.


Describe the process of development of advertising capsule of small duration through multimedia.


What are multimedia Pedagogues? How do they support the teaching and learning?

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 SET-I Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-II Paper-XIV {CS-67 P (RDBMS) } Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 75

There are 2 questions in this paper. Answer both the questions. They carry 50 marks. The rest 25 marks are for vive-voice. 1.

(a) (b) (c)

Project evaluation is one of the important activities for BCA/ MCA students. The University maintains the following information about the projects: i. The list of students and Project submitted by them. ii. The list of evaluators. iii. The allocation of student projects to evaluators. iv. Keeping track of evaluated projects. Design and implement the normalized relations/ tables for the requirements listed above. Enter 5 sets of meaningful data in each of the relation/ table. Design and implement five suitable queries/ forms/ reports for the above.

SET-II Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I Paper-XIV {CS-67 P (RDBMS) } Time : 2.00 Hrs. Full Marks : 75 There are 2 questions in this paper. Answer both the questions. They carry 50 marks. The rest 25 marks are for vive-voice. 1.


(b) (c)

A bank offers International accounts for its customers. The bank allows international ATM withdrawal, electronics fund transfer, point of sale withdrawal and similar services. Bank charges a fee (different fee for different service) from the customers. Design and implement suitable tables/ relations to keep track of customers of the bank, services used by them and bank charges that they need to pay in a month. Please include keys, and constraints in your implementation. Enter about 5 sets of meaningful data in each of the table/ relation. Design and implement 5 suitable queries/ forms/ reports for the requirements as above. Make suitable assumption, if any.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 SET-III Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-I Paper-XIV {CS-67 P (RDBMS) } Time : 2.00 Hrs. Full Marks : 75 There are 2 questions in this paper. Answer both the questions. They carry 50 marks. The rest 25 marks are for vive-voice. 1. (a) (b) (c)

An ABC company keeps the records for its employees, working on different project in the company. An employee can work on more than one project and more than one employees can work on the same project. Design & implement the suitable table/ relations to keep the records of the employees of the company. Include keys and constraints in your implementation. Enter at least 5 meaningful records in the table/ relation. Design 5 suitable queries on the relation. Make suitable assumptions, if any.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 SET-IV Bachelor of Computer Application, Part-II Paper-XIV {CS-67 P (RDBMS) } Time : 2.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 75

There are 2 questions in this paper. Answer both the questions. They carry 50 marks. The rest 25 marks are for vive-voice. 1.

(a) (b)

Design table/ relation for a Library Information System. The Library Information System maintains the following information: i. The list of registered members. ii. List of books, which are categorised, either authorwise or topicwise. iii. List of books which have been ordered for purchase. iv. Details of book which have been issued or returned. Enter at least 5 meaningful records in each relation. Include keys and constraints in your implementation. Design and implement at least five queries. Make suitable assumptions, if any.

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor in Computer Applications, Part-II Paper-Foundation Course in Science and Technology (FST-01) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 75 Pass Marks: 30 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙ 1.

kj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA

Discuss the social functions of Science.

Ñçhâì=Çë=äâÉâÑíÇ=ÇâXâëw~=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= 2.

What is Balanced Diet? Describe the composition of Balanced Diet for an adult.

ä~êèÑóê=îâÖâà=aXâ=Öpy=IÇ=çXiÇ=Çë=ÑóI=ä~êèÑóê=îâÖâà=Çë=\âsÇâë~=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= 3.

Write an essay on the Agroforestry.

¢Ñ?âçâÑìÇÜ=áà=IÇ=ÑìÅ~L=ÑóÑxâI^= 4.

Discuss Lamarck's theory of Evolution.

óëÉâÇw=Çë=ÑçÇâäçâåÜ=Ñä¼ârê=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= 5.

Examine the development of Science during the Iron Age India.

óâpÖÇâóÜì=eââàê=Éë~=Ñçhâì=Çë=ÑçÇâä=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

What is a semi-conductor? Discuss the various semi-conductor devices and their uses.

IÇ=äëÉÜÇrjasà=aXâ=Öpy=ÑçÑeârì=äëÉÜÇrjasàCäâLìâë~=Iç~=ãìÇë=ãáXâëñâë~=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= 7.

Examine the applications of optical Fibre.

îâtfsÜÇó=ánâÄwÅà=Çë=ãáXâëñâë~=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 8.

Examine the concept of Import-Export of Technology with a few examples of Export of Technology from India.

eââàê= äë= áòâpöâëÑñÇÜ= Çë= ÑìXÑê= Çë= ÇÑêáX= ãåâÖàKââë~= äÑÖê= áòâpöâëÑñÇÜ= Çë= îâXâêCÑìXâwê= ÇÜ= îçLâàKââ= Çâ= áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 9.

Examine the functions of Communication in a Social System.

IÇ=äâÉâÑíÇ=lXçicââ=Éë~=ä~éâà=Çë=ÇâXâëw~=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 10.

Examine the working of human nervous system.

ÉâìçÜX=iìâXè=áòKââóÜ=Çë=ÇâXwÇàKâ=Çâ=áàÜôâKâ=ÇÜÑíI^= îcâçâ= Write the name of the causative Microbe for the following diseases.

= = = = = = =

îLâëÑóÑxâê=àâëñâë~=Çë=ãoáâåÇ=ÉâÄwÕâëÅâë~=Çë=ìâÉâë~=Çâë=ÑóÑxâIK= (a) Cholera EÇâëóëàâF= (b) Ring Worm EÑà~ñ=çÉwF (c) Aids EIjúäF (d) Chicken Pox EÑéÇëì=áâtaäF (e) Malaria EÉpóëÑàXâF (f) Conjunctivitis EÇ~íasÜçâÄwÑsäF (g) Guine WormEÑñìÜ=çÉwF=

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Commerce, Part-II Paper-III (Advanced Accounts) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

What is liquidator's Final statement of Account? How is it prepared?

ÑìiêâàÇ=Çâ=îÑrêÉ=ÑççàKâ=aXâ=Öpy=XÖ=Çpäë=êpXâà=ÑÇXâ=íâêâ=Öpy= 2.

What is Double Account System? How it is different from single Account System?

åâëÖàâ=xââêâ=áòKââóÜ=aXâ=Öpy=XÖ=IÇÖàÜ=xââêâ=áòKâóÜ=äë=ÑÇä=áòÇâà=Ñeârì=Öpy= 3.

What journal entries are passed in the books of Transferor and Transferee in the case of Amalgamation.

IÇÜÇàKâ=ÇÜ=åDââ=Éë~=Öiêâ~êàÇ=êcââ=Öiêâ~êÑàêÜ=Çë=áèiêÇ=Éë~=íìwó=Çë=ÇâpìCÇâpì=äë=óëxâë=ÑÇXë=íâêë=Öp~y= 4.

Discuss the purpose of a Final Account? Give a specimen of a Balance sheet of a company with imaginary figures.

îÑrêÉ=xââêë=Çë=ã∞ëDXâë~=Çâ=çKâwrâ=ÇÜÑíXëy=IÇ=ÇbáìÜ=Çë=îâÑcâwÇ=Ñésú_â=Çâ=ÇâváÑìÇ=ìÉïìâ=åÜÑíXëy= 5.

Write short notes on the following:


Ñìbìâ~ÑÇê=áà=ä~Ñôâfê=ÑsfáÑKâXâfl=ÑóÑxâXë=B= (a) Reconstruction EáïìÑìwÉâwKâF= (b) Minority Interest EîváÉê=î~DâLâàÜ=Çâ=ÑÖêF= (c) Prefextial Creditors EáïçâwÑLÇâà=óëìåâàF=


From the following Balance Sheet of 'X' and its subsidiary 'y' Ltd. Prepare consolidated Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2008: 'X' êcââ=ÄäÇÜ=äÖâXÇ=ÇbáìÜ= 'Y Ñó∫=ÇÜ=Ñìbìâ~ÑÇê=îâÑcâwÇ=Ñésú_â=äë= PN=Éâéwz=OMMU=Çâë= ÑÉÑgê=îâÑcâwÇ=

Ñésú_â=êpXâà=ÇÜÑíXë=B= Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2008 Libilities EåâÑXoçF Share Capital of Rs. 10 each ENM=@∫=áòÑê=î~Dâ= Çâ=î~Dâ=áïí fl ÜF Reserve Eä~éXF P/L A/C Eóâeâ=ÖâÑì=xââêâF

Creditors EóëìåâàF

X Ltd. Rs. 50,000

Y Ltd. Rs 20,000

Assets EäbáѽâXâflF Fixed Assets EicââXÜ=äbáÑêF

X Ltd. Rs. 30,000

Y Ltd. Rs 15,000












Investment in shares of Y Ltd. EY=Ñó∫=Çë=î~Dââë=Éë~= ÑçÑìXâëñF Stock EiÇrLF







Additional Informations

îÑêÑàaê=äïéìâXë~= =


= = = 7.

X Ltd purchased 80% shares of Y Ltd. on 31st December 2007 when there was a loss of Rs. 20,000 in Y Ltd. X= = Ñó∫= óë= Y= Ñó∫= Çë= UM= áòÑêDâê= î~Dââë~= Çâë= PN= ÑåäbÅà= OMMT= Çâë= ÕX= ÑÇXâ= Ñíä= Ñåì==

Y=Ñó∫=Éë~=OMzMMM=@∫=ÇÜ=ÖâÑì=câÜ^= 2. Fixed Assets appreciated is Y Ltd. by Rs. 1000. = Y=Ñó∫=Çë=äbáÑê=Éë~=NMMM=@∫=ÇÜ=ç`Ѽ=ÖèÄw^= From the folowig Trial Balance of Patliputra Electricals ltd. , you are required to prepare Final Accounts for the year ended 31st december, 2008:


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

áâsÑóáïZââ=ÄóëasŸÜÇvä=ÑóM=ÇÜ=Ñìbì=áàÜôââ=äïéÜ=äë=îâáÇâë=PN=ÑåäbÅàz=OMMU=Çâë=äÉâfê=Öâëìë=çâóë=ç?âw=Çë= ÑóXë=îÑrêÉ=xââêë=Åìâìë=ÖpB= Trial Balance (áàÜôââ=äïéÜF=As on 31-12-2008 Particulars EÑççàKâF= = = = Debit Credit Rs. Rs.= = Opening Stock Eáòâà~ÑeâÇ=isâtÇF= = =Tz=RMM= PurchasesEÕXF= = = = OQz=RMM= = = = = Wages EÉíåïàÜF= = = = =Rz=MMM= Sales EÑçÕXF== = = = CCCCCC= = = PRz=MMM= Discount EkïsF= = = = ====TMM= = = ====RMM= Salaries EçëêìF= = = = ====TRM= Rent EÑÇàâXâF== = = = ====QVR= General Expenses EäâÉârX=lXXF= = ==NzTMR= Dividead Paid Eóâeâ~Dâ=eâèñêâì=ÑÇXâF== ====VMM= P/L A/c as on 1-1-2007 (1-1-2007 Çâë=óâeâ=ÖâÑì=xââêâF= Bad debts EîáòâqX=xââêâF= Reservs Eä~éXF=

= Creditors EóëìåâàF= = Debtors EåëìåâàF= = Capital EáïflíÜF== = Machinary EÉDâÜìF= = = = = = Adjustments EäÉâXâëíìâXë~FB=

= = = = = = =

= = = = = = = =





= = = = = =

= = = =

==NRRM= ==NTRM= = = NMzMMM=



(a) Closing Stock Rs. 30,000

EîÑrêÉ=isâtÇ=PMzMMMA@MF= = =

(b) Charge 10% depreciator on Fixed Assets. EicââXÜ=äbáѽâXâë~=áà=NM%=Öòâä=éâíw=ÑÇXëF= (a) Outstanding Rent Rs. 1000

Eîåê=ÑÇàâXâ=NMMM@MF= UJ=

The Original Cost of installation of mains was Rs. 8,00, 000. The ratio of materials, labour and overheads may be taken as 6:3:1. It is estimated that price of materials has gone up by 20% and wages by 30%. The overheads are estimated to maintain same ratio with wages as before. The mains are replaced with Rs. 12, 00,000. Calculate the revenue and capital Expenditure and give necessary Journal entries.

Ñçöèê=êâà=óñââìë=ÇÜ=Éïó=óâñê=UMMMMM=@M=câÜ^=äâÉñòÜz=gÉ=ç=ãáÑàlXXâë~=Çâ=îìèáâê=ÕÉDâB=SBPBN=ÑóXâ= íâ=äÇêâ=Öp^=XÖ=îìèÉâì=óñâXâ=ñXâ=ÑÇ=äâÉñòÜ=Çë=ÉïvX=Éë~=OM%=êcââ=ÉíåïàÜ=Çë=óâñê=Éë~=PM%=ÇÜ=ç`Ѽ= Öâë=ñÄw=Öp^=ãáÑàlXXâë~=Çâ=ÉíåïàÜ=äë=çÖÜ=îìèáâê=àÖìë=Çâ=îìèÉâì=Öp=íâë=áïçw=Éë~=cââ^=Ñçöèê=êâà=Çâ=NOzMMzMMM= @M=ÇÜ=óâñê=áà=áèìÑìwÉâwKâ=ÑÇXâ=ñXâ=Öp^=îâXñê=Iç~=áïflíÜñê=àÇÉâë~=ÇÜ=ñKâìâ=ÇÜÑíXë=êcââ=îâçDXÇ=íìwó= áòÑçÑ?sXâfl=åÜÑíXë^= VJ=

The revenue Account of a Life Insurence business shows the funds at the end of the year ending on 31st march,1999 at Rs. 48, 78, 000 before taking into account follwing items: (a) Claims intimated but not admitted Rs. 65,500.

(b) Bonous utilised in reduction of Premium Rs. 6500. (c) Interest accured on securities Rs. 19500. (d) Outstanding Premium Rs. 18000 (e) Claims covered under reinsurance rs. 27000 Pass the necessary Journal entries, giving effect to the above omission and show the funds at the 31st March, 1999 after making the above adjustments.

= = = = = 10.

PN= Éâéwz= NVVV= Çâë= äÉâfê= Öâëìë= çâóÜ= ç?âw= Çë= îrê= Éë~= íÜçì= çÜÉâ= lXçäâX= Çë= àëçërXï= xââêë= ÇÜ= ÅâÇÜ= Ñìbìâ~ÑÇê=Éåâë~=Çë=áòXâëñ=Çë=ÑÅìâ=QUzTUzMMM=@∫=Öp^= EîF= åâçâë~=ÇÜ=äïéìâ=ÑÉó=ñÄw=Öp=áà=içÜÇâà=ìÖÜ~=ÑÇXë=ñXë=SRzRMM=@∫^= EÅF= áòÜÑÉXÉ=Çâë=ÇÉ=Çàìë=Éë~=ÑÇXâ=ñXâ=Åâëìä=SRMM=@∫^= EäF= áòÑêeâïÑêXâë~=áà=ãáâÑíwê=`Xâí=NVzRMM=@∫^= EåF= áòâfê=áòÜÑÉXÉ=NUzMMM=@∫^= EXF= áèìÅÜwÉâ=äë=åÑôâê=åâçë=OTzMMM=@∫^= = ãáXèwaê=äÉâXíìâîâë~= Çë= ÑóXë= íìwó=Çë= îâçDXÇ=óëxâë= ÇÜÑíXë= îâpà=PN=Éâéwz=NVVV=Çâë= ánKj=ÇÜ= äÉâXâëÑíê=àâÑDâ=ÅêâÄXë^= On the reconstruction of a Company the following terms were agreed upon: The shareholder to receive in lieu of their present holding (50,000 share of Rs. 10 each) the following: (a) Fully paid equity shares equal to 2/5th of their holding. (b) 5% Preference shares fully paid, to the extent of 1/5th of the above new Equity shares. (c) Rs. 60,000, 6% Second debentures An issue of Rs. 50,000, 5% first debentures was made and allotted, payment for the same having been received in cash. The goodwill, which stood at Rs. 3,00,000 was written down to Rs. 1,50,000. The Plant and Machinary which stood at Rs. 1,00,000 was written down to Rs. 75,000. The Freehold building which stood at Rs. 1,50,000 were written down to Rs. 1,00,000. Make necessary Journal entries in the books of the company on the basis of above transactions.

IÇ=ÇbáìÜ=Çë=áïìÑìwÉâwKâ=áà=Ñìbì=Dâ½âëw=içÜ¢ê=ÇÜ=ñÄw=B= î~DâLâàÜ=îáìë=Ñçhâáì=î~Dââë~=Eíâë=ÑÇ=NM=@∫=çâóë=RMzMMM=î~Dâ=ÖpF=Çë=Ååóë=Éë~=Ñìbì=áòâfê=Çàë~ñëB= EîF== îáìë=ÑçöÉâì=î~Dââë~=Çë=O]R=eââñ=Çë=ÅàâÅà=áïKâwå½â=äÉêâ=î~Dâ^= EÅF= R=áòÑêDâê=áïçâwÑLÇâà=î~Dâz=ãáXèwaê=ìXë=äÉêâ=î~Dââë~=ÇÜ=N]R=äÜÉâ=êÇ^= EäF= SMzMMM=@∫=S=áòÑêDâê=ÑõêÜX=¼Kâ=áZâ= = RMzMMM=@∫=Çë= R=áòÑêDâê=áòcâÉ=¼Kâ=áZââë~= Çâ=ÑìñwÉì=Iç~= îâÅ~sì=ÑÇXâ=ñXâ=ÑíäÇë= ÑóXë= eâèñêâì= ìÇåÜ=Éë~=áòâfê=Öèîâ^= = xXâÑê=íâë= PzMMzMMM=@∫=ÇÜ=câÜz=NzRMzMMM=@∫=êÇ=îáÑóÑxâê=Çà=åÜ=ñÄw^=fóâ~s=Iç~= ÉDâÜìàÜ=íâë= NzMMzMMM=@∫=Çë=câëz=\âsâÇà=TRzMMM=@∫=Çà=ÑåXë=ñXë^=áònÜÖâëvj=eâçì=Çâë=íâë=NzRMzMMM=@∫=Çâ=cââz=\âsâÇà= NzMMzMMM=@∫=Çâ=Çà=ÑåXâ=ñXâ^= = ãáXèwaê=lXçÖâàâë~=Çë=îâLâà=áà=ÇbáìÜ=ÇÜ=áèiêÇâë~=Éë~=íìwó=Çë=îâçDXÇ=óëxâë=ÇÜÑíXë^=

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.Com. (Hons), Part-II Paper-IV (Business Law) Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 70

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1.

"All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts." Explain.

ßleLr vuqca/k Bgjko gksrs gSa ijUrq leLr Bgjko vuqca/k ugha gksrs gSa AÞ O;k[;k dhft;s A 2.

Distinguish between

vUrj Li"V dhft;s%& (a) Coersion and Undue Influence

mRihM+u ,oa vuqfpr izHkko (b) Fraud and Misrepresentation

diV ,oa feF;k&dFku 3.

Discuss in brief the various modes in which a contract may be discharged.

la{ksi esa ,slh jhfr;ksa dh foospuk dhft;s ftuesa ,d vuqcU/k dk vUr gks tkrk gS A 4.

Distinguish between Indemnity and Guarantee contract. When is a guarantee contract terminated.

{kfriwfrZ ,oa xkjaVh izlafonkvksa esa vUrj Li"V dhft;s A xkjaVh izlafonk dc lekIr gksrh gS\ 5.

Define Pledge? State rights and duties of pawner and pawnee.

fxjoh fdls dgrs gSa\ fxjoh j[kus okys ,oa j[k ysusokys ds vf/kdkjksa ,oa dÙkZO;ksa dk o.kZu djsa A 6.

State the various methods of termination of an agency?

,tsalh ds lekIr djus dh fofHkUu fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft;s\ 7.

Distinguish between condition and warranty. When can a breach of condition be treated as breach of warranty?

'kÙkZ rFkk vk'oklu esa varj crkb;s A fdu ifjfLFkfr esa 'kÙkZ Hkax dks vk'oklu Hkax le>k tk ldrk gS\ 8.

What do you understand by term concillation? Write its application and scope under the Act.

lajk/kku ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ bl vf/kfu;e ds rgr bldk mi;ksx rFkk mn~ns'; ds ckjs esa fyf[k;s A 9.

Define Partnership and discuss its essential elements.

lk>snkjh dh ifjHkk"kk nhft;s rFkk blds vko';d rRoksa dh foospuk dhft;s A 10.

Write short notes on any two of the following:(a) Negotiable Instrument.

fofue; lk/; foys[k (b) Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973.

fons'kh fofue; fu;eu vf/kfu;e] 1973(c) Common Carrier

lkoZtfud okgd 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Science, Part-II Paper-III (Botany (Hons.)) Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 75 Answer any Three Questions. Select at least one question from each Group 'A' 'B' and 'C'. All questions carry equal marks.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10.

Group-A (Microbiology) What is Bacteriophage. Describe its structure and the life cycle of Bacteriophage? What do you mean by nitrogen fixation? Describe the process of nodule formation. Write short notes on - (Any two) (a) Bacteria is useful for human kind. (b) T.M.V. (c) Louis Pasteur (d) Types of acids produced by different fungi. Name them and write atleast one use of each. Group-B (Plant Pathology) What is disease and infection? Describe the mode of attack by plant pathogen to host plant body? Describe in detail about defensive mechanism of plant against pathogene. Give an etiology symptoms and control measure of black rust of wheat with diagram. Write short notes on any three of the following: (a) Brown leaf spot of rice (b) Incubation period (c) Wart disease of potato (d) Citrus Canker (e) Control of loose smut of wheat Group-C (Embryology) Give an account of structure and morphological nature of endosperm. What do you understand by tetrasporic embryosac? Describe the development of tetrasporic embryosac in angiosperm. Write short notes on any three of the following: (a) Anther Culture (b) Double fertilization (C) Tapetum (d) Development of male gametophyte in angiosperm or Describe the process of megasporogenesis in plant. *********

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Science (Botany) Hons., Part-II Paper-IV (Anatomy, Cell Biology and Economic Botany) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 75

Answer any Five Questions. Select atleast one question each from Group 'A' and 'C' and three questions from Group 'B' All questions carry equal marks.


Group-A (Anatomy) What is ecological adaptation? Enumerate the morphological and anatomical characters of hydrophytes?


Define Periderm and describe the origin, structure and function of periderm.


What are the various causes of anamolous secondary growth in dicotyledonous stem? Group-B (Cell Biology)


Describe ultra and molecular structure of Plasma memberane.


Mitochondria are generally called "the power house of the cell". Give reason. Give an account of the structure of Mitochondria.


Write a brief eassay on Enzyme.


Describe the mechanism of Protein synthesis in Prokaryotes.


Write short notes on: (a)

Chargaff's rule






difference between Lysosomes and Ribosomes. Group-C (Economic Botany)


Name in three Cereals, pulses and spices commonly used in our daily food. Explain their utility.


What is the importance of medicinal plants in the life of a human being? Discuss. or Explain the different forms of energy obtained from fuel wood and animal wastes.


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Science, Part-II Paper-III (Physics (Hons.)) Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 75 Answer any Three Questions from Group-A and Two questions from Group-B. Group-A What are coherent sources? How are they realized in practice. Describe a method for determining the


refractive index of a gas using the interference phenomenon. 2.

Give the theory of a plane transmission grating. How will you use it for measuring the wavelength of light.


What do you mean by the resolving power of a priesm? Obtain an expression for it.


Describe the construction and action of a nicol prism. How it used as a polariser and analyser?


What are solid state lesers? Discuss the construction and working of Ruby Laser?


A typical low-power 2.5 mW He-Ne laser tube operates at a d.c. voltage of 2kV and carries a current of 5MA. What is the efficiency of the laser?


Calculate the thickness of a quarter wave plate of quartz for light of wavelength 5000Aº. Given µ0 = 1.544 and µe = 1.553. Group-B


A perfectly reflecting mirror surface receives a light beeam of intensity 3000 Wm-2. Obtain radiation pressure on the mirror surface. What will be the radiation pressure if the surface is perfectly absorbing?


Show that the power dissipated per unit volume is uniform throughout the wire having a resistance.


Give the complete theory of dispersion. Explain anomalous dispersion.


Discuss the theory of Resonant and Rayleigh scattering of electro-magnetic Waves.


A vessel under seawater requires a minimum signal level of 20 µVm-1. What is the depth in the sea that can be reached by a 4.0 MHz plane wave from an aeroplane? The wave has an electric field intensity of 100 Vm-1. The propogation is vertical into the sea. For seawater σ = 4 Ω-1 m-1, µr = 1 and ∈r = 81.


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Science (Physics) Hons., Part-II Paper-IV (Electrostatics and Magnetism, Current, Electricity and Modern Physics) Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 75 Answer any Five Questions. 1.

A square sheet of side 'a' is uniformly charged with charge density σ. Show that the potential at the centre of the square is





σa ln(1 + 2 ) π ∈ο

Derive Poisson's equation and Laplace's equation. Two parallel planes of infinite extent in the x- and y- direction and separated by a distance d in the Zdirection have a p.d. applied between them. Find the potential distribution and electric field strength in the region between the planes.


Describe Langevin's theory of paramagnetism. What is Curie's law? Discuss its limitations.


What is theorem-electric power? How does it vary with the temperature of hot junction? Obtain expressions for Peltier coefficient and Thomson co-efficient in terms of thermo-electric power for a thermocouple.


Obtain an expression for the growth and decay of charge in a condenser through a resistance. What is the time constant of the circuit?


Discuss the theory of Anderson bridge for the measurement of self-inductance.


Describe the J.J. Thomson's method of determination of specific charge of an electron.


Give an account of the nuclear liquid drop model. Explain nuclear fission.


Describe Davision and Germer experiment for the study of electron diffraction. What are the results of the experiment?


What is Compton effect? Show that the shift in wavelength is given by

h (1 − cos φ ) m0 c where symbols have usual meaning. ∆λ =


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Science, Part-II Paper-III (Zoology Hons.) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 75 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.


Describe the Origin and evolution of chordata;


Give an account of the structure and retrogressive metamorphosis of Herdmania.


Describe the characteristic feature and classification of living amphibia with at least one example of each order.


What is neoteny? Explain its types, significance and environmental factors affecting neoteny.


Give an account of the nervous system of Uromastix.


Discuss the general organization and affinities of Dipnoi.


Give an account of the characters, distribution and affinities of Metatheria or Prototheria.


Give an account of the origin and evolution of birds.


Describe the structure of the biting and feeding mechanism of a poisonous snake and its mode of working.


Write short notes on any two of the following:(a)

Flight muscle of Pigeon.


Origin of amphibia.


Lateral line system.


Placoid & Cycloid Scale.


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Science (Zoology) Hons., Part-II Paper-IV (Comparative Anatomy and Embryology) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 75 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.


Describe the structure of brain of frog and compare it with that of mammalian brain.


Give an account of the development of chick embryo upto three germinal layer.


What is cleavage? Comment upon the influence of yolk on cleavage in different types of eggs.


Give a comparative account of the structure of integument of fish, an amphibians and a mammals.


Describe the mammalian heart and compare it with that of frog's heart.


Write an essay on mammalian kidney and compare it with that of reptilian and bird's kidney.


Describe the aortic arches in class mammalia and amphibia with the help of diagram.


Write short notes on any two of the following: (a)

development of brain of chick.


chorion and amnion.


placenta in mammals


Brain of Pigeon


Describe the development of extra-embryonic membrane in chick-embryo.


Describe the different types of eggs and cleavage patterns found in vertebrates.


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Science/ Commerce, Part-II jk"VªHkk"kk ¼fgUnh½ Time : 1.30 Hrs.

Full Marks : 50

iz'u la[;k 1 rFkk 10 vfuok;Z vfuok;Z gS A dqy ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj fyf[k, A 1-

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d fo"k; ij fuca/k fyf[k,%& ¼d½ fiz; lkfgR;dkj ¼[k½ eg¡xkbZ ¼x½ ukjh dh leL;k,¡ ¼?k½ Hkz"Vkpkj ¼M-½ Ik;kZoj.k dh lqj{kk


oSpkfjd fuca/k dh fo'ks"krk,¡ crkb, A


^fgUnh fuca/k lkfgR; esa 'kqDy th dk LFkku* fo"k; ij ,d y/kq fuca/k fyf[k, A


dgkuhdkj izsepan dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A


^dQu* dgkuh dk lkjka'k fyf[k, A


ia0 fo|kfuokl feJ dk laf{kIr thou ifjPk; izLrqr dhft, A


ia0 fo|kfuokl feJ dh Hkk"kk 'kSyh Ikj fopkj izLrqr dhft, A


js[kkfp=dkj ds :Ik esa jkeo`{k osuhiqjh dh leh{kk dhft, A


^cqf/k;k* 'kh"kZd js[kkfp= dh leh{kk dhft, A


fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,%& okD; iz;ksx }kjk fuEukafdr eqgkojksa dk vFkZ Li"V dhft,& mYyw cukuk] vkLrhu dk lk¡i] bZn dk pk¡n gksuk] tku ij [ksyuk] Qwyk u lekuk


dÙkkZ ds ^us* fpUg ds iz;ksx ij fuca/k fyf[k, A


fuEukafdr okD;ksa dks 'kq) dhft,%& ¼i½ eq>s vusdksa yksxksa ls feyuk gS A ¼ii½ L=h iq:"k ,d= gks jgh gS A ¼iii½ okLrfodrk esa og Kkuh gS A ¼iv½ ;s lqUnj fdrkc gS A ¼v½ lHkh dkxtkrksa dks izLrqr dhft, A


dk;kZy; vkns'k vFkok v/kZljdkjh i= vFkok gSaM uksV dk izk:Ik rS;kj dhft, A 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-II

jk"VªHkk"kk ¼fgUnh½ ¼fgUnh½ SET-II Time : 1.30 Hrs.

Full Marks : 50

iz'u la[;k 1 rFkk 10 vfuok;Z gS A dqy ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj fyf[k, A 1-

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d fo"k; ij fuca/k fyf[k,%& ¼d½ lkEiznkf;drk ,d vfHk'kki ¼[k½ fo|kFkhZ vkSj jktuhfr ¼x½ iznw"k.k ¼?k½ O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ¼M-½ eg¡xkbZ


vkpk;Z 'kqDy dh fuca/k dyk dk la{ksi esa ifjp; nhft, A 'kqDy th dh 'kSyh dk laf{kIr ifjp; nhft, A


^dQu* dgkuh dh fo'ks"krk,¡ crkb;s A


^dQu* esa of.kZr ?khlw vkSj ek/ko dk pfj=&fp=.k dhft, A


yfyr fuca/kdkjksa esa ia0 fo|kfuokl feJ dk LFkku fu/kkZfjr dhft, A


ia0 fo|kfuokl feJ dh Hkk"kk&'kSyh ij fopkj izLrqr dhft, A


^cqf/k;k* 'kh"kZd js[kkfp= dh leh{kk dhft, A


Jhjkeo`{k csuhiqjh dk thou&ifjp; izLrqr dhft, A


fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,%& okD;&iz;ksx }kjk fuEukafdr eqgkojksa dk vFkZ Li"V dhft,& Ukkd dkVuk] iRFkj dh ydhj] [ksr vkuk] NhaVs dluk] dybZ [kqyuk A


dÙkkZ ds ^us* fpg~u ds iz;ksx dgk¡&dgk¡ gksrk gS\ Li"V dhft, A


fuEukafdr okD;ksa dks 'kq) dhft,%& ¼i½ eSuas jksus yxk A ¼ii½ esjk ?kj esa fookg gksusokyh gSa A ¼iii½ mlus izk.k NksM+ fn;k A ¼iv½ vkxkeh o"kZ og fnYyh x;k Fkk A ¼v½ eSaus dgk gqvk gS A ifji= D;k gS\ ifji= fy[kus dh fof/k dks mnkgj.k lfgr le>kb, A


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-II

jk"VªHkk"kk ¼fgUnh½ SET-III Time : 1.30 Hrs.

Full Marks : 50

iz'u la[;k 1 rFkk 10 vfuok;Z gS A dqy ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj fyf[k, A 1-

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d fo"k; ij fuca/k fyf[k,%& ¼d½ fiz; lkfgR;dkj ¼[k½ iznw"k.k ¼x½ vuq'kklu dk egRo ¼?k½ fo|kFkhZ vkSj jktuhfr ¼M-½ feyh&tqyh ljdkj


vkpk;Z jkepUnz 'kqDy dh fo'ks"krk,¡ la{ksi esa fyf[k, A Hkk"kk dk lkfgR; esa D;k egRo gS\


^dQu* esa of.kZr ?khlw vkSj ek/ko dk pfj=&fp=.k dhft, A


dgkuhdkj izsepan dh fo'ks"krk,¡ fyf[k, A


yfyr fuca/kdkjksa esa ia0 fo|kfuokl feJ dk LFkku fu/kkZfjr dhft, A


^olar uk vkoS* 'kh"kZd fuca/k dh fo'ks"krkvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A


js[kkfp=dkj ds :Ik esa jkeo`{k csuhiqjh dh leh{kk dhft, A


^cqf/k;k* js[kkfp= dh leh{kk dhft, A


fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,%& okD;&iz;ksx }kjk fuEukafdr eqgkojksa dk vFkZ Li"V dhft,& gkFkksa gkFk fcduk] nks Vwd mÙkj nsuk] xyk dkVuk] gkFk ds rksrs mM+uk] vknr iM+ tkuk A dÙkkZ ds ^us* fpg~u ds iz;ksx dks Li"V dhft, A fuEukafdr okD;ksa dks 'kq) dhft,%& ¼i½ lc yksx viuk jk; nsa A ¼ii½ lhrk us iqLrd dks Ikog irs gSa\ bldh fofHkUUk vo/kkj.kkvksa dks Li"V dhft, A 6.

What do you mean by protection? Describe argument in favour and against. The Policy.

laj{k.k ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ laj{k.k dh uhfr ds i{k ,oa foi{k esa rdZ izLrqr dhft, A 7.

What do you mean by tariff? Describe its type.

iz'kqYd ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ blds fofHkUu :iksa dk fooj.k nsa A 8.

Discuss the objectives and functions of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. To what extent has the bank been able to help India?

fo'o cSad ;k vUrjkZ"Vªh; iqufuekZ.k ,oa fodkl cSad ds mn~ns'; ,oa dk;kZsa dk o.kZu djsa A cSd a ls Hkkjr dks fdl gn rd ykHk gqvk gS\ 9.

Discuss the composition and directions of foreign trade of India.

Hkkjr ds fons'k O;kikj dh lajpuk ,oa fn'kk dk o.kZu djsa A 10.

Write notes on any two:

fdUgha nks ij fVIi.kh fyf[k;s% (a) (b) (iii)

Devaluation Types of Bop Convertibility of Rupees

voewY;u A Hkqxrku larqyu ds izdkj A :i;s dh ifjorZuh;rk A ****

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. (Hons), Part-III Economics, Paper-VII Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft;s A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1- fofof/kd`r d`f"k D;k gS\ blds ykHk ,oa gkfu;ksa dh foospuk dhft;s A What diversified farming? Discus its advantages and disadvantages.

2- lgdkjh d`f"k ds fofHkUu igyqvksa ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k;s A Write an essay on various aspects of cooperative farming.

3- Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk dh fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk dhft;s A Describe the characteristics of Indian Economy.

4- Hkkjr ds vkfFkZd fodkl esa d`f"k dh Hkwfedk ,oa egRo dh O;k[;k dhft;s A Explain the role and importance of Agriculture in economic development of India.

5- {ks=h; fofHkUurk D;k gS\ {ks=h; fofHkUurk ds dkj.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft;s A What is regional variation? Explain the causes of regional variation.

6- fuEufyf[kr dk o.kZu dhft;s %& Describe the following:(a) Hkw&/kkj.k lq/kkj (b) Hkw&tksrksa dh vf/kdre


(Tenancy Reforms) (Ceilling on Land Holdings)

7- jk"Vªh; d`f"k uhfr] 2000 dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s A Critical examine the National Agriculture Policy, 2000.

8- Hkkjr esa d`f"k lk[k ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k;s A Write an essay on Agricultural Credit in India.

9- fu;fer cktkj ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ blds mn~ns';ksa ,oa dk;Ziz.kkyh dh foospuk djsa A What do you understand by Regulated Market? Discuss its objectives and working.

10-Hkkjr esa xzkeh.k csjkstxkjh dh fLFkfr dks Li"V dhft;s A Explain the status of rural unemployment in India. 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. (Hons), Part-III Economics, Paper-VIII [Industrial Economics] Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft;s A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1- vkS|ksxhdj.k ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ blds izeq[k y{k.kksa dks crk;sa A What do you mean by industrialization? What are its indications?

2- vkS|ksfxd izfr;ksfxrk ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ blds xq.k&nks"k D;k gSa\ What do you understand by industrial competition? Discuss its merits and demerits.

3- vkS|ksfxd oLrqvksas dk ewY;&fu/kkZj.k fdl izdkj fd;k tkrk gS\ foospuk dhft;s A How is price of industrial products determined? Analyse.

4- vYQzsM oscj ds LFkkuh;dj.k fl)kar dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s A Critically examine the Alfred Weber's theory of location.

5- Hkkjr ds y?kq ,oa dqVhj m|ksx&/kU/kksa ij ,d ys[k fy[ksa rFkk ;g crk;sa fd buds fodkl esa D;k ck/kk;sa gSa vkSj mUgsa dSls nwj fd;k tk ldrk gS\ Write an essay on small and Cottage industries of India and describe various impediments in the development of these industries and can that be overcome?

6- vkS|ksfxd {kerk ds vYi mi;ksx ds D;k dkj.k gSa\ blds D;k ifj.kke gks ldrs gSa\ What are the causes of under utilisation of capacity? What are the consequences?

7- laLFkkxr foÙk D;k gS\ laLFkkxr foÙk ds dqN izeq[k L=ksrksa dh O;k[;k djsa A What is Institutional finance? Describe some different sources of institutional finance.

8- Hkkjrh; m|ksxksa ij oS'ohdj.k ds D;k izHkko gSa\ Analyse the effects of Globalisation on Indian Industries.

9- vkfFkZd lq/kkjksa dh leh{kk djsa A Examine the Economic Reforms.

10-fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIi.kh fy[ksa %& Write notes on any two of the following: (a) ,fDtV ikWfylh Exit Policy (b) ubZ vkS|ksfxd uhfr New Industrial Policy (c) mRikndrk Productivity


Nalanda Open University Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Bachelor of Arts/Science, Final Examination, 2009 Geography, Part-III Paper-V {Geographical thought & Applied Geography} Full Marks : 75

[k.M ^v* ls rhu rFkk [k.M ^c* ls nks iz'uksa dks pqudj dqy ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A Answer five questions in all, selecting three from section 'A' and two from section 'B'

Section -'A' 1.

Discuss the contributions of Karl Ritter in the development of modern geography.

vk/kqfud Hkwxksy ds fodkl esa dkyZ fjVj ds ;ksxnkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 2.

Describe the contributions of Ratzel in the development of geography.

Hkwxksy ds fodkl esa jsVtsy ds ;ksxnkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 3.

Discuss the contributions of Blache towards geographical thought.

HkkSxksfyd fparu ds fodkl esa Oyk'k ds ;ksxnkuksa dh ppkZ dhft, A 4.

Throw light on physical geography versus Human geography.

HkkSfrd Hkwxksy cuke ekuo Hkwxksy ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 5.

Critically explain the agriculture location theory of Von Thunen.

okWu F;wusu dh d`f"k vofLFkfr fl)kUr dh vkykspukRed foospu dhft, A 6.

Explain the Heartland Theory of Mackinder.

eSfdUMj ds àn;LFy fl)kUr dh O;k[;k dhft, A Section - 'B' 7.

What do you understand by disaster? Present the classification of disaster and discuss them.

vkink ls vki D;k le>rs gS\ vkinkvksa dk oxhZdj.k izLrqr dhft, ,oa mudk o.kZu dhft, A 8.

Throw light on the problems of flood and drought in India and explain the plans to solve this.

ns'k ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa esa ckrs gSa\ bldh mRifr ds dkj.kksa dh leh{kk dhft;s A What do you understand by rural-urban blight? Review the areas of its origin.

5- i;kZoj.k ds gªkl ds fofHkUu i{kksa rFkk dkj.kksa dk fooj.k nhft;s A Give an account of various aspects and causes of environmental degradation.

6- HkweaMyh; m".krk ds D;k dkj.k gSa\ blds fu;a=.k ds fy, D;k djuk vko';d gS A What are the causes of global warming? What is essential for controlling it? Section - "B" ¼[k.M&ßc ¼[k.M&ßcÞ½

7- izns'k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s rFkk izns'kksa dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys[k dhft;s A Define region and mention its salient features.

8- fVdkm fodkl ;kstuk dh izknsf'kd fodkl ds lUnHkZ esa foospuk dhft;s A Discuss the sustainable development plan in the context of regional development.

9- izknsf'kd fu;kstu esa izknsf'kd losZ{k.k dh Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft;s A Discuss the role of regional survey in regional planning.

10-Hkkjr esa cgqLrjh; fu;kstu dh t:jr dk fooj.k nhft;s A Describe the need of multi-level planning in India. 

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY Final Examination, 2009

Bachelor of Art, Part-III Hindi (Hons.), Paper-V

[fgUnh fgUnh lkfgR; dk bfrgkl] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj fyf[k, A 1-

fgUnh lkfgR; ds izkjafHkd ;qx ds fofo/k ukedj.k ds vk/kkj vkSj vkSfpR; ij izdk'k Mkfy, A


vkfndkyhu fgUnh lkfgR; dh izeq[k izo`fÙk;ksa dk mYys[k dhft, A


KkuekxhZ 'kk[kk ds izoÙkZd lar dchj dh fopkj/kkjk dk mYys[k djrs gq, izekf.kr dhft, fd og ,d ØkfUrdkjh dfo Fks A


^tk;lh izseekxhZ 'kk[kk ds Js"Bre dfo Fks* izekf.kr dhft, A


jkedkO;&ijaijk ds lanHkZ esa rqylh dk LFkku fu:fir dhft, A


jhfreqDr dkO;/kkjk dh izo`fÙk ij fopkj dhft, A


^ds'konkl jhfrdky ds izFke vkpk;Z ekus tkrs gSa A* ;qfDr;qDr mÙkj nhft, A


fgUnh ds jhfrdky esa jl[kku ,oa Hkw"k.k dh egÙkk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A


Nk;koknh dkO;/kkjk dh ewyHkwr fo'ks"krkvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A


^^fgUnh&fuca/kksa dk f}osnh&;qx fo"k;xr vkSj Hkk"kkxr ifjektZu dk ;qx gS A** bl dFku dk ewY;kadu dhft, A ****

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY Final Examination, 2009

Bachelor of Art, Part-III Hindi (Hons.), Paper-VI

[dkO;'kkL= dkO;'kkL= ,oa vkykspuk] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj fyf[k, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 12-

dkO; dh fofHkUu ifjHkk"kkvksa dh ppkZ djrs gq, ,d lqfuf'pr ifjHkk"kk js[kkafdr dhft, A jl dh O;qRifÙkxr vFkZ crkrs gq, mlds vFkZ&foLrkj dks le>kb, A


'kCnkyadkj fdls dgrs gSa\ mlds Hksnksa dh ppkZ dhft, A


O;atuk fdls dgrs gSa\ ifjHkk"kk ,oa mnkgj.kksa lfgr Hksnksa miHksnksa dk mYys[k dhft, A


lkfgR; vkSj dkO; ds HksnkHksn dk foospu dhft, A


lEizs"k.k fo"k;d fjpM~Zl ds fopkjksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A


'kSyh&foKku D;k gS\ 'kSyh&foKku dh ifjHkk"kk nsdj mls le>kb, A


dkO;Hkk"kk esa ^fopyu* ds egÙo dk ewY;kadu dhft, A


^vkykspuk* 'kCn dk rkRi;Z le>krs gq, mldh ifjHkk"kk crkb, A


MkW0 uxsUnz dks jloknh vkpk;Z ekuuk dgk¡ rd laxr gS\ ;qfDr;qDr mÙkj nhft, A ****

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY Final Examination, 2009

Bachelor of Art, Part-III Hindi (Hons.), Paper-VII

[Hkk"kk&foKku Hkk"kk&foKku rFkk fgUnh Hkk"kk Hkk"kk dk bfrgkl] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 70

izR;sd [kaM ls iz'u pqurs gq, dqy ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A

[k.M&^d* 1-

Hkk"kk dh mRifÙk ds fo"k; esa izpfyr erksa dk mYys[k dhft, A


Hkk"kk ds laca/k esa dqN egRoiw.kZ fons'kh Hkk"kk'kkfL=;ksa dh ifjHkk"kk dk mYys[k djrs gq, Hkk"kk ds ;FkkFkZ ij izdk'k Mkfy, A


Hkk"kk&foKku dh iz/kku 'kk[kkvkas dk ifjp; nhft, A


/ofu dk oxhZdj.k dhft, vkSj mlds vk/kkjksa dks Li"V dhft, A


okD;&foKku dh ifjHkk"kk nsrs gq, fyf[kr vkSj cksypky ds okD;ksa ds vraj dks Li"V dhft, A

[k.M&^[k [k.M&^[k* [k* 6-

fgUnh Hkk"kk ds fodkl dh :ijs[kk la{ksi esa rS;kj dhft, A


cksypky dh Hkk"kk dh izd`fr dks js[kkafdr djrs gq, Hkk"kk ds fodkl esa mlds ;ksxnku dks js[kkafdr dhft, A


jpukRed Hkk"kk fdls dgrs gSa\ bldh dkSu&dkSu lh izeq[k fo'ks"krk,¡ gSaA

[k.M&^x [k.M&^x* 9-

nsoukxjh fyfi ds fodkl dk laf{kIr js[kkadu izLrqr dhft, A


nsoukxjh fyfi ds ukedj.k ds fo"k; esa dfri; erksa dk mYys[k dhft, A ****

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY Final Examination, 2009

Bachelor of Art, Part-III Hindi (Hons.), Paper-VIII

[iziz;kstu ewYkd fgUnh ¼O;kogkfjd fgUnh½] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gS A 1-

^^vkt fgUnh dsoy lkfgR; esa gh ugha] thou ds lHkh {ks=ksa esa leku :i ls O;oàr gksus yxh gS A** lksnkgj.k Li"V dhft, A


iz;kstuewYkd fgUnh ds fofo/k Lo:iksa dk foospu dhft, A


lafo/kku ds fdl vuqPNsn eas la?k dh jktHkk"kk vkSj fdl vuqPNsn esa jkT; dh jktHkk"kk ds mica/k fd, x, gSa\ mudk foospu dhft, A ftykf/kdkjh] jksgrkl] dh vksj ls vk;qDr] iVuk izeaMy] dks i= fy[kas ftlesa vk;qDr ls lekgj.kky; ds fy, Hkou&fuekZ.k gsrq 50 yk[k :0 Lohd`r djus dk vuqjks/k fd;k x;k gS A fdlh deZpkjh dh osru&o`f) ls lacaf/kr dk;kZy;&vkns'k dk izk:i nhft, A


fuEukfyf[kr nLrkostksa esa ls fdUgha nks dk izk:i izLrqr dhft,%& foØ;&i= ¼lsyMhM½] bPNk&i= ¼olh;r½] izfrHkwfr&i= ¼tekurukek½ iapfu;qfDr&i= A


lgk;d ds :i eas ftykf/kdkjh dks lacksf/kr djrs gq, ,ad fVIi.kh fyf[k, ftlesa ftyk ds lw[kkxzLr bykdksa eas jkgr igq¡pkus ds fy, fofHkUu mik;ksa ds izLrko ij vuqeksnu izkfFkZr gks A fuEufyf[kr ikfjHkkf"kd 'kCnkofy;ksa eas fdlh nl dk fgUnh i;kZ; fyf[k,%&


Secretary, Registrar, Section Officer, Assistant, Commissioner, Circle Officer, Magistrate, Justice, Judge, Engineer, Supervisor, Director, Chancellor, Lecturer, Export.


fuEufyf[kr va'k dk vaxzsth ls fgUnh eas vuqokn dhft,%& The greatest quality of Vidyasagar was his character. Clad in home-spum coarse dhoti and Kurta and bearing slipper, he used to move about with pride. When his friend Governor Hilliday requested him to come to Government-House in formal dress, he refused to see the Governor in formal dress. Similarly, once when he went to see Principal Karr of Hindu College, the British Principal talked to him having raised his shoes on the table. Although at that time Vidyasagar did not utter anything against him, but, when after sometime, Principal Karr Came to meet him in Sanskrit College, the Proud Brahmin Principal lifted his slipper Clad-feet on the table in the same manner and then talked to the British Principal. He was a straight forward man and did not tolerate any insult to his self respect.


fuEufyf[kr va'k dk fgUnh ls vaxzsth eas vuqokn dhft,%& tc vaxzstksa us Hkkjr NksM+us dk fu.kZ; fy;k] rc ;gk¡ ,d varfje ljdkj dk xBu fd;k x;k] ftlesa Økaxzsl vkSj eqfLye yhx nksuksa ds lnL; j[ks x, A jktsUnz izlkn varfje eaf=eaMy esa [kk| ea=h fu;qDr fd, x, A mUgsa rRdkyhu [kk| dh xaHkhj leL;k ls fuiVuk Fkk A fdUrq dkaxzsl vkSj eqfLye yhx dh chp LFkk;h le>kSrk ugha gks ldk vkSj ns'k ds foHkktu dk fu.kZ; gks x;k A jktsUnz izlkn ml foHkktu&lfefr ds lnL; Fks ftlus vfoHkkftr Hkkjr ds nsuk&ikouk dk fooj.k rS;kj fd;k A os lafo/kku lHkk ds v/;{k fuokZfpr gq,] ftlusa Hkkjr ds lafo/kku dk fuekZ.k fd;k A


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. (Hons), History Part-III, Paper-V [History of India-1757 AD to 1950 AD] Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft;s A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku leku gSa A Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1- ßcDlj dk ;q) Iyklh ds ;q) dh rqyuk esa vf/kd fu.kkZ;d Fkk AÞ bl dFku ls vki dgk¡ rd lger gSa\ "The battle of Buxar was more conclusive than the battle of plassey". How far do you agree with this statement?

2- 1767 bZ0 ls 1799 bZ0 rd vkaXy&eSlwj lEcU/kksa ij ,d fucU/k fy[ksa A Write an essay on Anglo-Mysore relations from 1767 A.D. to 1799 A.D.

3- mUuhloha 'krkCnh esa vkaXy&cekZ lEcU/kksa dh leh{kk djsa A Analyse the Angls-Burmase relations during nineteenth century.

4- ykWMZ fofy;e cSafVd ds fofHkUu lq/kkjksa dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k djsa A Critically examine the various reforms introduced by Lord William Bentick.

5- 1857 bZ0 ds fonzksg ds dkj.kksa vkSj ifj.kkeksa dh foospuk djsa A Discuss the causes and consequences of the Revolt of 1857.

6- ykWMZ fyVu dh vkarfjd uhfr;ksa dk ijh{k.k djsa A Define the internal policy of Lord Lytton.

7- 1935 bZ0 ds Hkkjr ljdkj vf/kfu;e dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu djsa A Discuss the salient features of the Government of India Act of 1935.

8- Lokeh foosdkuUn vkSj jked`".k fe'ku ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fy[ksa A Write short notes on Swami Vivekanand and Ram Krishna Mission.

9- 1854 ls 1947 bZ0 rd Hkkjr esa vaxzsth f'k{kk ds fodkl dh lekykspuk djsa A Trace the growth English Education in India from 1854 to 1947.

10-fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIi.kh fy[ksa %& Write notes on any two of the following:(a) izFke vkSj f}rh; dukZVd ;q) First and Second Carnatic Wars. (b) gSnj vyh Hyder Ali (c) LFkk;h Hkwfe cUnkscLrh Permanent Land Settlement.


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. (Hons), Part-III History, Paper-VI [History of Freedom Movement of India (1857 AD -1950 AD] Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 70 fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft;s A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1- mUuhloha 'krkCnh ds mÙkjk)Z esa Hkkjrh; jk"Vªh;rk ds mn; ij ,d fucU/k fy[ksa A Write an essay on the growth of nationalism in India in the second half of nineteenth century.

2- Hkkjrh; jk"Vªh; dkWaxzsl dh LFkkiuk esa lgk;d mu jktuhfrd laxBuksa dh LFkkiuk dk o.kZu djsa tks 1875 bZ0 esa Hkkjrh; jk"Vªh; dkWaxzsl dh LFkkiuk esa lgk;d fl) gqbZ A Discuss the establishment of different political organisations which proved helpful in the establishment of Indian National Congress in 1885.

3- Hkkjrh; jk"Vªh; vkUnksyu esa mxzokfn;ksa ds mn;] mn~ns';] dk;Z i)fr vkSj miyfC/k;ksa dk ewY;kadu djsa A Evaluate origin, aims, methods and achievements of Extremists in the national movement of India.

4- Hkkjrh; jktuhfr esa eqfLye lEiznkf;drk ds mRd"kZ ij izdk'k Mkysa A Throw light on the rise of muslim communalism in Indian politics.

5- 1916 bZ0 esa dkWaxzsl rFkk yhx ds e/; y[kuÅ le>kSrs dh ifjfLFkfr;ksa dk o.kZu djsa A Discuss the circumstances which led to the formation of Lucknow Pact in 1916 between congress and League.

6- vlg;ksx vkUnksyu dk vkykspukRed fooj.k izLrqr djsa A Give a critical account of the Non-co-operation Movement.

7- Hkkjrh; jk"Vªh; vkUnksyu esa xk¡/kh&bfoZu le>kSrk vkSj xksyest lEesyuksa ds egRo ij izdk'k Mkysa A Evaluate the genesis of Gandhi-Irwin Pact and Round Table conferences in Indian National Movement.

8- 1930 bZ0 ls 1947 bZ0 ds e/; eqfLye yhx dh eqfLye jktuhfr ij fucU/k fy[ksa A Write an essay on Muslim politics between 1930 and 1947 by Muslim League.

9- lqHkk"k pUnz cksl rFkk vktkn&fgan&QkSt ds Hkkjrh; jk"Vªh; vkUnksyu esa Hkwfedk dk o.kZu djsa A Discuss the role of Subhash Chandra Bose and Azad-Hind-Fauz in the national movement of India.

10-fdUgha nks ij fVIi.kh fy[ksa %& Write notes on any two: (a) (b) (c) (d)

usg: fjiksVZ f[kykQr vkUnksyu Lojkt ny lj lS;n vgen [kk¡

(Nehru Report) (Khilafat Movement) (Swaraj Party) (Sir Syed Ahmad Khan) 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. (Hons), History, Part-III Paper-VII [Brief History of Asia] Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70

[k.M ßvÞ ,oa ßcÞ ls de ls de nks iz'uksa dk p;u djrs gq,] fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A Answer any Five questions, selecting atleast two questions from each group "A" and "B". All questions carry equal marks.

Section - "A" ¼[k.M&ßv ¼[k.M&ßvÞ½

1- bLyke dh f'k{kkvksa rFkk fl)kar ,oa vjc izk;}hi esa bLyke ds izlkj esa iSxEcj eksgEen dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu djsa A Describe the teaching of Islam and role of Prophet Mohammad in spread of Islam in Arabian Penisula.

2- f[kykQr ;qx esa vjcksa dh lkaLd`frd miyfC/k;ksa dk o.kZu djsa A Discuss the cultural achievements of Arabs during Khilafat period.

3- lmnh&vjsfc;k ds vk/kqfudhdj.k esa bCu lmn ds ;ksxnkuksa dk o.kZu djsa A Throw light on the contributions of Ibn-Saud in making the modern Saudi-Arabi.

4- vjc txr esa jk"Vªh;rk ds mn; ds bfrgkl dk laf{kIr o.kZu djsa A Write a brief history on the rise of nationalism in Arab World.

5- 1911 bZ0 ds phu dh Øk¡fr ds D;k dkj.k vkSj ifj.kke Fks\ What were the causes and effect of Chinese Revolution of 1911?

6- tkiku ds vk/kqfudhdj.k ij izdk'k Mkysa A vk/kqfudhdj.k dk tkiku ij D;k izHkko iM+k\ Throw light on the modernization of Japan. What were the impacts of Modernization on Japan?

7- phu esa lkE;oknh vkUnksyu dh O;k[;k djsa A Describe the Communist Movement in China. Section - "B" ¼[k.M&ßcÞ½

8- nf{k.k&iwohZ ,f'k;k esa Hkkjrh; mifuos'kksa ds foLrkj dk o.kZu djsa A Discuss the expansion of Indian Colonies in South-East Asia.

9- rsjgoha 'krkCnh rd baMksusf'k;k dh lkekftd] /kkfeZd rFkk lkaLd`frd thou dk ijh{k.k djsa A Examine the social, religious and cultural life of Indonesia up till the 13th century.

10-baMksusf'k;k esa Mp 'kklu dk fooj.k izLrqr djsa A Give an account of the Dutch Rule in Indonesia.

11-cekZ esa jk"Vªh; vkUnksyu ds mn~Hko vkSj fodkl dks js[kkafdr djsa A Trace the rise and growth of National Movement in Burma. 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. (Hons), History, Part-III Paper-VIII [History of U.S.A. 1776-1945] Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A

1- vesfjdu Øk¡fr ds dkj.kksa vkSj ifj.kkeksa ij izdk'k Mkysa A Throw light on the causes and consequenses of the Amrecian Revolution.

2- la;qä jkT; vesfjdk ds izFke jk"Vªifr ds :i esa tkWtZ okf'kaxVu ds ;ksxnkuksa dk o.kZu djsa A Discuss the contributions of George Washington as first President of the United States of America.

3- jk"Vªifr ds :i esa tSdlu dh miyfC/k;ksa dk ewY;kadu djsa A Evaluate the achievements of Jackson as President.

4- vesfjdh x`g&;q) esa fyadu dh Hkwfedk dh foospuk djsa A bl leL;k dk lek/kku mlus fdl rjg fd;k A Analyse the role of Lincoln in Civil War of America. How did he solve this problem?

5- vesfjdk esa fdlkuksa ds iksiqfyLV vkUnksyu ij ,d fucU/k fy[ksa A Write an essay on the Populist Movement of farmers in America.

6- Lisfu'k&vesfjdu ;q) ds dkj.kksa vkSj ifj.kkeksa dk ijh{k.k djsa A Examine the causes and effects of the Spanish-American War.

7- jk"Vªifr fFk;ksMksj :tosYV ds fofHkUu lq/kkjksa dk o.kZu djsa A Discuss the various reforms of President Theodore Roosevelt.

8- nks fo'o&;q)ksa ds e/; la;qä jkT; vesfjdk dh fons'kuhfr dk ijh{k.k djsa A Examine the Foreign Policy of United States of Amrica between the Two World Wars.

9- vesfjdk ds ukxfjd&vf/kdkj vkUnksyu dk laf{kIr o.kZu djsa A Write in short about the Civil Rights Movement in U.S.A.

10-fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIi.kh fy[ksa %& Write notes any two of the following:(a) gSfeYVu dh foÙkh; uhfr;k¡ Economic Policy of Hamilton (b) vesfjdh lafo/kku dk egRo Significance of American Constitution. (c) vesfjdk esa Jfed vkUnksyu Labour Movement in America. 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-III Home Science, Paper-V [oL= oL= foKku ,oa ifj/kku] ifj/kku Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj fyf[k, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gS A Answer any five questions. All Questions carry equal marks. 1.

Describe the following:

fuEukfdar dk o.kZu dhft,%


(a) Natural Fibers. izkd`frd js'ks A (b) Artificial Fibers d`f=e js'ks A Describe the following in 100 words.

fuEufyf[kr dks 100 'kCnksa esa o.kZu djsa A (a) Gining ¼vksjuk½ (b) Combing (c) Shedding ¼'ksfMax½ (d) Denier (e) Polymerzation¼ikSyhejkbts'ku½ 3.

¼da?kh djuk½ ¼MSfu;j½

Describe the history, composition and types of cotton.

dikl ds bfrgkl] laxBu ,oa izdkjksa dk mYys[k djsa A 4.

Discuss the history, composition and uses of Wool.

Åu ds bfrgkl] laxBu ,oa mi;ksxh dh foospuk dhft, A 5.

Describe in detail:

foLrkj ls o.kZu djsa%


(a) Making of Yarn /kkxk dk fuekZ.k A (b) Making of Sewing Thread flykbZ ds /kkxs dk fuekZ.k A Discuss the importance of finishing of Textiles.

OkL=ksa dks ifj"d`r djus ds egRoksa dh foospuk dhft, A 7.

Describe the process of chemical finishing of Textile.

oL=ksa ds jklk;fud ifj"d`fr dh izfØ;k dk o.kZu dhft, A 8.

Write an essay on care and maintenance of Sewing Machine.

flykbZ e'khu dh ns[kjs[k ,oa j[kj[kko ij ,d fuca/k fy[ksa A 9.

Discuss the process of selection of Fabrics.

oL=ksa ds p;u dh izfØ;k dk o.kZu djsa A 10.

Discuss the General Principles of Clothing Construction.

ifj/kku fuekZ.k ds lkekU; fl)kUr dh foospuk dhft, A ****

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A./B.Sc. (Hons), Part-III Home Science, Paper-VI [Child Psychology] Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 70 fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft;s A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1- ßcky euksfoKku cPpksa dk v/;;u xHkkZ/kku ls ifjiDork rd djrk gSÞ bl mfDr dks /;ku esa j[kdj cky euksfoKku dk fo"k;&foLrkj crkb;s A "Child Psychology studies the development of children from conception to maturity". discuss the scope of child psychology in the light of this statement.

2- cky euksfoKku dh ,d fof/k ds :i esa O;fDr bfrgkl ys[ku fof/k dk ewY;kadu dhft;s A Evaluate case history method as a method of child psychology.

3- fodkl ds fofHkUu fl)kar dh foospuk dhft;s A Describe the various principles of development.

4- vf/kxe dh vo/kkj.kk ,oa izdkjksa ;k :iksa dh foospuk dhft;s A Discuss the concept and types or from of learning.

5- cky euksfoKku dh fof/k ds :i esa fujh{k.k fof/k dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k djsas A Critically evaluate observation method as a method of child psychology.

6- vf/kxe dks izHkkfor djus okys O;fDrxr rFkk okrkoj.k lEcU/kh dkjdksa dh foospuk dhft;s A Discuss the personal and environmental related factors influencing learning.

7- iz;Ru&=qfV&fl)kar dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft;s A Critically examine the trail-error theory of learning.

8- lekthdj.k D;k gS A lekthdj.k ds y{;ksa dh foospuk dhft;s A What is socialization? Discuss aims of socialization.

9- cqf) ds fodkl ij viuk er nhft;s rFkk cqf) fodkl dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dh foospuk dhft;s A Give your opinion on growth of intelligence and discuss factors influencer growth of intelligence.

10-[ksy D;k gS\ cPpksa ds thou esa [ksy ds egÙoksa dh laf{kIr O;k[;k dhft;sA What is play? Examine briefly the importance of play in the life of children. 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A./ B.Sc (Hons), Part-III Home Science, Paper-VII [Extension Education] Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 75

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft;s A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1- izlkj f'k{kk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s rFkk blds mn~ns';ksa dh foospuk dhft;s A Define extension education and discuss its objectives.

2- ßizlkj f'k{kk ds n'kZuÞ ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k;s A Write an essay on "Philosophy of Extension Education".

3- izlkj f'k{kk ds ewyHkwr fl)karksa dks Li"V dhft;s A Explain the basic principles of extension education.

4- izlkj&f'k{k.k ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ izlkj f'k{k.k fof/k;ksa ds oxhZdj.k dk o.kZu dhft;s A What do you understand by extension teaching? Describe the clarification of methods of extensionteaching.

5- izlkj f'k{k.k fof/k;ksa ds p;u ij ,d fooj.kkRed fVIi.kh fy[ksa A Write a descriptive note on selection of extension teaching method.

6- JO;&n`'; lk/ku dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s rFkk izlkj f'k{kk esa blds egÙoksa dh foospuk dhft;s A Define Audio-Vidual Aids and discuss its importance in extension teaching.

7- xzkeh.k lekt'kkL= ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ blds {ks= dh foospuk dhft;s A What do you understand by rural sociology? Discuss its scope.

8- ,d lewg ds usrk dh Hkwfedk ,oa dk;ksZa dk o.kZu dhft;s A Describe role and function of leader of a group.

9- ewY;kadu dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s rFkk blds fl)karksa dh foopsuk dhft;s A Define evaluation and discuss its principles.

10-dk;ZØe fu;kstu ij ,d fucU/k fy[ksa A Write an essay on Programme Planning. 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A./ B.Sc (Hons), Part-III Home Science, Paper-VIII [Family Relationship] Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 75 fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft;s A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1- ifjokj dh O;k[;k ,d ewy lkekftd laLFkk ds :i esa dhft;s A Explain family as a basic social institution.

2- ifjokj ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dh O;k[;k dhft;s A Explain the various types of Family.

3- la;qä ifjokj dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s vkSj bldh ykHk&gkfu dh foospuk dhft;s A Define joint family and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

4- fookg dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s rFkk fookg dh izo`fÙk] mn~ns'; ,oa Lo:iksa dh foopsuk dhft;s A Define marriage and discuss nature, objective and form of marriage.

5- oSokfgd lek;kstu dh vo/kkj.kk dh foospuk dhft;s A Discuss the concept of Matrimonial Adjustment.

6- fookg&foPNsn dh vo/kkj.kk dk fooj.k nhft;s rFkk blds dkj.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft;s A Describe the concept of divorce and explain its causes.

7- ikfjokfjd lEcU/k dh vo/kkj.kk dk foospu dhft;s rFkk ikfjokfjd lEcU/kksa ds fu/kkZjd rÙoksa dh O;k[;k dhft;s A Discuss the concept of family relationships and explain the determinants of family relationships.

8- ekrk&firk vkSj ckydksa ds lEcU/k ds fu/kkZjdksa dh foospuk dhft;s A Discuss the determinants of parent-child relationship.

9- vuq'kklu dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s rFkk blds y{; ,oa mn~ns';ksa dh foospuk dhft;s A Define Discipline and discuss its aims and objectives.

10-ifjokj esa o`)ksa ds lek;kstu ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k;s A Write an essay on adjustment of aged in the family. ❆

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor Science, Part-III Paper-V (Physics) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 75 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks


Solve the wave equation by the method of Separation of variables.


Solve the equation y"(x) - y(x) = 0 by power series method.


Show that ex (cosy + i siny) is an analytic function and find its derivative.


State and prove Laurent theorem.


Describe the algebraic properties of tensors of arbitrary rank using both covariant and contravariant indices.


Deive Euler - Lagrange equation and hence discuss the Brachistochrone problem.


Set up Euler's equations of motion of a rigid body and hence discuss the motion of a symmetrical top.


What are Poisson brackets? State and prove some of its important properties.


Prove that the Poisson bracket of two constants of motion is itself a constant of the motion even when the constants depend on time explicitly.


Define action and angle variables for a system with one degree of freedom. Apply their theory to find the time period of small oscillations. ********

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor Science (Physics Hons), Part-III Paper-VII (Physics) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 75 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks


What are Lienard - Wiechert potentials? Obtain an expression for the scalar and vector Lienard Wiechert potentials.


Discuss the electromagnetic field tensor pointing out its significance.


What do you mean by Debye length? Obtain an expression for it. Calculate the Debye length if the plasma temperature T =103K and particle density n0 = 1015/m3.


State and explain Paschen - Back effect.


State and derive Moseley's law. Discuss its importance in the study of X-ray spectra.


Discuss the rotational spectra of a diatomic molecule treated as a rigid rotator.


Discuss the principle of E.S.R. Spectroscopy. How do you study fine structure from ESR spectrum?


Define Nuclear Angular Momentum, Nuclear Magnetic Moment and Nuclear Quadrupole Moment. Find an expression for Nuclear Quadrupole Moment.


Give an account of the shell model of the nucleus and explain how it is used to assign values of nuclear levels.


Write notes on any two of the following: (a)

Scalar and Vector potentials


Plasma Oscillation


Vibrational Spectra




Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor Science (Physics Hons), Part-III Paper-VIII (Physics) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 75 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks


The density of bcc iron is 7900 kgm-3 and its atomic weight is 56. Calculate the side of cubic unit cell and the interatomic spacing.


Derive an expression for binding energy for an ionic crystal and obtain the expression for the Madelung constant.


Describe the electrical conductivity on the basis of Sommerfeld theory Mention the limitations of this theory.


Discuss the Kronig-Penney model of the periodic potential to give rise to allowed and forluidden bands.


Stat and prove (a) Superposition Theorem and (b) Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.


Give theory of constant K-type low pass filter and obtain an expression for its cut-off frequency. Mention the defects of filter.


Give the circuit diagram of a regulated power supply and explain its working.


Explain photovoltaic process in a semiconductor. What is a solar cell? Discuss its working and uses.


Explain the principle of Amptitude Modulation. Describe the collector Modulator circuit.



Add the BCD numbers: 1001 and 0100


Subtract b from 24 by BCD subtraction.


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. (Hons), Political Science Part-III, Paper-V [Public Administration] Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft;s A lHkh iziz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1- ,d fodkl'khy ns'k esa yksd iz'kklu dh Hkwfedk dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A Examine the role of Public Administration in a Developing Country.

2- yksd iz'kklu ds v/;;u ds ijEijkoknh mikxeksa dk foospu dhft;s A Discuss the Traditional approaches to the study of Public Administration.

3- laxBu ds 'kkL=h; fl)kar dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A bl fl)kar ds fodkl esa gsujh Qs;ksy ds vonkuksa dk Hkh foospu dhft;s A Examine the Classical theory of Organisation. Also, discuss Henry Fayol's contribution to the development of this theory.

4- vki ykbu vkSj LVkQ vfHkdj.kksa ls D;k le>rs gSa\ bu nksuksa ds e/; vUrjksa ,oa lEcU/kksa dh O;k[;k dhft;s A What do you mean by the Line and Staff agencies? Explain the differences and relationship between there two.

5- egkizca/kd ds :i esa] eq[; dk;Zikyd dh vo/kkj.kk dk foospu dhft;s A Discuss the concept of the Chief Executive as a General Manager.

6- lapkj dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s rFkk lapkj ds fofHkUu ek/;eksa dk foospu dhft;s A Define communication and discuss the various medium of communication.

7- Hkkjrh; mPp flfoy lsok esa HkÙkhZ dh leL;kvksa dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A Examine the problems of Recruitment to the Indian Higher Civil service.

8- dkfeZd iz'kklu esa izf'k{k.k ds egRo dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A Examine the importance of Training in Personnel Administration.

9- yksd iz'kklu ij U;kf;d fu;a=.k ds rjhdksa dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A Examine the methods of Judicial Control over Public Administration.

10-Hkkjr esa vk;&O;; i=d ds fuekZ.k ds fofHkUu pj.kksa dk foospu dhft;s A Discuss the various stages of Budget-making in India.


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. (Hons), Political Science Part-III, Paper-VI [Political Thought] Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft;s A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1- dkSfVY; ds jktRo fl)kar dh O;k[;k dhft;s A Explain kautilya's theory of Kingship.

2- IysVks ds U;k; fl)kar dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s A Critically examine Plato's theory of Justice.

3- IysVks ds lkE;oknh fl)kar dk foospu dhft;s A ;g vk/kqfud lkE;okn ls fdl izdkj fHkUu gS\ Discuss Plato's theory of communism. How does it differ from modern Communism?

4- vjLrq ds jkT; dh vo/kkj.kk dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A Examine Aristotle's concept of state.

5- jktfpUru ds izfr vjLrw ds vonkuksa dk foospu dhft;s A Discuss Aristotle's Contribution to Political thought.

6- vjLrw ds vkn'kZoknh jkT; dk o.kZu dhft;s A Describe Aristotle's concept of Ideal State.

7- gkWCl ds laizHkqrk fl)kar dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A Examine Hobbes's theory of Sovereignty.

8- ykWd ds lkekftd le>kSrk dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A Examine Locke's theory of Social Contract.

9- :lks ds lkekU; bPNk ¼tsujy foy½ fl)kar dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A Examine Rousseau's theory of General will.

10-Lora=rk ij ts0,l0 fey ds fopkjksa dk foospu dhft;s A Discuss J. S. Mill's views on Liberty.


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. (Hons), Part-III Political Science, Paper-VII [Political Sociology] Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft;s A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1- jktuhfrd lekt'kkL= dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s ,oa bldh izd`fr ,oa {ks= dk foospu dhft;s A Define Political Sociology and discuss its nature and scope.

2- jktuhfrd vfHktu dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys[k dhft;s A bl lanHkZ esa foyQzsMks ijsVks ds fl)kar dh O;k[;k dhft;s A Describe the features of Political Elite. Explain the theory of Vilfredo Pareto in this connection.

3- jktuhfrd laLd`fr ds fofHkUu vk;keksa dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A Examine the various dimensions of Political Culture.

4- jktuhfrd vk/kqfudhdj.k ds fofHkUu vfHkdj.kksa dh Hkwfedk dk foospu dhft;s A Discuss the role of various agencies of Political modernisation.

5- jktuhfrd fodkl ls lEcfU/kr yqfl;u ikbZ dh O;k[;k dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A Explain Lucian Pye's explanation relating to Political Development.

6- jktuhfrd fodkl ds lkE;oknh izfreku dk foospu dhft;s A Discuss the Communist model of Political development.

7- jktuhfrd lkekthdj.k dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys[k dhft;s A Describe the characteristics of Political Socialization.

8- jktuhfrd HkÙkhZ dh vo/kkj.kk] izd`fr ,oa egRo dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A Examine the concept, nature and importance of Political participation.

9- jktuhfrd lgHkkfxrk D;k gS\ blds vUrxZr lfUufgr fØ;kdykiksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A What is Political Participation? Describe the activities included in Political participation.

10-v/kksfyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %& Write short notes on any two of the following:(a) dkyZ Mk;l dk lapkj izfreku Communication Model of Karl Deutsch. (b) Hkkjr esa lkekftd lajpuk ds eq[; fl)kar Basic tenets of Social Structure in India. (c) oscj dk izkf/kdkj izfreku Weber's Authority Model.


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. (Hons), Political Science, Part-III Paper-VIII [Indian Political Thought] Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A

1- dkSfVY; }kjk izfrikfnr "kMxq.k fl)kar ds vFkZ ,oa egÙo dk o.kZu dhft;sA Discuss the meaning and importance of the Sixfold Policy enunciated by Kautilya.

2- vk/kqfud Hkkjrh; jktuhfrd fpUru ds izfr cky xaxk/kj fryd ds vonkuksa dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A Examine the contributions of Bal Gangadhar Tilak to the Indian Political Thought.

3- foosdkuUn ds jktuhfrd fopkjksa dk foospu dhft;s A Discuss the Political ideas of Vivekanand.

4- ,e0,u0jk; }kjk izfrikfnr laxfBr yksdra= dh vo/kkj.kk dk o.kZu dhft;sA Describe the concept of organised democracy as enunciated by M. N. Roy.

5- jktk jke eksgu jk; dks ßvk/kqfud Hkkjr dk tudÞ D;ksa dgk tkrk gS\ O;k[;k dhft;s A Why is Raja Ram Mohan Roy regarded as the "Father of Modern India"? Explain.

6- lR;kxzg ,oa vfgalk ij xk¡/khth ds fopkjksa dk foospu dhft;s A Discuss Gandhiji's views on Satyagrah and Ahinsa.

7- tokgj yky usg: }kjk izfrikfnr 'kkfUriw.kZ lg vfLrRo ,oa iap'khy ds fl)karksa dk ewY;kadu dhft;s A Evaluate the theories of Peaceful Co existence and Panchsheel as enunciated by Jawahar Lal Nehru.

8- yksfg;k ds lektoknh fl)kar dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A Examine Lohia's theory of Socialism.

9- ß,e0,u0jk; ,oa xk¡/khoknÞ ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k;s A Write an essay on "M. N. Roy" and Gandhism".

10-v/kksfyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k;s%& Write short notes any two of the following:(a)

dkSfVY; ds vuqlkj jktk ds xq.k] (The Qualities of King according, to Kautilya)


Lojkt ij fryd ds fopkj] (Tilak's views on Swraj)


jktk jke eksgu jk; dk vkfFkZd fpUru]


yksfg;k dk lIr ØkfUr fl)kar

(Economic thought of Raja Ram Mohan Roy) (Lohia's Theory of Seven Revolutions)


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-III Psychology, Paper-V [Research Methodology] Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj fyf[k, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gS A Answer any five questions. All Questions carry equal marks. 1.

Discuss the different steps in psychological Research.

euksoSKkfud 'kks/k esa fufgr fofHkUu pj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 2.

What is a research problem? Discuss different types of research problem.

'kks/k leL;k D;k gS\ 'kks/k leL;kvksa ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 3.

Examine the characteristics of a good hypothesis.

,d mRd`"V ifjdYiuk dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 4.

Discuss the meaning and nature of variables and stats the different types of variable construct.

pj ds vFkZ ,oa izd`fr dh foospuk djsa rFkk pj ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk mYys[k djsa A 5.

Define the type of experimental research Design.

iz;ksxkRed 'kks/k vfHkdyk ds izdkj dh foospuk dhft, A 6.

Discuss the purpose of research design.

'kks/k vfHkdyk ds m)s';ksa dh foospuk dhft, A 7.

Describe the meaning and nature of sampling and discuss necessary requirements of a good sampling.

izfrp;u ds vFkZ ,oa izd`fr dk o.kZu dhft, rFkk vPNs izfrp;u dh vko';d vko';drkvksa dk foospu dhft, A 8.

Discuss the type of questionnaire, their merits and limitations.

iz'ukoyh ds izdkj] xq.k ,oa lhekvksa dk o.kZu djsa A 9.

What is Random Sampling? Discuss the merits and demerits of Random Sampling.

;kn`fPNd] izfrp;u D;k gS\ ;kn`fPNd izfrp;u ds xq.k vkSj nks"k dk foospu djsa A 10.

Write short notes on any two of the following:

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ fy[ks% (i) Function of a hypothesis ifjdYiuk ds dk;Z A (ii) Correlated research design. lglEcU/k 'kks/k vfHkdYi A (iii) Construct and Variable vo/kkj.kk vkSj pj A


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. (Hons), Psychology Part-III, Paper-VI Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft;s A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1- uSnkfud euksfoKku dk vFkZ ,oa Lo:i dk o.kZu dhft;s A Discuss the meaning and nature of clinical psychology.

2- ekufld vLirkyksa esa uSnkfud euksfpfdRldksa dh Hkwfedk ,oa dk;ksZa dh foospuk dhft;s A Describe the role and functions of clinical psychologist in mental hospital.

3- ekuorkoknh vfLrRokRed fopkj/kkjk dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k djsa A Critically examine the Humanistic-Existential model.

4- uSnkfud lk{kkRdkj D;k gS\ blds izeq[k voLFkkvksa dk o.kZu djsa A What is clinical interview? Discuss its important stages.

5- vUroSZ;foÙkd euksxR;kRed fpfdRlk dh foospuk dhft;s A Describe the Interpersonal psychodynamic therapy.

6- Qzk;fM;u euksfpfdRld mipkj i)fr ij ,d fuca/k fy[ksa A Write an essay on Freudian psychoanalytical therapy.

7- O;ogkj fpfdRlk ds fofHkUu rduhdh dkSu&dkSu ls gSa\ o.kZu djsa A What are the different techniques of Behaviour Therapy? Discuss.

8- jksxh dsfUnzr fpfdRlk i)fr dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k djsa A Critically evaluate the client centred therapy.

9- lkewfgd fpfdRlk esa mipkjh dkjdksa dh O;k[;k djsa A Discuss the curative factors in group therapy.

10-fuEukafdr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ fy[ksa %& Write short notes on any two of the following:(a) Rational emotive therapy (b) WAIS (c) Family therapy (d) Projective test

jS'kuy beksfVo fpfdRlk MCyw0 ,0 vkbZ0 ,l ikfjokfjd fpfdRlk i)fr iz{ksiu ijh{k.k


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 B.A. (Hons), Psychology, Part-III Paper-VII [Industrial and Educational Psychology] Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70

izR;sd xzqi ls U;wure nks iz'uksa dk p;u dj fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa A Answer Five questions in all, selecting two questions from each group.

Section - "A" ¼[k.M&ßv ¼[k.M&ßvÞ½

1- vkS|ksfxd euksfoKku dks ifjHkkf"kr djsa rFkk blds eq[; mn~ns';ksa dks crkosa A Define Industrial Psychology and discuss its main objectives.

2- dkfeZd p;u dk vFkZ ,oa Lo:i dk o.kZu dhft;s A Discuss the meaning and nature of personnel selection.

3- nq?kZVuk ds Lo:i rFkk dkj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A Discuss the nature and causes of accident.

4- Fkdku D;k gS\ Fkdku ,oa ,djlrk esa vUrj Li"V dhft;s A What is fatigue? Distinguish between fatigue and monotony.

5- oSKkfud izca/ku dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft;s A blds eq[; fu;eksa dk foospu djsaA Define scientific management. Discuss its main principles. Section - "B" ¼[k.M&ßcÞ½ ¼[k.M&ßcÞ½

6- f'k{kk euksfoKku dk vFkZ ,oa Lo:i dks crkosa A Define meaning and nature of Educational psychology.

7- f'k{k.k esa izsj.kk dh Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft;s A Discuss the role of motivation in learning.

8- f'k{k.k LFkkukUrj.k ds izR;; dh O;k[;k djsa rFkk blds fofHkUu izdkjksa dks crkosa A Explain the concept of transfer of learning and discuss its various types.

9- eUn cqf) okys ckyd ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ blds f'k{kk ,oa lek;kstu dk o.kZu dhft;s A What do you mean by Mentally Rretarded Children? Discuss its Education and adjustment.

10-ijke'kZ dh ifjHkk"kk nsa A ijke'kZ ,oa funsZ'ku esa vUrj Li"V djsa A Define counselling. Distinguish between guidance and counselling. 

Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-III Paper-V (Social Work) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

Write an essay on "Global Scenario of HIV/AIDS.

ƒIéJîâÄwJçÜJ]Ijä=Çë=çpÑDçÇ=áÑàå`DXş=áà=IÇ=ÑìÅ~L=Ñóxâë~^= 2.

Discuss the different conditions for development of HIV infection.

IéJîâÄwJçÜJ=ä~ÕÉKâ=Çë=ÑçÇâä=ÇÜ=ÑçÑeârì=ÑicâÑêXâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 3.

Discuss the imaginary and delusive concepts of transmission of HIV/AIDS.

IéJîâÄwJçÜJ]Ijä=Çë=ä~éàKâ=Çë=ÇâváÑìÇ=Iç~=eâòâ~ê=îçLâàKââë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 4.

Discuss the factors responsible for transmission of HIV infection.

IéJîâÄwJçÜJ=ä~ÕÉKâ=Çë=ä~éàKâ=Çë=ÑóI=ÑíbÉëçâà=ÇâàÇâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 5.

Discuss the various medium of transmission of HIV infection from mother to child.

Éâêâ=äë=ÑDâDâè=Éë~=IéJîâÄwJçÜJ=ä~éàKâ=Çë=ÑçÑeârì=Éâ≠XÉâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

Explain the need and importance of counselling before and after HIV test.

IéJîâÄwJçÜJ=ä~ÕÉKâ=ÇÜ=íâflé=Çë=áïçw=Iç~=íâflé=Çë=Åâå=áàâÉDâw=ÇÜ=îâçDXÇêâ=Iç~=ÉÖoç=Çâë=iá?s=ÇÜÑíI^= 7.

Discuss the efforts made by Government of India to control HIV.

eââàê=äàÇâà=õâàâ=IéJîâÄwJçÜJ=Çâë=àâëÇìë=Çë=áòXâäâë~=Çâ=Ñççëéì=ÇÜÑíI^= 8.

Describe the methods of prevention of HIV transmission through blood and blood product.

àaê=Iç~=àaê=ãoáâåâë~=õâàâ=IéJîâÄwJçÜJ=ä~éàKâ=ÇÜ=àâëÇcââÉ=ÇÜ=ÑçÑLXâë=Çâ=çKâwì=ÇÜÑíI^= 9.

Write an essay on broad and continuous care of HIV infected pension.

IéJîâÄwJçÜJ=ä~ÕÑÉê=lXÑaê=ÇÜ=lXâáÇ=Iç~=äêêú=åëxâeââó=áà=IÇ=ÑìÅ~L=Ñóxâë~^= 10.

Write a critical note on "HIV and Ethical Issues".

IéMîâÄwMçÜM=Iç~=ìpÑêÇ=Éèåúåâë~=áà=IÇ=îâóâëéìâoÉÇ=ÑsfáKâÜ=Ñóxâë~=^= =


Nalanda Open University Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-III Paper-VI (Social Work) Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

fdUgh ik¡p iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSA 1.

Establish the relation between drug abuse and H.I.V./AIDS.

îâp?âLÜ=åè@áXâëñ=Iç~=IéJîâÄwJçÜJ]Ijä=Çë=ÅÜé=ä~Å~L=icââÑáê=ÇÜÑíI^= 2.

Discuss the principles related to drug abuse.

ÉâåÇ=åòlXâë~=Çë=åè@áXâëñ=äë=ä~Å~ÑLê=Ñä¼ârêâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 3.

What is addiction? Discuss the socio-economics effects of drug addiction individual.

lXäì=aXâ=Öpy=IÇ=lXÑaê=áà=ÉâåÇ=åòlX=lXäì=Çë=äâÉâÑíÇCîâÑcâwÇ=áòeââçâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 4.

Describe the following in respect of Drug abuse:

ÉâåÇ=åòlX=åè@áXâëñ=Çë=ä~åeâw=Éë~=Ñìbìâ~ÑÇê=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI=B= (a)

Decrease in Demand




Decrease in Supply



Discuss the various stages of treatment of drug or alcohal abuse.

ÉâåÇ=åòlX=Xâ=DâàâÅ=åè@áXâëñ=Çë=Äóâí=Çë=ÑçÑeârì=îçicââîâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 6.

Discuss the role and function of community in prevention of drug abuse.

ÉâåÇ=åòlX=åè@áXâëñ=ÇÜ=àâëÇcââÉ=Éë~=äÉèåâX=ÇÜ=eâïÑÉÇâ=Iç~=ÇâXâëw~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 7.

Write an essay on "Need of Mediation in prevention of drug abuse".

ƒÉâåÇ=åòlX=åè@áXâëñ=ÇÜ=àâëÇcââÉ=Éë~=Éâ≠Xicââ=ÇÜ=îâçDXÇêâş=áà=ÑìÅ~L=Ñóxâë~^= 8.

What is communication process? Disuss its objective.

ä~éâà=áòÑÕXâ=aXâ=Öpy=ÄäÇë=ã∞ëDXâë~=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 9.

Define interpersonel communication.








îrêçpwXÑaêÇ= ä~áòë?âKâ= Çâë= áÑàeââÑ?âê= ÇÜÑíI= êcââ= îrêçpwXÑaêÇ= ä~áòë?âKâ= Çë= ÅèÑìXâåÜ= \âsÇâë~= ÇÜ= Ñççëéìâ= ÇÜÑíI^= 10.

Explain the role of media in HIV and family education.

IéJîâÄwJçÜJ=Iç~=áÑàçâà=ÑDâôââ=Éë~=ÉÜÑjXâ=ÇÜ=eâïÑÉÇâ=ÇÜ=lXâxXâ=ÇÜÑíI^= 11.

What is counselling? Discuss the process involved in Counselling.

áàâÉDâw=aXâ=Öpy=áàâÉDâw=Éë~=ÑìÑÖê=áòÑÕXâ=ÇÜ=Ñççëéìâ=ÇÜÑíI^= = AAAAAAAAAAA

Nalanda Open University Bachelor of Arts, Final Examination, 2009 Sociology, Part-III Paper-V {Indian Societies; Issuers & Problems} Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj fyf[k, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gS A Answer any five questions. All Questions carry equal marks. 1.

What do you understand by social problem? What are the major reasons of social problems?

lkekftd leL;k ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ lkekftd leL;kvksa ds izeq[k dkj.k D;k gSa\ 2.

Explain the concept of Poverty. Describe the reasons of poverty in India.

xjhch dh vo/kkj.kk dks Li"V dhft, A Hkkjr esa xjhch ds dkj.kksa dk mYys[k dhft, A 3.

Discuss the Caste-based inequality in India.

Hkkjr esa tkfrxr vlekurk dh foospuk dhft, A 4.

Give your opinion on caste- based conflict.

tkfrxr la/k"kZ ij vius fopkj izLrqr dhft, A 5.

Write an essay on Domestic Violence in Indian Society.

Hkkjrh; lekt esa ?kjsyw fgalk ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A 6.

Discuss the historical trend of regional disparity in India.

Hkkjr esa izknsf'kd fo"kerk dh ,sfrgkfld izo`fr dh foospuk dhft, A 7.

Define Crime and give classification of crime.

vijk/k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk vijk/k dks oxhZd`r dhft, A 8.

What do you understand by Write Collar crime? Describe its characteristics.

'osriks'k vijk/k ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ bldh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 9.

Define suicide and discuss its types.

vkRegR;k dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, ,oa blds izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft, A 10.

Write short notes on any two of the following:

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ fy[ks% (i) Problem of pollution iznw"k.k dh leL;k A (ii) Corruption Hkz"Vkpkj A (iii) Divorce fookg foPNsn A (iv) Ethnic Diversity u`?kkfr; vlkeatL; A


Nalanda Open University Bachelor of Arts, Final Examination, 2009 Part-III, Sociology (Hons.) Paper-VI {Rural & Urban Sociology} Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj fnft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gS A Answer any five questions. All Questions carry equal marks.


Analyse the scope and subject matters of Rural Sociology.

xzkeh.k lekt'kkL= ds {ks= ,oa fo"k;oLrq dh foospuk djsa A 2.

Discuss the approaches to the study of rural and urban sociology.

xzkeh.k rFkk uxjh; lekt'kkL= ds v/;;u ds mikxeksa dh foospuk djsa A 3.

Discuss the scope of urban Sociology.

uxjh; lekt'kkL= ds fo"k; {ks= dh foospuk djsa A 4.

What is Caste? Explain the characteristics of Caste.

tkfr D;k gS\ tkfr dh fo'ks"krkvksa dks crk,a A 5.

Describe the empirical studies on family in India. What are their emerging trends?

Hkkjr esa ifjokj laca/kh vkuqHkkfod v/;;uksa dk mYys[k djsa A mudh mnh;eku izo`fr;k¡ D;k gSa\ 6.

'Jajmani System is institutional form of inter-caste relations'. Discuss

^ttekuh O;oLFkk vUrZtkfr; laca/kks dk laLFkkRed Lo:i gS* A foospu djsa A 7.

Write a Short notes on rural-urban continuum.

xzkeh.k&uxjh; lkarR;d ij ,d laf{kIr fVIi.kh fy[ks A 8.

What is meant by Slum? Discuss its reasons and ill-effects.

xanh cLrh ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\ blds dkj.k vkSj nq"izHkko crk,a A 9.

What is meant by Power? Analyse the direction of change in the Indian power structure.

'kfDr ls D;k vfHkizk; gS\ Hkkjrh; 'kfDr lajpuk ds ifjoÙkZu dh fn'kk dk fo'ys"k.k djsa A 10.

Write short notes on any two of the following:

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ fy[ks% (i) Urban Society uxjh; lekt A (ii) Traditional rural family ijEijkxr xzkeh.k ifjokj A (iii) Migration izotZu A (iv) Rural Society xzkeh.k lekt A


Nalanda Open University Bachelor of Arts, Final Examination, 2009 Part-III, Sociology (Hons.) Paper-VII {Social Welfare and Social Legislation} Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 70

fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj fnft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gS A Answer any five questions. All Questions carry equal marks.


What is the meaning of Fundamental Rights? Explain their objectives.

ewy vf/kdkjksa dk D;k vFkZ gS\ blds mnn~s';ksa dks Li"V djsa A 2.

Write a note on Anti Dowry Act.

ngst fojks/kh vf/kfu;e ij ,d fVIi.kh fyf[k, A 3.

What is Liberalisation? How are Liberalisation and globalisation related to one another?

mnkjhdj.k D;k gS\ mnkjhdj.k ,oa fo'o O;kihdj.k ,d nwljs ls fdl izdkj lacaf/kr gSa\ 4.

What is Handicap? Illuminate Programme for the welfare of handicapped persons.

fodykaxrk D;k gS\ fodykax O;fDr;ksa ds dY;k.k ds dk;ZØeksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 5.

What is Social Legislation? What is the importance of Social legislation in Indian Society?

lkekftd fo/kku D;k gS\ Hkkjrh; lekt esa lkekftd fo/kku dk D;k egRo gS\ 6.

Analyse the Problems of Indian Women.

Hkkjrh; efgykvksa dh leL;kvksa dh foospuk dhft, A 7.

Write an essay on Human Rights.

ekuokf/kdkj ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A 8.

Distinguish between Social Insurance and Social Assistance. Under what conditions is Social assistance advisable?

lkekftd chek rFkk lkekftd lgk;rk esa vUrj crkb;s A lkekftd lgk;rk fdu ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa okaNuh; gksrh gS\ 9.

Write a note on the condition of children in India.

Hkkjr esa ckydksa dh ifjfLFkfr ij fVIi.kh fy[ksa A 10.

Write short notes on any two of the following:

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ fy[ks% (i) Scheduled Tribe vuqlwfpr tutkfr A (ii) Non governmental Organisation v)Zljdkjh laxBu A (iii) Importance of Primary Education izkFkfed f'k{kk dk egRo A (iv) Weaker Sections. detksj oxZ A ****

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-III

Sociology (Hons.), Paper-VIII [Industrial Sociology] Time: 3 Hrs.

Full Marks: 70 Answer any five questions. All Questions carry equal marks fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsa A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gS A


vkS|ksfxd lekt'kkL= dh ifjHkk"kk nsa A bldh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys[k djsa A Define Industrial Sociology. Discuss its major characteristics.


vkSipkfjd vkSj vukSipkfjd laxBuksa dh vo/kkj.kk Li"V dhft, RkFkk muds xq.k&nks"kksa dh foospuk dhft, A Explain the concept of Formal and Informal organization and discuss their merits and demerits.


Je D;k gS\ Je dh dk;Z{kerk dks izekf.kr djus okys fofHkUu rRoksa dh foospuk djsa A What is Labour? Discus different elements that influence efficiency of labour.


vkS|ksfxd dk;Z dh vo/kkj.kk Li"V djsa rFkk blds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk mYys[k djsa A Explain the concept of Industrial work and describe its different types.


izsj.kk D;k gS\ vfHkizsj.kk rFkk izsj.kk ds vUr%laca/k dh foospuk djas A What is Incentive? Discuss the inter relationship between Motivation and Incentive.


vkS|ksfxd laca/k dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, vkSj blds eq[; igyqvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Define Industrial Relations and discuss its major aspects.


Je ,oa izcU/k lg;ksx ds eq[; m)s'; D;k gSa\ bUgs fdl izdkj izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gS\ What are the major objectives of labour and management co-operation? How can they be obtained?


Hkkjr eas vkS|ksfxd fooknks ds izeq[k dkj.kksa dk foospu dhft, A Discuss the Principal causes of Industrial Disputes in India.


vk/kqfud vkS|ksfxd laca/k esa lkewfgd lkSnsckth ds egRo dh foospuk dhft, A Discuss the importance of collective Bargaining in modern industrial relations.


fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgh nks nk ij laf{kIr fVIi.h fy[ks%& Write short notes on any Two of the following: (i) Hkkjrh; Jfedksa dh fo'ks"krk,a A Characteristics of Indian Labour (ii) vkS|ksfxd la/k"kZ A Industrial Conflict (iii) ekr`Ro dY;k.k vf/kf;e] 1961 A Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. (iv) izcU/ku ds vf/kdkj A Rights of Management.


Nalanda Open University Time : 3.00 Hrs.


Bachelor of Science, Final Examination, 2009 Zoology, Part-III Paper-VI {Bio Chemistry and Mammalian Physiology} Full Marks : 75 Answer any five questions. Question No.1 is compulsory.


The epimers of glucose: (a) Fructose (b) Galactose (c) Ribose (d) Deoxyribose (ii) Non reducing sugar is: (a) Maltose (b) lactose (c) Sucrose (d) Glucose (iii) Collagen is a (a) Simple protein (b) conjugated protein (c) derived protein protein (iv) Lipid droplets are stored in (a) melanocytes (b) monocytes (c) adipocytes (d) osteocytes (v) β- oxidation of fatty acids occur mainly in (a) Liver (b) Brain (c) Muscles (d) Adipose tissue (vi) Riboflavin forms (a) FAD (b) Haem (c) RNA (d) Prothrombin (vii) Carotid artery carries: (a) impure blood from the brain (b) Impure blood to Kidneys (c) Oxygenated blood to the brain (d) oxygenated blood to the heart. (viii) During Diastole: (a) Blood enters the heart (b) Blood leaves the heart (C) Blood leaves the ventricle (d) Blood enters into lungs. (ix) A.V. node in the heart of men is: (a) Pace maker (b) pace Setter (c) Purkinje fibre (d) Bundle of His (x) Circulatory anticoagulants include: (a) Heparin (b) antithrombin (c) both (d) None. (xi) The cation (mineral) essential for blood clotting is: (a) Na+ (b) K+ (c) Ca++ (d) Cl(xii) Orinithine cycle is concerned with: (a) digestion (b) reproduction (c) excretion (d) respiration (xiii) ultrafiltration occurs through: (a) Basement membrane (b) Glomerular membrane (c) Capsular Wall (d) Interpodocytic space (xiv) Vitamin E stored in: (a) Mitochondria (b) Microsomes (c) Both of the above (d) None of the above. (xv) Whole wheat is an excellent Source of: (a) Vit A (b) Vit D (c) Thiamine (d) Ascorbic acid

(d) denatured


Describe the structure of mammalian kidney and physiology of renal excretion.


Give the chemistry, functions and deficiency manifestations of vitamin.


Describe Cardiac cycle



Write short notes on: (a) ECG (b) (c) Anticoagulant (d) Describe the structure of Protein?


Describe the citric acid cycle


Give an account of mammalian kidneys. What do you understand by counter current mechanism.

9. 10.

What is a synapse? Give an account of the synaptic transmission of nerve impulse? Describe the digestion and absorption of protein in a mammal. or Write Short Notes on: (a) Pancreatic juice (b) Bile (c) Absorption of lipid

Heart Sound Intrinsic pathway


Nalanda Open University Bachelor of Science, Final Examination, 2009 Part-III, Zoology (Hons.) Paper-VII Time : 3.00 Hrs.



Full Marks : 75 Answer any five questions. Question No.1 is compulsory.


Inheritance of skin colour in man is (a) Monogenic (b) Bigenic (c) Trigenic (d) Polygenic (ii) Peking man is known as: (a) Auotralopithecus (b) Sinanthropus (c) Pithecanthropus (d) Homospiens (iii) Polygenic traits shows: (a) Continuous Variation (b) Discontinuous Variation (c) Both of these (d) None of these. (iv) Lamarckism was supported by: (a) Kammerer (b) T.H.Huxley (c) Darwin (d) Weismann. (v) Croaking sound of frog is an example of : (a) Habitat isolation (b) Ethological isolation (c) Mechanical isolation (d) None of the above. (vi) Internal barriers are: (a) Gametic mortality (b) Zygote mortality (c) Hybrid inviability (d) (vii) Potential mates do not meet is: (a) External barrier (b) Internal barrier (c) Both (d) None (viii)Most primitive fossil of horse is: (a) Equus (b) Meychippus (c) Mesohippus (d) Eohippus. (ix) Which of the following was one-toed? (a) Eohippus (b) Mesuhippus (c) Pliohippus (d) Miohippus (x) The dawn horses are: (a) Eohippus (b) Hyracotherium (c) Orohippus (d) Epihippus (xi) Java ape man was discovered by: (a) Leakey (b) Davidson Black (c) Dubois (d) Cuvier (e) Fuhlrott. (xii)The first probable fossil man (Homo) is: (a) Australopithecus (b) Pithecanthropus (c) Homo habilis (d) Ramapithecus. (xiii)Role of isolation in evolution is: (a) differentiation of species (b) maintenance of species (c) Evolutionary divergence (d) Extinction of Species (xiv) The moern horse appeared in: (a) Eocene (b) Oligocene (c) Pliocene (d) Mesocene (xv) Potential mates do not meet contains: (a) Geographic isolation (b) Climatic isolation (c) Seasonal isolation (d) All. Write Short Notes: (a) Neo Darwinism (b) Struggle for existence (c) Difference between Darwinism and Neo Darwinism.




Give an account of the different isolating mechanisms and their role in evolution?


Describe Lamarckism.


What is a fossil? Write an account of the fossil history of horse.


Write an essay on evolution of Man.


Describe the various Pre-Historic man.


Give a detailed account of Australian region.


Describe Zoological characteristics of Ethiopian region.


Describe the fauna some continental Islands or What is Zoo-geography? Describe the fauna of oriental region.


Nalanda Open University Bachelor of Science, Final Examination, 2009 Part-III, Zoology (Hons.) Paper-VIII Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 75 Answer any five questions. Question No.1 is compulsory.


Give a detailed account of development and structure of Pituitary gland.


Discuss the different harmones secreted by adenohypophysis and mention their functions.


Give an account of different eras of the world. or Describe the fauna of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic eras.


What is fossils? How are they formed and how would you determine their age?


What is meant by biostatistics? Discuss the scope of biostatistics.


Describe briefly normal distribution and normal distribution curve.


What is chi-square test? Mention the hypothesis on which it is based.


Enumerate the principal geological eras.


What is Goiter? What are the symptoms in Grave's disease?


Write short notes on: (a) Coenozoic era (d) Frequency distribution





Sertoli cells

Nalanda Open University Bachelor of Science, Final Examination, 2009 Part-III, Zoology (Hons.) Paper-VI Time : 3.00 Hrs.


Full Marks : 75 Answer any five questions. Question No.1 is compulsory.


If a group of genes are deleted and under goes some change is due to: (a) Gene mutation (b) Aneuploidy (c) Chromosomal mutation modification. (ii) Pump in the Plasma membrane: (a) Can break ATP (b) Required energy (c) Never allow ions to move in (d) Bring in oily substance. (iii) Variation in morphology of individual chromosome is: (a) Haploidy (b) Polyploidy (c) Inversion (d) Chromosomal aberration (iv) Enzyme are synthesized in the cell by: (a) Mitochondria (b) Lysosome (c) Golgi complex (d) Ribosomes (v) Lysosome was discovered by: (a) Palade (b) Robertson (c) de Duve (d) De Vries. (vi) The site of Cholesterol Synthesis is: (a) Mitochondria (b) Nucleus (c) Golgi body Endoplasmic reticulum. (vii) Transcription is most similar to: (a) Chemcosmosis (b) DNA replication (c) translation (d) facilated transport (viii)The signal to start translation is the initiator codon, AUG far: (a) tyrosine (b) alanine (c) methionine (c) Leucine (ix) The basis monomers used in DNA replication are: (a) Deonyribose (b) DNA nucleotide (c) RNA nucleotide (d) Amino acids (x) The bread wheat, Triticum aestimum is: (a) Haploid (b) Diploid (c) Tetraploid (d) Henaploid (xi) Male Honey bee is: (a) Diploid (b) Tetraploids (c) Haploid (d) Triploid (xii) Klinefelter's syndrome is due to: (a) Momosomy (b) Nullesomy (c) Triploidy (d) Trisomy (xiii) Ribosome was discovered by: (a) Kollinker (b) Palade (c) Porter (d) Bovari (xiv) Active transport: (a) Releases energy (b) Require energy (c) Produces ATP Produces a toxic substance. (xv) Turner's Syndrome is due to (a) Monosomy (b) Tetrasomy (c) Nullisomy Trisomy

(d) Gene





Give an account of active transport.


What do you understand by cytoskeleton? Describe structure and functions of cytoskeletal elements?


Describe the structural and chemistry of chromosomes. Differentiate between histone and nonhistone Chromosomal proteins?


Write short notes on: (a) Significance of fertilization (c) Amphimixis

(b) (d)

Polyspermy Activation of the eggs.


Describe Mendel's law of inheritance with the help of Suitable examples.


Write Short Notes on- any- 2: (a) Chromosomal aberration (b) Linkage (c) Crossing Qwer


Describe the role of Endoplasmic reticulum in cell secretion.


Detail process of transcription in Eukaryotes.


Give an account of Euploidy and Aneuploidy.
