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BA-III Semester - all languages, 24 Optional subjects and compulsory paper 2016-17 _ 2011-12 Scheme_.pdf. BA-III Semeste

III Semester w.e.f. Academic Year 2011-12 and onwards


BACHELOR OF ARTS (B.A) GROUP -1 (LANGUAGES) English: Detailed Syllabus for

B.A. / BSW 2nd year

Basic English Semester –III Teaching Hours : 5Hours per Week (80 Marks per paper of three hours) (20 Marks for I.A) Pattern of question paper 1) Objective type questions 2) Comprehension Questions (Answer in a sentence or two) 3) Essay type Question on the Novel (One out of two) 4) Essay type question on Novel (One out of two) 5) Short notes on the Novel (Two out of Four) 6) Confusing Words (Sentences to be framed on Five pairs of words) 7) A) One Word Substitute 5X1= B) Interpretations of Notices. 5X1= 8) Note making

10X1= 10 5X2= 10 10 10 2X5= 10 10 05 05 10 10 -----------80

Text Book : David Copperfield, Edited and Abridged by W. Jewesbury (MACMILLAN Publishers India Ltd.) Confusing Words : The following pairs of words are to be taught : Addition- edition Angel- angle Accept –except Affect –effect Allusion- illusion Anonymous-unanimous Adopt- adapt Birth- berth Besides-beside Bliss- bless Canvas- canvass Fair- fare Later- latter Feeble- fable Loose- lose Male- mail Metal- mettle

Bail- bale Break- brake Childish-childlike Council- counsel Carrier- career Sell-cell Exhaustive- exhausting Feet- feat Hair- hare Minor- miner Popular- populous Route-rout Soar-sore Storey- story President-precedent Principal- principle Peace- piece

Petrol- patrol Rain- reign Soul- sole Stationary- stationery Heel- heal Message- massage Rights- rites Waist- waste Prey- pray Disease- decease Caste- cast Seize- cease Vacation- vocation Whether- weather Wear- ware Week- weak 2

One Word Substitute : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47.

Anonymous: of unknown/ unadmitted authorship. Atheist: one who has no belief in god. Audience: an assembly of listeners. Archives: a place where historical records are kept. Bureaucracy: government by officials. Biography: the life story of a person written by some other author. Cannibal: one who eats human flesh. Dictatorship: rule of an absolute ruler. Dynasty: the succession of rulers from one family. Emigrant : one who leaves his/her own country to settle in another. Ecology: science dealing with the relationship between man and his environment. Extempore: a speech delivered without preparation. Forgery: signature of some one else without permission. Illegible: incapable of being read. Illiterate: a person who can neither read or write. Jury: a group of judges. Lexicographer: one who compiles a dictionary. Manuscript: a paper written by hand. Martyr: a person put to death for a noble cause. Monologue: a dramatic composition in which only one character speaks. Misanthrope: one who hates mankind. Notorious: widely known for bad things. Narcotics: drug which induce sleep. Nepotism: favour shown to ones relatives by those in power. Orator: who makes eloquent speeches. Omnipresent: present everywhere and in everything. Optimist: one who looks at the bright side of things. Polyglot: a person who knows many languages. Post-mortem: medical examination of a dead body. Philology: science dealing with the study of words and language. Refugee: one who runs from one place to another for fear of some danger. Retrospective: something which is effective from some past time/date. Solo: a song sung by a single person. Unanimous: all of one mind, the act of a agreement by one and all. Veteran: a person with long experience. Voluntary: doing something of one’s own will. Glossary: a list of words with meaning’s and explanation. Museum: a place/building where the antiquities, objects of art and culture are exhibited. Orchestra: a team of singers equipped with musical instruments. Teetotaler: a person who abstains from alcoholic drinks. Zoo: a place where animals are kept for show. Antibiotic: drugs meant to prevent the growth of bacteria. Irrevocable : that which cannot be taken back. Orphan: a child whose parents are dead. Astronaut: one who undertakes space travel. Philanthropist: one who loves mankind. Encyclopaedia: a book compiled to give information on every subject. 3

48. Convalescence: the stage of gradual recovery from illness. 49. Cosmopolitan: one who is international in outlook. 50. Suicide: the act of killing oneself.

MODERN INDIAN LANGUAGES (MIL)/ ADDITIONAL ENGLISH Detailed Syllabus for BA / BSW / BA in CCJ 2nd Year Semester – III Additional English Teaching Hours : 5Hours per Week (80 Marks per paper of three hours) (20 Marks for I.A) Pattern of question paper 1) Objective type questions 2) Comprehension Questions (Answer in a sentence or two) 3) Essay type Question on the essays (One out of two) 4) Essay type question on essays (One out of two) 5) Short notes on the essays (Two out of Four) 5X1=05 6) a) Noun forms of Words b) Plural forms of words 5X1=05 7) Futurity in English 8) a) Sentence Linkers b) Concord

10X1= 10 5X2=10 10 10 2X5=10 10 10

5X1=05 5X1=05

10 ---------80

Text Book: The Spectrum of Life (Ed) Manmohan K. Bhatnagar, Delhi : Macmillan, 2000 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Dale Carnegie: ‘If you are wrong admit it’ C. Bevers : Streamlining Bronowski anf Mazlish: The Western Intellectual Tradition JBS Haldane: The Scientific Point of View Bertrand Russell : An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish AG Gardiner : The Rule of the Road Nirad Chaudhari : Public Transport System in London and Delhi


Kannada : ©.J./©.J¸ï.qÀ§Æèöå./©.J.(¹¹eÉ) III ¸É«Ä¸ÀÖgï PÀ£ÀßqÀ DªÀ±ÀåPÀ ¥ÀoÀå ¸ÀA¥ÁzÀPÀgÀÄ : qÁ.«. Dgï ZËzÀj : ¥ÉÆæ. ªÁAiÀiï. ªÁAiÀiï PÉÆPÀÌ£ÀªÀgÀ ¨ÉÆÃzsÀ£Á CªÀ¢: ªÁgÀPÉÌ 5 UÀAmÉUÀ¼ÀÄ 80 CAPÀUÀ¼ÀÄ ¸Á»vÀå ¸À« - 3 ²ªÀ¨sÀÆwAiÀÄ PÀxÉ ªÀÄĽîrzÀ ªÀÄgÀªÉÃjzÀAvÁzÀÄ¢ºÀ¥ÀgÀPÉ ¥ÁjeÁvÀzÀ PÉÆgÀªÀAf





Marathi: Syllabus for B.A. /BSW/CCJ-BA 2nd Year Semester – III Basic Marathi Teaching Hours : 5Hours per Week

Scheme of Examination

: a) One paper carrying 80 marks and of 3 hours duration b) Internal Assessment 20 marks


: Literary form – Novel


: Sabhapati – Yogiraj Waghamare 5

Saket Prakashan, Aurangabad Distribution of marks: 16x5 Q.1. Essay writing (One out of four) 1x16 Q.2. Objective type questions (Eight out of twelve) 8x2 Q.3. Essay type question (One out of three) 1x16 Q.4. Short Notes (Two out of four) 2x8 Q.5. Reference to Context (Two out of four) 2x8


BA2/BSW2 Basic –MIL Teaching Hours : 5Hours per Week

SEM III 2012-13 1. Eka our Dronacharya Dr. Shankar shesha Parag Publication, 2. General Essay


Praakrit : B. A/BSW 2



Semester – III Basic Praakrit Teaching hours


5 hours per week

Exam marks


80+20=100 of 3 hours Duration



80 Marks


Internal Assessment


20 Marks


Internal test


10 Marks


Assignment, class records -

10 Marks

Text 1)


skill – development Total

100 Marks

Question Paper Pattern I.

Match the following or select the correct answer

10 Marks


Translate & Explain (any three verses)

18 Marks


Explain with reference to context (any four out of six)

16 Marks


Essay type question (with internal choice)

18 Marks


Short notes (any three out of five)

18 Marks Total

80 Marks

Sanskrit: B. A/BSW 2nd Year Semester – III

Sanskrit Basic(MIL) Teaching Hours: 5 Hours per week Examination Marks : One Paper carrying 100 Marks (80+20) of 3 hours duration Text : qÉåbÉSÕiÉqÉç of Kalidasa Ed. Dr. C. S. Naikar. Medha Publishers Kalyan Nagar Dharwad, 2010 a) mÉÔuÉïqÉåbÉ (Verse from 1 to 62) 50 Marks b) History of Khandakavya c) Grammar (Use of Cases) (x§ÉÏÍsÉQèaÉ and lÉmÉÑxÉMüÍsÉQèaÉ : only)

20 Marks 10

Internal Assessment

20 Marks


100 Marks

Question Paper Pattern: 7


Multiple choice questions from mÉÔuÉïqÉåbÉ & History of

10 Marks

ZÉhQûMüÉurÉ (Any ten out of twelve) II. Translation and explanation of Prose / Verse from mÉÔuÉïqÉåbÉ (Any three out of five)

15 Marks

III. Explain the key sentences (Any three out of five) IV. (a) Essay type Question on mÉÔuÉïqÉåbÉ (With internal

12 Marks 10 Marks

choice) (b) Short notes from mÉÔuÉïqÉåbÉ (Any two out of four) V. (a) Essay type question on History of Khandakavya (with internal choice) (b) Short notes on History of Khandakavya (with internal choice) VI. Grammar – (Use of Cases) (x§ÉÏÍsÉQèaÉ and lÉmÉÑxÉMüÍsÉQèaÉ:)

Arabic B.A/BSW 2


8 Marks 8 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks


Semester – III Arabic Basic Paper : Prose, Poetry and Biography. Scheme of Teaching : 5 hours per week Prescribed Text Books 1.

Al-Qiratul Wadhiha (Part II Prose) Lesson 17 to 22 By: Waheed Zama Alkiranvi Pub. Maktaba Husainia Deoband (U.P)


Qaseda-e-Burdah (Poetry) Chapter No.9 By: Imam Boosari. Pub.Azeem Book Depot Deboand (U.P.)


The Holy Quraan. Sura-Fajr. Pub.By:Taj Company Mumbai. 8

The question paper should be broadly based on the following pattern. 1)

Multiple choice from all text





Summary from first text with choice





R.C. from first text with choice








Appreciation of verses from second text 3 out of 3x5 5 Question on Sura 1x15




Question on Author and Book


10 ---80


Persian: B.A/BSW 2



Semester – III Basic Persian (MIL) Scheme of teaching(5 hours per week) Modern Prose/Poetry Prescribed text book 1. Prose:selected portion only “Shaikh Yousuf Amu”. Textbook:Shukhane-E-Naw by Dr.ManzarAhmed Khan. Aligarh University. Pub:-Educational book house Aligarh. 9

2. Poetry:Prescribed Text book Selected portion only “Shair-E-Farsi-E-im rose”. Textbook:Nisabe-Farsi(part-II) by Dr.Aaftab Akhtar Razivi & Prof.M.M Jalali.

Urdu: B.A/BSW 2



Semester – III URDU BASIC (MIL) Paper III-Prose, Poetry Scheme of teaching:-Duration -16 weeks-5 hours per week. Prescribed Text Books I. Detailed Text: Miyar-e-Adab

Ed by Prof.Ssuriya Husain Pub by Educational book house Aligarh

The following lessons only 1. Dor madha akal mazamat taba (Subrus) 2. Sair pahle darvesh ki- Meer Aman 3. Lucknow ki Raisana zindagi ki ek jhalak 4. Ghalib- Khootut 5. Apani madad aap- Sir Sayed 6. Kaleem Doulatabad mein- Nazeer Ahmed 7. Shairi kaya hai ?-Shibli Poetry 1. Three Gazal’s of Wali 2. Three Gazal’s of Meer 3. Marsiya-Anees- Qaid khane ki raat 4. Masnavi-Meer hasan-Jogan aur chandni raat 10

Nazam 1. Bazm-e-Anjum – Iqbal II. Non Detailed: Dus mukhtasar afsane 1. Souteli maa 2. Jamun ka paid 3. Khud kasha 4. Nazara darmiyan hai 5. Andhere se andhere ki taraf

Ed by Sanaulla

III. Essay Writing On general topic ( No book is prescribed) Scheme of Examination : Total marks 100 (Theory 80 + Internal Assessment 20 marks) I. Each paper of 100 marks shall carry 20 marks Internal Assessment out of the 20 marks 10 shall be for semester test & remaining 10 shall be for assignment records skill developments. II. In each paper two test shall be conducted for the award of Internal Assessment marks & each of one hour duration for maximum of 20 marks reduced to ten later. First test shall be conducted in 8th week & II test in 12th week of respective semester .The average marks shall be taken as final Internal Assessment marks for assignment marks for the test component. III. The award of the Internal Assessment marks for assignment records skill development shall be based on the submission of the same by the candidates duly certified by the concerned teacher. The question paper should be broadly based on the following pattern Q1. Multiple choice questions from all text 1×10 = 10 Q2. Essay type question on the prose( 1out of 2) 1×10 = 10 Q3. RC from first text (4 out of 6) Q4. Summary of the poem ( 1out of 2) 1×10 = 10 Q5. Appreciation of verses( from Gazals only) 1 × 15 = 15 (4 out of 6) Q6. Summary Essay type question on non-detailed 1×10 = 10 Q7. Short Notes 1×10= 10 Q8. On general topics 1×10= 10



Sl. A No. 1. Applied Statistics 2.


Elements of Mathematics and Statistics Kannada



5. 6. 7.

Statistics Urdu English





Computer Application Psychology


Agri. Marketing



Criminology and Forensic Science

Journalism & Mass Communication



Political Science Sanskrit Home-Science


Economics of Rural Folk literature Development Economics Prakrit

Sociology Social Work

Education Music -


Note: 1. A Candidate is allowed to choose any three groups out of five groups ( A,B,C,D,E) 2. A candidate is permitted to take three papers in all, but not more than one paper from each group, however subject to the availability of staff and facilities in his/her college. 3. Principals/Candidates are strictly advised to follow the approved regulations in respect of U.G Semester Courses, in addition to the above conditions.




Teaching Hours: 5 Hours per week

Duration of Examination: 3 hours.

Max. Marks: 80

Unit I: Probability: Introduction, Random Experiment, Sample Space, Events, Equally Likely, Mutually Exclusive, Exhaustive, Favorable, Complimentary, Independent & Dependent Events. Union & Intersection of events. Definition of probability of an event. Classical, Empirical & Axiomatic definitions of probability. Conditional probability. Additive and multiplicative Rules of (15 Hours)

probability. Simple numerical Problems. Unit II: Mathematical Expectation :

Definition of discrete and continuous random variables. Definition of mathematical expectation of random variable and simple problems. Theorems






theorems (without proof). Simple problems. (10 Hours) Unit III:Distribution –I: Bernoulli







distributin.Mean, variance and standard deviation (without proof) Binomial distribution: Definition of Binomial variate, Binomial distributin. Properties of Binomial distribution (without proof) and simple problems. (12 Hours) 13

Unit IV: Distribution –II: Poisson distribution: Definition of Poisson variate, Poisson distribution. Properties of Poisson distribution (without proof) and simple problems. (8 Hours) Unit V: Distribution –III: Normal distribution: Definition of normal variate, normal distribution, standard normal variate and standard normal distribution. Properties of normal distribution and its curve. Simple problems. Importance of normal distribution.


Reference and Text Books: 1. Gani.S.G. Sankhyashastra and Ganakayantra Vol. – II & I. 2. B.L.Agarwal Programmed Statistics 3. G.S.Monga Mathematics and Statistics for Economics. 4. B.R.Bhat, T.Srivenkataramana, K.S.Madhava Rao Statistics Vol. – II & I. 5. D.C.Sancheti & V.K.Kapoor. Statistics (Theory, Methods &Application). 6. R.L.Levin, O.S.Robin: Statistics for Management. 7. S.Saha & S Mukarji: Quantitative Method. 8. S.P.Gupta: Statistical Methods. 9. Agarwal: Quantitative Techniques for Management.




Teaching Hours: 5 Hours per week

Duration of Examination: 3 hrs.

Max. Marks: 80

Unit I: Matrices – 1: Elementary properties of matrices and determinants. m X n matrices wth n ≤ 3 column, row, unit and null matrices. Vectors and Matrices. (20 Hrs) Unit II: Matrices – 2 : Transpose and inverse of matrix. Condition for non singularity of matrix. Cramer/s rule. Solution of homogeneous and non-homogeneous simultaneous equations. Quadratic forms. (10 Hrs) Unit III: Probability – 1 : Concept of probability, sample space, addition and multiplication theorems with simple examples. Conditional probability. Notion of a random variable-Discrete and continuous. Expectation and moments with simple examples.

(10 Hrs)

Unit IV: Probability Distributions : Discrete distributions – Binomial. Poisson, hyper geometrics.

(10 Hrs)

Unit V: 15

Continues Distribution : Normal. Their properties and uses as probability models (10 Hrs)

of natural phenomena.

Reference and Text Books: 1. Modern College Algebra : D.C.Pavate, Macmillan and Co. 2. Gupta S.P. : Statistical Methods. 3. Gupta C.B. (1978) – An Introduction to Statistical Methods. S/c Vaikas Pub. House. 4. Gani S.G. – An Introduction to Statistics & Computer. Vol-II. 5. Sankhya Shastra (Text Books for B.A. Part – I) K.U.D. 6. Goon Gupta & Das Gupta – Fundamentals Statistics Vol.-I & II 7. Gupta & Kapur – Fundamentals of Applied Statistics.

3.Kannada (Optional) ©.J., PÀ£ÀßqÀ LaÒPÀ III ¸É«Ä¸ÀÖgï ¸ÀA¥ÁzÀPÀgÀÄ : qÁ.JZï.L. wªÀiÁä¥ÀÆgÀ : ¥ÉÆæ.Dgï.«.¥Ánî ¨ÉÆÃzsÀ£Á CªÀ¢ : ªÁgÀPÉÌ 5 UÀAmÉUÀ¼ÀÄ I

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II




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: : : : :


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III ¸Á»vÀå vÀvÀé ºÁUÀÆ «ÄêÀiÁA¸É



1. ¸Á»vÀå JAzÀgÉãÀÄ ? 2. d£À¥ÀzÀ ¸Á»vÀå «ÄêÀiÁA¸É 3. G¥ÀªÉÄ 4. gÀÆ¥ÀPÀ 5. C£ÀÄ¥Áæ¸À 6. GvÉàçÃPÉë 7. jÃw 8. zsÀé¤ 9. gÀ¸À 10. ªÀPÉÆæÃQÛ 11. OavÀå 12.¥Àæw¨sÉ 13. ªÀÅåvÀàwÛ 14. ¸ÀºÀÈzÀAiÀÄ 15. PÁªÀå ¥ÀæAiÉÆÃd£À


Marathi (Optional) Syllabus for B.A. III Semester Optional Marathi Teaching Hours: 5 Hours per week

Scheme of Examination

: a) One paper carrying 80 marks and of 3 hours duration b) Internal Assessment 20 marks : Literary form – History of old Marathi Literature I

Course Topics I Mahanubhaviya Vangmaya: Prerna, Swaroop Ani, Vaishisthye. 1. Lila Charitra 2. Satigrantha 3. Dhavale II Sant Vangmaya 1. Dnyaneshwar


2. 3. 4. 5.

Namdev Eknath Tukaram Ramdas

III Santmela Reference Books 1. Maharashtra Sarswat – V. L. Bhave 2. Marathi Vangmyacha Itihas – Khand 1, 2, L. R. Pangarkar 3. Prachin Marathi Vangmyacha Itihas L. R. Nasirabadkar 4. Pach Sant Kavi – Shan. Go. Tulpule Distribution of marks: 16x5 a) Essay type question (Five out of eight) 5x16 8th question Short Notes (Any two out of four)


5. Statistics (Optional) THIRD SEMESTER THEORY PAPER Teaching Hours: 5 Hours per week STTH-3: STATISTICAL INFERENCE.

60 Hours.

Objective: 1. To provide strong theoretical foundation in statistical estimation theory. 2. Perform a statistical test using a p value. Unit: 1 .Point estimation. Concept of parameter, estimator, estimate and standard error, Properties of point estimator : Unbiasedness , Consistency , Efficiency and Sufficiency, Mean squared error, Minimum variance unbiased estimator, Neyman factorization theorem, Fishers information function, Crammer Rao Inequality ( with proof), . 12 Hours Unit 2: Methods of Point estimation and interval estimation. Method of Moments, Method of Maximum Likelihood, Standard examples, Properties of MLE and MME. Confidence Interval for Single mean, Proportions, Difference of means and proportions.

12 Hours Unit: 3.Testing of Statistical Hypothesis: Simple and composite hypotheses, Size and power of a test. Most Powerful (MP) test. Uniformly Most Powerful (UMP) test, Statement and proof of Neyman - Pearson Lemma ( with proof) and its use in the construction of Most Powerful test. Standard examples for computation of size and power of a test. Standard examples on NP Lemma. 12 Hours Unit: 4.UMP and Likelihood Ratio Tests: Monotone likelihood ratio (MLR) Property. Uniform most powerful (UMP) test. Statement of the theorem of UMP tests for testing one sided hypothesis for distribution with MLR property. Likelihood ratio test (LRT). Large sample approximations to the distribution of the likelihood ratio statistics (without proof).LRT for single mean for normal case (large and small samples). 12 Hours Unit 5: Sequential Testing: Need for sequential tests. Wald’s SPRT, Graphical procedure of SPRT. Determination of stopping bounds. Construction of SPRT for Binomial, Poisson, Normal distributions. Approximate expressions for OC and ASN functions for Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions. 12 Hours


STPR-3: PRACTICAL PAPER (Following exercises are practiced using MS Excel or some other compatible software like SPSS , Mini tab, SAS, etc) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Comparison of Estimators by plotting Mean square error. Estimation of Parameters: Maximum Likelihood Method-I Estimation of Parameters: Maximum Likelihood Method-II Estimation of Parameters: Method of Moments. Evaluation of Type-I &Type-II errors and Power of tests (Based on Bonomial, Poisson, Uniform & Normal Distributions). 6. Construction of M.P-tests and computations of power of tests based on Bonomial, Poisson& Normal Distributions. 7. UMP and Likelihood ratio test 8. Exercises on SPRT (Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson &Normal distributions)

Books for study: 1. Gupta S.C and Kapoor V.K.: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics- Sultan Chand & Sons’ publications. 2. Hogg .R.V.and Craig.A.T(1978):Introduction to Mathematical Statistics.-4/e Macmillan . 3. Mood.A.M.,Graybill.F A. and Boes D.C.(1974): Introduction to the Theory of Statistics. McGrawHill. 4. Mukyopadhyay.P. (1996) .Mathematical Statistics.-Kolkotta Publishing House. 5. Goon AM, Gupta M.K., Das Gupta.B.(1991): Fundamentals of Statistics Vol-I World Press Kolkatta. . Books for Reference: 1.Rohatgi.V.K. and A.K.Md.Ehsanes Saleh (2002):An introduction to probability theory and Mathematical Statistics. John Wiley.

2. Murry R.Speigel (1982): Theory & Problems of Statistics, Schaum’s publishing


3. P.G.Hoel (1971): Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, Asia publishing house. 4. Dudewicz EJ and Mishra S.N (1980): Modern Mathematical Statistics-John Wiley.


6. Urdu (Optional) Urdu (Optional)

B.A Third Semester Paper – III.prose and poetry Scheme of teaching: Duration 16 weeks, 5 hours per week Prescribed Text I. Deewan-e-Ghalib The following Gazal’s 1. Kagazi hai pairhan har paikare tasweer ka 2. Aadmi ko bhi muyassar nahi insan hona 3. Agar aur jeete rehte yahi intezar hota 4. Na ho marna to jeeneka maza kya 5. Dard minnat kash-e—dawa na huwa 6. Ishrat-e-qatra hai dariya me fana ho jaana 7. Aah ko chahi ye ek umra asar hone tak 8. Ki wafa hamse to gair usko jafa kehate hain 9. Koi ummeed bar nahin aati 10. Hazaron Khwahishen aisi ke har khwahish pe dum nikale II. Aatish-e- Gul (Jigar Muradabadi) The following Gazal’s only 1. Yadash Ba Khair Jab wo Tassawur me aa gaya 2. Gudaze Ishq nahin kam jo main jawan na raha 3. Peeneme agar ho dil-e- bedar mohabbat 4. Duniya ke sitam yaad na apni hi wafa yaad 5. Eh jarre jin ko ham Khak –e- Rahe Manzil 6. Dil me kisike rah kiye ja rahahun main III. Apne Dukh muzhe dedo The followings only 1. Lajwanti 2. Babil 3. Lambi Ladki 4. Apne dukh mujhe dedo 21

5. Deewala 6. Yukalpits Scheme of Examination Total Marks 100 (Theory 80 + Internal Assessment 20 Marks) a. Each paper of 100 marks shall carry 20 marks internal assessment out of the 20 marks, 10 shall be for semester test and remaining 10 shall be for assignment / records skill developments. The question paper should be broadly based on the following pattern Q1. Multiple choice question from all text Q2.Essay type question on Poet of 1st text (1 out of 2) Q3. Appreciation of verses from first text Q4. Essay Critical question on poet of 2nd text Q5.Appreciation of verses from 2nd text Q6. Question on 3rd text book Q7. Summary of 3rd Text book


10×1=10 1×12=12 3×4=12 1×12=12 3×4=12 1×12=12 1×10=10

English (Optional) Detailed syllabus for B. A. II Optional English

Semester III (History of English Literature (Romantic and Victorian Period), Modern Grammar and Representative Texts)

Teaching Hours: 5 Hours per week 80 Marks Paper of three hours; 20 Marks for I. A. Pattern of Question Paper 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Objective type questions on the History of Literature 10X1 = 10 Marks Essay Type question on the Romantic Age (one out of 2) 10 Essay Type question on the Victorian Age (one out of 2) 10 Essay Type question on the poems (one out of 2) 10 Essay Type question on the poems (one out of 2) 10 Short Notes on the prescribed poems (Two out of 4) 2X5 = 10 Introduction to Modern English Grammar and Usage 10 Introduction to Modern English Grammar and Usage 10 22

Text Book : Poetry Down the Ages, (Ed) Board of Editors, Hyderabad : Orient Blackswan, 2010 The following poems are to be studied : 1. Wordsworth : Tintern Abbey 2. Wordsworth : The World is too much with us 3. Coleridge : Kubla Khan 4. P. B. Shelley : To a Skylark 5. John Keats : Ode on a Grecian Urn 6. Tennyson : Lotous Eaters 7. Robert Browning : My Duchess 8. Matthew Arnold : Dover Beach Introduction to Modern English Grammar and Usage Topics : 1. The sentence and its parts 2. Basic sentence patterns 3. The Noun Phrase and its analysis : The Determiners 4. Subordination and Coordination 5. Simple, compound and complex sentences Suggested Reading : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. R. D. Trivedi, A Compendious History of English Literature Edward Albert, History of English Literature M. H. Abrams, A Glossary of Literary Terms M. H. Abrams/Geoffrey Galt Harpham, A Hand of Literary Terms N. Krishnaswamy, Modern English Grammar, Bangalore : MacMillan Tickoo, M. L,, et al, Intermediate Grammar Usage Composition, Orient Longman, 2005


GROUP- B 1. Computer Application (Optional) £ÀAvÀgÀ ªÉ¨ï-¸ÉÊmïUÉ ºÁPÀ¯ÁUÀĪÀÅzÀÄ


Psychology (Optional) B.A. IIIrd Sem

Optional Paper 3.1: Developmental Psychology-I Teaching Hours: 5Hoursnper Week Objectives : T h e








Psychology related to Human Developmental Process. Unit : I

Introduction : Meaning Definition and scope of Developmental Psychology. Meaning and importance of Development. Methods :

Biographical, Case History, Longitudinal and Cross

Sectional approaches.


Unit : II

Genetic Foundations of Prenatal Development. Characteristics of Prenatal Development, Sex cells, Maturation, Ovulation, and Fertilization, Importance of conception in child development, Periods of Prenatal Development; Period of Ovum (Zygote), Embryo, & Fetus.

Unit : III

Infancy and baby hood. Infancy : Cha racteristics of infa ncy, Adjustments i n infancy. Baby hood : Speech Development, Pre speech Forms, Hazards in Speech Development, Patterns of Muscle control, Emotional Development.

Unit : IV

Childhood (early and late) Developmental Tasks: Physical, emotional, social and moral development, and play activities. Problems of Childhood : Learning disabilities, Autism, Attention-Deficit. Hyperactivity, Restlessness, Nail biting, Enuresis, Thumb sucking, Speech difficulties. Guidance and behaviour modification.

Unit : V

Stages of Development during Childhood. Freud, Erickson and Piaget’s views on Child Development.

References : 1.

Hurlock E.B.-Developmental psychology-A Life span approach Mc GrawHill (latest edn).


Papalia D.E. & Sally Wendkos Olds–Human Development: McGraw Hill (Latest edition).


Santrock J.W.-Life-Span development: New York, McGraw Hill.


¦.£ÀlgÁd-«PÁ¸À ªÀÄ£ÉÆëeÁÕ£À, ²æäªÁ¸À ¥ÀæPÁ±À£,À ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀ.


Hoffman, L., S Paris, E Hall & R Schell, (1988) “Developmental Psychology Today”, Mc Graw Hill Inc.








M.Graw Hill. 7.

Thomson G.G.Child Psychology, Surjeet Publication. (latest edition)


Practical (Any Five) 1.

Colourd RPM Test.


Wechsler’s Memory scale.


Measurement of parent-child relationship.


Self Concept Scale.


Social maturity scale.


Children Adjustment Scale.


Concept Formation.


Experiment on creativity.

Statistics : Measures of variability, Standard Deviation. Any five experiments may be selected from the above list Practical batches :

10 Students per batch. Examination : 8 Students per batch.



40 Marks for examination +10 marks for journal records as an internal assessment.

40 Marks for exam :

Plan and Procedure


Conducting one experiments


Results and discussion





10 40


: 3 hours

Max Marks: 80

Section-I Answer any ten of the following questions in two or three Sentences each:


Q.No. 1.

What is Development? 26


Name the methods of Developmental Psychology.


Name the Stages of Prenatal development.


State the Sex determination.


Name the Characteristics of infancy


Name the two divisions of infancy.


Name the Pre speech forms of baby hood.


Name the Physical Developments during childhood.


What is learning disability?


What is Autism?


Name the Erickson’s stages of child development.


Name the stages of Psycho sexual development.

Section-II Answer any six of the following questions in 10 to 15 Sentences each :



Explain Biographical method.


Explain the meaning and importance of development.


What are the characteristics of Prenatal Development?


Explain the importance of conception in child development.


Explain the important physical adjustment during infancy.


Explain the stages of speech development during babyhood.


Write about the problems of childhood?


Bring out the importance of play activities during child hood?

Section-III Answer any three of the following questions in two to three pages each: 3x10=30 21.

What is development? Explain the methods of Developmental Psychology.


Explain the different stages of prenatal development.


Explain the muscular and emotional development during babyhood.


Explain the developmental tasks of child hood.


Explain the piaget’s theory of child development.



Persian (Optional) III semester Prose & Poetry Scheme of teaching:-Duration 16 weeks and 5 hours per week.

1. Prescribed text book, Selected portion only Sir Saiyd Ahmed Khan. Text book:- Sukhane-E-Naw By Dr. Gulam Sarwar Pub By:-Educational book house Aligarh. 2. Prescribed text book Selected portion only Gazaliyat(part- I) Text book:-Shair-E-Bastan By Dr.Anwarul Hussain., Maktab-E-Na-Emiya sadar bazaar Mathunath Bhajan . Dist Azimghad(U.P)



Political Science (Optional)

Semester – III Paper III : Indian Political Thought Objective: This is an introductory paper to the concepts, ideas and thories that developed in India. It highlights the main sources of the political tradition in ancient India and its development in modern times. It focuses on key thinkers from ancient to modern times to understand their seminal contribution to the evolution of political theorizing in India.

Unit I

Koutilya: Saptanga Theory and Mandal Theory

Unit II

Basaveshwara: Concept of Humanism and Casteless Society

Unit III

Mahatma Gandhi : Truth and Non-Violence, Satyagraha and

Theory of State Unit IV

a) Jawaharlal Nehru – Nationalism and Foreign Policy b) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: Casteless Society and Social Justice

Unit V

a) Jaya Prakash Narayan: Theory of Total Revolution b) Ram Manohar Lohia : Political Ideas


References : 1. V.P. Verma

Modern Indian Political Thought, Laksmi Narain Agarwal, Agra, 2004 Political Thinkers of Modern India, Deep & Deep

2. Verinder Grover

Publications, New Delhi, 1992 Indian Political Thinkers Modern Indian Political

3. N. Jayapalan

Thought, Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2003 Political Theory and Thought, Anmol Publications,

4. Manoj Sharma

New Delhi, 1987 5. S. A. Palekar

Concept of Equality and Ideal State, Rawat Publications, New Delhi, 1987

6. A. Appadoraj

Indian Political Thinking, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 1992

7. Vishnoo Bhagwan, Vidya Bhushan

Indian Political Thinkers, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi, 1992

8. JA.J¸ï, ¥Ánî

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9. J£ï.©. ¥Ánî


10. f.©. ²Ã®ªÀAvÀgÀ J¯ï. JZï. PÀ®äoÀ




Sanskrit (Optional) B. A. II : Third Semester Sanskrit (Optional)

Teaching Hours:5 Hours per week Examination Marks :One paper carrying 100 marks (80+20) of 3 hours duration Text : 1) MüÉurÉmÉëMüÉvÉ of qÉqqÉOû (I and X Ullasas)2) NûlSxÉç – (Selected)2. ÍvÉZÉËUhÉÏ 3) qÉÉÍsÉlÉÏ 4) uÉxÉliÉÌiÉsÉMüÉ 1. AlÉѹÒmÉç 5) vÉÉSÕïsÉÌuÉ¢üÏÌQûiÉqÉç 6)qÉlSÉ¢üÉliÉqÉç, 7) uÉÇvÉxjÉqÉç 8) AÉrÉÉïuÉ×¨É i. Internal Test – 10 ii. Assignment, Class – records Skill – development – 10 Total

Marls 40 20

20 Marks


Question Paper Pattern : Third Semester Sanskrit Optional 1. Multiple choice questions from MüÉurÉmÉëMüÉvÉ ten 10 Marks 2.

3. 4. 5.

out Twelve a) Explanation of lines from I Ullas three out of four b) Explanation of lines from X Ullas three out of four a) Short notes on I Ullas two out of three b) Short notes on X Ullas two out of three Essay type question on MüÉurÉmÉëMüÉvÉ any two out of three Explain the meters with examples any four out six

9 Marks 9 Marks 10 Marks 8 Marks 14 Marks 20 Marks




Teaching :

Theory : 5 hours/week Practical : 4 hours/week

Examination :

Theory : 80 marks ( 3 hours duration ) + 20 IA Practical : 20 marks ( 4 hours duration ) + 10 IA

Objectives : 1. To understand the vital relationship between Nutrition & Health. 2. To study the basic principles of food preparation. 3. To acquire knowledge of food preservation. Theory : Unit I : Classification of food & food groups – concept of food, source of nutrients. (5 hours) Unit II : Classification, sources, function, requirements & deficiency of i) Carbohydrate ii) Protein iii) Fat iv) Vitamin v) Minerals – Calcium, Iron, Sodium, Potassium, Iodine, Zinc, Flourine. B) Water- Importance of water in human nutrition (35 hours) Unit III. a) Purchase & storage of foods. b) Food preservation, food adulteration, food laws. ( 12 hours ) Unit IV. Convenient foods – ready to eat foods. ( 2 hours ) Unit V. Principles & Methods of food preparation, their merits & demerits Boiling, Steaming, Pressure cooking, Frying, Roasting, Microwave cooking ( 6 hours ) 32

Practical: 1. Preparatory methods for cooking – Soaking, Germinating, Fermentation, Steaming. 2. Methods of cooking – Boiling, Blanching, Roasting, Frying, Baking & Microwave cooking ( 3 practical ) 3.Food preservation – Preparation of Jam, Jelly, Chutney, Masala, Wafer, Sauce, Pickle. ( 4 practical ) 4. Convenient foods – ready to eat foods. ( 1 practical ) 5. Project ( 1 practical ) References: 1.B. Srilakshmi, Food science, New Age International Ltd.,New Delhi. 2. B. Srilakshmi, Nutrition Science , New Age International, New Delhi. 3.Swaminathan, M. S.,Food & Nutrition, Volume I Bangalore Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd. 4. Swaminathan M. S., Food & Nutrition, Volume II Bangalore Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd. 5.Premlata Mullick, Textbook of Home-Science, Kalyani Publishers. 6. Davidson, N. W., The Technology of Food Preservation, The A V I Publishing Co.



Arabic(Optional) B.A. Third Semester Arabic Optional

Paper : Prose, Poetry and History of Arabic Literature. Scheme of teaching : 5 hours per week Prescribed Text Books 1.

Lamaatul Adab (Prose) Al-Hikayaat Page No.30 to 37 By: Abdul Haleem Pub.By:N.V.Kitabghar, Near J.J.Hospital, Mumbai-8


Qasseda-e-Burdah Chapter No.7 By: Imam Brosari. Pub.Husaini Book Depot Deoband (U.P)


Tareekh Adab-e-Arabi Following Titles From Chapter No.2 1) Quraan-e-Majeed 2) Hadees 3) Ka-ab bin Zuhuir Hassanbin Sabit 4) By: Dr.Syed Tufail Ahmed Madani. Pub.By:Aiwan Company 60 Nukhas Kuhua Allahabd (U.P)


The Holy Quraan. Sura-Wadduha. Pub.By:Taj Company Mumbai.

The question paper should be broadly based on the following pattern. 1)

Multiple choice from first text





Summary from first text with choice





R.C. from first text with choice





Appreciation of verses from second text 3 out of 5





Question from Third text with choice





Question on Sura



10 80 34


Hindi (Optional) BA2 for 2011-12 on wards

Optional Hindi Teaching Hours : 5 Hours per Week SEM III 2012-13 1. Khand Khand Agni Divk Ramesh Vani Prakashan, New-Delhi. 1.Hindi Sahitya ka Itihas -Bhaktikal our Ritikal


Philosophy (Optional) SEMESTER – III Teaching Hours : 5 Hours per Week Subject: PHILOSOPHY

Paper: WESTERN PHILOSOPHY- Ancient and medieval period Objectives: 1. To impart the fundamental knowledge on ancient and medieval western philosophy 2. To develop the analytical reasoning skills to understand the problems of philosophy 3. To understand the major teachings of the western thinkers I. PRE-SOCRATES PHILOSOPHERS: Thales, Anaximender, Anaximenes, Pythagores, Permanides, Herocleitus and Atomists. II. SOCRATES: 1. Socrates and Sophists 2. Socratic Method 3. Ethical View III. PLATO: 1. Theory of knowledge 2. Theory of ideas 3. Idea of Good and its relation to God IV. ARISTOTLE: 1. Theory of Causation 35

2. Doctrine of Form and Matter 3. Nature and Characteristics of God V.MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY: 1. Nature of Medieval Philosophy 2. Christian Medieval Philosophy: Contributions of St. Aquinas and St. Augustine 3. Islam Medieval Philosophy: Contributions of Alkindi, Alfarabi, Alraji, Iban Sina Books for Study:

1. Stace, W. T. : A Critical History of Greek Philosophy, Macmillan, 1957. 2.

Wright W. K.: A History of Modern Philosophy, Macmillan, New York, 1958.

3. Thilly, Frank : A History of Philosophy, Central Book Depot, Allahabad, 1976 4. Armstrong, H : Introduction to Ancient Philosophy, London : Matheun 5. Falckenberg, R : History of Modern Philosophy, Progressive Publisher, Calcutta, 1960. 6. Copleston, Fredrick, L : History of Philosophy, Vols : 1,2,4,5 & 6 West Minister, Newman, 1955. 7. Medieval Philosophy: Wikipedia, the Internate Free Encyclopedia. 8. Medieval Philosophy; The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 10 Paschimatya tatvika chintane : By V.N.Sheshagiri Rao (in Kannada)


Agricultural Marketing (Optional) IIIrd Semester Paper- III Principles of Agricultural Marketing (Teaching 5hrs per week) Marks: 100 (80 theory+20 Internal Assessments)

Objectives: 1. To understand the various Agricultural Marketing concepts. 2. To get practical knowledge about Agricultural Marketing 36

Unit-I Agricultural Marketing: Definition-scope and subject matter of Agricultural marketing. History and growth of Markets. Importance of Agricultural marketing in Indian economy. 10 hrs Unit-II Classification of Markets: Classification on the basis of time, span, place and competition. Types of agricultural markets-local markets, central markets and jobbing markets. 13 hrs Unit-III Agricultural marketing in India: Characteristics of agricultural Commodities, defects of agricultural marketing in India and its remedial measures. 10 hrs Unit-IV Agricultural produce market committee: Regulated market in India: Meaning, need, objectives, features of regulated markets. suggestions to improve the regulated markets. 12hrs Unit-V Co-operative Business Organization: Meaning, objectives, advantages of co-operative markets. Structure of co-operative markets. Evolution of co-operative marketing system in India Problems of co-operatives and its remedial measures. 15hrs

PRACTICALS (4hrs per week) 40 Marks-External 10 Marks-Internal Total -50 Marks · · · · · · · ·

Review of concepts pertaining to Agricultural Marketing. Visit to A.P.M.C to study its functions. Visit to Taluka Agricultural Produce co-operative Marketing society to study its practical working. Visit to study of Raitha Santhe. visit to Village Shandy. Visit to study about working of Karnataka Milk Federation (K.M.F). Visit to study of Dist. Central Co-operative Bank. Visit to study of Primary Agricultural Co-operative Credit Co-operative Bank or Society (PACCB)

Books for Reference: 37

· · · · · ·

Agricultural Marketing in India By Acharya and N.L.Agarwal. Principles and Practices of Marketing By C.B.Memoria and R.L.Joshi Agricultural Marketing By H.R.Krishnagouda Marketing of Agricultural Produce in India By A.P.Gupta Modern Marketing by K.D.Basva Modern Marketing by C.B.Memoria.

Journals and Magzines: · Indian Journal of Marketing · Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing · Yojana · Kurukshetra Websits: · (Ministry of agriculture and · cooperation.Govt. of India) · ( Ministry of Food Processing · industries.Govt. of India · (Dept of Agril.Mkt, Govt of Karnataka) · (Agril.Mkt Research & · Information Network) · (Food and Agril. Organization) · (karnatak State Agril.Mkt Board)


Economics of Rural Development IIIrd Semester Paper- PRINCIPLES OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT Teaching 5hrs per week Marks: 100 (80 theory+20 Internal Assessments)

Objectives: 1. to enable the students to understand the nature of rural devpt 2. to stimulate the students interest by showing the relevance of various devpt concepts. Unit-I Introduction to Rural Development: Meaning & Definition of rural development. Nature & scope of Rural development. Importance of the study of Rural Development. 10hrs Unit-II Rural Poverty: 38

Meaning of poverty, extent of rural Poverty in India. Causes of Rural Poverty. Remedial Measures. 13hrs Unit-III Rural Unemployment: Meaning of unemployment Types of unemployment. Extent and causes of Unemployment. Evil consequences of unemployment. Measures to eradicate rural unemployment. 12hrs Unit-IV Rural Industrialisation. Importance of cottage & Small Scale industries. Problems of cottage & small scale industries. Measures to develop cottage and small scale industries. 10hrs Unit-V Planning for Rural Development: Objectives of planning for rural sector. Multi level planning –National level planning –merits and demerits, State level planning merits and demerits. Dist. level planning its merits, Block leveling planning its factions. 15 hrs. .

Books for Reference: § § § § §

Rural Development by Vasant Desai Rural Development by Hoshier Singh Indian Economics by A.N.Agarwal Indian Economy by K.P.M.Sundram & Rudra Datt Rural Economy of India by A.N.Agarwal & Kundanlal

Journals and Magazines § § § § § §

Yojana Kurukshetra Journal of Rural Development Journal of Rural & community Development Journal of Agricultural,Extension & Rl.Devpt. The International Journal for Rural Development.

Websites: §

§ Ministry of Agriculture


§ Ministry of Rural Devept.

§ Ministry of Small scale industries

§ Ministry of Statistics & programme implementation.

§ Ministry of Heavy industry & public enterprises.


§ Govt.of Karnataka, Rural Devpt.& punchayat raj

§ Govt. of Karnataka, Directorate of Economics & Statistics.

§ .Govt of Karnataka, Dept of co-operation

§ Govt.of Karnataka, Directorate of employment & training.


Economics (Optional) B.A.III SEMESTER Subject: MONETARY ECONOMICS (Teaching Hrs. 5 per week)


1) 2) 3) 4)

To provide knowledge of Money, Value of money and supply of money. To provide tools for construction of index, To clarify the concepts of inflation, deflation and stagflation. To introduce the working of Money Market.

Unit I: Money Meaning and Functions of Money, Supply of Money-M1, M2, M3 and Money and Near Money-Paper standard-Merits and Demerits. Unit II: Value of Money Measurement of Value of Money-Consumer Price Index Number, Simple and Weighted Index Number, Measurement of consumer price index. Theories of Value of Money, Cash Transaction Approach and Cash Balance Approach. Unit III: Inflation and Deflation: Inflation-Meaning-Types-Causes-Effects-Control of Inflation Deflation-Meaning-Causes-Effects and Control of Deflation Stagflation –Meaning Meaning of Inflationary gap with illustrations.


Unit IV: Money Market Meaning and Structure of Money Market & Capital Market -Commercial Banking-MeaningFunctions of Commercial Banks-Credit Creation–New concepts in modern Banking. E- Banking, Meaning & Functions of Non-Banking Financial Intermediaries. Unit-V: Central Banking & Monetary Policy Objectives of Monetary Policy, Central Banking-Meaning-Functions-Methods of Credit ControlQuantitative and Qualitative Methods. References:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

R. R. Paul-Monetary Economics D. M. Mithani-Money Banking & International Trade M. L. Shet - Monetary Economics A. B. N. Kulkarni and A. B. Kalkundrikar-Monetary Economics R. S. Sayers-Commercial Banking De’kock M.H.-Central Banking H.R.K.- ºÀtPÁ¹£À CxÀð±Á¸ÀÛç Reserve Bank Of India Bulletin (Various Issues)-Mumbai Websites Science/Economics/



OBJECTIVES: - On completion of the course the student will be able to

1) Acquire the understanding of meaning and importance of psychology and Educational Psychology. 2) Gain the knowledge of different stages of human development and understand the characteristics of various stages of development. 3) Appreciate the role of heredity and environment and become aware of the needs and problems of adolescents.


4) Compare and Synthesize individual differences among human beings and to identify the possible courses. 5) Understand improving memory processes and mental hygiene of the child.

B.A III SEMESTER TEACHING FIVE HOURS PER WEEK TOTAL 60 Hrs PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION UNIT 1: PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION 1.1: Psychology: Its meaning and nature-Psychology as a science, implications of developmental psychology, Social psychology, differential psychology and abnormal psychology to education. 1.2: Educational Psychology: meaning, nature, scope and importance, interrelationship between psychology and education. 1.3: Psychological Methods: Introspection method, Observation method, Case-study, Experimental method, Survey method-meaning, steps, merits, demerits and educational implications. 16 Hrs UNIT 2: STAGES OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 2.1: Growth and Development: Concept, differences and stages of development. Adolescent Psychology- Meaning, Importance, Problems of 2.2: adolescents(Emotional, Social, Moral) and Remedies, the role of Home, School, Society and Teacher in the personality development of adolescents. 2.3: Heredity and Environment: Concepts and Their role in human development. 12 Hrs 10 Hrs UNIT 3: HUMAN ABILITIES 3.1: Human Abilities: Concept, Nature, Types-Cognitive, Affective and Psycho-motor, Measures to enhance human abilities. 3.2: Individual differences in Human Abilities: meaning, characteristics, areas, causes and educational implications. 3.3: Exceptions in Human Abilities: Gifted, Slow learners, Mentally retarded, and Juvenile delinquents. 12 Hrs 42

UNIT 4: MENTAL HYGIENE 4.1: Mental Health: Meaning, Importance, Characteristics of mentally healthy person. Mental hygiene- Meaning, Objectives. 4.2: Maladjustment: Meaning, Causes, Resistance for adjustment-Tension, Frustration, Conflicts and Defense mechanisms. 4.3: Role of Home and School in maintaining mental health of children. 10 Hrs UNIT 5: MEMORY AND FORGETTING 5.1: Memory: Meaning, Characteristics,Types, Stages, Factors influencing on memory, Measures to Improve Memory. 5.2: Forgetting: Meaning and Causes. 5.3: Information process and different types of Memory - Meaning and importance of Information process. - Different types of Memories in the Information Processing Model. (Sensory Memory, Short term Memory and Long term Memory) 10 Hrs ASSESSMENT Internal Internal Marks Two Tests (4+10) 14 Marks Assignment/ Seminar/ 03 Marks Project/ Field work/ NSS/ NCC (3) 03 Marks Attendance (3)

External Marks Theory Examination 80 Marks

ASSIGNMENTS: ANY ONE 1. Case study of some selected individuals with special Human abilities. 2. Preparing a comparative chart of different psychological methods. 3. Role of Heredity and Environment in Human development. 4. Role of Home and School in maintaining mental health of children. 5. Any other assignment suggested by the teacher relevant to the topics. Reference Books: 1) 2)

Ausubel, D.P. (1968) Educational Psychology; A cognitive View, New York: Holt, Rineart and Winston, Inc. Biehler, R.F. and Snowman, Jack (1993) Psychology Applied to Teaching (Seventh Edition), New Jersey: Houghton Miffliion Co. 43

3) 4) 5)

Bigge, M.L. and Hunt, M.P. (1980) Psychological Foundations of Education: An Introduction to Human Motivation, Development and Learning, (3rd Ed), New York: Harpan and Row Publishers. Bigger, J.J. (1983) Human Development, New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.Inc. Blair. G.H., Jones, R.S. and Simpson, R.H. (1975) Educational Psychology, (4th Ed), New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.Inc.

6) Bhargava, Mahesh (1994) Introduction to Exceptional Children, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers. 7) Chaube S.P. (1997) Educational Psychology, Agra: Laxmi Narain Agarwal. 8) Educational Psychology – B.Kuppaswamy 9) Educational Psychology – C.E.Skinner 10) Advanced Educational Psychology – Dr.H.M.Kashinath 11) Advanced Educational Psychology – S.S.Chauhan 12) Adolescent Development – E.B.Harlock 13) Gifted children in the classroom – Torrance 14) Perspectives of Educational Psychology – Dr.V.A.Benakanal 15) ±ÉÊPÀt ë ÂPÀ ªÀÄ£ÉÆëeÕÁ£À – qÁ|| JZï.«í.²ªÀ±ÀAPÀgÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ qÁ|| J¸ï.§¸ÀªÀPÀĪÀiÁgÀAiÀÄå. 16) ¨ÉÆÃzsÀ£É, PÀ°PÉ ¥ÀæQæAiÉÄAiÀÄ°è ªÀÄ£ÉÆëeÕÁ£À – qÁ|| PÁ²Ã£ÁxÀ, qÁ|| vÀ¼ÀªÁgÀ, qÁ|| CeÁvÀ¸Áé«Ä, qÁ|| PÉʯÁ¸À°AUÀA 17) ±ÉÊPÀëtÂPÀ ªÀÄ£ÉÆëeÕÁ£À – qÁ|| J£ï.©.PÉÆAUÀªÁqÀ 18) ±ÉÊPÀëtÂPÀ ªÀÄ£ÉÆëeÕÁ£À – qÁ|| JZï.«í.ªÁªÀÄzÉêÀ¥Àà 19) ªÀiÁ£ÀªÀ «PÁ¸ÀzÀ CjªÀÅ - ¥ÉÆæ. J¸ï.©.zÀ¼ÀªÁ¬Ä 20) ±ÉÊPÀëtÂPÀ ªÀÄ£ÉÆëeÕÁ£À – f. gÁdÄ 21) ²PÀëtzÀ ªÀÄ£ÉÆêÉÊeÁÕ¤PÀ DzsÁgÀUÀ¼ÀÄ – ¥ÉÆæ. J¸ï.©.zÀ¼ÀªÁ¬Ä

Question Paper Pattern: Total 80 Marks Q.I.Answer any ten out of twelve questions in two to three sentences each (10x2=20 marks) Q.II. Answer any five out of seven questions in about one page each (5x5=25 marks) 44

Q.III.Answer any two out of three questions in about two pages each (2x10=20 marks) Q.IV.Answer any one out of two questions in about three pages (1x15=15 marks)

MODEL QUESTION PAPER BA DEGREE EXAMINATION THIRD SEMESTER - EDUCATION (OPTIONAL) PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION Time – Three hours -Write the answers according to the instructions given -Answers to the questions should be specific

Marks – 80

I) Answer any Ten of the following in 2 to 3 sentences each 1) What is Educational Psychology? 2) Name the difference stages of development 3) What is Observation Method? 4) Define Adolescent Psychology 5) Who is a slow learner? 6) Mention the reasons for individual differences 7) What is mental hygiene? 8) Mention the resistance for adjustment 9) Name the factors influencing on memory 10) What is forgetting? 11) Write any two types of memory 12) Write two merits of Introspection Method 10x2=20 marks II) Answer any five of the following in about one page each. 13) Mention the branches of psychology. Explain any one of them 14) Differences between Growth and Development 15) Importance of Adolescent Psychology 16) Characteristics of Gifted Children 17) Write a short note on mentally healthy person 18) Write about the causes for forgetting 19) Suggest measures to improve memory 5x5=25 marks 45

III) Answer any two of the following in about two pages each 20) Explain the inter relationship between Psychology and Education 21) What is the role of heredity in human development? 22) The role of difference types of memory in the information processing model. 2x10=20 marks IV) Answer any one of the following in about three pages. 23) Write an essay on human abilities with reference to a) Meaning b) Types c) Measures to enhance human abilities 24) Define Defense Mechanism. Explain the role of Home and School in maintaining mental health of children. 1x15=15 marks


Hindustani Music (Optional) H. Music (Optional) ©.J-III ¸É«Ä¸ÀÖgÀ

¸ÀAVÃvÀ±Á¸ÀÛç (Theory) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

ºÀ¢£ÉüÀ£Éà ±ÀvÀªÀiÁ£ÀzÀ (1601 jAzÀ 1699) ¸ÀAVÃvÀzÀ ¨É¼ÀªÀtÂUÉ PÀ£ÁðlPÀzÀ°è ¨É¼ÉzÀÄ §AzÀ »AzÀĸÁÛ¤ UÁAiÀÄ£ÀzÀ ZÀjvÉæ ¹vÁgÀ ªÁzÀåzÀ ¥ÀjZÀAiÀÄ ºÁUÀÆ avÀæ ¸ÀªÉÄÃvÀ CzÀgÀ CAUÀ ªÀtð£É ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ ±Á¹ÛçÃAiÀÄ ¸ÀAVÃvÀzÀ ¨É¼ÀªÀuÉUÉUÉ DPÁ±ÀªÁtÂAiÀÄ PÉÆqÀÄUÉ. ¤§AzsÀUÀ¼ÀÄ: 1) ¸ÀAVÃvÀzÀ°è UÀÄgÀÄ-²μÀå ¥ÀgÀA¥ÀgÉ 2) ¸ÀAVÃvÀzÀ°è ªÁzÀåªÀÈAzÀzÀ ¸ÁÜ£À 3) ¸ÀAVÃvÀzÀ°è oÀĪÀÄjAiÀÄ ¸ÁÜ£À 4) ¸ÀAVÃvÀzÀ°è vÁ® ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ®AiÀÄzÀ ªÀĺÀvÀé

6) »AzÀĸÁÛ¤ ¸ÀAVÃvÀPÉÌ ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ CgÀ¸ÀgÀ PÉÆqÀÄUÉ 7) ¥Áj¨sÁ¶PÀ ±À§ÝUÀ¼ÀÄ : ªÁ¢, ¸ÀAªÁ¢, ¸À¥ÀÛPÀ, gÁUÀ, ¸ÀjUÀªÀÄVÃvÀ, ®PÀëtVÃvÀ, ±ÀÄæw, C£ÀĪÁ¢, «ªÁ¢, ¥À¯ÁÖ, gÉïÁ, UÀvï, zÀÄUÀÄ£ï, wUÀÄ£ï, ZËUÀÄ£ï 8) fêÀ£À ZÀjvÉæ : 1) ¥ÀA. ¥ÀAZÁPÀëgÀ UÀªÁ¬Ä 2) ¥ÀA. §¸ÀªÀgÁd gÁdUÀÄgÀÄ 3) C¯ÁèG¢Ýãï SÁ£ï 46

4) ¹vÁgÀ gÀvÀß gÀ»ªÀÄvÀSÁ£ï 5) PÀÄzÀªÀÇ ¹AUï 6) ªÉĺÀ§Æ¨ï SÁ£ï «ÄgÀeïPÀgÀ

Practical UÁAiÀÄ£À (Vocal) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 1)


¹vÁgÀ (Sitar) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)


1) gÀhÄĪÀiÁæ 2) zsÀªÀiÁgÀ 3) ¢Ã¥ÀZÀA¢ ªÉÄïÁÌt¹zÀ vÁ®UÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¥ÀjZÀAiÀÄ ¸ÀªÉÄÃvÀ PÉÊAiÀÄ°è ºÁQ vÉÆÃj¸À¨ÉÃPÀÄ.

vÀ§¯Á (Tabla) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


GROUP – E 1.

History (Optional) History & Archaeology BA III Semester History of India (from 700.AD to 1526 AD) One Paper carrying 80 marks and 3 hours duration. (Teaching hours :5 hours per week - 16 weeks x 5 = 80 hours)

UNIT – I A) Sources - Archaeological and Literary 14hrs B) Arab conquest of Sindh. Its causes and results C) Invasions of Mohammed Ghazni and Mohammed Ghori- the causes and results. UNIT –II Sultanate of Delhi 22 hrs A) Slave Dyanasty – Qutb-ub-din Aibak, Iltutmish, Raziya Sultan and Balban –their achievements. B) Khilji Dynasty – Jalaluddin Khilji, Ala-ud-din Khilji - His Military and administrative achievements. C) Tughluq Dynasty – Ghiasuddin Tughluq, Mohammad-Bin- Tughluq and Firoze Shah Tughluq- their administration. UNIT –III 18 hrs A) Sayyad and Lodi Dynasties –their rule and administration. B) Causes for the decline of Delhi Sultanate. C) Contributions of Delhi Sultanates - with Special Reference to Socio- Economic conditions, Religion, Art and Architecture. UNIT :- IV 20hrs A) Vijayanagar Empire: Krishnadevaraya- His conquests and cultural contributions, the Battle of Talikot. B) Contributions of Vijaynagar Empire. C) Bahamani Kingdom: Muhammad Gawan, Adil Shahis of Bijapur; Ibrahim II , Special reference to painting, Art & Architecture. UNIT :V Map Topics (One question is compulsory) A) Ala-ud-din Khilji – Extent of his Empire B) Vijayanagar Empire under Krishnadevaraya



Books for Reference 1) History of Dehli Sultanate by: V.D. Mahajan 2) Advanced History of Medieval India by: J.L. Mehta, Vol-I 3) History of Medieval India by - L. P. Sharma 4) Medieval Indian History by - A. L. Srivastava 5) ªÀÄzsÀåAiÀÄÄVãÀ ¨sÁgÀvÀzÀ EwºÁ¸À : qÁ|| PÉ, dUÀ¢Ã±À 6) ªÀÄzsÀåAiÀÄÄVãÀ ¨sÁgÀvÀzÀ EwºÁ¸À : r.n. eÉÆò 7) ªÀÄzsÀåAiÀÄÄVãÀ ¨sÁgÀvÀzÀ EwºÁ¸À : ©.¦. ºÀÆUÁgÀ 8) ªÀÄzsÀåAiÀÄÄVãÀ ¨sÁgÀvÀzÀ EwºÁ¸À : qÁ: PÉ. ¸ÀzÁ²ªÀ


Journalism & Mass Communication (Optional) B.A Semester III

Teaching –Theory 5 hours per week Total 60 hrs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Nature and elements of news-News values new sources Reporting section in a newspaper-Role of a Chief Reporter-Competence of reporting staff ( 12 hrs) News writing skills, intro, types of leads –Writing backgrounders and interpretation (12 hrs) Reporting speeches, court, crime, legislature, seminar and sports-Interview techniques-Writing teachers-Freelancing (12 hrs) Legal aspects of reporting-Freedom of speech and expression in Indian constitution-Reasonable restrictions-Legislatures privileges. (12 hrs)

Reference Bookds: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Handbook of Journalism and Mass Communication-U.B. Agrawal & V.S.Gupta Journalism – N Yayapalan Into the Newsroom – Teel & Taylor News Writing – G.A. Hough Patrika Bhashe- Padmaraja dandavate Nudichitra-Niranjana Vanalli Patrikavritti – K.V. Nagaraj and P. Nagachar

Four assignments to be submitted for the award of IA marks (10) Select a Published interview and justify. 1. 2. Choose five news items and identify 49


Identify five news items of legal aspects from daily newspapers and examine their legal dimensions.


Visit a newspaper office and write down your impression in 400 words.


Folk literature (Optional) ©. J. ¨sÁUÀ-2 (3 £Éà ¸É«ÄµÀÖgÀ) 2012-13 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ £ÀAvÀgÀ «µÀAiÀÄ : PÀ£ÀßqÀ d£À¥ÀzÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸Á»vÀå ¥ÀoÀåPÀæªÀÄ ¨ÉÆÃzsÀ£Á CªÀ¢: ªÁgÀPÉÌ 5 UÀAmÉUÀ¼ÀÄ C) d£À¥ÀzÀ gÀAUÀ¨sÀÆ«Ä ªÀÄvÀÄÛ PÀ¯ÉAiÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À CAPÀUÀ¼ÀÄ §) d£À¥ÀzÀ gÀAUÀ PÀÈwUÀ¼À CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À CAPÀUÀ¼ÀÄ PÀ) DAvÀjPÀ ªÀiË®åªÀiÁ¥À£À CAPÀUÀ¼ÀÄ

40 40 20

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Prakrit ( Optional ) B. A. Part II Third Semester Optional – Praakrit

Teaching hours

- 5 hours per week

Exam marks

- 80+20=100 of 3 hours Duration

Text 1)

MümÉÔïUqÉÇeÉUÏ of UÉeÉvÉåZÉU I & II Acts - 40 Marks


aÉÉjÉÉxÉmiÉvÉiÉÏ xÉÇaÉëWûÈ [100 verses]

- 30 Marks


Grammer [praakrit forms]

- 10 Marks


Internal Assessment

- 20 Marks


Internal Test -10



Assignment, class records Skill – Development -10


100 Marks Optional – Praakrit -Third Semester

Question Paper Pattern Match the Following I. 1. Five from MümÉÔïUqÉÇeÉUÏ I & II Acts

05 Marks 05 Marks

2. Five from aÉÉjÉÉxÉmiÉvÉiÉÏ xÉÇaÉëWû : II.

Translate & Explain 1. Verses from MümÉÔïUqÉÇeÉUÏ any two out of three

10 Marks 10 Marks

2. Verses from aÉÉjÉÉxÉmiÉvÉiÉÏ xÉÇaÉëWû :

12 Marks


Explain with reference to context from MümÉÔïUqÉÇeÉUÏ any three out of five Essay type questions (with internal choice)


Short Notes any three out of five)

15 Marks


Grammer (Praakrit Froms)

10 Marks



13 Marks

80 Marks 51


III SEMESTER Development of Personality And Communication Skill Teaching Hours : 4 Hours per Week

Total: 50 Hrs

Meaning and definition of personality : Personality development as a process , Importance of pass, Importance of personality development , Theories of Personality , Psychological theory(Signed Freud),Phenomenological theory (car Rogers) Cognitive theory (George A Kelly) A trait factor – Analytic approach(Raymond B. Cattel), Psychosocial development theory(Erickson). 15 Hrs Determinants of Personality: Physical , intellectual , Emotional , social , educational familial. 7 Hrs The self Concept: Individual as a self sculptor , process of perception cognition and their impact , Learning process, What is attitude, The process of attitude formation. 8 Hrs Communication and its importance: Process of Communication , written and oral communication, process of listening body language or non verbal communication , the art of public speaking. 10 Hrs Leadership as a process: Working in a team , management of conflict , interpersonal and intrapersonal intergroup , Profiles of great personalities , Career planning and role of career planning and role of career planning in personality development , How to face personal interview and group discussion. 10 Hrs Reference: 1. Cloninger, susan C,(2000) Theories of personality, prentice Hall London. 2. Eriksen Karin(1979) Communication skills for human services ,Prentice –Hall. 3. Hurloack, Elizabeth B(?) Personality Development. 4. Johnson Roy Ivan (1956) Communication : Handling Idea Effectivley , MeGraw Hill, New York. 5. Kagan Jerome (1969), Personality Development , Harcourt Brace, New yark. 6. Kundu C.L.(1989) Personality Development , Sterling Bangalore. **************************************************************************** 52