Sunday 12:30 pm Baba's Bazaar. Join. Toronto's. Victor ... service journalism, a Gemini as Canada's ... Baba's Bazaar: S
August 25 - 26, 2018
6th Annual Babas & Borshch Ukrainian Festival
ra m
Lamont AB
You’ve heard great things about
Babas & Borshch Ukrainian Festival
But isn’t it time to Come See For Yourself!
Locally Family Owned & Operated Patricia Fedun-Pawluk & Gordon Pawluk
5036-51 Avenue, Vegreville, AB
WELCOME! VITAEMO! ВІТАЄМО! Welcome to Year 6! Time truly flies when you’re having fun. In the beginning we invited Ukrainians & wannabes to help us preserve & promote the Ukrainian culture in fun, family-focused festival fashion. We’ve learned & grown & moved & more but our intent remains the same. And it’s never been easier to escape to the country for some Ukrainian fun. Create some lasting memories in our photo booth! We’re especially proud of our programming this year and as Baba Magda says isn’t it time to Come See for Yourself! For those who love to Listen & Learn our speaker series includes Victor Malarek of CTVs W5 fame, the humanitarian founders of Medical Mercy Canada, and Professor Serge Cipko. For those who love to Do & Learn you’ve got sign making, pysanky, wheat weaving, korovai making, painting, and butter churning. For those who love children, see pages 4 & 5 for all the unbelievable options for fun! Enjoy the talented Promin Ukrainian Dancers on Saturday 1:30 pm in the ARENA plus individual youth dancers from Edmonton (times to be determined). We’ve revamped this program format….let us know if it makes your planning Hassle-Free!
Hazel Anaka - Festival Coordinator
Quick Need to Know Guide Kid Zone p 4/5
Eat. Drink. Be Merry. p 13
Borshch p 6
Off-Site Activities p 15
Zabava p 7
More Ways to Win! p 15
Listen & Learn p 8
Souvenirs p 17
Do & Learn p 9
Supporters p 17
Listen & Enjoy p 10
Sponsors p 18
Baba’s Bazaar p 11
[email protected]
Lamont County Kid Zone Saturday 10 am -4 pm; Sunday 11 am-3 pm
If you’re a kid or simply young at heart we’ve got you covered! Thank you to Lamont County’s Regional FCSS team for designing two full days of activities. You need to know: •
some are intended only for kids up to 6 years
some are All Day Drop-In
some are Scheduled, first-come, first-serve & require registration
there is no supply charge
Parent Link Activities (0-6 yrs): •
Sunflower [Соняшник / Soniashnyk] Planting Station
Larger-Than-Life Eye Spy Bag
Ukrainian Colouring Books
Scheduled, Registration Required, First-Come, First-Serve Sessions: Saturday:
10:30-11:30 Kerchief [Хустка / Khustka] 1:00 – 2:00 Sunflower String Art [Соняшник / Soniashnyk] 2:30-3:30 Wreath [Вінок / Vinok) Floral Headpiece Sunday: 12:00-1:00 Kerchief [Хустка / Khustka] 1:30-2:30 Sunflower String Art [Соняшник / Soniashnyk]
All Day Drop-In Activities: •
Scratch Art Easter Eggs [Писанки /Pysanky]
Christmas Spider Ornament
Wreath [Вінок / Vinok] brooches
[email protected]
6-Pony Carousel Rides Join the folks from Jon’s Funny Farm on Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm for Pony Rides. Rides cost $2 ea or ride all day for $10. Proceeds go to 1st Bruderheim Guiding.
Kids Paint a Masterpiece Andrea Levicki is back by popular demand teaching kids to paint. The 2018 project is an 8 x 10 acrylic Sunflower. Pay $5 for supplies and go home with a masterpiece! Workshops in the Arena:
Saturday: 11 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM Sunday: 11:30 AM, 1 PM
Visit the ATCO Energy Education Mobile
YOUTH DANCERS Cheer on these young dancers as they show off their budding talent …they are our future! Avriella Sousa Liam Smith
Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Alberta Provincial Council
6 Congratulations on th 6th Annual Babas and 6 Borshch Ukrainian Festival
[email protected]
Borshch! Borshch! Borshch! Борщ! Борщ! Борщ!
Whether you love borshch for the health benefits of beets; the rich, fragrant, delicious flavour; or the memories of Baba it conjures up, you can satisfy your craving with a FREE borshch sample. Get your coupon at the Welcome Area and redeem it at any Ukrainian food vendor.
Borshch [Борщ] Cook Off
Let Cook Off judges Chef Serge Belair (award-winning Executive Chef at the Shaw Conference Centre), Shaw Chef Myles Fedun, and a celebrity media judge rank your best beet borshch during this strictly-for-fun competition.
The first 15 entrants will get a keepsake Babas & Borshch / Lamont County apron just for entering.
Deadline for entering is August 11th
Potter Susan Ferbey’s custom-made borshch bowls will be awarded to the top 3 entries.
“Join me for the Borshch Cook Off on August 26, 2018”
Jessica Littlewood, MLA
Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville Parliamentary Secretary (Small Business) Economic Development and Trade 6
[email protected]
Zabava! Zabava! Zabava! Забава! Забава! Забава!
While the Zabava’s location at the festival may have changed, all your favourite components----delicious food, talented performers, great dance music----have remained. We invite you to join us in this celebration of Ukrainian culture! St. John’s Institute Catering & Event Specialists are back with the mouthwatering dishes you’ve come to expect: traditional Ukrainian with an updated twist. Step back in time to the good old ‘family style’ of meal service. Back by popular demand, Edmonton’s Cheremosh Ukrainian Dance Company is the festival headliner this year. Enjoy the heartpumping action of these talented performers. Join them for the kolomyika & strut your stuff! Smoky Lake’s Zorya (beginning of dawn) duo, Christine Horne and Rosaline Sliwkanich share their love of Ukrainian music with Zabava guests. Prepare to be thrilled. You’re in for a treat with the popular Alberta band, The Convertibles. Join this versatile former Las Vegas act as they perform a variety of great music and vocals from country, to old time, to rock classics. Advance tickets are still $50 per person regardless of age.
Zabava Tickets Zabava tickets will have a coloured dot indicating when ticket holders can enter the to choose their seats:
GREEN dot tickets bought before July 1 will enter first YELLOW dot tickets bought before August 1 will enter second RED dot tickets bought after August 1 will enter last
[email protected]
LISTEN & LEARN Victor Malarek Author Talk Saturday 12:00 pm, Sunday 12:30 pm Baba’s Bazaar
Medical Mercy Canada Talk Saturday 2:00 PM, Baba’s Bazaar Listen to Calgary humanitarians, Dr. Myron and Elaine Semkuley discuss their 26 years of sharing and caring with those in need. As founders of Medical Mercy Canada (MMC) they work with other volunteers to “relieve suffering and improve quality of life through the direct provision of supplies, education and services to medical facilities and schools for overlooked and impoverished areas of the world.”
Join Toronto’s Victor Malarek as he discusses his first fictional work, Orphanage 41. This prominent Ukrainian-Canadian is best known for his long journalism career. In 1990 he made the move to television after an award-winning career with The Montreal Star and The Globe and Mail. After 10 years on CBC’s the fifth estate, he moved to CTV’s W5. Over the years he won four Michener Awards for meritorious public service journalism, a Gemini as Canada’s top broadcast journalist, and three Canada Screen Awards for his documentaries. He’s authored seven books and won prestigious awards including the Shevchenko Medal from the Ukrainian-Canadian community. His life inspired a feature film (Malarek) and a TV drama series, Urban Angel. Orphanage 41 “Mykola Yashan receives news that shatters his world and propels him on a dangerous journey of roots unknown. His quest is triggered by a stunning discovery in his father’s study, and soon after, the 20-yearold Canadian university student is on his way to Lviv, Ukraine. His first stop: Orphanage 41 where he encounters the director, Natalka Matlinsky, who will stop at nothing, including murder, to keep him from learning the truth - a secret so scandalous that if revealed will destroy lives and possibly topple a corrupt government.” Don’t miss the chance to hear this remarkable man and pick up your autographed copy of Orphanage 41 at the NASHI booth.
Hear how this retired doctor and pharmacist have turned their skill and compassion into relief projects in Ukraine. They welcome the chance to bring their message to northcentral Alberta through the Babas & Borshch audience. Be sure to visit their booth in Baba’s Bazaar for more information. Starving Ukraine: The Holodomor and Canada’s Response by Dr. Serge Cipko Sunday 11:30, Baba’s Bazaar News about a famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932-33 that was claiming lives on a colossal scale traversed the borders of the USSR. Although the government of the USSR denied it, Canadians came to learn about the famine. Starving Ukraine examines both Canada’s reporting of the famine (Holodomor) and the country’s response to it, highlighting the important role played by journalists and protesters. In his presentation, Dr. Cipko will emphasize the protests and actions that took place in Vegreville, Willingdon, Mundare, and other places in east-central Alberta. Serge Cipko is Assistant Director (Research) at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies.
[email protected]
DO & LEARN WORKSHOPS For classes with supply fees, get your kit at the Welcome Area in the Hall Lobby
RUSTIC SIGN CLASS with Donna McIntyre of Nearly New Treasures, Andrew Create a ready-to-hang wooden, Вітаємо sign for your home using paint and stencils! Supply fee applies Arena: SATURDAY 10:30am, 12:30pm, 2:30pm; SUNDAY 11:30pm, 1:30pm WHEAT WEAVING WONDERS with Irene Topolnitsky Learn the basics of wheat weaving and leave with your very own creation! Max. of 6 per class. Visit Irene’s booth to see advance wheat weaving possibilities! Supply fee $5 Baba’s Bazaar: SATURDAY 11am, 12pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm SUNDAY 11am, 12pm, 2pm KOROVAI DEMO with Natalia & Hanya Onyschuk See these experts demonstrate the beautiful and symbolic Korovai (braided wedding bread). Practice a little rolling of your own & get recipes to take home! Catholic Church Basement: SATURDAY only 1pm & 3pm
PYSANKY with Christine Koscielnuk Visit Christine’s booth in Baba’s Bazaar to try your hand at this magnificent art form or simply watch a pro in action. Baba’s Bazaar: SATURDAY & SUNDAY booth hours
BUTTER CHURNING with Wilson Zukiwski Learn the process for making butter the way Baba used to. For your efforts, you’ll be rewarded with a sampling on fresh bread! Arena: SATURDAY 11am & 2pm
POTATO PANCAKES with Radomir Bilash Make & taste potato pancakes (pliatsky) during this Saturday session at 11AM. Location: TBD
[email protected]
LISTEN & ENJOY Don’t forget sunscreen and a hat as you settle in to enjoy the OUTDOOR MUSIC JAM LINE-UP. Thanks to new & returning performers, organizer Charlie Gargus, & Tri-Line Carriers for the stage! Andrew Zagrosh Brent Babiuk Harry Menzyk Jody Quickstad John Kusick Kasen & Kylie Hutscal Lawrence & Friends
Marango Pie Mike Sabrowsky Silver & Gold Trio Alicia & Stephan Slusarchuk The New Melody Kings Tom Gargus
Bandura Performance Babas & Borshch audiences will be treated to Chris Kyrzyk playing a concert bandura Saturday afternoon in the ARENA. Joining him for one set is his dad, Dennis Kyrzyk playing a mandolin. Not to be missed!
[email protected]
Ukrainian Sausage Perogies Cabbage Rolls
Fundraisers Wild Game
4204 118 Ave, Edmonton, AB
Ukrainian Colours A touch of tradition in your contemporary world Phone: (780) 456-5196 Cell: (780) 690-9764
[email protected]
10211-165 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5X 2B8
Svetlana and Yuri Eremenko WWW.UKRAINIANCOLORS.COM
Baba’s Bazaar After checking in at the Welcome Area in the Hall and getting your Ukrainian passport, head to Baba’s Bazaar for all the action! Displays, shopping, performances, speakers, workshops. Confirmed at time of publication: A Stytch N Tyme
Jarvis Group Travel
Ukrainian Colors
Alberta-Ukraine Genealogical Project
Lori’s Studio
Ukrainian Pysanky--C. Koscielnuk
Ceramic Cottage
Luba Bilash-Art & Adornment
Cultural & Scenic Paintings
Medical Mercy Canada
Faerie Dust Glitter Tattoos
Helen Klymok
St. Michael Sticky Business
Weleschuk Family Cookbooks Wheat Weaving Wonders Wounded Volunteers Fund
[email protected]
Ukrainian Fraternal Society of Canada Insurance that works for you
Life Insurance for the Whole Family for All of Life’s Stages
We’ve Got You Covered ! FREE ONLINE QUOTE on our N e w W e b s i t e at w w w. u f s c . c a
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Life Insurance is more affordable than you may think Phone: 204.586.4482
Toll-Free: 1.800.988.8372
[email protected] Follow us @ufsc_insurance
[email protected]
EAT. DRINK. BE MERRY. EAT. Let the Smachno-Ukrainian House food truck, operated by Anatoliy & Svitlana Rapotenko & St. John’s Institute Catering & Event Specialists & Elk Island Catering satisfy your need for the flavourful, stick-to-the-ribs comfort food Ukrainians are famous for. Think: pyrohy, borshch, holubsti, and so much more. Then when you overheat, visit Bhagvan’s Dairy Cream for an ice cream treat. Yum. Demo Kitchen by St. John’s Institute Catering & Event Specialists On Sunday secure your spot at the Demo Kitchen to learn how to make your own pyrohy, pyrizhky, and nalysnyky from the pros. Wow your family with your new skills! Space is limited and a supply fee applies. SUNDAY only 11:30 am and 1:30 pm.
DRINK. Let the Lamont Ag Society volunteers quench your thirst with the usual Beer Garden offerings PLUS Ukrainian beer PLUS our signature festival drink, Na Zdorovlia PLUS new this year, a Ukrainian Flag Shooter in a souvenir festival shot glass!
BE MERRY. Capture your Be Merry moments in our complimentary Photo Booth! Share the images on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram and make your friends drool!
[email protected]
Park Memorial Funeral Home & Crematorium
Proudly serving the families of Lamont County and surrounding area. Funeral Directors Dale Menzak Steve Zarusky Ed Koroluk
24 Hours
Owned and operated by the Smolyk Family since 1941 Edmonton | Lamont | Mayerthorpe | Smoky Lake | Vegreville
to rs Ukra ine Tou Family Run Since 2001 The Drosdowech Family and our associates in Ukraine and Canada are pleased to offer ALL-INCLUSIVE 16-day quality small group tours Toll-free : 1-888-269-3013 or 204-256-5996 email :
[email protected] Visit: Like us on Facebook:ToursToUkraineCanada TOURS TO UKRAINE AFFILIATED WITH TERRI'S TRAVEL INTERNATIONAL
We specialize in helping you connect with your roots in Ukraine! 14
[email protected]
OFF-SITE ACTIVITIES On Saturday ONLY (between 11 am -4 pm) hop aboard the horse-drawn wagon to visit 2 Lamont Churches. Tour these holy buildings and enjoy refreshments. • •
Lamont United Church, 51 Ave & 53 St
St John the Baptist Ukrainian-Catholic Church, 50 Ave & 48 St
NEW this year is a drive-by tour of Lamont’s historic buildings with tour guide TJ Fenton. Driving the team of horses is mom, Gail Fenton. Great activity for history buffs and the naturally curious! Korovai Making Demo Saturday ONLY 1 PM + 3 PM Catholic Church Basement Join Natalia & Hanya Onyschuk as they demonstrate the beautiful and symbolic Korovai (braided wedding bread). Practice a little rolling of your own & get recipes to take home!
New! DRESS THE PART Wear your embroidered clothing [Вишиванка / Vyshyvanka], your kerchief[Хустка / Khustka], your floral wreath headpiece [Вінок / Vinok] or all of the above (1) to strut your Ukrainian pride and (2) for a random chance to win: •
1 of 2 $75 Gift Certificates for any Baba’s Bazaar vendor (Adult category)
1 of 2 $25 Gift Certificates Baba’s Bazaar vendor (Child category)
Saturday draw—3 PM
Sunday draw---2 PM
Back by Popular Demand! 1. KURKA KRAP Guess where our Kurka will krap to win cold, hard cash! 2. POSTAL CODE PATROL Share your Postal Code and Phone Number for a chance to win 1 of 8 $25 gift certificates for any Baba’s Bazaar vendor. Must be present to win…Good Luck! 3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY Celebrate your birthday at the Festival and get a free Babas & Borshch Tumbler (while supplies last) as our gift to you! Valued at $6. Just show us a driver’s license or birth certificate and Enjoy!
[email protected]
Supporting Ukrainian Dance in Alberta!
2017/2018 Board of Directors Gordon Gordey Emily Belke Trevor Shular Markiana Melymick
Paul Olijnyk Shane Gibson Kelsey Olijnyk Kayla Holowatiuk
[email protected]
TAKE A PIECE OF THE FESTIVAL HOME! We have limited numbers of past Babas & Borshch souvenirs for sale. New this year will be Shot Glasses and Buttons and Souvenir Postage Stamps. For a complete list with prices see our Welcome Area in the Hall Lobby. We’ve got tumblers, squeeze dolls, lens cloths, notepads, souvenir lapel pins, and scarves Plus FREE festival passports. Can you resist? We think not!
Thank You SUPPORTERS Diakuiu дякую
Each year there are companies, organizations, and individuals who make the festival experience better through their generosity. If you’re keeping score, there are many repeat names. Please join us in thanking them.
BHD Companies
Tri-Line Carriers
Gail Fenton
Ukrainian Canadian CongressAlberta Provincial Council
Kule Folklore Centre
Vegreville Cultural Society
Price Automotive
Webb’s Machinery
TJ Fenton
[email protected]
Thank You to Our Sponsors! PRESENTING
[email protected]
JARVIS GROUP TRAVEL Presents their “Small Group” tour to
Jarvis Kosowan JARVIS GROUP TRAVEL LTD Phone 403-650-3332 email:
[email protected]
For more details visit us online at