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3_____. 44.341 Intnat'l Persp. on Crime. 3_____ ... 3_____. 44.387 Criminal Mind & Behavior 3_____ ... 3_____. 44.280 Criminal Justice Ethics 3_____.

9 credits

9 credits

SOCIAL SCIENCES __ ___ 3_____ __ ___ 3_____ __ ___ 3_____ ARTS/HUMANITIES __ ___ 3_____ __ ___ 3_____ __ ___ 3_____

MATHEMATICS 92.283 Statistics 3_____

SCIENCES __ ___Science with lab __ ___Science with lab __ ___Science -nonlab

3-4_____ 3-4_____ 3-4_____

CJ CORE 44.101 Intro. to CJ System 44.221 Criminology I 44.234 Criminal Law 44.390 Intro. to CJ Research

3_____ 3_____ 3_____ 3_____

CJ ELECTIVES A minimum of 8 additional CJ courses are required. Four of these must be at the 300 or 400 level. A minimum of five 300-400 level courses in CJ are required to graduate. There is a maximum of 60 total credits in CJ. Of these CJ electives, students may choose one of the following concentrations. Students who do not wish to follow a concentration are not obligated to.

* - indicates a required course

POLICE Concentration 44.141* Police Process 3_____ 44.373* Issues in Police Admin. 3_____ 44.347* Police Innovations 3_____ Three courses in ONE of the following: Causes of Crime: 44.321* Criminology II 3_____ 44.261 Juvenile Delinquency 3_____ 44.322 Crime Prevention 3_____ 44.387 Criminal Mind & Behav. 3_____ 44.422 Victimology 3_____ Technology: 44.203 CJ Tech. & CJ System 3_____ 44.397 Crime Mapping 3_____ 44.398 Data Analysis 3_____ Law and Ethics 44.234 Criminal Law 3_____ 44.280 Criminal Justice Ethics 3_____ 44.361 Philosophy of Law 3_____ Forensics 44.243 Criminalistics I 3_____ 44.244 Criminalistics II or 3_____ 44.342 Criminal Profiling 3_____ 44.343 Forensic Psychology 3_____ Criminal Justice Management 44.312 Security Management 3_____ 44.370 CJ Management 3_____ 44.380 Special Topics 3_____ CORRECTIONS Concentration 44.350* Institutional Corrections 3_____ 44.351* Community Based Corrections 3_____ Four of the following courses: 44.203 Technology & CJ System3_____ 44.261 Juvenile Delinquency 3_____ 44.327 Violence in America 3_____ 44.370 Criminal Justice Mgmt 3_____ 44.385 Crime and Mental Illness 3_____ 44.387 Criminal Mind & Behav. 3_____ 44.401 Substance Abuse & Crime3_____ VIOLENCE Concentration 44.327* Violence in America


VIOLENCE, continued Five of the following courses 44.248 Terrorism 44.326 Hate Crime 44.341 Intnat'l Persp. on Crime 44.342 Criminal Profiling 44.343 Forensic Psychology 44.387 Criminal Mind & Behavior 44.422 Victimology 44.477 Intimate Partner Violence 44.478 Child Maltreatment

3_____ 3_____ 3_____ 3_____ 3_____ 3_____ 3_____ 3_____ 3_____

HOMELAND SECURITY Concentration 44.115*Intro to Homelnd Security 3_____ 44.212* Weapons Mass Destruct. 3_____ 44.213* Emergency Management 3_____ 44.248* Terrorism 3_____ 44.312* Security Management 3_____ 44.493* Issue in Tech. & Security 3_____ INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY Concentration 44.203* Tech. & the CJ System 3_____ Five of the following: 44.237Civil Lib. Law & Politics 3_____ 44.280 CJ Ethics 3_____ 44.351 Comm. Based Corrections 3_____ 44.380 Selected Topics in CJ 3_____ 44.397 Crime Mapping 3_____ 44.398 CJ Data Analysis 3_____ 44.493 Issues in Tech. & Security 3_____ CJ SKILLS 1) Intermediate proficiency in a modern language, preferably Spanish. OR 2) Technology Research proficiency to be demonstrated by passing a minimum of four courses (12 credits) from the following approved list: 44.203* CJ Technology 3____ 44.395* Statistics in Crim. Justice3_____ 44.398* Methods of Data Anal. 3_____ Plus one of the following: 91.113 Exploring the Internet 3_____ 44.397 Crime Mapping 3_____

Centers for Learning - Advising Center Southwick 308/O'Leary 3rd Floor - revised 4/10

COLLATERAL REQUIREMENTS The student majoring in CJ will select 6 courses in accordance with the following specifications: 12 credits of collateral electives can be at any level; 6 credits of collateral electives must be at the 300 level or above; collateral electives should be chosen from courses in the following departments: Legal Studies, Psychology, Political Science or Sociology. Collateral ___ ____ 3_____ Collateral ___ ____ 3_____ Collateral ___ ____ 3_____ Collateral ___ ____ 3_____ Collateral ___ ____ 3_____ Collateral ___ ____ 3_____ FREE ELECTIVES The remaining credits necessary to obtain the minimum 120 credits required for graduation are considered free electives. Strudents may consider using free electives as a means of obtaining a minor course of study to create a well rounded academic base. Free electives may be any non-professional University Course. Free Elective ___ ____ 3_____ Free Elective ___ ____ 3_____ Free Elective ___ ____ 3_____ Free Elective ___ ____ 3_____ Free Elective ___ ____ 3_____ Free Elective ___ ____ 3_____