minerals processing, bioprocess engineering, catalytic processing, crystallisation
... Practical training in the operation of laboratory and pilot scale equipment is
given ... Engineering Design is addressed in all years of study, culminating in an
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Chemical Engineering [EB001CHE01] A four-year undergraduate chemical engineering degree is offered which prepares graduates for careers in the chemical, metallurgical, and process industries. There is a limited amount of specialisation in the areas of minerals processing, bioprocess engineering, catalytic processing, crystallisation and process modelling, and environmental process engineering. The degree focuses on the development of technical expertise, problemsolving, teamwork and communication skills, and is accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa. Practical training in the operation of laboratory and pilot scale equipment is given during the second and third years, while the fourth year research project emphasises chemical engineering fundamentals. Chemical Engineering Design is addressed in all years of study, culminating in an integrated plant design in the final year. Senior Lecturer and Programme Convener: R Rawatlal, BSc (ENG) Phd UKZN A candidate shall comply with the prescribed curriculum requirements set out below. First Year Core Courses Number Course HEQF CreditsHEQF Level Chemistry 1000 ............................................................................... 36 CEM1000W Engineering I ................................................................................... 32 CHE1004W Engineering Mathematics A .............................................................. 16 MAM1017F Engineering Mathematics B .............................................................. 16 MAM1018S Engineering Drawing ....................................................................... 16 MEC1002W Engineering Physics A ...................................................................... 16 PHY1012F Engineering Physics B ...................................................................... 16 PHY1013S Total credits per year .................................................................... 148 Second Year Core Courses Number Course HEQF CreditsHEQF Level Chemistry 2007 ................................................................................. 24 CEM2007F Chemistry 2008 ................................................................................. 24 CEM2008S Material & Energy Balances .............................................................. 20 CHE2031F Design of Chemical Processes ............................................................. 8 CHE2032Z Chemical Engineering Laboratory I ..................................................... 4 CHE2033W Thermodynamics I ............................................................................ 12 CHE2035S Design of Fluid Flow & Heat Transfer Systems .................................. 20 CHE2040S Vector Calculus for Engineers A ........................................................ 16 MAM2083F Linear Algebra and DEs for Engineers 16 MAM2084S Total credits per year..........................................................................144
Third Year Core Courses Number Course CHE3040S CHE3044F CHE3046F CHE3049W CHE3050S CHE3053S CHE3054S CHE3062S CHE3063F MAM3080F CHE3000X
Solid Fluid Operations Reactor Design I Thermodynamics II Chemical Engineering Laboratory II Chemical Process Unit Design Separation Processes Reactor Design II Professional Communication Mass Transfer Numerical Methods Total credits per year Practical Training
HEQF Credits HEQF Level 12 12 12 16 6 13 13 12 16 12 124
Fourth Year Core Courses Students must be in their final year of study. 16 credits of electives are considered as part of the regular programme and should be taken in the first semester. A concession to take an additional 16 credits per semester will be considered. This may consist of more electives or outstanding courses. A concession for carrying more than one core course per semester will not be considered. Number Course HEQF CreditsHEQF Level Professional Communication Studies .......................................... 8 CHE4029Z Chemical Engineering Design .................................................. 28 CHE4036Z Process Dynamics & Control .................................................... 16 CHE4042F Chemical Engineering Project ................................................... 32 CHE4045Z Business, Society & Environment ............................................. 20 CHE4048F Process Synthesis & Equipment Design .................................... 20 CHE4049F Total credits per year 124 Elective Courses Students need to complete at least 48 credits of elective courses. At least 16 of these credits need to be from the Liberal Arts group; and 16 credits need to be completed in the EBE specialisation group. The final 16 credits can be taken from any course offered at UCT for which the student meets the prerequisites, subject to the approval of the Programme Convener. Liberal Arts Group This group consists of courses typical of studies in the Humanities. A list of courses satisfying this requirement is available from the Academic Administration Officer in the Department of Chemical Engineering, and is provided to students during registration. EBE Specialisation Group This group consists of the following courses offered by the Department of Chemical Engineering: Number Course HEQF CreditsHEQF Level Bioprocess Technology I ..................................................................8 CHE3035S Chemistry & Chemical Engineering of Catalytic Processes ...............8 CHE3039S Mineral and Metallurgical Processing I .............................................8 CHE3064S* Numerical Simulation for Chemical Engineers..................................8 CHE3065S Crystallisation & Precipitation ..........................................................8 CHE3066S Introduction to Environmental Process Engineering ..........................8 CHE4024F Mineral & Metallurgical Processing II ..............................................8 CHE4050F* Nuclear Power Sources 12 EEE4103F + * CHE3064S and CHE4050F are compulsory for mining-house bursars. + EEE4103F is compulsory for ESKOM bursars. Alternatively, students may wish to take any EBE course at or above the 3rd year level for which they meet the prerequisites. Students may also wish to consider selected 5 level courses for which they meet the prerequisites. Such courses must be approved by the Programme Convener.