Bachelors Degree Requirements - California State University ...

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Option in: Apparel Design and Merchandising (beginning 2012-2014 catalog). Course of Study ... production, and merchandising of textiles and apparel.
The People Profession California State University, Northridge

What is FCS? Family & Consumer Sciences is the study of the relationships among people and their personal environments. Students who major in Family & Consumer Sciences learn to improve the quality of life for individuals and families across the life span. They study issues related to food and nutrition, apparel and interior design, child development and family relations, and family and consumer resource management. The Department is accredited by the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.

Option in: Apparel Design and Merchandising (beginning 2012-2014 catalog) What is Apparel Design and Merchandising? The Apparel Design and Merchandising program offers an analytical study of concepts and their application related to the design, production, and merchandising of textiles and apparel. Basic knowledge from the physical and social sciences, technology, aesthetics, and business is applied to the principles of the design, production, manufacturing, and merchandising of textiles, apparel, and accessories.

Course of Study FCS Core (14 units) Course Units FCS 170 2 FCS 232 3 FCS 320 3 FCS 380 3 FCS 494SEE 3

Course Description Creative Expression in Family & Consumer Sciences Individual and Family Development Family Resource Management Family & Consumer Sciences Foundations & Research Supervised Field Study

Option Required Courses (22 units) Course Units Course Description CHEM 100*,100L* 3/1 Principles of Chemistry and Lab or CHEM 103*,103L* 3/1 Introductory Chemistry I and Lab or CHEM 110*, 110L* 3/1 Chemistry in Action with Lab FCS 150,150L 3 Apparel Construction I, Lab FCS 160 3 Introductory Textiles FCS 255 3 The Fashion Industry FCS 271,271L 3 Apparel Analysis and Selection, Lab FCS 353 3 Apparel and Human Behavior FCS 360,360L 3 Textiles, Lab

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Patterns: In consultation with an advisor, select Pattern A, B, or C Pattern A: Apparel Design and Production (21 units) Course Units Course Description FCS 250,250L 3 Apparel Construction II, Lab Course FCS 352 FCS 371,371L FCS 471,471L FCS 472, 472L FCS 475,475L FCS 476

Units 3 3 3 3 3 3

Course Description History of Textiles and Apparel Apparel Design: Flat Pattern, Lab Apparel Design: Draping, Lab Apparel Design: Computer Aided Design, Lab Fashion Development, Lab Studio Problems in Apparel Design

Pattern B: Apparel Merchandising (18 units) Course Units Course Description FCS 356,356L 3 Analysis and Evaluation of Apparel Quality, Lab FCS 455,455L 3 Fashion Merchandising, Lab FCS 460,460L 3 Textile Product Analysis, Lab MKT 304 3 Intro to Marketing Management MKT 440 3 Integrated Marketing Communications MKT 443 3 Retail Management Electives For Pattern B (3 units) Course Units Course Description FCS 250,250L 3 Apparel Construction II, Lab FCS 324 3 Consumer Rights FCS 352 3 History of Textiles and Apparel FCS 354 3 Apparel for Special Groups FCS 371,371L 3 Apparel Design: Flat Pattern, Lab FCS 394C 3 Supervised Field Study FCS 471,471L 3 Apparel Design: Draping, Lab FCS 475,475L 3 Fashion Development, Lab FCS 496 3 Experimental Topic Courses in Family & Consumer Sciences Pattern C: Textiles and Apparel (individualized program) (18 units) Select 18 upper division Family & Consumer Sciences Textiles and Apparel courses only, in consultation with an advisor. Select from the following: FCS 352, FCS 356/L, FCS 354, FCS 371/L, FCS 394C, FCS 460/L, FCS 471/L, FCS 472/L, FCS 475/L, FCS 476 FCS 563.

Total Units in the Option (57) General Education (48 units) The purpose of General Education is to broaden one’s intellectual background and provide a foundation in liberal arts education. Students majoring in FCS may not count FCS courses for GE. However, any courses outside the FCS department that are listed in GE and also required or selected in the student’s FCS option may be counted toward meeting GE requirements. Faculty Advisor: Wei Cao, Ph.D., Shirley Warren MS, JongEun Kim, Ph.D., Hira Cho, PhD FCS Student Organizations TRENDS: Advisor: JongEun Kim, Ph.D., Hira Cho, PhD Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society (KON) (By invitation only)

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