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Pictured at right are Tim Ferry, President of InSinkErator, Auxiliary. President Terry Giebelhaus, Harley Perry and Rob Grim, Senior VP-. Sales for InSinkErator.
Volume 1 - January 2013

2012-13 Executive Board President-Sandy Stack 8101 N.E. 128th Street Kirkland, WA 98034 Hm: 425-823-1972 Fx: 425-821-6304 Cell: 425-864-1735 [email protected]

President Elect-Cheryl Mosier 1358 Windmill Road El Cajon, CA 92019 Hm: 619-441-0642 Wk: 619-873-1530 Fx: 619-873-1536 Cell: 619-791-4240 [email protected]

Vice President-Janet Dugger 700 Brixworth Boulevard Knoxville, TN 37934 Hm: 865-966-6835 Fx: 865-523-7250 Cell: 865-388-8940 [email protected]

Treasurer-Patty Jones PO Box 1332 Montgomery, TX 77356 Hm: 936-449-6270 Wk: 281-87-1618 Cell: 281-802-4229 [email protected]

Marketing Secretary-Heidi Everly 2505 E. 23rd Avenue S. Fremont, NE 68025 Hm: 402-721-3852 Wk: 402-721-6288 Cell: 402-720-2821 [email protected]

Greetings & Happy New Year! - President Sandy Stack Where have the years gone? It is hard to believe that my first experience with the National PlumbingHeating-Cooling Contractors took place in 1987. I had just started selling real estate in Virginia and was hired as a part-time temporary worker at PHCC to make extra money. During the fall of the next two years, I assisted the Association in preparing for the National Convention. When home interest rates reached 17%, I decided to reverse my full time employment to part time. I enjoyed all the people at the National Association and was soon hired on full time. I started as receptionist, but moved to Publications when that position became available. Here I am twenty-five years later and Iʼm still working for PHCC, only as a volunteer, from Washington State. I believe that volunteering for this organization has been worth more than any dollar amount that I could have been paid. You have heard people say, “Get Involved” in your organization. If you do, you will reap the rewards, personally and professionally. It truly isnʼt something that you can explain to other business associates. Although, when you can contact another member in another area of the world and they can help you solve a problem, put a smile on your face, or just visit for dinner since you will be in their town………….THEN you know you are CONNECTED with the PHCC National Association or Auxiliary members. Letʼs get to work on marketing our industry. Enter About/content.cfm?ItemNumber=692 to go directly to our site. There you will find the new Auxiliary Apprentice Videos previewed at the Philadelphia convention. •

PHCC Apprentice Videos

• Constructing Your Future Career Guidebook

Membership Secretary-Teresa Mayes

• PHCC National Association and Auxiliary History Books Available

PO Box 12251 Knoxville, TN 37912-2251 Cell: 865-621-7176 Fax: 865-546-8611 [email protected]

• Logo Awareness Newspaper Insert

Recording Secretary-Kathy Tindall 28 Beechwood Drive Robbinsville, NJ 08691 Hm: 609-448-7209 Wk: 609-897-0074 Fx: 609-897-9775 Cell: 609-947-3242 [email protected]

• Career Recruitment Flyer • Why Hire a Professional Brochure (Members Only

Or go to and click on the Auxiliary logo at the bottom of the page. There is a wealth of information at your fingertips.

Itʼs time to “GO BIG” and give back to the industry that has given us so much! 1

Congratulations to the Larry Dore Member of the Year Harley Perry! - By Kathy Tindall This year at convention the 2012 Larry Dore Award First Place was awarded to Harley Perry – PHCC Auxiliary San Diego. Second Place was awarded to Claudia Henrichsen from Arizona. The award recognizes Auxiliary members who are active in many areas of their lives, as well as the various levels of the Auxiliary, having made a substantial contribution to the PHC industry and/or their community. Pictured at right are Tim Ferry, President of InSinkErator, Auxiliary President Terry Giebelhaus, Harley Perry and Rob Grim, Senior VPSales for InSinkErator. Congratulations to all of our winners and thank you for all that you give to the Auxiliary and the Industry. A special thank you to InSinkErator for sponsoring these awards.

Congratulations to the 3D Award Winner Pat Blank! - by Kathy Tindall Each year, Copper Development sponsors the 3D Award for Desire, Dedication and Determination. The recipient is a “dedicated and loyal member who willingly gives time and talent to better the Auxiliary. This is someone you can always call upon for help and is usually the first to volunteer.” This year at the Auxiliary Luncheon the 3D Award was given out to a very deserving Auxiliary member and Past President Pat Blank from New York. Congratulations Pat and thank you for all of your years of dedicated service to the Auxiliary and our Industry. Pictured at right is Pat Blank receiving her beautiful copper tray from Dale Powell, Northeastern Regional Manager of Copper Development Association. Thank You, Copper Development Association!

2012 Robert Cox Award Winners - by Kathy Tindall At the convention Auxiliary luncheon, the Robert Cox awards were handed out in style. The winners are: For the Image category: 1st Place (3-20 Members) New Orleans PHCC Auxiliary of Louisiana 2nd Place (3-20 Members) Lincoln PHCC Auxiliary Nebraska Honorable Mention (3-20 Members) Louisiana State Auxiliary PHCC 1st Place (21-40 Members) PHCC of Illinois Auxiliary 1st Place (41& Up Members) PHCC Auxiliary of Minnesota For the Recruitment category: 1st Place (3-20 Members) Lincoln PHCC Auxiliary of Nebraska 2nd Place (3-20 Members) PHCC Auxiliary of Delaware Honorable Mention (3-20 Members) New Jersey PHCC Auxiliary 1st Place (21-40 Members) PHCC of Illinois Auxiliary 1st Place (41 & Up Members) PHCC Auxiliary of Minnesota Congratulations and keep up the great work! A special thank you to InSinkErator for sponsoring these awards. 2

Remember to save your pictures and newspaper articles from your projects to submit for the Cox & Dore Awards. Great cash prizes and recognition by your peers, This yearʼs deadline is August 1st.

Connect 2012, the Auxiliaryʼs 92nd Convention, Was Fabulous!

Thank You,

The people of the City of Philadelphia and the State of Pennsylvania were great hosts to all of us at the Convention in their great city. The Opening Reception was held at the historic Water Works, the second Philadelphia Municipal Water Works dating back to 1812. It began with a tour of the preserved facility that was, of course, interesting to a group of PHCC members. The facility, now on the Historic Register, is an amazing place to have an event. We wish to thank Bradford White and InSinkErator for sponsoring this event. We all got to learn about the historic city through re-enactors that were charming and hospitable. Three adorable girls, Kathryn, Laura and Ashley, daughters of PHCC-PA members Kristy and John Luke, greeted registrants and presented them with PHCC-PA bags of goodies. We were treated to a performance by the Mummers at the closing banquet, sponsored by Federated. Mummers were a first for many of us. Sandy Stack and David Dugger held a joint installation during the banquet.


Thank You,

Bradford White Breakfast Included a Special Guest The Bradford White Breakfast was again a huge success with great food, a chance to socialize and to recognize contributions to the industry. We were treated to a special appearance by Ted Sikorsky, retired Vice President of Bradford White, a Philadelphia native. He said he just couldnʼt miss the opportunity to visit and we were very happy. Once again, beautiful glass coffee mugs were presented as souvenirs for all. Pictured at right is Ted presenting a check for $7,500 for the Bradford White Scholarships to President Terry Giebelhaus as Fred Vattimo, Director of Corporate Advertising, looks on.


InSinkErator Awards Luncheon The InSinkErator Awards Luncheon was, as always, an amazing production, with excellent food and festivities. Ben Franklin, and weʼre pretty sure it was him, was the Master of Ceremonies. The Drum and Fife Corps welcomed us into the room and played for us. Convention attendees witnessed awards recognizing outstanding performance in many, many areas of service to the Association, the Auxiliary and the Industry. The winners of the Apprentice Contest were announced. The Delta Contractor of the Year was named. Both Auxiliary and Educational Foundation Scholarships were highlighted. The winner of the Larry Dore Auxiliary Member of the year was recognized. Begin now preparing your nominations for the 2013 Larry Dore Member of the Year. The deadline is August 1st and the application form is available on the website.

Thank you, Plan to attend the 50th Anniversary InSinkErator Luncheon in Las Vegas!

Auxiliary Luncheon - by Terry Giebelhaus The Auxiliary Luncheon is a fabulous event, and this year's proved to be just as great! The room was packed with Auxiliary members, PHCC members, sponsors and friends. Many tables lined the room with teacup auction items, and there was much "shopping" going on throughout the luncheon. There was a special item of a "tree of gift cards", available as a separate auction. The end result was $3683 raised for the Auxiliary. The retirement of our dear InSinkErator friend, Dennis Broderick, pictured at left, was announced. He will be given a memory book of his times with our Auxiliary as a goodbye gift. He will be missed! The Robert M. Cox Awards were presented at this luncheon, as well as the 3D Award and the Larry Dore Member of the Year runner-up. The winner of the new contest for the State or Local Executive who brought in the most new members to the Auxiliary was announced. The winner was the Washington State executive, Greta Flinn, pictured at right with President Terry Giebelhaus. She received a $100 Visa Gift Card. Hip, Hip, Hooray for Greta!.

Rob Grim & Tim Ferry of InSinkErator pose with Cox double winners Angie & Jasmine Westman, PHCC of Minnesota Auxiliary

Local entertainers, Comedian Grover Silcox and Comedic Magician Norm Klar performed at the luncheon, and left us all in stitches. Grover gave us some background and trivia of the Philadelphia area and Norm "fumbled" through his magic, making us laugh with his unexpected results! John McWilliams gave him a hand.

A very special thank you to, Bob Sinton & The Training Center, PHCC-NA, MGM Sales & Westbrass for their support of the Luncheon.


Past Presidentʼs Message - by Terry Giebelhaus Well, that part of my life certainly went by fast! It seems like only a few months ago that I volunteered to run for Vice President of this Auxiliary again...and now three years have flown by! The experience of serving as your President again was all I expected it to be and more. I had expected to put in a lot of time and energy, but I also expected to be rewarded with new and binding friendships. I was also rewarded with successes and new relationships with the PHCC and its enhancement groups. I was very pleased to have given the members a fabulous magazine due to the hard work of editor, Lynne Finley; I was happy to have included the State and Local Execs in a new membership contest this year; and I was thrilled to have the amazing new Auxiliary Educational Videos completed and unveiled in my term. The seed was planted by Pat Blank and Hunter Botto a few years back, and Kathy Lewis and her committee took the idea and ran with it! I so want to thank everyone who had a part in "Making it Happen" this past year! You are all special people and really hard workers! For those of you who have not been active on the national level, please consider doing so! You will find the experience and the lifelong friendships you make invaluable! If you are willing to help out on any level, please let your zone director or someone on your executive committee know! I wish our new President, Sandy Stack, the best of luck in the coming year! She has a great team! Please support them and your Auxiliary!

Annual Business Meeting - by Jan Dugger The Annual Business Meeting was held at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Philadelphia, PA on October 4, 2012.  There were forty-nine Auxiliary members in attendance.  President Terry Giebelhaus presided. The new Educational video created by the Educational Committee, Kathy Lewis, Chair, was revealed.  It was extremely well  received. Scholarship Chair Norma Roberson announced that thirty-four scholarships were to be awarded.  Membership Secretary Gail McWilliams reported there are 378 members as of September 1st.  New Jersey was announced as the winner for the state with the most new members.  Greta Flinn from WA won the State Executive recruiting the most new members. The members voted to retain the current membership dues for the upcoming year. Guests Keith Bienvenu, PHCC President; Gerry Kennedy, PHCC Executive VP;  Mark Riso, Director of Government Relations, David Dugger, PHCC President Elect; and Cindy Sheridan, Foundation Chief Operating Officer all addressed the meeting.  Jan Dugger was nominated and voted in as the new Vice President along with Ann Pfeffer as the new member of the Scholarship Committee.

Outgoing President Terry Giebelhaus and Incoming President Sandy Stack exchanged the presidential pin signifying the changing of the presidency.  5

Congratulations to Our New National Auxiliary Executive Officers! Janet Dugger - Vice President and Teresa Mayes - Membership Secretary Thank You to all for volunteering your time and talents! The  New  Officers  Are: President # # # Sandy Stack, WA President-Elect # # Cheryl Mosier, CA Vice President## # Jan Dugger, TN Membership Secretary           Teresa Mayes, TN Recording Secretary # # Kathy Tindall, NJ Marketing Secretary # # Heidi Everly, NE Treasurer# # # Patty Jones, TX Chaplain# # # Iris Maddalon, NJ Historian# # # Corinne Riley, RI

Parliamentarian# # # Scholarship Committee Member # Zone 1#Director# # # Zone 2#Director# # # # # # # # Zone 3#Director# # # # # # # # Zone 4#Director# # # # # # # #

Nancy Eberhardt Ann Pfeffer, MA Stacey Ziegler Harp       Linda Bienvenu Denise Thompson Gerda Fisher Becky Davis Kathy Lewis Terry Linek

Auxiliary State Officers & Zone Directors Reception - by Ann Rivers The Auxiliary State Officers & Zone Directors Reception was held on Wednesday afternoon. Ann Belus presided over the meeting which was very well attended. The refreshments were great, as well, especially the cupcakes. Many ideas were discussed on how to get new members into the Auxiliary and how to keep the existing ones going. One of the ideas suggested included getting new members interested in the Auxiliary Scholarship program and all that it has to offer either their children or young people they know in need of one. Another suggestion was having people support the Auxiliary with their membership dues. Kathy Tindall suggested that we all try to bring in one new member while at convention. Rhonda Robillard and Richela Roy agreed to be President and Secretary of the next meeting at National Convention.

Thank you to BrassCraft for once again sponsoring this event and allowing us the opportunity to meet and plan for the new year!

Congratulations to Auxiliary member Keith Bienvenu on his successful year as President of the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors - National Association! Congratulations also to the new Executive Committee, President David Dugger, President Elect Steve Rivers, Vice President Kevin Tindall, Secretary Craig Lewis and Executive Vice President Gerry Kennedy, all Auxiliary members. We stand ready to support you. 6

Life Memberʼs Club - by Terry Giebelhaus This year was an unusual one for the Auxiliary's Life Member Club. Due to family illnesses, neither the Chairman, Corinne Riley, nor the Secretary, Judy Driscoll, were able to attend. Anne Williams graciously offered to chair the meeting with Barb Kreifels taking the minutes. We had a full room! We even had to add a place to one of the tables! The Life Member Club is made up of past national presidents, secretaries and treasurers. This year, Gail McWilliams, past Membership Secretary, was welcomed into the group. We elected Barb Kreifels as our new Life Member Secretary, and Jorja Dickemann as the Life Member Treasurer. Corinne Riley will stay on as Chairman and Ethel Epstein as Sunshine Chair. We thank all of these ladies for their commitment! Seated, L-R: Noma Roberson, Pat Blank, Nancy Eberhardt, Linda Bienvenu, Anne Williams, Rhonda Robillard & Jorja Dickemann. Standing, L-R: Iris Maddalon, Ann Rivers, Sandy Stack, Cheryl Mosier, Stacey Ziegler-Harp, Terry Giebelhaus, Gerry Calfo, Gail McWilliams, Gerda Fischer, Barb Kreifels & Ann Belus.

Thank You, LA-CO for sponsoring the Life Member Breakfast since 1988!

to our new Auxiliary members since our last newsletter Angela Rich, Mackinaw, IL Ashley  Dugger, Knoxville, TN Kent Dickemann, Glen Carbon, IL Kelly Anderson, El Cajon, CA

Tonna Bailey, Kenmore, WA Mary Jean Anderson, El Cajon, CA Joel Long, Gastonia, NC Roger Peugeot, Overland Park, KS

World Plumbing Day & Fix-A-Leak Week We are always looking for opportunities to communicate with our customers. World Plumbing Day and Fix-A-Leak Week is an opportunity to do so. World Plumbing Day is an international event on March 11, initiated by the World Plumbing Council celebrating the important role plumbing plays in the health and safety of modern society. Visit for information on this yearʼs events, including their plumbing poster contest for children. Their website says, “The safety and abundance of drinking water is, of course, a concern for most people all over the world, but what is not often emphasized is the work the plumbing industry contributes every day to alleviate these concerns. We would like your help in bringing a better understanding of the largely misunderstood role plumbers play in keeping folks safe and healthy each and every day.” March 18-24, 2013, is Fix-A-Leak Week, a Water Sense, EPA Partnership Program. The theme is “Every Drop Counts” Visit fix_a_leak.html to find statistics that can be used to estimate the cost of allowing a drip to continue. Explain the cost for water leaks in terms of your areaʼs water billing rates. Both websites offer great information and artwork that you may use. The “bad flapper” wanted poster appears on the Fix-A-Leak Week site. Be sure to use the PHCC Logo on all your correspondence. 7

2012 Auxiliary Scholarship Awards Noma Roberson, Chair The Auxiliary is proud to congratulate thirty-four deserving students who were awarded scholarships for 2012. Thanks to the Auxiliary and our loyal sponsors, a total of $41,400 was awarded to our students. Awards were announced and handed out to studentsʼ Auxiliary sponsors during our Annual PHCC Auxiliary Business Meeting that was held during PHCC Connect 2012 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Special thanks to our 2012 sponsors: InSinkErator, Bradford White, Roland and Virginia Carlson (Ginny Award), A.O. Smith, IAPMO, Kevin and Kathy Tindall (Fran Williams Memorial Scholarship) and the Auxiliary membership. Special thanks to Auxiliary members who sponsored students. Lastly, special thanks to the scholarship committee for the time and effort they devoted to critical decision making in the scholarship award process. We ask Auxiliary members to continue disseminating information to students in their states and encouraging them to pursue careers in the industry. Letʼs see which state will have the most scholarship awards in 2013! The awardees for 2012 are listed by state. California# # Jose Coronado (Bradford White & In Honor of Dennis Broderick) Kevin M. Keeler (Bradford White & A.O. Smith) Georgia# # Hunter Hurst (IAPMO)# Morgan L. Marzulli Illinois## Nicole Domescik (Ginny Award) Grace Kerrigan Haley L. Lott Indiana Ashley Knies (Fran Williams Memorial Award)

Louisiana Charles B. Morton Maine Jordan E. Beaupariant Massachusetts Brain P. Ouellette Caitlin Trethewey Nebraska Emily L. Wiebeck New Jersey Connor J. Arsenault Tyler J. Arsenault Zachary J. Arsenault Zaina E. Banihani Ryan Foley

New Jersey - Continued Shaun Foley (Fran Williams Memorial Award) Kyle Helm (Bradford White) Brielle M. Piterski Stephanie L. Pointer Nicole E. Sheppard

Pennsylvania Kevin M. Ficco

New York Michael Nicholas

Virginia Krystal L. Kersse

North Carolina Davis W. Stevens William C. Voss

Washington Kjerstin Lie

Ohio Ellen M. Feetterers

South Carolina Kristen E. Wager Tennessee Jayna S. Snider

Wisconsin Alexandra R. Beyer Krista P. Kadow

Scholarship Deadline - June 15, 2013 & Updates - by Patty Jones The scholarship awards are possible through the generosity of InSinkErator, Bradford White, A.O. Smith, IAPMO, the Educational Foundation and the many individuals who contribute. Kathy and Kevin Tindall initiated a $1,000 scholarship in memory of Fran Williams, who was firmly committed to this Association and its promotion of education. These funds were awarded for the first time this year. ! here is an update on the Ginny Award, starting with the scholarships of 2013. Each year going forward, the actual amount of the T award will be announced early in the calendar year. This award has been presented, through the generosity of the Carlson family, since 1985. In 1989, the award was increased to $3,000, which has remained constant through this year. The amount was based on interest earned from an investment. As we are aware, interest rates have been minimal, so the family has decided to make an adjustment to the award. The Auxiliary has valued the generosity of the Carlson family and we look forward to our continued partnership with them through the Ginny Award.

Last, but certainly not least, a big “THANK YOU” goes to Noma Roberson and her scholarship committee: Ann Steadman and Jorja Dickemann, for their tireless efforts in the scholarship process. Be sure to get your applications in by the postmark deadline of June 15th. 8

PHCC EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION - by Barb Kreifels, Auxiliary Representative to the Board The PHCC Educational Foundationʼs mission is to provide workforce development, management education and technical training to advance the growth and career success of those employed in the Plumbing and HVACR industry. It was both an honor and pleasure to serve as the Auxiliary Representative on this board for the last year. I learned a great deal about what the Educational Foundation actually does. We were all asked to talk about whatever topic was chosen for each meeting, so everyone was included in the discussions. Some of the ideas that were discussed were: Putting together a ”Think Tank” of younger people in order to cater to the next generation in our industry, market PHCC better, downloading an APP on your phone that will help with language issues when working in the field, require apprentices to sit for journeyman test after so much time, a greater need for accelerated programs, sending emails with $$ signs to address the value of content, mentoring programs, encourage employees to take time off for education and training in their field. The Foundation is currently working on putting books into electronic format for future educational materials. Remember to contact John Zink and use the Foundation Seminar Series for your local and state meetings. Also, take the Invest in your Future forms for the Foundation to all of your meetings for members to donate. As always, please take some time and see what all the Foundation has to offer YOU by going to and click on the Educational Foundation icon at the bottom! There are so many committees and Foundation employees that work very hard to provide our members with the best Educational Tools needed to survive in this industry. So take advantage of everything to get the most bang for your buck! THANK YOU!

Congratula*ons  to  the  Educa*onal  Founda*on  on  their  25th  anniversary  in  2012!

Making An Impact - by John Zink Our thanks to the Auxiliary members who made a gift to the PHCC Educational Foundationʼs Invest in Your Future Annual Giving Campaign last year. Every gift helps to fund Auxiliary & Foundation scholarships and educational programs. Thanks to your past gifts, over $100,000 in Auxiliary & Foundation scholarships were awarded to fifty-eight students in 2012. Thatʼs just the latest addition to the over three million dollars awarded to over 1,900 students since these programs began.


any of these scholarship winners, your gift makes a huge impact on their lives and their futures. You can read some of their stories on the Foundation website: Please help us get a head start on this yearʼs campaign by making either a personal gift or a combined gift with the other members of your local and state Auxiliary chapter. Remember – your gift is tax deductible (as allowed by law) AND will have matching gifts added by InSinkErator and Ferguson. Make your gift by calling the PHCC Educational Foundation at (800) 533-7694, by visiting or by mobile device by scanning the QR code.



! ! 9


Please Send Us information on What Your Auxiliary is Doing! Please let us know what your local or state Auxiliary is doing. We want to highlight your successes and share them with everyone! It doesn’t have to be long or fancy. Send pictures and we’ll put your smiling faces in the newsletter. Please send to: Newsletter Editor Lynne Finley 274 Dunleith Dr. Destrehan, LA 70047 Hm: 985-764-9301 Alt: 504-273-1180 Cell: 504-884-1962 [email protected]

E-Mail Help Needed! We need your help in sending the Membership Secretary your email address. We are updating our mass email system and are missing numerous emails which would help us contact our members quickly and more efficiently. Please email our Membership Secretary Teresa Mayes at [email protected].

2012 Resolutions There were no resolutions presented for consideration this year. If you are going to present one for 2013, please mail to: # Recording Secretary Kathy Tindall # 28 Beechwood Drive # Robbinsville, NJ 08691 They must be postmarked no later than sixty days prior to the Annual Meeting.

Operation: Feed First Responders In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Auxiliary Member Heather Tindall Alkhateeb began an operation to provide help to the first responders on Long Beach Island, NJ, an island she knew well from growing up in Kathy & Kevin Tindallʼs weekend home. On October 31st, Kathy, Kevin and Heather took down ten Port-A-Pottyʼs and a truck load of food to the Beach Haven Police and EOC.  After a posting on Facebook and radio coverage about the mission, donations came pouring into Tindall-Ransonʼs office. November 3rd, they took a caravan of three trucks and a 14ʼ trailer full of water, cleaning supplies, food, clean socks, long johns and much more to the damaged Long Beach Island.  They delivered to the Beach Haven EOC headquarters again and then off to Holy Innocence Church in Beach Haven, Beach Haven Fire Company, staying at the Engleside Inn, because their fire house was too damaged to use, Ship Bottom Fire Company and Surf City Fire Company.  Kathy reported at the time, “It was overwhelming yet gratifying to be able to help the first responders who are putting in so much hard work and time.” Kevin looked sharp in his new PHCC jacket when making the deliveries. A later Facebook posting came out requesting gift cards, so that these first responders might have a Christmas. “Our first responders were there working 24/7 for weeks without water, power or gas. To make it worse, thousands of the first responders lost their homes and everything they owned, while still working to save others.” Tindall & Ranson collected gift cards for "Save the holidays for first responders". They were passed out to first responders families on the Jersey shore.


Shipping is added at actual cost unless otherwise specified.

! PHCC has you covered with Logo Jackets & Vests. Menʼs & womenʼs styles available. Add your company name at arrow for a few more dollars. Contact Heidi for details.

Cool Bling!

Charmed for sure! These sterling silver pendants look amazing and are sure to proudly represent your heating and cooling industry. Four Seasons is $65. Fan is $75.

We also have new PHCC T-shirts at a great price of $15 S-XL & $17 for 2X-4X.

Beautiful PHCC watches come in brushed silver finish with Quartz movement, date display and are water resistant. Comes packaged in a metal tin & gift box. $70 + $5 shipping.

Toilet Silk Tie Gold toilets on a navy background. A great deal at $30 each.

Thank your customers for their business with cards that promote the PHCC Logo. These 4½” x 6” cards are diecut to hold your business card. $25 per package of 100 cards & envelopes.

As part of our Hire A Professional Campaign, we have PHCC disposable shoe covers. A case of 150 pairs is $59.95 + $7.50 shipping.

“Why Hire a Professional” trifold brochure. Itʼs available to members only and is a free download from the PHCC website. Go to Click on “About Us”. Choose “Auxiliary”. Choose the brochure and log in as a PHCC member.

Industry-related coloring books are just right for elementary age & are available for shipping cost only. Order some to give to your future customers!

A Partnership Unique, the book on our 85-year Auxiliary history. $15 for softcover, $45 for hardcover.

“Constructing Your Future” is an excellent tool to promote careers in the Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Industry. The 20-page brochure is available in English or Spanish. Pamphlets are available in English only. Both are available for shipping cost only.

To order any promotional items, please contact: Heidi Everly, Marketing Secretary, 2505 E 23rd Avenue S., Fremont, NE 68025 402-721-6288 (work), 402-721-2468 (fax), [email protected] 11


Teresa Mayes, Membership Secretary Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors - National Auxiliary PO Box 12251 Knoxville, TN 37912-2251

Mark Your Calendar! PHCC Annual Legislative Conference, Key Bridge Marriott, May 1-2, 2013 Connect 2013 - Las Vegas Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino, October 16-19, 2013

Our Sincerest Thanks to our Sponsors!


Kathy & Kevin Tindall


Virginia & Roland Carlson