Bacterial Community Diversity in Undisturbed Perhumid Montane Forest Soils in Taiwan Lin, Y.T.1, Huang, Y.J.1, Tang, S.L.1, Whitman, B.W.2, Coleman, D.C.3 and Chiu, C.Y.1* 1
Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan (
[email protected] Tel: 886-2-27871180) 2 Department of Microbiology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 30602-2605, USA 3 Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 30602-2602, USA
Abstract The diversity and composition of soil bacterial communities in three topographic sites (summit, foot slope and lakeshore) from sub-tropical montane forest ecosystem in Taiwan were examined by using 16S rRNA gene clone library analysis. This locality is temperate, perhumid, and has low soil acidity (pH