Badger Art Camp 2018 - Bennington Public Schools

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Thank you for your interest in attending Badger Art Camp. This camp is a week long day camp where. Bennington Students l
Badger Art Camp 2018 Bennington Middle School

Session 1: June 11th-15th

Session 2: June 18th-22nd New Hours! Hours 8:00 am – 11:00 am Mon-Thurs. Friday 8:00-4:00 Thank you for your interest in attending Badger Art Camp. This camp is a week long day camp where Bennington Students learn about cultures from around the world while exploring various art media. Students will work together creating new friendships, while enjoying quality art instruction. This camp is not only for those that have artistic ability, but for anyone that enjoys creating art in a fun relaxing environment. All students can learn! And be prepared for the amount of art projects your child will bring home each day. On Friday, the camp hours will be from 8:00-4:00 for a field trip. Any Bennington student entering 3rd grade to entering 9th grade may apply. I am not taking younger students (those entering Kdg, 1st, and 2nd) at this time, but as the camp gains popularity that may change in the future. APPLICATION PROCESS Please read the following carefully. Summer Camp enrollment is first come, first served. I have had a waiting list for the past 5 years when this camp was started, so please enroll quickly as there are only 20 slots open per session. To apply e-mail me at [email protected]. Please mail or scan the enrollment form to me @ BMS 11201 N. 168th St. PO box 309 Bennington Ne, 68007 C/O Ms. Stroberg/Art Teacher

TUITION AND FINANCIAL AID Badger Art Camp costs $75.00 for early enrollment and $100.00 after April 30th. Please make check payable to Badger Art Camp and mail to the above address. Payment must be made before May 15th to secure a spot. Financial Aid may be available, please e-mail me with details.

PLEASE KEEP THIS PAGE FOR YOUR RECORDS] WHEN TO SHOW UP AND WHAT TO BRING Camp is Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-11:00 am and Friday, 8:00-4:00. Please bring a white cotton T-Shirt for the first day (in your child’s size). I will provide all other art supplies. Each student is encouraged to bring a water bottle and snack, but are not required. If your child brings an electronic device or cell phone, the camp cannot be responsible if it is lost or Damaged.


FOR OFFICE USE ONLY d8 rc'd ________ prc'd by _________ age ____ session _____ or _____ inst _____ or_____ xyp y n fa amt req _____ app fee y n


Name of Student: __________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________ Age (at the time of Camp): _______ Name you prefer to be called (if different): _________________________________________________ Name of School: _____________________________________________

Grade Level for 2017: _______

Name of Parent/Guardian/Primary Contact: _________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________ State: _______________________ Zip Code: ________________________ Home Phone: _______________________ Cell Phone: _____________________ Work Phone_____________________ Email address you check frequently:______________________________________________________ Best way to contact you? (circle one)

Home Phone

Cell Phone


2. EMERGENCY CONTACTS (please provide two additional people, different from the parent/guardian listed above, who would automatically be the first person we contact) First Contact’s Name: ______________________________________ Relationship: __________________________ Home Phone: _____ - ______ - ______

Work/Cell Phone: _____ -______ - ______ ext ______

Second Contact’s Name: ____________________________________ Relationship: __________________________ Home Phone: _____ - ______ - _______

Work/Cell Phone: _____ -______ - ______ ext ______

3. SAFETY INFORMATION (please list all known conditions so we can accommodate your camper’s needs) Does your camper have any medical conditions, allergies, or special needs the staff should know about? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Does your camper have any behavioral or emotional issues the staff should know about? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is your camper taking any medications to treat these conditions? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. OTHER INFO Are there other campers you are hoping to attend the same session with? _______________________________ Are you planning on applying for Financial Aid?  Yes  No This is based on financial hardship, 1st come, 1st served. Limited scholarships available.


FINANCIAL AID APPLICATION Greetings! Thank you for your interest in Badger Art Camp! It is part of our mission to be accessible to students of all financial backgrounds. Our ability to give financial aid is a critical part of ensuring the success of the organization. Applying for financial aid will neither increase nor decrease your chances of getting into a program. We encourage you to ask for assistance if you need it and pay what you can. Directions: Fill out this form, one for each camper/student for whom you are applying. Sign and send in the form with your program application. You may be contacted for a follow-up phone interview. ________________________________ Name of parent/guardian filling out this form

_________________________________ Name of camper/student

1. For which session of Summer Camp are you applying for financial aid?  Session 1 June 11th-15th  Session 2 June 18th-22nd Full tuition for Summer Camp is $75.00. before April 30th. 2. How much can you pay toward your child’s tuition? __________ 3. Do you participate in the free lunch program at your school? θ Yes θ No, we don’t qualify θ No, my school doesn’t have that program 4. What is the annual income of your family? ________________ 5. How many dependents are in your family? ______________ 6. Are you a single-income family?

θ Yes

θ No

7. Does the child for whom you are applying receive child support?

θ Yes θ No

8. Other information you think we should know? (Optional, 100 words or less):

I verify that all the information I have provided in this document is true to the best of my knowledge. X_______________________________________________________________________________ Your signature Date