BAMSI Annual Conference 2013 Thursday November 21, 2013 ~ 8:30 ...

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Nov 14, 2013 - BAMSI Annual Conference 2013. The Impact of Nutrition: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives. Thursday November
BAMSI Annual Conference 2013

The Impact of Nutrition: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives

Thursday November 21, 2013 ~ 8:30 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. The Holiday Inn, Taunton, MA Nutrition affects us all in a variety of ways. It impacts physical health and mental health. Nutrition can be affected by poverty, family dynamics, medication, and health issues. At this conference we will explore these topics and their implications for our work with persons served.

Jen Sacheck, PhD Associate Professor of nutrition at the John Hancock Research Center on Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention, Tufts University.

Conference Schedule Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:30 a.m.– 9:00 a.m. Welcome & Introduction 9:00 a.m.– 9:15 a.m. Joint Session– Eat Well to Live Well: Perspectives on

Physical Health

9:15 a.m.– 10:45 a.m. Coffee/Water Break

Ronald Leombruno, MD, 10:45 a.m.– 11:00 a.m. Signature Medical Group, Raynham Joint Session Panel Discussion– Good Nutrition Begins

at Home: Perspectives on Family Engagement 11:00 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.

Jaime Corliss, Mass in Motion, Boston, MA

Lunch/Raffles/ Book Signing 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

Dr. Sacheck will be available to sign books during lunch. A limited number of Thinner This Year will be available for purchase.

Concurrent Sessions– Mass in Motion: Perspectives on

Community Engagement Food Fuels the Brain: Perspectives on Mental Health 1:30 p.m.– 3:30 p.m.

Registration deadline: November 14, 2013

Evaluations & Certificates 3:30 p.m.– 4:00 p.m.

Application for 5 MaMHCA/MMCEP and NASW CE credits has been submitted for Social Workers, MH Counselors and Nurses. Providing services since 1975

WELCOME & OPENING REMARKS Why is Nutrition Important? Vanessa Tierney, Chief Operating Officer, BAMSI

Health Assessments– Available during breaks at the conference     

Blood Pressure Blood Glucose Cholesterol Weight How to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI)

JOINT SESSION- Eat Well to Live Well: Perspectives on Physical Health Food not only delivers needed energy to fuel our body, but provides essential nutrients to enable our bodies to function well. Unfortunately, in the U.S. we are consuming an excessive amount of calories, many of which of devoid of nutritional value. In addition, our lives have become increasingly sedentary. These, in combination, have resulted in major health ramifications including an epidemic of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Dr. Sacheck will discuss these topics in detail and highlight both national and local community-based studies and efforts that are working to prevent poor nutrition, physical inactivity and the onset of chronic disease. Jen Sacheck, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Nutrition at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. She is also a scientist at the Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts. Dr. Sacheck has a Master's degree in Exercise Science and a Ph.D. in Nutrition Science from Tufts University and completed a post -doctoral fellowship at Harvard Medical School in muscle physiology. Dr. Sacheck's research focuses on the intersection of diet, physical fitness, and health. Past studies include examining the effects of nutrition and exercise on muscle physiology in young and older adults and on cardiovascular disease risk factors in children. With funding from the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Sacheck is currently conducting a large clinical trial on vitamin D deficiency and associated health risks in children. She has authored several pivotal reports on obesity and physical inactivity in New England and was an appointed member of the Institute of Medicine's committee on Fitness and Health Outcomes in Youth. Dr. Sacheck teaches courses on Exercise Physiology and Nutritional Biochemistry to graduate students at the Friedman School. She is also an avid rower and runner and frequently gives sports nutrition talks to aspiring collegiate and post-collegiate competitive athletes. Dr. Sacheck also recently co-authored her first book on sound nutrition and exercise principles– Thinner This Year.

JOINT SESSION PANEL DISCUSSIONGood Nutrition Begins at Home: Perspectives on Family Engagement Dr. Russell Livingston, Panel Moderator. Poverty and the Ability to Eat Healthy Ilene Fabisch, IBCLC, BAMSI & Lori Rosenblatt, RD, BAMSI WIC staff will identify WIC’s role in improving the disparity of eating healthy with low income. Engaging Families, Children and Youth in Nutrition/Healthy Eating Suzanne Brownell, BS, ACSM HFS, E-RYT, CHHC, AADP Natural Foods Chef Learn successful strategies to healthy eating which can benefit all family members, young and old. Create simple, quick and delicious meals/snacks. Teach kids to make healthy choices. Nutrition and the Medically Fragile/Compromised Individual Sandra Ambrose, R.D., Brockton Hospital Signature Healthcare, and Department of Mental Health Ms. Ambrose will offer a review of major medical conditions that define an individual as medically fragile; overview of basic nutrient and fluid needs; troubleshooting guide for signs of decompensation; and review of nutrition screening tool to identify individuals needing medical nutritional therapy. “School’s Out, Let’s Hit the Buffet!” Promoting Nutrition in Individuals with Cognitive Disabilities Ronald Leombruno, M.D., Signature Medical Group, Raynham Nutritional problems in the general population disproportionally affect people with disabilities. Dr. Leombruno will discuss how caregiver attitudes impact nutrition and health using the example of his daughter and her influence on their family.

CONCURRENT SESSION 1– Mass in Motion: Perspectives on Community Engagement State, local and community-based partnerships to create healthier communities Jaime Corliss, Mass in Motion, Boston; Jana Linhart, D.M., Mass in Motion, Brockton; Barbara Gordon, Director of Nursing, BAMSI State and local representatives from the Department of Public Health’s Mass in Motion Municipal Wellness and Leadership program along with a representative from BAMSI will share information about current efforts to support healthy eating and physical activity in MA communities.

CONCURRENT SESSION 2– Food Fuels the Brain: Perspectives in Mental Health Dr. Russell Livingston, Consulting Psychiatrist, BAMSI In this session we will explore what the evidence base tells us about the effects of nutrition on thought, feelings and behavior. We will discuss how to integrate nutrition into one’s treatment plan. The presentation will also address adverse effects of the use of certain medications on nutritional status as well as adverse effects of mental health on physical well being.


Registration Fee includes continental breakfast & buffet lunch.

Please see the registration form for complete registration instructions. Advance registration is required. Registration is available on-line at or by mail using the form on the back of this brochure.

Walk-ins will NOT be accepted. Substitutions (from the same agency/program) will be allowed.

Meals will include vegetarian options.

Conference location is Holiday Inn, 700 Myles Standish Blvd., Taunton , MA Directions– from the South traveling North (taking Rte. 495 North) Take Rte. 495 North to exit # 9. Take left off ramp over highway and first right into the Myles Standish Industrial Park, Hotel 300 yards on right.

Directions– from the North traveling South (taking Rte. 495 South) Take Rte. 495 South to exit # 9. Take right off ramp over highway and first right into the Myles Standish Industrial Park, Hotel 300 yards on right. 

Refund policy: refunds are available up to the registration deadline of November 14, 2013. There will be no refunds after November 14, 2013 unless the conference is cancelled or full.

Questions? Contact Sonia D’Alarcao at 508-484-7119 or soniad’[email protected]

Application for 5 MaMHCA/MMCEP and NASW CE credits has been submitted for Social Workers, MH Counselors and Nurses.

BAMSI Annual Conference 2013 Registration Form– BAMSI employees Please complete this form if you are a BAMSI employee. Please note that the employee discounted rate of $70.00 per person will be charged back to your program. You need your supervisor’s approval to register. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name: _____________________________ Program: _____________________________ Please select one of the afternoon concurrent sessions that you wish to attend: [ ] Mass in Motion [ ] Food Fuels the Brain If requesting CEU credit or a certificate of attendance, please indicate type: [ ] Mental Health [ ] Social Work [ ] Nursing [ ] Contact hours only Supervisor Name: ________________________ Supervisor Signature (indicates approval of registration): _____________________________ Date: _____________ OR– register on-line at There may be a limited number of slots per program/division, so please check with your supervisor to get approval prior to registering.

BAMSI Annual Conference 2013 Registration Form– Outside registrants Please complete this form if you are NOT a BAMSI employee. Participants from outside agencies are welcome to register for this conference. The rate for outside registrants is $95.00 per person. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name: _____________________________ Place of Employment: _____________________________ Work Address: _____________________________ City: _______________________ Zip Code: _____________ Daytime Phone: ____________________________ Email: ___________________________________ Please select one of the afternoon concurrent sessions that you wish to attend: [ ] Mass in Motion [ ] Food Fuels the Brain If requesting CEU credit or a certificate of attendance, please indicate type: [ ] Mental Health [ ] Social Work [ ] Nursing [ ] Contact hours only Registration fee is $95.00 per person (includes continental breakfast and lunch). Amount Enclosed: ____________ Payment method: [ ] Check payable to BAMSI

[ ] Credit Card (please complete information below)

[ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] Discover Name on card: ____________________________ Billing Address: ___________________________ Signature: ________________________________

Card number: _____________________________ City:______________________ Zip code:___________

Send completed Registration form with payment to: BAMSI Attn: PD&T Department 10 Christy’s Drive Brockton, MA 02301 OR– register on-line at