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BANGLADESH TECHNICAL EDUCATION BOARD. AGARGAON ... BTEB/ACAD/ 1167/June, 2010 ..... Constituents and uses of medical plants in Bangladesh .





Taka: 30.00

BTEB/ACAD/1167/June, 2010

DIPLOMA-IN-LABORATORY MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY [Technology Code-33] FIRST SEMESTER SL. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Subject S S-112 S S-122 B S-133 B S-143 B S-153 B M S-163 B M S-173 B M S-183 B M S-193

Subject Code 1111 1112 1213 1214 1215 1316 1317 1318 1319

SECOND SEMESTER 1121 S S-212 1. 1122 S S-222 2. 1223 B S-233 3. 1224 B S-243 4. 1225 B S-253 5. 1326 B M S-263 6. 1327 B M S-273 7. 1328 B M S-283 8. 1329 B M S-293 9. THIRD SEMESTER 3331 L M-313 1. 3332 L M-323 2. 3333 L M-333 3. 3334 L M-343 4. 3335 L M-353 5. 3336 L M-362 6. 3337 L M-372 7. 3338 L M-382 8, FOURTH SEMESTER 3341 L M-413 1. 3342 L M-423 2. 3343 L M-433 3. 3344 L M-443 4. 3345 L M-453 5. 3346 L M-462 6. 3347 L M-472 7. 3348 L M-482 8.





2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

100 100 150 150 150 150 150 150 150






Bangla-2 English-2 Physics-2 Chemistry-2 Biology-2 Human Anatomy-2 Human Physiology-2 Community Medicine-2 Microbiology, Parasitology & First Aid-2 Sub-Total

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 18

0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21

2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 25

100 100 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 1250

Bangla-1 English-1 Physics-1 Chemistry-1 Biology-1 Human Anatomy-1 Human Physiology-1 Community Medicine-1 Microbiology, Parasitology & First Aid-1

Laboratory Technique-1 Clinical Pathology & Haematology-1 Clinical Chemistry(General)-1 Clinical Chemistry(Special)-1 Special Microbiology-1 Serology, Immunology & Hormonal Assay-1 Biochemistry-1 Virology-1

2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2

150 150 150 150 100 100 100 100






Laboratory Technique-2 Clinical Pathology & Haematology-2 Clinical Chemistry(General)-2 Clinical Chemistry(Special)-2 Special Microbiology-2 Serology, Immunology & Hormonal Assay-2 Biochemistry-2 Virology-2

2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2

150 150 150 150 100 100 100 100










4 4 4 4 1 1 18 114

200 200 200 200 50 50 900 5700





Filed Training – 6 Months Filed of Attachment Indoor Outdoor Emergency Minimum Sixteen working weeks Sub-Total

SIXTH SEMESTER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

LM-614 ENT-624 CMT-634 HM-644 ENV-651 EP-661

3361 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466

Histopathology & Blood Banking Basic Electronics Basic Computer Applications Hospital Management Environmental Science Entrepreneurship Sub-Total Total

2 2 2 2 1 1 10 70

6 6 6 6 0 0 24 114


SS-112 Bangla-1 Sub-Code: 1111 T



0 2

Objectives: 1| †Kvm© mgvwßi ci GKRb †gwW‡Kj †UK‡bvjwRó evsjv fvlvq L¨vZbvgv Kwe I mvwnwZ¨K‡`i wjwLZ D‡j−L‡hvM¨ M`¨ mg‡Ü D”P gva¨wgK mggv‡bi Ávb cÖ`k©b Ki‡Z m¶g n‡e| 2| D”P gva¨wgK mggv‡bi evsjv fvlv I e¨vKi‡Yi Ávb cÖ`k©b I PP©v Ki‡Z m¶g n‡e| (1)

M`¨ iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi- ‰ngš—x cÖfvZKzgvi gyLcva¨vq- dy‡ji g~j¨ ‡gvnv¤§` eiKZDj−vn - we`vq nR¡ ‰mq` gyRZev Avjx - eB †Kbv RbmsL¨v mgm¨v e¨vKiY • KviK I wefw³ • mgvm • cÖK…wZ I cÖZ¨q • kã I k‡ãi MVb • evK¨, evK¨ MVb I cÖKvi‡f` • evKaviv • weiwZ wPý I Gi e¨envi mvigg©/fvem¤cÖmvib • • • • •





Sub-Code: 1112 T 2

P C 0 2

Objective: At the end of the course, the students will be able to 1. Get acquired with the prose of HSC level written by famous writer. 2. Understand and apply grammar in constructing sentences, written essays English. Course contents Sl. No. 1.


Topics Prose □ The Ancient Mariner □ The Luncheon □ The gift of the Magi Grammar □ Use of right forms of verbs □ Changes of sentences according to directions □ Framing sentences with idioms and phrases from the text □ Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition to complete sentences form text □ Narration

BS-133 PHYSICS-1 Sub-Code: 1213 T 2

P C 3 3

Objective: At the end of the course the student should be able to: 1. Define Physics and state the importance of physics in the health care system 2. Understand the different systems of measurement and weight 3. Demonstrate basic knowledge in measurement of density and specific gravity of a substance. 4. Demonstrate basic knowledge on fundamental aspects of heat and temperature, sound. Course contents Sl. No. (1)



Topics ej we`¨v I c`v_© we`¨vi ag© □ mij †iLvi MwZ, MwZi mgxKiY, wbDU‡bi MwZi m~Î, Z¡iY I ej, LvZ ej †fKUi I †m‡ji ivwk □ ‡KvwbK MwZ, †KvwYK †eM I Z¡iY e©„ËvKvi c‡_ MwZ †K›`ªwZM ej □ KvR, ¶gZv I kw³i msi¶bxwZ| □ mij †`vj MwZ, mij †`vjK □ AvwK©wgwW‡mi m~Î I Zvi cÖ‡qvM Av‡cw¶K ¸i“Z¡ wbY©q| Zvc: □ Zvcwgw`, Zv‡ciGKK, Av‡cw¶K Zvc, Zvcxq ¶gZv cvwbmg I myß Zvc Ges Bnv‡`i wbY©q c×wZ, Zi‡ji Avwcw¶K Zvc wbY©q| □ Zvc mÂvj‡bi wewfbœ c×wZ‡Z Zv‡ci cwievwnZv wbY©q| kã: □ k‡ãi DrcwË I kã mÂvjb, Avp Zi½ I `xLj Zi½ k‡ãi e¨wfPvi I exU| ex‡Ui mvnv‡h¨ K¤úb e¨vL¨v wbY©q| □ k‡ãi †eM wbY©q □ Uvbv Zv‡ii Avo K¤úb I my‡Îi cÖgvb e¨envwiKt 1. ¯−vBW K¨vwjcvm©, ¯‹zMR I †¯ú‡ivwgUv‡ii e¨envi wk¶v 2. cvwb A‡c¶v nvjKv/fvwi Zij I KwVb c`v‡_©i wewfbœ c×wZ‡Z Avt ¸i“Z¡ wbY©q| 3. mij †`vj‡Ki mvnv‡h¨ ÔgÕ Gi gvb wbY©q| 4. GKwU K¨vjwiwgUv‡ii mvnv‡h¨ cvwb mg wbY©q| 5. KwVb I Zi‡ji Av‡cw¶K Zvc wbY©q|

BS-143 Chemistry-1 Sub-Code:-1214 T 2

P C 3 3

Objective: At the end of the course the student should be able to: 1. Understanding fundamental in physical chemistry 2. Understanding common laboratory process. 3. Identify organic and inorganic chemical compounds 4. Understand the different aspects of metals, non-metal and gaseous Substances Sl. No.

Topics MÖ“c- K t †fŠZ imvqb 1| †fŠZ I ivmvqwbK cwieZ©b I G‡`i g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ 2| c`v‡_©i MVb t AYy I cigvbyi msÁv, Avš—t AvbweK `~iZ¡, Avš—AvYweK kw³, KwVb, Zij I M¨vmxq c`v_©, cvigvbweK I AvbweK fi| 3| mvaviY cix¶vMvi cÖYvjx t `ªeY, AwfmªeY, cwimªeb,m¤ú„³, Am¤ú„³ I AwZc„³ `ªeY, `ªve¨Zv, ev¯úxfeb,cvZb, AvswkK cvZb,DaŸ©cvZb, †Kjvmb| 4| cÖZxK ms‡KZ t cÖZxK, AvYweK ms‡KZ, †hvR¨Zv, †iwWK¨vj, Ges Zv‡`i †hvRbx, ‡hvRbx †_‡K AvYweK ms‡KZ wbY©q, MvVwbK ms‡KZ| 5| ivmvqwbK wewµqv t wewfbœ cÖKv‡ii ivmvqwbK wµqv, ivmvqwbK wewµqv NUv‡bvi Dcvq mg~n| 6| A¤−, ¶viK I jeY| 7| M¨v‡mi ag© t e‡q‡ji m~Î I Pvj©‡mi m~Î| 8| †gŠ‡ji ivmvqwbK Z~j¨vsK ev †hvRb fvi| 9| cigvbyi MVb Ges †hvR¨Zvi B‡jKUªbxq gZev`| wewfbœ ivmvqwbK eÜb| 10| K) G‡fvM¨vWª m~Î L) fiwµqv m~Î| 11| ivmvqwbK ms‡hvM wewa t K) f‡ii wbZ¨Zv m~Î L) wbw`©ó AbycvZ m~Î M) ¸bvYycvZ m~Î N) wecixZ AbycvZ m~Î O) M¨vm-AvqZb m~Î| MÖ“c-L t AavZz 1| wb‡gœv³ c`v_© ¸‡jvi Drm, cÖKw… Z, cÖ¯‘wZ, ag© I e¨envi t K) Aw·‡Rb, IRb, cvwbI nvB‡Wªv‡Rb cvi A·vBW L) †n‡jv‡Rb mg~n t †K¬vwib,‡d¬vwib †eªvwgb, Av‡qvwWb I nvB‡Wªv‡K¬vwiK GwmW| M) bvB‡UªvRb, G‡gvwbqv, bvBwUªK GwmW, G‡gvwbqvg nvB‡Wªv·vBW| N) mvjdvi, nvB‡Wªv‡Rb mvjdvBU, mvjdvi WvB-A·vBW mvjwdDwiK GwmW| O) dmdivm, P) RviY-weRviYt RviK I weRviK c`v_©| 2| avZzt wb‡gœv³ c`v©_¸‡jvi Drm, cÖ¯w‘ Z, ag© I e¨envit K) †mvwWqvg-†mvwWqvg nvB‡Wªv·vBW, ‡mvwWqvg Kve©‡bU, †mvwWqvg †K¬vivBW| L) K¨vjwmqvg-K¨vjwmqvg A·vBW, K¨vjwmqvg nvB‡Wªv·vBW, K¨vjwmqvg Kve©‡bU, K¨vjwmqvg †d¬vivBW, K¨vjwmqvg mvj‡dU, we−wPs cvDWvi| 3| Kcvi t Kcvi A·vBW, Kcvi mvj‡dU, Kcvi †d¬vivBW| e¨envwiK: 1| wewfbœ NbgvÎvq wewfbœ `ªe Øviv cÖgvY `ªeY cÖ¯‘wZ| (KwVb - Zij `ªeY I Zij -Zij `ªeY) 2| wjUgvm †ccv‡ii gva¨‡g GwmW I ¶vi mbv³KiY| 3| Abygvcb c×wZ‡Z A¤− I ¶vi‡Ki NbgvÎv wbY©q | 4| cix¶vMv‡i nvB‡Wªv‡Rb (H 2 ) Aw·‡Rb (O 2 ) cÖ¯‘wZ|

BS-153 Biology -1 Sub-Code: 1215 T P C 2 3 3

Objective: at the end the course, the student should be able to: 1. Define Biology and state the importance of Biology in the health care system 2. Identify the different types of plants and their parts 3. Identify various medical plants with their chemical structure 4. Know the procedures of collection, cultivation, harvesting, storage, Constituents and uses of medical plants in Bangladesh . Sl. No. 1|





6| 7|

Topics □ Rxe weÁvb Ges wewfbœ wefvM m¤ú‡K© Av‡jvPbv| □ Rxe I R‡oi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ †`LvI □ Dw™¢` I cÖvYxi cv_©K¨| □ Rxe †Kv‡li msÁv `vI □ Dw™¢` I cÖvYxi cv_©K¨ □ ‡Kvl wefvRbt gvB‡Uvwmm I wgIwmm Av`k© Dw™¢` I Dw™¢` wefv‡Mi †kªYxwefvM: □ GKwU Av`k© Dw™¢‡`i wewfbœ Ask m¤ú‡K© cwiwPwZ □ Dw™¢` RM‡Zi †kªYxwefvM □ wbgœ wjwLZ †MvÎmg~‡ni we¯—vwiZ cvV: gvj‡fmx, †mvjv‡bmx, wjwj‡qmx Dw™¢‡`i ˆRewbK c×wZ: □ Awfmªeb, jeb I cvwbi cwi‡kvlb, cÖ‡¯^`b □ Av‡jvK ms‡k−lb, k¦mb I eskwe¯—vi cwi‡ek I Rbm¨L¨vt □ gvwU, cvwb, evqy □ Dw™¢` RM‡Zi wbqš¿‡b cwi‡e‡ki cÖfve □ RjR I gi“ Dw™¢‡`i ‰ewkó Dw™¢‡`i A_©‰bwZK ¸i“Z¡ e¨envwiK □ GKwU Av`k© Dw™¢‡`i wewfbœ Ask cix¶v wbix¶v □ Dw™¢` †Kvl cix¶v wbix¶v Abyex¶b ch©‡e¶b (K) GKexRcÎx I wØexRcÎx Dw™¢‡`i g~j I Kv‡Ûi cÖ¯—‡”Q`| (L) c‡Îi cÖ¯—‡”Q`| □ mv‡jK ms‡k−l‡bi Aw·‡Rb wbM©‡gi cix¶v □ wk¶v½‡bi Av‡kcv‡ki Dw™¢‡`i m‡½ cwiwPwZ □ wk¶v_©x KZ…©K mgy`q cix¶v wbix¶vi †iKW© msi¶b Ges wk¶K KZ…©K wbqwgZ cix¶v Kiv‡bv|

BMS-163 Human Anatomy-1 Sub-Code:-1316 T 2

P C 3 3

Objective: At the end of the course the student should be able to human body. 1. Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge base above the major anatomical system and structure of human anatomy. 2. Identify major anatomical system and structure of human body. 3. Identify the specific structures and organs and application of such knowledge in studying their individual disciples. 4. Do surface marking of important organ of human body. Course Contents SL. No 1.




Topics Introductory anatomy □ Anatomical terminologies □ Basic structure and organization of human body □ Human cell structure and classification □ Tissue: Definition and classification Musculoskeletal system □ Components of musculoskeletal system □ Origin insertion blood supply & nerve supply and functions of important muscles of limbs and body □ Classification of bones and joints □ Different movements of joints with their axis Cardiovascular system: □ Basics structure of cardiovascular system □ Short description of heart major arteries, capillaries, veins □ Blood : Composition and short description of blood cells Respiratory system: □ Basic structure of respiratory system □ Description of larynx trachea bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli □ Anatomy of lung Human Anatomy-1 (Practical)

SL. No 1 2. 3. 4.

Topics Practical Typical human cell showing the major organelles in histological slide 4 Slide of different epithelial tissue 3 Slide of loose connective tissue, skeletal muscle, bone marrow smear. 4 Slide of larynx, trachea, lung. 3 Total Practical 14

BMS-173 Human Physiology-1 Sub Code-1317 T P C 2 3 3

SL. No 1.





Topics Introduction of Physiology □ Physiological terminologies □ Basic structure and organization of human body □ Cell physiological and metabolism, multiplication of living cell □ General functions of deferent systems of the body, Musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, Digestive, Urinary, Nervous, Endocrine, Immune and Reproductive Musculoskeletal system: □ Physiological components of musculoskeletal system □ Function of important muscles bones and joints of human body □ Movements of joints Cardiovascular system □ Function of circulatory system □ Function of blood and blood cells □ Conduction system of heart & Cardiac cycle □ Physiology blood pressure □ Terms used in cardiac medicine: Angina, blue body, Cardiac failure and electrocardiogram Respiratory system □ Function of respiratory system □ Mechanism of breathing □ Terms used in respiratory medicine: Anoxia/hypoxia/respiratory failure, cyanosis, pneumothorax, empyema etc. Genitourinary system □ Function of nephron □ Renal threshold/GFR □ Formation, appearance and composition of urine □ Function of reproductive organs of both sexes: Uterus, ovary, fallopian tube, vagina, penis, testes, scrotum, vas deferens and prostate □ Terms used in renal medicine : Diuresis, diuretics, frequency of micturation, polyuria, oliguria, annuria, renal failure and uremia etc

Human Physiology-1 Practical SL. No 1 2. 3.

4. 5 6 7 8 9 10

Topics Estimation of Haemoglobin Estimation of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (E.S.R) Total Count of Red Blood ecll (RBC) by haemocytometer, total count of white Blood cell (W.B.C) differential count of WBC. Determination of thrombocyte count. Determination of packed cell volume (PCV) Test for Osmotic fragility of Red Blood cell. Determination of coagulation & bleeding time. Determination of Blood Group, Rh factor & cross matching. Measurement of normal Blood pressure & effect of exercise on Blood pressure. Determination of lung volumes & vital capacity. Total Practical

Practical 1 1 3

1 1 1 2 2 1 1 14


Community Medicine-1 Sub-Code-1318 T 2

Objectives: At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Understand the general aspects of community medicine. 2. Understand the basic concepts of epidemiology. 3. Understand the concept of primary health care. 4. Derfine organizations of health services and major health programmes in Bangladesh. 5. Carry on elementary bio-statistics. 6. Understand the concept of demography and family planning. 7. Define material and child health (MCH), describe its objectives and explain the importance of ante-natal care for mother and children. Understand the basic concept of Essential Service Package (ESP). SL. No 1.


3. 4.


Topics Introduction to Community Medicine □ Definition of Community Medicine: □ Concept of health: Definition, Dimensions, Spectrum, Determinants and Indicators □ Concept of disease: Definition, Classification, Causation of disease , Disease spectrum and Natural History of disease □ Concept of health promotion: Definition and Interventions □ Concept of disease prevention : Definition, level of prevention Basic Epidemiology: □ Definition, Aims, Methods and Approaches □ Definition of epidemiological terms eg. Epidemic, Endemic, Pandemic, Sporadic, Zoonotic disease, Incubation period, period of communicability, Epidemiological Triad, Infection, Contamination and Infestation etc. □ Chain of infection □ General principles for prevention and control of communicable and Non-communicable diseases □ Epidemiology of the following diseases: Tuberculosis, Tetanus, Poliomyelitis, Whooping cough, diarrohea diseases and STD, Malaria Primary Health Care: □ Definition , Elements, Principles and Scope Health care services and organization: □ Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Health Care services □ WHO/UNDP/UNICEF/CARE/International Red Crescent/ BIRDEM/ICDDRB □ Major health programmes in Bangladesh Basic Bio-statistics: □ Definition, Scope, Functions, Importance and uses of

P C 3 3



Biostatistics, Medical statistics, Health statistics, Vital Statistics. □ Definition of vital events □ Definition, types, characteristics, functions, importance, sources, collection and preservation of data □ Morbidity, Mortality & Fertility statistics Demography and Family planning: □ Demography: Definition, Focus, Process, Stages, Cycle and how to conduct census □ Family Planning: Definition, Objectives, Scope, Health aspects and Benefits □ Contraceptive methods: Short description, advantages, Disadvantages, Indication, Contra indication and Complications Maternal and child Health Care (MCH): □ Introduction , Definition, Aims & Objectives, Components of MCH □ Maternal health care: Antenatal, Intranatal and Postnatal □ Care of the New-born, Under 5 children □ Indicators of MCH care: MMR, MMR, IMR, etc.

Community Medicine-1 Practical SL. No 1 2. 3. 4. 5 6

Topics Introduction to community Medicine : Primary Health care-principle & components Basic Epidemiology and communicable diseases EPI schedule Family planning-different contraceptive methods MCH services-ante natal care, Post natal care and care of the new-born babies.


Total 14


Microbiology, Parasitology & First Aid-1 Sub-Code: 1319 T 2

P C 3 3

Objectives: at the end of the course students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate basic knowledge about general aspects of different microorganisms including classification and general characteristics of protozoa, bacteria, virus & fungus. 2. Perform common methods of identification of different microorganisms particularly bacteria, Virus and fungus of medical importance 3. Perform the technique of cleaning, disinfecting, decontamination & sterilization to destruction of microorganisms in laboratory practices. Course contents: Sl. 1.





Topics Introduction to microorganisms □ Definition and classification of microorganisms □ Microbiological terminology □ Characteristics of Eukaryotic, prokaryotic & subcellular groups of microorganisms □ General characteristics of protozoa, bacteria & virus □ Microbiological articles, equipments & apparatus □ Microscope: Different parts of microscope, use & maintenance of microscope. Destruction of microorganisms: □ Cleaning, Washing, decontamination, disinfection & their procedures. □ Sterilization of different laboratory articles, instruments, glass wares etc. Bacteria Anatomy of Bacteria, chemical composition of different structures of bacteria. □ Bacterial Spore: Definition & function spores. Spores bearing bacteria of medical importance. □ Bacterial toxin: Definition & types of bacterial toxin, characteristics of endotoxin & exotoxin.Toxin producing organism of medical importance, use of bacterial toxins in diseases prevention. □ Biology of bacteria: Growth & multiplication of bacteria. Bacterial growth requirements. Definition & Classification of culture media. □ Classifying bacteria in terms of morphology, staining, spore, flagella, capsule & pathogenicity. □ Staining bacteria, Gram’s staining AFB Staining, Albert’s staining. Virus: □ General characters of virus. □ Morphology & classification of virus. □ List of viruses of medical importance & diseases produced by them. Fungus: □ General character, Morphology and classification of fungus. □ List of fungus of medical importance and diseases produced by them.

Microbiology, Parasitology & First Aid-1 (Practical-Part)

SL. No 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Topics Microbiological articles, equipments & apparatus Microscope: Different parts of microscope; Use, operating & maintenance of Microscope. Destruction of microorganisms: cleaning, Washing, Decontamination, Disinfection procedures. Procedure of sterilization of different laboratory articles, instruments, glass wares Etc. Staining Bacteria: Gram’s staining, AFB staining, Albert’s staining. Demonstrate the morphology of virus and fungus of medical importance.

Practical 2 2 3

4 3 2

Total 16


SS-212 Bangla-2 Sub-Code-1121 T 2

Objectives: 1. ‡Kv‡m©i mgvwßi ci GKRb †gwW‡Kj †UK‡bvjwRó evsjv fvlvq L¨vZbvgv Kwe I mvwnZ¨K‡`i wjwLZ D‡j−L‡hvM¨ KweZvejx mg‡Ü D”P gva¨wgK mggv‡bi Ávb cÖ`k©b Ki‡Z m¶g n‡e| 2. D”P gva¨wgK mggv‡bi evsjv fvlv I e¨vKi‡Yi Ávb cÖ`k©b I PP©v Ki‡Z m¶g n‡e| 3. e¨w³MZ I †ckvMZ Kv‡R wewfbœ cÖKvi cÎ †hvMv‡hvM Ki‡Z cvi‡e| Course contents SL. No (1)


(3) (4)

Topics/Lessons KweZv • gvB‡Kj ga~m~ab `Ë- e½fvlv • iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi -1400 mvj • KvRx bRi“j Bmjvg- AMÖcw_K • ‡eMg mywdqv Kvgvj - Zvnv‡iB c‡o g‡b • ‰mq` Avjx Avnmvb- Avgvi c~e© evsjv cÎ wjLb • e¨emv-evwYR¨ msµvš— • Rb ¸i“Z¡c~b© wel‡q msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ m¤úv`K‡K wPwV • ¯§viKwjwc, gvbcÎ ev we`vq msea©bv • e¨w³MZ cÎ • Av‡e`b cÎ (QywU, PvKzix, BZ¨vw`) Abyev` : Bs‡iRx †_‡K evsjv iPbv wjLb : (eYb©v/weeibg~jK/wPš—vg~jK)

P C 0 2

SS-222 English-2 Sub-Code-1122 T 2

Objective: At the end of the course the students will able to 1. Get acquired with the poetry of HSC level written by famous writer. 2. Translate into retranslate (HSC level) 3. Write letters in English. (Private, official) 4. Write essays on different topics in English. Course content SL. No 1.



Topics • To Daffodils • Virtue • The Solitary Reaper • Patriotism • On first looking into Chapmans Homer Translation/Retranslating • Passage • Detached sentence Free composition or essay writing on topics of narrative and descriptive type only

P C 0 2

BS-233 Physics-2 Sub-Code-1223 T 2

P C 3 3

Objective: At the end of the course the student should be able to: 1. Demonstrate basic knowledge on fundamental aspects of light electricity, and magnetism.

SL. No (1)



Topics Av‡jvK : • ‡Mvwjq c„‡ó cÖwZdjb • mgZj I †Mvwjq c„‡ó cÖwZdj| m¤ú~b© cÖwZdjb cÖwZmivsK, wcÖR‡g cÖwZmvib • ‡jÝ t DËj I AeZj †jÝ | †j‡Ýi kw³ I weea©b †jÝ ms‡hvRb| †Pv‡Lji ΓwU mg~n I cÖwZKvi • Av‡jvK hš¿ - gvB‡µv‡¯‹vc Pz¤^K : • Pz¤^K‡bi wewfbœ c×wZ: Pz¤‡^ Ki gZev` P¤^‡Ki †¶Î I cÖevj¨| wecixZ eMx©q m~Î| cÖvßg~Lx I cÖ¯’g~Lx Ae¯’v‡b †PŠ¤^‡Ki cÖevj¨| • f~-Pz¤^KZ¡ • w¯’i we`y¨r Pv‡R©i Aw¯’Z¡ I cÖK„wZ wbY©q| ˆe`y¨wZK Av‡ek, Kzj‡¤^ m~Î, aviKZ¡, Zwir wefe| mgvš—ivj cvZ aviK| • we`y¨r †Kvl, Zv‡ii †K‡›`ª Drcbœ Pz¤^K †¶Î| we`y¨r cÖevn I Pv‡R©i GKK| • In‡gi myÎ, wene ˆel‡g¨i GKK| †iva I Av‡cw¶K †iva, †iv‡ai GKK, †iva ms‡hvRb, GwgUvi †fvë wgUvi| • ‰e`y¨wZK cwigvc, ûBU †÷vg weªR, wgUvi weªR, †cvó Awdm eµ, cv‡Ub wkI wgUvi • Zwor cÖevn I DËvc, Ry‡ji m~Î, ˆe`y¨wZK c×wZ‡Z wbY©q • Zwor cÖev‡n ivmvqwbK wµqv,Zwor we‡k−lb, myÎ I Bnv‡`i cÖgvb| • Zwor Pz¤^Kx Av‡ek e¨envwiK 1. AeZj `c©‡bi †dvKvm `~iZ¡ wbY©q| 2. c¨vivj¨v· c×wZ‡Z DËj †jÝ †dKvm `~iZ¡ wbY©q 3. GKLvbv KvP dj‡Ki cÖwZmivsK wbY©q 4. In‡gi m~‡Îi mZ¨Zv wbY©q 5. ‡h †Kvb ˆ`‡N¨i Zv‡i Av‡cw¶K †iva wbY©q 6. bvj c×wZ‡Z `yBLvbv `Û Pz¤‡^ Ki †PŠ¤^K åvK‡gi Zzjbv

BS-243 Chemistry-2 Sub-Code:-1224 T P C 2 3 3

Objective: At the end of the course the student should be able to: 1. Understanding fundamental in physical chemistry 2. Understanding common laboratory process. 3. Identify organic and inorganic chemical compounds 4. Understand the different aspects of metals, non-metal and gaseous substances SL. No. Topics MÖ“c-L t AavZz 1. wRsK-wRsK A·vBW, wRsK †K¬vivBW, wRsK mvj‡dU| 2. Gjywgwbqvg-Gjywgwbqvg †K¬vivBW, Gjywgwbqvg mvj‡dU| 3. Avqib-Avqib mvj‡dU| 3. †jW-‡jW mvj‡dU| 4. wmjfvi-wmjfvi bvB‡UªU| MÖ“c-Mt ˆRe imvqb 1. ‰Re imvq‡bi msÁv, ˆRe I A‰Re imvq‡bi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨| ˆRe †hŠ‡Mi MVb, †kªYx wefvM, Kvh©Kix ev wµqvkxj g~jK| 2. ˆRe †hŠ‡Mi wb®‹vkb I weï×KiY| 3. m¤c„³ I Am¤ú„³ nvB‡WªvKve©b: cÖ¯‘Z cÖYvjx, ag© Ges e¨envi-wg‡_b, B‡_b, Bw_wjb, GwmUvBwjb| 4. Gj‡K‡bi n¨v‡jv‡Rb RvZK : wg_vBj †K¬vivBW, ‡K¬v‡ivdvg©, Gi cÖ¯‘wZ, ag© I e¨envi| 5. Gj‡Kvnj : †kªYx wefvM, B_vbj A¨vj‡Kvnj I wM−mvwi‡bi cÖ¯w‘ Z, ag© I e¨envi| 6. WvBB_vbj B_vi: cÖ¯‘wZ, ag© I e¨envi| 7. A¨vjwWjvBW I wK‡Uvb mg~n: wbgœwjwLZ †hŠMmg~‡ni cÖ¯‘wZ, ag© e¨envi, digvjwWªnvBW, GwmUvjwWªnvBW I Gwm‡Uvb| 8. Kve©wjK GwmW: GwmwUK GwmW I mvBwUªK Gwm‡Wi cÖ¯‘wZ, ag© I e¨envi| 9. A¨vjKvBj A¨vgvBb: A¨vgvB‡bi †kªYxwefvM, wg_vBj A¨vgvBb I B_vBj A¨vgvB‡bi cÖ¯‘wZ, ag© I e¨envi| 10. Av‡iv‡gwUK †hŠM: wbgœ wjwLZ †hŠM-mg~‡ni cÖ¯‘wZ, ag© I e¨envi| †ebwRb, UjyBb, †d¬v‡iv‡iwRb, bvB‡Uªv‡ewRb, A¨vwbwjb, Kve©wjK m¨vwjmvBwjK GwmW| e¨envwiK t 1| A‰Re †hŠ‡Mi Avw½K we‡k−lY| 2| ‰Re †hŠ‡Mi Avw½K we‡k−lY| 3| cix¶vMv‡i B_vBj A¨vj‡Kvnj (C 2 H 5 OH) cÖ¯‘wZ| 4| cix¶vMv‡i nvB‡Wªv‡Rb cviA·vBW (H 2 O 2 )cÖ¯‘wZ|

BS-253 Biology-2 Sub-Code:-1225 T 2

Objective: at the end the course, the student should be able to: 1. Define Biology and state the importance of Biology in the health care system 2. Classify animal kingdom with examples Course contents SL. No. Topics 1. ms‡¶‡c cÖvYxKz‡ji †kªYx wefvM I Zv‡`i cwiwPwZ 2. A‡gi“`Û cÖvYx t □ wbgœwjwLZ cÖvYx MVb, kixie„Ë Ges Rxeb BwZnvm-A¨wgev, nvB‡Wªv, †K‡Pv, †Zjv‡cvKv 3. ‡gi“`Ûx cÖvYx t □ e¨v‡½i ewntA½ ms¯’vb, K¼vjZË, cwicvKZË¡, i³ msenb ZË, k¦mb ZË¡, ¯^vbyZË 4. mvaviY cÖvYxwe`¨v t □ Awe e¨w³-cÖgvb I WviBDb ZË¡ □ my-cÖRbb we`¨v g‡Wj ZË¡ e¨envwiK 1. wbgœwjwLZ cÖvbx ¸wji evwn¨K j¶b ch©‡e¶b □ nvBWªv, †Ku‡Pv, ‡Zjv‡cvKv I e¨vO 2. Avbyex¶wYK ch©‡e¶Y t □ Avwgev, nvB‡Wªv □ e¨v‡Oi wbgœwjwLZ A‡½i Kjv¯’vb : cvK¯’jx, Aš¿, hK…Z, Amœvkq, dzmdzm I e„°| 3. e¨v‡Oi K¼vj Zš¿t 4. e¨e‡”Q‡`i mvnv‡h¨ wbgœwjwLZ cÖvYx‡`i wewfbœ Zš¿ ch©‡e¶Y : □ ‡Ku‡Pv-cwicvKZš¿ I mœvqyZš¿| □ ‡Z‡j‡cvKv-gy‡Li wewfbœ Ask cwicvKZš¿ I mœvqyZš¿ □ e¨vO-cwicvKZš¿, i³ msenbZš¿ I cÖRbZš¿

P C 3 3

BMS-263 Human Anatomy-2 Sub-Code-1326 T 2

P C 3 3

Objective: At the end of the course the student should be able to human body 1. Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge base above the major anatomical system and structure of human anatomy 2. Identify major anatomical system and structure of human body 3. Identify the specific structures and organs and application of such knowledge in studying their individual disciples 4. Do surface marking of important organ of human body. Course Contents SL. No 1.




Topics Genitourinary system □ Basic anatomical structure of the urinary system-Kidney ureter urinary bladder urethra □ Basic structure, of reproductive orgins of both sxes, uterus, ovary, fallopian tube, vagina, penis, testes,scortum, vas dereens and prostate Gastrointestinal & Hepatobility system □ Short description of the different parts of alimentary system: mouth, tongue, oesphagus, stomach, small and large intestine, rectum & anal canal □ Anatomy of salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gall bladder Nervous system, specific sensory organ and endicrine system □ Basics structure of nervous system □ Parts of nervous system and short description of brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves □ Autonomics nervous system and short description of sense irgabs-eye, ear, nose, tongue and skin □ Important endocrine glands & hormones secreted by then □ Lymphatic system : Anatomy of lymph nodes

Human Anatomy-2 Practical SL. No 1 2. 3. 4. 5

Topics Slide stomach, deodenum small intestine, large intestine, vermiform appendix, liver, gall-bladder. Slide of kidney Slide of thyroid, pancreas, testis, ovary. Slide of lymph node, spleen, tonsil. Slide of prostate, uterus (secretory & proliferative phases), mammary gland. Total Practical

6 1 3 2 2

Total 14

BMS-273 Human Physiology-2 Sub-Code-1327 T 2

SL. No 1.




P C 3 3

Topics Digestive and Hepatobiliary □ Definition of digestion absorption metabolism □ Digestion absorption and metabolism of carbohydrate fat protein □ Nutrition and deficiency disorder anemia odine deficiency vitamin deficiency □ Function of liver, pancrease and gall bladder □ Composition & function of different digestive juices and bile Nervous System, Specifics organ and endocrine system □ Function of motor, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system □ Function of cranial nerver □ Cerebrosspinal fluid formation composition & function □ Function of special organs-eys, ear, nose, tongue and skin. □ Function of the endocrine glands and hormones secreted by them: Aderna, gonads, kidneys, pancrease, typhoid, paratyphoid, pituitary and thymus. placenta Immune System: □ Definition, Classification and components of immune system □ Cell and tissues of immune system and their vessels Lymphatic System: □ Composition and Function of lymph nodes and vessels


Practical of first semester again repeat


Community Medicine-2 Sub-Code-1328 T 2

P C 3 3

Objectives: At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Understand the general aspects of community medicine. 2. Define food and nutrition and be aware of nutritional problems in Bangladesh. 3. Be aware of occupational health education and their preventive and protective measures. 4. Describe the principles of health education and their application in the community. 5. Be aware of environmental pollution and methods of prevention and control of pollution. Understand the basic concept of Essential Service Package. (ESP) SL. No 1.




Topics Food and nutrition: □ Food Definition , Functions and Classification □ Sources, Types, Function, Daily requirements and deficiency of protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and mineral □ Definition of nutritional problems of Bangladesh: Low Birth Weight, Protein Energy Malnutrition, Nutritional Blindness, Nutritional Anaemia and Lathyrism Occupational Health: □ Occupational health: Definition , Objectives □ Occupational Hazards: Introduction , Types □ Occupational disease: Definition, Classification , Prevention and control □ General principles for prevention and control of communicable and Non-communicable diseases Health education: □ Health Education: Definition , Importance, Objectives, Components, Principles, Methods and Media of □ Communication: Definition, Key elements and Barriers Environment and sanitation: □ Definition of pollution, environment, sanitation and environmental sanitation □ Water: Safe wholesome water, Sources of water, Water pollution, Hardness of water, Purification of water □ Air: Definition,Composition □ Air pollution: Sources, pollutants, indicators, health & other effects, prevention & control □ Ventilation: Definition , Standards, Types, Criteria of good ventilation, Effects of good ventilation □ Solid waste: Definition ,Types, Sources and Health hazards □ Disposal of solid waste: Dumping, Controlled tipping or sanitary land fill, Incineration, Composting, Manure pits and Burial □ Excreta or night soil: Public health importance, Health hazards, How disease occurs from it,Sanitation Barrier, Methods of



excreta disposal (Unsewered area, Sewered area) Basic concept on Essential Services Package(ESR): □ Introduction, Component, Importance, Implementation strategy □ Definition of vital events □ Definition, types, characteristics, functions, importance, sources, collection and preservation of data □ Morbidity, Mortality and Fertility statistics Behavioral Science: Definition, Scope and practice in relation to Medical Technology

Community Medicine-2 Practical SL. No 1 2. 3. 4. 5 6

Topics Food and nutrition Occupational Health Health Education Hazards of water pollution & methods of water purification Hazards due to improper excreta disposal & methods of prevention Air pollution & air born diseases Total Practical

Total 14


Microbiology, Parasitology & First Aid-2 Sub-Code: 1329 T 2

P C 3 3

Objectives: at the end of the course students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate basic knowledge about general aspects of different microorganisms including classification and general characteristics of protozoa, and Helminthes of medical importance. 2. Perform common methods of identification of different microorganisms particularly Protozoa and Helminthes medical importance 3. Disinfecting, decontamination & sterilization to destruction of microorganisms in laboratory practices and procedures of performing principles of First Aid.

Course contents SL. 1. 2.


4. 5.

Topics Parasite: □ Definition and classification of parasite. Helminth : □ General characteristics of helminthes. □ Classification and Morphology of helminthes. Protozoa: □ General characteristics of protozoa. □ Definition and Classification of protozoa. First Aid: □ Definition and Principles of First Aid First Aid Box-List of contents and their uses □ First aid of: Cuts, bleeding, burn, shock, dogbite, snake bite

Microbiology, Parasitology & First Aid-2 (Practical-Part) SL. No




First Aid Box: List of contents & their uses.



Procedure of disinfecting, decontamination & sterilization to destruction of Microorganisms in laboratory practices. Common methods of identification of different microorganisms particularly protozoa and Heminthes of Medical importance. Demonstrate basic knowledge about general aspects of different microorganisms like, Protozoa & Helminthes. Demonstrate the morphology of Helminthes & protozoa under microscope. Procedure of management of cuts, bleeding, burn, shock, dogbite and Snakebite.



4. 5. 6.


2 3 3

Total 16



Laboratory Technique-1 Sub-Code: 3331 T 2

P C 3 3

Objective: At the end of the course the students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate a sound knowledge base on basics medical laboratory matters and techniques. 2. Demonstrate knowledge about the role laboratory in health care wervice and is able to set up and organise a medical Laboratory. 3. Carry out the role and responsibilities of a Medial Technologist (Laboratory Medicine) 4. Demonstrate skills in effective laboratory communication, weighing and measurements. 5. Demonstrate knowledge about operational safety and carry out emergency management and first aid in case of laboratory accidents, hazards and infection. Course Contents SL. No 1.





Topics Role of the laboratory in the health care and training of laboratory personnel : □ Role of the laboratory and its integration into the health service □ Training of laboratory workers/Technologist □ Professional code of conduct □ Upgrading and continuing Education □ Responsibilities of medical technologist (Laboratory Medicine) Medical laboratory service at different levels : □ Community based primary health care laboratory at THC and lower level □ District hospital laboratory □ Regional hospital laboratory at Medical College Hospital and Institutes □ Central and public health laboratory □ Medical laboratories in private and NGO sectors Effective communication, changing the laboratory : □ Definition of communication □ Three ways of communication-writing, speaking & action □ Guidelines for effective communication in the laboratory Laboratories policies : □ Setting up a medical laboratory □ Laboratory hours and emergency work □ Collection of specimen □ Work load/capacity of the laboratory □ Delivery report □ Maintaining of results and record and keeping safety measure Sl Units: □ Introduction to Sl Units




□ Sl base Units & Sl derived Units □ Named Sl derived Units □ Sl Unit derived Units Conversion of Units : □ Gram, Mole(moll), International Unit (IU) □ Application of Sl Units in clinical chemistry Safety in the laboratory : □ Laboratory hazards, accidents, infection burn, cuts, harmful effects of the materials, injury from explosion electric shocks, handling of explosive and poisonous agents. □ Safety laboratory design and organization □ Preventing laboratory design and organization □ Pipetting and dispensing safety with automation □ Safe use and storage of chemicals and reagents □ Safe use of equipment particularly autoclave, hot air oven, incubator Colorimeter, Spectrophotometer, Analyzer. Operational safety and First Aid : □ Definition of First Aid □ Treatment in First Aid □ Equipment in First Aid □ First aid in cuts & bleeding, burn & poisoning, fracture & electric □ Emergency resuscitation when a person stops breathing

Laboratory Technique-1 (Practical-Part) Sl. No 1. 2.



5. 6. 7.

Topics Training of laboratory worker Collection of specimen – Collection of different sample, labeling, preparing for sending. First Aid- Infection, burn, explosion, electric shock, poisoning, cut’s and bleeding, fracture. How to operate, use and care of – Autoclave, hot air oven, incubator, colorimeter, spectrophotometer, centrifuge machine. Safe use and storage of chemical and reagent’s. Emergency resuscitation when a person stop breathing. Conversion and application of SI unit.

Practical 1 1



2 2 2

Total 16


Clinical Pathology & Hematology-1 Sub-Code-3332 T 2

P C 3 3

Clinical Pathology Objectives: At the end of the course the students will be able to: 1. Explain relevant terms in clinical pathology. 2. Differentiate different normal and abnormal specimens such as urine, stool, for examination in clinical pathology laboratory. 3. Collect, Preserve and prepare the specimen of urine, stool, for diagnostic examination. 4. Understands the principles and carry out the steps involved in Physical, Chemical, Microscopical, Bacteriological examinations of different specimens and smears of urine and stool. Course contents SL. No Topics 1. 2.


Introduction to clinical pathology & terminologies Urine examination I. Characteristics and composition of a normal & abnormal specimen of urine II. Reasons for testing urine III. Collection and preservation of urine for: Physical/ Chemical/Microscopic & microbiological examination Physical examination: I. Amount,, Colour and Odour II. Transparency and sediments III. Specific Gravity Chemical examination: I. Determination of reaction II. Detection of Albumin, Protein, Sugar, Acetone, Bile salt, Bile pigments, Bence Jones protein, Blood and Chyle etc. Microscopical examinations: I. General technique II. Centrifugation of urine III. Preparation of urine slide for microscopic examination Organized deposits, Unorganized deposits and Others Stool examination Collection and preservation of faces: I. For Physical, Chemical & Microscopical examination Physical examination I. Consistency, Amount, Colour, Odour, Mucus and Blood

Chemical examination: I. Determination of reaction II. Test for Lactose, Reducing substances, Urobiliongen, Bilirubin and Fat. III. Test for Occult Blood. Microscopical examination: I. Preparation of slide: stained and unstained II. Saline stool smear/lodine stool semar III. Formal ether conc. test IV. Floatation concentration method

2. Haematalogy Objectives: At the end of the course the students will be able to:1. Demonstrate knowledge on function and composition of blood. 2. Explain the development functions and normal values of food cells and the variation in morphology in abnormal situation. 3. Identify, use and take care of different instruments/equipments/apparatus used in a hematological laboratory. 4. Do the steps for collection capillary/venous/arterial blood. 5. Do the correct use of anticoagulants in a hematological laboratory. 6. Extract serum and plasma from whole blood. 7. Follow the principles and procedure for estimation of hemoglobin & total counts of RBC. 8. Follow the principles and perform the procedure for estimation of PCV, MCV, MCH, and MCHC. 9. Follow the principles and perform the procedure for estimation of doing total counts of WBC and platelets and differential count of WBC. 10. Follow the principles and procedure for measurement of ESR. , SL Topics 1.


Introduction to Haemotology □ Definition, function and composition of blood □ Formation, development, function and fate of different blood cell. □ Normal values of blood cells. □ Normal and abnormal blood cells. □ Apparatus use for Examination of blood □ Methods for cleaning apparatus. □ Methods for collecting capillary blood/venous blood. □ Techniques for separation of serum & plasma. □ Anticoagulants used in the haematological laboratory. □ Anaemia: Definition and classification Hemoglobin estimation □ Principles □ Sahli’s Method

□ Cyanmethemoglobin □ Method for hemoglobin electrophoresis □ Thin and thick blood films preparation □ Counting Red Blood Cells: Principles, procedures & sources of error Principle and procedures for determining □ Packed Cell Volume (PCV) □ Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) □ Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) □ Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC. □ Method for counting total leukocytes count. □ Method for differential count of WBC. □ Method for measuring erythrocytes: Principle and Procedure □ Method for counting Reticulocytes □ Method for counting Thrombocytes.


Clinical Pathology & Hematology-1 (Practical-Part) SL. No 1.




Clinical Pathology:- URINE:- Examination Determination of specific Gravity of urine. Determination of reaction of urine. Detection of Albumin, protein, sugar, Acetone, Bile Salts, Bile pigments, Bence Jones protein, Blood, Chyle etc. Procedure of centrifugation of urine. Preparation of urine slide for microscopic examination organized deposits & unorganized deposits & others. Procedure of collection, preservation & microscopic & microbiological examinations of urine. Procedure of routine examination of urine Stool examination: Procedure of routine laboratory examination of stool. Determination of reaction of stool. Procedure of test for Lactose, Reducing substances, urobilinogen, Bilirubin & fat etc. Procedure of test for occult blood of stool. Procedure of preparation of slide: stained & unstained of stool. Procedure of preparation of saline stool smear & Iodine stool smear.


Total 28



Procedure of formal ether concentration test of stool. Floatation concentration method of detection of ova of stool. Hematology: Principles & procedure measurement of volume index, colour index, Blood volume & plasma volume. Principles & producer for determining of BT, CT, PT, calcium time, clot retraction time & Fragility. Principles & perform the technique of obtaining bone marrow for haematology. Methods for identification of malarial parasites & Filaria. Procedure of preparation of thin & thick blood films. Method for counting total Leukocyte count. Method for hemoglobin elcetrophoresis.



Clinical Chemistry (General)-1 Sub-Code: 3333 T 2

P C 3 3

Objective: At the end of the course the students will be 1. Demonstrate a theoretical knowledge base of different aspects of clinical chemistry such analytical methods, principles of chemical reaction. 2. Identification, use and operate biochemical equipment, apparatuses and glassware. 3. Prepare, procure and use biochemical reagents and solution 4. Plan and organise a clinical chemistry laboratory 5. Understand the principles and perform calorimetry, spectrophotometery, Flame Emission spectrometry and autoanalysis for different bilchemical examination 6. Demonstrate knowledge & apply different biochemical results Course contents SL. No 1.



Topics Introduction of clinical chemical reaction □ Principles of chemical reaction □ Acids, Bases and Acid-Base reaction □ Expressing the concentration of solution □ How to dilute solutions body fluids □ Techniques for preparation of solutions Colorimetry and spectrophotometry, Flame, Emission, spectrometry and Autoanalyser: □ Principles of calorimetric and spectrophotometric tests □ Calibration of calorimetric and spectrophotometric tests □ Measurement of absorbency using a calorimeter and spectrophotometer, Flame photometer □ Flame Emission spectrometry and Flame photometer □ Use of Autoanlyser in clinical chemistry Sl Units in clinical chemistry □ Introduction □ Sl base units,Sl derived Units, Named Sl derived Units and Sl Units prefixes □ Application of Sl Units in clinical chemistry Clinical Chemistry (General)-1 Practical

SL. No 1. 2.


Topics Determination of PH of a solution, Dilution of solution, preparation of solution Use of operation colorimeter and spectrophotometer, Flame, Emission spectromer and Autoanalyser. Calibration of calorimetric and spectrophotometric tests Application of SI Units in clinical chemistry

Practical 6 7 Total 14 1


Clinical Chemistry (Special)-1 Sub-Code: 3334 T 2

P C 3 3

Objectives: After completion of the course, a Medical Technologist (Laboratory Medicine) will be able to: 1. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge base on different aspects of different biochemical tests such as principles, methods, procedures, analysis and recording of results. 2. Follow the principles and perform the procedures for different biochemical tests such as test for renal function, tests for liver, pancreatic and GI Tract, tests for metabolic diseases, Course Contents SL. No 1.



Topics Tests for Renal function □ Measurement of serum or plasma urea and creatinine □ Testing urine for protein and Hemoglobin □ Detection of Bence Jones protein in urine □ Urine Relative Mass Density (specific gravity) Biochemical tests for liver, pancreatic and gastrointestinal tract: □ Investigation for liver diseases (LFT): Measurement of serum or plasma-Total Bilirubin,Total protein, Albumin, Aspartate Aminotransferase, Alanine phosphate and Urine for Bilirubin □ Investigations for pancreatic diseases: Serum or plasma Amylase, Faces for Occult blood test an d excess fat, Test for lactose in faces (for lactose deficiency) Biochemical tests for metabolic diseases: □ Measurement of plasma glucose □ Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) □ Testing urine for glucose and Methane bodies □ Measurement of serum total calcium Clinical Chemistry (Special)-1 (Practical-Part)

SL. No 1 2. 3. 4. 5.

Topics Test for Renal function Biochemical tests for liver, pancreatic and gastrointestinal tract: Biochemical tests for metabolic diseases: Principle of immunity Serological diagnosis of Microbial disease

Practical 2 5 3 3 3

Total 16


Special Microbiology-1 Sub-Code-3335 T 1

P C 3 2

Objective: At the end of the course the students will be able to:1. Demonstrate an adequate knowledge base on different aspects of microbiology related to pathogenicity and antigeniecity of bacteria of medical importance. 2. Understand operational safety of microbiology laboratory 3. Learn how to operate, use and maintain important equipment and apparatuses. SL Topics 1.

Special Bacteriology: □ Morphology, classification, staining, reaction, cultural characteristics, biochemical reactions, pathogenicity and antigenecity of the following group of bacteria:Gram positive and negative cocci and bacilli-Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pneumococcus, Gonococcus, Mycobacterium, Corynebacterium, Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia, Proteus, Klebsiella Vibrio, Clostridium, Spirochaetes, Pseudodomonas .





Virology: □ Morphology, composition, classification, characteristics and transmission of the medically important virus: □ Viral infection, pathogenecity and immunity □ Collection and transportation of virus specimen □ Laboratory diagnosis of virus. Microscopical examination of bacteriological specimen: □ Unstained preparation □ Stained preparation-Gram staining, AFB, Albert, Giemsa’s Loafer’s Methylene Blue and Hiss staining methods Culture of microorganism: □ Classification of Media □ Preparation of important media-Nutrient broth, Nutrient agar, Blood agar, Chocolate agar, Mekonkey’s agar, Loefler’s Jensen media and Monsur’s media Inoculation and incubation of culture media: □ Study of colonies □ Isolation of identification of bacteria □ Culture of Throat swab, urine, stool, blood, pus, sputum & vaginal and rectal swab.

Special Microbiology-1 (Practical-Part) SL. No 1. 2. 3. 4.


6. 7. 8. 9.


Topics How to operate, use & maintain important equipment & apparatus Antimicrobial sensitivity testing on bacterial growth and colony Unstained preparation of microscopical examination of bacterial specimen. Stained preparation: Gram’s staining, AFB staining Albert’s staining, Giemsa’s staining, Loefler’s methylene Blue & Hiss staining methods. Preparation of important media- Nutrient broth, Nutrient agar, Blood agar, Chocolate agar, MacConkey’s agar, Loefler’s Jensen media & Monsur’s media and Touptieas-Sga-broth agar media Detection procedure of isolation & identification of Bacteria. Procedure of throat swab, urine, Stool, blood, pus, sputum, Vaginal swab & Rectal swab. Procedure of study of colonies. Demonstrate the morphology, cultural characteristics of Gram (+ve) & Gram (-ve) cocci & bacilli:- Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, pneumococcus, Gonococcus, Mycobacterium, coryrebacterium, Salmonella, shigella, Escherichia, proteus, Klebsiella, Vibrios, Clostridium, Spirochaetes, Pseudomonas Demonstrates the morphology of Virus Under electron microscope.

Practical 1 2 2 2

2 Total 18

2 2 1 3


LM 362

Serology, Immunology & Hormonal Assay-1 Sub-Code: 3336 T 1

Objectives: At the end of the course the students will be able to:1. Demonstrate knowledge on the principles of immunity and the factors affecting it. 2. Apply the principles of application of basic immunological and serological techniques in diagnosing microbial diseases and hormonal disorders. 3. Perform the procedures for immunological and serological tests. Course Contents SL. No 1.


Topics Principles of immunity : □ Definition and types of immunity □ Short description of different types of immunity □ Factors affecting of immunity □ Harmful effects of immunity □ Antigen (Ag) and antibody (Ab) Serological diagnosis of Microbial disease □ Application of serologicalmithods in diagnosing microbial disease □ Serological techniques: Ag: test, Agglutination test, Precipitation test, Immunofluroscent, Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbade Assay (ELISA), Complement Fixation Test (CFT), Radio Immuno Assay (RIA)

Practical-Part 1. Application of serological methods in diagnosing microbial disease. 2. Serological techniques: Ag: test, Agglutination test. 3. Immuno Sorbade Assay (ELISA), Complement Fixation. 4. Test (CFT), Radio Immuno Assay (RIA)

P C 3 2

L M-372 Biochemistry-1 Sub Code: 3337 T 1

P C 3 2


Diploma holders in Medical Laboratory Technology are supposed to know about the chemical properties of various materials. For this purpose, it is essential that they should be equipped with knowledge and skill covering topics like solutions, acids, bases and salts, electrolytes, ionization, organic chemistry such as hydrocarbons, alcohols. ethers, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and enzymes etc., so as to enable them to perform various activities in a medical laboratory effectively. Course Contents SL. No. Topics 1. 1.1 Introduction Biochemistry 1.2 Importance of Biochemistry 2. Hydro carbons: Saturated hydrocarbons Unsaturated hydrocarbons Sources of hydrocarbons Halogen derivatives of hydrocarbons 3. Alcohols and ethers: General introduction, classification, preparation and properties of Methyl alcohol, Ethyl alcohol and glycerol Diethyl ether 4. Aldehydes and Ketones: General introduction, classification, preparation and properties of Methanol and ethanol Propanone 5. Carboxylic Acids: General introduction, classification, preparation properties and uses of Methanoic acid Ethanoic acid Benzoic acid 6. Understand Atomic structure and valency: 6.1 Define Atom and Atomic number 6.2 Describe Atomic weight 6.3 Discuss about Molecule & Molecular weight 7. Understand Isotopes and Isomerism: 7.1 Define isotope 7.2 Classify isotopes. 7.3 Describe isomerism and its types. 7.4 Discuss chromatography, Electrophoresis. 8. Understand Transport through cell membrane: 8.1 Discuses membrane transport 8.2 Classify the membrane transport 8.3 Describe the membrane transport diffusion types. 8.4 Define osmosis and osmotic pressure. 8.5 Discuses the Na+ K+ pump, Na+ channel Secondary active transport and filtration viscosity.


Understand Surface Tension, Adsorption, Absorption, Solution: 9.1 Define of surface tension, Adsorption and Absorption. 9.2 Discuss Re absorption, solution and components of solution 9.3 Classify the solution 9.4 Discuss isotonic, hypertonic and hypotonic solutions 9.5 Describe gram molecular weight, gram equivalent weight and milli equivalent weight.

LIST OF PRACTICALS 1. Iodometric titrations oxidation reduction titrations, Acid-base titrations 2. Sponification of fatty acids 3. Distinction between aldehydes and ketones

L M-382 Virology-1 Sub Code: 3338 T 1

P C 3 2

RATIONALE Diploma holders in Medical Laboratory Technology are supposed to know about the properties of various viruses. For this purpose, it is essential that they should be equipped with knowledge and skill covering topics like Viriods & Prions. So as to enable them to perform various activities in a medical laboratory effectively. Course Contents SL. No. Topics 1. Introduction to virology 2. Understand Virus: 2.1 Define Virus 2.2 Mention the General characteristics of Viruses 2.3 Describe morphology 2.4 Describe classification of Viruses. 3. Understand Replication of virus a. Describe Viral Growth curve b. Discuss DNA & RNA virus c. Describe Assembly & Release. 4. Understand Cultivation of virus 4.1 Describe Animal cell culture 4.2 Discuss Primary cell culture 4.3 Describe Secondary Cell culture 4.4 Describe Continuous Cell culture 5. Understand Viriods & Prions: 5.1 Definition Viriods & Prions 5.2 Describe the general properties 5.3 Disease caused by Viriods & Prions. LIST OF PRACTICALS 1. Operating the various instruments in virological laboratory. 2. Cell culture technique.


L M-413

Laboratory Technique-2 Sub-Code: 3341 T 2

P C 3 3

Objective: At the end of the course the students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate knowledge about the code of safe laboratory practice and operate, maintain of all laboratory instrument. 2. Should be able to how safe use and storage of chemicals and record’s of Patients. 3. Demonstrate knowledge about safely send or transport specimen. 4. Demonstrate knowledge about structuring of health service and job Description of medical technologist . 5. Demonstrate knowledge about prevention of laboratory infection and patient management. SL. No 1.


Topics Code of safety for a medical laboratory: □ Formulation of a safe laboratory practice Enforcing code of safe laboratory practice Equipment for a medical laboratory: □ Selection, maintenance and ordering of equipments Criteria of selection, approach new technologies, repair & maintenance of laboratory equipment ordering of laboratory equipment & supply □ Laboratory plastic wares: Illustrated schedule of plastic ware, cleaning of plastics wares, Avilability □ Equipment of staining: Stains dispensing container, staining jar of racks & trough, trough with rods, drawing rack, staining units and slide, drawing rack □ Equipment for counting WBC: Equipment for diluting and measuring blood, haemocytometer, hand talley meter, differential cell counts □ Equipment for weighing: Manually operated scales and balance, Direct read out electric balance, use and care of laboratory balance □ Stills, water filler and Dcionisers: Distillation, Deionisation, water stills water filters, portable hand deioniser □ Centrifuge: Centrifugal force, types of centrifuge roller, choosing a centrifuge, Bench centrifuge, haematocrit centrifuge, use and care of centrifuge □ Incubator and dry block heater: Incubators, (electric models) try by block heaters and water baths □ Mixer and rators: Cells mixers, Nortex mixer, Magnetics stirer, Rators □ pH meters: Types, Care and maintenance of pH Meter □ Racks: Nylon and coated wires racks, plastecs racks

3. 4.



□ Hot air oven, chemicals naylyser/Photometer, mocro pipettes, Autocalve, distilled water plant, Electroclyte analyser and blood group analyaer, Refrigerator, Power generator and battery, Computer, Bottle gas,Cylinder gas, Microtome, paraffin bath, Electrophoresis Chemicals used in the laboratory: Records and Reports : □ Records and Reports □ Records for health centers, hospitals and outpatient departments □ The plans rotation, Preventing mistakes, Specimen containing capillary and venous blood, Cross and syringe jaundice, Syringes, needle and tubes □ Sending specimens to a central or referral laboratory Microscope and Microscopy □ Types of Microscopes □ Parts of a microscope □ How a microscope work and its uses □ Trouble with microscope and its care □ Some do’s and don’t in Microscope Health service structure in Bangladesh and Patient care : □ Structure of health services in Bangladesh □ Staffing pattern of Thana Health Complex & UHFWC □ Job description of a medical technologist □ Records of patients and investigations □ Records of patients and investigations □ Store, supply of material & equipment and stock keeping □ Advice to the patient before coming for investigation □ Personal dealing & hygiene in relation to a patient □ Administration of oxygen and use of suction apparatus □ Preparation, reception and care of the patients coming for investigations □ Drug reaction and anaphylactic shock □ Need for a adoption of proper measures and sterilization, preventing spread of infection on laboratory □ Management of unconscious patient □ Nursing Care: Temperature, pulse respiration, bed pans, urinals, enemas □ Management of bleeding and haemorrhage □ Principles of catheterization and intubation

Laboratory Technique-2 Practical

SL. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Topics Practical Cleaning of plastic wears. 1 Send or transport of specimen Preparation- Advice to the patient before coming for 1 different investigation. Records of pulse, temperature, respiration. 2 Administration of Oxygen Management of unconscious patients and hemorrhage. 3 Procedure of sterilization. Operate, use and care of microscope, Analyzer(Blood, 8 Electrolyte), Micropipette, haemocytometer, hand talley meter, visual and electrical haemoglobin meter, manually and eclectic balance , incubator, cell mixture, Nortex mixture, magnetic stirer, pH meter, computer, cylinder gas, paraffin bath, electrophoresis, deioniser. Repair of laboratory equipment’s

Total 15


Clinical Pathology & Hematology-2 Sub-Code: 3342 T 2

P C 3 3

Clinical Pathology Objectives: At the end of the course the students will be able to: 1. Explain relevant terms in clinical pathology. 2. Differentiate different normal and abnormal specimens such as CSF, semen, sputum & other body fluids & discharge for examination in clinical pathology laboratory. 3. Collect, Preserve and prepare the specimens of, CSF, semen, sputum & other body fluids & discharge for diagnostic examination. 4. Understands the principles and carry out the steps involved in Physical, Chemical, Microscopical, Bacteriological examination of different specimens and smears of, CSF, semen, sputum & other body fluids & discharge. Course contents SL 1.




Topics Cerebro Spinal Fluid (CSF): I. Source of CSF II. Collection: Lumbar Puncture. III. Features of Normal CSF: Physical, Cytological and Bacteriological. IV. Examination of CSF Physical, Chemical and Cytological examination. Examination of semen and seminal fluid: I. Formation and composition of semen. II. Method of collection of semen III. Procedures of physical, chemical & microscopic examination of semen. IV. Selection for semen on material for medicolegal purposes. V. Procedure for chemical examination for fructose content. VI. Procedure for Immunological examination for Sperm Agglutination Antibody (SAA) Examination of sputum: I. Formation & composition of sputum. II. Collection, preservation & transport of sputum for examination III. Physical examination of sputum-Colour, consistency & odour. IV. Procedure for microscopic examination of stained smears of sputum such as Leishman staining. Gram’s staining, Zeehl. Nelsen staining. Examination of body fluid & discharges: I. Procedure of collection of body fluids such as pleural fluid, ascetic fluid etc. II. Procedure for physical, chemical & Microscopical examination of body fluids & discharges.

Hematology (Part) Objectives: At the end of the course the students will be able to:1. Follow the principles and procedure for measurement of, Volume index, Colour index, Blood volume and plasma volume. 2. Follow the principles and perform the procedure for determining of BT, CT, PT, Calcium time, Clot retraction time & fragility. 3. Follow the principles and perform the technique of obtaining bone marrow for hematology. 4. Carry out laboratory methods for identification of malarial parasites and filaria in blood. SL 1.


3. 4.

Topics Methods for determining □ Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate (ESR) □ Volume Index, Colour Index and Saturation Index. □ Blood and plasma volume- Principles, Procedures & sources of error Principles and Procedures for determining □ Coagulation Time (CT) □ Bleeding Time (BT) □ Prothrombin Time (PT) □ Clot Retraction Time □ Fragility of RBC Principles and technique of obtaining bone marrow for examination Principles and procedure for identification of Malarial and Filarial parasites in blood. Clinical Pathology & Hematology-2 (Practical - part)

SL.No Topics 1.



Clinical Pathology :- CSF : Cerebrospinal fluid Procedure of collection of Lumbar Puncture Routine Laboratory examination of CSF. Procedure of cytological examination of CSF. Semen and Seminal fluid: Examination Procedure of collection of semen. Procedure of R/E for semen. Procedure of selection semen material for medicolegal purposes. Procedure for chemical examination for fructose content. Procedure for immunological examination for sperm agglutination Antibody Sputum: Examination Procedure of collection, preservation & transport of sputum for examination. Procedure of R/E for sputum. Procedures for microscopic examination of stained smears

Practical 2


Total 16 2



of sputum such as leishman’s staining, Gram’s staining, Zeehl Nelsen staining. Examination of Body fluid & discharges: Procedure of collection of Body fluids such as pleural fluid, ascetic fluid. Procedure of R/E for Body fluids & discharges. Haematology: The principles & procedure for measurement of Volume index, colour index, Blood & plasma volume. The principles & procedure for determining of BT, CT, PT, calcium time, Clot retraction time & Fragility. The principles & technique of obtaining bone marrow for haematology. Methods for identification of malarial parasites & filaria in blood.




Clinical Chemistry (General) -2 Sub-Code: 3343 T 3

Objective: At the end of the course the students will be 1. Prepare, procure and use biochemical reagents and solution 2. Plan and organise a clinical chemistry laboratory 3. Demonstrate knowledge & apply different biochemical results Course contents SL. No 1.



Topics ELISA reading □ Methods of ELISA reading □ Handing of micropipette □ Mathematical calculation from reader Reference range □ Factors affecting clinical chemistry tests result □ Biological and laboratory facts □ How reference ranges are established □ Assessing reference (Normal)ranges □ Interpretation of results outside reference ranges □ Chart for reference ranges Tests for Renal function: □ Measurement of serum or plasma urea and creatinine □ Testing urine for protein in urine □ Detection of Bence Jones Protein in urine □ Urine Relative Mass density (specific gravity) □ Control and selection of urine reagent strip

Clinical Chemistry (General) -2 Practical SL. No 1 2. 3.

Topics Operate ELISA reader Mathematical calculation from reader Reference range : Test for Renal function

Practical 3 3 8

Total 14

P C 3 4


Clinical Chemistry (Special)-2 Sub-Code: 3344 T 2

Objectives: At the end of the course, a Medical Technologist (Laboratory Medicine) will be able to: 1. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge base on different aspects of different biochemical tests such as principles, methods, procedures, analysis and recording of results. 2. Follow the principles and perform the procedures for different biochemical tests such as test for,body fluids, tests for cholesterol lipid and lipid profile, analysis of electrolytes. 3. Prepare biochemical reagents & chemical for use in the laboratories.

Course Contents SL. No 1. 2. 3.



Topics Biochemical tests for cerebro spinal fluid: □ Measurement of CSR glucose and protein Measurement of Serum Cholesterol: LDL, HDL, Lipid Profile Function and measurement of electrolytes: □ Functions of electrolytes , Electrolyte and water imbalance □ Conditions of fluid imbalance □ Electrolytes and Acid Base balance □ Disturbances of Acid-Base balance □ Measurement of sodium, potassium and bicarbonate in serum and plasma, chloride □ Serum quantitative of chloride in urine Miscellaneous: □ Preparation of reagents for Biochemical tests □ Biochemical tables and Charts Quality control in Clinical Chemistry

Practical 1. Conditions of fluid imbalance 2. Measurement of sodium, potassium and bicarbonate in serum and plasma, chloride 3. Preparation of reagents for Biochemical tests 4. Biochemical tables and Charts

P C 3 3


Special Microbiology-2 Sub-Code-3345 T 1

P C 3 2

Objective: At the end of the course the students will be able to: 1. Appreciate the importance of World Health Organization safety code of practice for microbiology laboratory. 2. Collect, transport and process the specimens for microbiological examinations. 3. Perform an antimicrobial sensitivity testing on bacterial growth/colony. 4. Perform a biochemical testing of microorganism. SL No 1.




Topics Quality assurance in culturing microorganism: □ Areas requiring quality control □ Control of specimens collection and transport □ Control of microbiological techniques □ Control of culture media □ Control of stains and reagents □ Control of equipment □ Control of reporting and recording results Antimicrobial sensitivity testing: □ Antimicrobial drug/Resistance of bacteria to antimicrobials □ Sensitivity testing techniques □ Antimicrobial drug assays □ Limitations of antimicrobial sensitivity tests □ Stocks disc diffusion sensitivity testing technique □ Indirect and direct sensitivity testing □ Suggested antimicrobial contents of discs Biochemical testing of microorganisms: □ Biochemical tests used to different bacteria: Bile solubility test, Arysulphotose test, Catalase test, Coagulate test, Citrate utilization test, Deoxy ribonuclease(DNA ase) test, Hydrogen sulfide production test, Nitrate reduction test, Oxidise test(Cytochrome oridase) Oxidationfermentation teas (O-F), Twin 80 hydrolysis test, Urease test, VogesProskaur(V-P) test and Methylene red test Procedure for laboratory diagnosis of fungus of medical importance:- Fresh examination of specimen for dermatophytes.

Special Microbiology-2 (Practical-Part) SL. No 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

Topics Procedure of quality assurance in culturing microorganisms, control of microbiological techniques, control of reporting & recording results. Procedure of stocks disc diffusion sensitivity testing technique. Procedure of Indirect & direct antimicrobial sensitivity testing. Procedure of preparation of antimicrobial contents of discs. Detection of Biochemical testing of microorganism used to different bacteria: Bile solubility test, Arysulphotose test, Catalase test, Coagulate test, Citrate utilization test, Deoxy ribonuclease(DNA ase) test, Hydrogen sulfide production test, Nitrate reduction test, Oxidise test(Cytochrome oridase) Oxidation-fermentation teas (OF), Twin 80 hydrolysis test, Urease test, Voges Proskaur(V-P) test and Methylene red test. Demonstrate the morphology and diagnosis of fungus dermatophytes of medical important. Measure of PH of Various culture media.

Practical 3

2 2 2 5 Total 16

1 1


Serology, Immunology & Hormonal Assay-2 Sub-Code: 3346 T 1

P C 3 2

Objectives: At the end of the course the students will be able to: 1. Apply the principles of application of basic immunological and serological techniques in diagnosing microbial diseases and hormonal disorders. 2. Perform the procedures for immunological and serological tests. 3. Carry out the methods of hormone assay for facilitating detection of certain hormones. SL. No 1.


Course Contents Topics Serological diagnosis of Microbial disease : □ Factors that influence the use of serological test: RIA □ Principles and methods of following serological tests: ASO titre, Widal test, VDRL, TPHA, RA, Test, Rose waller test, Anticular Ab test, HBs Ag (ELISA Methods) □ Principles and methods of following: Special immunological tests Hepatica/marker, Tumor Marker, Drug Marker, Fertility marker testing urine for hemoglobin Harmone Assay : □ Principles and methods □ Thyriod Methods □ Assay of FSH, Prolactin, Qestrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, ACTH, ADH Aldosterone Factors that influence the use of serological tests

Practical 1. Principles and methods of following serological tests: ASO titre, Widal test, VDRL, TPHA, RA, Test, Rose waller test, Anticular Ab test, HBs Ag (ELISA Methods) 2. Principles and methods of following: Special immunological tests Hepatica/marker, Tumour Marker, Drug Marker, Fertility marker testing urine for hemoglobin 3. Assay of FSH, Prolactin, Qestrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, ACTH, ADH Aldosterone 4. Factors that influence the use of serological tests

L M-472 Biochemistry-2 Sub Code: 3347 T 1

P C 3 2

RATIONALE Diploma holders in Medical Laboratory Technology are supposed to know about the chemical properties of various materials. For this purpose, it is essential that they should be equipped with knowledge and skill covering topics like solutions, acids, bases and salts, electrolytes, ionization, organic chemistry such as hydrocarbons, alcohols. ethers, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and enzymes etc. so as to enable them to perform various activities in a medical laboratory effectively. Course Contents SL. No. 1.






Topics Understand Carbohydrates: Define optical activity, mutarotation composition and sources, classification. Reactions of carbohydrates, important monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides. Breakage of glucose, fructose, galactose, lactose, maltose. Role of carbohydrates Understand Lipids: 2.1 Define Lipids 2.2 Classify fatty acids, phospholipids, triglycerides, sterol, ergesterol, cholestrol 2.3 Mention of reactions of fats 2.4 Mention the biological Importance of lipid and Role of lipids. Understand Proteins: 3.1 Define Proteins 3.2 Classify the Proteins 3.3 Describe composition, molecular weight, hydrolysis, amino acids Structure. 3.4 Mention the colour reactions and properties of proteins. Understand Enzymes: Define the Enzymes Classify the Enzymes Mention the Properties of Enzymes Discuss about Activation of Enzymes Describe Enzyme Inhibitors Describe Diagnostic Importance of Enzymes Understand Body Fluid 5.1 Define body fluid 5.2 Mention composition difference between I.C.F & E.C.F. 5.3 Discuss is water balance? 5.4 Describe Metabolic water? 5.5 Mention the sources of water in the body? 5.6 Mention the causes of water lost from the body. Understand Hormone: 6.1 Define Hormone


8. 9.

6.2 Classify the Hormone. 6.3 Discuss about target tissue. 6.4 Describe Hormone receptor factor. 6.5 Describe First messenger & Second messenger. Understand Vitamin, Mineral, Food & Nutrition: Vitamin: Definition, Classification, Sources, daily requirements, function & deficiency disorders of vitamin A, B, C, D, E. Minerals: Definition, types, functions, sources, daily requirement, functions & deficiency disorders of sodium, calcium, potassium, Iron, Iodine, Zinc. What is BMR Organ function test: Function of kidney, Renal function test, Function of liver, Liver function test, Jaundice, Thyroid function test. Clinical Biochemistry: Coagulation of blood, definition, mechanism, coagulation screening test, Bleeding disorders, Laboratory diagnosis of jaundice, C.S.F. laboratory examination.

PRACTICALS 1. Detection of Carbohydrates 2. Detection of proteins 3. Detection of lipids

L M-482 Virology-2 Sub Code: 3348 T 1

P C 3 2

RATIONALE Diploma holders in Medical Laboratory Technology are supposed to know about the properties, Pathogenesis, Laboratory diagnosis of various viruses. For this purpose, it is essential that they should be equipped with knowledge and skill covering topics like Influenza viruses, Hepatitis virus, Retrovirus: HIV etc. so as to enable them to perform various activities in a medical laboratory effectively.

Course Contents SL.NO. 1.






Topics Virological Sample: 1.1 Collection 1.2 Transportation 1.3 Storage 1.4 Name of medically important viruses & Disease caused Influenza viruses: General properties Transmission/Entry Pathogenesis Prevention Lab. diagnosis Hepatitis viruses: Types General properties Transmission/Entry Pathogenesis Prevention Lab. diagnosis Retrovirus: HIV General properties Transmission/Entry Pathogenesis Prevention Lab. diagnosis Tumor viruses 5.1 General properties 5.2 Transmission/Entry 5.3 Pathogenesis/Prevention 5.4 Laboratory diagnosis Humuno deficiency virus General properties Transmission/Entry Pathogenesis/Prevention Laboratory diagnosis

PRACTICALS 1. Collection 2. Storage 3. Lab. diagnosis 4. Laboratory diagnosis




Histopathology & Blood Banking (Course Code t 3361) T 2

P 6

C 4

Objectives: At the end of the students will be able to: 1. Differentiate normal and abnormal tissues of human body. 2. Describe the function, operation and use of histopathological equipment, apparatus, glassware and chemicals. 3. Identify histopathological specimen and colleect, transport and preserve them. 4. Understand the principles and steps of histopathological examination. 5. Prepare and use properly histopathological chemicals and reagents. 6. Process and Prepare different Cytopathological specimen of examination. 7. Understand the principles of Blood Banking and Blood Transfusion. 8. Explain the basis of blood grouping and cross matching. 9. Appreciate the importance of Rh-factor in pregnancy. 10. Carry out the different cross matching for safer transfusion. 11. Organize a blood bank. 12. Maintain blood bank records. Topics 1. Anatomy of normal human cell and tissue 2. Pathological change of tissue in different clinical condition 3. Classification and gross identification of histopathological specimens 4. Collection, transport and preservation of histopathological, specimens. 5. Principles and methods of paraffin fixation, block preparation, section cutting, slide preparation and staining and mounting for histopathological examination 6. Function, operation and use of histopathological equipments, apparaarus, glass wares: Microtomy Paraffin bath, Water bath and Hot Air Oven Incubator, Block capsule, Wax and Refrigetator Coplin jar, specimen jars Slides and Cover Slides Mounting gum, Diamond pencil(marker) and Sharpening stone 7. Preparation and use of histopathological chemicals and reagents 8. Collet precess and prepare different Cytopathological smears such as of body fluids, aspirates and exudates for examination. 9. Preservation Techniques t Museum Techniques Preservation of museum specimens Preservation of Mounting Solution (Kaicerling I.II.III) Care Mounting and displaying of specimens 10. Blood Bangking: Principles of blood banking Principles of blood transfusion ABO Blood groups and Rhesus Blood Groups Method of blood grouping: Washing red cells and Blood group antigen and antibody

Cross matching and reverse cross matching Separation of plasma from whole blood Anticoagulants used in blood bank Coombs test: Direct and Indirect Blood transfusion: Indication and procedures and Making blood transfusion safer Use of blood components with their significance Acidity test for blood group-Antiserum Maintenance of blood bank records: Daily register, Precipitant register, Rh-negative and Rare blood group register

Histopathology, Cytopathology, & Blood Banking (Practical) SL. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Topics Collection of histopathological and Cytopathological specimen and preservation. Preparation of block making, section, slide Preparation and staining(H/E stain & PAP stain) Preparation of different fixative fluid and handling of microtome machine. Method’s of blood grouping (ABO and Rh group) Comb’s test (Direct and Indirect) Methods of blood collection, storage and transfusion safely Acidity test for blood group- antiserum Separation of plasma from whole blood. Cross match and reverse cross match Washing of red blood cell’s Maintain of blood bank blood book

Practical 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 1 1

ENT-624 Basic Electronics (Sub Code t 1462) T 2

P 6

C 4

AIMS To provide the students with an opportunity to acquire knowledge, skill & attitude in the area of Electronics Engineering with special emphasis on: -

Understanding of basic electronics terminology, electronic measuring & test equipment. Use of electronics in power section Electrocardiography Use of electronics in medical equipments.

Short Description: Basic electronics terminology, electronic measuring & test equipment, semiconductor, power system, electrocardiography, pacemakers, cardioverters, anesthesia, cell counters. Detail Description: Theory: 1. Understand the basic concepts of electronic terminology, electronic measuring and testing equipment . 1.1 Explain the term “Electronics”, as measuring the control of mainly low levels of current using a wide range of electronic devices. 1.2 Recognize & describe the general function of resistors, potentiometers, capacitors, inductors, transistors, rectifying diodes, light emitting diodes & IC & draw their circuit systems. 1.3 Explain the basic functions and essential operating principles of the following measuring instruments. - Analogue voltmeters, ammeters, & AVO meters. - Digital AVO meters. - Cathode ray osciloscopes - Simple resistance bridge 2.

Understand the principles of rectification & rectifiers. 2.1 Draw half wave centre tapped full wave bridge rectifier circuit and explain their action in details. 2.2 Define for general purpose diodes, PIV (Peak Inverse Voltage), MRRV (Maximum Reverse Repetition Voltage), ripple factor and efficiency. 2.3 Calculate the average value, r.m.s. value and ripple factor for half wave & full wave rectification. Draw and describe the action of capacitor smoothing circuit and explain the 2.4 effect of load current on ripple. 2.5 Draw and describe the action of inductor smoothing circuits. 2.6 Discuss the different types of voltage multipliers.


Understand the principles of power supply unit. 3.1 Describe the regulated dc power supply with block diagram.

3.2 3.3 4.

Explain the functions of different stages of regulated dc power supply. List the necessary components of regulated dc power supply.

Understand the instruments used for surgery. List different types of surgery. Describe the sterilization process. List different types of operating room equipments. State the principle of surgical diathermy. Describe the method of lithotripsy.


Understand the concept of electrocardiography. 5.1 Describe the wave form of electrocardiography (ECG). 5.2 Describe the standard load system. 5.3 Describe the principle of operation of ECG Machine. 5.4 Mention the process of maintenance of ECG Machine. 5.5 Mention the characteristic of ECG. 5.6 Describe the function of cardio Tachometer.


Understand the concept of ultrasound imaging. 6.1 Mention the properties of ultrasound. 6.2 Describe the method of production & detection of ultrasound. 6.3 Define pulse echo technique. 6.4 Describe the principle of A-scan, B-scan & M-scan method of pulse echo display. 6.5 Describe the principle of operation of basic ultra sonogram machine with block diagram. 6.6 Describe biological effect of ultrasound.


Understand the features of X-ray machine. 7.1 Define the term X-ray. 7.2 Describe the construction of X-ray tube. 7.3 Describe the operation of X-ray tube. 7.4 Describe the operation of an X-ray machine with block diagram. 7.5 Describe the operation of a nuclear medicine system. 7.6 Describe the operation of a gamma-ray camera. 7.7 Describe the operation of computerizes axial tomography (CAT) scanner.


Understand the cardiac pacemakers. 8.1 Describe the function of asynchronous cardiac, pacemaker with block diagram. 8.2 Describe the function of a demand type synchronous pacemaker with block diagram. 8.3 Describe leads & electrodes used in cardiac pacemakers. 8.4 Describe the rate responsive pacing. 8.5 Describe the different types of power source for implantable pacemakers.


Understand defibrillators and cardioverters. 9.1 Describe the function of defibrillators. 9.2 Mention different electrodes used in cardiac defibrillation. 9.3 Explain the function of a cardioverters.

9.4 9.5

Describe the function of implantable automatic defibrillators. Describe the function of cardiac assist devices.

10. Understand the hemodialysis system. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6

Describe the function of the kidney system. Describe the hemodialysis. State the principle of dialysis in the artificial kidney. Describe the function of parallel flow dialysis. Describe the function of coil hemodialysis. Describe the function of portable kidney machine.

11. Understand the anesthesia. 11.1 Define the term anesthesia. 11.2 Describe the vapour pressure & concentrations of various volatile anesthesia liquids. 11.3 Describe the stages and plans of anesthesia. 12. Understand the blood cell counters. 12.1 Describe the microscope cell counting method. 12.2 Describe the operation of electronic microscope. 12.3 Describe the customatic optical method for cell counting . 12.4 Describe the operation of coulter counter. 12.5 Describe the operation of pico scale blood cell counter. 12.6 Explain the function of jaundice meter. Practical: 1. Identify a wide range of electronic components. 2. Make a half wave rectifier circuit & show the input & output wave shape. 3. Make a half wave bridge rectifier circuit & show the input & output wave shape. 4. Study the operation of ECG Machine. 5. Identify the different parts of X-ray machine. 6. Study the operation of ultrasonogram machine. 7. Study the electrosurgical Unit 8. Study the cardiace monitor. 9. Study the electronic microscope. 10. Study the operation of blood cell counter. 11. Study the maintenance & repairing technique of X-ray machine. 12. Study the maintenance & repairing technique of ECG machine 13. Study the maintenance & repairing technique of ultrasonogram machine.


Basic Computer Application (Sub Code t 1463) T 2

P 6

C 4

Objective: At the end of the course the students will be able to: 2. Acquainted with the modern computer technology. 3. Develop skills in MS Word, MS-Excel, Power Point, Internet. 4. Prepare reports of various investigations. 5. Collect latest information through internet. Sort Description: Evolution of computers: Types of modern digital computer; basic computer organization; Memory & storage devices; input/output devices; computer language & software; computer application & internet. Course Contents of Basic Computer Allication . Theory: Detailed Contents: Relevant Instruction • Information Technology-its concept and Scope. • Computers for information storage, information seeking, information processing and information transmission. • Elements of computer system computer hardware and software: data numeric data, alpha numeric data, contents of program processing. Basic Computer Organization: • Computer organization, block diagram of computer, CPU memory. • Input devices; Keyboard, mouse etc, output devices; VDU and Printer, scanner, plotter. Computer Hardware Processing Devices: • Secondary storage devices; • Magnetic disk and sectors • Optical disk (CD and Flash memory) • Primary and secondary memory: RAM, ROM, PROM etc. Computer Operating system & Application Software: • Introduction about operating systems such as MS-DOS and windows. • Special features, various commands of MS word and MS-Excel. • Installation of DOS and simple exercises on TYPE, REN, DEL, CD, MD, COPY, TREE, BACKUP commands. • Installation of Windows 98 or 200 etc.

Computer Networking Devices: • About the internet-server types, connectivity (TCOP/IP, Shell); applications of internet like; e-mail and browsing. • Basic of Networking -LAN, WAN, Topologies. Show skill in computer hardware maintenance and cabling system. • Identify the basic PC equipment and its connection. • Demonstrate the maintenance of the keyboard, mouse, monitor & printer. • Turn ON the Power switch and demonstrate booting effect of PC system. Exercise on windows operating system environment: • Show the windows screen and identify each item on desktop. • Show the function of start button & taskbar. • Open and close a document. • Find something using find command. Word Processing File Management: Opening, creating and saving a comment, location files, copying contents in some different file(s), Protecting files, Giving password protection for a file. • Page set up: Setting margins, tab setting, rule, indenting. • Editing a document: Entering text, Cut, Copy paste using tool-bars. • Use of headers footers: Inserting footnote, end note, use o comments. • Inserting date, time special symbols, importing graphic images, drawing tolls. • Tables and Borders: Creating a table, formatting cells, use of different border styles, shading in tables, merging of cells, partition of cells, inserting and deleting row in a table . • Print Preview, zoom, page set up, printing options. • Working with more than one windows in MS Word. MS. Excel: • Starting excel, open worksheet, enter, edit, data, formulas to calculate values, format data, create chart, printing chart, save worksheet, switching from another spread sheet. • Menu commands: Create, format charts, organize, manage data, solving problem by analyzing data, exchange with other applications, programming with MS Excel, getting information while working. • Creating a Chart: Working with chart types, changing data in chart formatting a chart, use chart to analyze data. Internet and its Application: • Log-in to internet • Browsing and down loading of information from internet • Sending and receiving e-mail • Creating a message • Attaching a file with e-mail message • Receiving a message • Deleting message

HM-644 Hospital Management (Course Code t 1464) T 2

P 6

C 4

1. What is hospital 2. What are the functions of hospital 3. Tier of Health Services 4. Administrative Setup of hospital 5. Different types of health services 6. Set up of clinical and non clinical personals 7. Function of Nurses a. Types of nurses b. Head of nursing administration c. Duty of nurses d. Management of patient e. Management of different words f. What are the different department g. Nursing Set up h. Accountability of drugs, patient, linen, mosquito net, blanket, bowl, west, Instrument & others i. Management of O.T j. Disposal of hospital waste k. Doctors nurses relationship l. Patient nurses relationship

EP-661 Entrepreneurship (Course Code t 1466) T 1

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C 1

AIMS • To be able to understand the concept of entrepreneurship & entrepreneur. • To be able to understand the concept of environment for entrepreneurship • To be able to understand the sources of venture ideas in Bangladesh. • To be able to understand the project selection. • To be open a clinic or hospital. Short Description: Concepts of entrepreneurship & entrepreneur; environment for entrepreneurship in the theories of growth, sources of venture ideas in Bangladesh, evaluation of venture ideas, financial planning, project selection, self employment, entrepreneurial motivation, business plan, sources of assistance & industrial sanctioning procedure. Detail Description: Theory: 1. Understand the basic of entrepreneurship & entrepreneur. 1.1 Define entrepreneurship & entrepreneur. 1.2 Discuss the characteristics and qualities of entrepreneur. 1.3 Mention the classification of entrepreneur. 1.4 Expand of medical business in Bangladesh. 1.5 Discuss the necessity of entrepreneurship as a career. 1.6 Discuss the function of entrepreneur in developing countries. 1.7 Discuss the prospect of entrepreneurship in medical business. 1.8 Prospect and application of entrepreneurship in medical business. 1.9 Case study-A successful medical business. 2. Understand the concept of entrepreneurship & economic development. 2.1 Define economic development. 2.2 Discuss that the economic development is a process. 2.3 Contribution in economic of medical business. 2.4 Discuss on medical and related business. 2.5 New technology & service competition in medical business. 2.6 Discuss the entrepreneur in the discovery of new sources of resources. 2.7 Discuss the entrepreneur in the discovery of new product. 2.8 Discovery of new markets. 2.9 Competitive medical business: Loss calculation. 2.10 Necessary elements & purchase techniques of medical business. 2.11 Various aspect of medical business. 3. Understand the concept of environment for entrepreneurship. 3.1 Define environment of business.

3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

Describe the factors which effect environment of entrepreneurship. Discuss the aspects of business environment. Visit/Study tours. Employment, competitive, advertisement in medical business.

4. Understand the concept of entrepreneurship in the theories of economic growth. 4.1 Define entrepreneurship in the theories of economic growth. 4.2 Discuss the labour theory of production and limit to growth. 4.3 Discuss the Keynesian theory of employment and output. 4.4 Marketing policy of medical business. 4.5 Discuss the Schumpeterian theory of economic development. 4.6 Discuss the entrepreneurship motive in economic development. 4.7 Marketing policy/sales promotion of medical business. 5. Understand the sources of venture ideas in Bangladesh. 5.1 principles laws and & finance in medical business. 5.2 Training & development of staff. 5.3 Directing staff to achieve goal. 6. Understand the evaluation of venture ideas. 6.1 Cost control, technique and influence in business. 6.2 Financial planning & best use of finance. 6.3 Determine size of business. 6.4 Technique of determine size of business. 6.5 Propose project and analysis. 6.6 Study tour/visit. 7. Understand the financial planning. 7.1 Define financial planning. 7.2 Discuss the long time financial plan. 7.3 Discuss the short time financial plan. 7.4 Discuss the model of financial plan. 7.5 Discuss the factors considered in estimation income. 8. Understand the concept of project selection. 8.1 International medical business and our duties 8.2 Rules to open L.C. 8.3 Laws of International business. 8.4 Responsibilities of entrepreneur on foreign trade. 8.5 Rules and techniques to open clinic & hospital. 8.6 Maintaining techniques of medical equipment. 8.7 Visit/Study tour. 9. Understand the concept of Self employment. 9.1 Define Self employment. 9.2 Describe the different types of employment. 9.3 Describe the importance of business as a profession. 9.4 Describe the reasons for success and failure in business. 9.5 Discuss the self assessment of entrepreneurship qualities 10. Understand the concept of entrepreneurial motivation. 10.1 Define entrepreneurial motivation.

10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5

Discuss the achievement motivation theory. Describe the means of improving achievement motivation. Discuss the background of high need achievement. Describe the problems associated with high need achievement.

11. Understand the business plan. 11.1 Define business plan. 11.2 Describe the importance of business plan. 11.3 Discuss the contents of business plan. 11.4 Describe the business plan. 12. Understand the concept of sources of assistance & industrial sanctioning procedure. 12.1 Define sources of assistance. 12.2 Describe different types of sources of assistance. 12.3 How you collect fund 12.4 Discuss the aid of sources 12.5 Discuss the industrial policy. 12.6 Discuss the technique of industrial policy. 12.7 Define foreign aid. Assignment: ¾ Case Study : A successful businessman ¾ Study Tour: Private clinic, Medical Hospital ¾ Submit a proposal to open a clinic ¾ Profit & Loss analysis of any clinic ¾ Visit: where medical equipment purchases

EnV - 651 Environmental Science (Course Code t 1465) T 1

P 0

C 1

Subject Description: Explores fundamental components and interactions that make up the natural systems of the earth . Introduces the basic science concepts in the disciplines of biological, chemical and earth science that are necessary to understand and address environmental issues. • Lecture 3 hours per week. General Subject Purpose: This subject provides students with an opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge of the principles of biological systems and their interactions of the environment. It is designed for both science and non- science majors. The subjects may serve as a prerequisite for advanced science subjects, a laboratory science to fulfill graduation requirement. General Subject Purpose: This subject is to provide students with an opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge of human’s relationship to the environment and the science behind the causes, and possible mitigation of major environmental issues. This subjects is designed for both science and nonscience majors. The subjects may serve as a prerequisite for advanced science subjects, a laboratory science graduation requirement. Objectives: Upon completion of this subject, the student will be able to ¾ Understand the basic components of the natural world, the basic laws of natural systems, and how they interact to produce the natural phenomena of planet Earth. ¾ Gain an appreciation of the complexity of natural systems and linkages between the components of these systems. ¾ Demonstrate an understanding of the ways of scientific knowing, including inductive and deductive, empirical, theoretical and practical. ¾ Develop and test a hypothesis. ¾ Read and interpret data. ¾ Interpret both primary and secondary sources. ¾ Demonstrate their knowledge of both quantitative qualitative methods. ¾ Demonstrate an awareness of communication as an integral part of the scientific way of knowing, both between and among scientists, and between scientists and the rest of society. ¾ Distinguish between issues to scientific analysis and those appropriate to other modes of inquiry. Subjects Objectives: Upon completion of this subject, the student will be able to ¾ Discuss major global environmental issues ¾ Understand the basic natural science underlying these major environmental issues. ¾ Describe the role human population plays in environmental issues, and potential solutions to those issues.

¾ Gain an appreciation of how the complexity of natural systems can complicate human efforts to manage the environment. ¾ Read and interpret data. ¾ Interpret both primary and secondary sources. ¾ Demonstrate their knowledge of both quantitative qualitative methods. ¾ Demonstrate an awareness of communication as an integral part of the scientific way of knowing, both between and among scientists, and between scientists and the rest of society.

¾ Demonstrate the ability to understand and value the role of science in both personal and public/societal decision making. ¾ Distinguish between issues to scientific analysis and those appropriate to other modes of inquiry.

Major Topics: a. Scientific method b. Structure of matter c. Chemical bonds and reactions d. Basic thermodynamics e. Diffusion and osmosis f. Origin and characteristics of life g. Organization and classification of life h. Major characteristics of the kingdoms of life i. Major processes of life (cellular respiration and photosynthesis) j. Earth origin, age, structure k. Plate tectnics theory development l. Plate tectnics, earthquakes and volcanoes m. Atmosphere structure, composition and function n. Atmosphere and ocean circulation 0. Climate and biomes p. Population ecology q. Evolution and natural selection r. Principles of communities s. Species interactions (competition, symbiosis) t. Principles of ecosystems (flow of energy, topic structure, productivity, ecological pyramids)

u. Biogeochemical cycles v. Terrestrial ecosystems Major Topics to be Included: a. Human population issues and relation to environmental issues b. Resources-Energy-patterns of consumption c. Resources-Energy-fossil fuels d. Resources-Energy-nuclear e. Resources-Energy-renewable/alternative f. Resources-Energy-conservation g. Resources-Energy-Soil, land. forests Short topics: 1. Resources-Biodiversity 2. Resources-Water freshwater 3. Resources-Water-saltwater 4. Resources-Air-outdoor and indoor pollution, acid deposition 5. Addressing environmental issues-ethics, economics, policy 6. Addressing environmental issues-health, toxicology 7. Environmental issues-feeding the world 8. Environmental issues-climate change 9. Environmental issues-ozone depletion 10. Environmental issues-waste management 11. Environmental issues-sustain ability.